Debt Rattle October 9 2018


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    Ford Madox Brown Finding of Don Juan by Haidee 1873     • World Leaders ‘Have Moral Obligation To Act’ After UN Climate Report (G.) • US Eco
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle October 9 2018]

    V. Arnold

    If this doesn’t scare you…

    You know what scares the hell out of me?
    The unmitigated ignorance of those who presume to rule us!
    The power of destruction at their hands; the ignorance of their hubris; the ignorance of their positions of power.
    A world ruled by stupid, uneducated, culturally ignorant assholes, who can’t see beyond the length of their dicks…

    Dr. D

    The cartoon really says it all. Runaway change has been 10 years away for 30 years now. Just like cold fusion, Iranian nukes, and the singularity. Gore’s movie promised New York would be underwater by 2016. Sea levels haven’t raised an inch.

    The concept, and yes, you can go read all their public white papers, was frustration in the environmental community for lack of progress. They needed a crisis, an emergency, an alien landing to make people wake up and take the major action they wanted. But there wasn’t any. So when the opportunity arrived, everyone jumped on the AGW bandwagon, not much caring if it were true or false, not caring that only 10 years previous the same experts warned of an ice age.

    It certainly galvanized focus and environmental science, however, not being true, or at least every climate model so far being discredited, all the predictions failing to occur, and all their solutions designed to increase central power and tax the poor, it ran into ever-increasing headwinds until now it’s stalled completely. That’s what happens when you back a bad premise with force. Meanwhile, human efforts have gone into discrediting AGW, and the monthly leaks about data-rigging instead of, as the cartoon shows, being honest and just making life better and more ecological, everywhere, for everyone, which, by definition using less energy, is more economical for everyone. Standards of living rise, use of energy per person falls. We all roll back the life-sucking suburban driving Geography of Nowhere, and build Hobbiton instead. Win-win.

    Nope. Instead of selling people on a better, happier way, with prototype organic success to show, they built a premise on hate, power, and telling other people what to do without doing any of those things themselves. Built on more money, more concentration of wealth and power, more taxes, and higher GDP, instead of doing and building less in a happier, more resilient way.

    Then again, it’s not really their fault. Under a debt-money system lowering GDP at all — which by definition is not just the lowering of energy use, but the ever-INCREASING energy use, AT ALL — will collapse the entire debt pyramid and money system that keeps everyone of any influence in power. And they’re not going to help destroy themselves. Of COURSE they’re going to increase wealth and income disparity; of COURSE they’re going to only help pseudo-environmentalism only if and when they can SELL you something. And tell you if you don’t buy their new product, their new tax, AND go into massive debt-control to do it, you’re the Neanderthal enemy of mankind itself, and probably should be shot and/or imprisoned for the common good. No I’m not kidding, you can find the quotes. However, if they actually cared about the environment, they would just stop building, stop using, stop growing like a cancer, and use their trillion dollar fortunes to put the land to rest. They don’t. They mine and burn and sell, if that were any warning which side all these guys are on, from the picketers to the professors to the CEOs each taking their own private jets to Paris and Copenhagen.

    And what gets lost that we could all get behind? That you could sell to the public without opposition, but in fact with universal support?

    Energy Independence
    Rainforests (like B.C. and Bavaria)
    Green Jobs
    Livable Cities
    Clean water and air
    Healthy Children

    Now why do you think all the same billionaires who are in a frenzy for Global Warming not only haven’t improved those action items, but in fact REVERSED them all consistently over the same timeframe? You know, with D.U. in Iraq, wars in Syria, 10,000 extra deaths in Greece, poison water in Flint and the much-Corex’ed encancered Gulf of Mexico, ever-diminishing health care, collapsing cities, and vanishing jobs. I mean, if AGW action was just a means to an end whereby these good things happened, then even with resistance to the Paris Accord, surely these billionaires would have improved conditions in Paris, in the French countryside, in Detroit and Biloxi, be planting trees in Syria and Africa and not clear-cutting them for new condos in Vancouver and Sydney? No?

    Can’t that only be because they don’t want the action list above? Can’t that only be because their climate alarm is designed and used exclusively to increase their own power, wealth, and control? Because 30 years on, I’m kind of at a loss for what else it could be.

    And that — notwithstanding all the papers in the 70’s and 80s wishing for exactly this crisis — is true whether AGW is real or not.


    ” …. if they actually cared about the environment, they would just stop building, stop using, stop growing like a cancer, and use their trillion dollar fortunes to put the land to rest. They don’t.”


    There is a demand for the supply from every Tom Dick and Harry

    ps. Winter is coming. I need more energy to stay warm.

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