Debt Rattle September 15 2020


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    Otto Dix The Triumph of Death 1934   • Scientists Discover Antibody That ‘Neutralizes’ Coronavirus (Fox) • Research From 23andMe Strengthens Link
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 15 2020]

    V. Arnold

    Otto Dix The Triumph of Death 1934

    That picture fascinates; I can’t say I understand it; clicked it, and read the scripts…not nearly enough…
    IMO, death triumphs only when life is not lived to its fullist…
    A life lived to its fullist triumphs death because life is destined for greater things; death is only a marker…
    A life lived to its fullist is also a marker; one that even death cannot erase…
    Thus, we have hstory…
    The marker and judge of the life lived………

    Mr. House
    Mr. House

    9/11: nobody higher up gets fired
    2008: nobody higher up gets fired
    2020: nobody higher up will get fired

    What we got here is a failure to practice either democracy or capitalism

    The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

    Dr. D

    Strange how this makes more sense than saying Novichok is safer than water. Maybe someday, far in the future, it might actually kill someone! And they’re so good at their craft that even half-hearted taxi drivers don’t buy the story.

    But I’m sure, just CERTAIN, that everything else the NY Time, WaPo, CNN, and the Guardian says is true. As they claim there’s no arson in Oregon while 12-18 people are arrested for it.

    “I believe everything I see on T.V. It makes me much more selective.” –Spinal Tap

    Another day with stupid up to “11”.


    “he is so rich that he can only imagine spending his wealth by plowing it into space travel”
    Bezos shows again he is a man of poor imagination. How about using it to treat his workers better?

    Maxwell Quest

    “Otto Dix The Triumph of Death 1934”

    “Oh death where is thy sting?” An NDE would have taught this German artist that death is not the boogeyman he thought it was. I’ve heard many first-hand accounts of people who were brought back from death via modern medical resuscitation techniques. One woman described how she watched in horror as the medical staff worked frantically to revive her. She screamed and tried to pull them away, but to no effect, since without her physical body the doctors could not see, hear, or feel her. You see, she was thrilled to have crossed over, and was horrified at the prospect of returning. But return she did to tell her story. And so have thousands of others if we will listen to them.

    “Stop The Coup! (TAM)”

    Not many years ago I was like every other boomer, reading the paper, watching the news, and reading magazines to stay ‘informed’. I was unaware that my thoughts, ideas, biases, and choices were being shaped and instilled for the benefit of the status quo. My natural instinct to gain knowledge had been used against me. As a result of these manipulations, I had become a faithful robot for the establishment agenda.

    That is why it is completely understandable when a boomer neighbor stops to ask me if I think that Trump will willingly leave office if he loses the election. Just as I used to, they are swallowing the media propaganda without question. Their minds are already being prepared to see Trump as the third-world dictator whose lust for power has him stealing the election.

    My response always catches them off guard, because the ideas are entirely new and foreign to them, never having been spoken on all the usual media sources they consult:

    “Let’s take a look at the track record of those making these claims. Did they abide by the democratic process and accept a Trump presidency in 2016? No, the media, intelligence agencies, and the DNC initiated one coup attempt after another to remove Trump from office, starting with Hillary telling state electors to disregard the will of the people and cast their vote for her. When that didn’t work they claimed that Russia stole the election, and on and on, a continuous four-year rolling coup attempt.”

    This always leaves them a bit stunned, because they are so accustomed to all of their friends singing from the same sheet of establishment music. If I’m feeling particularly harsh, I finish it off by telling them that all their trusted sources of news are nothing but manipulative propaganda for the US centralize empire. I know is sounds cruel, but my generation is so conditioned and concretized in their thinking that it takes a 2×4 upside the head to make an impression. Gentle hints and suggestions typically just bounce off.


    Thanks, Dr. D for the redirect to club Orlov. Now I understand everything about Navalny. 🙂


    the WikiLeaks publisher is largely being treated as a “non-person” by the Australian political and media establishment. Moreover, they, no less than their counterparts internationally, are committed to an agenda of militarism and escalating attacks on democratic rights

    We know, we know, we know. It is to our undying shame that this vicious, vindictive neo-Stalinist show trial continues unopposed and unmentioned. There’s a similar SECRET show trial taking place in Australia even now, of a whistleblower who revealed Australian bugging operations in Timor Leste. Search for “Witness K” and “Collaery” if you want to know more.

    There is no honour left, no dignity. Visit Psychology Today and look for “Dark Personalities.” These exist in swarms at the top of our hierarchy. So sad.


    Lots of cleaning to do on the west coast.
    Its not volcano ash.
    Its only forest fire ash.
    I wonder, will it be as good a fertilizer as volcano ash?


    The U.S. announced the removal of aluminum tariffs it slapped on Canada last month.

    Canada threatened a dollar-for-dollar retaliation that was expected to be announced Tuesday. Two Canadian government officials confirmed Canada would drop the counter tariffs on U.S. aluminum following the U.S. announcement.


    Kunstler thinks the Dems are Marxists now.

    Dr. D

    Sadly goes like this: Funding = DNC<Act Blue<BLM, who is openly Marxist and not only doesn’t disavow violence, but openly applauds and promotes it, as in the Chicago looting, Portland shooting, or the Chaz. And BLM is essentially en masse mixed body with Antifa. And by stats, a large number approve of Socialism, they are the host party of National “Social Democrats” like AOC and the squad, and not only promote similar views, but recently cut a deal with Bernie to promote this very Socialism.

    Since it’s funding, base, representatives, leaders, and platform are all relatively Marxist, what can you say? It’s not like a secret or anything. It’s not a “talking point”: go to their websites and read them for yourself. You can start here And read the interviews of the BLM founders who said “We’re trained Marxist agitators.”

    But we have people saying “No border, no wall, no USA at all”, “Burn it all down”, and things like “ending Capitalism” or “Capitalism is murder.” It’s not like a secret or which side is funding, supporting, harboring, and voting for it. What can I say? If they are so, it’s an honest platform with a certain outlook on life and government we can all understand. That’s fine: it’s a free country. That’s their right. And we have the right to choose whether we want that or something else.

    The amazing part is, Kunstler is the epitome of a born-into, lifelong, no-questions, true-blue, working/intellectual Democrat. From an all-blue state a mile from the bluest Bernie state. For him to turn is quite a bellweather on how the rest of the party base may vote, silent as they — and probably the reds — may be right now.

    I’ve read that maybe what he have isn’t a Red-Blue civil war, but a civil war within the Democrat Party alone. There’s something in that statement. And it’s sobering, not a happy thing. When the elephants (oligarchs) fight, the grass gets trampled.

    Anyway, pops up for two weeks now, with people not fully recognizing what HRC and Podesta said: Clinton said “Biden must not concede under any circumstances.” Including him losing the vote and the ultimate count? That’s pretty bold. We don’t have elections now? How can you mis-speak in a way that makes losing an election inconceivable you famously just lost a minute ago? And John says that unless Biden wins the riots won’t stop. Also interesting, as that can ONLY be possible if a) the rioters and the violent are EXCLUSIVELY on the left, blue side, and b) Biden has their support, approval, and control over them. Is that what they’re saying? Because I thought it was the Red hats who were the only violent ones and the Blue lives were “peaceful.” And that these “peaceful” people don’t riot and murder and you’re not involved or support it. Odd, both halves, and odder still they haven’t hushed and re-written the message. I don’t get it, seems the game played badly to me. Sure, we know you’re going to murder everything for power, but you’re not supposed to say it in the headlines. That’s just weird, not a selling point for Karen in the suburbs. You’re supposed to say if BIDEN wins there will be violence because toothless hillbillies and smooth-brains are violent and must be killed for the greater good. That’s been the headline for decades now. What are you doing?

    Mr. House

    “The domestic framework for imposing martial law in the U.S., via “continuity of government” protocols, was activated earlier this year under the guise of the coronavirus crisis and it remains in effect. Now, a series of groups deeply tied to the Washington establishment and domestic and foreign intelligence agencies have predicted the exact ways in which to engineer a failed election and manipulate its aftermath.

    Who would stand to benefit the most from the imposition of martial law in the United States? I would argue that one need look no further than the battle within Washington power factions over the future of AI, which has been deemed of critical importance to national security by the public sector, the private sector and prominent think tanks. The Schmidt-led NSCAI and other bodies determining the country’s AI policy plan to implement a series of policies that will be deeply resisted by most Americans – from the elimination of individual car ownership to the elimination of cash as well as the imposition of an Orwellian surveillance system, among other things.

    All of these agendas have advanced under the guise of combatting coronavirus, but their advance can only continue to use that justification for so long. For groups like the NSCAI, Americans must welcome these AI-driven advances or else, even if it means Americans face losing their jobs or their civil liberties. Otherwise, these groups and their billionaire backers argue, the U.S. will be “left out” and “left behind” when it comes time to set the new global standards for AI technology, as the U.S. will then be left in the dust by China’s growing AI industry, which is fed by its own implementation of these technologies.

    By keeping Americans angry and distracted by the partisan divide through pre-planned election chaos, a “New America” waits in the wings – one that is coming regardless of what happens on election day. That is, of course, unless Americans quickly wake up to the ruse.”

    “Bipartisan” Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan for Chaos if Trump Wins the Election


    Your Mother Was A Hamster And Your Father Smelt Of Elderberries!

    The study on inequality from the RAND Corporation shines bright light on how unjust the situation is. Whatever comes next will need to be built from the ground up. Thank you for sharing.

    Isn’t it obvious we need a new system?

    Run Away…Run Away!

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