The Rise and Fall of Trade – Redux


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    Nicole Foss

    Russell Lee Gas station, Edcouch, Texas 1939 Ilargi: Someone linked to this almost 8 year old article from Nicole (July 19 2010), on Twitter. And yes,
    [See the full post at: The Rise and Fall of Trade – Redux]

    V. Arnold

    So, if I understand you correctly; third world/emerging countries will survive resonably well, while first world countries will not?
    If so, I agree, if not, then obviously I do not understand…

    Ken Barrows

    If corporate globalization is leading the world to ruin but too many people are attached to it, a trade war seems the only way to shake things up.

    Jef Jelten

    The difference this time is we can’t mass-produce our way out of a trade war, no one can, not even China. The supply of resources are simply not there and the biosphere certainly can not handle the waste stream therefor the profits are not there to get things off the ground anyway.

    IMO “they” know this. This has to be something else…managed collapse?


    I remember the Nixon and Carter gas lines and Oregon Gov. Tom McCall’s odd even license plate rationing in response that were caused by OPEC’s holding back supply to raise prices and then the Iranian revolution. There is a rational argument that these gasoline crises are why the USA is still at war in the Syria and Iraq after 15 years. Tomorrow, the trigger that shuts down just-in-time logistics may not be fixable; civil war, peak oil or climate change. There are few options in times of shortage of essentials; rationing or stealing.

    V. Arnold

    JIT (just in time) was implemented at the same time I was in manufacturing, roughly the late 80’s.
    I listened to the sales pitch (and it was a sales pitch) and knew in my gut it was a bad idea; a con job.
    Minimize inventory, maximize capital, and cut back on labor. I told a fellow worker that and was told my thinking was not progressive and the future would be glorious (okay, I exagerate a bit).
    Well, here we are, living the future; ain’t it grand?
    We were forced to adopt a neo-liberal economic model and now, there is, in fact, no going back.
    Like Wiley coyote; we went over the cliff and realized it too late.
    The galoots got their fiat riches and think they’re safe; ultimately, the jokes on them; they’re not safe, ever…


    I believe that in the trade industry, you need to have some knowledge to make a successful career. But, unfortunately, it is not so easy to understand how trade occurs because it is an exchange of goods and services, and you have to know how to make these good deals for people. I tried to work in this industry, but I understood that it does not succeed without knowing, that’s why my friends recommended me to enter , where I found a professional school based on marketing. After her graduation, I understood how this process takes place so I could open my own business.

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