Forum Replies Created
Participant@Dr. John Day,
Yesterday you mentioned the art exhibits in the twin towers being brazenly demonic or some such in retrospect. I wonder if you could link me to photos of this “art?” In my experience, this is how the Enemy generally operates, brazenly in your face…tickled a nerve when I read that and sparked my curiosity.
Another thing on my mind for sometime…for those living in the empire, how do you rectify your beliefs about the empire and simultaneously pay them tribute with your tax dollars? Seems hypocritical…
ParticipantThere is still hope. Help me put this man in the WH.
ParticipantTry cardboard boxes over your nightshades, or any other plant. Worked for us against multiple hard freezes. The cardboard absorbs the humidity out of the air preventing any frost from forming on the outside of the plant. I’d also posit that cardboard is a better insulator than glass.
Not sure if I got vaxxed or not. I had to get another TB test recently….my guard was down, I wasn’t thinking….I went to a CVS minute clinic. Book the appointment online, they offered me an appointment 15 minutes in the future. I went for it. Got there, checked in, NP all masked and goggled up took my ID, went in the room with the door not fully shut but closed to my vision, asked me to come in a few minutes later. Do you have any allergies she asked? Have you had a flu shot, do you want one? I stupidly said no and no. Syringe was already full, already loaded, stuck it in my anterior forearm, near the middle. She finished injecting and I moved to conclude our visit, she said no, I didn’t get a bubble, I went to deep, I have to do it again. Alarm bells went off, panic, wtf, observe, think. She took the same syringe, grabbed a vial from the table behind me, loaded the syringe, skillfully went 2 cm to the side from the first injection, worked the needle out slowly as she injected until the bubble formed in my skin. I eyeballed the vial and the amount in it, was that the first .2 mL dose taken out of it, or the 2nd? Hard to eyeball…how much was in it when it was full? idk. I had a slight bruise where she went too deep for a few days, and that flexor tendon/muscle was sore for at least a week. Other than that, no symptoms. I was convinced she had vaxxed for me almost a week…..terrified. Any way to check? Idk…not really…not economically. Troponin test might be a good idea….any other ideas? I’ve maxxed my HR out quite a few time since then in the deep snow…keeps on ticking…Swear it seems like I notice my heart beating hard more often now…and wonder…did they get me….me who would never ever be got unless they held me down.
I have since convinced myself she was just a dumbfuck NP who works at CVS and doesn’t see a lot of TB tests so she fucked up and I’m in the clear. Probably. Hopefully.
When I got the TB test read, it was a different NP. She ask me if I’d had a flu shot, covid shot, why yes of course. Injecting NP didn’t ask me about covid shot. Tried to book an appointment again at the kiosk just to see….no same day appointments available. Guess I was just lucky.
ParticipantHey, I wanted to get opinions suggestions on the vaccine discrimination an employer of mine is enforcing. The employer is Mt Rose Ski Tahoe in the state of Nevada and they have implemented a COVID vaccine mandate on the basis of the now stayed OSHA rule. I was granted a religious exemption with the following discriminatory caveats: the following is a copy paste of a message I sent to one attorney:
My employer is enforcing exclusionary and discriminatory policies based on my vaccination status. These policies include the follow:
“(a) Wear a facial covering at all times while indoors and outdoors.
(b) Follow the 6-15 rule, pursuant to which an employee may not be within 6 feet of other employees for more than 15 minutes (accumulative over a 24-hour period).
(c) Undergo weekly COVID-19 testing at the employee’s own expense and present proof of negative test results to the Human Resources Department and the employee’s manager.
(d) Take meal and rest breaks outside.
The use of the lodges will be limited to the use of restroom facilities, buying food in the Lodgepole Café/Winters Creek Lodge, and when attending meetings or trainings.
You will be required to take a COVID-19 test on Mondays (coordinate with HR if this is a conflict) and submit the results to HR and your manager by Friday weekly. The test will need to be negative for COVID-19 to continue working. Please visit the Washoe County Health District testing website to schedule a free test. They also have a link to pharmacies that provide testing.”
Let me know if this is something you’d be interested in pursuing. The employer is Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe. They have instituted a COVID vaccine mandate for employees and did grant me a religious exemption.
Thank you,
Any suggestions for other attorneys to contact? Is this worth pursuing? Should I file a complaint with the EEOC? What do I need to know/say?
I give ….. about this job…just an excuse to snowboard and share my snow knowledge(I have a BS degree in snow avalanches and extensive Backcountry experience). But if I could contribute to protecting our freedoms and rights, and maybe they could help me pay for the doctor of pt program I’m about to begin…seems like a win win.
I look forward to your thoughts.
ParticipantYes!!!! In my experience, the enemy likes to make things plain and obvious. Throw it in your face and make you choke on it. Corona…meaning crown…crown meaning head or mind…mind virus. So obvious. Multiple other meanings abound.
ParticipantWe Merry Few, We Band of Brothers(and sisters). Take Heart. Do not let a few(or a legion) of naysayers have any affect upon you. Stand Strong, stay true. Care not for what they say, but strive for utter faith in your convictions. Unshakeable faith. What a strange corner of the world we have found to share a few words. Bonded together through time and space we meet here. The dawn is promised, never forget that. I find great hope even in this dark time of uncertainty. The American Resistance is strong and UNYIELDING. Never bend the knee. Never surrender. Die on this hill. WE ARE LIONS! We care not what sheep bleet and bah. Go follow your government sheperd sheep. Leave us lions be to our own devices lest we decide to slay you. We wouldn’t eat you, your meat is tainted.
Your post inspired me to share with you the experience, which I call a miracle, that I had yesterday. I don’t like sharing much….even in person. Sharing online is even worse for me and I have an aversion to it. I can’t login to this forum on duckduckgo privacy browser on my phone, worked once and then enver again…so I switched to my laptop on firefox to post today.
Yesterday, I was having a very nice relaxing day, I had work in the evening…I started to my miss my old CBR (Chesapeake bay retriever). Then I began to remember the day he passed away which involved multiple failures on my part. Something happened to his gut, I suspect years of NSAIDs from the vet rotted his gut and he suffered a painful, miserable 16 hour ordeal before he succumbed. He was almost 13. If only I had passed on the NSAIDs and been more persistent and consistent with fish oil, we probably would’ve had a different outcome. Anyways, I was grappling with my sorrow of that day wondering how I would overcome to tackle the things I still wished to accomplish that day. I took my two dogs for a walk to honor his memory. I have an Olde English Bulldog who showed up at my house many years ago and never left. He knew and loved my CBR. I also have a young pug of poor breeding quality that I paid to much for when she was 6 months old. She had been seriously abused and is forever hand shy, food shy, and has great fear in her. Although, under my expert, gentle. and patient care she has grown in spirit greatly and loves food now! We were walking the dirt trail near our house that I’ve walked a few dozen times as we just moved to this new location. I was praying to Christ that my CBR was in green fields with everything he could want for and that I would be able to see him again one day. As I finished my lengthy prayer while walking I looked down and lowe, what did I see but a penny half buried in the clay. Now, a penny might not mean much to you but let me explain. I believe coincidence is very rare. I believe God talks to me, not with words of course. Very often, I am given a penny in the strangest and most unlikely of places, and always at the end of my prayers. The penny is my answer that my prayer is heard or that I am on the right path and I need but keep the faith. Time and time again I receive the penny, and on all the pennies, of course it says, In God We Trust. My little miracle is not yet complete. I swooped down immediately and rescued my precious penny worth more than all the gold in the world . I always inspect the year of each penny. This penny was of the year 2010. 2010 was the year my old CBR first came to live with me. What a coincidence! He was a king among dogs, AKC obedience champion he needed no leash. He had eyes only for me. He never ran up to other dogs, but if other dogs ran up to him he would thrash them in the blink of an eye, throw them to the ground, and move on before any further altercation could occur. He shredded backcountry powder with me and sent it off of bike jumps. He followed his retrieves fearlessly off of cliffs into deep cool lakes.
Now, upon inspection of the penny and realization of the year I broke in tears of joy and a deep laugh emanated from me that would not cease such that I must have appeared mad. Next, I took a few more steps thanking Christ for such a wonderful gift and promise and I looked up at the beautiful sky filled with alternating blue and lenticular clouds that made the sun dance upon the landscape and I observed not 30 feet above my head but a beautiful hawk regarding us before gracefully retreating and gliding away. I also regard hawk sightings as an answer to my prayer and a promise of protection. The sightings often come in coincidental fashion with my prayers and lift up my spirits. I laughed and cried all the harder and this deep satisfying laughter continued for at least another 30 minutes. If anyone observed me I would truly have appeared mad. I continued my walk rejoicing in the victory assured through Christ. The promise and surety that I would see my loved ones again. Take heart my friend, this is not the end, this is not all. There is more. Just believe, have faith, the quantum engine of your mind will make it so if you believe it.
My CBR’s death rescued me from one of my addictions, probably the longest running addiction in my life. I played videogames for some time while he suffered and panted at my feet. I swore after that day I would never use video games again. And I haven’t, almost two years now, and I never will again. Thank you Babe, my CBR.
I begin a Doctor of Physical Therapy program this January in the great state of Tennessee. The only state in the union that has passed legislation against vaccine mandates. Quite the coincidence. Although, my understanding of the law, is that my school could get around this legislation and enforce a vaccine mandate if they wish because they receive federal funding…or something like that. They deinied my attempt to file a religious exemption. It caused quite the stir. My request to file a religious exemption. I pushed for it for 6 months before they finally deined me even the chance to file it. Although. they are not requiring the vaccine….so I guess trying to be exempt from something not required doesn’t make a lot of sense, but with the moving goalposts of today I wanted every protection possible. I’m taking out around $100k in student loans and I’ll never, ever, ever take their fucking poison. Ever, unless they hold me down first. I still have to deal with vaccine mandates in physical therapy clinical settings, which are required for my graduation. I need 3 of them. I already have a religious exemption at one clinic…gotta figure out a few more. One step at a time. I take it all on faith….a whole lot of faith. I’m not anti-vax. I’m just not a brain washed moron. I have more vaccinations than most people due to my international travel. I have all the usual vaccines found in the medical community, 1 shot HepB and my titer is off the charts…Tdap…MMR so many fucking times its stupid….varicella titer…courses of HCQ before I travelled to malaria countries, yellow fever…dengue fever…etc etc. HCQ gives you some weird fucking dreams I’ll tell you that much. Time to do some yoga and go ride my bike. Maybe I’ll find another kitten in a bush. We spotted a giant coyote about 100 yards away. The last one I found in a bush we found a home that has an autistic child in it. The child and the kitty are absolute best friends now, inseparable. Don’t stop the good work Gary. Don’t quit. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
ParticipantStarfish: Read the post on here called Spartacus. Any antioxidants should help. Quercetin should help. Combine that with zinc. I think everything that people are recommending to you have antioxidant properties.