Thanks Ilargi for this very good article. There is a very few persons able to think like you and make these great points that are explaining the world we live in much better. I think most people are not capable of zooming out and seeing their (cult)ure as what it is even if having only good intentions.
In my view it seems that institutions and isms get started with good goals and intentions by more or less normal humans. Soon enough when they get power, these institutions start drawing power hungry persons, that are charming, high self esteem, driven and knows how to get people doing what they want.
It really does not matter if the institution is religious, political or business, everywhere hierarchy draws these specific individuals. Too bad that the rest of the personality traits are lack of remorse or guilt, pathological lying, they view others as nothing but objects to be used as means to an end.
if you want more info in this subject, check political ponerology on google. I have personally seen this happen in career working for a big multinational. And it is very hard to picture these kind of people when you have not been burned emotionally and personally by them, it is practically not human, without empathy for anyone including themselves. And they are still few percent of the population, just very hard to spot and usually not where you expect “sick people” to be, at the center of attention looking confident.