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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle July 18 2015 #22539

    The mindset of neoliberalism/Friedmanism is basically one promoting ghettoization. Humanity’s frailties and the ultimate madness of cognition are viewed with disdain and selective denial and are cynically and hatefully manipulated rather than embraced with sympathy and a co-existence based upon fairness, understanding and love. The fundamental way we admit to and deal with our all-to-obvious defects seems to be approaching an inflection point that has been postponed since Biblical times. Let love prevail!

    in reply to: The Troika And The Five Families #22412

    Many Greeks would be killed if Greece leaves the EU/Euro now. Many more will be killed and there will be much more interim suffering when they opt to leave later. Why should they want to continue playing the masochist role in the EU S&M drama?
    Apparently the pain index is not high enough YET. Words like moral and fair are oxymoronic when dealing with the neoliberal crowd. They are taken as a sign of weakness and only result in a further tightening of the screws.

    in reply to: Someone Pull The Plug or This Will End in War #22305

    “either the EU will -more or less- peacefully fall apart, or it will violently blow apart.”

    We are dealing with human beings here, so forget about the peaceful option. Too bad we have to wonder if Tspiras/Varoufakis are really “typical” politicians but it is a sign of the times; nothing typifies the neoliberal world more than chronic vacuous doublespeak. It is all designed towards mental stupefaction to generate pliability of the masses. We are confronted with evil incarnate.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 9 2015 #22270

    “This lend-to-foreclose ploy is the very game that the Troika have played with Greece.”

    Of course. Money management at every level has become nothing more than blatant bad faith, recidivistic Friedmanism running wild because executive, legislative and judicial elements that could provide some restraining force have become controlled by the same destructive and hateful people who structured the entire con game in the first place.

    in reply to: Independence Day, Twice Removed #22153

    “… elite jail-ins, plus confiscation of every asset these criminals own. ” And the day WILL come, perhaps with something more dramatic than jail-ins and with nationalization of the assets of the 1%. The NWO globalists will see “creative destruction” from a different angle. But the transition will require brutality to make the potential goodness of humanity again ascendant.

    in reply to: Independence Day, Twice Removed #22146

    At this point, the most effective way to fight the NWO globalists is to hit them in such a way that their power structure is destabilized: through mass debtor default and systemic non-payment of taxes. In short order, they will be crippled by leverage in reverse.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 2 2015 #22053

    ” In a sense, Eurozone member states can be compared to emerging economies that are issuing debt in a (foreign) currency they have no control over and get into serious trouble when market momentum changes and access to finance is completely cut off.”

    Amplified Friedmanism.

    “Until 2010, this gap in the construction of monetary union in Europe went completely unnoticed.”


    “Financial markets reacted in a predictable way…”

    No kidding. And on and on…

    ” An even more worrying issue is that the principle of democracy is being hollowed out.”

    Wasn’t this the original goal, anyway?

    in reply to: Europe’s Controlled Demolition #21996

    The people calling the shots for the ECB, IMF and EU are ideologic sociopaths with strong S/M overtones. They view themselves as evolving godheads. They regard the great mass of humanity as subhuman. Morality is viewed by them as weakness and truth is always “situational”. Any last-minute acommodative behavior would be a cynical ploy to buy time. Most likely they will try to engineer some sort of demoralizing socio-military event in an attempt to “shock”/ “terrorize”/”soften up” the Greek voters before the referendum.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 28 2015 #21923

    “a large part of the blame for this ever deepening debacle lies at the doors of the International Monetary Fund”

    Uh-oh. Pirhanas start to feed on other pirhanas. Now this is good circus material.

    in reply to: I Fear The Greeks, Even When They Bring Gifts #21918

    “This is a transfer of responsibility from parliament to the voters.”

    Actually, a transfer from parliamentary ADVISERS to voters. Actually, a pain-meter. Once the pain-meter reaches a certain threshold, the reality of the situation becomes all too clear to the people who really count. Of course, a meaningful response to their voices requires an honest polling and leaders who “get” the message and are alive.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 27 2015: OXI #21893

    An End to the Blackmail (Alexis Tsipras)

    Hard to fight bad faith with good faith.

    in reply to: OXI #21892

    We can only hope that the Greeks will vote for Greek government as a pivotal first step leading to the implosion of the globalist “revolutionary” agenda. The “power of the purse” has always been the ultimate energy source propelling this movement forward. Mass default is the best weapon to use against it.

    in reply to: The People Must Be Overthrown #21861

    “Just because the people you’ve elected don’t have any morals doesn’t mean you don’t have to either.”
    And when you correspond with them and they either ignore you or send you a form letter loaded with doublespeak, just keep hammering them with the same message of disapproval. The concept of repetitive reinforcement may work on them eventually, just like their propagandistic media try to make it work on us.

    in reply to: The Only Good Deal For Greece Is NO Deal #21821

    Trust? Trust requires ethics, a sense of fairness, and good faith by all parties concerned. Since when have these been operant values in civilization? Even imagining trust in the current environment takes the wildest leap of naivite. The problem is that most people in the West are not suffering ENOUGH yet. The activation energy has not yet been realized. Like all self-appointed Messianics, the current Western “leader-puppets”.. and their “system”.. will ultimately be seen as delusional, but they will cause a lot of pain on the way down and the DEGREE of damage will be worse the longer the reversion to the mean is postponed. So let’s get on with it and stop procrastinating. We can only hope that the accelerating hubris of TPTB will make their evil so obvious that less destruction will be unleashed to prevent more destruction.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 22 2015 #21784

    Re Ayn Rand
    “The politicians and economists who have dominated the US political establishment since the Reagan administration thought we had to do away with all regulation pertaining to the free market and give free rein to the laissez-faire philosophy. They thought it was the best way to create equal opportunities for all….”
    NO. It was a con job from the get-go.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 21 2015 #21777

    RE PCR article, Trump
    “.. he could be capable of standing up to the powerful interest groups that generally determine the governance of the American serfs.”
    The bureaucracy is now so saturated with disloyal globalists that no single individual could possibly turn the ship around. Besides, his big hair makes him an easy target for a “terrorist” sharpshooter if he doesn’t do the jig on cue.

    in reply to: Inciting Bank Runs as a Negotiating Tactic #21734

    There was never any real trust, only a premeditated nihilistic agreement based upon deceit by the NWO globalists whose goal has always been and always will be destruction of individual nations and abolition of the rule of law so that ultimately the unworthy will be mere subhumans crawling at the feet of the chose few. And of course the other nations sooner or later will find themselves in the position of Greece. One can only hope that the extreme hubris of TPTB will be counterproductive and instill in the middle classes a better understanding of the current precarious state of civilization.

    in reply to: Snowden, Putin, Greece: It’s All The Same Story #21602

    “When signing a post-cold war strategic cooperation pact with Russia in 1997, Nato pledged not to station ground forces permanently in eastern Europe “in the current and foreseeable security environment”. But that environment has been transformed…”

    Situational ethics in action. Control the media to alter perception of a situation so that your ethics, i. e. no ethics, appears valid in any particular instance. Pure Kohanim-speak, which clearly indicates who is pulling the strings these days in major media, Washington, the central banks, NATO and the CIA. A hateful, inhumane, racist agenda that worships unlimited money, power, and sex (Strauss-Kahn) and which is poorly-perceived by the working class, whose energies are primarily directed at paying off high debt levels which TPTB have sucessfully propagandized as normal and necessary.

    in reply to: Alexis Tsipras: The Bell Tolls for Europe #21356

    Superb indictment of the Chicago Boys algorithm.

    in reply to: George W. Bushmeat and the Economics of Ebola #15828

    If not for those paranoid billions, I kid you not, G-d help us. His epitaph will read not only that he was an accomplishes portrait painter, he may well also have saved America from a much worse epidemic than it’s yet to get.

    Ilargi you’ve got to be kidding. Just because they spent billions doesn’t mean that the money did any constructive good. If it did in this instance, it would be a first. W never channeled any public funds other than to primarily enrich “the people who count” and Obama is no better.


    Maxims for our times:
    Power without responsibility is exhilarating, while it lasts.
    Inefficiency is a necessary pillar of stability.
    Situational ethics is no ethics.

    in reply to: QE, The Velocity of Money And Dislocated Gold #7926

    We are all creatures floating in an anchorless mental ether. This situation is very disquieting, which leads us to search for an anchor. Some find their anchor in religion, others in political-gods, others in gold. It is all quite delusional but functions to get us through the day. Perhaps most delusional is the deification of gold, which evinces the most cynical mental sloth and which au fond is the sublimation of a desire for power and easy speculative profits. It is rare and it is most definitely boring.

    in reply to: Compound Interest : Friend Or Foe? #7709

    Interest-bearing financial instruments NOW are just plain stupid places to put your saved capital. Any interest you can earn, including with junk bonds, is nowhere near high enough to compensate you for the risk in which you are placing your nest egg. Better to have it safe and liquid even if there is a modest negative interest rate. Sooner or later it will be most appropriate to convert metals, fiat money and financial assets into durable basic necessities such as toilet paper, toothpaste, soap, water purifiers, solar heaters, first aid equipment, elements for protection etc. to survive in our new environment as the global, centralized societies rapidly vortex down the toilet.

    in reply to: Compound Interest : Friend Or Foe? #7700

    While compound interest can be put into play, it is wonderful if you are the payee, not so wonderful if you are the payer.

    Eventually, it does not work in a finite world with limited energy supplies.

    A public/sovereign sector will default, precipitating a global financial crisis with associated mass extinction of sorts. H. sapiens will change its priorities/adapt or go the way of the dodo bird.

    in reply to: Scale Matters #6753

    Surfing the requisite (given human nature) tsunami won’t be fun.

    in reply to: Scale Matters #6751

    Outstanding even for the great Stoneleigh! Nicole I love your mind and your ability to expound upon complex issues with a direct simplicity that clarifies the big picture for those who want to see it and adjust their lives accordingly.

    in reply to: Obama Has Once Last Chance To Become A Great President #6656

    Hope springs eternal but just appointing a few capable subordinates..William
    Black for financial czar would be a good beginning…is not going to be enough.
    There are just too many powerful people who have a vested interest in extending this corporatofascist neoliberal mafioso power trip as long as possible. Social waves will need to get higher and choppier to sink the S. S. One Percent.

    in reply to: NY Fed Mortgage Debt Data Says No US Recovery #6521

    I’ve always had the notion that the real estate mania started in 1998 and that imploding manias usually overshoot to the downside. If those ideas are true, we have a whole lot more deleveraging before the system is cleansed. In my neck of the woods, nothing would be selling without FHA loans and a lot of the new ones are already having payment problems.


    A lucid and concise interview, as always by Stoneleigh. Poor Max just doesn’t get the deflationary argument as he tightly clutches his hyperinflation-hoard PMs blanket but he is a respectful and courteous host and lets Nicole have her say with a few transparent inflation-baiting comments thrown in here and there.

    in reply to: Spiritual Musings on Collapse #5586

    Hi Ash
    I have usually enjoyed your many comments and articles here on TAE, however unconcise the usual presentation. IMO you have taken the wrong fork in the road. In Southern towns, there is a direct proportion between church spire density and observed xenophobia and hateful intolerance. And in this case, I think the positive correlation DOES indicate causality. I look forward to your comments in the future, but please leave the religious commentary on PC.

    in reply to: What the Economic Crisis Really Means (animation) #5338

    Today pays lip service to our fellows whose dependable labor, provided at a fair profit and no matter how simple with pride of craft, has improved the lives of other people. A great tragedy of our current state of social evolution is that such people are commonly regarded as dupes. Those who have achieved unimaginable wealth and power through nothing more than a pathological ability to connive, cheat and enslave their brothers and their planet are new role models for many, especially the multitude prone to inappropriate wishful fantasy and those willing to prostitute their services for a pittance relative to the damage to life caused by their lieutenancy.

    What will propel us to the other side of the approaching brick wall?

    “…Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” Frederick Douglass (via C. Hedges)

    “When people lose everything and they have nothing left to lose, they lose it.” Gerald Celente

    Perhaps not too far in the future, the pushing on a string crowd will find themselves pulling on a string. Then we will have a good basis for happy talk.

    in reply to: The Global Demise of Pension Plans #5284

    Long-term life insurance faces similar problems. Pensions and other security blanket “investments” will be pillars of default and saved capital destruction. Their failed promises will be catalysts for active social unrest. It is critical at this stage of the implosion to wrest any saved after-tax capital from the hands of “trustees” who can legally steal from you (think MF Global) or the banking system (think hyperhypothecation of your assets held in “street” name or crony-capital banks that have legally inserted their derivative European debt assets ahead of your savings in the FDIC pecking order) or the US Government, which will eventually in the name of national security/ protection of its future taxes, force you legally to invest your savings in undesirable debt instruments that no one else will buy. Live frugally, get liquid, get tangible and do your best to have some social and capital firepower if you are lucky enough to come out on the other side. Opportunities for proactive structuring are fading away rapidly.

    in reply to: India Power Outage: The Shape of Things to Come? #5196

    Wow. One of the most informative articles I’ve read in some time.

    in reply to: Bubbles and the Titanic Betrayal of Public Trust #4893

    Visions of Stakhavonite movement updated: As implosion accelerates, an ultimate patriotic act will be to invest in “financial war bonds”, voluntarily or involuntarily. These may be 30 yr Treasuries yielding -2% with a 20% early withdrawal penalty. Heroes are needed to keep America great, er,
    keep the lights burning on Jerkyll Island. TPTB will not want any of their
    capital depleted or illiquid on the rebound when 10 year notes will possibly yield in excess of 20%. Useful citizens will keep their retirement accounts intact and fully funded, hold their heads high and proudly display their gold “99” lapel pins. Oh yeah, minimum Federal inheritance tax on unused pension funds will be 95%.

    in reply to: Bubbles and the Titanic Betrayal of Public Trust #4876

    Powerful metaphors in that last paragraph. Most are “fitting in” as they have been programmed to do, marching in step unwittingly to the cliff edge, stupefied by their dull, daily make-work grinds and educationally-induced uncritical thinking. And functionally illiquid owing to anchors of indebtedness and networks of familial interpersonal dependency. Even for the scattered malcontents, a serious impediment to action derives from not knowing how to formulate with certainty the mental image of a functional lifeboat.


    Ultimate History Gatto Interview is MUST viewing. First 17 min of first interview is mostly infomercial and can be skipped. Main concise phrase I remember from these is “pragmatic justifiable sinning”. Once this guideline becomes ascendant, everything pretty much turns to poop…which is where we are now. Does anyone know if the Carroll Quigley “Tragedy and Hope” reprint is significantly redacted?


    It’s nice to know when to get back into the market.

    in reply to: Report: The Golden Dilemma #4675

    Collapse of the USD’s fiat hegemon probably isn’t going to threaten any time soon. If it does, we will fall back to the MILITARY side of the m-i complex. Objects will be dropped from the skies, but they won’t be crates of $100 bills. The basics of human nature will come to the forefront and we all know that won’t be fun to experience. Hoarded gold as protector will be just another utopian fantasy that ends up for most in the trash bin.

    in reply to: Report: The Golden Dilemma #4661

    Most salient observations to my way of thinking: 1) it’s not legal tender and even if it was, at current valuations it would not be as practical to use as a pre-1965 silver coin; 2) it’s been stolen before, legally by governments and illegally by less legitimate thieves; 3) it’s not a “rational” market, but a highly rigged one (to up and down sides) and potentially highly illiquid and volatile in the short term; 4) taxes are going UP, UP and away and it is hard to hide your gains, as dealers must report purchases => $10,000; and 5) a couple of contrarian indicators a) central banks are buying…this even bothers Doug Casey, and b) I am seeing in my little South Central Texas town small time gold “dealers” on EVERY corner…and some only buy and some only sell and all are in it only for their commissions.
    Surely gold should only be purchased as an insurance policy, and only by people with quite a bit of excess capital, and even then 5% or so maximum net capital at risk and not all invested at one time. Soap, toilet tissue, hard liquor, portable water purification systems, bullets, pre-1965 silver coins, dried foods, networks of local reliable and trustworthy friends with a variety of skills are a better way to diversify wealth for most of us. Those of us who are true believers in deflation will diversify into liquid cash and sit on it until the implosion ends. The time to buy gold was 2000.

    in reply to: Cuckoo in the Coal Mine #4398

    We are on a long and winding road, encountering many detours (short squeezes) on the trail up the shallow side of the cliff. But human nature practically guarantees that we will witness in our puny lifespans a major-fractal falloff. As to contrarian fatigue, Steve Hochberg recently reminded us that “..a screaming sell signal should not be ignored just because it is deafening.” As to detailed preemptive planning, let us recall Robert Burns’ “To A Mouse”:
    Small, crafty, cowering, timorous little beast,
    O, what a panic is in your little breast!
    You need not start away so hasty
    With argumentative chatter!
    I would be loath to run and chase you,
    With murdering plough-staff.

    I’m truly sorry man’s dominion
    Has broken Nature’s social union,
    And justifies that ill opinion
    Which makes thee startle
    At me, thy poor, earth born companion
    And fellow mortal!

    I doubt not, sometimes, but you may steal;
    What then? Poor little beast, you must live!
    An odd ear in twenty-four sheaves
    Is a small request;
    I will get a blessing with what is left,
    And never miss it.

    Your small house, too, in ruin!
    Its feeble walls the winds are scattering!
    And nothing now, to build a new one,
    Of coarse grass green!
    Both bitter and keen!

    You saw the fields laid bare and wasted,
    And weary winter coming fast,
    And cozy here, beneath the blast,
    You thought to dwell,
    Till crash! the cruel plough passed
    Out through your cell.

    That small bit heap of leaves and stubble,
    Has cost you many a weary nibble!
    Now you are turned out, for all your trouble,
    Without house or holding,
    To endure the winter’s sleety dribble,
    And hoar-frost cold.

    But little Mouse, you are not alone,
    In proving foresight may be vain:
    And leave us nothing but grief and pain,
    For promised joy!

    Still you are blest, compared with me!
    The present only touches you:
    But oh! I backward cast my eye,
    On prospects dreary!
    And forward, though I cannot see,
    I guess and fear!

    Create and relish the joy of the moment, dear friends!

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