Europe’s Controlled Demolition


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    Unknown Soldier group, Federal Army 1865 I have plenty to say on the topic of this essay. But the most important thing I think is that I know the EU i
    [See the full post at: Europe’s Controlled Demolition]


    Bravo Ilargi, a wonderful piece of writing and observation.
    Add to that list the SNP in Scotland whose leader is busy blow-jobbing almost every sociopath you mentioned there, while European diktat has stranded Calmac Ferries and the SNP single eye in the forehead inbreeds are selling of every inch of the country to their ‘special interest’ (aka Development) buddies under the guise of ‘freeing’ Scotland – in reality – a one party state/corporate dictatorship with no boundaries….. the people here just don’t realise it yet, much like the people of Europe who blindly sing the praises of their “union”
    It’s laughable.


    Nicole Foss

    It really is about fear and fight/flight. It always is about either that or irrational exuberance, depending on which direction things are going. We only tend to notice at the extremes where the degree of emotional contagion is both larger and more widespread. The tug of war between collective emotional states, at all degrees of trend simultaneously, is the engine of history.


    Wonderful to read your words again Nicole!

    The history of the world is the continual battle, both physical and financial, between the predator class and everybody else. Why that lesson has to continually be re-learned, over and over, generation upon generation, escapes me. It must be a human weakness among normal people.


    I feel for the Greek people. When nothing else works, when they don’t get their way, threats are the last resort, and they do tend to work, especially when there is not much time to think (July 5th is coming up fast). Threats freeze you; you can’t see beyond them. As Maslow said, safety is of paramount importance.

    Tsipras had better get in front of the Greek people, on their TV’s, and spell out exactly what has happened, correct all lies, and tell the Greek people what the ramifications will be regarding a “yes” or “no” vote, and he had better give a stellar performance – because fear is a great motivating factor.

    I agree totally what you said re sociopaths. These are the very people who rise to the top, and they are dangerous people. Lies flow out of their mouths, and you are always behind the curve trying to correct them. You are always coming behind them, which makes sense because they set the agenda. They hatch the plans, lie, obfuscate, confuse and complicate issues, accuse you of not being a team player, and then threaten you when you don’t go along. They do not like light (the truth) as they live in a dark, sinister world where only they are allowed to win. You cannot win with these people unless you know exactly who you are dealing with and realize that they are out to pulverize you, would kill you if they could.

    Tsipras must give the speech of his life. He must spell out in clear terms what the troika have done, what will happen if Greece stays or goes. He must get out ahead of these psychopaths.


    I tend to agree with the sociopath and fear and fight/flight and would like to add one more- projection. Hoping this doesn’t get too tedious, here is a very simple definition: seeing something positive (e.g., Obama is the best president ever) or negative (that person is evil, a liar,a terrorist) in an Other without true knowledge of the Other. There is usually a fair degree of affect/emotion towards that Other (think Juncker’s speech about the Greeks). The difficult aspect of a projection is that the projector believes deeply that he/she is right ironically because she/he is seeing the truth about something deep inside herself/himself but in the other person. Scary stuff. Individuals, groups and nations (e.g., Nazis) can project. To learn that one is projecting requires an ability to be introspective and feel shame, guilt etc., Sociopaths typically can only learn a bit about themselves so they will never see their own natures except in others. A very difficult problem. There is going to be a lot of suffering before they are brought down.


    danielm – good post. You are correct that sociopaths do not see themselves, except on a very shallow level, not introspective or reflective people. But they do watch others and, surprisingly, know exactly what makes others tick. In most cases, they know you better than you know yourself.

    If they want something from you, if they want to win something, they will size you up. They are extremely good at seeing right through you. If you are a moral person, someone who tells the truth about events, they will hone in on this and set out to discredit you (something a truthful person would hate), create chaos, lie, try to confuse others about what really went on, try to change history, all in order to get you to back off. They’re not above lying, but they know you are. They hate it when their manipulation, scheming and lies are brought out into the open for all to see. This is when they can get very dangerous because now you are exposing them. Setting everything out on the table for all to see is what makes them retreat.

    I see them as possessing a lot more evil than you, Daniel, perhaps because I’ve had dealings with one. It’s one thing to project, but it’s another to lie (“we never asked for pension cuts”) and know you’re doing it, and then say it with a straight face. These guys have a plan, and they’re being thwarted, and out come the lies. You come up with solutions, and they say you haven’t come up with anything. No, they know exactly what they’re doing. They want what they want, and will do whatever it takes to get it.


    The people calling the shots for the ECB, IMF and EU are ideologic sociopaths with strong S/M overtones. They view themselves as evolving godheads. They regard the great mass of humanity as subhuman. Morality is viewed by them as weakness and truth is always “situational”. Any last-minute acommodative behavior would be a cynical ploy to buy time. Most likely they will try to engineer some sort of demoralizing socio-military event in an attempt to “shock”/ “terrorize”/”soften up” the Greek voters before the referendum.

    Formerly T-Bear

    There was once a time when it was proudly proclaimed that people fleeing East Germany were “voting with their feet”; an idea which may become vogue again reference EU/EMU in its present incarnation. The original EU/EMU incarnation will never repeat, been there, done that, got the shreds of a t-shirt to show for the experience; will not fall for bait and switch again. Those who’s interests were against the original formation of the EU and its institutionalised control of economic factors have surreptitiously displaced those who held that heritage in trust. It is useless to rail against straw-men of sociopath or psychopath for that is merely the ability to avoid emotional hindrance to the decision making process, a quality that has, in general, led to the benefits the complexity of civilisation being enjoyed today. At one time an attempt to genetically breed such qualities was widespread in a class called aristocrats. But do whatever turns your pancakes.


    I think you’re misdiagnosing the problem. Successful leaders need to be part psychopath because a successful nation needs to harm OTHER NATIONS sometimes.

    The problem with modern organizations is not that their leaders are psychopaths, it’s the feedback loop that gives the p-path his motivation.

    In an old-fashioned business, profit is the feedback. The p-path maximizes his power by maximizing the profit, which means he has to satisfy both customers and employees.

    In a modern business, share value is the feedback. The p-path maximizes his power by all sorts of manipulations, which means he doesn’t need customers or employees at all.

    In a functional nation, prosperity and security are the feedback flows. The p-path leader maximizes his power by doing whatever it takes to make his PEOPLE safe from internal and external threats, and to make them contented with his leadership.

    In a modern nation like USA, the people do not exist. The leader responds to a few plutocrats who hold blackmail power over him. He maximizes his power by satisfying these plutocrats.

    Finally, in an international monster like EU or IMF or FIFA, pure power for the leader himself is the only thing that counts. These monsters don’t have customers or employees or people, so prosperity and contentment are irrelevant. They only have a bureaucracy that seeks to maximize its own size and power. This obviously helps to select the most severe and abnormal psychopaths as leaders, but it’s only a matter of degree.

    Nicole Foss

    Polistra, exactly. Things have scaled up to the point where people and other small scale factors are irrelevant to the large scale power game being played. Of course as things break down, they will become relevant again, probably in a ‘V For Vendetta’ sort of way, at least in some places.


    This is such an important observation. There are upwards of 6% of the population that are born Essential Psychopathic. That’s a lot of people. Worse, though, is that this condition (the term anti-social personality disorder has morphed into psychopathy recently – very little difference in the traits of a sociopath and a psychopath) is the ONLY pathological condition where the essential psychopath can influence normal humans into thinking the way they do. The process is called ponerization (poneros is a Greek word for evil). has a lot of info on this. The seminal work on this is available online as a free .pdf – The Mask of Sanity, written in the early 1940’s.
    The process can be seen in the lead-up to WW II, in Germany especially. Now you can clearly see it in the U.S. The cheerleaders for pathological thinking coerce or persuade or con normal thinking humans into adopting their thinking patterns as required to do well in the society. The ponerized are not psychopathic by birth but will look like it from their actions/thinking.
    The bottom-line description of a psychopath is lack of CONSCIENCE. All the other behaviors devolve from that fact. Brain scans show a lack of connection between the amygdala and the frontal cortex. There is no cure and no treatment for these people. They are essentially human predators and they feed off of the negative emotions they stir up. It gives them pleasure to sense the power they have over others. The book Political Ponerology details the process – it was written by (underground) Polish psychiatrists during Stalins rule.
    A most recent text is Without Conscience by Robert Hare – the list Ilargi posted of traits is taken from this book and research.
    This IS what we are seeing… the rule of psychopaths – pathocracy. People need to wake up to this phenomena as a p-path cannot be reasoned with or appealed to in any normal way. They are incapable of ‘feeling your pain’ or applying common sense or empathy. They are not just in positions of power but are represented world-wide in your cohort of friends, neighbors and family members. They can feign interest in you but it is a MASK.


    polistra and carol – great posts!

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