Henri Matisse Sorrow of the King 1952

Spain’s minister for social rights, Ione Belarra, urged the coalition government of her nation to request that the International Criminal Court launch an investigation into war crimes committed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Colombia has EXPELLED the Israeli ambassador and told the ambassador to “apologize and leave the country.” “If we have to suspend foreign relations with Israel, we will suspend them. We do not support genocides. The president of Colombia will not be insulted.”

Trump Carson
On February 6, 2016 at the GOP Debate, Dr. Ben Carson didn’t hear when NBC called his name, and he stood by himself. When Trump name was called, instead of walking to The Debate Stage like other candidates, he stayed with Dr. Carson until they called his name again. pic.twitter.com/brFHblG8eW
— Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives (@dom_lucre) October 16, 2023

WATCH: If We Don't Unite for Peace, We Are All Going to Die At War #Israel #Ukraine #Gaza WATCH: https://t.co/hs0hnxv8Wn pic.twitter.com/KcpwsWZLY2
— Gerald Celente (@geraldcelente) October 16, 2023

mtracey: “..the US, UK, France, and Japan just voted *against* a UN Security Council resolution on Gaza calling for:
— “An immediate, durable, and fully respected humanitarian ceasefire”
— “Secure release of all hostages”
— “Safe evacuation of civilians”
— “Unimpeded provision and distribution of humanitarian assistance”
The resolution further emphasizes that both “the Israeli and Palestinian civilian population must be protected,” and “strongly condemns all violence and hostilities directed against civilians and all acts of terrorism”.
But, it was drafted by Russia and supported by China – so of course had to be intrinsically Bad.”

3 key pledges: “.. the Judaification of al-Aqsa; the founding of the State upon the biblical ‘Land of Israel’ and the ending of secular Basic law – Palestine and the Palestinian people simply are erased..”
• Pulling the Roof Down on Today’s Paradigm (Alastair Crooke)
Today, all eyes are focussed on the widening ‘war’ in the Middle East. Many questions are asked, but the principal one is ‘Why?’ Here, we find the issues are eerily similar. At the end of WW2, the West wanted its European Jews to have a ‘homeland’, and so in 1947, Palestine was peremptorily divided between Jews and Arabs. The predominant narrative in the West has been that the travails and wars that segued from that event – particularly today’s confrontation in Israel/Palestine – result simply from Arab States’ perverse inability to come to terms with the existence of the State of Israel. Many in the West see this as irrational at the least – or as a fundamental cultural flaw, at worst. Well, as was the case in respect to the European post-war military situation, nothing was formally agreed in respect to Jews and Arabs living on the one plot of land.
The 1993 Oslo Accords were an attempt at some agreement, but again everything was vague, and the crucially master security ‘key’ to the whole Accord rested wholly at the discretion of the Israelis. Plainly, this was intended to give Israel maximum room for manoeuvre. More than that, it was intended that Israel should have the strategic ‘edge’ – not just the political ‘edge’, but the U.S. had pledged to ensure that Israel would have the military ‘edge’ over its neighbours too. Put bluntly, the objective of bringing Arab States to accept Israel’s presence was never pursued, or else it was compelled by military and financial measures (Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Iran). Except in the case of Egypt, through returning the Sanai to Cairo. The current iteration of the ‘Abraham normalisation’ (coming to terms with Israel) however, effectively throws the Palestinians ‘under the bus’ for the sake of Saudi compliance to normalization.
Just as NATO surging forward was intended to put Asia under the U.S. sway, so Greater Israeli’s cultural hegemony in the Middle East – it was believed in U.S. Beltway circles – would place the Middle East under western sway also. What lies behind the present outpouring of Palestinian violent resistance is precisely rooted in a converse understanding to that held in the Beltway. The converse ‘reality’ is that, over the last decade, Israel has been departing further and further away from the foundations on which any sustainable regional peace might have been built. Israel, perversely, has been moving in the opposite direction – striking down the pillars by which a regional rapprochement might have been possible.
Netanyahu, over the last decade, has taken the Israeli electorate far to the Right, leveraging Iran as the Phantasm by which to frighten the public. (It was not always like that: After the 1979 Iranian Revolution, Israel had allied with Iran, against the Arab ‘near neighbourhood’). Netanyahu also propagated ‘the message’ to his electorate that, thanks to the ‘success’ of the Abraham Accords, the world cares ‘zilch’ for the Palestinians. That they are “yesterday’s news”. This performance has distracted the western world from understanding fully what radical ministers in Netanyahu’s government have been planning: One key commitment of Netanyahu’s Cabinet colleagues is to build the Jewish (Third) Temple on Temple Mount, where al-Aqsa Mosque presently stands. Plainly put, this implies a commitment to demolish al-Aqsa and build a Judaic Temple in its stead.
The second key pledge is to found Israel on the biblical ‘Land of Israel’. Again, plainly put, this would dispossess Palestinians in the West Bank; as National Security Minister Ben Gvir made clear, they would face a choice: leave or live under subservience in a Jewish supremacist state. The third is to institute Jewish law (Halakha) in the stead of secular law. This would divest non-Jews in Israel of their legal status. Put together – the Judaification of al-Aqsa; the founding of the State upon the biblical ‘Land of Israel’ and the ending of secular Basic law – Palestine and the Palestinian people simply are erased. Three weeks ago, Netanyahu waved a map of Israel as he gave his address at the UN General Assembly; have a look: Gaza and the Palestinian territories do not appear on it at all. They are erased. The situation is as existential as that.

“Gaza is being leveled, flattened, destroyed, reduced to rubble. Hundreds of thousands of its impoverished residents will be killed, wounded or left homeless without food, fuel, water and medical help.”
• This Way for the Genocide, Ladies and Gentlemen (Chris Hedges)
I have been in urban warfare in El Salvador, Iraq, Gaza, Bosnia and Kosovo. Once you fight street by street, apartment block by apartment block, there is only one rule — kill anything that moves. The talk of safe zones, the reassurances of protecting civilians, the promises of “surgical” and “targeted” air strikes, the establishment of “safe” evacuation routes, the fatuous explanation that civilian dead were “caught in the crossfire,” the claim that the homes and apartment buildings bombed into rubble were the abode of terrorists or that errant Hamas rockets were responsible for the destruction of schools and medical clinics, is part of the rhetorical cover to carry out indiscriminate slaughter.
Gaza is such a small area — 25 miles in length and about 5 miles wide — and so densely populated that the only outcome of an Israeli ground and air assault is the mass death of those Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant calls “human animals” and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls “human beasts.” Israeli Knesset member Tally Gotliv suggested dropping “doomsday weapons” on Gaza, widely seen as a call for a nuclear strike. Israeli President Isaac Herzog on Friday dismissed calls to protect Palestinian civilians. “It is an entire nation out there that is responsible … this rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved, it’s absolutely not true,” Herzog said. “They could’ve risen up, they could’ve fought against that evil regime that took over Gaza in a coup d’etat.” He added, “We will break their backbone.”
The demand by Israel that 1.1 million Palestinians — nearly half of Gaza’s population — evacuate northern Gaza, which will become a free fire zone, within 24 hours, ignores the fact that given the overcrowding and sealed borders there is no place for the displaced to go. The north includes Gaza City, the most densely populated part of the strip, with 750,000 residents. It also includes Gaza’s main hospital and the Jabalia and al-Shati refugee camps. Israel, by employing its military machine against an occupied population that does not have mechanized units, an air force, navy, missiles, heavy artillery and command-and-control, not to mention a U.S. commitment to provide a $38 billion military aid package for Israel over the next decade, is not exercising “the right to defend itself.” This is not a war. It is the obliteration of civilians trapped for 16 years in the world’s largest concentration camp.
Gaza is being leveled, flattened, destroyed, reduced to rubble. Hundreds of thousands of its impoverished residents will be killed, wounded or left homeless without food, fuel, water and medical help. Nearly 600 children are already dead. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has been forced to close 14 food distribution centers leaving half a million people without food relief. Gaza’s only power plant has run out of fuel. The United Nations says 12 of its staff have been killed by Israeli air strikes, 21 out of 22 UNRWA health facilities in Gaza have been damaged and hospitals lack basic medicines and supplies. Israel, as it has in the past, will block the dissemination of independent reporting and images once some 360,000 soldiers launch a ground assault. It cut internet service in Gaza on Saturday. The brief glimpses of Israeli atrocities that make it out will be dismissed by Israeli leaders as anomalies or blamed on Hamas.

The Arab world is gathering together.
• US Faces Defeat In Geopolitical War In Gaza (Bhadrakumar)
One hundred years after the Arab Revolt (1916-1918) against the ruling Ottoman Turks amidst the impending defeat of Germany and the Triple Alliance in World War I, another armed uprising by the Arabs has erupted — this time around, against Israeli occupation, in the backdrop of the looming defeat of the United States and the NATO in Ukraine War — presenting a thrilling spectacle of history repeating unabridged. The Ottoman Empire disintegrated as a result of the Arab Revolt. Israel too will have to vacate its occupied territories and make space for a state of Palestine, which of course, will be a crushing defeat for the US and marks the end of its global dominance, reminiscent of the Battle of Cambrai in Northern France (1918) where Germans — surrounded, exhausted and with disintegrating morale amidst a deteriorating domestic situation — faced the certainty that the war had been lost, and surrendered.
The torrential flow of events through the past week is breathtaking, starting with a phone call made by Iran’s President Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi to the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Wednesday to discuss a common strategy toward the situation following the devastating attack by the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, against Israel on October 7. Earlier on Tuesday, in a powerful statement, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had emphasised that “From the military and intelligence aspects, this defeat (by Hamas) is irreparable. It is a devastating earthquake. It is unlikely that the (Israeli) usurping regime will be able to use the help of the West to repair the deep impacts that this incident has left on its ruling structures.”
A senior Iranian official told Reuters that Raisi’s call to the Crown Prince aimed to “support Palestine and prevent the spread of war in the region. The call was good and promising.” Having forged a broad understanding with Saudi Arabia, Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian held discussion with his Emirati counterpart, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, during which he called upon Islamic and Arab countries to extend their support to the Palestinian people, emphasising the urgency of the situation. On Thursday, Amir-Abdollahian embarked on a regional tour to Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Qatar through Saturday to coordinate with the various resistance groups. Notably, he met Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Doha. Amir-Abdollahian told the media that unless Israel stopped its barbaric air strikes on Gaza, an escalation by the Resistance is inevitable and Israel could suffer a “huge earthquake,” as Hezbollah is in a state of readiness to intervene.

Threatening only Iran is no use. Iran is no longer isolated.
• Lindsey Graham Threatens To Force Iran ‘Out Of Oil Business’ (RT)
US Senator Lindsey Graham has warned Iran that the American military could target its oil industry in response to any escalation in the Middle East. The lawmaker said he would put forward a resolution to this effect, citing concerns that the Tehran-backed Hezbollah could join the fighting between Israel and Hamas. Appearing on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ on Sunday, Graham described Hezbollah as a “proxy of Iran” and claimed that a “massive attack on Israel” by the Lebanon-based militant group would pose an “existential” threat to the Jewish state. The Republican foreign policy hawk warned that he could introduce a resolution in the Senate “to allow military action by the United States in conjunction with Israel to knock Iran out of the oil business.”
“Iran, if you escalate this war, we’re coming for you,” Graham concluded. Appearing on Al Jazeera on Sunday, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian cautioned that “it is highly probable that many other fronts will be opened” unless Israel stops striking Gaza. He also urged Muslim nations to support the Palestinian cause, echoing earlier calls by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. On Saturday, Amir-Abdollahian hinted that Hezbollah could strike northern Israel, causing a “huge earthquake.” According to two diplomatic sources cited by Axios, Iran will respond if Israel goes ahead with a ground offensive in Gaza. However, Reuters on Sunday quoted Iranian representatives at the UN as clarifying that “Iran’s armed forces will not engage” unless directly attacked by Israel first.
On Saturday, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced the deployment of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower as well as two guided-missile destroyers and a guided-missile cruiser to the Eastern Mediterranean, in addition to the USS Gerald R. Ford carrier group already in the region. Austin explained that the move was aimed at deterring “any state or non-state actor seeking to escalate this war.” sAt the same time, US President Joe Biden has acknowledged that “at this point” there is “no clear evidence” that Tehran helped Hamas carry out its attack on Israel on October 7.

She sounds convincing.
• Survivor Of Hamas Assault: Israeli Army Killed Their Own Civilians (Cradle)
A survivor from the Palestinian resistance offensive on Israeli settlements on 7 October says the Israeli army is “undoubtedly” responsible for killing many of their civilians. “They eliminated everyone, including the hostages, because there was very, very heavy crossfire,” 44-year-old mother of three Yasmin Porat told the Haboker Hazeh radio program on Israeli Kan radio last week. When the interviewer asked if Israeli troops were responsible for civilian deaths, Porat said, “Undoubtedly.” Her interview has been scrubbed from the online version of Haboker Hazeh and the Kan website; however, Electronic Intifada procured a copy and translated it from Hebrew. “There are five or six hostages lying on the ground outside. Just like sheep to the slaughter, between the shooting of our commandos and the terrorists,” Porat describes.
Porat says that, before the arrival of Israeli troops, she and other civilians had been held by the Palestinians “for several hours” and treated “humanely.” “They did not abuse us. They treated us very humanely,” Porat said, adding, “They give us something to drink here and there. When they see we are nervous, they calm us down. It was very frightening, but no one treated us violently.” She recalled one Palestinian fighter who spoke Hebrew saying: “Look at me well, were not going to kill you. We want to take you to Gaza. We are not going to kill you. So be calm, you’re not going to die.” “I was calm because I knew nothing would happen to me,” she added.
Furthermore, during a lengthy interview on Israel’s Channel 12, Porat speaks of intense gunfire after Israeli forces arrived and elaborates that, although the resistance fighters were heavily armed, she never saw them shoot captives or threaten them with their guns. She also highlights that the Israeli army announced their arrival at the settlement “with a hail of gunfire,” catching the resistance fighters and their captives by surprise. Her account echoes that of another Israeli settler who spoke with Channel 12 last week about her experience as a prisoner of war (POW) of Hamas. The accounts from survivors stand in stark contrast to the widespread claims found in western media outlets that say Hamas forces did everything from “beheading babies” to torturing and raping settlers.
Salah al-Aruri, Deputy Head of Hamas’ Political Bureau, last week addressed claims that resistance fighters were ordered to deliberately kill as many Israeli settlers as possible, telling Al Jazeera TV that fighters from the Qassam Brigades – the military wing of Hamas – were “under strict protocol to not harm civilians.” He also said that after Israel’s Gaza division disintegrated in the face of the Gaza factions, others rushed the border, “causing chaos.” Furthermore, he notes that some of the deaths of Israeli settlers are a result of the so-called ‘Hannibal Directive,’ which is a protocol that allows Israeli soldiers to use overwhelming force to kill one of their own captured soldiers rather than allow them to be taken, prisoner.
Many Israeli civilians in Kibbutz Be'eri were killed by Israeli forces, survivor Yasmin Porat told Israeli state radio in a now censored interview. Here it is with translation.
READ MORE: https://t.co/oxZv85pil2 pic.twitter.com/PWJgmO8NjF
— Electronic Intifada (@intifada) October 16, 2023

+ 2,000 already there.
• US Sending 2,000 Marines To Israeli Coast (RT)
The Pentagon has sent 2,000 marines and sailors to waters off Israel’s coast as part of a “show of force” in the region, CNN reported, citing unnamed US officials. The move comes amid continued fighting between Israel and Palestinian militants, which has claimed thousands of lives this month. Led by the elite 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, the “rapid response force” is headed toward Israel on board the USS Bataan, an amphibious assault ship previously stationed in the Gulf of Oman, officials told the outlet on Monday. They did not specify the unit’s exact destination, or say if it would join two US carrier strike groups parked in the Eastern Mediterranean. The naval deployments are reportedly meant to “send a message of deterrence to Iran and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah,” and some of the US warships have recently patrolled waters near the Islamic Republic.
Separately, on Sunday Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered another 2,000 troops to gear up for a potential “medical and logistical support” mission in Israel, according to multiple news agencies. However, Pentagon staffers stressed that the order does not guarantee direct US involvement in the conflict with the Gaza Strip-based militant group Hamas, noting that the White House “does not want to give the impression that American troops could become embroiled in a hot war.” The Wall Street Journal, which first reported on the preparations, also stated that the troops would be tasked with “advising and medical support” and “aren’t intended to serve in a combat role.” The 2,000 soldiers are now stationed across a wide area, including in the Middle East and Europe, but have been placed on notice to deploy within 24 hours if needed.
Though officials said the move would be aimed at “forestalling a wider regional war,” the planning comes as some US lawmakers push for direct military action in the Middle East. During a sit-down with CNN last week, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham declared “If there’s an escalation of this war against Israel, I’m blaming Iran, and it is now time to put them on notice.” Asked whether Washington should “bomb Iran,” even without evidence the country aided Hamas’ deadly October 7 terrorist attack on Israel, Graham simply replied: “Yeah.” The surprise rocket and ground assault from Gaza on Israeli cities has triggered weeks of fighting, with the Israel Defense Forces launching retaliatory airstrikes on the Palestinian enclave. Around 1,400 people have been killed in Israel in the latest flare-up, according to local authorities, while Palestinian officials have reported over 2,800 fatalities in Gaza.

“We [Washington] can’t kid Americans about this. We need to start telling them the truth, which we haven’t been doing in a very long time.”
• US Military Getting Extremely Weak Due to Ukraine Aid – American General (Sp.)
The US has already funneled around $46 billion worth of military assistance to Kiev amid Russia’s repeated warnings that doing so will prolong the conflict in Ukraine. The Biden Administration’s relentless Ukraine aid has plunged the US military into becoming overstretched, which affects the White House’s push to shore up other allies, retired Brigadier General Don Bolduc told an American broadcaster. “I think it’s a wake-up call to the American people that you know during the Biden administration our military has become extremely weak. We’ve become overstretched. Logistically, we could not support really a lot of things that would go on simultaneously in this world,” Bolduc said. He described the situation as “a very serious problem for America and its national security apparatus,” adding he is “very concerned about that.”
According to the retired general, “We [Washington] can’t kid Americans about this. We need to start telling them the truth, which we haven’t been doing in a very long time.” Earlier this month, US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was ousted by his own party for cutting a deal with President Joe Biden to continue funding the Kiev regime. This came after the Republican-controlled House of Representatives introduced a bill to extend government funding for 45 days and avoid a shutdown, a document that does not stipulate further assistance to Ukraine. Biden, at the same time, made it clear that the US “will not walk away” from Ukraine as far as aid goes.
America and its allies ramped up their military assistance to Kiev shortly after Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine. Moscow has repeatedly warned that NATO countries are “playing with fire” by supplying arms to the Kiev regime, which the Kremlin said adds to prolonging the conflict in Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, for his part, underscored that any cargo with weapons for the Zelensky regime will become a legitimate target for Russian forces.

“..the number of Americans in favor of giving Ukraine more aid had dropped to 41%, 24 percentage points down from the figure recorded in June..”
• Ukraine Is Not A US Ally – Ex-Pentagon Strategist (RT)
Ukraine has never enjoyed the status of a US ally, meaning that Washington has no obligation to defend it per se, Elbridge Colby has argued. The former official, who now heads The Marathon Initiative, a think-tank, put the leadership in Kiev on the same level as the now-defunct Afghan government, which was overthrown by the Taliban back in 2021. In a message on X (formerly Twitter) published on Saturday, Colby, who served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for strategy and force development from 2017 till 2018, wrote that “Ukraine was not and is not an ally, and we had never committed to defend it.” He noted that “US alliance credibility wasn’t in play” when Russia launched its military operation against the neighboring state last February.
The post came in response to an assertion by another X user, who claimed that the botched US withdrawal from Afghanistan had emboldened Russia to start its military action less than six months later. In a previous thread of messages, Colby defended the position that the “debacle of the Afghanistan withdrawal” had damaged America’s credibility to a lesser extent than some contend. The former top Pentagon staffer went on to argue that the US kept standing by its real allies in Europe and Asia, while the Afghan government was somewhat dispensable. “Our relationship with our established allies was different than with Afghanistan and the threat posed by China or Russia greater than the Taliban,” he wrote, adding that it is for this reason that “NATO and our NE Asian alliances didn’t collapse. Nor did our opponents assault them.”
Last Wednesday, commenting on the impasse in the US Congress following the ouster of Kevin McCarthy earlier this month, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby warned that while Washington would “keep that aid going as long as we can,” it is “not going to be indefinite.” A growing number of Republican lawmakers have been voicing skepticism over the continuation of US aid for Ukraine. The issue lay at the heart of McCarthy’s removal, as some fellow GOP congress members suspected he had cut a secret deal with the administration of President Joe Biden to approve more funding for Kiev. Meanwhile, an opinion poll by Reuters-Ipsos published earlier this month indicated that the number of Americans in favor of giving Ukraine more aid had dropped to 41%, 24 percentage points down from the figure recorded in June. The survey showed that the trend was noticeable both among Democrats and Republicans.

“In this particular case, it led to putting “Joe Biden,” with his handlers and movers, in a position to destroy the country, and they are getting it done.”
• Who Do They Think They’re Kidding? (Kunstler)
Since the FBI has been so preoccupied the duration of the “Joe Biden” regime tracking down every native-born living soul who attended the 1/6/21 riot at the US Capitol, instead of using the agency’s assets to monitor alien networking, you have to wonder why Mr. Wray even bothers to comment on the current situation. He can only embarrass (or incriminate) himself more deeply. One thing for sure is not happening: any effort by Mr. Mayorkas and his 260,000 employees to make the US/Mexico border any less porous. If it hadn’t occurred them yet, they might consider closing down the US-funded United Nations operation in Central America (with help from several international NGOs) that is running way-stations to transport aliens north to our border in hundred-plus bus fleets at a time, taking every possible advantage to accelerate the flow. I guess we’ll just have to stand by and see what happens.
Speaking of mind-blowing bullshit, emanating from a different pseudopod of the DC blob, former CIA Director Leon Panetta chimed in with Fox News’s Bret Baier last week to declare he still thinks that Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian dis-info operation. Mr. Panetta was a co-signer of the notorious letter from 50 other former US Intel bigwigs in October, 2020, a few weeks before the election, organized by former Acting CIA Director Mike Morell to gaslight voters after The New York Post published the existence of the Laptop from Hell and some of its sordid contents tending to incriminate the Biden family for foreign influence-peddling.
As with so many blobsters infesting government and its nether regions, Leon Panetta likes to demonstrate that his contempt for the people of this land is boundless. He can’t possibly believe what he is saying. Everyone from the FBI to The New York Times has declared Hunter’s laptop authentic. Therefore, Leon Panetta is either a fool, a lying scoundrel, or insane. This kind of self-satisfied dishonor is a new thing in the USA, at least at the colossal scale it has achieved the past decade. In 2023 it is the order-of-the-day. In this particular case, it led to putting “Joe Biden,” with his handlers and movers, in a position to destroy the country, and they are getting it done.
Yet, events are still in motion, and decades are happening in days now. We’ll learn this week whether escalation of the war involving Israel and its enemies can be averted without giving Hamas a pass on consequences for its recent murder spree. We’ll learn whether a meaningful opposition against the Party of Chaos can organize around a new House speaker. We’ll learn whether that same assembly can begin the process of laying out a president’s crimes for all in the nation to see, including the sizeable cohort of citizens who relish official lying and being lied to.

“..he does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases..”
Let’s check with the Constitution, shall we?
• Judge Bars Trump From Making Statements About Court Case (ZH)
Judge Tanya S. Chutkan ruled on Monday that former President Trump cannot make comments regarding his ongoing case brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith regarding Trump’s alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election. According to the ruling, Trump is barred from making statements about witnesses, testimony, court staff, or Special Counsel Jack Smith. The decision comes after Smith requested as “narrowly tailored” gag order in September in order to limit what the former president can say about the case. Smith argued that Trump’s public remarks threatened to “undermine confidence in the criminal justice system and prejudice the jury pool.”
Trump’s lawyers argued that the gag order would violate Trump’s First Amendment rights, and “unconstitutionally silence” him during his bid for presidency in 2024. Chutkan said that Trump must “follow the conditions of release,” and that “he does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases,” to which Trump attorney John Lauro agreed, CNN reported earlier. Of note, Chutkan is an Obama appointee who was formerly a partner at liberal law firm Boies Schiller & Flexner (BSF). BSF attorney Karen Dunn notably prepped Hillary Clinton for debates in 2016, and worked in the Obama White House. Another BSF attorney, Dawn Smalls, was John Podesta’s assistant.
To save democracy, first we have to embrace fascism https://t.co/kTlrZygQY2
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 16, 2023

“Steele has insisted his dossier has not been discredited and claims its “main tenets continue to hold up well,” although he admits he cannot provide evidence for the outlined claims.”
• Trump Files Lawsuit in UK Court to Discredit ‘Scandalous’ Steele Dossier (Sp.)
Former US President Donald Trump has filed a lawsuit in a UK court against the company behind the infamous Steele Dossier, which included a variety of sensational claims targeting the then-presidential candidate during the 2016 US election. The dossier, created by the company founded by former British spy Christopher Steele at the behest of the Hillary Clinton campaign, was published by US media days before Trump’s inauguration. It made unsubstantiated and salacious allegations about the soon-to-be US president and was the basis for much of the so-called “Russiagate” controversy that hung over his presidency. Much of the document was contradicted by the Mueller and Horowitz reports, with the Durham report criticizing the FBI for leaning on the dossier in its investigations into Trump when it couldn’t corroborate anything in the report. It is now largely accepted to be a discredited document by most major media outlets.
Hugh Tomlinson, Trump’s lawyer working on the recent legal case, has said Orbis Business Intelligence – the company founded by Christopher Steele and the creator of the document, violated Trump’s data protection rights causing “personal and reputational damage and distress.” A lawyer for Orbis has called for the case to be dismissed, arguing the report was never meant to be made public and was published without authorization. They further argue it is too late to make a claim. Tomlinson says people still believe the false allegations in the report, and that Trump plans to vindicate himself by proving the allegations false in court. “Until there is such a judgment, I continue to suffer damage and distress as a result of people wrongfully believing that the data in the dossier is accurate,” the former US president wrote in his witness statement.
The Steele Dossier included salacious and at-times bizarre claims about Trump, including the infamous “pee tape,” and that the Russian government had been collaborating with Trump when he was the host of a reality TV show. It also accused Trump of bribery, among other crimes. Steele has insisted his dossier has not been discredited and claims its “main tenets continue to hold up well,” although he admits he cannot provide evidence for the outlined claims. Trump previously tried to sue Steele, Clinton and her advisers and top FBI officials for allegedly working together to concoct the Russiagate conspiracy; however, that case was thrown out. By 2020, a British judge ordered Steele to pay $23,000 in damages to a Russian bank that was falsely named in the dossier. The judge presiding over the latest legal filing has indicated that she would rule at an undetermined date if the case can move forward after hearing arguments in London’s High Court.

When Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) gets angry, he writes 3 pieces in one day…
“On top of the stress of the job as President of the US, Trump simultaneously endured Russiagate accusations, two impeachments, strippergate charges, insurrection charges, document gate charges, rape charges, and now faces 4 separate felony trials while he campaigns for reelection..”
“In the Midst of the Wars Against Russia and Palestine, …”
• Don’t Forget Washington’s War Against Julian Assange and Donald Trump (PCR)
One war is not over and another bloody one has started. War is the history of the 21st century, and Washington is behind them all–Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, South Ossetia, Yeman, Ukraine, Palestine. All the while Washington proceeds with its murders of Julian Assange and Donald Trump. Assange has been imprisoned for a decade in one form or another. He has spent recent years in solitary confinement, despite never being tried or convicted. The British who gave the world habeas corpus have denied the protection of law to Assange. An utterly corrupt media has falsely presented Assange as a traitor to America, a ridiculous charge as he is not an American citizen.
How can a non-citizen be a traitor to a country? Habeas corpus prevents a ruler from holding a person in prison without due process of law. But Assange has been held indefinitely without presentation of evidence against him. He is held on Washington’s demand alone. As Washington has no evidence against Assange, this is Washington’s way of killing him. Washington is relying on the stress from years of frustration from being denied due process to kill Assange. It is nothing but an act of vengeance because Wikileaks published leaked documents that embarrassed Washington.
Donald Trump is also being murdered. Again, Washington is relying on stress. Trump is 77 years old. On top of the stress of the job as President of the US, Trump simultaneously endured Russiagate accusations, two impeachments, strippergate charges, insurrection charges, document gate charges, rape charges, and now faces 4 separate felony trials while he campaigns for reelection, and a crooked Democrat court has convicted him on the false charge that he overstated the value of his real estate holdings and is attempting to confiscate his properties. All of this is likely also stressing his marriage and his relationship with his daughter. The Republicans in Congress are part of the one party state and do not support their own President.
Trump is a man who has been pounded unjustly for 7 years with the worst yet to come. Clearly, Washington having no evidence against him is relying on a stroke or heart attack induced by the stress that Washington is applying. The intention of the massive persecution of Donald Trump is to teach all future presidential candidates that they will be destroyed if they go against the Establishment’s agendas, try to give government back to the people or to normalize relations with an enemy that the military/security complex needs in order to remain profitable. This extraordinary demonstration of power against the American people goes unnoticed, which reinforces my question: Do the American people have enough intelligence to survive?

“If they fail to elect Trump President in the next election, they will have committed themselves and all future Americans into tyranny, or, perhaps, civil war..”
• The Republicans Will Not Help Us (PCR)
All that differentiates Republicans from Democrats is that Republicans are not anti-white Americans determined to turn a white nation into a tower of babel. Republicans don’t do much to prevent the destruction of white America, but it is not the driving motivation of their politics. With no ideology or principle other than self-gain, the Republican Party is a weak force to stand against the Democrats’ program of “multiculturalism” in order to rectify “white racism.” “Patriotism” and campaign donations from the military/security complex insure that Republicans are for war–all wars. Not even the neoconservatives are more vociferous supporters of war than Nikki Haley, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio. Almost every Republican in Congress subordinates America’s interests and morality to Israel’s demands.
Even Republican presidential contender Ron DeSantis calls for Israel not to hold back in the destruction of Hamas, which, of course, means Palestine, and orders Florida to Assist Israel. So not only the federal government in Washington but also state governments are rushing to Israel’s support in the destruction of Palestine. This pandering to Israel is standard procedure for American politicians. DeSantis sees only Israeli deaths, not Palestinian ones. He thinks that in the past Israel hasn’t used enough force against Palestinians. DeSantis was a good governor. He stood up for the normal moral people in Florida against Woke ideologues intending to brainwash Florida’s children that they are white racists and born into the wrong body, and he prevented mandated Covid jabs, lockdowns, and masks.
If he had come out in support of Trump, he would have been the vice presidential nominee and a future president. Now he, like Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Rinos, has alienated the majority of Republican voters by coming out against Trump. He is now accusing Trump of being anti-semitic. It was Trump who broke from the world and served Israel by moving the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. The Rinos prevent Republicans from having principled leaders. Once Jim Jordan secured the nomination for Speaker of the House, the Rinos quickly pushed forward a non-entity as a rival. Now the Rinos by cooperating with Democrats can block the election of an effective Republican leader who is principled and would try to shape the Republican Party into more of an opposition party instead of the go-along-get-along entity that it is. The Republican Party is an extremely weak force.
The party stands aside as their President is falsely accused and prosecuted and as Trump appointees, such as General Flynn, and lawyers who defend Trump are falsely accused and indicted. Even the lawyers who are defending the falsely indicted 18 Trump attorneys are feeling pressure. The Republican Party is doing nothing to prevent the kangaroo trials of the few principled Republicans who exist. As the Republican Party will do nothing, the problem is in the hands of the American people. If they fail to elect Trump President in the next election, they will have committed themselves and all future Americans into tyranny, or, perhaps, civil war. The American people have been failing in their duty to protect their liberty for many years, due in part to patriotic blindness that sees enemies only abroad and never at home. Can we have any confidence that Americans will wake up, perceive the real threat, which is not Russia, China, Iran, and Hamas, and arouse themselves to the task of holding on to their liberty?

“The person twice elected president is considered a threat to America but not the occupation of the US by immigrant-invaders who do not in any way share the history, culture, or belief system of Americans.”
• Biden Devalues American Citizenship (PCR)
President Biden is a traitor to the United States. He is doing everything possible to make illegal immigrant-invaders identical in their rights to US citizens. The Biden regime has sued Elon Musk’s SpaceX for hiring Americans instead of immigrant-invaders. The Biden regime has extended the protection of US law to illegal immigrant-invaders. Last Thursday the Biden Justice (sic) Department and Biden Consumer Financial Protection Bureau told banks that refusal to lend money to immigrant-invaders amounts to illegal discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin and thereby constitutes grounds for federal action against the offending financial institution. The Biden regime gives Federal ID cards to illegal immigrants and releases them into the population. The Federal ID provides the illegals with access to benefits, housing, transportation, jobs, and bank loans.
Once they are on payrolls, they pay Social Security and Medicare tax and become eligible for these benefits. The presstitutes lie for the Biden regime, claiming it is not really an official ID, only something to help the Department of Homeland Security keep check on those who might pose a security risk. I remember when they said Social Security numbers could not be used for identification purposes. My original card says: ‘Not For Identification Purposes.” Today your Social Security number is your identification. You cannot do anything without it. You tell me, what is the difference between an illegal immigrant-invader and an American citizen? You might think that the only remaining difference is the right to vote, but the Democrats already vote illegal immigrants, and NY City permits illegals to vote on local matters.
We now have a Somali immigrant-invader, Ilhan Omar, elected to the US Congress. Somali immigrant-invaders have been elected to American city councils, school boards and to the Minnesota state legislature. The Somali immigrants to the US were the direct result of Washington’s military intervention in Somalia. The Muslin immigrants to the US from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya are also the direct consequence of Washington’s wars against those countries. It seems that Washington goes to war for the purpose of flooding America with refugees, people of color who have preferential legal standing in US law. What we are experiencing is the first time in human history that a government intentionally destroyed the ethnic basis of a country. Nothing is done to stop the constant march across the border from Mexico of people from numerous countries. Open borders is the Biden regime’s immigration policy.
Allegedly, these many millions of immigrant-invaders are refugees from political persecution in their own countries. Perhaps a few are, but this excuse is used for the intentional overrunning of a white nation, because the Democrats got a law passed that says the US has to accept refugees from political persecution. The Refugee Act of 1980 resulted from Democrat President Johnson’s Vietnam War. The Carter Administration sponsored the Act. The law changed the definition of “refugee” to a person with a “well-founded fear of persecution.” In other words, people who took Washington’s side in a war that Washington lost, as in Vietnam, had to be rescued by being brought to America. Ever since, anyone from all over the world, as long as they are not white, can walk in to America unopposed. Who knows whether they have a “well-founded fear of persecution.”
Every white American should understand that “their” government has betrayed them. The Biden Regime that allows the US to be overrun with immigrant-invaders has declared President Trump and his 85 million members of the electorate to be dangerous domestic terrorists. The FBI has created a new division to monitor these “domestic extremists who constitute the greatest threat to the United States.” Consider what this means. The person twice elected president is considered a threat to America but not the occupation of the US by immigrant-invaders who do not in any way share the history, culture, or belief system of Americans.

Skull And bones


— out of context dogs (@contextdogs) October 15, 2023

I presented an IMAX movie called Fungi: Web of Life, narrated by Björk who speaks the story with inimitable magic and sensitivity. It features astonishing fungal time lapse photography from some of the best fungal photographers working today. Full trailer: https://t.co/NfHLmEB0dF pic.twitter.com/S2LKpvNaKX
— Merlin Sheldrake (@MerlinSheldrake) October 16, 2023


Hundreds of traditional oil-paper umbrellas form a giant parasol in Qujing, southwest China's Yunnan.
pic.twitter.com/gkHuGeZ05e— Science girl (@gunsnrosesgirl3) October 16, 2023

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