Debt Rattle April 27 2020


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  • This topic has 31 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Dr. D.
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    Dorothea Lange On the road to Los Angeles, California 1937   • Sweden’s Stay-Open Approach Is Creating Herd Immunity Quickly – Ambassador (JTN) •
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle April 27 2020]

    V. Arnold

    Dorothea Lange On the road to Los Angeles, California 1937

    Oh the irony……………


    We now have achieved the stage of rising domestic violence enabled by lockdowns:
    We also have significant mental health issues related to lockdowns:

    We have substantial portions of meat processing plants being closed.

    In Quebec Canada 97 percent of mortality from covid was in people over 70. This is shaping up to look like a generational attack on young people who predominantly pay the price (job loss, future payment for handouts) to save the older generation.

    V. Arnold

    We now have achieved the stage of rising domestic violence enabled by lockdowns:
    We also have significant mental health issues related to lockdowns:
    We have substantial portions of meat processing plants being closed.

    In Quebec Canada 97 percent of mortality from covid was in people over 70. This is shaping up to look like a generational attack on young people who predominantly pay the price (job loss, future payment for handouts) to save the older generation.




    ” …In Quebec Canada 97 percent of mortality from covid was in people over 70.”

    You can only die once.
    .In Quebec Canada 97 percent of mortality from covid will be in people over less than 70.
    What is the cost of dumping milk? plowing crop? Feeding cows?, pigs, chickens?

    Answers: less than trying to selling


    Zerosum you demonstrate a shocking lack of understanding of statistics.
    V.Arnold if you can’t see that the young are paying the price for protecting the old from covid, I don’t know what to tell you. Who is losing their jobs-the elderly? When it comes time to pay for all the covid bailouts, which tax payers are going to shoulder the costs-the elderly? Healthy young people are suffering the emotional and social consequences of a lockdown which for the most part their health does not require-they are essentially being asked to do this for the extremely vulnerable elderly.


    Presumably most of you read Zerohedge but here’s an article providing the perspective of several ER doctors in California
    – lockdown weakens immune system against all infections -get ready for a surge in all infections diseases as soon as you open up
    -large increase in do domestic violence cases in ER
    – they are being told to report Covid as cause of death



    I hear you. You hear me.
    We cannot change what is happening.
    I’m not going to visit care homes.


    Sorry zerosum – now I get what you were saying about only dying once – I guess we’ll see what happens.



    Close to home
    Look at, lot’s of info. Deaths are now at 100.
    COVID-19 Dashboard
    Gardening is later.
    Heavy snow pack may cause flooding.
    Most of my seeds have sprouted
    I’m pain free. Therefore, I’m happy.
    Old info forgotten to make room for new info.


    In that video Carol references, the two doctors claim they are told to put down COVID19 as cause of death.

    But George Kelder, the CEO and executive director of the New Jersey State Funeral Directors Association, says sort of the opposite:

    In US COVID19 Can No Longer Be Listed As Primary Cause Of Death

    Last week, because of changes on the national level, the primary cause of death can no longer be COVID-19. It can be a secondary cause or a consequence of the primary cause of death. But the primary cause of death must be something other than the virus itself.”


    Hamlet says ‘To be or not to be’

    Raúl Ilargi Meijer say, “To be a virus or not to be a virus”

    Dr. D

    Finally, mainstream NBC reporting that Corona science makes no sense:

    Don’t worry: no one will follow up or notice. Or the 4k-20k deaths per 1% x 20% increase in unemployment = 80,000 – 400,000 premature deaths from the lockdown.

    As long as you die in a cardboard box, it’s all good to me! Just like their health care pricing monopoly. Hey, we gave you the bypass surgery, it’s not our fault if you went bankrupt paying government-enforced pricing and now live in the sewers of Vegas catching typhus. It’s your fault.

    So basically we’ll get our 250k U.S. deaths scenario: 50,000 from Corona and 200,000 from the economy, crime, and civil unrest, food shortages, and delays of screening and voluntary medical care. #Winning! The people cheer! Help us Daddy! Tell us what to do!

    The hospitals of 3,000 counties are empty and going bankrupt, along with the 3,000 county governments and everybody in them. Can we stop now? A: No! There’s still someone sick in Yonkers. Someone in Oklahoma isn’t living in a tent yet.

    Protests in Germany to unlock. +5k dead. / 83M = 0.006% death rate. U.S. +55K dead = 0.02% That’s with the CDC counting all possibles as yes and $17k payout incentive to every one they can stamp as positive.
    Experts = Totally wrong. Off by two zeros. So, so easy to tell. Because that’s been true every day of my life.

    To contradict myself, FT says 60% are unreported.

    Okay. Take it as true: why are the rates wildly, radically, unscientifically different? Why still NYC and not Albany, Pittsburgh, or indeed anywhere coast-to-coast? Because we’re chasing the wrong thing, fighting shadows? Science says if your theories don’t support, shouldn’t you look again?

    The UK death toll could jump past 100,000 by the end of the year if lockdown is lifted too early,”

    That’s weird: Oxford said the opposite. Could you experts get together and science some things for us? Your only success was making everyone totally confused and fight with each other. Maybe we should be fighting you and your catastrophic lack of good advice and solid facts instead.

    social isolation will need to be kept in place until a pharmaceutical intervention is found,”

    Well, that’ll never happen, so expect house arrest forever, until we all die of old age. Why? Because we already found a couple interventions and they were trashed in the media and prevented from being tested. You have to keep voting until you pick the RIGHT solution. Otherwise we’ll remove you. Call it the EU method.

    UK Economy Will Take Three Years to Recover from Coronavirus – EY (G.)”

    Experts know. Estimated to two decimal places. So, good sirs, recover to what? Transplanetary production under neoliberalism of useless disposable goods from China? Thinking not. So we’re not ‘recovering’, we’re changing.

    One in Three UK Doctors Left without Protective Gear (Ind.)”

    And still, every shipment of PPE from China is broken and fake, trying to kill more doctors. Pretty sure that, same as here, the panic has them hoarding PPE in the basement for a final overwhelm that never comes thanks to broken models that can’t be discredited. So “have” it? Pretty sure they “have” it, they’re scared to “use” it, because the decision-makers aren’t the ones being coughed on.

    Fauci Says US Coronavirus Testing Likely Will Double in the Coming Weeks (JTN)”

    Then the rates will double and the death rate will halve (again). No prize for guessing which one the media will report. It will also show their attempted lockdown didn’t stop anything.

    Anyone know if the tests are worthless yet? Heard they picked up flu coronas, not Covids, and other bad habits. They also don’t reveal if you had Covid 6 months ago. My understanding is that at least they work.

    leave the United States with so much oil there was nowhere to put it.”

    I’ve said this for decades: simply drive half as much and the price is negative, we’re an exporter. Since more than half of the driving we do is stupid, time-wasting, and counter-productive, that’s the easiest thing in the world, just old-time frugality and common sense. Not spending is a way not to get poor. But that does not make GDP and tax income, and is fought, subsidized, zoned, and arrested at every turn. Sales are the goal. The efficiency is the enemy. As seen in the next article, the Green New Deal, Teslas, ethanol, solar panels, mega-windmills and all their other energy-and-material wasting projects. By when it’s forced sales, forced extraction from the poorest taxpayers so they won’t have clean water, who cares? FROM the poor, TO the rich, but they need a scam, a con, a buy-in, a sales pitch. If that happens to be “green” whatever, I don’t care.

    “Minks Test Positive for COVID19 at Two Dutch Farms (EN)”

    I guess this is a new level of “everybody’s going to get it.”

    They didn’t even bother about legislation. Betcha that’s true for most countries.”

    That’s why the quarantines are illegal all over, or generally. But we’re being cooperative. Legally, you have to pass a law to do things. The law has to be Constitutional. How last century: the 19th Century.

    the crime of sedition is really what both governments are accusing Julian Assange of.”

    I need not point out that you can’t be seditious to a government not your own. Especially if you don’t live there.

    UV-Disinfection robot”

    But they said light and disinfectant was stupid. Except no help to Captain Dumb-ss, we have internal disinfectants like peroxide nebulizers and light therapy like UV catheters and ventilators. How do we know? Because those manufacturers were banned from Twitter yesterday to hide the evidence of their existence. Dorsey promised to attack Trump and rig the election. Sort of like Jeb Bush back when. Muh private company. But isn’t that an illegal campaign donation of like-kind service? Only when it’s my side. Right or wrong.


    Dr D:

    Our problem is who decides who is called an expert!

    My Grandfather said “An expert is an ordinary fellow a long way from home”.


    Hi everybody, This morning while milking cows the thought occurred, “More old people die from COVID-19, more men than women, more minorities than whites, but this misses the hugest point: More city than country folk.” If you are sitting in your Manhattan condo with the wife and three kids all screaming, the $3000 rent past due, laid off, people dying all around, you ask yourself, “Where do I want to be when the next pandemic comes?” A few acres, some pigs and chickens, a garden, fresh air. I welcome new neighbors, if they are willing to shovel shit, so much the better.



    In the not too distance future, the death rate in Quebec and Ontario will fall rapidly once the coronavirus has finished visiting all of the nursing homes. Then there will be no more old folks left.

    Our socialist leaders have the same plan as the coronavirus. Kill off all the old people.


    I say the solution to the problem is if ya’ll want to go back to work, going to B ball games, sitting in the restaurant or bar sipping suds, working in the meat packing plant, etc. Have at it. Just agree to not seek medical care if you get sick. Easy peasy! I’m all for Darwinism.

    By the way regarding the young paying the price for the old. First of all, the young are dying as well. Particularly those with high exposure jobs. But it might do your soul good to consider the notion of Depraved Indifference.

    Dr. D as I showed several days ago, your statistic of 400k deaths from unemployment is total bull shit.


    I suspect that the Swedish ambassador has confused true nCoV immunity with a limited immunity left over from the common cold.


    ” … The healthcare workers ….”

    The maintenance workers that must deal with the contaminated, infected products
    —- laundry, loading the dishwashers,discarded PPE, mops, rags, garbage, vomit, etc.

    these are the invisible, lowest, unrecognized untouchable, pillars of societies that are attacking the enemies (stools, bedpans, germs, virus, flues) so that the healthcare workers can do their rescuing of patients.

    That must be why pots and pans are being beaten at 7:00 pm every night.

    V. Arnold

    To blame seniors (I’m 75) for the unemployment of the young is just plain ludicrous, IMO.
    Most of us do not hold jobs; we’re retired.
    What I’m seeing is; people are scared to death because of the flood of bullshit in virtually all of the reporting.
    By all appearances, critical thinking doesn’t exist, just everybody in panic mode.
    Even most of the medical staff seem to be incompetent, including the doctors. Inappropriate medical procedures have likely killed more patients than the virus itself.
    I’ve instructed my wife I do not want to go to the hospital and absolutely no intubation in the event I get infected.
    From my perspective the whole world has gone mad…

    …and just in case some wack job accuses me of dissing the hard working medical staff; they are working hard, just, with a few exceptions, not smart…


    ” By all appearances, critical thinking doesn’t exist …
    …. incompetent
    ….. with a few exceptions, not smart…”

    Around the world, Seniors said it. It must be true?


    From my perspective the whole world has gone mad…

    C’mon, V.Arnold. Not the whole world. Just in North America and parts of Europe. Things seem pretty calm in much of Asia. Korea never went into lockdown. Public transportation remained open. Restaurants remained open. Hair salons remained open. Yes, museums and sporting events closed, and kids were home from school, and bars had to close earlier than normal, but life has gone on mostly like normal. From what I hear from colleagues in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, life is not bad at all. Though many tend to be working at home a lot more, they can still go out. I spoke to a friend in Beijing who said that although there is more monitoring of comings and goings, it’s mostly life as normal.

    At the beginning of all this I sent some photos back home of people on the bus all wearing masks, and the signs at the entrance of the building warning that nobody could enter without a mask and a temperature scan. People back home reacted with shock, thinking this was a terrible overreaction. But now I guess it is a different story. Korea, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Australia have turned the corner. Singapore has some problems with the dormitories for foreign workers, but seems to be doing all it can. Japan fell behind when it tried to keep the Olympics, and it has more cases, now, but the Japanese being Japanese will turn the corner without the need for strict lockdowns. How are things in Thailand?


    I am old. I am a target of the virus. I have all the symptoms, but no fever, shortness of breath or cough. I live at home with no contact with outsiders going on six weeks, with a government pension. To be successful, the virus will have to mutate not to kill its hosts. Humans also must relearn ancient truths, like old farts have seen and lived a lot. Besides greeters they can also be teachers. Western Society has to relearn that life is more important than money.

    Since the world is run by greed-based extractive capitalism and the booms and busts are getting catastrophic; humans must come up with a science based human cooperative society to survive on earth. Since psychopaths gravitate to the top of the pyramid and there will always be fungi, viruses, and bacteria; society will have to be a real democracy with strong borders; defended by public health and militia draftees.

    I find it strange that no one has come with nursing home defense corps who have PPE, are tested to be virus free, trained and paid a living wage to take care of and keep seniors alive. My take is that the psychopaths want to keep the money and let the unproductive ones die now, alone.

    V. Arnold

    C’mon, V.Arnold. Not the whole world. Just in North America and parts of Europe. Things seem pretty calm in much of Asia. Korea never went into lockdown. Public transportation remained open. Restaurants remained open.

    Yes. I stand corrected. 😉
    Things here are locked down. However, new cases today are just 9, pretty good. 2,931 total cases and 52 deaths. For a country of 63 million people that’s pretty damned good, IMO.
    Restaurants are open here but, only for take-out; which we do often.
    The ban on alcohol chaps my ass though… 😉
    Glad to hear things are good for you.
    Actually things here are pretty good as well. Only 7 cases in our province, so going out is pretty safe for the most part.
    We remain vigilant…
    You and yours take care… 🙂


    My take is that the psychopaths want to keep the money and let the unproductive ones die now, alone.

    Yup. That basically sums it all up. I would add that labor is cheap, and many are already living at the margins, so it does not really matter if some of the productive ones die. From the perspective of those who are driving the narrative.

    V. Arnold


    You bring upsome very important issues regarding the old.
    I live in a culture that still values and honors its old.
    Us oldsters are a library of knowledge and experience, having incalculable value; but alas, nobody seems to give a shit in western societies (thanks Boogaloo) any longer.
    And now we’re blamed for stealing work from the young???
    God’s be good; you’re well and truly fucked!!!!!

    Doc Robinson

    A tale of two cities, Seattle and New York City:

    The initial coronavirus outbreaks in New York City emerged at roughly the same time as those in Seattle. But the cities’ experiences with the disease have markedly differed… There are many explanations for this divergence. New York is denser than Seattle and relies more heavily on public transportation, which forces commuters into close contact… New York also has more poverty and inequality than Seattle, and more international travellers… ”

    “It’s also true, however, that the cities’ leaders acted and communicated very differently in the early stages of the pandemic. Seattle’s leaders moved fast to persuade people to stay home and follow the scientists’ advice; New York’s leaders, despite having a highly esteemed public-health department, moved more slowly, offered more muddied messages, and let politicians’ voices dominate…”

    In early March, as [King County Executive] Dow Constantine was asking Microsoft to close its offices and putting scientists in front of news cameras, de Blasio and New York’s governor, Andrew Cuomo, were giving speeches that deëmphasized the risks of the pandemic, even as the city was announcing its first official cases. De Blasio initially voiced caution, saying that “no one should take the coronavirus situation lightly,” but soon told residents to keep helping the city’s economy. “Go on with your lives + get out on the town despite Coronavirus,” he tweeted on March 2nd—one day after the first covid-19 diagnosis in New York. He urged people to see a movie at Lincoln Center.”

    On the day that Seattle schools closed, de Blasio said at a press conference that “if you are not sick, if you are not in the vulnerable category, you should be going about your life.” Cuomo, meanwhile, had told reporters that “we should relax.” He said that most infected people would recover with few problems, adding, “We don’t even think it’s going to be as bad as it was in other countries.”


    UVC (100-285 nm or so) doesn’t work if the surface is in its shadow. All the surfaces need to be exposed. It doesn’t get into the interstices of of anything. The further away it is the longer time it needs. Cute little robot, programmed to do a half-assed job. Some UVC makes ozone (less than 185 [?] nm) which also sterilizes (be sure to air out the room!), but most lamps are 200-280nm.

    I am now off looking for correlations for the hypoxia of SARS 2019, because it surely is not The Virus.

    Too many have it and show no symptoms. Too many have severe symptoms and seem to have no virus. (Test problem, or what?)
    There’s something else going on.
    The tests? So far- confusing, to say the least. The antibodies test? Probably useless and stigmatizing or privileging, depending. There’s something else going on here.
    Brescia, northern Italy, 2018. US, “vaping” 2019. “Covid” 2019- 2020.
    “Symmetrical ground glass opacities” lung images. Low blood oxygen levels. Predominantly older, co-morbidities. Predominantly male. Few children affected.

    Plasmodium falciparum is a parasite in the blood that dissolves and metabolizes hemoglobin. A mosquito injects it into the hapless victim, causing malaria. HCQ is toxic to the little critter.
    HCQ+ tends to work on the mysterious illness, no matter what the Lord of Nevada, the French Poobahs, or Gilead scientists say.
    That’s a start.

    V. Arnold

    Too many have it and show no symptoms. Too many have severe symptoms and seem to have no virus. (Test problem, or what?)
    There’s something else going on.
    The tests? So far- confusing, to say the least. The antibodies test? Probably useless and stigmatizing or privileging, depending. There’s something else going on here.

    I agree; something else is going on…
    If I were the conspiracy type…never mind…


    But now apparently YouTube has removed the video of the two doctors. Something about not complying with WHO standards. Sorry for giving you Ingraham, please ignore her.


    But now apparently YouTube has removed the video of the two doctors. Something about not complying with WHO standards.

    Given how badly the WHO screwed up, this is outrageous. On March 4, I printed out the Dr. Tedros speech from March 3 that had been uploaded to the WHO website. I wanted a hard copy because it is chock full of claims that had been discredited by that time by people who were paying attention, and I wanted to save a copy in case they took it down later. He claimed on March 3:

    “COVID-19 does not transmit as efficiently as influenza”
    — though by that time the R0 was estimated between 2.5 and 7

    “With influenza, people who are infected but not yet sick are major drivers of transmission, which does not appear to be the case for COVID-19.”
    — though by that time it was well understood that there were asymptomatic carriers

    “Evidence from China is that only 1% of reported cases do not have symptoms, and most of those cases develop symptoms within 2 days.”
    — though by that time it was also know that the incubation period was up to 14 days or longer

    The WHO is not a reliable source, but now Youtube says that anyone who disagrees with the official source will be taken down. This is more egregious than anything the government is doing.

    Dr. D

    Yes, whatever CV19 is, the response backwards. You would always focus on the infected and the vulnerable and not the healthy. The first is uncharacteristically impractical, so the next step would be stop 100% contact of over 70. They knew this in two weeks, by Italy.

    So did anyone plan/pay/volunteer to live-in at nursing homes to be essential workers with near-full quarantine? No. Not even discussed. Not even now after most that can be killed, are. Still locking down the 90% population that statistically isn’t in real danger and provides the resources for the 10% and the national economy.

    Pretty sure that shows they need to be fired because they wanted to kill the old, as discussed in many papers on national sovereignty, or need to be fired because they’re so incompetent they can’t tell up from down.

    Something else is happening, because this should equally hit rural nursing homes, and although would move slower, we’ve been 12 weeks at it and the numbers, therefore their theory, isn’t following. Look at NOLA: the parade sickened the city, okay. But not the ten-thousand visitors who returned to Arkansas and Missouri? This is all over.

    Apparently your main risk is being in a city. Only certain, very specific cities. We don’t have coal-smog pollution anywhere in the U.S. anymore and the cities don’t match it (e.g. L.A.). Not like I want to get there, but that leads only back to 5G, which appear to be the cities affected. If we have overlapping symptoms of two different causes, the virus is real but a light cellular microwaving is also real, we start to see a coherent pattern. Otherwise, how Wuhan and Beijing, Shanghai are completely open? Virus obeys border signs?

    I don’t know how many people die from unemployment or how long it takes, but I promise you the risk is also not zero. For one thing, unemployment means you have no health care; unless you think having no health care isn’t a risk factor and won’t kill you. I’d add that the single indicator of health in the U.S. is income. No income clearly puts you at the bottom of all statistics. And that’s before stress, staying home drinking, and being reckless. Yes, I can’t quantify it, but my link was from the NIH National Institute of Health. Surely you’re not going to say their study isn’t science and they don’ t know what they’re talking about.

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