Putin is 1000x Biden


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    Brian Griffin Memorial to the Conquerors of Space, Moscow, Russia 1974     In the space of just 24 hours, Joe Biden and Antony Blinken manag
    [See the full post at: Putin is 1000x Biden]

    a kullervo

    The puppeteers maneuvering Sleepy Joe are arrogant, perhaps condescending, but they are pros: they redirect the populace’s attention to some distraction while the real shenanigans are being perpetrated… bread, circus and then collapse – sticks and stones will break one’s bones, at WW IV.

    [The human condition (= crab-bucket effect): we must deceive each other continuously lest someone wake up and recognises Truth.]

    Michael Reid

    Putin may be the best leader in the world today. I have always felt countries should be run for the benefit of its citizens. Sadly in the western world all the countries seem to be run for the benefit of the capitalists

    madamski cafone

    Covidian comparison:

    “The great medical problem of this period was syphilis-likely recently imported from the West Indies, and running rampant as a pandemic completely untreated. Paracelsus vigorously attacked the treatment with guaiac wood as useless, a scam perpetrated by the Fugger of Augsburg as the main importers of the wood in two publications on the topic. When his further stay in Nuremberg had become impossible, he retired to Beratzhausen, hoping to return to Nuremberg and publish an extended treatise on the “French sickness”, but its publication was prohibited by a decree of the Leipzig faculty of medicine, represented by Heinrich Stromer, a close friend and associate of the Fugger family.[37]”

    Some things never change. That said:

    “As a physician of the early 16th century, Paracelsus held a natural affinity with the Hermetic, Neoplatonic, and Pythagorean philosophies central to the Renaissance, a world-view exemplified by Marsilio Ficino and Pico della Mirandola. Astrology was a very important part of Paracelsus’s medicine and he was a practicing astrologer – as were many of the university-trained physicians working at that time in Europe. Paracelsus devoted several sections in his writings to the construction of astrological talismans for curing disease. He also invented an alphabet called the Alphabet of the Magi, for engraving angelic names upon talismans.[dubious – discuss][41] Paracelsus largely rejected the philosophies of Aristotle and Galen, as well as the theory of humours. Although he did accept the concept of the four elements as water, air, fire, and earth, he saw them merely as a foundation for other properties on which to build.[42]”

    Whose science are you on, or something like that.

    madamski cafone

    @ kullervo

    “[The human condition (= crab-bucket effect): we must deceive each other continuously lest someone wake up and recognises Truth.]”

    I get what you mean, and appreciate the insight, but deceit seems the wrong word, as does the teleological cant of your statement, as if life wants to keep us from realizing and acknowledging accurate information, an idea that hardly fits in with life in terms of survival pressure. Also, the capitalization of Truth as if there were such a thing that could be monolithic is a semantic overload of an innocent word.

    People in general seek to reinforce each other’s agreements of what consensual reality is and what it means. From there, we get the usual mixed results of all group behavior. We reinforce accurate information as well as inaccurate information so long as it reinforces the programming we received becoming human beings, some of which is accurate, some not.

    But as a metaphor, I think it’s a good eye-opener. The effect of the reinforcement syndrome is as you describe.


    As for Gospodin Putin: I see him as someone who developed a logical psychopathic shell to preserve a decently beating feeling loving heart. One hates to break it to the hypnotized, but part of being a leader of a nation state is deciding who to kill. It’s their reasons for doing so and how they go about it that can wildly differ.

    I have a simple word for Putin: a man. A “real man” even. Cue barechest footage of horseback Putin accompanied by a Joe Biden voiceover lying about his brave exploits as a fearless hero.

    Look! He’s now a comic book hero!



    I see we now hate Myanmar military for ruthlessly suppressing our color revolution. One has to go WAYYYYY dpwn google’s search list to find anything but the offical lines of official bullshit about how poor innocent protestors are being gunned down by ruthless freedom-hating baby-raping soldiers.

    They’re probably poor and as innocent as most of us but one needs to choose sides carefully when political revolution is the activity.


    Trump foolishly thought he was going to be in charge of something. The National Security State invented the idea of election collusion with Russia to manipulate Trump, and it worked perfectly. Trump was totally distracted and constantly whining about the witch hunt. Soon they had Trump claiming that he was harder on Russia than anyone else. In the end, Trump couldn’t even order 2500 troops out of the forever war in Afghanistan.

    Every president from LBJ to the present has been owned by the National Security State. They do what they are told to do. JFK seemed to be willing to go against the war establishment, and we see where that got him.

    The United States is a runaway train constrained by the dictates of the National Security State to maximize the consumption of tax dollars. If the president behaves himself, he gets to ride in the caboose for awhile.

    Joe Biden has been in Washington for a long time. He knows he is not in charge of much of anything. He and his staff are going to do as they are told because they have no alternative. Policy runs much more smoothly when politicians know their place.

    madamski cafone

    @ generic

    “Trump foolishly thought he was going to be in charge of something.”

    While I do not wish to downplay resistance by the Deep State to anyone who doesn’t go along with the plan, Trump had a great opportunity to get a headlock on the Deep State. The bully pulit is no small thing. However, Trump is a massive fuckup albeit a brilliant media manipulator. The bully pulpit bullied him as much as anyone because he is mentally and verbally incontinent. He leaks through himself like a sieve. It was just a matter of time. As an example, if Trump could have behaved sanely with the covid thing he would’ve won by a landslide. But Trump is a feather in the wind of his own ego.

    Carter went WAYYY against the Deep State and is still alive. History rhymes, yes, but that isn’t the same as repeat. If Trump weren’t such a colossal fuckup, we might well be seeing some major indictments of some big names.

    It’s funny: if Trump weren’t nuts the way he is, he wouldn’t have won the nomination much less presidency. But being nuts made him incapable of using the Oval Office for much except the usual pocket-stuffing.


    @ madamski

    You’ll have to remind me of Carter doing anything of significance to rein in the military.

    I suspect that Trump is the most ignorant person to ever inhabit the presidency.

    Also, I consider his extreme narcissism to be a serious mental illness that manifests itself a lot like psychosis. I’ll leave the diagnosis to the professionals:


    However, on occasion Trump could set aside the nonsense and display a good bit of common sense. At times, I wondered if Hillary could show any common sense.

    I feel that the only things Trump really cared about was being THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to feed his narcissism and grabbing any money that was available.


    The US ‘national security state’ is pitiful.

    A truly pitiful collection maggot ‘men’

    The ‘made men’ of the two bit mafioso racket of ‘national security state’ that haven’t won a war in three quarters of a century, puffing up their bloated corpulent avatars like The Hairy Ape from the Eugene O’Neill play.

    They await their destiny on the world stage where hopefully a real force of nature, like modern Russia or China, will crush their collective chests like the impotent posers that they are.

    V. Arnold

    Brian Griffin Memorial to the Conquerors of Space, Moscow, Russia 1974

    Wonderful memorial; striking and dramatic as the feats memorialized…

    Thanks for this timely and wholly correct look at Russia and, as Michael Reed notes, the world’s greatest (my words) leader, Vladimir Putin…

    V. Arnold

    I would add that Xi Jinping would qualify, IMO, as #2 under Pres. Putin.
    These two “cool hand Lukes” may just keep us from WWIII…

    madamski cafone

    More covidia:

    Critiquuing Dr. Bosch

    The author (who is sympathetic to Bossche and finds him at least somewhat credible) contacted 3 top dogs in “the field”.

    #1 agrees with Bossche. #’s 2&3 don’t.

    Their qualifications:

    #1 Dr Byram Bridle, Viral Immunologist
    #2 Dr Knut Wittkowski, Epidemiologist
    # 3 Dr Mike Yeadon, Former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer

    Only one is an actual viral immunologists. The other two use mostly innuendo tactics. SHooting myself in the foot, I’ll note that #3 “is the former CSO and VP, Allergy and Respiratory Research Head with Pfizer Global R&D. Following 32 years at Pfizer he co-founded biotech company Ziarco Pharma Ltd. which was acquired by pharma giant Novartis.”

    His logic seems evasive. For example, he says:

    “His article has little science in it but lots of claims, the basis of which I cannot understand.”

    Character assassination followed by ‘me no know’.

    “He appears to have completely ignored T-cell immunity.”

    Perhaps t-calls are not that relevant in this paradigm?

    That said, he does speak to the science and cites some papers, fwiw. Said science is way above my head.

    That said, statements like this smell funny to me:

    “The most changed variants are less than 0.3% different from the original sequence from Wuhan. So these are 99.7% identical to the original. It’s not possible that our bodies will not recognise every single variant as very close relatives of the original. No ones immune system will be fooled into thinking “this is a new virus, a new pathogen I’ve not seen before”.

    Chimp DNA is not quite 99% different from ours, and our antibodies go apeshit if you put a chimp’s heart into a human body. He says “it’s not possible…” etc. but doesn’t substantiate why after substantiating much else. FWIW, googling “multi locus immunity” (part of his argument) doesn’t provide a match:

    multi locus immunity

    Maybe he means “multi-locus antigenic diversity” which is what google mostly offers in the search. If so, why? Layman wouldn’t know the difference. Besides, he says “…what’s called “multi locus immunity” “. But no one else uses the term, apparently.

    This: “But let’s say it happened once. If there are enough replication events, maybe it will happen. Worst case is that individual may well be at risk, as if they had a suppressed immune system.”…

    …sounds exactly like what Bossche is concerned about: suppressed immune systems caused by too many specialized antbodies at the expense of normal general purpose gang-up-on-’em antibodies.

    He says that the chances of variants leaking are slight:

    “The most important thing to communicate is how unlikely it is to evade what’s called “multi locus immunity”. It would be, probabilistically, as if the virus rolled a dice & got 20 sixes in a row (not quite, but this is the idea).

    “But let’s say it happened once. If there are enough replication events, maybe it will happen. Worst case is that individual may well be at risk, as if they had a suppressed immune system.

    “Here’s the reassuring part: because each of us uses a slightly different combination lock as we educate our immune systems through a kind of “molecular identity parade”, checking responses to hundreds of different protein snippets.

    “My selected set of 20-40 snippets which confers my immunity to this virus is DIFFERENT from the set of snippets another persons immune system is using. So even if there’s an unlikely variant which escaped my combination lock immunity, it will not have escaped yours.

    “Put plainly: I do not believe immune escape mutants are at all likely to have clinical consequences but the most important thing is that even if escape happened, it would represent a threat to an individual, NOT to the community.”

    I’m working hard not to let my confirmation bias against authority prevent me from understanding this guy, but I can read, and his statements don’t segue for shit. I would love if someone more knowledgable or more persistent could vet this for us, cuz I smell a bait’n’switch red herring approach from this guy yet I am not convinced I have a basis to disregard his comments… because I don’t fully understand them… but that right there speaks against them, because the blogger, Lee S Dryburgh, who solicited these inputs doesn’t appear to be a doctor.

    Let us also note Dr. Bossche’s background: “Well, I have a background essentially in, as far as vaccines are concerned, in industry as well as in the non-for-profit sector. So I have been working with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, especially concentrating on vaccines for global health.”

    It’s not like Bossche doesn’t have associations we would be suspicious of also.

    Meanwhile, the guy who agrees with Bossche is the only guy who “focuses on the development and optimization of vaccines for the treatment of infectious diseases and cancers. In March of this year he and two of his colleagues were commissioned by the government of Ontario to engineer several potential vaccine candidates to provide protective immunity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is the causative agent of the coronavirus disease that emerged in 2019 (COVID-19).”

    This makes him more knowledgable of the question, one would think, but also exposes him to claims that he just wants HIS vaccine to make a buncha money and him famous. Nonetheless, he is the only one of the three to express any serious caution regarding the RNA “vaccine”. I propose we call it ‘vaxeen’ to distinguish from genuine vaccine.

    FWIW, I agree with Expert # 1.

    madamski cafone

    “At the very least, a civil servant should have a head. (Как минимум государственный деятель должен иметь голову.) – Putin’s response to Hillary Clinton’s claim that Putin has no soul. He also recommended that international relations be built without emotion and instead on the basis of the fundamental interests of the states involved.”

    Hilllary Says Putin Soulless

    You know, it was Hillary who got Obama to invade Libya, they say. And Obama was always what is called a ‘house n-word’. I suspect Hillary’s ass is up Biden’s more than Obama’s, and Hillary is more or less Harris’ main backer:

    Hillary Likes Harris

    She obviously hates Obama.

    Maxwell Quest

    Thanks for writing this piece, Ilargi. I’ve spent years trying to counter the idiocy parroted about Putin by those around me. Even alt-media writers will often begin an article with the qualifier: “I know that Putin is a murdering thug, but…”.

    Yeah, they know this how? By years of brainwashing, that’s how. How many have taken the time to listen to the man? Understand what he’s done for the Russian people, after Yeltsin drank himself into a stupor as their state was picked apart by oligarchs like hyenas on a wounded animal?

    I my opinion, he’s a first-class statesman who is guided by a set of moral principles, and there are few like him on the world stage today. But this opinion is unwelcome in the west, where false knowledge about the world is relentlessly implanted into weak and lazy minds by the corporate media. Everything they think they know about the man has been spoon fed to them by liars with an agenda.

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