Debt Rattle November 6 2021


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    Pablo Picasso Baigneuses 1918   • Drastic Drop In Covid Vaccine Effectiveness (RT) • Dramatic Decline In Effectiveness Of All Three Covid-19 Vacc
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle November 6 2021]

    Dr. D

    I understand the parallel to the Japanese war now, it seemed somewhat stretched. Merits to the Japanese, considering their position it was intelligent, daring, possible, and creative strategy. They were no less aware that it was a long shot than we were, and ran it the best they could. Classic Japanese and why they are highly respected.

    And although a story and thus not ‘true’ in some ways, the parallel to today isn’t that far fetched. Everyone wants to know, since it’s clear the policy method and goals were “Fabian Socialism,” and thus slow, whose mascot is a turtle, winning every day year after year, and who only needed to relax, upright the ship, and carry on, now WHY did they suddenly triple the pace, run around shouting, panic the herd, and alarm everyone? Because smart people don’t suddenly turn stupid one day. If this somnambulant strategy would have worked in 2050, why did they suddenly crush to attack in 2020 before people, structures, supplies were ready? That’s like pitching half of D-Day, then attacking anyway.

    However, thankfully, that’s what they’ve done and continue doing. When it fails, every day for six years, they just continue doing it, like the slavish minions they are, lacking all creativity and change. When 1/6 doesn’t exist, they just pretend it does. When RussisRussiaRussia doesn’t exist, they just pretend it does. When Congress is savaged in ‘20, they just pretend it wasn’t, they were the winners of an overwhelming mandate. And so on. In one way, they are psychotic, so this is their mental illness: they cannot perceive reality, only their own egos. But the lack of creativity is amazing to me, and somewhat un-human. Are the mentally ill usually this lacking? I mean in the one-by-one level down in the psych wards? I know they’re usually fixated, returning to their delusion, but my experience is that they’re vibrant, lively, unexpected, creative, and these guys are rigid, hypnotic, feckless, and robotic.

    Luongo: “I believe when they put these plans on the white board that they could control the Critical Race Theory and White Supremacy narrative. But they really can’t.

    Because chaos is chaos for a reason. It cannot be controlled.

    When you foster it in people to the maximum through 24/7 anxiety pimping on social media they begin to act chaotically.” That is, they act unexpectedly, creatively, and out of your control. So Let’s Go Brandon.

    As Admiral Yamamoto said: “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” In PTA meetings in Virginia. So you guys who think you’re so big, as I said, you haven’t even got BillyBob off the COUCH yet. He hasn’t even roused and dug out the can opener for your whoop-ass yet. Last time we got annoyed we nuked a country and all their civilians. Twice. Time before that, we burned half our own nation to the ground, men, women, children, black, white, native. Lines of mortar fire, 20,000 at a pop, like the world had never seen, didn’t believe, and didn’t repeat for 50 more years. …’Because we were just that mad.

    So now they’ve gotten BillyBob to look around and consider getting up on your ass. And he hasn’t even yet. This is what I say when I point out they can crush you with their old Big Mac wrappers from the back seat. You have no idea how large the mountain of humanity is. That’s why, although annoying to us and the planners, the human overspirit doesn’t get alarmed, panic, or move quickly: because it’s not in danger. Not in any REAL danger, anyway. Like these wars you can wipe out 1/3 of them and they’ll bounce back instantly in 20 years, better and more populous than before. Individuals may lose, but the extremes necessary to put “humanity” in danger are nearly inconceivable. Think of the Ark.

    Now these morons think Arya Stark and the Needle will bring down The Mountain. Get a grip. This isn’t a childish fantasy tale. Clearly every one of these Harvard guys needed to be punched more often. Then stuffed in a locker, upside-down.

    Everyone has a plan until Butterbean stand up out of his chair. He doesn’t even have technique. Because he doesn’t need it.

    For every 20 pounds of weight, you need to be a whole class better fighter. That’s what makes all the movie-time women bad-ass tropes so laughable. Okay, you’re better, yes! We get that. You’re 5x better. You’re faster, better trained, more fit. …But Joe Rogan – for a very normal-size, mid-range example – is only half as good as you are and weighs 100lbs more. That’s an guaranteed win. Now I’m talking about a fighter who is 3,000 to 500,000 TIMES larger than you. Larger than government, larger than the Army, larger than the whole party, all members included.

    I guess it TAKES a serious, generational, life-long mental illness from sucking too much copper to even THINK you could win. They couldn’t put down humans even if you ran T2 killer drones and ‘Nuked us from Orbit.’ Does no one understand this? Read pre-history: we’ve BEEN nuked from orbit. Over and over from the “Angel of Death”, Nibiru, “The Destroyer” Here we are, more than ever, unharmed and moving forward as ever.

    So don’t get upset about this too much. Yes it’s all happening, and it’s happening to YOU, but you also have to look at the human scale, the world scale. For the human mass it’s barely starting and the pin-headed prep schoolers already lost. They’re just fleeing and delaying pieces on the chessboard now. And P.S., don’t be the last guy killed in the war, dying for your country. “Make the other poor bastard die for his.” It’ll be much funnier and a lot more satisfying.

    “We must make the lives of the unvaccinated a total misery and keep escalationg the exclusions until we crush the resistance and break their spirit in order to force compliance so they learn never to resist government again.”

    Think of that when we haven’t got off the couch yet. He has declared war on everyone in the country. Sounds easy. What happens next? At this guy’s house? For the next 25 years? Okay, I warned you but I’m not your Mommy, I can’t stop you. Good luck and Godspeed sir.


    As commented, AOC says, as per Kunstler, Pool, Luango, that the problem in Virginia was they were too moderate and didn’t go far enough. Allowing child rapes and covering it up while transferring the student to do it again and lying to parents and having them arrested for it clearly is far too moderate an action. We need more extreme behavior than this from our leaders if we want to get anywhere.

    “De Blasio To Pay Kids $100 To Get The Covid-19 Vaccine (Fox)”

    Pretty sure this is coercion to participate in a medical experiment and a war crime. But for a guy that closes the Fire Department and rounds up the Jews, it’s just an average Thursday.

    “NFL Star Aaron Rodgers Responds To ‘Fake’ Vaccine Controversy (RT)”

    No, only Mayors, Congress, the White House, the NIH, CDC, have exemptions from vaccines and masks. That is, Party Members. Some animals are more equal than others. So when we enforce unequally, which is always, our friends are fine and our enemies go to jail! What’s wrong with that?

    “PR machine that could transform six men listening to a boss in gray chinos”

    Chinos. So he’s a White Supremacist. Or is it because they’re gray and not tan?

    “Uber was a tremendously unprofitable, inefficient, and not particularly innovative company that would make money only if it bought its way to an unregulated monopoly.”

    Like all Tech companies. They cannot make money unless monopolies and like Amazon, barely then. Note monopolies only exist using the money, force, permission, and help of government. That is, they are anti-capitalist. They are Socialist, or to repeat myself, Fascist.

    “The government doesn’t control the banks; the banks control the government..”

    It is a toss-up and a false diversion of who is in charge when State and Corporations have fully merged. The only thing that matters is it’s not us. Pfizer execs = not vaxxed. No passport required, just like Congressmen.

    Thanks for your kind words, I consider myself annoying and ungenerous. Barely literate and mostly stupid — so slow to catch on and still too trusting. But I read a lot, remember a lot, and type real fast.


    Dr D: “Now these morons think Arya Stark and the Needle will bring down The Mountain. Get a grip. This isn’t a childish fantasy tale.”

    That’s a money shot. Well done.



    All bad.

    “SARS–CoV–2 spike proteins can weaken the DNA repair system of older people and consequently impede V(D)J recombination and adaptive immunity.”

    “full–length spike–based vaccines may inhibit the recombination of V(D)J in B cells

    Figmund Sreud

    Fourth COVID shot well on its way!

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in updated guidelines Tuesday that some immunocompromised people who have received either Pfizer or Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines will be able to get a fourth shot.


    CDC says some immunocompromised people can get fourth COVID shot


    Figmund Sreud

    Faucist in Hell, … not soon enough. Snip:

    Anthony, there’s no need for obfuscation. You’re in Hell.

    I take the Fifth. There was a plan. I helped carry it out. I was an administrator. It was my job. I followed orders.

    You profited handsomely.

    You have no idea. I made out like Rockefeller.

    We know, Anthony. We’re not distracted by limited hangouts or cover stories.

    I have no intention of becoming a subject or a victim. It’s below my rank and status. Talk to Hillary. Talk to Bill Gates.

    We have a program specifically prepared for Hillary. Bill is a different story. He’s one of our active agents on Earth. When he finally makes port here, his arrogant ego bloated beyond all reasonable standards of propriety, he’ll require a step-down protocol designed by the Marquis.

    De Sade?

    None other.

    This is starting to sound like a nightmare. There HAS to be a mistake. I deserve my rewards.

    Do you have any idea how many I’ve heard that in this room, Anthony?

    I’m a master of designing protocols and studies. I could help you.

    Now on Tuesdays, we feature a forced march through thriving soldier-anthills and snake pits in a driving rain.

    But Jesus is my Savior.

    Fauci: a conversation in Hell

    Fauci: a conversation in Hell



    Watched PBS NewsHour last night and David Brooks had a sub, a writer from Ohio, I believe.
    After they went through all their slanted news coverage, the fawning over Biden and Pelosi, etc, it was time for Capeheart and this other writer.

    From my vantage point on the ground here in Virginia, all I’ve seen since the election is for Democrats to say: “There’s no problem with WHAT we have been promoting, it’s that we’ve been too slow in PASSING it. That’s why we lost.”

    From the top on down, that seems to be the takeaway. Including Capeheart, who did not appear to hear a word of what his fellow commenter was quietly saying, but simply monologued on about how (basically) “Woke” is correct thinking. Blah blah blah.

    I don’t know if Capeheart went to Harvard, but Dr D got me thinking about it this morning, this “blah talk” versus 200 pounds of Big Mac wrappers in the back of the El Camino.

    Most days now feel like a visit to the optometrist: “Focus on the bottom row, which is clearer, this…or, *click*, this?” That’s how the world seems, and the comments here are like the different settings on the machine. Aspects of the world are ‘fuzzy’ (to say the least), and then someone’s comment “clicks” and there might be a moment of clarity. In one aspect, at least.

    Thanks all, for assisting in the search for clarity.


    China accidentally sparks ‘doomsday prepper’ frenzy after telling residents to stockpile food

    The global village is destroying itself to save itself, using the media as napalm.

    “For every 20 pounds of weight, you need to be a whole class better fighter. That’s what makes all the movie-time women bad-ass tropes so laughable. Okay, you’re better, yes! We get that. You’re 5x better. You’re faster, better trained, more fit. …But Joe Rogan – for a very normal-size, mid-range example – is only half as good as you are and weighs 100lbs more. That’s an guaranteed win.”

    Playing a silly-ass faux-fighting sport with rules of engagement designed to determine who’s a little faster, smarter, and more physically endurance among more-or-less physical equals, yes, this is true.

    On the street, no.

    I saw a 5’6″-ish tiny little gnome of a flaming queen faggot kick all holy fuckall out of a mountain of a man. (Little faggot was a ballet dancer, btw.)

    I’m about average build, and the last time anyone fucked with me was in ’83 when some mountain of a man (like 6’2″ and a zillion pounds) thought he could big dog me cuz his lonely wife wanted to talk to the cute young man reading a book in the corner of a bar. He decided he wanted to live after all and let me be.

    Reality ignores the confines of our culturally/politically/scholastically/religiously indoctrinated constructs of what reality “is”. Reality does as it will. As is happening now. Obviously, some of TPTB suffer megalomaniacal delusions that they can own/control the world, when all they can do is get rich for awhile by destroying said world (“world” meaning the aspects of reality we need in order to continue surviving as a large-population tech-based civilization) including the part of it they foolishly believe they own.

    Welcome to the end of Modern Civilization: some rich cabal will “own” everything and be miserable, yea, even unto death.

    Gazed into the visions of the night Seen the darkness fall I’ve heard a mountain fall away from sight Heard that thunder call I have seen the beast I call myself Creature of the night I feel the creeping darkness close That I need electric light They say the meek shall inherit the earth How long will you keep it? They sow a harvest but what’s it worth? There’s no one left to reap it

    The Police’s first album is more promise than fulfillment, imo, a promise fulfilled by their subsequent albums, but the lyrics speak to me. LIke most young bands, they were better live, if this video is adequate witness:

    Tally THIS Banana, mofos


    @Dr. D really insightful post, I had not thought of it that way. Very good points, thank you.


    “So now they’ve gotten BillyBob to look around and consider getting up on your ass. And he hasn’t even yet. This is what I say when I point out they can crush you with their old Big Mac wrappers from the back seat. ”

    Gotta love that line.

    Sadly, BillyBob tends to crush himself in the process. Still, my money is on BillyBob to be the last man standing. Yeah, a nice bit of thinking aloud/ en write, Doc D.

    “Thanks for your kind words, I consider myself annoying and ungenerous. Barely literate and mostly stupid — so slow to catch on and still too trusting. But I read a lot, remember a lot, and type real fast.”

    As perhaps your most ardent critic, I applaud this. Humility is the necessary foundation of audacity. Your self-assessment is only half-true, because you’re also and equally endearing and generous, hyper-literate and intellectually brilliant, quick to catch on and very skeptical.

    Here’s to us:

    Big Man on Mulberry Street

    Mister Roboto

    Back in January of this year, my computer problems with regard to being stuck with Windows XP caused my to lose access to Now that I have the new puter with Windows 11 on it, I can see Reddit again. But it’s a testament to how much my thinking has changed between then and now that every time I go to Reddit, it’s like catching a downwind whiff of days-old roadkill on a very warm and humid August afternoon. And yes, that would be the stench of Team Blue authoritarianism. I hope those little urbanite coastie Millennials enjoy their Great Reset…at least until it all collapses into a flaming shitpile in very short order!


    The truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth comes only from Fauci, not from Israel.- according to A. Fauci

    A Review and Autopsy of Two COVID Immunity Studies

    A Review and Autopsy of Two COVID Immunity Studies

    How effective is immunity after Covid recovery relative to vaccination? An Israeli study by Gazit et al. found that the vaccinated have a 27 times higher risk of symptomatic infection than the Covid recovered. At the same time, the vaccinated were nine times more likely to be hospitalized for Covid. In contrast, a CDC study by Bozio et al. claims that the Covid recovered are five times more likely to be hospitalized for Covid than the vaccinated. Both studies cannot be right.

    Woke Gets Whacked — But Hold the Victory Lap

    “There is likewise a growing body of evidence that the vaccines and “boosters” incrementally disable the human immune system so that later in the winter of 2021-2022 millions of people will be at risk of dying from Covid variants and virtually any other disease that comes along, including cancers.”

    Lets hurry, give the vaccine boosters to fat, sick, seniors that have high blood pressure and are diabetic.
    A cheap pill, ($700.00), is coming that will keep 90% of seniors out of hospitals and dying of covid or vaccine complications. Seniors will only die from the same causes as pre-covid.
    – Tomorrow CDC instructions to reporting procedures
    If your sick, take this vaccine to help you through the pearly gates
    the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.


    Vision appointments at Nationwide vision take a LONG time — I plan for at least 90 minutes. However, the kids’ vision insurance is through Medicaid, and Nationwide Vision is the contracted provider. Yesterday I approached the door to their office — maskless. Two different signs were posted on the door, both explaining that masks were REQUIRED to enter for everyone. I had a mask in my bag. I steeled myself and left it there.

    I entered and viewed a sea of masked faces — including my daughter’s. There were several other family groups — all masked. I did the normal thing, approaching the masked employees at the main desk, here for my daughter’s appointment, yadda, yadda. I wondered if anyone would say anything about my naked face, or would I get dirty looks? The employees said nothing to me. If there were any dirty looks, I didn’t notice them, and neither did my daughter. (She would have told me all about it if she’d noticed any.)

    I relaxed a little after the first 10 minutes — it looked like the employees weren’t going to make an issue out of it. However, it was difficult to be truly “comfortable” as the only person not conforming. Nearly an hour later my daughter and I were in the exam room with the optometrist. The optometry eye gizmo had a face shield hanging from it. The optometrist told my daughter that she didn’t need to wear a mask while the eye gizmo was being used. My daughter seemed reluctant to remove her mask. The optometrist reassured her that the gizmo had a face shield and that she, the optometrist, was vaccinated and didn’t care whether or not my daughter was masked.

    “And I’m practicing civil disobedience,” I stated. “Someone’s got to do it.”

    Today, at 11:30 am, one of my sons has his eye exam. Time to do “civil disobedience” all over again.


    Oxy I was thinking of you whilst mushrooming. They grow at above 2000 metres here in the Catalan Pyrenees. Do you recommend cane toads as a narcotic being an Australian and all?


    “Today, at 11:30 am, one of my sons has his eye exam. Time to do “civil disobedience” all over again.”

    The group is not very powerful unless directed by authority figures either charismatic or deeply graven into life by tradition or law, or when BillyBob’s life is so disaturbed he gets off the couch en masse (I think it’s called a ‘mob’?)

    An individual has far more power to act. Mere audacity alone can stymie seemingly powerful groups.

    I cite the infamous Colonel Sherburn again.

    Do What You Like

    (I recall being in a hippy head shop circa 1972. Incense and the smell of weed. This song is playing from the box. Drum solo starts and some gorgeously pelvic and large-breasted hippy girl says, “I LOVE this drum solo!” andf starts shaking it.

    I was 16. Innocent Mormon brat recently departed from the church and mainstream thinking in general.

    ‘Now THAT’s what I’m talking about!’ I thought as I watched.


    Here’s Everything America Capitalists Business Welfare SNOBS will gets for $ 1.2 trillion that will be printed and will be charged, with interest, for you, the consumers to pay.
    Here’s Everything America Gets For $1.2 Trillion In Infrastructure Spending – Including The Crazy Stuff

    Meanwhile, ( a socialist, communist spending program, Cough, cough ), that the White House is scrambling to bring Democrats together around the bill – which now has a $1.75 trillion price tag – down from the $3.5 trillion that House progressives insisted they wouldn’t accept – (holding a parallel bipartisan infrastructure bill hostage until they get their way.)
    We will know later if the rich SNOBS will make life better for the poor consumers.


    I’ve noticed that we sometimes discuss partisan politics here albeit mostly elegaically in a rearview mirror perspective on our political past. It feels odd to mourn what was o0bviously a shitshow from Day 1, but it seemed to be the only show in town at the time. (What’s another little delusion, eh?)

    Addressing that, I share this:

    The Lonesome American Choo-Choo with special emphasis on the de facto punchline beginning at 7:10.

    We, the politically friendless, salute those who still believe their glowing tele-screens when told that Biden is a genuine human being or Trump or Rand Paul will set things straight. NOt that we ever WANTED to wuin a bullshit pie-eating contest, but still, wow. That’s impressive.

    Me, I place my hopes for the future in TInkerbell. Everybody… CLAP!

    those darned kids

    pelvis and breasts in 5/4. gotta love it…


    What’s that grinding noise I hear downstairs? (KD today…Jimminy Car Wax!)


    Pfizer ad for the VAX, 1 min. Children as superheroes!

    That ads of this type exist shows that our W “society” is doomed.

    The contents are designed to resonate with adults, with distilled versions of the prop. used on adults —> Protecting others, moral necessity, following ‘science’, ‘doing one’s bit.’ So, the ad, ostensibly targetting children reinforces the overall message(s).

    The children don’t need convincing, as they are entirely dependent, and can be dragged to the DOCs for any med procedure.

    Yet, getting the children on board, i.e. making them mouth, repeat, some propganda slogans, can be a powerful feed-back mechanism, with the adults loving, cheering, the kiddies parroting of the TV, and rewarding the children for that. Mouth propaganda, get treats, privileges, be seen as superior, clued in.. is more rewarding to the targets and thus an easier, more subtle sell than pushing being ‘paid’ to obey in a straightfoward Pavlovian or ‘corrupt’ fashion.. which is easily condemned..

    Some of the child-actors featured show they like to sorta act-out super hero roles, aka they (supposedly) feel themselves to be heroes, in a kind of fictional, mythical (TV) realm. Not in RL.

    Normalising dropping dead of heart attacks when under 20, BBC. 3 mins. You can be young, pretty / good-looking, athletic, but have to be careful of your heart! Like, that’s just LIFE.


    Now THAT’s what I’m talking about!’ I thought as I watched.

    Moth to a flame.


    @noirette re: drop-dead healthy

    Jim Fixx

    This was a big deal when it happened. Very few athletes just dropped dead, and the cause was usually assiduously sought. He was a celebrity in the same club as Richard Simmons, Jack LaLanne, Jane Fonda. It became an irony to use Fixx’s death in conversation. “Well…you know what happened to Jim Fixx!”

    BTW, thank you for posting here. Your posts are often like the pivotal scene in a Colombo episode: “Oh…just one more thing…Can you clarify a point for me?”


    Bosco, welcome back!

    To your points about deflat-o-bot-or-not and the written English, I, as well as others up-thread, value the language immensely. I make great effort to write clearly (not always successful), and tend to proof and proof. I’m dismayed reading recently published works of my favorite SF authors (Niven, Benford, Vinge) as they seem to have skimped on editors’ salaries of late.


    “In addition, all people with compromised immune systems are advised to get a booster shot if it’s been at least 28 days since their vaccine took full effect.”

    Um…yeah, I’m going to get right on that. Not.


    Mandates go bye bye for now.


    From the order:

    “Because the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate, the Mandate is hereby STAYED pending further action by this court.”

    Veracious Poet

    Butterbean = Great White Hope?

    Maybe someone can conscript him to do battle with the USNS Harvey Milk? 😉

    Democrats right now in Virginia/District of Criminality:

    Figmund Sreud

    Moderna’s chief medical officer on vaccinating kids, booster shots


    Veracious Poet

    pןɹoʍ ןnɟɹǝpuoʍ ɐ ʇɐɥʍ


    “pelvis and breasts in 5/4. gotta love it…”

    tdk has a knack for getting to the heart of the matter. 🙂

    “Moth to a flame.”

    Excuse me for switching from the satirically hedonistic to the poignantly bittersweet romantic, but:


    “BTW, thank you for posting here. Your posts are often like the pivotal scene in a Colombo episode: “Oh…just one more thing…Can you clarify a point for me?””

    NIce. Noirette does indeed do a fine job sweeping the nuances into a tidy plot resolution. 🙂

    VP: In this lufrewnow dlrow that we live in, I wonder if we’ll see flagellants a la the 13th?14th? century plague years when people realize they’ve sent their kids, spouises, friends, and parents to the slaughter.

    Figmund Sreud

    CNN deploys ‘Sesame Street’ muppets to promote vaccines to children



    My position is we must make the lives of the unvaccinated a total misery and just keep escalating the exclusions until we crush the resistance and break their spirit in order to force compliance and so they learn not to resist government mandates.

    This is wrong on so many levels that it is difficult to know where to start:

    • The social contract does not permit the ruling party to crush the losing side. If Repulblicans under Trump had decided to re-educate or imprisson anyone who voted Democrat, then Trump would still be in power.
    • These people you want to crush are tax payers, their ancestors were also tax payers.
    • Does the government work for the people or the people work for the government.
    • Why would you want to crush your fellow citizens, are you wanting to convert the country from a democracy to an authoritarian regime?
    • Will the “resistance” still be allowed to vote?
    • Will different opinions be allowed or do we all now have to think like civil servants?
    • Is being a sick fucker one of the qualities required to be on Twitter
    • \

    • Would meet you meet someone outside your house with baseball bats? You on for that or are you just an armchair fuck!
    • Mental illness is becoming far too common, especially the mental illness of being emboldened as a result of weak people not paying any consequences for picking a fight
    • etc

    Something went badly wrong with Doug Little’s education: he has the morals of an 8 year old computer game player and does not appear to be able to distinguish real life from gaming. Maybe he should get out on the street, declare his support for mandates to a few non-compliants and learn the link between threats and broken nose: yes, in the real world pain exists.

    Armchair Hitler: he is not alone, the Democrats seem to breed this sort.


    “Armchair Hitler: he is not alone, the Democrats seem to breed this sort.”

    In this century’s first decade, the Republicans bred abundant armchair generals willing to bomb the flaming crap out of anyone they felt didn’t have enough democracy.

    “Everybody takes their turn in the bucket.” (old carny phrase)


    I perceive a roughly equal lack of intestinal fortitude in both partisan camps. Over time, they become increasingly identical. With the War on Terror, Dems went along so they wouldn’t appear “soft on terror”. Likewise, most Republicans went along with covidiocy because they didn’t want to be seen as “soft on covid”.



    My take as well.

    Doc Robinson

    • Pfizer Shares Surge After Release Of ‘Miracle’ COVID Pill (ZH)

    Some information about Pfizer’s Covid pill:

    Pfizer is calling its medication Paxlovid with the study drug name of PF-07321332/ritonavir. Those of us with medicine training will recognize the ritonavir component as this is a medication used in HIV and has been around for decades…

    The study found an 89% reduction in risk of COVID-19-related hospitalization or death from any cause compared to placebo in patients treated within three days of symptom onset…

    Although these numbers sound extremely promising, when you plug in these numbers into your number needed to treat calculator, you find that you have to treat 16.1 patients to avoid one hospitalization or death from any cause

    In the Paxlovid group, no one died. These are high-risk patients (although we don’t know how high-risk) as a quick reminder. 1.6% of patients died in the placebo group at day 28. The numbers are too small to be academically honest and provide an accurate NNT but, just for fun, the NNT here is 62.5. This get you thinking a bit about the overall mortality rate of all this. If high-risk patients have a mortality rate of 1.6%, what does that mean for other populations? I’ll leave that for you to decide risk tolerance…

    The number that I have read on various media outlets, and I don’t trust media outlets, is $700 a regimen. If we do math here, and know that we have to treat 16.1 people to keep one person out of the hospital, this means that we will be spending over $11,000 tax or debt dollars per hospitalization that we will be avoiding. Whether this is cost effective I leave up to your interpretation.

    Paxlovid (PF-07321332/ritonavir) for outpatient COVID-19: EPIC-HR Trial

    Mister Roboto

    Mandates go bye bye for now.

    Thank you, Spirit! (That has to be one of the fastest prayer-answers I’ve ever had.)

    Mister Roboto

    However, I have to think I wasn’t the only one making that particular cosmic petition!


    Mister Roboto:

    Brandon only has one business day to respond. A welcome reprieve that might last longer than we think.

    Given JMG’s COVID posts, there likely was more than one cosmic petition.


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