Debt Rattle February 4 2025


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    Jean Metzinger The blue bird 1912-13   • Panama Caves to Trump. Are You Tired of Winning Yet? (Margolis) • US Halts Tariffs On Mexican Goods Afte
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle February 4 2025]

    Dr D Rich

    Larry Johnson knows many obvious reasons why Tulsi Gabbard never could formulate the following answer that Larry formulated for Tulsi:

      “..the answer to your question is quite simple — Edward Snowden has not been charged with treason and has not met the legal standards required to impose such charges. Therefore, Edward Snowden is not a traitor.”

    Just about every poster on this board except for possibly Mikey could pound out Larry’s proposal blindly on keyboard before Tulse would stumble upon it.

    (((do you like that alliteration D? 7 p’s in one sentence! DeepSeek did it)))

    Btw I wonder what location all that USAID money will end up. Israel? Ukraine? Bait n switch?
    Is Samantha Power a Catholic?


    “Given the breadth of your involvement in vaccine litigation, such a recusal would help ensure that you and your family do not benefit financially from official government actions that you will oversee and control,” Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) Wow and they wonder why most people have no confidence in them.

    USAID now part of the State Department, so it can go on doing all the good work of colour revolutions with the grafting being under tighter control. So, too many of the wrong people were getting in on the graft.Can’t have that.


    The US and Mexico have a strong trade zionist relationship. There fixed it.
    With a non-christian population of .3 of 1 percent Mexico was freakishly lucky to get a Jewish Zionist at the helm. Should be no problems for the upper levels of the social structure in both the us and http://www.meh, now.
    Happy 5 year anniversary of the global coup de tat everyone …

    if anyone missed it my track is at the bottom of Margarets stack.


    Yes Red USAID is now 100% verifiably a USRothschilds CIA cutout now. He who prints the money get the dogs to lick the fingers. Unless we live under bridges or by campfires. I see Charles Hugh Smith is now calling himself officially a street beggar. Good on him. There is honesty in living broke as far as I have gone. Too broke sucks though. Just finished about three weeks of high anxiety payless living with the 2 kids and wife and let me tell you washing those dishes all weekend for minimum wage was the sweetest work I’d done in a while.


    Marco Rubio says that the people over at USAID think they are a global charity. I nearly pooped my pants. The CIA do charity work and victoria nuland knits baby bonnets for the homeless. Trump admin are lying better than Biden’s.

    Charity International America. C. I. A….


    Mike Yeadon’s comment to Jessica from 3 days ago is worth a read- I’m sure many of us here will resonate with him. Here it is

    Thank you, Jessica. I’m honoured that you took the time to share my thoughts and sources.

    Six years ago, I didn’t think any of these things. They’re not my work, either. I’ve pieced together a new understanding from the work of many other people & begun to build upon a better foundation.

    I’ve very often been accused of scaremongering or of hyperbolic thinking.

    I’m not interested in mounting a defence. Who cares, anyway?

    I was very much a “normie” until early 2020. Weird things began to happen. People I knew were appearing on TV, saying things I was sure weren’t true and that I was pretty sure that the speakers knew weren’t true. My mind was on high alert, because nothing like this had ever happened in my lifetime.

    The first time I heard talk of “lockdowns”, I confided to my wife that I thought that a group of people, operating above the level of nation, were in the process of a coup d’etat of the world. I had no idea who the perpetrators were or why they were doing it. But multiple countries were simultaneously doing the same absurd & frightening things. I quickly read half a dozen countries’ public health emergency plans. These recommended that sick people stayed home and that everyone washed their hands more often than usual. Where more authoritarian measures were mentioned in these plans, it was explicitly to exclude any of them. WHO had on their website a similar document & again, it explicitly excluded things like quarantining or mass testing the healthy, masking, school closures or border restrictions.

    As we know, all of that old planning was thrown overboard simultaneously and dystopian measures were imposed.

    At this point, in late March 2020, my wife later reported that I was pacing around the house and going up & down stairs, muttering under my breath, repeatedly, that “We are in so much trouble).

    I kept casting around, trying to work out why all this was happening. Noting a sizeable proportion of the economies of the world were shut down, which doesn’t happen as a matter of policy, even in wartime, I reasoned that the most important owners of capital must have signed off on the policy. I further reasoned that what was happening couldn’t have money as its principal driver, because the financial system owners & controllers stood atop the money creation process in central & TBTF banks. Money of course was a lubricant, but not the motive.

    As soon as I heard talk of certificates of negative testing & of “vaccine passports”, I’m afraid I very quickly realized that the only good fit to all the observations that I could come up with was that the perpetrators intended to impose digital totalitarian control at the level of the individual.

    Why they wanted to do that, I had no idea. But I remember the first time I began paying attention to what were described as vaccines, saying to my wife, confidently, that it was out of the question that help of that kind could be produced in under several years, much longer than the longest-lasting previous pandemic. I also scanned what we were told that pharma was doing, and my first reaction was “I wonder how they got around the fatal flaws in the technology?” When I’d worked on the idea of gene-based therapeutics (I never worked in the vaccines division, conveniently located on its own R&D site) I realised that they were inherently dangerous and so might potentially only be justified in life saving situations like inoperable & unresponsive cancers or inherited monogenic diseases. Once it became clear that the industry & governments were going to forced them to mass market years too fast for proper testing, the idea formed that these injections were going to be part of a control system as well as a means to kill large numbers of people with plausible deniability.

    At the intellectual level, I felt unpleasantly confident in my deductions and would run through the line of reasoning every morning upon waking, desperately hoping I’d missed something.

    My wife is wonderful. Instead of arguing that I must be crazy, she would say: “I believe you, but why is nobody else saying this?”

    Emotionally, I was simply unprepared to join all the dots. In retrospect, I interpret this inhibition of reasoned conclusions as self-preservation. I wasn’t in any way prepared for this to happen.

    I wish I could say something then happened which then yielded different answers to the simultaneous equation of what was happening and why. It never did. On the contrary, I’ve become more secure in my reasoning.

    Around the end of 2020, it occurred to me that a disappointingly tiny number of people, who I knew had similar training & professional experience to me, were speaking out.

    I learned from academic colleagues that they had been explicitly told not to get involved in public debate, for fear of withdrawal of important grant funding, both from governmental or quasi-governmental sources and also private, philanthropic foundations.

    Accordingly, none would coauthor anything critical of government policies with me.

    Almost five years later & a great deal of reading, listening and thinking further, I am distressingly convinced that the perpetrators do indeed intend to impose a digital, totalitarian control system. Furthermore, that there is a near-global intention to remove cash & leave only central bank digital currency as money.

    If cashless CBDC was to be combined with a mandatory digital ID whose validity was defined among other things by being up to date with the latest fake vaccines, I could see how the perpetrators could “kill two birds with one stone” (to use a particularly dark figure of speech).

    Given the nature of these gene-based injections, the long term effects of such a digital control system could hardly be other than slavery and population management.

    As those who’ve followed a few trails of breadcrumbs back into the history of the antecedents of the perpetrators have discovered, this all marries up distressingly well.

    There’s no need to be a conspiracy theorist when there are all too obviously a number of conspiracies. There’s nothing theoretical about them.

    What we’ve experienced isn’t a medical or scientific event, really. It’s a huge crime based on deception and exploitation of human psychology, with medical and scientific adornments.

    It is unreasonable to expect the perpetrators to quit at this point, though I’d be overjoyed if they did.

    Perhaps the most important things I’ve learned are (1) that we don’t know anything like as much as we think we know. Much of the latter turns on others having told us things we can’t verify and having believed them. Another is (2) how easily we can be manipulated by fearful things, even when they’re borderline absurd.

    While I’m now confident that I cannot be even slightly alarmed by the prospect of another fake pandemic, the perpetrators have numerous other fear-provoking options up their sleeves. War, nuclear weapons, famine, financial crises and even aliens might be sprung upon us. Fear is the ultimate weapon because humans then think poorly & are easily manipulated.

    Finally, for now, digital censorship is so powerful and the number of people speaking out is so small that we must encourage & be able to rely upon those we do reach joining in a relay of activity in order to reach an order of magnitude more people as soon as possible. Only then might the perpetrators be forced to change tactics (or to pause).

    Many thanks,



    Mother bear fights to protect her babies with a big male bear.

    At least there are some creatures left on this earth who will sacrifice themselves for their offspring, it won’t be found in the western world, but the animal kingdom is solid, it can teach us something, it has to be respected. Meanwhile in the USA and UK, parents are allowing their children to undergo sex change operations before they are even sexually aware. Those kids need a mother bear for a parent, not the human waste of parents they were given by fate.


    US Halts Tariffs On Mexican Goods After ‘Very Friendly’ Talk (RT)

    The Orange Jew’s rep met his Mexican Jew opposite number, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, to work out what would be best for the Jew world. Interesting world isn’t it. Those Jews, they are everywhere.

    Talking of Jews, the last one I knew died recently, prostate cancer. He was a Zionist – aren’t they all – but he left behind a very nice Chinese wife, I would put money on it that she will find another partner. Can’t say I am sorry; a Jew and took the Covid vax, kind of payback for all the Jews pushing the vax. Not that I ever thought that Jews protected their own, they use their own, the same way as they use everybody else, the difference being that their own could stop them, the white folk do not have the moral backbone to do something like that, they are too busy worrying about their child having a sex change operation.


    I am happy about the tarrifs, they are a purchase tax and as anybody familiar with such tax will know – most Europeans – it is a very good way of subduing your economy. Taxing people for operating within your economy is what most people would consider insane, but not in the west. I understand that the government wants to encourage the oligarchs to bring their businesses back to America, but in the short term they will be suffering, because their products are being made abroad, so they will suffer reduced sales due to Trump. The people will experience increased tax, making the cost of things like cheap oscilloscopes – sure a niche market – 25% higher.

    I find this all fairly hilarious, the reason being that the Chinese sell to America at the going American price, not at the Chinese price. They could drop their prices another 50% and still make a massive profit. Maybe that is what most of them will do, add a certain amountbut accept that a quarter of their takings will be going to the government. Basically the government wins, the people lose. Trump 100%.

    those darned kids

    Is Samantha Power a Human?


    The real enemy is Truth, exemplified by Yeadon and Snowden. It’s in the way, like the Palestinians and will be dealt with similarly. Worst of all, most people don’t want to hear it. Self preservation=staring intently at the cave wall, completely accepting the provided theatrics. Mrs. Yeadon knows.

    Dr D Rich

    Cass Sunstein, oops, er ah, Samantha Power IS catholic and Irish… gawd.

      “Power is a Catholic.”

      “…explains the contribution of several notable people, including Power, to the cause of genocide prevention.”

    What a weird way to say someone is for genocide prevention? Who is for genocide?
    I mean, if you fail to contribute to the cause of genocide prevention, is her/your reaction supposed to be “aw shucks at least I’m doing something about it” Man in The Arena style?

    John Day

    Sigh… How can Paul Craig Roberts, who is smart and experienced, always not-quite-get-it?

    John Day

    @Oxymoron: thanks for the Mike Yeadon transcript.

    “While I’m now confident that I cannot be even slightly alarmed by the prospect of another fake pandemic, the perpetrators have numerous other fear-provoking options up their sleeves. War, nuclear weapons, famine, financial crises and even aliens might be sprung upon us. Fear is the ultimate weapon because humans then think poorly & are easily manipulated.”

    Dr. D


    “So, if you were a Democratic Party strategist, perhaps the first thing you’d consider these days is to stop being insane.” –Kunstler

    Yes, but then you’d have to not be who you are. I can’t save you from yourself.

    I say this of Republicans also of course, but also the American Voters. We can’t be a better country than the people who are in it. They’re like: “But we’ll ELECT somebody.”

    “it will have to jettison just about everything the party stands for in its current incarnation, its insane ideas and policies. It might also consider the value of not lying about everything it does.”

    Would it really be an American Party then?

    “that he is coming for them, and many might find themselves called to account in a rebalanced justice system.”

    Hahahaha! If we did, it would be the only thing we do for the next decade. Yeah, prob not.

    “Scott Jennings on President Trump’s tariffs; “He’s using these tariffs as a tool to say, ‘Look, I’m not fooling around.”

    Yes, and everyone folded like a cheap tent. Trump probably paid Trudeau to hold out so he would look even stupider and weaker.

    From Luongo, Trump’s intent is NOT to have tariffs, as such. He needs trade and business. It is to get jobs back and manufacturing – which is power – and not be sapped in 1,000 ways like 100% tariffs from Europe. He actually says so constantly and no one pays attention. But “Trade Wars” as such are not great and he’s said this too. They are the MEANS, not the End.

    “”Open borders? That’s a Koch brothers proposal which essentially says there is no United States.”

    You have the National Socialists, and the INTERNATIONAL Socialists. No borders, no language no culture is the International Socialists. This should be very apparent. And they’re happy, since either way you pick Socialists (who kill everyone). Just like 1939.

    “USAID director Samantha Power bragging about sending $15 billion of cash to the “famously corrupt Ukrainian government”

    Like any good cancer, it has several layers. It’s this, which is Power. Second, they “Grant” to Soros, etc, who then can run MI6 ops not with HIS billions, but with the U.S. Treasury. Third, MOST of that money is then back bribed – “Donated” to Congress and politicians here because “Donate about the Romanian, LGB, “issue”. …Who are carefully chosen to destroy the U.S. and our society at large, …and will then protect USAID and every level of the back-bribery scam. –They were going to arrest a Congresswoman who was asking. Ze himself said he didn’t get any money. So where’d the money go? Nancy? Chuck? That’s easy: where does the money magically reappear?

    Now: the internets is abuzz with leftists saying “What a bunch of idiots! Don’t they know this is the end of U.S. Empire? The BRIICS win!” Yes, you retards: that’s what Trumpism and “America First” is…by definition if you’re illiterate too. This wing of the party beat the EMPIRE wing of the party, or rather the Empire wing of BOTH parties. Why bother engaging? Yup, you’re right. We’re stupid. Oops.

    “state-sponsored propaganda arms NPR and PBS.”

    They will call this crazy, but why should half the nation pay for the media arm of the opposition party? And pretty sure that is what they said when chartered and every year since. (coughBezoscoughCIAfundingcough)

    Here’s a kicker: who’s the major donator to the BBC? That’s right, USAID. Apparently among the many aids we have we help starving kids in Africa Notting Hill. Too poors to afford to put on a right Telee.

    “Panama Caves to Trump. Are You Tired of Winning Yet? (Margolis)

    No but I’d be happier if we left them alone if possible. I don’t see how that is possible.

    “• Trudeau Announces Tariff Deal With Trump (RT)

    Again, no one mentions the tariffs can stop if they stop funding MASS MURDER. Oh but it’s mass murder of Leon and Cleetus! That’s okay then, Karen say: murder away!

    • China Retaliates Against Trump Tariffs (RT)

    Please do this and never stop. We’ll have the whole ecosystem of manufacturing back here shortly.

    Again, I’m amazed – though I shouldn’t be – that the Left, NPR, Guardian, etc, is like “Do you regret your vote nowwwwww!?!?!?!!? Maga?” …It’s been a week, Jesus Christ. Nothing’s happened. You psychotic dimwits. But my point: so Cleetus and BillyBob now have more Aristocratic restraint and time-preference than, like Harvard? Like they are aware short term pain is necessary to achieve structural ends, but like Trust Fund kids at “The Atlantic” can’t comprehend taking the slightest inconvenience of one missed latte? Right. I guess we all knew that but still shocking to witness.

    You dimwits are 10-ply. You don’t remain weak and stupid as well as rich for long.

    ““The United States has become too disunited for Congress to perform its constitutional function..”[..] “The same thing happened to Rome when executive authority took precedence over the Roman Senate..”

    I guess we’ll just fold it up and surrender then. We’re barely non-functional right now. The slightest adjustment to open, public, non-subpoena corruption posted on international Facebook (“Well son of a bitch”) would get this back in line, with a trajectory toward morality in no time. Note: it’s taken TRILLIONS of dollars of raw interference, the death of Disney, CNN, Bud, to make us to be barely this bad.

    “Is Trump overlooking one important element of making America Great Again? The moral element.”

    This is completely correct and is the counterargument to my sentence above. This is happening, but it’s terribly slow.

    “How did tariffs move from being an legislative issue to an issue of executive orders?”

    Again, completely correct. Start impeachment to prevent this, even if you don’t mean to remove. Just to make that point perfectly clear. It’s intolerable, no way, no how.

    “• Medvedev Warns That US Deep State Might Swallow Musk (ZH)

    Oh well. Soldiers die. That’s life. Doesn’t bother the army at all, or our goals. Do they know it? Well, we have RFK as one, and Trump in July as another. What do you think? Oh golly someone might try to hurt them. So skeered.

    “”Every dollar we spend will be aligned with the national interest of the United States. USAID has a history of ignoring that and deciding that they’re a global charity.”

    He means a CONGRESSIONAL charity. They, their friends, Bill Krystal, all of them.

    “And together with NGO’s like the Open Society Foundation, they have been using US tax dollars & govt resources as their personal piggy bank..”

    I wish this were an exaggeration. It’s an understatement.

    “It has been run by a bunch of RADICAL LUNATICS and we’re getting them out …”

    This too. Exaggeration when they OPENLY TRIED TO START NUCLEAR WWIII WITH RUSSIA . Uh, no, that’s an understatement of “Radical Lunatic.” If we had more time (not Blitzkrieging the f—k out them right now) more should be said about it. As it is, we’ll take out their dead bodies and think of them no more.

    “• NYT Shock Poll Reveals the Complete Collapse of Democratic Party (Pinsker)

    This could only be shocking to the NY Times. Many articles on this. By Democrats. They’ve given up, just now very calming posting long, intelligent articles, hoping someday the leadership will stop shooting themselves in the head, and their logical, reasonable arguments will be picked up by whatever ten members of the DNC remain then.

    This isn’t like fevered October, a November debriefing. It’s just an academic, scholarly work for posterity, in case anyone cares about winning elections someday.

    I guess at the same time, LGB is FINALLY cutting away “T”. As I said – geez, how long ago now? 10 years? — they are logical and linguistic #Opposites. Like they both cannot exist in the same mind. Women cannot exist and not exist, or Lesbians don’t exist. Now this isn’t getting any traction, not to fear, but at least they’ve started the long road out of sheer violent psychosis.

    I can only guess if they’ve decided to leave the proposed and promoted “P” in that list, I’ll let you figure out what that is.

    • Lawmakers Urge RFK Jr to Recuse Himself From All Vaccine-Related Decisions (ET)

    What the actual. And the SEC head who promises not to look into stock trades. Well, he’d be like the rest of government and especially Congress: they’ll do anything but their job.

    Yes, the Tulsi thing is simple: Because we always think what we should have said hours later when we’re not under fire. Fighting the war on hair dye and names. A target that will really win the war for us.

    “33” That’s ridiculous. The obvious answer is because viruses can count.

    Genocides happen all the time, like falling off a log! That’s why we have to run around with fire extinguishers and “Prevent” them.

    Dr. D

    “Once a standing army is established in any country, the people lose their liberty. Recollect the history of most nations of the world. What havoc, desolation, and destruction, have been perpetrated by standing armies!” — George Mason

    Dr D Rich

    Good question from

      “What happened (((NED)))?

    So, ((USAID))) is gone but still under professed Zionist Marco. Yet (((NED))) goes on unnoticed.
    How about that!

    Dr D Rich

    to (((NED)))

    • China Retaliates Against Trump Tariffs (RT)

    The Chinese government responded minutes after the new tariffs came into force on Tuesday.
    It included restrictions on certain American goods – a 15% tariff on coal and liquefied natural gas, and a 10% tariff on crude oil, agricultural machinery, and some vehicles.

    Beijing has also introduced a licensing regime for exports of products containing tungsten, tellurium, bismuth, molybdenum, and indium.
    The measure will “safeguard national security and interests” the Commerce Ministry said, without specifically mentioning the US.
    The minerals are essential for advanced manufacturing.

    Trump discovered THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF UKRAINE and wants to put it in his Sovereign wealth funds

    (first he has to get rid of the occupier, Russia. See maps)
    Inicio Tierra y Tecnología T&T 59 THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF UKRAINE
    Tierra y TecnologíaT&T 59
    Ukraine is one of the leading countries of the world in a wide range of minerals. Although it covers only 0.4% of the Earth’s surface, contains about 5% of the world’s mineral resources. It ranks top-10 of the world for several raw materials (metallic and non-metallic) such as titanium, ball clays, Fe-Mn & Fe-Si-Mn alloys and gallium. Lithium, graphite or magnesium, among others, are also present in Ukraine. The abundance and diversity of minerals and metals is due to the complexity and variety of the Ukrainian geology.

    Por Hanna Liventseva -17 mayo, 2022
    “I’m the acting director of USAID. I’ve delegated that authority to someone…”



    US Corporations that produce domestically using American labor–not H-1B and L-1 imported labor– should have a lower tax rate. US corporations that produce abroad with foreign labor goods and services sold in the US should have a higher tax rate.

    Kinda: Duuuh!
    So when Apple charges a $1,000 for an I-product that costs a fraction to manufacture abroad it will be, at the end, the customer who would be paying that exuberant high tax anyway? Thanks God, Apple keeps most of the money for the shareholders, so the money goes to the “good people” rather than some gov-bureaucracy.


    You have the National Socialists, and the INTERNATIONAL Socialists. No borders, no language no culture is the International Socialists. This should be very apparent. And they’re happy, since either way you pick Socialists (who kill everyone). Just like 1939.

    John Day

    Payroll Department Blitzkrieg

    There is a coup d’etat going on within the empire as we watch the smoke. Unlike most coups, this one is the constitutional order being reasserted upon a longstanding criminal conspiracy of corruption. That’s different, is it not?
    Mostly, people have not been aware of the depth of the criminal corruption, because there have been cover stories, and groceries and paychecks and TV, though there have been strong suspicions since the Assassinations of the Kennedys and MLK, 9/11 and the Global War on Terror (WW3?), then the COVID lockdowns, waiting for treatment until you are blue, denying antivirals that work, and forcing “vaccines” that weaken the immune system and kill-some-folks.
    I believe that the “Military Industrial Complex” that Eisenhower warned about has been running the show for oligarchs and global financiers, but that the forms of parasitic corruption are “killing the host”.
    Outside the western empire are Russia, China, Iran and other smaller outliers. Russia was not fully consumed by neoliberalism in the 1990s, and under Vladimir Putin, Russia has rebuilt. Russia has the most resources per capita of any country, and the US is #2. Global finance seeks to “own” all resources and maximize profits in their management, which is to remove as much value from real-economy as possible. This has become more sophisticated at the same time as real economy has begun to shrink from more expensive oil, iron, coal, copper, titanium, uranium, and so on. Per capita prosperity in countries like the US & UK appears to have been shrinking since the early 2000s. But gross economy, as measured by monetary flows, “GDP” could still be goosed to “grow”. It has grown through extracting actual wealth from the real economy, which is in decline.
    Financial neocolonialism has indebted the world, and especially the people, industries and governments of the developed “western” world. It may be surprising that countries in the west have the most to gain by debt repudiation, though the proportionate gain may be more in countries that have to export lithium to pay on IMF loans, for example.
    The shocks that I see underway in Trump’s first 100 days have probably been planned and gamed for 1500 days. He was supposed to be killed last July, but he turned his head. Team Trump has had all that time to plan an assault despite the deep-state Maginot Line. I think it is a mistake to see it in any other terms than war. The blitzkrieg is on.
    Most humans need stability to operate and navigate. A few human beings do not, but are able to navigate within turbulence. Donald Trump seems to be of that sort. His team is navigating within battle plans, and at a rapid pace, maintaining operational initiative, while the deep-state “blob” is stumbling backwards, unable to catch its balance and retaliate, at the moment…

    ​Surplus Energy Economics, Energy, not money – the sequence unfolds​ TARIFFS & TECH IN A CONTRACTING ECONOMY
    ​ From the point of view of orthodox economics, Donald Trump’s imposition of import tariffs on Canada, Mexico and China – with the EU, and perhaps Britain, targeted for the second round of his trade war – is yet more bad news.
    ​ As well as harming world trade, we’re told, this move risks weakening America’s previously-robust economic growth, and driving up inflation. It’s widely concluded that Mr Trump is ‘playing politics with the economy’.
    ​ These statements, whilst they might be ‘true’ in themselves, miss the whole point of what’s actually happening in the world economy.
    There is, in fact, a powerful logic informing all of the recent convulsions in the global financial system, from Trump’s electoral success and the “DeepSeek shock” in AI to the erection of trade barriers.
    ​ Awareness of this underlying logic enables us to project trends forward with high levels of confidence. We know that DeepSeek is neither the last nor the biggest threat to tech-heavy capital markets; that trying to fuel growth with runaway public borrowing will end badly; and that we’re now into the closing chapter of the “everything bubble” in global asset prices.
    ​ None of this can be appreciated until we understand that it’s energy, not money, that drives economic outcomes…
    ​..We cannot say whether Mr​ Trump and his team saw things in this way, or, perhaps, had an intuitive grasp of these underlying dynamics. They might simply have reasoned that insufficient attention was being paid to the very real hardships inflicted by “the cost of living crisis”.
    ​ But we can be clear that the incumbency, and much of America’s business elite, were misled by reported economic data into gravely mistaken expectations.
    ​ The dust had barely settled on this upheaval when the advent and immediate popularity of DeepSeek’s ultra-low-cost AI product destroyed the capital-intensive business model favoured by American tech’s “magnificent seven” for the development of artificial intelligence.
    ​ From an energy-economics perspective, however, this capital-intensive approach was always doomed to end in failure, with or without DeepSeek. Simply put, this strategy demanded vastly too much energy for any vague and problematic returns that it might deliver.
    ​ The imposition of import tariffs is a logical development when seen from this same energy-based perspective. Trade barriers might or might not be a “bad” thing, but they have long been an inevitable one.
    ​ Our starting point here is that global economic prosperity is in the process of inflecting from growth into contraction. Relentlessly rising ECoEs mean that no other outcome is possible.
    ​ We have spent decades trying, and failing, to stem this process. It explains why we opted for “credit adventurism” in the 1990s, and doubled down with “monetary adventurism” from 2008. Our faith is now vested in the supposed capability of technology, as well as financial stimulus, to return the economy to growth. It should, by now, long have been clear that none of this has worked, and that, back in 1972, the authors of The Limits to Growth got it right.
    ​ But admission of the ending and reversal of growth is the great taboo of the modern age. This blinds us to the underlying logic of what is happening. For those who do grasp this logic, many future trends are eminently visible.
    ​ So long as growth remains our collective totem, we will continue to ask that governments, on our behalf, try to borrow our way to prosperity. This must lead to the monetization of debt through a reversion to ultra-loose monetary policies. The inflation triggered by this process might be kept in check by the effects of economic contraction, but a “stagflationary” future is now hard-wired into the system.
    ​ Eventually, the sheer extent of stress between the “real” (material) and “financial” (“claims”) economies will destroy the stock of claims in the latter.
    ​This contraction will be experienced in its most severe form in sectors supplying discretionary (non-essential) products and services to society.
    ​ Politically, the public will continue to demand the ”growth” that no political party can deliver, and this is sure to cause an intensification of instability.
    ​ And this is where Mr Trump’s tariffs fit into the sequence. If internally-generated growth has become impossible, the next best thing is to try to insulate national economies from the cold winds of involuntary economic contraction.
    ​ On these lines, many future twists in the economic tale can be foreseen, but only if we place energy and money in their correct places in the unfolding of economic processes. ​

    “The Market Wasn’t Prepared For It”: Futures Tumble, Dollar Soars As Trade War Starts​

    ​A stronger dollar alone raises import prices: US could feel ‘pain’ in China, Mexico trade war: Trump

    The value of the $US has been supported since 1981 by paying interest to borrowers of dollars. That will revert to a trade valuation, supported by goods and services.
    Elon Musk Positions DOGE to Achieve ‘No Inflation’ by 2026 With $4 Billion in Daily Cuts
    ​ Elon Musk’s DOGE initiative targets a $4 billion daily spending cut with the ambitious goal of zero inflation by 2026, a move that could reshape the U.S. economy.​

    John Day

    ​ ALL imports will be taxed, even little things in the mail. The Secret Tariff Code is Buried in ‘Section 2, Item (h)’ of the Executive Order
    So, Canada and Mexico get 25% tariffs, but China only 10%. Why? The secret is in that subsection “(h)” when it talks about de minimis treatment. Essentially, what President Trump is doing is levying a much more massive import tax, and possible confiscation impact on the core source of fentanyl (and other illegal) substances.
    ​ Approximately a billion packages are estimated to enter the USA under the cover of the de minimis exemption. This is where the enforcement mechanism of the “External Revenue Service” combines with the tariff approach and the “state of emergency.” President Trump imposed the tariffs under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, a nearly 50-year law that gives the president sweeping power to impose sanctions after declaring an emergency.
    ​ Now the billion packages, mostly from China, Mexico and Canada are going to be subjected to review and interception.​

    This will not be Sir K​eir’s decision in any way, shape or form. UK’s Starmer seeks strong trade relations with the US in the wake of Trump’s tariffs​

    A Russian diplomat flew to Caracas at the same time. Other talks?. American Oil Reset: Trump Ready to Cooperate with Venezuela Amid Spat with Canada
    ​ US President Donald Trump’s Special Representative for Special Situations Richard Grenell​… flew to Caracas on January 31, shook hands with President Nicolás Maduro, and returned home with six U.S. citizens detained in Venezuela. He announced that Washington had entered into a new relationship with the country and with President Maduro personally. Venezuela agreed to accept, for the first time in nearly a year, migrants deported from the United States, including members of the Tren de Aragua crime gang.​

    China Reportedly Preparing Trade Talks With Trump After Weekend Tariff Shock​

    China retaliates against Trump tariffs​. Beijing has announced its own duties and has imposed export restrictions on key minerals​

    John Day

    Trudeau Bends The Knee: Canada Will Send 10,000 Troops To Border, Name Fentanyl Czar To Delay Trump Tariffs​

    Trump pauses Mexico tariffs for one month after agreement on border troops​

    ​Who has wire-guided FPV Drones? Military Strikes On Cartels Inside Mexico “On The Table”: Hegseth

    Preparing or “preparing”? Mexican Cartels Preparing for “War” with US Military

    ​ USAF Spy Plane Runs SIGINT Operation Near Cabo As US Preps For Potential Cartel Fight
    Several open-source intelligence X accounts have posted flight tracking data of a US Air Force RC-135V/W Rivet Joint reconnaissance aircraft, indicating it may have conducted a SIGINT operation over the southern half of Baja California, a region home to heavily armed Tijuana Cartel and Sinaloa Cartel members.​

    John Day

    Trump Effect Continues: Panama Bends The Knee, Will Not Renew “Silk Road” Deal With China After Rubio Visit​

    Euro Slides After Report Trump Considering 10% EU Tariff​

    ​ EU incapable of helping end Ukraine conflict – AfD leader
    Alice Weidel has said she hopes that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will be able to stop the fighting swiftly​
    Alice Weidel, the co-leader of the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, has said that the EU and Germany in particular are unable to assist in finding a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine conflict due to being run by incompetent politicians…​. She stressed that Trump “was the only one who actually spoke about peace during his election campaign” last year.

    ​ ‘Shy Musk Voter’ Could Hand Victory to Alternative for Germany, Poll Suggests
    The AfD is now the second-strongest party with 25% support, trailing the conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) by just two points, the poll shows
    Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats (SPD) are third place on 15% and the Greens fourth with 13%.
    ​ In a surprising twist, AfD co-chair Alice Weidel leads as the most popular choice for chancellor on 35%, leading CDU head Friedrich Merz by nine points​

    “Everyone Is Tired” – Crisis Grows In The Ukrainian Army As Desertions Accelerate​

    John Day

    ​ RFK Jr. with Tucker Carlson, RFK Jr. revealed that USAID was actually a CIA front, secretly funneling $5 billion in 2014 to ignite riots in Ukraine.
    According to him, these CIA-backed riots triggered a coup d’état that toppled Ukraine’s neutral, democratically elected government. Just one month before the coup, a leaked call between Victoria Nuland and the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine exposed that she had already handpicked the country’s new cabinet. “So they’re picking the new government a month before the old government is overthrown.”

    ​ Mike Benz educates Joe Rogan on USAID: “There is no aid in USAID. It’s not an aid organization. USAID stands for US Agency for International Development. What it’s developing is all the activist organizations in foreign countries that the state department is building to gain influence. USAID was created to be a central hub that organized all the different foreign clandestine operations. It has a $50B budget. The entire intelligence community is only $72B. It’s more than the CIA and the State Department. It’s a switch player to assist the pentagon, the state department, and the intelligence community.”​

    ​ MIKE BENZ: TRUMP PROSECUTORS WERE FUNDED BY USAID “This push to prosecute Trump by Alvin Bragg, Soros was a minor co-funder. He gave them $10,000, that’s it! The $14 million he gave to the parent company, the fiscal sponsor of FJP (Fair and Just Prosecution, a nonprofit that supports and influences progressive prosecutors in the U.S.), well, that ain’t shit compared to the $27 million that USAID gave them. Every time you hear the word Soros prosecutor, no, they’re USAID prosecutors.”​

    ​ USAID funded bioweapon research – Musk
    The billionaire has branded the US Agency for International Development a “criminal organization”​

    ​ How Trump’s Dismantling Of USAID Marks A Seismic, Historic Shift In America’s Role In The World
    Some foreign powers will welcome the news, while many allies as well as an assortment of US-backed ‘opposition groups’ will feel completely abandoned.
    ​ This has meant that pro-Western media outlets, NGOs, and ‘soft power’ organizations are in panic mode. This has basically overnight shutdown a multi-billion dollar regime change apparatus which pushed or often imposed American interests throughout the globe, especially in the very vulnerable Third World, as well as former Soviet satellite regions. The way this works on a practical, on the ground level is detailed in the well-known book Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man. As for Trump’s apparent efforts to dismantle the powerful USAID agency, we compiled some of the best current analysis from around the web outlining the huge significance of this move, which is nothing less than a historic reset (and we say a very welcome reset) of Washington’s relations with the rest of the world.​

    John Day

    ​ Musk accuses USAID of ‘covering up corruption’
    The agency has tried to block an audit by US President Donald Trump’s DOGE​

    ​ Jim Kunstler, Last Rites “We spent the weekend feeding USAID into the wood chipper. Could have gone to some great parties. Did that instead.” — Elon Musk
    USAID was shot dead like a rabid dog over the weekend. The agency had gone completely rogue, serving (Mike Benz explains) as the pivot between every nefarious operation coming out of the CIA, the DOD, and the State Department’s many black box units. The billions of dollars laundered out of USAID went to support hundreds of NGOs, many of them dedicated to harming the life of this nation, such as the orgs that handed out money to illegal aliens and advice on evading detection in-country. And these many NGOs represented an employment racket for the “elite overproduction” of grads coming out of universities with useless degrees and Maoist political training.

    No more milk & cookies. Angry Dem Lawmakers Blocked By Security From Entering USAID Headquarters​

    USAID Absorbed Into State Department Under Rubio After DOGE Crusade​

    ​ Netanyahu To Discuss “Victory Over Hamas” With Trump In US Trip
    When Netanyahu visits Trump at the White House on Feb. 4, it will be the president’s first meeting with a foreign leader since assuming office for the second time. Meanwhile, U.S. and Arab mediators are working toward the next phase of a fragile cease-fire deal to end fighting in the Gaza Strip and return dozens of captive hostages.
    ​ Hamas has refused to release additional hostages in the deal’s second stage without an end to the war and Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza, where the Islamic terrorist group resumed control.
    ​ However, Netanyahu has been under pressure from governing partners to continue the war with Hamas after the cease-fire’s first phase ends in March. The prime minister has said that Israel remains committed to defeating Hamas and retrieving the remaining hostages captured in the Oct. 7, 2023, terrorist attack that sparked the war.
    ​ However, it is uncertain where Trump stands on the issue. While he has remained a steady supporter of Israel, he has also vowed to end wars in the Middle East while taking credit for the cease-fire deal, which put an end to the fighting and brokered the release of 18 hostages who Hamas had imprisoned for more than 15 months, as well as hundreds of Palestinians held in Israeli prisons.​

    John Day

    Israel’s Smotrich calls for imposing ‘sovereignty’ over occupied West Bank as Netanyahu visits US​

    Israeli forces demolish 100 buildings in Jenin amid ongoing invasion
    The forced displacement of approximately 15,000 people from the Jenin refugee camp and al-Hadaf neighborhood has led many to seek refuge in nearby villages and towns.​

    ​ Hospital damaged by Israeli explosions in Jenin refugee camp
    Residents of the occupied West Bank’s Jenin refugee camp share footage from inside the Jenin Governmental Hospital which has sustained damage after Israeli forces blew up several buildings in the camp. A number of Israeli explosions rocked Jenin earlier today levelling around 20 buildings in the camp​

    Israeli army conducts large-scale raid in northern West Bank​. Israeli military vehicles storm Al-Far’a refugee camp, Tammun town in northern West Bank​

    7 Palestinians injured in Israeli strikes in Gaza despite ceasefire​

    John Day

    ​ It’s a one way street out. Israelis restrict return of Palestinians to Gaza through Rafah: Source
    The Israeli occupation is restricting the return of Palestinians to Gaza after they left through Rafah for treatment.​

    Exclusive: Washington using Nile dam dispute to pressure Egypt into accepting Gaza expulsion plan​

    ​ Egypt unveils Gaza reconstruction plan ‘with Arab consensus’
    Abdel Aati’s remarks come as Egypt remains firm in its rejection of any attempts to forcibly displace Palestinians from Gaza.
    ​ “We have a clear vision for the reconstruction of Gaza and an Arab consensus on this matter, and we are engaging in discussions with the United Nations in this framework,” the top diplomat said during a joint press conference with Djibouti’s Foreign Minister Mahmoud Ali Youssouf.
    ​ Abdel Aati emphasized that the reconstruction process is part of a phased approach aimed at fostering a credible political process that would lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state.​–with-arab-consensus

    Trump Invites King Abdullah To White House Amid Pressure For Jordan To Take In Gazans​

    ​ Run by Global finance… Syria’s de facto authorities execute ‘sweeping’ neoliberal reforms
    Days after dissolving the constitution, the US and Gulf-backed transitional government began implementing extensive privatizations and layoffs in the public sector​

    John Day

    The vicinity of Tishreen Dam is being subjected to air and ground bombardment carried out by the Turkish occupation state and its mercenaries.​

    ​ The Forensic Arborist discusses California fires: “They’re burning from the inside out.” Robert Brame on the Unusual Properties of the Pacific Palisades Fires
    Transcript of Robert Brame from recent episode of Global Research News Hour​

    ​ (Censorship algorithms by the CCP, but otherwise pretty good and cheap) DeepSeek Crushes ChatGPT and Becomes the Highest-rated Free App in Apple App Store
    Were Western tech companies behind “malicious attacks” on DeepSeek?​

    ​All the black boxes; awaiting the reports. D.C. plane crash live updates: All 3 black boxes found, 67 dead after American Airlines jet collides with military helicopter

    Walter M. Chesnut: Turbocancers: A Secondary Manifestation of the Spike Protein’s Invasion of the Extracellular Matrix (ECM)?
    Looking more closely at the mechanisms of the ECM and cancer, the Spike Protein may be initiating cancer and hyperaccelerating what is already there.​



    Bibi coming to town tomorrow. Why not wait ten more days?
    Murder weapons and money in hart-shaped crates would be fitting as outpour of love for the wretched state.


    On, *Ukraine has lost* at top post.

    Yes. The ‘Maidan’ fakey Revol. to install Zelensky was engineered by the US after a consequent ‘infiltration’ program, which cost quite a lot.

    The split between the pro-W in UKR (Nazis some of them, other story) and the East, the ‘Donbass’ (the richer and more productive part, more aligned with the ex-USSR) was created, supported, provoked, by the US (+ stooge W) via Center Kontrol (Kiev) Gvmt. Attacks on the Donbass by Kiev were a supposed ‘Civil War’ – No.

    A Proxy war, with the UKR used as a fooled Dupes. Many knew (at top levels) that UKR, no matter what the support, could not win against Russia, once it decided to act. Sacrificing the UKR population became just ‘normal biz’ for some.

    (Recall the hysteria in the W following the seemingly effortless re-taking of Crimea by Russia, no longer mentioned at all.)

    Trump Says He Wants Ukraine To Guarantee Access To Rare Earth Minerals in Exchange for Military Aid. The ART OF THE DEAL! Something positive has to be conjured up…

    Feb 3 2025.

    those darned kids

    Tonight’s Jihadis are brought to you by:

    Blackrock, Maker of the World’s #1 Nothing;
    RAND CORP., “Yep, it’s us again!”;
    Monsanto, Bringing Food Closer;
    and SpaceX, Opening Five Eyes For YOU!

    Dr. D

    “​..We cannot say whether Mr​ Trump and his team saw things in this way, or, perhaps, had an intuitive grasp of these underlying dynamics. They might simply have reasoned that insufficient attention was being paid to the very real hardships inflicted by “the cost of living crisis”.

    Yup, once again, because Trump and anyone he’s ever met are illiterate baboons, the only POSSIBLE explanation is complete blind luck! The 11,404th time in a row! Help me Lord God and my brother in Christ, resist. fist. of death.

    “So long as growth remains our collective totem,” Is it?

    “we will continue to ask that governments, on our behalf, try to borrow our way to prosperity.” Will we?

    This must lead to the monetization of debt through a reversion to ultra-loose monetary policies.” Must it?

    “The inflation triggered by this process might be kept in check by the effects of economic contraction, but a “stagflationary” future is now hard-wired into the system.” Is it?

    “Eventually, the sheer extent of stress between the “real” (material) and “financial” (“claims”) economies will destroy the stock of claims in the latter.” Will it? Will you pay me $1,000 if any of those fail?

    “the customer who would be paying that exuberant high tax anyway? Thank God Apple keeps most of the money for the shareholders,”

    Well we all know from socialism that the only way to get rich is by not working. That’s why it’s better with Apple if no Americans have jobs: then they’re richest of all! …Or maybe if they had jobs they could also afford the phones they’re making. “Apple” indeed gives money to the shareholders. …That’s YOU, sir. For $230 you can get all that money. If you can’t afford that then it’s YOU, inside your Socialist Teacher’s Union fund and Government Pension. They’re giving the profits to YOU, which is what corporations do. After creating and giving a phone to you. How dare they? I mean how dare they voluntarily without violence as the middle man?

    If you just want to NOT get in line, be broke and complain, what do you want from me about it? 1) Won’t work. 2) Won’t save (and get dividends) 3) Wait for a handout from known psychopaths, like a baby bird with his mouth open. 4) Complain about the invention of a phone that exceeds the computer on the Starship Enterprise.

    those darned kids

    “the Starship Enterprise.”

    featuring WARP SPEED!

    John Day

    @Dr. D: Tim Morgan at surplus Energy Economics works very hard to avoid taking clear political positions, so as to be able to keep doing what he does, I presume.


    The leader of the American foreign army, Israel, is meeting with Trump to work out the next approach/stage to murdering the next stage of genocide.

    Quote Trump
    “It’s all death in Gaza. It’s not a place for people to live. It’s been hell on earth. Palestinian should be resettled somewhere elsewhere.”

    Michael Reid

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