Debt Rattle May 20 2020


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  • #59014

    Russell Lee South Side market, Chicago 1941   • Study Finds Recovered COVID Patients Who Test Positive Not Infectious (ZH) • Australian Study: CO
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 20 2020]


    Ilargi, I do not know how you maintain your sanity. I believe that the situation has fundamentally changed, recently, and now the tide is coming in. We cannot fight the tide with science, facts, reason, good faith or logic. The power of propaganda will sweep it all away. Economies will be reopened regardless of the consequences to the little people, and the propaganda will make them believe this is all for their own good. Is there an antidote?


    The deep state only likes corrupt insiders and considers outsiders to be corrupt.


    The Ukraine is Congress’s money laundry mat. Biden was just operating the washing machines to clean some taxpayer’s money.


    So far I haven’t seen a graph of coronavirus cases for the province of Ontario.

    I suspect this is because there is no flattening of the curve.


    I noticed Peru has 20% more cases of the coronavirus than Canada but less than half the deaths that Canada has.

    Maybe Peru doesn’t have old folks homes like Canada does?

    Maybe Peru just doesn’t have as many old folks as Canada does?


    In another day or two Canada will surpass China’s official coronavirus cases.

    Canada has already greatly surpassed China’s official death rate.


    “…. Professor Keen said. He said the solution was a debt jubilee,….”

    He is the expert ….You better believe his insight …. not mine …. Its already happening
    Its a jubilee for the rich …
    • The Great Opening-up (Jim Kunstler)

    “The car industry is dying. The airline industry is laying out its fleet of big birds in desert graveyards. The college racketeering operation went off a cliff, along with medical profiteering. Agribusiness no longer has a business model. Hundreds of kinds of services no longer have customers who can afford their offerings from acupuncture to zymurgy.”

    He said it,…. it must be true ….. TAE has been noticing it a long time before him
    Again …. Its a debt jubilee for the rich
    • The Mystery Behind Worldometer (CNN)
    Number are used to tell lies for the benefit of the elites

    Humans take a position, look for evidence that supports it, then, if they find some evidence – enough so that the position “makes sense” – they stop thinking altogether (the “makes-sense stopping rule”).[30] And, when pressed to produce real evidence, they tend to seek and interpret “evidence” that confirms what they already believe (the “confirmation bias”).[31]

    Moreover, humans tend to think highly of themselves, highlighting strengths and achievements, and overlooking weakness and failures (the “self-serving bias”). When asked to rate themselves on virtues, skills, or other desirable traits (including ethics, intelligence, driving ability, and sexual skills), a large majority say they are above average.[32] Power and privilege magnify the distortion: 94% of college professors think that they do above average work.

    Dr. D

    “Many more people have begun to review the computer code used to justify the closing of the world economy, including engineers from Germany. This is by far the most UNPROFESSIONAL program I have ever reviewed in my life. It is so bad, it leaves one with the question of whether they have been that careless or was this intentional to further the climate change agenda?”

    Ferguson’s Code is Being Reviewed Worldwide with the Same Conclusion I reached

    Since not a single model has worked in 30 years and no one got in trouble, all the same models are running, and no one is discredited, I’m taking the under on them being in any way, even slightly, tiny bit legit and in good faith. And this was the same model for CV, which likewise was completely wrong and random in exactly the same political direction. Running their own model produces random results, in opposition to every letter of scientific theory.

    That is not suspicious at all. And being continually wrong for a lifetime is no reason to change.

    Oh well, it’s all changing whether we like it or not.

    “Migrant Youths Riot in Paris Again, Attack Police with Fireworks”

    Hey, they’re not social distancing! Oh, and also assaulting officer-people with risk of mass-fatalities. At least they’ve laid off shooting out the eyes of French women for now.

    Speaking of rules and fatality, gun violence rises in NZ now that guns are illegal. #Winning! Who knew? Just like everywhere else it’s been tried. Meanwhile, back in the States, people take long-arm “assault rifles” into the House legislature and nothing happens. Everyone remains safe. Just like the protests in PA and VA, wherever such things happen. Funny, huh? It’s almost like the guns don’t shoot people without a person controlling them, and its the person that’s responsible. But that can’t be right: I read that guns are magic objects that have desires and actions of their own. Like cars!

    Continuing State’s rights, here’s another high-school dropout, who could only find a job at a college as terrible and consistently wrong as Columbia. Writing an article as a presumed “expert”, he should be unceremoniously fired.

    Speaking of the Electoral college – you know, the one that prevents a civil war every 4 years and the nation from being trampled by a mere 3 cities – is a schtupid poopy-pants. It stops “democracy”, apparently never having read any history of democracies or anything the Framers said about why they opposed it. (i.e “Rights of the Minority,” “Two wolves and a sheep voting on dinner” blah blah blah) In contradiction of history, where the states feared no State but Virginia would ever have a President – and certainly never RI or DE — he instead says it was the opposite. Nope, every year Connecticut, with 200k people would out-vote Virginia with 750k. Yup!

    Then, unlike junior high school Zoomers, he, a history professor, has never seen “Hamilton”, and says, “The constitution’s framers neither anticipated nor desired the rise of political parties.” Nope. That the whole system was created to prevent one state from dominating the others, from the big trampling the small, and that the factions were already dogs-and-cats, shooting duels before the U.S. even existed, and who grew up under Whigs and Tories, then spent +10 years with parties actively shooting each other in the streets of Lexington, somehow had no idea what political parties were. Didn’t see it coming. Which is why they built the system from the ground up to prevent what they didn’t anticipate: factionalism and human nature.

    How dare they not like democracy when democracy has always trampled the rights of the minority, voted the 51% favors, then collapsed themselves into a mob run by oligarchic demagogues, just like now! Clearly that’s ridiculous. Oh, and the yummy, yummy civil war and subsequent trampling and extraction of the losing peoples under a “democratic” post-civil war system. We must always, always hunger deeply for this.

    Anyway, State’s rights, yeah. The only counterweight to the Federal overreach. You know, these things have been published. You can read them. For free! You can find out what happened and why. These guys did write it down because they prayed you would read it and remember, not make their mistakes. But you won’t learn any of that from Columbia and NYU, who will kill a third of the nation with their reckless ignorance. And you wonder why I don’t respect “experts” who can’t read simple documents, universally published, and depend on models that fail 100% through their whole careers. “If you laid all the experts from end to end, they still wouldn’t reach a conclusion.” But they would reach a death count of 100M in the 20th century.

    Speaking of voting yourself other people’s wealth and collapsing democracy into a warlord system of “Mad Max: Fury Road” death, Steve Keen: “Why Australia Must SPEND Its Way Out of the COVID19 Crisis (DM)”

    This is despite UBI/printing/socialism failing everywhere. We have more poverty and income disparity now than when welfare started. But go ahead. No one learns, so learn for yourself if you must. Since they’re the same people who disarm, I’m sure it will go just super-great for them.

    The chart is amazing. It shows the biggest countries have the most deaths. …I’m assuming it was meant to display something else, though. Maybe they should Y-axis by % instead? I’m guessing they didn’t do that because it wouldn’t demonstrate some political end.

    1 in 500 in NYC. Okay, so why 1 in 4,600 over the rest of the nation? Something has gone terribly wrong there and seriously needs to be investigated. And you won’t get that by cooing over Cuomo, who in his tenure removed 30,000 beds at behest of the health care lobby. You know: the guy who is presently indemnifying himself against investigations of his criminal malfeasance.

    So let me get this: the prosecution couldn’t provide evidence and stopped showing up in court so the judge took it on himself to be the judiciary AND the executive prosecution, and then hired a personal friend of his to be his own judicially-appointed prosecution. In direct opposition to a case the Supreme Court re-heard only 5 days ago. Right. Carry on: nothing to see here. Clearly the Judge himself running the prosecution is totally unbiased and normal. When it’s removed further, he can take over for the defense lawyers as well, and the jury and defendant I suppose.

    Speaking of “nothing to see here,” $1B quid pro quo with Ukraine. Right after the $1.5B landed in family coffers from China. As everybody knows, but in a fact-free nation, nobody cares. In a time of universal lies, the only enemy is the truth. The truth would restrain my ego, the notion I know best and should tell everyone what to do, and that can never be.

    Well, it must be Wednesday in the Land of the Lost. All systems normal.

    John Day

    This post is from a 31 year old Internal Medicine doctor in San Antonio, the first to take on the “COVID cases” at her county hospital  a few months ago. (I feel the same way about this public ass-kissing, if I may be so indelicate.)Happy Birthday, “Doc Holly Day”.  I have a confession. The thank-you cards from schoolkids, and the heartfelt “God bless you’s” over the phone from my patients’ families, mean the world to me.   But there is an angry little demon in me that bursts into flames and stamps around, every time I see a corporate ad or corporate-funded demonstration of “support for our healthcare heroes.”       Frankly, I don’t need free meals from fast food restaurants – I need you to give your workers health insurance and paid sick leave so that they don’t go to work sick and infect the rest of your staff and half the customers.   I need you to treat your essential employees like human beings, and give them the resources to stay safe and out of my hospital.   Free fried chicken means nothing to me. But I will kiss the feet of the person who saves me from having to make another phone call to a young woman’s mother, to talk about the decisions she will need to be ready to make if her daughter’s respiratory failure gets worse.
      American PEOPLE are mostly wonderful, and they are who I show up for every day. But our corporations and our political leaders have been pillaging the middle class and robbing workers for decades. They are relentless and without shame, even in this crisis.
    That Moderna “vaccine” news blurb is bullshit to goose their stock prices for a quick profit. They got that. Some suckers bought what the insiders sold. It’s actually worse than this story in other ways. It actually injects genetic information into your body, targeting white blood cells, to commandeer them to produce what it codes for, which is about what a virus does, but this is supposed to be permanently implanted genetic information, “genetic engineering”. It seems to have “taken” in 8 of 45 human subjects. What about the other 37? No word yet. The big fact not discussed is that coronavirus vaccines have ALWAYS killed too many of the test animals, not right away, but when they are exposed to the coronavirus. The vaccine “works”, but some patients always die…

    Mr. House

    “Taleb likes to say it’s not the state that shuts down an economy, it’s the people:”

    And the media that whips them up into a frenzy

    Mr. House

    Its funny, i stopped reading the wall street journal and many main stream outlets during 2008 because what they were saying didn’t match the reality. I ended up at places like the automatic earth and others. I’m starting to get that same feeling again.

    10 Steps to Turn a Pandemic into the Brave New Normal

    Mr. House

    Oh and i spent last saturday with a friend who is a nurse in the city of champions. She actually works with covid patients. She is even starting to question this, and said most of her days are spent doing nothing at the hospital.

    Doc Robinson
    Doc Robinson

    Will someone who has a lifestyle of living paycheck to paycheck and maxim their credit card be able to change their addiction?
    Wednesday, May 20, 2020
    The Destruction of Demand

    Doc Robinson

    FWIW, today’s data (above) shows a 14% death rate for closed cases worldwide, which coincides with the 14% death rate for all cases in the UK.

    John Day
    Our Fate Is Sealed, Vaccines Won’t Matter: Four Long Cycles Align
    ​Charles Hugh Smith​
    ​ ​A Covid-19 vaccine, or lack thereof, will have zero effect in terms of reversing these cycles. Call it Fate, call it karma, call it what you will, but the cycles have aligned and nothing can stop the unraveling of all that was foolishly presumed to be permanent.
    ​ ​We like to think we’re in charge and that technology conquers all, but history moves in cycles that are larger than any person, corporation, elite or (gasp) technology. My first version of the chart below was drawn in 2008, when the Global Financial Meltdown revealed the cracks in the happy-story facade of permanent wonderfulness based on the amazing magic of borrowing / printing ever greater sums of currency, a.k.a. “money.”​…​
    ​ In effect, the study of cycles is the study of human nature as it plays out in long-term social, political and economic dynamics.

    The four cycles depicted are:
    1. The cycle of credit expansion and contraction, which is now in the final blow-off stage of unsustainable credit expansion (bubble) which will inevitably lead to renunciation of debt (credit collapse) and global depression.
    2. The generational cycle (4 generations or approximately 80 years) of American history which leads to nation-changing social, political and economic upheaval (The American Revolution: 1781 +80 years = Civil War, 1861 +80 years = 1941, World War II + 80 years = 2021) as described in the book The Fourth Turning.
    3. The 100+ year cycle of price inflation and stagnation of wages’ purchasing-power which began around 1901 is now reaching the final stage of widespread turmoil, shortages, famine, conflict and crisis. (This can be viewed as aligned with Turchin’s cycle of social disorder and disintegration.)
    4. The demographic cycle: the workforce stops expanding and starts shrinking while the population of dependent elderly explodes higher, triggering a decline in earnings and the tax base just as taxes must increase to pay for the care of the rising population of elderly. (This is one dynamic in Turchin’s deterioration in central state finances.)

    Must Sustain Crisis…
    (Please add vitamin-D today, and take zinc with hydroxychloroquine when needed.)
    Doctors around the globe report that the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine seems the most effective treatment they’ve tried for coronavirus patients – but less than half as many doctors are prescribing it in the US as in other hard-hit countries like Spain.
    A survey of 6,200 doctors around the globe reveals that while few corners of the world are untouched by the virus, the pandemic is being handled very differently from country-to-country.
    And in some measures, the US continues to fall behind other nations’ responses.
    For example, an American waits an average of four to five days to get results back after being tested for COVID-19. Half of doctors in Europe and most in China get the test results back within 24-hours.

    Nancy Knows Best:
    Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Monday that it’s “not a good idea” for President Trump to be taking hydroxychloroquine as a potential treatment for coronavirus.
    “I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and in his, shall we say, weight group, morbidly obese, they say,” Pelosi said during an appearance on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360.”
    “So, I think that it’s not a good idea,”
    The White House later Monday released a memo from the president’s physician saying the two discussed the use of hydroxychloroquine and determined “the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks.”
    “In consultation with our inter-agency partners and subject matter experts around the country, I continue to monitor the myriad studies investigating potential COVID-19 therapies, and I anticipate employing the same shared medical decision making based on the evidence at hand in the future,” presidential physician Sean Conley wrote.
    According to the results of his medical exam released last year, Trump, 73, qualifies as obese with a listed height of 6 feet, 3 inches and a weight of 243 pounds.

    Maxwell Quest


    Was going to write this first thing in the morning, but my mind was still foggy and was worried about sounding too much like a fanboy. Have been feeling a lot of gratitude all day, and hours later it just hasn’t let up. Not that I’m complaining, mind you, but very much the opposite.

    Is it any wonder that we are admonished to “count our blessings” when we feel low? Gratitude, I believe, is underrated. What a wonderful warm softening glow it elicits, one that penetrates to the very heart.

    So here I find myself again, with the need to tell you how much I appreciate all the work you do to keep up this site. All your thoughts and ideas, and those of your many contributors. It’s a pool I look forward to splashing in each and every day.


    Mr. House said: “..Its funny, i stopped reading the wall street journal and many main stream outlets during 2008 because what they were saying didn’t match the reality. I ended up at places like the automatic earth and others. I’m starting to get that same feeling again.”

    Do I ever hear you, Mr. House: most everyone has willingly swallowed the CV™-Koolaid.
    CJ Hopkins, thankfully, has not:

    I don’t think he goes quite far enough, even.



    This might well be the fourth turning. I think those with a natural science background realized something unfathomable just happened. The USA is reopening without a federal public health system in place to test, trace and isolate the infected. Only a handful of island and mountain rural American states have the virus under control. Hawaii and Alaska require a 14 day quarantine for outsiders. In all the other states, there is no doubt that coronavirus deaths will again spike. The degree depends on each state’s Department of Health. Florida fired the scientist who had a web based state coronavirus tracking system because she refused to alter the numbers.

    My old alma mater, the University of Washington, predicts that the pandemic “could claim between 350,000 and 1.2 million American lives by the end of this year”. Ford had to shut down its assembly lines after two days because workers became infected.

    The US government is dysfunctional. It has no idea of the spread, extent, the identity of the infected, or how to end transmission of the virus between people except with a lockdown. Every one of the excess deaths from the Wuhan coronavirus could have been prevented by closing the borders and following good public health procedures i.e. New Zealand and Australia. Instead the pandemic became a profit seeking scam to see what corporation develops the jackpot treatment or vaccine. The Western Empire has collapsed. Until the virus goes away, the USA is a pariah nation, its people and goods requiring testing or quarantine to enter virus free nations. Greenbacks will have to be decontaminated. It is all over. Scapegoating, loss of income, food shortages and needless deaths are sure to spread chaos across North America. The only way out is the restoration of a practical working democracy and provide jobs, food, shelter and healthcare to all.


    I just love the sentiment here …..But it also “dissociated” itself from the resolution’s statement on rights for poor countries to waive intellectual property rules in obtaining medicine in emergencies, Reuters reported.
    Those big guys with money are just such sweet folk


    Maxwell, thanks.

    VietnamVet: pretty accurate description.

    I saw a Reuters oiece that said: “investors bet the worst is over for the economy with nearly every U.S. state reopened in some form”, but that is of course baloney. “Investors” simply count on more bailout money, not on a recovery.

    Boogaloo, not sure what fundamental changes you mean. The only true fundamental thing in this is how a virus spreads, and that hasn’t changed a bit. What has changed is people’s reaction, something the virus pays no attention to.

    You don’t want to screw up a lockdown once you declare one. It’s a bit like hip surgery: if you’re forced to do it a second time, it gets much more complicated.


    Fascinating that the proprietors of so many sites have been telling us for more than two months now that
    we’re going to run out of hospital beds / ICU hospital beds / ventilators, and millions are going to die! ;
    none of those claims have been borne out, yet none of those claims have been retracted by their makers..



    Ilargi, yes, I was referring to a change in the people’s reaction, not the virus. I think the US oligarchs are confident that they can manage this without it blowing up the US sickcare racket, but only if people stay employed, so time to increase the pressure to get people back to work. It is a full on propaganda war now. The majority in the US seem to favor the lockdowns and are no rush to go back to normal, at least according to the polls. But now propaganda will need to change that.

    Bill7, not sure what sites you had in mind. The sites I was reading were saying that “we’re going to run out of hospital beds / ICU hospital beds / ventilators, and millions are going to die! IF there is no policy response to flatten the curve and bring the R0 down below 1.” The second half, the part in bold, is the important part.

    Was there a policy response? Was there a lockdown? Was there social distancing? Are people wearing masks? Are people washing their hands more often? Is testing now more widely available? If so, isn’t the natural consequence of the actions that we do not run out of hospital beds and millions of people who would otherwise die continue living? Wasn’t that the whole point? What is there to retract? Not that I expect you to answer the question . . . .

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