Debt Rattle May 7 2019


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    Robert Rauschenberg Collection 1954-55   • Chelsea Manning Declares She will Never Cooperate with Grand Jury (SM) • Major Mueller Report Omission
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 7 2019]


    50% of euro renewables come from burning imported trees, ignoring the emissions, to build cars that burn palm oil, while they lie about the emissions.

    Euro solar wind get 100% of their power 15% of the time, last 20 years, intensify petro chem nano pollution, and are sterilizing men and turning them into women across all vertebrate classes.

    After 30 years trying, solar wind are less than 2% of total power use.

    It would take 400 years to power 100% of our energy use with solar wind.

    Their carbon credit is so low that only fossil utilities can make a profit from them.

    Half the population on earth fly each year.

    It takes one ton of coal to make 3 solar panels.

    South Korea doesn’t have enough land for 100% solar wind power.

    We will run out of soil, food and water before we can reach 100% renewable energy.

    Because solar wind only work at 100% rated power only 20% of the time, we need 10 MgW of solar wind to close 1 MgW coal or gas.

    The scientific fraud in progressive social and science literature defies reckoning.

    Western world coastal elite males are turning into women.

    They are becoming stupider, crazier, sicker and weaker because of Petro Pharma EMF saturation over time.

    Males penises are shinking, men are becoming women, both sexes are becoming crazier, stupider and sicker.

    Youth now believe that gay socialist feminism will save 7 billion people in 10 years if we smash the facsh.

    Dr. D

    “It says that while the Earth has always suffered from the actions of humans through history,”

    Maybe if he means written history. In “human” history, we co-existed with animals without real problems for 20,000 years at least. So don’t blame “humans”, blame your own system that forces humans to turn wheels they don’t want to turn and do things they don’t want to do rather than end up in prison or a cardboard box. Here the truly environmental — the homeless – attacked every day and encouraged, cajoled, evangelized, FORCED to get a house, a car, a job and use more energy, as much energy – and therefore MONEY – as everybody else. OR ELSE YOU GO TO JAIL. Wow, how environmental. And although less obvious, this is as true in Africa as Antwerp. Pay your taxes or else. How do I get taxes, m’lord? Once you used to accept wheat and chickens. “BY GETTING A JOB, CUTTING TREES, AND BUYING AND BURNING ENERGY TO MAKE PAPER MONEY WE INVENT FROM THIN AIR. So get to it and don’t give me any guff.”

    So…maybe get rid of this feral system nobody wants, any 10-year-old can say is stupid, and energy consumption on the 90% of useless things goes away? Not happening. They will burn and nuke the earth first, as they are. And then tell US, that we need to give THEM more power, to force MORE burnings and nukings. Against us. …And incidentally the animals, but they consider us so, fair enough.

    “Half the population on earth fly each year.”

    Was going to point this out on the weekend. No, 0.5% of the population flies 100x a year. It’s not that each person burns 500 human-slaves of oil. Half the world has effectively zero slaves. Even in the U.S., probably 1/3 of the people use 90% of the energy, not just with themselves, but their outsized decisions, as shown in the income disparity graph. The Pentagon alone is the largest single user of oil. Slow down those 10%, those 1%, those 0.01%, and half the energy use on earth is saved. Right? Do I miscalculate somewhere here? Or is it somehow Jackie Brown in Omaha whose car works only half the time and is living on $500/mo pension that’s using all this oil and plastic?

    Gosh, somehow that looks like a solvable problem now, not an unthinking planet aeomeba at all. If you’d leave him alone, Jackie Brown would be happy to play cards at night under a single light bulb and drink sambuca like we used to. He ain’t flying or driving nowhere, but walking six blocks to the mill that used to be there, run on water that used to be there, shipping on the rails that used to be there. It wasn’t him that shut it all down to use MORE energy and make less efficiency.

    Maxwell Quest

    “Chelsea Manning Declares She will Never Cooperate with Grand Jury (SM)”
    “Major Mueller Report Omissions Suggest Incompetence Or A Coverup (ZH)”
    “A Nuclear War? Over Venezuela? (Ron Paul)”

    Only the TV news junkies are still hoodwinked by the phony Russian Collusion hoax, because their minds remain plugged into the Matrix sockets that fill their heads with pro-establishment ideas and boogeyman fears. The “thinkers” are beginning to wake up, though, as “glitches” in the Matrix are becoming more numerous and pronounced. What to do?

    Expedience requires the hand of tyranny to reach out from behind its camouflage in naked acts of control, coercion, criminality, deceit, censorship, and repression. But this has the nasty side-effect of jarring more TV-bots out of their decades-long slumber, requiring further acts of naked control and repression, which further strains the public’s cognitive dissonance to the breaking point. Round and round it goes as the Empire wobbles toward its self-inflicted doom.

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