Debt Rattle November 10 2022


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  • #120697

    ‘part of the fake realism/real fakeism cinema movementin government.


    Astute assessment.


    Long interview with Whitney Webb. (Too many ads but lots of topics discussed.)

    Participant This NAC shit is really getting rolling and could be tricky for those of us not living in cities


    The Whitney Webb is awesome


    @ John Day
    It appears that you have unshakable belief that if “production” side of the system was “left alone from financial” intrusion that current state of affairs would be rosy? Marriage with finance is the result of human nature. Producing and distributing product or service is not easy, so becoming a rentier by selling the business, is preferable mode of existence for many. On the other hand, those who are still making staff, aka large Co’s, could not move fast enough almost entire US stellar production to the Third World.
    As for the “Atlas shrugged”, you did not miss much. I remember in the 70’s, seeing the guy “as if floating two feet above the ground”, I would had said: Yep, he just finished reading “Siddhartha”. Now days I am observing folks in here, with no pot to piss in, thinking of themselves as being Hank Readen moment they close that cartoon of the book.

    I will check the link that you’ve posted later on today.


    Headline scroll , nothing worth reading ,
    Seems ol’ mate Stefano has a book out , most every thing about the clotshots has been done and done and done….to death , so why not pull a arbbit out of the hat? What would Malone and co. know , I am the science , not Malone. Amazed you would read past the first paragraph let alone buy the actual theory.

    “Stakeholder”, I first heard this word starting to pop up in corporate speak about twenty years a go when I worked for the Western Mining Corporation. Some shiny arse drone from up in the sunlight would come down to the coalface and give his little inspirational about WMC , The Waste Money Company , we used to call it , how it was on the edge of huge success, always on the edge .
    So when I first heard it my mind’s eye saw somebody holding a steak! WTF do we have in common with people holding slabs of meat and why do they have the power over us that we must do what they want?
    Then the light came on and my mind saw someone holding a wooden garden stake as to steady it so it could be driven into the ground. So we were the ones hitting the stake , got it ………

    “How to grow potatoes.”
    Spuds are one of the easiest vegs to grow , in these parts they just wanna multiply and thrive. If you miss some at digging time they just come right back up again. You can grow them in almost anything. Chuck em on your lawn, cover them with eight inches of woodchips and hey presto , spuds are on.
    Thing is Wallabies love em , the tops that is. So keeping critters off them is no. one priority here.
    Now , what are you eating while the pretties are growing? You got four months to wait because you don’t want to dig your spuds early as they don’t store so good.
    About here the first thing I see that will keep the body going while the spuds grow is wallabies and possums and rabbits. Now there are some big beef beasts wandering around these parts too but the folk who own those cows have a lot of lot of guns so unless they are about to give you a beast out of the goodness of their heart be careful.
    You got deer and sheep , rabbits and good ol’ Aussie possums over there in Un Zud I believe so that might be your starting point.
    Rabbits are a no brainer , they are easily kept and fed and the breeding cycle is just over two months.
    Now if you are real smart the first thing you will buy is a pair of ferrets. Those little blokes will scare you out some bunnies for an instant feed and also give you your breeding stock for your own rabbit supply.
    For catching critters nets is your low tech. easy to use means. Get some good strong netting , the stuff from fish farms is good , strong enough to hold a deer. You can use smaller netting right down to bunnies. Make a cone shape and set it on the critters trail, set two cones back to back , that way you cover traffic both ways , easy peasy , then you got some meat to make that spud stew you love so much.

    From yesterday , no person has ever been out of the present, EVER.
    You imagine the past , ‘re-member” , it in the present.
    You imagine the future in the present.
    Trying to get back into the present is a huge mistake , it is an impossible task because you have never left it!
    In fact you are the present , what you label as ‘the present” is your own intrinsic nature , there is no separation between you and the present , the seemingly two are…….. not two , non-duality.

    Folk still seem to be suffering from the tyranny of mind induced by refusal to investigate and see that the universe is phenomenal and change is the immutable universal law.
    With technological change accelerating , for example I have seen more tech. change in my lifetime than any other human has ever seen before in the entire history of humanity , then it is only reasonable that social and economic changes are also accelerating.
    Empires will rise and fall quicker, social mores will arise and set more quickly.
    The strain on the human mind as it experiences change at a a pace never seen before is considerable. There will be side effects and tyranny of mind is one symptom. How to deal with all this rapid change?
    Sub to TAE and try to keep up with it and try to predict the future! LOL.
    Maybe just realise the inevitaibilty of change ,the transcience of the “ten thousand things” see that the past and the future are conceptual products of mind, reified as though real but failing the test of reality.
    Test it’s reality by applying the following.
    REALITY is that which never changes.
    Build on the rock , not upon the sand.

    Some freshening showers and beautiful sunny days, nature is thriving here now.


    Managing the tension between the Taxpayer funded military and his oligarch mate’s private military must be a priority for Putin.

    John Day

    Kultsommer said:
    “It appears that you have unshakable belief that if “production” side of the system was “left alone from financial” intrusion that current state of affairs would be rosy? Marriage with finance is the result of human nature. Producing and distributing product or service is not easy, so becoming a rentier by selling the business, is preferable mode of existence for many.”

    I’m sorry if that is how my words came through, because that was not my intention.
    This is probably the relevant excerpt below.
    I have inserted “its” to clarify my meaning. I do not mean to disparage a financial system. It is necessary to operating a complex economy.

    ” The financial system, at (its) best, facilitates the functions of the real economy, and carries information about how it is working, by means of production and “profits”.
    Investments in production provide returns, based on how well the productive project performs in the real economy.”

    My intention was to point out the unhealthy aspects of finance diverging so far from reality, that it does not serve the function of the economy, but progressively degrades it.

    Yes, collecting rent without work or risk is “good-work-if-you-can-get-it” , as the saying goes.

    John Day

    @Redneck: “Stakeholder” in a mining operation would still be a subset of what I realized the owner-reps were talking about back in the 1990s, “owner of rent-producing asset”.
    They make it sound like they care about people who do work and benefit from work and have a work-stake or a need-stake in how it goes, but those people are never able to make a dent in the system, because they are not the owners.

    Those who get glimpses of non-duality will still cease to exist in carnal form without potatoes, or some suitable alternative.

    Michael Reid

    @ John Day

    they have been usurped in “the west” by “Financial-Capitalists”, who spend company earnings and borrowings on stock-buybacks, which extract the value out of the 30-year investments of last century, consuming the business, consuming the production capacity, needing to consume new-host after new-host until…

    Thank you for this description of stock-buybacks. I never really understood it but knew it was bad. I think many people have heard of stock-buybacks in the news and do not understand the implications.

    The description of mRNA enclosed by lipids allowing cell entry was appreciated too.


    Redneck: “REALITY is that which never changes.
    Build on the rock , not upon the sand.”

    Can’t argue with that.

    Michael Reid

    Got to keep my work horse healthy


    election deniers’ went mainstream MSM at the speed of light.


    Lucie did it again!
    Biden student loan forgiveness plan struck down by Texas Judge.

    V. Arnold

    Long interview with Whitney Webb. (Too many ads but lots of topics discussed.)

    Interesting…lots to think about/consider…

    John Day

    @Michael Reid: You are welcome.


    Redneck said

    Seems ol’ mate Stefano has a book out , most every thing about the clotshots has been done and done and done….to death , so why not pull a arbbit out of the hat? What would Malone and co. know , I am the science , not Malone. Amazed you would read past the first paragraph let alone buy the actual theory.

    Yes, understand he is selling a book, also understand that Malone has now branched out from vaccines and now considers himself an expert on everything WEF, censorship, government etc. Listening to Malone on non-mRNA subjects, my gut tells me he is full of it. I cannot judge him on mRNA because it is not a subject that I am sufficiently knowedgeable about, sure, I know the lipids stuff etc that JD is going on about as I have swotted up on the latest theorys online, but the last time I did biology was A level, 40+ years ago, same as my advanced maths, I just can’t remember it because I have never used it since.

    I am definitely open to hear new theories, especially as the current ones don’t explain the random deaths happening in victims or other symptons, like the huge clots reported by undertakers. I am also realistic enough to not expect magazines like nature to publish anything since 2019 that contains any truth. Whether this person has a valid point of view, it is very interesting given that before the Covid shot came out, people were saying that mRNA vaccine experiments on mice were killing all the mice, then Covid “coincided” with the discovery of some new super-lipid etc, which mean’t that now mRNA was very safe and the way to go, ready for the 6 billion arm testing. I am very sceptical of those developments as I am a computers and electronic engineering man and have seen so many worthless technology trends happen, designed to pull in naive investors, that I am also very skeptical of mRNA, like I am very skeptical of any company with AI in the name.

    I am still searching for the truth and do not believe most of what I have read so far. My personal experience is that the medical profession is full of it, relying on status to con the patient. Similarly, the alternative news scene is full of charlatans – where else would they go? – so I am very wary of their science, more so than government science which I can easily recognise and know is false.


    “REALITY is that which never changes.
    Build on the rock , not upon the sand.”

    Reality is that which ever changes. Sand is made of rocks.

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