Debt Rattle October 12 2019


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    Balthus Girl at the window 1955   • US Delays China Tariff Increase As Trump Claims ‘Substantial’ Deal (G.) • Boris Johnson’s Major U-Turn Sets U
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle October 12 2019]

    Dr. D

    “US Delays China Tariff Increase As Trump Claims ‘Substantial’ Deal (G.)”

    Seems we’re not trying to be villains here. Despite hysterical rhetoric, no disappearing, no round-ups, no suppression of speech, no demands on corporations to obey and merge with the state…we leave that to China. …That’s why Antifa is waving the Chinese flag all over. Because apparently they are FOR these things? Literally that’s the exact opposite of their speech, that’s precisely what they claim to fight with Trump, and yet that’s what happens when you go #Antilogos, you move to #Oppositeland.

    But okay, you have the right, not like people haven’t noticed. You’re Trump’s re-election supporters, and doing a great job winning Minnesota for him.

    Anyway, seems 30% drop in crop yields this year, could be more. We can’t tell, the USDA, being the gov’t, is viciously lying, and we’ve never seen a year like this, at least not in a long time. Note 30% drop in supply does not equal a 30% rise in prices. That can compound much more, but depends on a rainbow of factors: storage, demand shifting…

    Other nations are doing no better, and some worse. Starting that backyard garden may be a useful hobby. Being responsive, however, a lost spring planting will turn to fall wheat to catch up, so prices change.

    “Turkey Attacks US Special Forces In Syria (NW)”

    I thought they were pulled for exactly this reason. Pretty standard Turkish behavior though.

    “Donald Trump was planning to activate “very powerful” sanctions on Ankara.”

    I think Congress said that. Anyway, what is the result? Turkey will be driven to Russia, China, and Iran, and Erdogan can blame America, just like we helped Russia the same way with their sanctions. #Winning. How much we’re involved I don’t know, but the consequence is obvious: strengthening our “enemy”. I see it more as setting them up for their own benefit when (as) the US$ and GFS cracks.

    “The SEC has taken the position that [certain] initial coin offerings are securities offerings and therefore subject to SEC offering rules”

    That seems pretty reasonable. Too bad the SEC has never protected anyone from fraud in their life and instead protects the inside fraudsters. High-frequency trading? Front-running? Hypothocation? Actual billion-dollar theft via co-mingling of funds? Nada. Joe places a trade from his parent’s basement in London? Hammer of God.

    “You’re going to wish your cities weren’t designed to make cars a necessity.”

    Easily the single worst thing about America from coast to coast. Three-way shackle as Orlov says: Car, Job, House. All perpetual debt and endless labor forever, as we pave another perfect cornfield to make life yet again harder, weaker, emptier.

    “Human, Organ Trafficking Booming in Yemen as War Enters its Fifth Year (MPN)”

    Disaster capitalism to the next level. Okay, they sell organs, can you tell me who is buying all these tens of thousands of parts in Yemen and Ukraine? Because those hospitals are deeply responsible and it’s impossible not to know. <Crickets> No journalism here! What’s the closest wealthy nation that can do transplants? SA, UAE, Israel. Gee, with all this nattering about Auschwitz, cattle cars, what do you think history will say of a people that said nothing, didn’t even look into worldwide organ trafficking in the hundred thousands? China? China? Uighurs calling, wave that Chinese flag. Perhaps YOU are the slavers? Perhaps YOU are the Nazis? Perhaps YOU are the baddies? It’s right there; you can’t say you didn’t know.

    Having served his time, “ Julian Assange To Remain Locked Up In UK Prison (RT)” Just as we do to all free men who have served their time! Especially when they’re foreign citizens outside the jurisdiction of both England AND the U.S.! Go Britain! Freedom! Democracy! Justice! Magna Charta and the Rights of Man!

    Dave Note

    The U.S. military industrial complex is a sad joke. There was an article the other day about the first US soldier deployed to Afghanistan who was 18 years old, the same age as the illegal U.S. occupation/war of the country for the last 18 years. Pitiful. The whole of WWII, defeating Nazi Germany and Japan took about five years to finish.

    Dmitry Orlov’s piece, “War Profiteers and the Demise of the US Military-Industrial Complex ”

    sums it up.

    The F-35 “Lard Bucket” extreme extra special Boondoogle ‘fighter’ is the poster child for the U.S. weapons development ‘Juggernaut’.

    The Russian military has managed to develop superior weapons for about 1/10 of the cost.

    Turkey can bomb US special force with impunity. The U.S. presents in Syria, in any capacity whatsoever, is also utterly and totally illegal in international law. So technically, the Turks didn’t bomb anyone, just ghosts


    Balthus, was a Polish-French modern artist. He is known for his erotically charged images of pubescent girls, but also for the refined, dreamlike quality of his imagery.
    The above quote from wikipedia.
    No allegations made against him far as I know, but seems hard to imagine that his subject matter wouldn’t raise eyebrows nowadays.


    Here a response to a Balthus exhibition at the Met in 2017.


    Image of the pedestrian crossing in Yekaterinburg, Russia is one of the most memorable I’ve seen in years. Great reductivist natural art. Do you know who photographer is and if prints are available?


    seychelles, no on both your questions. I picked it up on Twitter. Even the Moscow Times recently noticed its popularity. A Russian Banksy?


    Thanks Ilargi. I found it on Reddit, but without attribution.

    V. Arnold

    How fast you walk is indicative of how fast you age.

    Yes, it was interesting…
    Over the decades I’ve read many times many articles on “the latest medical findings/studies…
    Only to witness uncountable flip-flops; remember eggs? Coffee? Red meat? Etc., etc., etc. …
    I now take all of the “newest” findings with the smallest grain of sea salt… 😉

    I tend to follow my own council on most everything…

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