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    Salvador Dali Swans reflecting elephants 1937   I am often confused by events that happen and by things that people say. But then I think them ov
    [See the full post at: Globalist]

    V. Arnold

    You, an anti-semite? LOL, how absurd is that?
    No worries bud…


    If I ever need to pick a slur/insulting word to call you, then all I need to do is to go read the comment of your articles by the want-to-be survivalist at ZH.


    Oh, I never look at those.

    V. Arnold

    ^ Me either… 😉

    Dr. D

    Logic here: Trump’s favorite daughter is Jewish. His grandchildren are Jewish, and he takes a lot of heat for overly protecting and helping his son-in-law who is Jewish. Therefore he’s an anti-Semite! QED. Yup. Having a Jewish family and helping Jews — and not just accidental, lukewarm Jews by birth, but actual love-my-rabbi, let’s-convert-and-go-to-temple Jews– is now racist anti-Semitic. I read it in the Times!

    Which proves my point here that everybody has lost their g-d-d—n minds, believe everything and its opposite at the same time, and have defined words such as “global” or “anti-Semite” or “racist” to mean everything that ever happened in all time and space, and therefore you will be innocent or guilty of it however we please from moment to moment. Stark. Raving. Madness.

    I’m not a fan, but why don’t you just pick on the idiot things he DOES do that ARE offensive? Sadly, I’ve come to believe it’s because their minds are not working and the gears are not engaging. To spin your wheels telling obvious self-contradicting lies does not win converts or remove your enemies. It’s literally the definition of insane. So anyway, Trump, working with Jewish people all his life in one of the cities with the strongest Jewish presence, whose family is Jewish, whose lawyers and executives and cabinet are Jewish, who moved the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem on request…help me out here…may NOT have a problem with anti-Semitism? And by the way, the same with women, who are on his team by the dozen without comment, DeVos, Sanders, Haley, Chao, Neilson, Carranza (also Mexican-American), and Dina Powell, among others. He was one of the first guys to place a woman as VP credited with building a skyscraper, Barb Res. Whatever you may think of those particular women, he may…help me here…?NOT? hate women and have a problem with empowering them? Who can say? But I would think the burden would be on PROVING it, not alleging it. And what’s more sad, he appears to be so inured to slanderous treatment he doesn’t even correct the record anymore.

    But look at where they WERE on his side: bombing Syria — twice! — for no reason whatsoever he “became OUR President”. (Their President. I approved no such thing). Here he’s lying like no one ever has with a +4% GDP and *negative* (I kid you not) unemployment rate, with the real rate at -4% GDP and +20% unemployment. The same media that will contradict what he had for lunch reported that bold lie enthusiastically, happily giving him all the credit for what has never happened. They likewise report in the fastest economy with the most employment that middle America is suffering and he never opened a plant or created a job. Do I smell a rat? Whichever way the truth may lie, open, internal self-contradiction must be #fakenews.

    And to reinforce the above, yesterday he came out AGAINST 3-D guns, contrary to the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments. Also against existing precedent set by the open use of encryption like PGP and SSL. Also against the Federal court ruling, which is not his branch. Also incidentally, against the NRA. The result? “What kind of incompetence and dangerous governing is this?” Chuck Schumer said. Arret! Achtung! Charles, it may not have occurred to you, but you may actually be on the same side of this one. Nope. Apparently Schumer is ?for? unlimited access to downloadable guns now? ?Because? Trump is against? And you wonder why we had to coin a word for derangement syndrome? These guys are out of control. There is no conversation that can be had in these conditions, and I feel for Corbyn who is being smeared with the same insensible, Jacobite madness. He should rise to it and appeal to the British people against the media. This seems to be broadly working worldwide, although who the media thinks they’re talking with such transparent nonsense is a mystery. It’s hard even to read, and each day I wake up, gobsmacked by the shifting illogic of it all.



    I never knew that there were so many windmills that need to be attacked.


    Granny and grandpa are going to learn be on guard against an up and coming enemy.
    The grand kids are wanting and will not accept getting a NO for their demands.


    Am appropriate description for the second decade of the 21st century is “Return to the Gilded Age” or the “Triumph of the Oligarchs”. The one thing that is common for globalists and nationalists plutocrats is that they are not going to spend a penny on anything that might inform the little people what is actually is going on – their fight for control of the West. Despite the propaganda on how marvelous things are, everyone in the bottom 90% knows their children’s lives will not be as good as their own. Economic stress and forever wars are forcing humans to migrate and revert to their tribal beliefs and myths. The Age of Enlightenment (modernity) is dead. The money that supported science, engineering, education and public health it is now going to offshore accounts of a few already rich families.

    V. Arnold

    It’s my experience that the age of Enlightenment died in the 70’s.
    We’ve been in retro-grade since then, IMO.
    I do not count technology; rare instances excepted; we’ve not benefitted as humans towards a sustainable, quality of life style…

    potted frog

    A review of the book “Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism” by Quinn Slobodian can be found here. Trump is neither a globalist nor a go-fer and that’s a problem for the globalist/neoliberal ruling class.

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