Only Trump Can Keep America Together


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    Hieronymus Bosch , The Garden of Earthly Delights, centre panel, detail c1500     Nothing partisan today, sorry, and thank you very much, ju
    [See the full post at: Only Trump Can Keep America Together]


    Bill Weld has a nominal height of 6′ 4,” probably from his youth. I’ve seen Weld say that he has stood next to Trump and that Trump is nowhere near 6′ 3.” Trump might possibly have been a little over 6′ 2″ when he was twenty and he rounded up, but he may have lied about that as well. With age, he has probably lost the normal 2,” so I would guess that Trump is likely a little over 6′ at most. Of course, you may be referring to circumference.


    Donald Trump is a pro-wrestling scene stealer (corrupt and incompetent); the Destroyer of the Western Empire. Joe Biden is a senile warmonger and is indeed a place keeper for the younger multi-nationals to take over and preserve the plutocratic caste.

    Around 60 million Americans are working at home. 30 million are getting unemployment. Towns along the Gulf Coast and in the West are being destroyed by climate change boosted hurricanes and wildfires. Wisconsin is the latest state with overwhelmed hospitals. As long as the pandemic spreads, the US economy cannot recover. The middle class is being decimated. Due to his illness and stupidity, a November reelection will be close and contested, assuring civil war 2.0. If Joe Biden wins fair and square, there is the faint hope that democracy can be restored and US government will defeat the pandemic and depression like America won in WWII 75 years ago.

    The fear, anxiety and chaos are too extreme now for the United States to survive for much longer unless the cause, rule by and for the oligarchs, is addressed.

    madamski cafone

    @ Raul

    Only reason I ranked Harris/Pence above Trump/Biden is that he and Joe are both way past their expiration date, so my fears focus on who might step in if either croaks or proves otherwise disabled.

    madamski cafone

    Also, Pence is not a non-entity. Trump would not have won the election without Pence. Pence is the main reason the Xtian Right suported Trump. That bloc is perhaps the most coherent plebiscite currently in the population.

    Big Media is huge but it is not the nation. Should Pence replace Trump, he would have a significant base. Pence is able to stay on message. The message can get through the pulpit networkd despite Big Media ignoring him.


    Title should have been ‘Golden Goose’ (gentle nudge)
    Ilargi,you are guilty of hacking my brain and plagiarizing my thoughts LOL! I have been saying the same for 4+ years to the asleep class. Question: Would corporate media and the oligarchs et al really kill the golden goose??? Answer: No they wouldn’t, but IF they do, there is something more sinister coming our way which we have yet to comprehend!

    Dr. D

    “Biden vowed to govern as an “American president”

    American President is American? As opposed to? My brain hurts.

    More to point: the thing they don’t seem to get is that THEY are the ones giving Cheeto his power. This is very low-level meta stuff. But who is the leader? Who is important? Who has power? People we ignore like Ron Paul and Tulsi Gabbard? Or people we all refer to with every waking thought and every sentence breathed? Well OBVIOUSLY the Very Important Person is the one we all set ourselves in relation to, either for or against. And the more they refer to him, the more power he has. I mean, it’s not like I care or anything, to me he’s just an average Joe, with average intelligence, doing an average job in an average nation.

    So thanks EXCLUSIVELY TO THE RESISTANCE, Dum-dum is more powerful now than when he started. Because: them. He is Daddy, who sets the rules. “No you cannot do that. You’re grounded. And I don’t like your attitude, missy.” Like, hardly any discipline at all, nearly zero, but a tiny pretense of it. And what do they do? They cannot become un-children, they cannot take their own responsibilities and own actions – that would be crazy! Only workers and business owners do that, the hateful scum! So they MUST, can ONLY fight against him rather than going around and leaving him behind. You know, like anyone with half a brain would. I do: “They’re not going to help you. “They” can’t even help themselves. You’re on your own.” But children must have Daddy to give them everything, to rebel against. Because the alternative requires work. Missy could move out any time, but she’d have to grow up and get a job. And if you left people alone and just did your own good work in your own life you’d be a Libertarian/Conservative/Republican of some color.

    What can I say? It’s inherent in their system, paradigm, and outlook. Shoot, 2/3 of the right wants Daddy too, so that leaves about no adults at all. …If you hadn’t noticed, I mean.

    Whatever. I didn’t call the picnic, I’m just here for the tacos. They want Cheeto to be their Nemesis, so…


    Ah, yes,,,the root mafioso in the hearts of Americans. “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” Mussolini, indeed.


    I came across an interesting quote this week:

    “Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the rules of common sense and self-interest—forces that look like sheer insanity, if judged by the standards of other centuries. It is as though mankind had divided itself between those who believe in human omnipotence (who think that everything is possible if one knows how to organize masses for it) and those for whom powerlessness has become the major experience of their lives.” ― Hannah Arendt, “The Origins of Totalitarianism” (1951)

    Has the internet put a crack in our powerlessness?

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