The First Biological War
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- This topic has 24 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 12 years, 9 months ago by
May 6, 2012 at 7:21 am #3048
Reverse Engineer
MemberRecently in one of the threads here on TAE the question came up regarding what means and methods might be undertaken to reduce Global Population. Further questions as to whether such a population reduction might be done purposefully by the global elite I generally refer to as “Illuminati” also came up in this discussion.
We had many such debates on Reverse Engineering before we openned the Diner up for Bizness. I put up one of them on the Diner today as fodder for discussion on these topics both on the Diner and here on TAE.
Article Excerpt
The problem I think with this was the Disease vectors. Even the failing exploratory ships that never returned probably made it to the coast, offloaded the crew who even after getting killed off delivered Smallpox to the area. Remember, though Columbus made the Islands in the Carribean in 1492, those first colonies didn’t get established in NA until the 1600s, a full century later. Did the Europeans really wait a full century to send more ships out this way? I doubt it. > > Basically it took abut 100 years for the Smallpox and other diseases to run unchecked through the native population, “softening” the defenses and leaving large swaths of the coastline to be defended by only a few Natives. It was essentially the first full scale Biological War of Genocide. -RE
May 6, 2012 at 7:40 am #3049Karpatok
ParticipantWouldn’t you have to say there is a difference between killing with intent to kill and killing by accident even if the results of both were valued? Afterall there is manslaughter, and then there is murder. I don’t think the early Europeans knew enough about transmission of disease to have purposely carried it out even though they obviously didn’t give a damn how many savages were wiped out. Savages were vermin, just as Vietnamese were, and Japs were, and Afghans are today. My lovely Baptist neighbor thinks its all good because its “War”. I’m sure that so,so Christian Mormon Mitt would think it all good as well.
May 6, 2012 at 8:06 am #3050Golden Oxen
ParticipantToo far fetched for me.
May 6, 2012 at 8:06 am #3051Karpatok
ParticipantBut how much more eloquently put are the answers of Surly,Ross et al over at DD. What’s significant about this and all such discussions is the defining of the self as good and worthwhile, or those in ones immediate and defined group as good while projecting bad and lack of value on the outsider or other. Only this proclivity makes possible the intentional decimation of other groups and individuals.
May 6, 2012 at 8:08 am #3052Reverse Engineer
MemberIt depends upon how well you think the Global Elite of say 1200AD understood how disease works to decimate a population.
They don’t have to understand the biology, just the EFFECT of hurling a Plaque Ridden Corpse over the wall of a City or Castle. If the effect is that inside of a decade or so everyone in the city is DEAD, even a near moron could put 2+2 together and realize that if you Infect your Enemy with Disease, its a WINNING strategy.
I am pretty sure that even going back to Babylon that it was understood how disease communicates itself, why else would they have created Leper Colonies and tried to isolate the infected? So you have millenia of experience here with plague and infection that does not require a microscope to understand WHY it happens, just the observation that it DOES happen.
Move forawr to the colonization of the Americas, it actually was attempted quite a bit earlier than even Columbus by the Vikings. They moved through Iceland and Greenland and established colonies which failed in “Vinland”, which likely was Nova Scotia. Why did the NA colonies fail? Because others got there FIRST, the “Skralings” in the Icelandic Sagas.
The Vikings did not yet have WINNING Techno-Advantage over a much larger population of Neolithic people. Their metal swords and spear points were better, but not enough better to overcome the numbers differential. A wining advantage to decimate a Continental Size population had to wait for one or both of two things.
1-Massive force differential with the advent of Guns, Cannon and Gunpowder
2-Prior decimation of the population through disease.
At the time of the height of Viking conquest, they could not Know that eventually they would develop Gunpowder and Cannon. However, at that time they COULD know that it they sent Infected People off to those lands that those folks would infect others. That is ALL they have to Know, not the biology of it or how it works.
If you have a bunch of sick people in your town, you cannot cure them and you KNOW that if you put them on a boat and send them somewhere else those people will act like an Atom Bomb, and clear the land for you to colonize later, WHY would you not do that other than some moral reason which clearly these folks never considered at all?
I suspect that starting around 1000AD that sick people were put off shore in boats and pointed toward the Americas. The results are OBVIOUS. Between the years 1000AD and 1500AD, the population of the Americas dropped from around 30-50M to 1/10th of that.
An ACCIDENT? Maybe so, but not necessarily so. There are people out there always who think generations ahead (I am one of them, most of my stuff is generational in nature, not tomorrow oriented), and that goes back into history a long way. It may have been a purposeful infection. It just does not take that much knowledge, just the knowldege that if you hyurl and infected corpse over a wall, everybody inside gets sick. The “wall” in this case was the Atlantic Ocean, and the Vikings breached that wall in around 1000AD. Plenty of time there to hurl a LOT of corpses over the wall.
May 8, 2012 at 10:26 am #3114TheTrivium4TW
ParticipantLethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination
Lots of interesting information here to follow up on and confirm.
Just watched it tonight and thought this was a good place to put it without starting a new thread.
These “scientific dictators” are nothing if not Machiavellian.
May 8, 2012 at 11:39 pm #3125ashvin
ParticipantIt seems that, similar to most long-dated historical conspiracy theories, this is one of those things that can never be substantiated or refuted, but will always seem plausible looking back. That’s not to say that these CTs are invalid, but that fact does give those using them in modern narratives a big advantage.
The one question that pops up in my mind is whether there are other historical instances of European explorers/colonizers infecting native populations. Why not use the same tactic in South/Central Africa, instead of waiting for industrialization to do the trick? It is clear that many Europeans ended up dying from tropical diseases when they tried to settle Africa.
I’m sure the irony isn’t lost on you that smallpox was killing millions of people across the world until vaccinations became more common. It’s ironic in light of the video you posted on this particular thread, that’s all.
May 9, 2012 at 12:27 am #3126Reverse Engineer
Memberashvin post=2738 wrote: The one question that pops up in my mind is whether there are other historical instances of European explorers/colonizers infecting native populations. Why not use the same tactic in South/Central Africa, instead of waiting for industrialization to do the trick? It is clear that many Europeans ended up dying from tropical diseases when they tried to settle Africa.
Didn’t work in Africa as it did in the Americas because Africa has been connected through trade with Europe and the ME going back to the dawn of agriculture when all these diseases were incubated. So the African population has some resisitance to them, unlike the native population of the Americas.
Also, spreading disease can backfire on you if your own population gets exposed to it while you try infecting the other guy. In the case of the Ameircas, this risk was very small due to the separation across the Atlantic Ocean. Much greater risk in trying to do the same thing in Africa.
Of course nowadays with Designer Diseases and Vaccines which could leave a selected few Immune, there are more possibilities for purposeful knockdown of the human population through disease vectors.
May 9, 2012 at 3:30 am #3130ashvin
ParticipantReverse Engineer post=2739 wrote: Didn’t work in Africa as it did in the Americas because Africa has been connected through trade with Europe and the ME going back to the dawn of agriculture when all these diseases were incubated. So the African population has some resisitance to them, unlike the native population of the Americas.
I understand why it wouldn’t work, but since the question here is one of premeditated intent, do we have any evidence that the European elite tried it in Africa, or elsewhere? Since they would have no idea about who has or has not built up resistance to these diseases on different continents, they may have given it a shot. I’m guessing it’s the kind of thing we could never really have evidence of, though. Still, it’s one of the only ways I can think of to add support in favor of the intentional biological warfare argument.
May 9, 2012 at 4:12 am #3131Karpatok
ParticipantWe really don’t have to look for intent on the part of people because nature and Darwinian theory trumps that. It is very probable that millions if not billions of people will be taken out by the growth of super organisms utilizing new combinations of DNA and totally resistant to any antibiotics available today. Moving relatively quickly from a population of carriers of about 100,000,000 or so in India and Pakistan to anyone in contact from the West as described on Bloomberg today, these super combinant organisms are extraordinarily successful in reaching any population with any immune impairment, which would mean any population lacking sufficient nutrition or clean water. No conspiratorial intent necessary, just the workings of the first enemy preceding the development of higher life forms. They were here in the beginning and they may reign in the end until the death of the planet itself. “Just sayin, LOL”.
May 9, 2012 at 4:37 am #3132Reverse Engineer
Memberashvin post=2743 wrote: [quote=Reverse Engineer post=2739]Didn’t work in Africa as it did in the Americas because Africa has been connected through trade with Europe and the ME going back to the dawn of agriculture when all these diseases were incubated. So the African population has some resisitance to them, unlike the native population of the Americas.
I understand why it wouldn’t work, but since the question here is one of premeditated intent, do we have any evidence that the European elite tried it in Africa, or elsewhere? Since they would have no idea about who has or has not built up resistance to these diseases on different continents, they may have given it a shot. I’m guessing it’s the kind of thing we could never really have evidence of, though. Still, it’s one of the only ways I can think of to add support in favor of the intentional biological warfare argument.
The only candidate in Africa I think would be the Dutch settlement of South Africa. Otherwise, Europeans didn’t attempt to colonize Africa the same way they did the Americas, particularly North America. I suspect it has to do with the climate and geography. Wave after wave of immigration didn’t happen in SA either as ti did in NA. The Spanish and Portuguese settled there, interbred with the native population but did not keep sending over more immigration waves for 100s of years.North America was a unique sort of situation, so I’m not sure how well you can compare it to Africa or SA.
May 9, 2012 at 12:04 pm #3138TheTrivium4TW
Participantashvin post=2738 wrote:
Triv,I’m sure the irony isn’t lost on you that smallpox was killing millions of people across the world until vaccinations became more common. It’s ironic in light of the video you posted on this particular thread, that’s all.
“There is no question but that perfect sanitation has almost obliterated this disease [small pox], and sooner or later will dispose of it entirely. Of course, when that time comes, in all probability the credit will be given to vaccination.”
~ John Tilden, M.D.“Even without mass vaccination, smallpox would have died out anyway. It just would have taken longer.”
Dr. Tom Mack, of USC, reported at the CDC meeting June 20, 2002 -The verbatim transcript of the Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) June 19 and 20, 2002 (and this from a Big Pharma shill – the kind that says organ discoloring and mammal sterilizing “food” doesn’t need to be human tested).
Hi Ash, where is your data and logic that leads you to believe that the small pox vaccine was the primary factor in the reduction of small pox deaths? What about death sky rocketing as vaccinations were introduced (we’ll get to that data later)?
Where is the randomized, double blind placebo study (the gold standard in scientific inquiry – it can’t be manipulated when done correctly) showing any vaccine is effective at protecting people from disease in question? Don’t limit it to small pox – pick any vaccine at all!
Why do you think Big Pharma, one of the wealthiest industries the planet Earth has ever seen, avoids the gold standard of scientific inquiry like it was the plague?
How do you know that Rockefeller’s vaccination empire didn’t fool the masses the same way his Federal Reserve empire has fooled the masses – even very smart PhD and people that can’t stand him on Zerohedge – regarding the dual mandate lie that was constructed so the Fed could break its mandate and set the stage for worldwide economic collapse?
How many hours of research had you done before commenting? Did you even watch the video?
BTW, because some authority or another says so isn’t valid – just like every authority says Bernanke has a dual mandate, ‘cept he doesn’t.
It’s a fallacy – and everyone repeating a fallacy doesn’t make it true.
Why did Scarlett Fever death rates drop off significantly without a vaccine?
Why did Smallpox mortality fall of a cliff as vaccination rates declined by over 50%?
Flu deaths in children trended higher as vaccination rates trended higher…
So, where is your data and logic? Why has the industry done all it can do to avoid like the PLAGUE the gold standard in scientific inquiry.
A bit off topic of small pox, but still related to the same general Big Pharma tactics…
Vitamin D did it… and the results were good.
Vitamin D proven far better than vaccines at preventing influenza infections
Avoid Flu Shots, Take Vitamin D Instead
Dr. Wahls REVERSED her multiple sclerosis using diet – do you think any Big Pharma companies are interested or doctors are telling their MS patients?
Big Pharma isn’t interested in health, Ash, they are interested in profits. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet and nutritious food doesn’t bring in the $9 million annual pay days.
Bayer KNOWINGLY dumped HIV and hepatitis Factor 8 on men, women and children – and they infected their family, too. For years.
They test pesticide on foster children and Glaxo Smith Kline just murdered 14 children testing vaccines on them – and they are appealing a paltry fine.
Would you say it is “intelligent” to simply “trust” the authority of known criminals and liars and murderers?
You did know, right?
Do you know what SV40 is? Do you know how many deaths are estimated to have come from SV40? Do you know how humans got SV40? Do you know why very few know about SV40?
Let’s close back up on small pox…
“Between the 1st and 2nd epidemic, there was only a 7% increase in population with an increase of smallpox deaths by 40.8%. During the 2nd and 3rd epidemic a 9% increase of population with an increase of smallpox deaths of 123% with an ever-multiplying number of vaccinations! Deaths per year from cancer in England and Wales between 1857-72 also began to rapidly increase.
Professor of the Athenian Faculty of Medicine, Leon Grigorski said “We are ourselves creating the diseases, and we are heading toward general cancerization and mental defectives through encephalitis, by the use of vaccines.” Upon limiting access to information the medical-industrial complex is able to maintain its authority mystique.
Isolation is a well-known technique of brainwashing. Choices that challenge the position of the authority are limited and often times hidden. Because the intellect learns by comparison, when it is presented with only one point of view or other points of view are denigrated, it loses its capacity to discriminate and ultimately its capacity for fully rational thought.”
Dr. Joyce Marshall, N.D.,Ph.D.
There is irony, but I don’t think it is what you think it is.
But Rockefeller is well pleased with the trust that you put in him and his Big Pharma and Media cartel (not saying the family is even the biggest player, but they have been incredibly influential).
BTW, do you know who first started selling snake oil?
Think hard… ’cause the family may still be selling it.
You did know that, didn’t you?
Truth or smugness… that is the question. 😉
May 9, 2012 at 12:51 pm #3139Reverse Engineer
MemberReverse Engineer post=2745 wrote:
The only candidate in Africa I think would be the Dutch settlement of South Africa. Otherwise, Europeans didn’t attempt to colonize Africa the same way they did the Americas, particularly North America. I suspect it has to do with the climate and geography. Wave after wave of immigration didn’t happen in SA either as ti did in NA. The Spanish and Portuguese settled there, interbred with the native population but did not keep sending over more immigration waves for 100s of years.North America was a unique sort of situation, so I’m not sure how well you can compare it to Africa or SA.
Whoa! Epiphany! I got a whole new concept now I have to expand on from this. No time to write it now, probably has to wait for the weekend.
Questions for you to ask yourself. With similar sorts of population pressure and constant wars on the Euro continent, why did the Spanish and Portuguese not pursue the same kind of Wave Emigration to SA as the Northern Europeans did to NA? Why did Emmigration to SA basically come to a HALT by the 1700s, while it increased dramatically to NA during this time? Why did the Waves of Irish, Germans and Swedes head in such great numbers always for NA right through the 1800s, when clearly there is much good resource and land in SA also?
Is this simply attributable to these folks looking for a similar climate with similar climate variables that would support the crops and ag they used in Europe? Or might there have been something deeper at work here?
I have a theory. Coming Soon to the Doomstead Diner 🙂
May 9, 2012 at 2:11 pm #3141skipbreakfast
ParticipantThe problem I continue to have with all grand conspiracy theories is that people are terrible at keeping secrets. In no uncertain terms, something would have been written down! The European monarchs and their advisors would have absolutely no reason to keep this a secret amongst themselves. They wouldn’t have to worry that the North American Indians were going to read about their plan on the Internet in advance. And yet, there is nothing written anyhwere, in any form, to substantiate the conspiracy at all. It would have been a very devious and effective plan if they’d come up with it. But the lack of written conjecture from the period is seriously damaging to that theory.
I continue to see human beings as highly adaptable, selfish and short-sighted animals. We quickly adapt to make the best of a terrible situation, especially at the expense of other humans’ energies. But our ability to consciously collude together over long periods of time is beyond our capacity. It’s not our character. We’re much better at saying, “Hey, wow, look, everyone’s going broke cuz we all spent too much (being the short-sighted sods we are)…I know, let’s just go with this now and buy up all their assets on the cheap–who cares if they can’t eat!”
We’re just very selfish and very good at opportunistically profiting from misfortune.
May 9, 2012 at 9:31 pm #3144TheTrivium4TW
Participantskipbreakfast post=2754 wrote: The problem I continue to have with all grand conspiracy theories is that people are terrible at keeping secrets.
sb, a “conspiracy theory” has to be judged based on the evidence at hand, not some paradigm that may or may not be true.
For example, there is a near UNIVERSAL view that the Fed has a “dual mandate.” They DO NOT. They have a single mandate. I provide the law, I explain the law… and a fellow poster here at TAE responded by arguing essentially “lots of people say it is a dual mandate, therefore, it must be true.”
Nooooooo. Of course, he couldn’t provide said mandate.
This line of argument is a way to AVOID the evidence of a particular conspiracy theory. Human history is one big conspiracy of the rich and powerful lording it over everyone else – so the real question is, “what are the rich and powerful conspiring to to do to this generation of people?”
Let’s analyze your thesis… people can’t keep secrets.
How long was the Manhattan Project kept secret?
How long was the Gulf of Tonkin Operations Northwoods false flag incident kept secret?
How long did the Pentagon keep it secret that they invited Anwar al Awlaki to lunch with a Secretary of the Army just months after 911? I think it was 8 years.
Your argument is these events didn’t exist because there would be no way to keep them secret – yet they did. For extended periods of time.
But I’d go one further… who says a conspiracy needs to be “secret” as long as people are conditioned to ignore them?
I have already mentioned the fraudulent “dual mandate” lie that everyone on the MSM TV repeats as though it were a fact.
How about this one – the EPA scientists union has come out and opposed water fluoridation and their objections are PUBLIC!
Anyone can read it. Note that the scientists actually cite the research they used in order to reach their conclusions.
Even though this is public, it is blacked out of the Big Finance Capital controlled media – that’s why they control the media.
The Corporation Unsettling Acounts
skipbreakfast post=2754 wrote:
In no uncertain terms, something would have been written down! The European monarchs and their advisors would have absolutely no reason to keep this a secret amongst themselves. They wouldn’t have to worry that the North American Indians were going to read about their plan on the Internet in advance. And yet, there is nothing written anyhwere, in any form, to substantiate the conspiracy at all. It would have been a very devious and effective plan if they’d come up with it. But the lack of written conjecture from the period is seriously damaging to that theory.OK, your response is in regards to RE’s hypothesis. It stands or falls as provable on the evidence.
skipbreakfast post=2754 wrote:
I continue to see human beings as highly adaptable, selfish and short-sighted animals. We quickly adapt to make the best of a terrible situation, especially at the expense of other humans’ energies. But our ability to consciously collude together over long periods of time is beyond our capacity. It’s not our character. We’re much better at saying, “Hey, wow, look, everyone’s going broke cuz we all spent too much (being the short-sighted sods we are)…I know, let’s just go with this now and buy up all their assets on the cheap–who cares if they can’t eat!”We’re just very selfish and very good at opportunistically profiting from misfortune.
This is an Accident logical fallacy
It is not proper logic to assume a general rule to a specific case in which it does not apply. You have to look at the EVIDENCE.
For example, the Federal Reserve System is a weapon being used by a tiny cabal of criminals to asset strip America. It has been doing so for about 100 years.
In addition, the Fed has broken its singular mandate for about 25 years running – yet almost nobody knows. It is a secret.
And when I prove it beyond all doubt, most people IGNORE it.
There are different levels of conspiracy theory. RE’s theory here doesn’t have much supporting evidence presented.
However, the criminal Fed is all evidence, all day – and there is no doubt they are a criminal outfit subverting America’s sovereignty as a nation.
Can you accept that TRUTH? It isn’t hidden now – it is out in the open.
KeepAndShare is a PDF hosting site – nothing nefarious there.
Debt Money Tyranny of Mass Debt 10, 2012 at 5:25 am #3151skipbreakfast
ParticipantI don’t think this conspiracy is impossible. It’s so brilliant that it should be true. But I don’t buy it mainly for the reason I stated. We can retroactively concoct all kinds of scenarios to explain human events, but this one is hard to swallow in the absence of any written conjecture over hundreds of years. Note that the conspiracies you have pointed out here have all been exposed eventually because someone “talked”…and they talked within only a decade! Also, they were TRYING to keep it a secret. I think this particular conspiracy about smallpox would not have been kept secret. No one would have been trying. Why bother? Native Indians couldn’t read, and there were no newspapers. Indeed, European powers probably would have celebrated their ingenious method for wiping out mass numbers of their “enemy”.
Again, it’s possible. And worth considering and investigating. I think it’s valuable exploration. But there is just as good a reason to believe the opposite at this point: smallpox was an inadvertent victory for the conquering Europeans. I agree we’re capable of dastardly plans. But we’re also chaotic and unpredictable. There’s usually someone in the mix who has an alternate agenda and then talks.
I’m glad people demand truth and look into the charades of the status quo. So Doomsday Diner serves a valuable purpose. But I see many conspiracy theories, and I don’t have to believe them all. Sometimes it seems like people want to believe the conspiracy because the truth of the matter is too difficult to bear–that we are fairly predictable, mean and short-sighted and each somehow complicit in the big mess we’re in.
May 10, 2012 at 5:36 am #3153TheTrivium4TW
Participantskipbreakfast post=2764 wrote: I don’t think this conspiracy is impossible. It’s so brilliant that it should be true. But I don’t buy it mainly for the reason I stated. We can retroactively concoct all kinds of scenarios to explain human events, but this one flies in the face of what I believe about human nature. Note that the conspiracies you have pointed out here have all been exposed eventually because someone “talked”. And they were TRYING to keep them secret. I think this particular conspiracy about smallpox would not have been kept secret. Why bother? Native Indians couldn’t read, and there were no newspapers.
Again, it’s possible. And worth considering and investigating. I think it’s valuable exploration. But there is just as good a reason to believe the opposite at this point: smallpox was an inadvertent victory for the conquering Europeans. I agree we’re capable of dastardly plans. But we’re also chaotic and unpredictable. There’s usually someone in the mix who has an alternate agenda and then talks.
I’m glad people demand truth and look into the charades of the status quo. So Doomsday Diner serves a valuable purpose. But I see many conspiracy theories, and I don’t have to believe them all. Sometimes it seems like people want to believe the conspiracy because the truth of the matter is too difficult to bear–that we are fairly predictable, mean and short-sighted and each somehow complicit in the big mess we’re in.
sb, I agree. I don’t see how it can be possible to prove RE’s hypothesis. There are so many easily provable (as long as people look!) conspiracy facts that I like to focus on them.
I invariably regret getting into areas where I can’t reasonably support my conclusion as I’m almost always discussing these things with sceptical people.
The bizarre thing is that these people know how to be skeptical, even extremely so, but they suspend this approach when it comes to “authority.” The social engineers understand this weakness is the average person and they leverage it to the hilt.
May 10, 2012 at 6:35 am #3154Reverse Engineer
Memberskipbreakfast post=2764 wrote: I’m glad people demand truth and look into the charades of the status quo. So Doomsday Diner serves a valuable purpose.
The main thing far as I am concerned (and I do NOT speak for any Diner except myself) is to understand motivations better and see the Big Picture. Being perfectly correct in any given theory isn’t as important as how it helps you to see the Big Picture.
In the case of the matter at hand, whether intentional or not, the results of course are the same, and you can infer that moving into the Future, the current crop of Illuminati Scumbags learned lessons from this that they can utilize to even more profound effect in the future.
This of course is the reason it is so important to bring in the Orkin Man. If we don’t Exterminate them FIRST, they will Exterminate US. Don’t bring a Knife to a Gunfight with the Illumati and show No Mercy, for no Mercy will be shown to you. Take NO Prisoners in this war, for this is the Final Battle for ALL the Marbles and nothing less than the Survival of Homo Sapiens as a species is at stake.
May 10, 2012 at 10:11 am #3158TheTrivium4TW
ParticipantReverse Engineer post=2767 wrote: [quote=skipbreakfast post=2764]I’m glad people demand truth and look into the charades of the status quo. So Doomsday Diner serves a valuable purpose.
The main thing far as I am concerned (and I do NOT speak for any Diner except myself) is to understand motivations better and see the Big Picture. Being perfectly correct in any given theory isn’t as important as how it helps you to see the Big Picture.
In the case of the matter at hand, whether intentional or not, the results of course are the same, and you can infer that moving into the Future, the current crop of Illuminati Scumbags learned lessons from this that they can utilize to even more profound effect in the future.
This of course is the reason it is so important to bring in the Orkin Man. If we don’t Exterminate them FIRST, they will Exterminate US. Don’t bring a Knife to a Gunfight with the Illumati and show No Mercy, for no Mercy will be shown to you. Take NO Prisoners in this war, for this is the Final Battle for ALL the Marbles and nothing less than the Survival of Homo Sapiens as a species is at stake.
Folks, RE is 100% serious here. The oligarchs don’t like you. They really don’t. They toxify your water with their industrial wastes and lie about it being really nutritious for you. They hope you will just believe the “authority” and never look at the actual research – or the research they AVOID AT ALL COSTS.The EPA scientists were duped UNTIL THEY LOOKED AT THE UNDERLYING DATA AND LOGIC, aka, applied the Trivium method, and then they came out against water fluoridation (hundreds of chemicals, actually).
They feed your children pesticide facsimile “food” that change the colors of mammal organs and sterilizes more than 50% of mice 3 generations out. Infant mortality sky rockets and the offspring are dramatically smaller in size.
They pump your children full of heavy metals, human fetus tissue and all sorts of other nasties… without ever proving the vaccines are even effective at reducing disease and REFUSING to due randomized, double blind placebo studies and REFUSING to do long term health studies with non vaccinated children (like the Amish).
They use their control over media to mock anyone who simply doesn’t trust the “authority” knowing that not 1 in 50 will ever look up the actual evidence, but 49 out of 50 will be cock sure they know the truth because some authority told them.
That authority was convinced by another authority… all the way up the ladder until you reach the nastiest form psychopathic social engineer villain.
they shoot children up with radiation. The shoot children up with syphilis. They pump pesticides into children. They test vaccines on children until the children die.
They invade foreign nations so they can set up their drug growing operations (Afghanistan is #1 in heroin and marijuana production IN THE WORLD!). They buy up pivate prison systems. They lobby governments for draconian, profit maximizing prison sentences. They then import the drugs into the nation states by the thousands of tons and hope that their media effort to make drug use look “cool” and “counterculture” maximizes drug users and their for profit prison taken of the national wealth pie.
The government arms the drug gangs with guns and grenade launchers while the mega banks launder the money. When caguht, nobody gets charged criminally. The only person fires was the whistle blower…
That’s how they roll.
GE engineered Fukushima could release 85x the radioactive cesium on the west cost and… you can hear a pin drop in the MSM.
Can’t make GE look bad, they monopolized industry now that they alone control carbon emissions and control, I mean advise, the White House.
You bad people, you… GE good… radiation is now nutritious for the proles!
In case you still don’t get it, right as they are ushering in the collapse of the world via a fraudulent monetary phenomenon (yes, resources play a role, too, but they aren’t the main driver yet… they will be, though) and Greek families are turning their small children over to the government…
Children abandoned by Greek parents as cuts also sees country running out of medicine
the medical “ethicists” come out and claim that murdering children is is a “right” of the mother (and government), just like abortion.
Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say
Where is the AMA? Silent. They’ve sold the proles on torture and the destruction of the Constitution, why not sell them on the murder of their children.
You shall know them by their fruits…
May 10, 2012 at 11:42 am #3159Reverse Engineer
MemberTheTrivium4TW post=2771 wrote:
Folks, RE is 100% serious here. The oligarchs don’t like you. They really don’t. They toxify your water with their industrial wastes and lie about it being really nutritious for you. They hope you will just believe the “authority” and never look at the actual research – or the research they AVOID AT ALL COSTS.
I am of course quite serious about this, despite my tendency to “lighten it up” with Monty Python analogies. Its real hard to deal with the level of insanity that is going to become quite common here, on both sides of the line without having some humour about it all.
Far as Ash is concerned, he worries about the negative consequences of a Back Fire, in the literal sense of setting a fire purposefully to control a fire already raging out of control. I am not unaware of the dangers of an Uncle Joe Stalin, a Mao or a Hitler in this mess. Every single Back Fire you can set here presents its own set of dangers.
Know this to be true though. Those who currently are in control of world resources will do WHATEVER it takes to retain that control. For the most part if you take the Battle to them NOW, you will LOSE, and you will lose BIG TIME. You cannot fight the Gestapo now and Win, not YET. You have to remain small and take the losses you will take and SUBMIT. Until the Day Comes, and Come it Will, when the Conduits Fail. Those are the conduits of Money and Energy and resource distribution and they are ALL on the cusp of failure now. When that fateful day finally comes, there will be a ONCE IN A MILLENIA CHANCE to take back that which was stolen from you, at least that which is still left to take back, which is not too much. It is something though, not nothing as of yet.
When that day comes, if you want to WIN, you PLAY TO WIN. You pull out ALL the stops, you get SERIOUS about it and you do not just get MAD, you get EVEN. No matter how dirty they fight, you fight DIRTIER. This is a Win or Lose situation and you do whatever it takes to WIN. Does this make you as Morally Corrupt and reprehensible as those you use such tactics against? No it does NOT. It all is in the Motivation for why you do it and what you do when it all is said and done. You CANNOT make an Omellette without Breaking a Few Eggs. You cannot WIN without Breaking some Eggs either. You just have to hold in your heart the vision of a Better Tomorrow, and do whatever it takes to get there, and lord only knows its going to take quite a bit of pain in this go round. So be it. In this case, let us do the best we can to inflict as much PAIN as we can on those who truly DESER$VE to experience it on their final trip to the Great Beyond.
May 10, 2012 at 9:28 pm #3161ashvin
ParticipantReverse Engineer post=2772 wrote: Far as Ash is concerned, he worries about the negative consequences of a Back Fire, in the literal sense of setting a fire purposefully to control a fire already raging out of control. I am not unaware of the dangers of an Uncle Joe Stalin, a Mao or a Hitler in this mess. Every single Back Fire you can set here presents its own set of dangers.RE
One specific concern I have with this in present time is the current “new age spiritual” trend that is ongoing and gaining steam. The philosophy underlying these new age movements creates some disturbing implications, in light of the fact that only “enlightened” beings are thought to be worthy of the alleged transition that will be occurring very soon. Many of the ultimate goals of these movements – such as a one world religion, centralization of economic/political authority in international institutions, generally developing a spiritual “utopia” on Earth, etc. – are the same goals of the NWO elites, just framed in different terms.
If enough common people buy into this new age pseudo-scientific/spiritual babble, it would not be very difficult for the elite to convince them that a modern holocaust of “non-enlightened” ones is needed (or must be tolerated) in order to make the proper transition to a consciousness-soaked utopia. If such a policy WAS put in place, then maybe a few banking elite would be sacrificed to make it look like a legitimate “cleansing” of the parasites from the system, but ultimately I think the goal/result of these plans will be anything but helpful for the disenfranchised and, now, bloodthirsty masses.
May 10, 2012 at 10:33 pm #3162Glennjeff
I’ve had a pint or two of good yankee bourbon, therefore i will just make a bookmark at this point.
You raise more issues than you may realise with your comment, hopefully I will be able to pick up the thread of my thinking when sober, tomorrow.
May 11, 2012 at 12:35 am #3163Reverse Engineer
Memberashvin post=2774 wrote: If enough common people buy into this new age pseudo-scientific/spiritual babble, it would not be very difficult for the elite to convince them that a modern holocaust of “non-enlightened” ones is needed (or must be tolerated) in order to make the proper transition to a consciousness-soaked utopia. If such a policy WAS put in place, then maybe a few banking elite would be sacrificed to make it look like a legitimate “cleansing” of the parasites from the system, but ultimately I think the goal/result of these plans will be anything but helpful for the disenfranchised and, now, bloodthirsty masses.
No doubt this is a possiility, which is why it is important to coopt New Age pseudo-scientific/spiritual “babble” FIRST and make sure that a FULL Cleansing is done of ALL the Guilty, not just a few scapegoats.
As to how helpful this will be, if your Kitchen is infested with Vermin, is it helpful or harmful to exterminate them? In the end only History can determine how helpful this will be, assuming of course there is anyone left toread the history books.
May 11, 2012 at 3:42 am #3164ashvin
ParticipantTheTrivium4TW post=2751 wrote:
Why did Smallpox mortality fall of a cliff as vaccination rates declined by over 50%?
You must realize that there are multiple sides to this argument, and all have a certain amount of data/logic on their side. The consensus view is that vaccination played a large role in preventing transmission of the disease, but was also aided by “surveillance-containment” strategies, which proved to be more effective in certain under-developed communities.
As far as data/logic goes, the links you provided are unimpressive to me. First, your two graphs, one of which is entirely derived from written comments made to British Parliament in 1923 (not a great source for data points on a graph), seem to be consistent with the fact that smallpox deaths drastically declined after vaccination campaigns were launched, albeit not in a linear manner.
Also, in the first graph, smallpox deaths “dropped off of a cliff” while % vaccinations only declined by a small amount. One would expect the mortality rate to drop once levels of vaccinations reached a critical point within the population, and then for vaccinations to steadily decline in use. I’m not sure why Scarlet Fever is also included in the second graph?
Let’s close back up on small pox…
“Between the 1st and 2nd epidemic, there was only a 7% increase in population with an increase of smallpox deaths by 40.8%. During the 2nd and 3rd epidemic a 9% increase of population with an increase of smallpox deaths of 123% with an ever-multiplying number of vaccinations! Deaths per year from cancer in England and Wales between 1857-72 also began to rapidly increase.
I don’t see any references cited for the claims by “Dr. Roger Shafly, PhD” or “Dr. Joyce Marshall, N.D., PhD.”, nor any information about who they actually are. According to you, wouldn’t it be the ultimate ATA fallacy to rely on anything claimed by them in that article?
Note that I agree with you that a lot of these medical strategies are devised to maximize profits, and many times are over-hyped as to how effective they really are. I’m just less willing to dismiss vaccination entirely as an evil tactic of the elite to poison the masses and nothing more than that.
May 11, 2012 at 9:16 am #3171TheTrivium4TW
Participantashvin post=2777 wrote: [quote=TheTrivium4TW post=2751]
Why did Smallpox mortality fall of a cliff as vaccination rates declined by over 50%?
You must realize that there are multiple sides to this argument,
Your initial claim was quite authoritative. At least now your mind is somewhat engaged in THINKING instead of just ACCEPTING.
ashvin post=2777 wrote:
and all have a certain amount of data/logic on their side.As I asked before, what data and logic did YOU use to reach your conclusions that enabled you to make a claim of “irony?”
ashvin post=2777 wrote:
The consensus view is that vaccination played a large role in preventing transmission of the disease,World wide “consensus” is that the Fed has a dual mandate.
Does that make it true? I KNOW it is false. It is trivial to prove as false, yet it remains the “consensus.”
If something that is trivially proven false is “consensus,” how much easier would a false narrative be if it were hidden within the complex?
ashvin post=2777 wrote:
but was also aided by “surveillance-containment” strategies, which proved to be more effective in certain under-developed communities.That doesn’t explain the all the data, though.
The main point is that the people in POWER to PROVE efficacy REFUSE TO DO SO.
This debate shouldn’t even exist – we should have hard numbers base don hard, unbiased science. We don’t.
Did you know that vaccines safety is determined only short term and in relation to another vaccine?
Did you know that effectiveness is determined by how well it creates anti-bodies, but there is no science that links these additional anti-bodies to actual disease resistance?
Did you know they refuse to track how many people got the flu had a flu shot?
ashvin post=2777 wrote:
As far as data/logic goes, the links you provided are unimpressive to me. First, your two graphs, one of which is entirely derived from written comments made to British Parliament in 1923 (not a great source for data points on a graph),Because you say so? Where is the data that impresses you that contradicts this data?
ashvin post=2777 wrote:
seem to be consistent with the fact that smallpox deaths drastically declined after vaccination campaigns were launched, albeit not in a linear manner.That’s entirely misleading because it lacks context. The question is not whether deaths declined during vaccination campaigns, the question is whether vaccines changed the natural rate at which deaths were already changing pre-vaccinations.
If rates are dropping 20% pre vaccine and then “drastically” fall 15% after vaccine, it is simply dishonest to say that vaccines were responsible for that “drastic” 15% drop. You make no mention of context. Neither does “consensus,” so I can see where someone relying on that “consensus” “authority” might not make that connection on their own, the same way one relying on “consensus” would not think about fact checking the Federal Reserve’s legal mandate (BTW, I didn’t – Denninger had to bring it my attention, but the bell rang when he did!).
I was disappointed I didn’t find longer time graphs for smallpox to be able to see how vaccination impacted its natural rate of change.
I don’t like that you were “disappointed,” so please provide the data that you think is correct and hopefully this is on a longer time scale.
However, we have much better data for other diseases that “consensus” claims (is “consensus” related to Simon? Anyway…) were significantly impacted by vaccines.
Note that when vaccines were introduced for diptheria, whooping cough and measles, there was no significant change in the rate of decline in the number of annual deaths from these diseases.
Yet “consensus” argues “causation” and people parrot it as Gospel…
You know, like the “dual mandate.”
But we aren’t done yet.
Look at typhoid, Scarlett fever and diptheria… all declining dramatically without vaccines.
Now, I know you are a very smart guy and that these details aren’t hidden from you. I know you understand the implications, too – that the vaccine issue isn’t as clear cut as “consensus” would have the proles believe. BTW, I’m not saying vaccines can’t be effective – I don’t know and Big Finance Capital Pharma isn’t about to do definitive research when everyone accepts and repeats their well funded “consensus.” Kinda like the Fed’s ‘dual mandate” well funded consensus.
I want the randomized, double blind placebo studies… Big Pharma does not.
But, you won’t bring up these realities – I have to. Why?
My deconstruction of the the social engineer control methods leads me to believe that they understand it is very difficult for people to admit they are wrong once they make a claim. Therefore, if they can get someone to make a claim based upon “authority” and not data and logic, that person will resist the data and logic and hold on to their opinion.
That’s how the system works.
I had a lively debate with a retired physician about the EPA scientists opposing water fluoridation (which is also consensus, unless one is an actual EPA scientists that has reviewed the research directly – but who needs data and logic from scientists… this is “science!”).
The EPA scientists cite the research they used to reach their conclusions – including the FACT that there has never been any solid scientific research (like a randomized, double blind placebo study to prove efficacy of ingesting fluoride – sound familiar… vaccines are treated the exact same way!) proving efficacy!
Now, this retired assured me he had personally researched the issue and all was good – the EPA scientists were wrong. Well, after claiming the article came from some “kook” website… you know ad Hominem. NTEU is the EPA scientist union – it is from their own website.
Since I’m only interested in the truth, I said, “Good, send me the data. I’d like to review it.” I really wanted to see it because, as a truth seeker, I LOVE being wrong. That means I’m closer to the TRUTH.
I never received the data and I asked at least 6 different times via email – the requests when unanswered.
When I have data, I share it. When I don’t, I admit it. What is this “game” all about proclaiming all this data and then hiding in a closet?
Simple – he can’t admit he’s wrong, yet he can’t produce the data that shows his view is correct… so he tunes out.
“Consensus” didn’t help him out one bit, either. “Authorities” lie all the time. It is naive beyond words and shows a complete lack of human history… which is typical in America. I was there once. For most of my life. No more.
ashvin post=2777 wrote:
Also, in the first graph, smallpox deaths “dropped off of a cliff” while % vaccinations only declined by a small amount. One would expect the mortality rate to drop once levels of vaccinations reached a critical point within the population, and then for vaccinations to steadily decline in use. I’m not sure why Scarlet Fever is also included in the second graph?That graph lacks context. I want to know what happened before. without the data, one can’t reach a solid conclusion. Maybe, maybe not. But we do have lots of data for other diseases that “consensus” claims were knocked out by vaccines and the vaccines didn’t even make a dent in the incidence of the death rate decline.
In addition, massive swings of deaths is not what is advertised with these vaccines – but it is a rationalization. Does the vaccine confer immunity from the disease or not?
ashvin post=2777 wrote:
I don’t see any references cited for the claims by “Dr. Roger Shafly, PhD” or “Dr. Joyce Marshall, N.D., PhD.”, nor any information about who they actually are. According to you, wouldn’t it be the ultimate ATA fallacy to rely on anything claimed by them in that article?She’s an expert – isn’t that what you’d argue? -lol-
Why yes, you did argue exactly that. Now it is the “ultimate” ATA. My, how things change when the shoe is on the other foot! 😉
Your ruler is so flexible. Mine isn’t. You are exactly right – that doesn’t prove a thing other than you KNOW when to apply the Trivium, but you selectively chose to deploy it.
You see, I admit the truth – I don’t hide. The cite of “[A]n American paper published in 1922 reported” is meaningless in trying to prove something. It needs to be verified.
As I said before, it doesn’t mean it is true or false, it just means that the logic used to establish the truth of the matter is a lie – it is false logic.
Not many people are willing to run against consensus. The social engineers and financial oligarchs know this, so they fund the “consensus” they want and off we go.
Even smart people are duped… and they are so smart they can’t admit to being so thoroughly duped.
BTW, the retired physician knew how to be extremely skeptical, too. But only of things not “consensus.” When it was “consensus,” no data or logic required – and he lied to keep up his own image of authority in place. How sad.
ashvin post=2777 wrote:
Note that I agree with you that a lot of these medical strategies are devised to maximize profits, and many times are over-hyped as to how effective they really are. I’m just less willing to dismiss vaccination entirely as an evil tactic of the elite to poison the masses and nothing more than that.Based on what data and logic? “Consensus” was your answer, but you have personal knowledge that “consensus” can be 100% false.
Your logic appears to be, “that kind of lie is too big, so it couldn’t be true.”
I’m telling you that is a fallacy that people as far back as Hitler knew how to exploit.
All this was inspired by the principle–which is quite true within itself–that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.
~HitlerGoebbels stated it thusly…
The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.
You don’t KNOW anything unless you know the underlying data and the logic applied to it.
You might feel lucky, as does anyone who falls for “the Big Lie” – that’s a key factor in the Big Lie that makes it so attractive to social engineers with an agenda.
In the meantime breast cancer rates are tripling, other cancer rates are sky rocketing, diabetes is sky rocketing, bran disorder rates are increasing dramatically, chronic disease rates are way up…
…And nobody knows why. IT ISN’T GENETICS. They don’t change that quickly.
So what is it?
Consensus won’t give an opinion, but they will sell you drugs to mask symptoms and cause other diseases… if you are lucky. If you aren’t, you’ll be one of the 106,000 killed by FDA approved Big Finance Capital Pharma drugs.
One question, though. The same people that lie about a black letter law criminal Fed, the same people who cover for their criminal bubble bust operation, the same people that restrict money from impoverished nations and kill about 25,000,000 a year from malnutrition and starvation, the same people who sell tainted Factor 8 and kill the people who took it and their family whom they infected (and they were protected from prosecution by the government), the same people who inject vaccines into orphans until they kill them, the same people who inject radiation into orphans until they kill them, the same people that inject pesticides into orphans until they kill them…
…the same people who turned our food supply into pesticide facsimile “food” and refuse to test it as it damages every mammal tested with it…
…the same people that weaponized the monetary system with a result that could kill off a billion people or more before this depression runs its path…
…the same people who fund al Qaeda to start civil wars in non threatening sovereign nations and kill off tens of thousands of dark skinned Africans (Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, anyone?)…
the same people shilling for infanticide as “ethical…”
…those same people wouldn’t weaponize the vaccination system… the same way they weaponized the monetary system, the same way they weaponized the food system, the same way they weaponized the water system….
Based on what again? “Consensus?”
Or is that fear of accepting how bad we have it and who the real terrorists are and their position within society the driving factor?
I have sources and links for all the above… I posted some of them in my previous response (that were summarily ignored).
As for the quotes – I didn’t post those quotes in a vacuum, nor where they supposed to be anything more than an opinion that the reader should research on their own.
The real issue of the post was how YOU knew the smallpox vaccine was so effective, not that I was proving it wasn’t effective. I did post information that challenged the “consensus” effectiveness of the vaccine, but that was to challenge your, er, assumption, that the “establishment’s consensus” was somehow unassailable.
Your answer was loud and clear. “Consensus.”
That isn’t valid, though. Not on its own.
BTW, you ignored the SV40 question. Do you know what it is? do you know how many people it may have killed?
Dr. Maurice Hilleman, explains why Merck’s vaccines have spread AIDS & other plagues worldwide
While we will never know how effective vaccines are BECAUSE BIG PHARMA REFUSES TO PROPERLY TEST THEM FOR ACTUAL EFFICACY, it is very telling when a Big Pharma elite insider claims that “vaccines have to be considered the bargain basement technology for the 20th century.”
Unfortunately, he doesn’t provide the data and logic he used, as high level vaccine program insider, to reach his conclusion. I wish he had.
47,500 paralysis cases after polio vaccine – Deccan Chronicle
Oh, the “consensus” didn’t tell you? Don’t hold your breath for them to tell you the Fed is criminally breaking their singular mandate, either. DUH! Criminals aren’t going to out their own crimes.
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