Who’s Afraid of Whom?


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    Rembrandt van Rijn Small self portrait 1627-28   Man, I want to get away from US (and UK) politics, it’s too depressing and I’ve already covered
    [See the full post at: Who’s Afraid of Whom?]

    Da Booby

    “I read a lot of stuff every single day, and every single piece is starting to look like any other. I took the following from the Guardian, but it could have been any MSM outlet really.”

    Except for die hard true believers no cares what the mainstream media says anymore. They’re losing control of the narrative. Yes, hard core Democrats will still flock to the New York Times, and hard core Republicans will still flock to the Wall Street Journal. But everyone else has stopping taking the mainstream media seriously, and are increasingly seeking out alternative – albeit imperfect – alternatives.

    Perhaps that’s why the New York Times is floating the idea that we have too much freedom of speech these days (it’s dangerous, you see).

    In the News: The New York Times Thinks Free Speech is a Problem: Maybe the New York Times is the Problem

    What the NYT can’t or won’t see is that people have had just about enough of the New York Times and the rest of the MSM.

    V. Arnold

    And that isn’t, and should not be, what such inquiries are for. Not even if you’re afraid of losing the election – that’s cheating.

    But, that’s all the U.S. knows how to do; lie, cheat, steal, and murder; not necessarily in that order…


    The UK and USA are no longer democracies. They are circuses. Mainly to transfer money to the connected from those who aren’t. If things are bewildering, it is because the truth is kryptonite to neo-liberal-cons. We are being sorted for the cattle cars. The first truth never mentioned is “Empire”. The second is that it failed. Saudi Arabia’s Aramco oil facilities can be destroyed at will if the Saudis don’t make peace with the Houthis and Iraqi Shiite militias. A cutoff of Saudi oil will kill the global economy.

    Everything is really out of the hands of Washington DC and London, despite all the huffing and puffing. Nations are secondary to multi-national corporations. (A bankrupt corporation in Northern California, PG&E, shut off the electricity to almost a million people with absolutely no concern for the severe consequences). The Trump Impeachment and Brexit are solely about who retains sovereignty, globalists or nationalists. It sure is not the people. Maybe valid elections and jailing oligarchs will restore consent of the governed but the most likely alternative, Civil War 2.0, in the nuclear age, will exterminate everyone instead.

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