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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle September 1 2022 #114892

    10YT 2.24%

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 1 2022 #114891

    ‘Consciousness of Sheep has a very good article. This writer advocates using remaining fossil–fuels as prudently and sparingly as possible to descend gradually to whatever will later be possible.’

    That is almost exactly what US Admiral Rickover, ‘father of the US nuclear submarine fleet’ proposed in 1957!

    Mobil, Exxon, Caltex, Genral Motors, Chrysler etc. were not at all keen on the idea.

    Britian’s ‘Iron Lady’ said: “Get the oil and gas out from under the North Sea and burn is as quickly as possible. I don’t mind if you convert some of it into plastic trinkets. Just waste it as fast as you can. The Is No Alternative!” ​

    I understand that TINA has a new message: “Britain must make war on the Russians” [and steal their oil and gas because we have almost run out].

    Yes, there are gas fileds under Ukraine. That is why the Biden family set up shop there.

    Today will be a very ‘interesting’ day in ‘the markets’.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 1 2022 #114888

    Those who jump on knee-jerk bandwagons might try considering what I actually wrote:

    he was actually shouted down by the group at the University of Auckland technical analysis forums

    I did not say he was shouted down by a bunch of undergraduate students.

    Those who shouted him down were experts in the field, unlike Bryan Leyland, who just an overrated engineer on a gravy train and who was working to a bought-and-paid-for script of promoting ‘Clean Coal’, which does not exist, of course.

    There was a bought-and-paid-for liar on the University of Auckland staff, Chris de Freuitus, supposed head of ‘Environmental Studies’, whose consistent narrative centred on NZ burning more coal!

    He was given prominent position by the NZ Herald -yet another component of the great propaganda (lying) machine, which refused to publish any articles pointing out the extreme danger of burning excessive quantities of coal -which is one of the filthiest fuels ever used and has the highest per unit CO2 emissions of all fuels.

    Interestingly, when questioned on the matter, the University of Auckland Chemistry Department had ‘no opinion’.

    By the same token, the University of Auckland Geology Department did not teach oil geology -depsite there being ongoing exploration and extraction in Taranaki and offshore at the time. That was supposedly the responsibility of the Engineering Department, which unsurprisingly has nothing to say about Peak Oil, even thoiugh it was occuring at the time.

    Taking the matter as far as the Vice Chancellors Office resulted in a fob-off, that department heads were at liberty to teach whatever they like, whether it was true or relevant or untrue.

    In NZ, universities were morphed from places of learning into businesses over the period 1985 to 2000

    It was around that time that numerous ‘Schools of Tourism’ were being set up, and students were paying fees to learn how to make coffee and be nice to hotel guests.

    I jest not!

    And with ‘trolls’ almost incessantly challenging fundamental truth on TAE, and making ad hominem attacks, we can see why western societies are going down the drain so quickly, and why there is no hope for the future as far as NATOstan nations are concerned.

    Fortunately, not all the commenters are uninformed fuckwits.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 1 2022 #114845

    New Zealand based consulting engineer Bryan Leyland acquired an unenviable reputation for being a prize wanker and ‘idiot’ -he was actually shouted down by the group at the University of Auckland technical analysis forums, for his unending support for ‘Clean Coal’ (obviously on someone’s payroll).

    So it’s good that he has recently said something sensible about the impracticability of electric car charging.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 1 2022 #114844

    Special report: Ukrainian commando raid to seize the nuclear power station and take international inspectors as hostages!

    Intercepted, but not resolved, so an ongoing crisis.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 1 2022 #114843

    Ha! That was a good joke by the German FM about politicians being ‘democratic’ !!!!

    It would be hilarious, but for the fact that we are not members of ‘the Big Club’ that she is in, the one that is totally screwing us.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 1 2022 #114842

    Greg Hunter’s guest, Egon von Greyerz was utterly wrong when he said the money-printing wasn’t exponential between 1971 and 2019. Of course it was!

    But never mind, he’s right in that it is now hyper-exponential. And he’s quite right that economic growth is over.

    That’s really bad when you’re running a global Ponzi scheme.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2022 #114840

    A couple of other thoughts on this matter of human population overshoot:

    1. I could be argued that whoever is in control -Illuminati, Bilderbergers, WEF, IMF, old money etc.- have suddenly realised how badly they have f’d up everything, and that they need to carry out massive depopulation in a short time frame in the vain hope that they can arrest planetary breakdown and preserve habitability for themselves and their own progeny.

    I know that does require a far greater degree of foresight than any of them have ever displayed before, but they cannot be totally stupid. Nor can they total agreement amongst themselves about everything: no group ever is. So it could be that a few of the group with some actual brains that still function have realised the predicament they have placed themselves in, and being ruthless psychopaths, they would have no qualms about suggesting and committing mass murder. They do it regularly.

    2. On the matter of [surplus] Chinese men searching for or buying women from other countries, I’m sure that happens. However, those women would not be reproducing in their own countries, so the overall effect of China’s one-child policy is to lower the overall population growth in China and elsewhere. Indeed, women who marry Chinese would likely have fewer children than if they remained in less prosperous nations.

    In the light of what is happening everywhere, every breeding-age female ought to be very circumspect about having any children. But I doubt that many are.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2022 #114832

    D Benton Smith

    Thank you for the thoughtful response.

    ‘Clearly, mass murder is never superficial under any circumstances, but more to the salient point of my rant is this: There is a mental state in which enormous and utterly illogical evil is transmogriphied (within the afflicted person’s mind) into an idea that is considered to be not just logical and moral, but deemed brilliant and noble.’

    As understand it, the Nazis -and particularly the SS- managed to psychologically detach themselves so successfully from their victims that they were able to regard them as vermin to be exterminated, like a plague of rats.

    The Japanese who invaded China in the late 1930s and raped and murdered 250,000 Chinese in Nanking in a week obviously managed to get themselves into a similar state.

    Do you think the leaders of America are so pathologically insane they would use nuclear weapons to exterminate ‘Russian vermin’?

    Apparently, the potential prime minister of Britian thinks she has the guts to ‘go nuclear’ to ‘teach Putin a lesson’ and her supporters think that is wonderful !!!???!!!

    Or maybe that is just part of the Punch and Judy puppet show.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2022 #114818


    Bu s’ dao.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2022 #114817

    D Benton Smith

    ‘If our current population of 8 billion (56% urbanized, specialized, lobotomized and about to be euthanized) represents an “overshoot” of 7 billion then how did we survive earlier “overshoots” of 1,2,3,4, and 5 billion when the population was (respectively) 2,3,and 4 billion?’

    I am genuinely surprised that you do not know, given the extensive discussion about how ‘we’ got to this point.

    I will explain.

    England had a sustainable population of around 3 million until Tudor times. Almost all of the 10,000 kilojoules of energy consumed per person were generated by natural systems within the land area of England or taken from the beaches and seas around England, with tiny inputs of wine etc. that could not be easily produced in England coming from Portugal, and miniscule quantities of exotic foods coming from Italy or the Middle East.

    Henry the Eighth got ambitious and after failed military attempts to recreate a ‘greater England’ that incorporated the ‘lost regions of Northern France, took to taking on the Dutch and others via the construction of a navy. His pride and joy, the Mary Rose, sank just off Portsmouth Harbour (1545?). Building and replacing wooden ships denuded the English countryside, and began seriously messing up the ecology and reducing the overall productivity of England.

    Anyway, his daughter Elizabeth played the same game and encouraged English ‘Lords’ to raid Spanish vessels laden with stuff stolen from the Americas and take whatever they could and bring it back to England, allowing the English to buy more stuff from overseas.

    There was the political turmoil of the early-to-mid seventeenth century but once things settled, the English got back to stealing stuff and carting it back to England, just as the Spanish and Dutch were doing..

    The key step was the establishment of plantations in the Caribbean and American colonies -operated on the basis of slave labour- and hauling back to England megajoules of energy on a continuous basis via sugar.

    Killing off around 100 million of the indigenous population or North America helped the process along. And once the bulk of the bison herds had been killed off and the great plains converted to grain production, England was able to import even more megajoules of food energy for its burgeoning population, which had surged way past the sustainable level to 20 or 30 million.

    Next came the realisation that English farmland could be forced to generate more megajoules of food energy via the addition of bird shit -guano- so off they went to strip mine all the islands off the coast of South America that had accumulated guano over thousands of years. And when that began running out, they started strip mining the phosphate deposits of Nauru and Christmas islands, until there was nothing left.

    Concurrent with all that was the development of steam-powered and the diesel-powered agricultural machinery that allowed farmers to do away with horses and use the land that had provided feed for horses to produce more megajoules (perhaps we should say petajoules) of food energy to increase the population overshoot.

    And concurrent with all that was the near extermination of the indigenous populations of New Zealand, Australia, Argentina and South Africa, and the setting up of systems to extract petajoules of food energy in the form of NZ lamb and butter, Australian beef and Argentine corned beef etc. by which time the population overshoot of England was arguably around 47 million, i.e. a total population of about 50 million in the early 1950s.

    We should not forget that the great fishing fleets annihilated the cod species of the North Atlantic and decimated numerous other fish species around Britian, almost to the point of there being no fish left to catch.

    The final nail in the coffin was the importation of yet more humans from the Caribbean because there was supposedly a labour shortage in the 1950s. And then from the 1960s on, hordes more came from all over the place because they considered England the place to be.

    So now the population is 62 million or some equally disastrous number.; a population overshoot of 59 million compared to what was sustained without food imports and fossil-fuel-based agriculture. Yes, all kept alive via industrial agriculture that is on its last legs via depletion, the consequences of burning fossil fuels and lack of affordable fertilisers.

    We should note that in both WW1 and WW2, the strategy of the German navy was to sink so many merchant ships that Britian would have to sue for peace because of imminent starvation.

    What I have said of England applies equally to Japan or dozens of other nations. Everything was fine in Japan until Europeans ‘opened it up’ and industrialised it. Rice was grown, the seas were fished, and urine was collected and put on the land until Japan went into population overshoot via industrialism. Now 126 million, which is at least 100 million too many.

    Perhaps the worst case I know of is Saudi Arabia, which has managed to increase its population from 4 million to 32 million in my lifetime, only because it could extract and sell oil, and purchase industrially-produced food.
    As for NZ, well that supported around 100,000 for several centuries until Europeans arrived, chopped down most of the trees, and set up systems dependent on massive inputs of imported energy, imported fertilisers and conversion of natural gas into urea.

    So, the answer is, the previous overshoots were out-run in the short term via consuming natural capital. And now there is almost no natural capital left to consume, so the ever-increasing overshoot, achieved from the seventeenth century on, will correct.via die-off.

    I suggest you look at Jay Hansen’s work under Die-off, if you are not familiar with it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2022 #114812


    Techno-fantasists get paid a lot of money to write drivel. It’s all about keeping the ignorant masses believing the system has answers to the many burgeoning predicaments, when in fact there are none.

    From memory, the Bush-era propaganda machine told the ignorant masses that they would be driving hydrogen cars by 2015 and that the first manned US mission to Mars would be launched in 2015.

    Europeans were told to buy diesel vehicles that would run on ever-increasing volumes of biofuels, and that pigs would grow wings and learn fly…

    Jonathan Swift knew it was all bullshit when he wrote ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ [in 1723 from memory].

    Since then the bullshit machine has become a lot more sophisticated. But it still churns out the same kind of bullshit.

    I recall being in correspondence with an American who, in 2005, was convinced the US would attack Iran ‘within three weeks’ because an aircraft carrier group was headed for the Straits of Hormuz.

    I told him at the time I thought it was all about keeping the American people believing they still had a world-class military establishment.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2022 #114809

    D Benton Smith

    Moving beyond the superficial ‘mass murder is evil’ narrative we can see that when you have a massive population overshoot of the order of 7 billion, and an inadequate food supply and a planet in meltdown, it makes perfect sense to get rid of as many people as possible now because that will reduce the amount of suffering in the future.

    I am not advocating mass murder, but I can see the ‘madness in the method’, and ‘method in the madness’ of the scumbags at the top of the power pyramid.

    And what better way to kill off the masses than to mislead them into accepting lethal jabs as a component of health protection? Misleading them into attacking their potential saviours is also a useful strategy is you are a deceitful scumbag.

    John Day

    Somewhere in the threat you mentioned higher sensitivity of skin to sunlight.

    having gown up in England, where the sun doesn’t shine a lot, I did not get the high doses of UV that people who grew up in NZ and Oz got. And one of the first purchases upon arrival in NZ was a pair of sun glasses because the sun was so bright compared to what i had been used to.

    Being aware of the very high energy of UV photons, I have always covered up and worn large hats etc. But I too have high sensitivity to sun, partly because one’s skin gets thinner as one ages.

    It was possible to tackle ODS -ozone depleting substances because they were not a fundamental component of the global industrial economy, and could, to some extent, be replaced or phased out.

    Fossil fuels, on the other hand can never be phased out because they are a fundamental component of the global industrial economy, and are what support everything else. .

    t naturally follows that we will only ever be subjected to bullshit and lies and fake ‘solutions’ from the power thatb be when it comes to energy, resources, and the environment.

    By the way, on the first day of spring it is 22oC in the shade (a south-facing wall that gets no sun at this time of the year).


    The most magnificent butterflies I have ever seen were in the butterfly house of the Taipei zoological gardens, but I saw many almost as stunning specimens when climbing the hillsides out of the cities.

    If I had to live in Taiwan again, I think I would choose Haulien.

    Interestingly, that was where to monument to those who died in the Japanese invasion of 1895 is.

    They came for the timber, of course, and built a narrow-gauge railway halfway up the mountain from Chaiyi.

    Many years ago I saw a magnificent film about the last stand of the truly native people of the highlands (Haga). They had literally been enslaved by the Japanese to destroy the timberlands of their homeland.

    After the Japanese failed to quell rebellion with light arms they brought in aircraft and machine guns.

    Also, kind of interesting, is the very plausible hypothesis that the Maori of NZ originated in Taiwan -formerly Formosa -beautiful island.

    Since the Americans and their proxies took over in the late 1940s it has been well and truly FUBARed, and there’s not a lot of anything left. But a moiling and toiling mass of consumers has been created. 🙁

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2022 #114797

    You can see why the US and UK want to divide and reconquer Myanmar. Recolonisation.

    I suspected a lot many years ago, and now it is all explained. The western narratives are all completely fake.

    Well, no surprise there!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2022 #114784

    On the day of economic collapse

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2022 #114778

    10YT 3.17% Market meltdown coming fast.

    House prices falling faster.

    Pandemonium. Or mayhem. Choose your word.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2022 #114777

    I like Charles Hugh Smith’s designation of non-food being passed off as food: ‘fud’

    ‘The system–whatever you choose to call it–is busy cannibalizing itself to the point of collapse. Neoliberal State Capitalism is a pretty accurate description of every major global player’s system because all seek to benefit from the expansion of markets (Neoliberal Capitalism) and financial instruments (Finance Capitalism), and control these markets and instruments to benefit the few in power at the expense of everyone else (state Capitalism).

    Turning transparent, open markets into controlled, exploitable “markets” is the ultimate cannibalization of equally-open-to-all market capitalism which is the foundation of the productive distribution of opportunity.

    Turning small-scale, localized finance into centralized / globalized hyper-financialization cannibalizes finance to benefit the few with unlimited access to credit, leverage and monopoly. First you borrow vast sums at low rates of interest that are inaccessible to mere mortals, take a corporation private, indebt the company and use the funds to accumulate mountains of derivatives that leverage the debt 10-fold or even 100-fold, then take the corporation public again, goose the stock and then cash out all the leveraged gains.

    The newly public company has been stripmined of core assets and burdened by debt. The financiers cannibalized the corporation to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else with a stake in the business and the future viability of the enterprise.

    This cannibalization is not restricted to the financial realm. True virtue–honesty, trustworthiness, the willingness to accept self-sacrifice for the greater good–has been reduced to ashes behind a glossy, fraudulent facade of virtue-signaling, a facade that masks the cannibalization of the system to benefit the self-congratulatory, hypocritical few at the expense of the many.

    Health has also been cannibalized to maximize the private gains of the few at the expense of the many. If we define food as natural products high in nutritional content then very little of what’s being presented as “food” actually qualifies as food because its nutritional content is somewhere between abysmally low and non-existent.

    Highly processed products are simulacra of food that hijack our hardwired pleasure responses to heavy concentrations of salt, sweets, fat and spice and crunchy/chewy mouthfeel. The nutritional content of these products is so low and the fat-salt-sugar content so high that they are severely damaging to health on multiple levels.

    The unwary consumer who stuffs themselves with these simulacra of food (shall we call it “fud”?) feels full even as their body and brain are starved for real nutritional content and real-food fiber.

    Everywhere we look, we find a massive cannibalization effort behind every phony facade, a cannibalization that hollows out the functionality and adaptability of core systems to benefit the few at the expense of the many.’

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2022 #114773


    The Chinese adopted a one-child policy in an attempt to bring population growth under control. I was an admirable response to a burgeoning predicament.

    However, the Chinse were vilified for it, especially by the utterly corrupt western nations, who were (and are) under the control of money-lenders. And money-lenders have only one prime agenda: making more money for themselves via increased population, increased consumption and increased ravaging of the Earth -all achieved via their social control and propaganda systems.

    We heard the stories of how the Chinese aborted females, resulting in school classes comprising of 28 boys and 4 girls.

    What a fine thing that turned out to be! because if there had been 16 of each, China’s current food and pollution and social predicaments would be far worse.

    But in ‘polite’ society one is not allowed to say such things.

    It all goes back to the 1960s: Catton’s ‘Overshoot’ and Hardin’s ‘Tragedy of the Commons’


    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2022 #114772


    We are in a ‘progress trap’.

    In reality, there is no such thing as progress. There is only change. And most of the change since the commencement of the Industrial Revolution has been exceedingly bad.

    Sure, it seems better to not have go to a water source (well, river, pond) and collect water. It seems better to not have to chase rabbits and pheasants or trap them. It seems better to not have to collect firewood or build one’s own dwelling.

    But really, it’s all quite ephemeral.

    People who lived before humans began to mess things up big time were really alive.

    Now we have a huge population of zombies, within which lives a tiny minority who are really alive.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2022 #114771

    John Day

    It is encouraging to participate in dialogue with someone who can see the big picture and who does not jump on ill-thought-out bandwagons.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2022 #114770


    ‘If YOU believe you know what the system will do in the future than prepare accordingly. Blathering on about it won’t change the outcome.’

    I started preparations for what I knew was coming in the early2000s, but in the wrong location, Auckland, which I never wanted to shift to but was kind of forced to in the early1990s. Then couldn’t get out for a long time.

    The shift to Taranaki seemed like a good thing at the time -population 100,000 and lots of farmland and running water [due to the mountain ‘rain magnet’. However, for reason I won’t go into in detail but involving the totally corrupt and dysfunctional district and regional councils, I relocated again just under three years ago.

    Where I am now, in a region with a population of about 20,000 and abundant groundwater supplies and tolerably good surface water supplies -there is a steam running across my property- I started from scratch yet again 30 months ago.

    Although I don’t have everything I would like, I am sure I will endure the energetic-financial-economic-societal meltdown that the controllers have triggered better than most, whether that meltdown is the product of intention or just plain arrogance and stupidity (plenty of evidence for that).

    If need be, I can survive with no heating in the house, since it is quite well insulated, and the outside temperature rarely drops below minus 1 degree Celsius.

    I have put in heat control systems -roller blinds, awnings etc. to combat excessive heat. It has been in the mid-30s in summer since I came here, but is unlikely to get to the 40s, due to the proximity of the ocean, which has a cold northward flow along the coast, i.e. from the Great Southern Ocean next to Antarctica.

    Having converted all my fiat money into things I believe will be of value through the meltdown, I have no money and live from week to week, balancing the small benefit I get with outgoings.

    Dental work is a financial killer in NZ.

    I have no wood stove (but can do without for internal house temperature). Just extra layers of clothing. The same for outside work on frosty mornings. 4,5,6 layers.

    Interestingly, those who do have wood stoves are dependent on petrol-powered chainsaws and petrol or diesel vehicles to pull trailers stacked with wood. Could be a problem there in the near future, since NZ has no refinery and is totally dependent on imported refined products.

    The thing about the S.I. is that it does have plenty of hydro-electricity, and will continue to do so for as long as the distribution grid can be maintained. In the N.I natural gas and coal are burned to maintain supply -and keep the electric cars moving!

    You may regard providing vital information for the understanding of what is going on and why as ‘Blathering’ but I do not like the word.

    I will keep providing vital information for the understanding of what is going on a why as long as I can.

    Whilst nothing will change the outcome -an uninhabitable planet- it may affect the mechanism by which that point is reached and the living conditions of those who endure the consequences of all the greed, corruption and stupidity that have characterised life in the Empire of Lies for many centuries.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2022 #114715

    Unlike the mealy-mouthed liars who pretend to be leaders of the West, Putin tells it exactly how it is:

    ” You haven’t paid for the last delivery, so you get no more.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2022 #114714


    At last we are in total agreement.!!!!

    We are, indeed, governed by thieves and professional liars who con the masses into believing completely fake narratives because the ignorant masses believe it is all for the greater good -rather the actual reason, which is to make money for banks and corporations and opportunists (which includes most politicians in the NATOstan countries) and keep the Ponzi financial system going a bit longer.

    Meanwhile young people keep dropping dead ‘mysteriously’.

    ‘Actress/model Charlbi Dean has died at the age of 32.

    Palme D’Or winning actress dies suddenly aged 32

    © Provided by Newshub

    The South African star, who appeared in the Palme d’Or winner Triangle of Sadness, passed away in New York City on Monday.

    Editors at Variety reported that Charlbi had died from an “unexpected illness”.

    No further details were available.’

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2022 #114712

    Over at ZH, a reminder:

    “The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable.”

    – H. L. Mencken

    The American Kleptocracy: A Government Of Liars, Thieves, & Lawbreakers

    Ditto New Zealand

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2022 #114711

    Following on from my comment about the people who decide our fate being scientifically illiterate and financially illiterate morons (and self-serving liars) I have just seen that Tim Watkins has a new, and excellent, posting:

    ‘Net zero is dead – so what now?

    16 hours ago Energy 725 Views

    ‘There is a deep irony that Europe’s wind turbine factories were among the first to close in the face of our growing energy crisis. Nevertheless, it goes a long way to demonstrating the fundamental flaw in the net zero project – while the harvested energy of the wind may be renewable, the technologies that do the harvesting are not. Indeed, these supposedly “green” technologies depend upon complex global supply chains powered by fossil fuels at every stage of their manufacture, transportation, deployment, maintenance, and decommissioning. But that inconvenient truth was never allowed to get in the way of the technocratic net zero fantasy – aka “the great reset,” “the green new deal,” or “the fourth industrial revolution.”

    It wasn’t, you see, just us who were “energy blind.” Indeed, those at the bottom of the income ladder tend to be more aware of the importance of energy – including having enough calories to ward off hunger – than the technocrats and elites at the top of the pyramid, who tend to believe that they are perched up in the clouds solely due to their own efforts, rather than to having burned their way through a mountain of coal and an ocean of oil to generate their theoretical wealth. And so, they sold us this children’s story about how complexity and science don’t really matter, and that so long as we all wish hard enough, we could replace all of the coal, gas and oil with sunlight, wind and pixie dust.’

    Net zero is dead – so what now?

    I think I can answer Tim’s question: what comes next is even more blatant lying, bigger delusions, and a greater level of tyranny.

    There might be some cause for hope if Tim’s article had 725 million views. But 725 suggests we are still pushing shit uphill with a pointed stick when it comes to energy literacy.

    Our collective efforts to raise awareness amount to a flea on an elephant…a slight irritation at best.

    Not that we should stop!

    Sanity and reality have to prevail in the end because the frauds [of governments] are sure going to fail spectacularly very soon.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2022 #114705

    As I have said many times, those who cannot provide coherent narratives and who lose scientific debates resort to personal insults. Insults are a sure sign of a loser.

    The fact is there are numerous people on Internet forums posing as something they are not. Posing s people who know stuff when they don’t. .Governments and bureaucracies full of such people, as are economic thinktanks.

    It’s fascinating to read bits of the silly reports delivered with such earnestness by the [corrupt] mainstream media. “Economists say that interest rates may rise and that house prices may fall.” $300,000+ a year for telling us what we already know!!! FFS.

    What I find particularly scary is the fact that the people who decide what the rules for everyone else will be in our fake democracies are essentially scientifically and financially illiterate. Indeed, they are ecologically illiterate and many don’t even understand the words they use.

    Andrei Martynov shreds the so-called western economists to pieces quite regularly on his channel. But what percentage of the global populace does he reach? 0.001% 0.0001%?

    Of course, is all a copy-and-paste culture in which idiotic statements are repeated ad infinitum by both the mainstream media and the vast bureaucracies that have a stranglehold on western societies: ‘sustainable development’, ‘replacement of fossil fuels with renewables’, ‘transitional fuels’, ‘carbon capture’, the hydrogen economy’ blah, blah, blah.

    And because the moron who promote such fantasies are scientifically and financially illiterate, they believe their own bullshit. Or are scared to step out of line.

    I am well aware why that is: the whole how is run by banks and corporations (with a few opportunists thrown in) to facilitate the looting and polluting of the environment and the transfer of wealth from the many to the few. “Crew expendable” as Ripley discovered in the original Alien film.

    What the scientifically illiterate and financially illiterate morons at the local council, the regional council, the government and the various bureaucracies in Wellington etc. are yet to wake up to is the fact that without an intact environment no one gets through the numerous bottlenecks that we will be forced to negotiate over the coming decade.

    What really astounds me is that people will actually argue with those self-evident truths!

    But as Schopenhaeur pointed out about 150 years ago, all truth passes through three stages

    First is ignored
    Second it is vigorously opposed

    Third it is accepted as self-evident

    Clearly a lot of commenters on TAE are trapped at stage two at the moment, and no amount of evidence will shift them.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2022 #114680

    The system has had an insolvency predicament for decades.

    Rember back in 2007/2008 the insolvency predicament morphed into a liquidity crisis. Bush and Paulson demanded $760 billion to shore up liquidity. And got it.

    Well, here we go again, only this time with the added ‘headwinds’ of bigger insolvency, further energy depletion, further destruction of climate stability, systems that are visibly failing, and a much bigger total population to fight amongst themselves for the rapidly declining resources and available energy.

    Demolition by design:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2022 #114671

    I’m sure many will already know, but for the benefit of those who don’t, the Military Summary channel highlights the fact that the war started in the summer of 2014, not February 2022 -when the Russian SMO commenced.

    It seems that the Ukrainians have succeeded in outdoing the defeat that they experienced in 2014; 1200 dead (unknown number injured or captured) and a massive loss of 139 armoured vehicles, including tanks.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2022 #114669

    RIM 🙂

    People who lose intellectual debates often resort to ad hominen attacks.

    The unmentionable person tried that on me… and lost.

    I won’t mention anything more about it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2022 #114668


    ‘NATO states, especially US and UK are undefeated masters at informational warfare.’

    Spot on!

    An interesting anecdote from yesterday.

    I went to the local supermarket to do my once-a-week shopping. I don’t wear a mask and mask compliance is down from a peak of near-100% to around 60% despite the placard at the entrance.

    At the check-out the cashier commented about Christmas coming – stressful time for staff.

    I said: “Don’t worry about Christmas. It’s cancelled this year.”

    “What to you mean?”

    “Remember the global financial crisis of 2008?”

    Blank look from the check-out operator.

    “Well it’s that but much worse, coming in the next few weeks.”

    “Does that mean Adern will resign?”

    “No. She’s making far too much money to do that.”

    Another customer: “She can’t go anywhere without 30 bodyguards.”

    “Of course she’s following the WEF agenda, of demolition of the NZ economy. And you know who trained her.”

    The other customer: “Helen Clark, the UN and Klaus Schwaab.”

    “Also Tony B Liar.”

    So there you have it. Even in highly propagandised NZ, the tide is turning and those capable of waking up are doing so.

    I blame the Internet, of course.

    It was so much easier to control the population when there was only government-controlled radio and government-controlled newspapers..

    But even in the 1940s people knew the government lied.

    My father told me how the British commonfolk were told: “All our planes returned safely,” even as they saw them being shot down.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2022 #114664

    Tucker Carlson has many worthwhile things to say. But to describe winter as ‘global cooling’ is plain ridiculous!

    After the period of cooling caused by the tilt of the Earth’s axis, the Northern Hemisphere will begin to warm again as insolation exceeds loss of energy into space, and by next northern summer people will be complaining about the cost of electricity to run colling systems!

    That is if they still have electricity and a financial system in July-August 2023.

    Troll: someone who responds to Internet postings of facts with irrelevant or incorrect material just to create an argument, or because they are attention seekers.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2022 #114636

    10YT 3.11%….

    The system is dying (being killed)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2022 #114635


    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2022 #114633

    The coming 12 months will be a very good test of the ‘McPherson Paradox’

    Emeritus professor Guy McPherson claimed in 2016 (and still claims) that a reduction in global economic activity of 30% will be sufficient to trigger a very much faster meltdown than we are currently witnessing, due to ‘loss of aerosol masking’. He claimed (claims) that a 30% reduction in economic activity will lead to a spectacular rise in temperature of the order of 3oC ‘in a matter of months’ and that the last human would (will) die in 2026 because the pollution in the atmosphere that prevents heat from reaching the Earth will be very much reduced.

    I debated this matter with McPherson because he had cherrypicked data, had deliberately misinterpreted a report and had ignored counter evidence. He shut down the comments section of his website in response to being successfully challenged.

    The basis of the McPherson Paradox is that following 9/11, all airlines were grounded for 3 days, and during that period Travis measured a substantial increase in diurnal range, i.e. clean air was allowing more heat to arrive at the surface.

    What McPherson did not like to admit is that clearer air also allowed more heat to escape at nighttime.

    So, we will see who was (is) right fairly soon, since China is struggling to keep factories running [due to the ongoing drought], consumers worldwide are feeling pessimistic and cutting back on purchases, and Europe is committing industrial suicide,

    It was all a bit of a pity because, although not particularly academically bright, McPherson did have many good things to say until he got out of his depth.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2022 #114632

    Ah, but we are ‘saved’ from the menace of Abrupt Climate Change (Planetary Meltdown). A bought-and-paid-for liar that no one in the scientific community has ever heard of tells us there is hope because ‘we are going in the right direction’!

    ‘The right direction’: Top climate scientist’s surprisingly optimistic message on climate change’

    ‘Foley said he had been quite pessimistic for decades, but there are now heaps of reasons why his outlook has turned sunny.

    “The unveiling of renewable energy sources like solar and wind, which are now cheaper than fossil fuels in most of the world.”

    And it’s not just the high-tech sector helping out; the world’s biggest players are finally getting the message.

    “We’re seeing a lot of governments and private sector actors put billions of dollars into climate solutions.”

    Yeah, right! That must be why the atmospheric CO2 content of the air continues to rise at an ever-increasing rate (as does the methane) and why the ocean acidity continues to increase.

    Gotta keep the proles trapped in the Matrix and believing.

    Actually, I would not be at all surprised if next year’s CO2 increment is a lot greater than last year’s, what with European governments completely losing control and people burning whatever they can find to keep warm -trees, old tyres, plastics, pianos, municipal buildings….

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2022 #114631

    The troll tells us that pumping CO2 into isolated systems encourages forces plants to grow more quickly.

    What relevance that has to our global predicament eludes me.

    What the troll doesn’t mention is that plants grown in highly elevated conditions reduce the number of stomata in their leaves to compensate for the high CO2 level.

    Nor does the troll mention that ‘food’ grown under such artificial conditions looks great but lacks the nutritional value of food grown properly [under natural conditions]


    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2022 #114608

    Controlled demolition of Building Seven.

    In the Matrix: “They would never do that!”

    Escaped from the Matrix: ” Of course. That’s what they [the scumbags at the top of the power pyramid] do when something, some person, some country, has fulfilled its purpose and there is greater gain for them in destroying

    Demolition of Europe.

    Demolition of national economies (almost everywhere).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2022 #114604

    ‘We had bigger, better fauna, and bigger, better plants in the distant past,’

    ‘We’ who or what is we?

    ‘bigger, better fauna’

    ;bigger, better plants’

    How silly!!!

    By what measure were plants better then than than now?

    The plants that evolved in the distant plants just survived and thrived because they had evolved to fit the ecological niche of the time!

    They were certainly much less diverse in form and adaptation than the range of plants existing at present.

    The fauna that existed in the Jurassic were bigger because the supply of food was greater. Much greater, because the atmospheric CO2 was much higher, and the average temperature was much higher. (No huge vertebrate fauna in the carboniferous, just giant dragonflies.)

    Olay, so humanity has been in the process of greatly reducing biodiversity via chain saws, bulldozers, monoculture plantations and planetary overheating. And of course, exacerbating overheating-induced droughts that lead to uncontrollable fires that wipe out practically everything. Ask the Aussies; they are experts on that matter.

    But the diversity is still greater than in the Carboniferous.

    Ah! I think I get it. Better at producing coal.


    Coal formation will never happen again because after humans have exterminated themselves some time around mid-century, if not before, the Earth will do what it has always done. remove atmospheric CO2 via photosynthesis and CO2 weathering of silicate rock and deposition of carbonates onto the ocean floors.

    By the way, an often-overlooked aspect is that heat s generated within the Earth -a tremendous amount in fact- via the radioactive decay of numerous semi-stable isotopes.

    As semi-stable isotopes decay into stable isotopes the amount of heat generated slowly declines. When we -greedy apes with enough intelligence to pillage the planet but not enough to sense to stop pillaging the planet – are gone, things will return to normal. Sadly, we will have taken down the bulk of the extant species with us.

    We should note (but most won’t) that the life forms, flora and fauna, that existed before industrial humans took to mass extermination via actual spearing, harpooning, trapping, shooting etc. and massive overheating via CO2 emissions were adapted to an average of 230 ppm atmospheric CO2 and the temperature ranges that average CO2 level generated in conjunction with much reduced vulcanism compared to distant geological ages and Milankovitch Cycles..

    By the way, the fascist/money-lender/WEF/corporate-overlord shill, The Guadian, had a headline about unstoppable melting of Greenland icesheets raising sea levels by several tens of centimetres.

    The actual figure is 7 metres.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2022 #114587

    On yesterday’s comment thread Dr D added a link which verifies exactly what I have been saying for twenty years!

    Thank you Dr D!

    Prior to the Carboniferous, atmospheric CO2 was above 2,000 ppm. (we might note that this was determined not by direct measurement but by proxies and models that climate change mechanism deniers are so keen on ridiculing).

    Anyway, back to the graph.

    We note that the 2,000+ ppm atmospheric CO2 was drawn down over a period of around 80 million years, as the great surge in plant life converted CO2 into carbohydrate, and then that carbohydrate got buried and eventually got converted into coal; the great sequestration I have referred to several times.

    The graph also reveals the Great Permian Extinction Event I recently referred to, whereby a surge in volcanic activity -the Siberian Trapps- de-sequestered sufficient of the sequestered carbon to drastically alter the average temperature relatively quickly – a few hundred thousand years for the die-off and another 10 million years of extreme volcanism and de-sequestering. The Permian Extinction Event killed off around 90% of life on Earth.

    So now we examine what industrial humans have been doing since Newcomen installed a coal-powered steam pump to get water out of a flooded mine: extracting ever-greater quantities of sequestered carbon (coal, oil, natural gas) and putting the products of combustion -primarily CO2 and H2O- into the atmosphere, recreating the Great Permian Extinction Event, but on a very, very, very, very much faster time scale. Just 300 years or so.

    There has been discussion about ice core measurements. Well, they verify exactly what I have been saying since the 1990s.

    Anyone interested in actual science (as opposed to climate change denial) will note that the average atmospheric CO2 level was around 230 ppm for 800,000 years (the period of recent evolution of humans and many other extant life forms) with occasional blips towards 300 ppm that were caused by the previously referred to Milankovitch Cycles. Most of those blips never exceeded 280 ppm.

    There is evidence that the so-called baseline pre-industrial atmospheric level of 280 ppm was actually higher than it would have been without humans because humans had already started to mess things up via the activities of ancient civiliations….. chopping down trees to build navies and temples etc. and modifying land use; that caused and increase of maybe 20 ppm over a period of 20,000 years. 1 ppm per 1,000years.

    That’s ‘rather pathetic really’, compared to what modern industrial humans can do! Modern industrial humans can raise the atmospheric CO2 by 20 ppm in just 8 years!!!!

    The Scripps Institute have not updated the graph since December 2020. Maybe lack of funding. Or illness induced by jabs. Who knows.

    A new seasonal peak [due to the reduced winter photosynthetic activity of Northern Hemisphere forests] of around 421 ppm was reached in May-June of 2022.

    “So what,” say climate change deniers. Or even worse, “That’s great because CO2 is a plant nutrient,” -another lie!!!

    CO2 is not a plant nutrient: it is a building block for carbohydrate manufacture in plant cells.

    One thing is certain: the maniacs who are in control of industrial societies and who churn out endless propaganda consisting of blatant lies have no intention of addressing any of this fundamental issues, and will keep industrial societies locked into use of fossil fuels -even as fossil fuel extraction rates go in to terminal decline- and will continue to promote completely fake narratives that supposedly address the issues but in fact only enrich insiders and make the overall predicament far worse a lot faster.

    That’s what the science says.

    John Day.

    Thanks for your support.

    In case anyone has any doubts, I alternate between collection of information and comment here (I don’t bother anywhere else), and personal preparation for the rapidly approaching economic-financial meltdown and energy-supply meltdown. There are few things any individual can do to prevent environmental meltdown in the face of semi-global fascism.

    It’s a horrible job -telling people the truth they don’t want to hear, in the face of ignorance and denial- but someone has to do it.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2022 #114538

    Thank you RIM, for presenting items we would otherwise miss.

    Trying to give away life jackets and waterproof thermal suits to people boarding the Titanic would have been a thankless task, inviting ridicule and insults. After all, the company brochure clearly stated that the ship was unsinkable.

    From Charles Hugh Smith a couple of years ago:

    ‘We need to start thinking beyond pretense and PR.’

    With the third class passengers now drowning, it’s fairly clear that the ship will go under some time in the next 12 months.

    Actually, I think 4 months for energy-dependent nations without a domestic oil supply and refineries etc. .

    I hear whisper that America soldiers stationed in Syria may be required to fight Russians or Iranians in the near future order to keep stealing oil.

    Kiwi dollar hovering around 61 cents US at the moment (72 cents US 16 months ago). And Bent oil on the way up again, it seems. Hmmm!

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