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ParticipantI gave the correct information that last time you dumped a whole pile of misinformation in the comments thread.
Please explain this
continually increasing ocean heat content since 1968
ParticipantThere is so much money to be made out of looting and selling the fossil fuels [that nature sequestered millions of years ago] that a lot of people will sell their souls to the highest bidder. And the fossil fuel corporations, along with the bankers and other corporations, have enough money (albeit it fictional) to ram any agenda they like down the throats of the scientifically illiterate, aided and abetted by governments that could not care less about the future or the welfare of their own citizens, because governments are businesses. The only things governments are interested in are:
1. keeping the masses uninformed, deluded and compliant
2. promoting scams that shunt fiat currencies around whilst exacerbating every aspect of every predicament we are faced with.
3. filling their own bank accounts with pilfered money
Meanwhile, the effects of Planetary Meltdown get worse by the year, if not worse by the month.
Overheating due to excess atmospheric CO2 was worked out over 100 years by the Swedish chemist Arrhenius. And Keeling characterised the annual increase in CO2 by 1960, three years after commencing study of it.
The presidential task force set up to study and advise in 1965 came up with the ‘wrong answer’: we have a problem. Their report was redacted, and then buried, on the basis of “What’s good for General Motors is good for America.” Money, and its companion business, has decided practically everything since.
Dr James Hansen (head of the Goddard Institute) decided it was more important to focus on the CO2 in the atmosphere of the Earth than of Venus, and gave his warning to Congress in 1988. By 2010 he was describing anyone who promoted the burning of fossil fuels as a criminal.
None of it makes any difference, of course. Governments will not abandon fossil fuels. Corporations will not abandon fossil fuels. Most people will not abandon fossil fuels. They would rather die of heat exhaustion, and condemn their progeny to an ever more hostile environment than change their lifestles.
Whether the Earth will be rendered uninhabitable for most extant life forms (certainly all mammals) by 2030 -due to the methane clathrates being destabilised by general overheating- is yet to be seen. There is plenty of evidence they will.
In the meantime, it may pay to ponder this:
ParticipantWow! Comments?
ParticipantThanks for the graph.
I (AFKTT) linked the Mannario video.
Here’s the latest update on the tailspin that the NZ economy is in, courtesy of
Our trade balance is deteriorating fast. In the two months June and July 2021, we ran a -$142 mln deficit. But in June and July 2022 that has blown out to a -$2.2 bln deficit. If we go back to 2019 and pre-pandemic, we had a surplus of +$330 mln and in July a deficit of -$732 mln. So we have been going back disarmingly fast.’Afewknowthetruth
The ‘greens’ may be communists where you live, but in NZ they are firmly entrenched in the capitalist loot-pollute and-exploit camp -just another phony political party, taken over long ago by the controllers to siphon what little opposition there is to rampant exploitation back into rampant exploitation.
The greeds (not a typing error) are a joke amongst the critically thinking community…which comprises about 2% of the population.
REM. My mistake in thinking you were based in the upper South Island region, which is still being hammered:
‘ Over 60 Nelson homes uninhabitable, power out for thousands, slips and flooding cut off Far North town’
‘If you want to survive what’s coming you had better have about 5,000 square feet in plant leaves per person per year.’
I’m working on it!
I like trees, vines and canes because their productivity can exceed that of a ground crop in the same square foot/square metre area. And there is no digging.
An important (crucial) point is that most of the ‘sheep’ have already missed the window of opportunity to prepare for the mayhem that will arrive shortly -assiduously ignoring every warning given (as required by the controllers). (:
ParticipantD Benton Smith
I agree on much of that but not the part about Putin and Russia.
Apart from having masses of untapped resources that the psychopaths who trade under the banner of ‘freedom and democracy’ would just love to get their greedy hands on, a united Russia led by Putin is a direct threat to the Empire of Death & Lies.
Russia has already:
1. demonstrated that western sanctions geared to bringing down the Russian economy have not only strengthened it but have also damaged the economies of the perpetrators.
2. demonstrated that Russia (and many other nations) can get along better without the Washington-London based financial system
3. demonstrated that NATO is a paper tiger in the face of modern weapons operated within a framework of superb electronic command of the battle zone
4. exposed the pure nastiness of the west in its establishment of bioweapons laboratories in Ukraine
5. exposed the war criminal element of the west, in the supply and use of ‘banned weapons’ such as anti-personnel mines fired into civilian areas, plus the made-up stories about Russian atrocities whilst the west ignores the actual atrocities committed by Ukrainians and mercenaries. .
Whether the maniacs who control western societies are prepared to up the ante to the use of tactical nuclear weapons is yet to be seen. But one reason they may not is because Russia is way ahead of the west in that technology too.
Renowned military analyst Andrei Martynov (who lived in the US for 20 years) has done a great job exposing the extraordinary poor quality of both US weapons systems and the people who operate them.
ParticipantThe ‘before its news’ website hosts a lot of crap, but occasionally some good stuff turns up there
ParticipantAbout nine months ago I began wondering whether the jabs/masks/lockdowns were a kind of intelligence test. The NZ ‘health authorities’ came up with a ridiculous set of rules, including that masks had to be worn at bars and restaurants when standing up but not when sitting down. ‘Social distancing was required (2 metres) except when sitting down at a restaurant table -possibly with people one hardly knew.
We had all the rigmarole of queueing up outside stores, many of which had been shut down at short notice ‘to prevent infection’ and then reopened with all kinds of barriers and lines of tape on the floor. Fear was fed by incessant messaging about ‘Covid’ numbers, even on the classical music radio network. People rushed to get jabbed. Paranoia reigned supreme, with only a small sector of society keeping level heads.
And then the second round of jabbing commenced.
And by the time the third round of jabbing was underway more and more people were saying: “This is bullshit. I don’t want it!”
However, the sector that believes the government exists to help them and protect them still drove around alone in vehicles wearing masks, and still got their ‘boosters’.
I found it profoundly amusing that unjabbed and never wearing masks (except when carrying out work that creates nasty dust) I have had no respiratory illness in the past three years -and that despite being in close proximity to people who did have ‘a bit of a cold’- whereas triple jabbed mask-wearers went down with the thing.
We are yet to witness the full consequences of all the jabbing that went on prior to the government’s fake Covid narrative falling to pieces…all that nasty messenger-RNA floating round bodies and messing up immune systems and potentially triggering cancers etc. But so much of it has fallen to bits: contact tracking systems abandoned, quarantine systems abandoned, jabs abandoned, masks largely abandoned (except by the really stupid)..
The NZ government’s fake Ukraine narrative will fall to pieces a lot faster than the fake Covid narrative: I see that Russia has made significant advances against the most heavily fortified sector of the frontline, whilst at the same time decimating the reserves a little back from the actual fire zone. “Cracking a difficult nut,” as the Military Summary channel puts it.
The NZ government’s fake economic-financial narratives will clearly fall to pieces between now and the end of 2023, and may well unravel before the end of this year, depending on the oil markets and the shenanigans of the central banks.
Participant‘To be fair, ALL citizens are the enemies of the State and always have been’
I like that statement but it’s not true. The state has many fifth-columnists and saboteurs as agents, and they live in communities throughout the land -well they do in NZ.
On the other hand, the state is the enemy of the ALL the citizens, including those who do the state’s short-term bidding because the state is destroying civilisation destroying any prospect of a long-term future.
Of course a large sector of the populations of western nations still cannot see that obvious truth. But I think they will by the end of this year.
ParticipantMany truth bombs from straight-talking Greg Mannarino
ParticipantNow you know the end of the current way of life is coming soon; shortages of beer forecasted. So you may well have difficulty getting drunk while you slowly starve to death.
‘what could come next are water restrictions that would limit production and could create a beer shortage in the US’
ParticipantFor those who do not know what has been going on in NZ and want to find out, this is worth listening to.
Michael Laws is just a tosser….couldn’t be where he is now without being one, but Kelvn Alp speaks a lot of truth the mainstream and the dark forces that control NZ do not want heard.
ParticipantAmernio Pereira
When you are operating a Ponzi scheme, the easiest way to keep it expanding is to have an increasing population: more people buying stuff they don’t actually need; more people buying houses or renting; more demand for food; more demand for jungles to be cleared to make way for corporate-owned plantations etc.
ParticipantAbout 15 years ago I wrote something akin to the following.
‘The Earth generates oil as fast as we use it, and if we do not keep drilling holes to relieve the pressure, oil will accumulate under the surface and erupt in the form of oil volcanoes.
The Earth is cooling and we are entering an ice age because there is insufficient carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Debts and deficits do not matter. If you find yourself unable to repay a debt or pay the interest on a loan, simply find another lender. Spending money you don’t have on things you don’t need is what makes you happy.
Therefore, to be good, happy citizens, we should all do the following; borrow as much money as possible to purchase devices that burn oil, and use them as much as possible.’
Being as responsible member of the global community, the government of NZ has taken all this to heart:
‘Tourism New Zealand launches global campaign to attract ‘high-quality’ travellers
Tourism New Zealand is hoping to pique the interest of curious travellers in its first global campaign in two years.
‘If You Seek’ teases audiences with snippets of destination and activities from well known locations like Hooker Valley near Aoraki Mt Cook and Hell’s Gate in the North Island to those less recognisable.
The campaign includes short films, content to educate travel sellers and a domestic marketing campaign.
Tourism New Zealand chief executive René de Monchy said there was intense international competition to attract visitors.
“Because of our size and location New Zealand will have to work hard to encourage visitation post-Covid with international visitor numbers taking years to build up and Kiwis now having the option of travelling overseas,” de Monchy said.
“The work includes sneak-peeks of some well-known destinations as well as places and experiences that aren’t as recognisable in our key markets.
“We wanted to tap into the curiosity of our target high-quality traveller, who we know are adventurous and keen to dig beneath the surface of the places they visit whether on the beaten path or not.”
The aim was to reach high-quality visitors who TNZ believed would explore more deeply, spend more and engage with our culture and environment respectfully, he said.
In a recent speech to the Tourism Export Council NZ conference, Tourism Minister Stuart Nash said the country would not seek to attract or market towards budget visitors who ‘travel around our country on $10 a day eating two-minute noodles’.
But he said Aotearoa would still roll out the welcome mat for all tourists.
De Monchy said Tourism New Zealand’s research showed that visitors who saw their work spent more and travelled more widely around the country.
It also showed that around two thirds of New Zealanders intended to take a domestic holiday in the coming year, and 42 percent were motivated to visit a place they hadn’t before on their upcoming travels.
‘If You Seek’ is being launched in New Zealand, Australia, USA, China, UK, Singapore, Japan, Germany, India, Korea and Canada.’
See, we are not living in a post peak oil world (despite all the data indicating we are); there is no ‘Climate Emergency’ (despite the government declaring one) and fiat currencies are not in the process of unravelling (despite raging inflation -devaluation- and falling house prices and falling equity markets. In fact, we are all getting wealthier and healthier by doing nothing other than churn out hot air.
It is unclear whether the government will be subsidising the construction of brothels in ‘Hooker Valley’ or whether it will be suggesting to impoverished New Zealander women -impoverished by the government- that they offer their services to ‘high-quality travellers’ in order to be able to pay escalating grocery bills etc.
ParticipantRIM. I hope you are not seriously affected by this:
‘State of emergency declared in two regions, evacuations taking place amid ‘relentless’ rain
Weather warnings are now in full effect in the Nelson/Tasman and West Coast regions, with rain hammering down’
ParticipantThinking bout all this stuff, I suddenly realised that the entire propaganda narrative functions with one agenda, which can be reduced to just three words: normalising the absurd.
Propaganda about running huge complex societies on ‘green energy: normalising the absurd.
Propaganda about messenger-RNA jabs providing protection: normalsing the absurd.
Propaganda about masks preventing the movement of viruses: normalising the absurd.
Propaganda about Ukraine winning the war: normalising the absurd.
ad infinitum
Today’s dose of grimness (courtesy
‘In China, normally at this time of year we note excessive flooding along the big river basins like the Yangtze. But this year it is the opposite with very low flows and very high temperatures. This does not bode well for farming, nor the industry relying on hydro-electric power from their river systems. There is now talk of factories closing due to electricity shortages. Brands like Apple are having supply issues.’
Depending on your perspective, you could look on that as excellent news, I suppose.
ParticipantSpot on, Neil Oliver.
I started making the transition from believing in and trusting the government around 1994. The transition to not believing in and not trusting the government was fairly complete by 2004.
I began the transition not believing in and not trusting local government in 2002 (when I commenced taking a very active interest in what they were doing) and by 2012 that transition was complete.
Sadly, there are still many who believe the government’s lies and the local council’s lies. The portion that does is declining by the hour. I do my best to wake people to the truth of their predicament -actually our collective predicament.
This is where the phenomenon of baseline shift is so frustrating.
Young people always grow up believing what they see around them as being normal, even though it is far from normal, because they have no yardstick to measure by.
We oldies, on the other hand, can remember when there were meadows full of wild flowers, oak trees and the like a hundred or more years old. When I was a child milk came in glass bottles, delivered to dwellings by horse and cart. Life for most still had a degree of natural pace because few people had motor vehicles. Walking or cycling, together with public transport systems centred on buses and trains were the norm. Not that ordinary folk went far or travelled more than 10 miles very often.
I now fully understand that my simple childhood life -no car, no television, no phone, no refrigerator…but electric lights and radios, was actually a massive short-term aberration in the grand scheme of things, and that one would have to travel back in time to the early 1700s to find a world that was not a massive short-term aberration in the grand scheme of things.
How one transfers that knowledge to a preset-day teenager addicted to packaged food and addicted to a smart phone is the challenge.
It probably cannot be done.
Thus, in addition to the surging death rates attributable to toxic jabs and the diseases of civilisation, I suspect we will witness a surge in suicides, as those who have a sense of entitlement have everything they thought they were entitled to taken away by ‘the government’.
On the matter of eating insects, it is well to remember that we are in the midst of an ‘insect apocalypse’, with an 80% decline in insect populations since the 1970s being recorded in Germany.
Factory farmed insects? What are they going to eat? Grains grown, harvested and processed using diesel-powered machinery?
Just more lies from the maniacs at the top of the financial pyramid.
ParticipantOn the matter of the totally fraudulent narratives promoted by the WEF and the vast majority of fake western governments, here is a fine example of absolute bollocks being promoted by the NZ government and their bought-and-paid-for lackeys at universities -which were once places of learning and genuine research (40 or 50 years ago, before everything got commercialised and turned into short-term profit centres).
Hot off the press:
New Zealand and Germany are to do some research on green hydrogen projects. It will see the NZ Government ‘invest’ $5 mln into three green hydrogen projects, and our research teams will get access to European green hydrogen research facilities and expertise. Funded through the Catalyst fund, each project will receive $2 million over three years. These are the development of safe, low-cost hydrogen storage (led by Professor Sally Brooker from the University of Otago), investigating ways of producing low-cost green hydrogen (led by Dr Aaron Marshall from the University of Canterbury), and the creation of a New Zealand-German platform for green hydrogen integration (led by Dr Jannik Haas from the University of Canterbury).’As others have pointed out, manufacturing hydrogen by ANY industrial process causes a significant net loss of energy.
There is only one truly ‘green hydrogen’, and that is the ‘green hydrogen’ formed in plants carrying out photosynthesis, whereby light energy is captured via a porphyrin ring containing a magnesium ion, and that light energy is used to split water molecules as building block for carbohydrates.
Hence my previous comment about western societies functioning on the basis of denial of reality (and that is just one of a plethora of examples).
Participant“Thou shall not kill [another human] except when instructed to by the government, and to the sound of trumpets.”
It’s really easy.
All that is required is for other people to stop posting unscientific (antiscientific) narratives -basically bullshit.
And then I don’t have to spend time correcting those unscientific (antiscientific) narratives.
But as long as people keep posting non-factual nonsense, I will continue to present the facts.
Isn’t that what informed debate is all about.Or am I on the wrong forum?
Opinions without knowledge are worthless, as far as I am concerned.
Unfortunately, in this bizarre society, opinions are elevated to the status of facts, and facts are downgraded to the status opinions.
And what I have repeatedly witnessed is that those who constantly lie to us and abuse us (the powers that be,, the elites, the scumbags, whatever you want to call them) are masters of mind control, and do exactly that -elevate their own opinions to the status of facts and relegate well-established facts to the status of opinions.
i cannot recall the number of time I have heard: “That’s just your opinion.”
No that’s what the best scientific evidence informs us.
And if new evidence emerges that confronts established scientific beliefs, those beliefs are abandoned or modified to comply with the evidence. That is how real science operates.
‘oil is not a fossil fuel, but formed deep within the earth,’
The trouble with unfounded assertion like that is that no one ever provides a plausible mechanism for the process. Indeed, no one provides ANY mechanism for the process.
And such assertions run counter to actual evidence, such as that oil oozes out of recently formed sedimentary deposits near the surface.
Any way, for the umpteenth time, it is not about running out, it is about the rate of extraction, and what happens to the carbon component after the oil is burned.
I totally agree that the events of 9/11, as portrayed by the sociopaths who churned out the false narratives, defied the laws of physics, and it was clearly an inside job.
Like you, I have found it nearly impossible to get ordinary folk to accept that 9/11 could not have occurred as portrayed by official narratives.
This entire society operates on the basis of denial of reality. And that is why this entire society is doomed.
But you can’t even say that without upsetting the mollycoddled masses.
ParticipantDr D
‘CO2 LAGS the warming. Again, WARMING appears first, CO2 appears shortly after. After, after, after. Over and over, through geological history. 100,000 years before SUVs.’
I’m not sure that you intended to tell the truth of the matter there, or if the truth came out accidentally in an act of planetary meltdown denial.
Yes, increases in atmospheric CO2 used to follow warming. -that warming being due to variation in the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth as a consequence of variations in the Earths orbit, Milankovitch cycles.
Everything was just fine and dandy until industrial human came along and began de-sequestering carbon that natural systems had sequestered over hundreds of millions of years.
And once the atmospheric carbon dioxide level broke through a critical level -arguably 350 ppm – the natural systems that had determined the average temperature of the Earth became increasingly overwhelmed.
Of course, it suits people who are addicted to the use of fossil fuels to come up with spurious arguments to ‘prove’ that anthropogenically-released carbon dioxide is not responsible for the devastation we are now witnessing.
‘Brian Catt, physicist and engineer.’
But is he really a physicist? Just because there is a caption on a screen does not mean he is. And there is one group amongst many that we know we cannot trust at all: the mainstream media. They always have an agenda, and in recent times their agenda has very much centred on keeping the masses dumbed-down and consuming…advertising revenue and all that!
I especially note that he is an engineer. And in my experience engineers are amongst the worst kinds of people on this planet because they have zero ecological perspective and think that every difficulty has an engineering solution. When in practice, we are in this diabolical predicament as a direct consequence of excessive engineering. And engineers tend to have zero understanding of the absorption and re-emission of radiation in the atmosphere unless their field of engineering is specifically linked to that field of expertise.
Over the years I have heard as much bullshit from engineers and from politicians and economists.
Here are a couple of other things that physicists and engineers tend to overlook, or do not even know about.
1. Acidification of the oceans.
Most of the carbon dioxide released by burning coal, oil and gas ends up in the oceans because carbon dioxide is highly soluble in water . The effect of excessive CO2 in the oceans is to mess up the bicarbonate cycle that shellfish utilise to form shells. The excess CO2 also affects corals and fish.
2. Overwhelming of natural CO2 recycling systems.
For the past 600 million years or so the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was regulated by
a) formation of carbonate rocks in the depths of the oceans
b) formation of carbonate rocks on the land by conversion of silicate rocks into carbonate rocks
Both these chemical processes took place over eons. And both have been overwhelmed by the massive release of carbon dioxide, due to the burning of fossil fuels over the past couple of hundred years, but particularly in the past 50 years.
Planetary meltdown is a very real phenomenon.
The fake aspect is the response to the emissions predicament that the power that be -the banks, corporations, opportunists, UNIPCC, WEF etc. have come up with . Those responses are all BOLLOCKS, and will make the predicament WORSE whilst providing short term opportunities for profiting from the meltdown.
The Maori arrived in the thirteenth century, just a few canoe loads (300 people?), and by the time the first Europeans got serious about incorporating NZ into the empire (stripping it of resources and turning nature into sheep farms, and then dairy farms) the Maori had exterminated several species and had spent several centuries in a state of armed conflict [between tribes], fighting over occupation of the best land and other resources.
I have seen the pictures of the ‘development’ of Taranaki in the late 1800s to early 1900s. Chop down the trees, take what can be moved easily and sold, and burn the rest to make way for pasture.
When guano no longer is available, strip Christmas Island and Nauru of phosphate rock (British Phosphate Commission) and turn them into moonscapes. And when all the phosphate rock there has been removed, find somewhere else to strip-mine.
Overload ecosystems with phosphate and other growth stimulants via run-off, and then wonder why the lakes are full of toxic algae. Overstock the land and then wonder why the rivers are unswimmable.
Set up a tourism sector that is totally dependent on ostentatious consumption of fossil fuels, and then describe that as a component of ‘a sustainable economy’.
Not forgetting ‘Clean coal’ of course.
I think this, from New Plymouth District Council takes the cake, though: “Nature is appreciated and will be enhanced.”
It is ‘Clean green NZ’, don’t you know.
By the way, I believe there are only two countries that use 1080 (animal poison), the US and NZ. And NZ uses about 80% of what is manufactured.
ParticipantJohn Day
Up to a point.
You have to bear in mind that the local council and the regional council are still on the ‘obliterate nature’ bandwagon promoted by central government and other of acolytes of the WEF etc.
Just heard yet another anecdote relating to jabs.:
A friend’s son bought a car yesterday, and the seller is furious with the government because, having had three jabs that he was reluctant to take but was essentially forced into, now finds his health severely compromised. and unable to work.
Just one more of many of thousands in NZ. Maybe hundreds of thousands now.
I have been saying for many years that they will just keep doing it until they can’t.
‘doing it’ means
Destroying natural systems
Constructing infrastructure and systems with a very short-term future or no future at all.
Degrading the health of the populace.
Promoting the fouling of the air, water and land.
Lying to the masses.
Of course, the maniacs in control have been doing such things for such a long time they are habitual.
Which takes me back to ‘until they can’t’.
September looks to be the critical month on many fronts.
I must get on with uncompleted projects.
ParticipantWhat we are witnessing is the complete failure of all of the fundamentally fraudulent narratives of western culture and fraudulent economic systems, which can be summarised as:
1. Humans are the pinnacle of creation; the Earth and everything else on it were created for people to have dominion over….that dominion being restricted to using and abusing, and having no requirement for being good custodians. Thanks Bible and all the fake religious systems that eminated from it.
2. The establishment of completely fake economic indicators such as GDP, which merely measures financial transactions and which counts conversion of finite resources into waste and destruction of the biosphere as economically good outcomes.
3. The circulation of more paper notes as claims to gold than the actual gold that existed, followed by complete detachment of the financial system from any physical reality at all and the trading of ‘financial ‘products’ such as derivatives.
4. The [false] notion that humans are masters of nature and can control the outcomes of disrupting natural systems.
5. Promotion of everything that is wasteful and destructive by governments, in order to keep the financial system from imploding in the short term.
The great irony is that the more the fuckwits and maniacs in power attempt to prop up their Ponzi schemes and their fake power systems, the more damage they do, and the faster the system will crash.
I follow what is happening in Ukraine very closely because it is clear that the immediate future will be decided by how quickly the fake narratives promoted by NATOstan unravel.
We keep hearing about ‘advanced weapon systems’ like HIMARS.
FFS! The Russians were using HIMARS in 80 years ago! They are just rocket launchers on the back of a truck!
As was highlighted in the last video, western Europe is demilitarising by sending its obsolete weapon systems to Ukraine, for the Russians to blow them up.
Rather than send F16 fighters to Ukraine and have them shot out of the sky, the US is cleverly getting Eurpoean nations to sent their old Soviet era planes, on the promise that those planes will be replaced with new ones, some time between 2024 and 2026.
Does anyone serious think this [globalised, western-dominated] system will still be operating in 2026?
Hands up if you think the present system will still be operating in 2024!
In case you missed it
ParticipantYou can laugh or cry, depending on which side you support.
“less than 19% effectiveness”
Good for weapons manufacturers.
ParticipantRobert Newman Empire
ParticipantOn this matter of violence, can add that the British took over the Indian subcontinent through the use of extreme violence. As Robert Newman wryly put it:” What’s the difference between empire and armed robbery?”
But when the British stopped administrating the place (didn’t entirely leave) it wasn’t because non-violent protesters said: “Time to go.” It was because police stations were being attacked, because local officials were being assassinated, because it was becoming impossible to hold on to power.
Of course, it suited the empire to pretend that non-violent protest was what brought about change, rather an admit that too many trains were being derailed and too many police stations and administrative building were being set on fire.
Mind control and the clever use of words.
One of my pet hates is the term Luddite, which has been defined by the empire as a person who irrationally opposes progress.
Yet there was nothing irrational about the Luddite movement: people opposed having their traditional livelihoods ripped away and opposed the dehumanisation of work to the point that humans became components in the system simply because no one had [at the time] worked out how to completely mechanise factory systems.
They were given a simple choice: work for us under our rules or starve.
Those who persisted in being free humans and opposing the machines were exterminated.
And that, essentially is what the blatant lies about ‘sustainable development’ are all about. Doing the opposite of what you say you are doing. Sudsidise technologies that provide negative returns (both financial and environmental) and con the masses into believing that what is being done ‘saves the planet’ and provides a better future for everyone.
Of course, we hear less about ‘sustainable development -an oxymoron if ever there was one- and a lot more about ‘transitioning’.
Don’t forget that the Nazis had a lot less trouble persuading people to hand over their possessions, strip and be shaved, and then herded to enter gas chambers when they had pretty boxes of flowers at the rail terminuses and small orchestras playing Bach.
You cannot negotiate with fascists. The only thing fascist understand is a missile up their *****
That is what Putin and company are organising at the moment.
ParticipantJohn Day.
I live in North Canterbury. A small settlement that would be called a village in some countries. Big enough to have petrol stations, a supermarket, small engineering workshops etc. but not a lot else. Surrounded by farmland -mostly sheep and cattle farming. Here the animals eat grass, as opposed to being kept in stalls and fed grains. .
I was in a provincial city in the North Island, which was being made ever more unsustainable by the criminal district council and the criminal NZ government…both being agents of the banks, corporations and opportunists.
Here the district council is also diabolically bad, as is the regional council. – a collection of thieves and liars and incompetent fools, criminals and clowns..
Tell me wherein the western world that is not the case?
We are on our own as far as navigating the collapse is concerned, and can expect nothing but lies, ineptitude and obstruction from any of our so-called leaders.
ParticipantJohn Day
‘What matters now is having necessities of life during the global economic reset, which is not merely a financial reset, and seems likely to last the rest of our natural or abbreviated lives.’
I totally agree.
For me that means having a productive garden that is easy to maintain and which is not dependent on external inputs. I have no illusions about self-sufficiency. But one can reduce one’s dependence on failing systems that are going to completely cease to function in the not-too-distant future.
We know that countries like New Zealand or Spain (or dare I say it? Sri Lanka) are one week away from the mayhem that would ensue if the oil fuel tankers stopped arriving.
In the meantime, we know that pack sizes for things we might consider essential will continue to fall or the prices for such items will continue to increase.
Having relocated fairly recently (30 months ago), I have been on a crash programme to get things sorted -especially the soil. I have made a lot of compost. But not enough. There is the dilemma: do I buy compost and get the soil into condition, or wait for my own composting materials to become available?
A couple days ago I decided to get a few bags. Shock. What cost $4.50 two years ago cost $6.60 last week! An increase of $2.10 on an item previously costing $4.50 = nearly 50% devaluation of my fiat currency.
But I can cope.
I don’t know how people who bought on the peak of the housing market will cope, though. tells us:
‘The average value of New Zealand homes is down $73,975 since the beginning of the year, according to the QV House Price Index (HPI).
The average value of Auckland homes has declined by $131,005 over the same period.
According to the HPI the average value of NZ homes peaked at $1,063,765 in January, and has fallen in every month since to hit $989,790 in July. That’s a drop of $73,975, or 7%.
It’s the first time the average value of New Zealand homes has been below $1 million since September last year, and means all of the capital gains the occurred last summer have now been wiped out.’
That is one of many bubbles that are bursting. And who is going to buy a house on a falling market?
It’s so easy to ‘make money’ on a rising market. Not that anyone actually makes money, other than insurance companies and real estate agents. But on a falling market no one does. Not that money is real. But we do need it to survive in this insane system.
I see building activity slowing, and then grinding to a halt soon. And lots of trades people losing employment, along with all the hangers on.
The really big unknown is the longer term effects of the cell biology modifiers that have been injected into a large portion of the populace. Will their immune systems cope? Or have they been terminally sabotaged?
And just what shenanigans will the maniacs who pretend to be leaders attempt next? Ukraine, Taiwan and all that.
Much to follow on a daily basis!
ParticipantJohn Day.
Here’s the truth about oil.
Most of the oil was formed when there were super-warm periods (very warm compared to present day) when microscopic marine life forms proliferated and then died, sinking to the bottom of the seas of the times. Remember that the continents were in very different locations at the time, and many areas that were at or below sea level were subsequently uplifted by massive geological forces, over tens of millions of years. The dead bodies of those microscopic life forms that were trapped in suitable layers were subjected to heat and pressure that converted the carbohydrates and proteins into hydrocarbons.
Much of that oil is still in (or under) rock strata, and is theoretically available. By some estimates the amount left in reservoirs is about the same what industrial humans have consumed since the 1850s, i.e. we are about halfway through the once-only endowment..
However, the amount in theoretical reserves is of little consequence. What counts are:
1. The ability to extract the oil in underground or undersea reserves on a daily basis, since is what determines the availability to consumers.. Peak extraction rate.
2. The quality of the oil -light sweet (low sulphur), heavy, or kerogen…really thick goo that is impossible to pump without predilution with solvents (made from oil).
3. The ability of the financial system to provide stable finance over long time periods.
4. Political factors.
So, we can say that Venezuela has ‘the biggest oil reserves in the world” because there is a lot of kerogen dispersed in rocks under the country. But getting it out is a different matter entirely. Huge amounts of enrgy are required. And lots of expensive equipment made using fossil fuels.
It’s much the same with Canada, which has stupendous reserves of ‘tar sands’ that can only be extracted after all the trees have been cut down, around 75 metres of top soil removed (using diesel-powered machinery) digging up the tar sands (using diesel-powered machinery), and separating gluggy oily matter from the sand using electrically powered separators, that is after the glug has been heated using natural gas!
The wear and tear on the separators is so fearsome the separators only operate for a few weeks before being stripped down for maintenance- sand being a wonderful abrasive!
An area of Alberta the size of England has been converted into a ‘moonscape’ as a consequence of tar sands extraction.
Try drilling in water 3km deep and then drilling another kilometre or two into the sub-sea layers to get the oil out. Deepwater Horizon is a lesson in how well that works out.
Interestingly, Saudi Arabia is still pumping oil from Gahwar, quite a while after it was expected to go into severe decline: pumping seawater into the sub-oil layers and forcing out the oil works in the short term.
Drilling holes all over America and fracturing the rocks to get the last pockets of oil out worked when interest rates were low and when there were were plenty of suckers with more money than sense who were prepared to ‘invest’ in projects that never delivered anything like what they were projected to deliver.
Once you know “its all bullshit and it’s bad for you” (thanks George Carlin).you can stert to focus on things that do make sense.
Other commenters have mentioned Charles Hugh Smith: now there a fellow with more than a few clues!
ParticipantThere has been some talk of power.
We here know that political power is acquired and maintained via complex mind control systems, many of them active from the moment a baby becomes cognisant of the world around it, and in full swing by the time a child goes to school to be ‘educated’.
For physicists, power is the rate of doing work, joules per second, force times distance divided by the time over which the force acts.
The great attraction of petroleum-derived fuels is their extremely high ‘energy density’ – a huge [chemical] potential to do work contained in a relatively tiny volume. Thus, a [car] tankful of petroleum is regarded as equivalent to about 6 weeks of hard labour. Try pushing or pulling a vehicle the same distance that a tankful of fuels will move it. It will take you about six weeks -using pulley systems or similar if the terraine is hilly (because the force a human can apply would not overcome gravity, let alone friction.
That takes me to the Tos thermobaric systems now being applied by the Russian military to the pockets of resistance holed up in concrete bunkers and large factories in the disputed areas.
Whereas the Romans were able to fling oil-soaked bales of straw into defensive positions, the Russians are able to roll up a tank chassis fitted with multiple launchers of shell cases containing high-density fuels such as ethylene oxide. The energy density of such thermobaric weapons exceeds that of conventional explosives -which typically have 25% fuel and 75 % oxidant. The Tos systems utilise 100% fuel, and are designed to deal with resistance in urban settings..
All that is required is to ensure that the enemy cannot attack the vehicles. And near-100% control of the airspace over the battle zone by the Russians appears to be doing that.
Thus, we see that the NATOstan nations are willing to not only cause the collapse of the EU (including NATOstan nations, via energy starvation) but are also willing to see large numbers of Ukrainians ‘fried’.
I understand the US-UK orchestrated carnage in Ukraine is in order to defend ‘freedom and democracy’.
ParticipantAs reported on the Military Summary channel, the Russians made great advances early in the SMO and moved too far westwards in southern Ukraine, then withdrew to the east of the river to establish a defendable line. The nuclear power station is on the east bank.
Initially, the Russians allowed electricity from the nuclear plant to flow westwards to Ukraine, where the Ukrainians sold the electricity to to other nations (EU/NATO).
The Russians then built infrastructure to utilise the electricity in Crimea and other Russian-liberated regions.
There is talk of an uninhabitable zone (similar to that around Chernobyl) being created by an attack on spent fuel facilities, maybe even the cooling system of the main reactor.
There are three other nuclear power stations in Ukraine. And there is talk of ‘bad things’ happening to them if the Ukrainians persist with their attacks on Enerhodar.
Meanwhile, the Russians continue to take ground along the eastern portion of the front line, and the Ukrainians talk of evacuating all civilians from the entire eastern region.
Participant‘But that next 40 years of oil is right there, already drilled and piped, metered and waiting.’
Please provide evidence, because it is not helpful to promote delusional fantasies like that one.
I do not see a single analysis that indicates anything other than a rapid decline in the availability of oil from now on that is a direct consequence of geology and falling energy return on energy invested. Political turmoil (pardon the pun) will exacerbate the decline.
And if multi-billions of tonnes of oil were available, all that would do is keep the death machine of ‘civilisation’ going a bit longer, thereby completely destroying the habitability of the Earth.
The oil-based ‘civilisation’ may have already done that -destroyed the habitability of the Earth; it’s just that the general populace isn’t aware of it yet.
There is a substantial time lag between CO2 and CH4 being emitted into the atmosphere and the full consequences of those emissions manifesting as temperature rises in places where humans live and grow food, largely due to the thermal mass of the oceans and the latent heat of phase change, ice to water.
Note that the ice that sits on the Artic Sea is the thinnest it has ever been, and when the last of it melts the ‘blue ocean event’ will put overheating into ‘hyperdrive’. That is why many of the best climate researchers (not the bought-and-paid-for liars that churn out garbage for governments) say it will be ‘all over’ by 2030.
If the NZ mass control experiment is anything to go by, the unjabbed rarely get covid, and if they do the symptoms are mild and the body fights off the infection in a few days.
On the other hand, the mask-wearing, double-jabbed and triple-jabbed get covid, become very ill and eventually recover, only to get it again a little later. That is the ones who don’t die from complications induced by the jabs.
‘The west’s financial world order was collapsing so the west started the war in the Ukraine to hide it.’
I have known for 30 years that there was something very fishy about western economics. And 20 years ago I realised what it was. The whole economic narrative is bullshit., especially GDP. = Grand Deception Project = Gigantic Destruction Process = Global Decimation Process……
I like the way Andrei Martyanov calls a spade a spade. “It’s baloney. It’s fake. Pseudo-science. They [economists] even cannot couldn’t find their own arse using both hands in a brightly lit room because they basically operate in an alternative universe. of GDPs and financial indexes which are absolutely worthless.”
ParticipantToday the Military Summary channel has reported a Ukrainian attack on a brewery that damaged an ammonia plant, resulting in a severe ammonia leak in addition to direct casualties. That is in addition to ‘petal mines’ aimed at injuring civilians.
For more scary is the discussion about the Ukrainians continuing to fire artillery shells at the Enerhodar nuclear power station. Although the core is well protected and designed to withstand a hit by a plane loaded with fuel, there are storage facilities for ‘spent’ fuel that are vulnerable. And a direct hit on that could result in “worse than Chernobyl” irradiation of Europe! .
I guess the Ukrainian forces perpetrating these attack are praying for continuous westerly winds.
It is suggested that the reason for these acts of desperation is that the regions to the north of Crimea are planning to hold referendums, with a view to democratically joining the Russian Federation….and we all know how much the fascists in London and Washington love ‘freedom and democracy’.
ParticipantLast ne for today:
The REINZ reported that the national median dwelling price dropped -$40,000 in July, now down -$110,000 from the November peak. That is a -12% fall so far. The housing market slump deepened with sales at a 12-year low for a July.’And the depression… oops… ‘transition to health and prosperity’ is only just getting started.
“Inflation is only transitory.” Yeah right! That’s why an item that was $4.50 two years ago was $5.50 a month ago and $6.60 today.
ParticipantThat is partly because the controllers do not want their voices heard. But also because the general populace has been carefully trained to avoid thinking about reality and focus on consumption and comfort. Short-term comfort, that is. .
Bernays has an awful to to answer for!!
ParticipantNever assume, especially not about what other people think or believe. You just make an ass of yourself.
Far better to ask them Then you will get the right answer!
So, no, I do not think the world would have been better off it had been taken over by WEF or Club of Rome.
Besides. the world already was taken over by WEF! But they just didn’t call it WEF at the time. Research the City of London, and recognise that there has been a millennium of control of the populace by sociopaths, looters, exploiters and psychopaths.
In the non-Anglo world it is referred to as ‘The Empire of Lies’, and more recently as ‘The Empire of Chaos’, as everything is made increasingly chaotic.
If you were to ask me who I think should be in control, I would say physical scientists and ecologists and deep thinkers. But such people (like me) would say: “Stop, Enough.” And the bankers and industrialists would have a fit and have them murdered. Promptly.
As it is, such people do say, “Stop. Enough!” all the time. But their voices are unheard above the cacophany of bullshit and commercialism that ‘the controllers’ promote..
“Money makes the world go round.”
Well, it used to.
But now the rules are changing. Very seriously changing. And people are discovering that physics, chemistry and biology etc. DO MATTER AFTER ALL!
By the way, here is Shell’s top oil geologist M King Hubbert’s warning to the world in 1976. (Ignored, of course).
I rather like what senior oil geologist Colin Campbell (co-founder of ASPO) said around 15 years ago: “You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”
And here is another by the way: Admiral Rickover, ‘father of the US nuclear submarine fleet’ warned about much the same thing as Hubbert waaay waaay back in 1957!
But their voices are unheard. That is partly
No, I don’t ride a horse. I have never been wealthy enough to own a horse. Just a poor boy, born to poor parents in the off-the coast-of-Europe sector of the concentration camp. What distinguished me was having above-average intelligence and above-average determination. Above-average curiosity too.
No horse but I do ride bicycles. . Rode one this morning. Indeed cycling is my normal mode of transport. I have various bicycles for different uses, and several bike trailers for different applications.
Not yet at the stage of ‘going to the river to bathe. But I am in the process of digging a small well, in preparation for when the electricity grid fails….which it most certainly will some time this decade. Of course the ‘Zombie apocalypse’ will occur before or contemporaneously.
‘ By the simple act of reading this blog you and I are bleeding this planets resource base and creating entropy as we do..’
I totally agree!
Indeed, having an honours degree in chemistry, having studied the structure of matter, energy transitions and thermodynamics to a very high level, I may well know more than you. Not saying I do. Just I may. Gibb’s Free Energy, Clausius-Clapeyron and all that.
I do know that I know more about the physical world and the biological world and the financial world than 4.8 million people who also live on this land mass. I cannot say that is a good thing. Sometime I think it would be better to be blissfully ignorant.
But then I think about what the ‘blissfully ignorant’ are going to suffer in the near future -collapse of their food supply, collapse of their finances, collapse of their health [for the jabbed] and collapse of all they systems they believed in.
No. It’s better to be informed and prepared., .