Debt Rattle August 31 2022
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- This topic has 89 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 5 months ago by
August 31, 2022 at 8:15 am #114728
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterHenri Matisse Bathers by a river 1909-16 • UK Inflation May Top 22% Next Year – Goldman Sachs (RT) • Thousands Of UK Pubs ‘Face Closure’ Withou
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 31 2022]August 31, 2022 at 10:46 am #114731chooch
ParticipantGood overview of all the legal actions regarding vaccine mandates for federal contractors.
The COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Roller Coaster Continues: The 11th Circuit Ends The Nationwide Injunction Of The Government Contractor Vaccine Mandate
August 31, 2022 at 10:58 am #114733Red
“The American Kleptocracy: A Government Of Liars, Thieves, & LawbreakersDitto New Zealand”
Ditto the entire west!
Climate change or weirding whatever, isn’t a believe system, no believers required. Unlike fiat currency and government, which require believers. If YOU believe you know what the system will do in the future than prepare accordingly. Blathering on about it won’t change the outcome.
“WES- in my neck of the woods the monarchs are flying south 2 weeks early; the orioles and blackbirds left last week. The wooly bears showed up three weeks early. The squirrels are already putting on their winter coats. The hostas bolted to flowers three weeks before normal. Though late august, it feels like mid-september. The window frogs never came. There were no moths- this was very disturbing (goes with no “June bugs” this spring.). Oh, and the sora are reading as orioles on the bird ID app on my mate’s phone.
How are things going in your vicinity?”Where I’m at in Nova Scotia my wife’s flower gardens have flowers that came and went early and some that should have bloomed long ago and have yet to. Much the same storey in my veggie garden. Most everything has grown but is maturing early with less than expected volumes. More than enough for us due to my over planting just for such outcomes. It’s been years since there was any amount of June bugs here. A few on a couple of nights and then gone. Our weather here has been very humid and warm since mid July and no respite in sight yet.
August 31, 2022 at 11:56 am #114734Armenio Pereira
ParticipantIn Portugal (Lisbon area) no moths this year (last year there were some, not many, but still some). Flies used to be aplenty, now few appear and far between. Accordingly, not that many birds (other than pigeons.) A small creek nearby that used to have a Summer dawn frog chorus has none this season.
Apparently, it’s not only at human level: an Earthly upheaval is afoot.
August 31, 2022 at 12:00 pm #114735Armenio Pereira
ParticipantOh mr./ms. rich person: are you hiring your own personal,
private army?
Cometh the time, who is going to protect you from
the protector?(Ultimately, in human affairs what counts is brute force, and the will to use it.
Martial arts taught us that you can defeat a mightier opponent by adding his strength to yours but, all in all, victory remains a matter of brute force and the skill with which it is handled, not a matter of argumentation prowess.)August 31, 2022 at 12:09 pm #114736Dr. D
Participant“Germany’s economy minister says the “bitter reality” is that Russia will not resume gas supply.”
Are these guys on commission and get a daily bonus for lying? The bitter reality is that GERMANY won’t resume the gas supply, and this economy minister is marching a few ten thousand of his citizens to the gas chambers. Why are you doing that?
“California Senate Passes Bill To Create “Fast Food Council” With Wage-Setting Power”
Your property is not safe. This is for franchise owners, who can only do what? Go bankrupt and sell to Blackrock at a loss? But this is the same for farmers: they said “Do this, “Do that”. Take up these fertilizer policies. Buy a $100k new spray rig that is more accurate, invest in $1M more centralized, specialized barns, a manure pond, and $100k tank spreader. Okay: are you up to your eyeballs to the bank for Green Tech? Now BOOM! We’re legislating you can have 60% of your herd.
Instant. Bankruptcy.
And to the people they say “Oh, these durn farmers, we only asked 30% drop in pure poison! Deadly pollution! Who could be against that? How unreasonable!” Knowing they would lose the farm on a 20% drop and added the extra ten just to be certain Blackrock…and Rutte’s brother…would get everything. For free. While you own nothing and like it.
But no property is safe IF government can just wander around passing laws that help their friends, and ruin the cattle…i.e. us. Now this has been slow for decades, and opposed, where business-related people understand, but worker-related people somehow believe government is “Helping”, and this was a pivot point between party approaches, but now on turbo. Billionaire Corporations and insiders first, all other property is unsafe and about to be stolen. What other reason could you “Own nothing and be happy”? Since you won’t own it, THEY will. Generations of inheritance, as simple as passing down the family home, wiped out.
People hate property rights. How guache. PEOPLE are more important than property, what a bunch of scrabbling scoundrels to write “Life, Liberty, and Property” in the rough draft. But “Property” is a sliding scale. Yes, it could be all of Mt. Vernon. But it is also the clothes on your back and the food in your cupboard. In this case, for the farmer and franchise owner, it is the cobbler’s hammer, ‘Property’ is the tools of their trade that they are stealing, insuring he can no longer work, and will go hungry.
Next time you sit down to eat, instead of saying grace, say, “Thank you for this ‘Property’ that sustains us.” Especially since it’s about to be stolen. On purpose. For profit. Your government just ON PURPOSE shut off grain imports. Your government, ON PURPOSE is arresting farmers. And then during this? “German Green Party Minister Calls for Tax on Meat”
Not property like your Camaro. Property like your Burrito. Stolen. Eminent domain needs approval and compensation, at the least.
“Mississippi Declares State of Emergency as Broken-Pump Leaves Capital without Drinking Water”
Centralization. We need decentralization, because low-trust, no-trust culture now where no one can keep their word. And everyone is lying, cheating, and stealing, as above. That is problems as probably, to create their monopoly market, they made it ILLEGAL to do privately. Just as it’s illegal to collect a glass of water in Colorado and Arizona. That’s the King’s Water, peasant. God gave it to the KING, so that the king could SELL it to you. Appalling louts. Know your place. Or in modern parlance: “Check yourself.” “Check your privilege”.
“Thousands Of UK Pubs ‘Face Closure’ Without Energy Bills Support (G.)”
As above. Kill all small businesses, all productive humans, by any means necessary Part II. Company Store at the Peabody Mine worldwide. It’s going well. The people haven’t even decided this is intentional and are still fencing with the psychopath murderers’ bizarre excuses.
“Greek PM: Resources Against Energy Hikes Not ‘Infinite’ (K.)”
Especially when it’s all COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY. And at the same time you shut off food, and add food taxes like on meat. You’re telling me this is a coincidence, you never thought about? Well you did think about, because we and all farmers in Europe just told you. You’re just doing it anyway, knowing it’s not democratic and will kill everyone.
“Every day that passes without a joint approach to the energy crisis makes .. problems”
So his answer is a “Committee Meeting”. That is, a “joint approach.” You have one. Europe is already lying in 10 ways to ignore the rules, or re-import Russian oil at 5x markup. Why have a ‘joint approach’? You guys caused it for no reason, so Un-Cause it. Problem solved.
Let’s put it this way: suppose Russia really was planning on taking Paris. Suppose Democracy really was at stake instead of Nazi Anti-Democracy. STILL the smart strategic move would be immediate appeasement to buy time to circle back and get Russia later. They don’t. Which means killing all European citizens is a feature, not a bug. They WANT it, and are not upset in the slightest. If they were at all upset they would do something.
“China Is Aggressively Reselling Russian Gas to Europe (ZH)”
This is so amazing we should re-post it every day. Amazingly stupid. When they stop it will mark a change in the weather. But you see, it’s more environmental to pipe Ural gas 10,000 miles to Beijing, to lose 20% in compression and be laded on a ship and floated 20,000 miles to Brussels. #Winning!
“states would prefer to seek peace rather than sticking with Kiev until it prevails in its fight against Russia,”
And also a change in the weather when they stop saying idiotic s—t like this. Until the Ukrainian flag flies over the Kremlin? Russia hasn’t even mobilized their army yet. They are selling you gas and haven’t even shut off your power.
“how to “force Russian troops to withdraw,”Just like two little boys playing “House”. On a little cardboard stove with plastic pots. Newsflash: Nothing you say matters. Nothing you do has any effect. This is an army, and the only way to impress your will is for YOUR army to MAKE THEM. Okay, anyway, still waiting for reality to break through.
It does have one advantage: because of Baghdad Bob, all 700 million of them, when the narrative collapses, it will be an epic shock you won’t miss. That will change things quickly. Perhaps a little too quickly for financial markets.
“EU Has No Alternative to Russian Energy – ex Saudi Aramco VP (RT)”
They did. They were going to conquer Syria in ‘Bama’s Arab Spring and make a big pipe from UAE, etc. But these things take time and they lost. Also they barely own Turkey right now.
“ Promised “Major Ukrainian Counter-attack” Ends In Disaster (Saker)”
Same thing as Hitler. Rather than listen to winning generals like Rommel, Great Leader who knows nothing about this, just say “You Soldier: You go bang bang.” Essentially suicide, which is bad for morale. Army could be used Waaaaaaay smarter and more effectively, but Ze is in negotiations this week and needs a “Something”. Um, Mr. Ze, wouldn’t a “Something” that “wins” be noticeably better? “Don’t bother me with details!!! Winning, Losing: what difference does it make at this point?”
Uh-huh. And the IRISH still exist now because…?
“No one, including the most bullish supporters of Ukraine, expect the nation’s war with Russia to end soon.”
Experts? Well in that case it will end soon. They also say Ukr will win, so Russia will win over Europe.
“ France Accuses Russia of Using Gas as ‘Weapon of War’ (RT)”
But France is not using embargoes…and stealing $300B as a ‘Weapon of war.” “It’s not Fascism when we do it.”
“Gazprom says it will halt for lack of payment” Well I should think so! Remember back when this started Europe said “they expected gas to continue without them paying for it, Mister!” Uh-Huh. You and whose army?
“That said, the SCO is unlikely to become the non-West’s version of NATO.” Uh, does this guy know what NATO is? No, it wouldn’t. Obviously. That’s like comparing the Marines and Wal-Mart. They are, you know, kinda different.
“We know the FBI spied on the former mayor’s cloud for two years from May, 2019, a month after he began working as then president Donald Trump’s personal attorney.”
The FBI spies on all attorney-client privilege. Got it. Armstrong said they regularly did this in every meeting room in Rikers. Just ‘cause. I mean, why not? Who’s going to arrest the police and State’s Prosecution for lying, cheating, and stealing, breaking all human rights as far back as the Magna Charta? No one in America, that’s for sure.
“Top FBI Agent Resigns Amid Claims He Shielded Hunter Biden from Probe (NYP)”
We’ve learned this is the total point of the FBI. That and killing annoying peaceniks like Dr. King. Golly, an organization with all the moral character of J. Edgar Hoover? What could go wrong. Clearly we must believe everything they say, and destroy anyone they don’t like. We love the police now, trust the FBI implicitly, and would never defund them.
August 31, 2022 at 12:21 pm #114738EoinW
ParticipantI had a moth in my house. Because I wouldn’t kill it, he had a great summer flying around.
I did notice that the frogs and crickets seemed quieter this year. I’m not sure I can connect my silent summer evenings to the end of Mother Nature. Less crickets in my garden and less frogs at the pond is what it is and nothing more. I’m not going to be so arrogant to think that what happens in my tiny world has impact on the entire world. My default position continues to be that the natural world shall continue to do what it’s always done.
I’m not meaning to make fun of the interesting info shared above. I appreciate such information. But I’ll never try to reach any all encompassing conclusions from such info.
We’re about to see what the Chicken Little environmental activists are going to achieve with their hysteria. Nothing good. Being Irish it saddens me to realize that green will soon be the most despised colour.
August 31, 2022 at 1:17 pm #114739upstateNYer
ParticipantKinda interesting. I haven’t argued that there is no “man-made climate change.” I don’t personally know and mostly don’t care because, as I mentioned, it’s the least of our problems. 🙂 But the two sides are an interesting debate here.
I still come down on the side of oxy: keep a light footprint, do the best you can to make things better.
August 31, 2022 at 1:47 pm #114740aspnaz
ParticipantDr D said
Not property like your Camaro. Property like your Burrito. Stolen. Eminent domain needs approval and compensation, at the least.
But it doesn’t, so what are you going to do about it? Stop paying tax so that the IRS soldiers can come over and shoot you? I think they already suspect you will try that! Try to reason with them, like the Dutch farmers are hoping to do, in other words allow them to bullshit you for a year while they put you into dire financial straits? Masturbate over your guns? What’s the plan?
They will take your stuff and if you resist they will lock you up in jail. Later they will pass a law that allows them to execute you. In court they will show false sale documents showing that you sold them your land. If you cause too much trouble they will just shoot you.
Once your land is gone you will never own anything again and you will live in barns like cattle waiting for the farmer to walk you outside for a shit.
I know, you think this is impossible, but read a bit of history and you will see that this would be an easy way out, the fanatics of the past have done much worse.
August 31, 2022 at 1:50 pm #114741Armenio Pereira
ParticipantI am not suggesting Nature is reaching the end: perhaps an abrupt change is coming, the accumulation of all the gradual changes.
But you’re right: maybe the insect Armageddon isn’t occurring, and what is really happening is more like an urban/suburban phenomenon, something related to radiation/atmospheric pollution.
Thank you for the insights.August 31, 2022 at 2:10 pm #114742Dora
ParticipantEdward Dowd:
“UK ONS Excess Deaths for ages 1-14 and bio weapon inoculation uptake timeline. Notice that prior to uptake excess deaths were trending lower…then they rise as the government kills children. This is an age group that doesn’t tend to die due to drug overdoses, suicides or missing cancer screening treatments. Another smoking gun. ”
August 31, 2022 at 2:24 pm #114743Dora
Participantanother from Edward Dowd:
Just a reminder that that Pfizer failed the All Cause Mortality endpoint in their absurdly short 28 day trial. Traditionally drugs are not approved by the FDA upon such a failure. The crime occurred then and was buried until FOIA revealed it last fall…we have the results and they are grim. The greatest crime ever committed in the history of the world IMHO.
August 31, 2022 at 2:35 pm #114744John Day
ParticipantI just read the late-night entries from last night, and appreciated them.
Our enemy is our owners, and our owners can own us by keeping is at each other’s throats.
Whatever narrative gains some traction, true(ish) or false(ish) is a tool for them to direct our thoughts, actions and energies, and if something is divisive, that is also useful, especially in times of sudden change, turmoil, systemic-failure, leading into some kind of systemic reset.
All of us have internal models of the world, which we use to decide what to do today, tomorrow, next month, and where to live. All of those models are imperfect, but some end up being more useful than others. We often make adjustments to our models, and sometimes we have to really drop one, but that may not be possible for a human.
We are here at TAE, analyzing “SigInt”, signals intelligence. We know that vested interests push certain models-of-reality through the media communications channels.
I personally assess that “deflationista” had that paid job, and moved on to other communications nodes, probably pushing other viewpoints, managing chatbots.
It’s a job for lots of people.I have independently noticed that I am far more sensitive to sun-strength than to temperature in recent years, especially this year. I’m no wimp. I’m out in it working.
I also, like Dr.D and others notice changes in the seasons. I am told that the Van Allen Belts, our shields are something like 20% weaker than a decade ago. I specifically agree with, and have independently made note of the seasons tracking the solar energy more, like April and August are more alike now.It is completely possible that heat and visible light are responding to greenhouse gasses, while UV intensity and even more energetic rays are responding to a reduction in shielding, all at the same time. My skin says the intense sunlight is harder to adapt to (but my skin is also older than it was). I’m an imperfect measurement probe, but I can correct for that somewhat.
Back to narrative-control, SigInt, and herding us by maintaining a control-narrative. The control-narrative that was going to destroy the Russian economy and pillage Russia failed, and went negative. It needs to be replaced before the stagnation of winter, or our lords will lose “the initiative” (even further).
I have been looking for changes in the signals, new signals, signals that test human responses to see what direction of narrative the humans will respond to positively and negatively. Also, actual power-position changes are important signals.
I’m detecting both kinds of signals. I’m looking for a bigger “WAR!” control narrative signal, and it can’t be done in Europe. Russian chess has blocked an increase in European “WAR” narrative, so it needs to move elsewhere, where it is more sustainable.More than that, Russian gas and oil need to be accepted overtly, because they could not be replaced without destroying the European economic engines. Cover russian il and gas through India and China have been “busted”. India won’t budge, so India will keep exporting Russian oil as refined products. China reshipping LNG, sent as LNG from Russia to China, while China burns natural gas from new Russian pipelines, has now been outed.
This is more of a force-move on Germany than an attack on China or Russia. Covert Russian gas is now attacked, as German politics asks for “peace negotiations” and overt/cheaper Russian gas (and oil).
That is tension, so I have been looking for signals of what direction the tension may break, what pathway of action may be chosen by big-players to get Russian oil and gas, but revive the war-fear narrative, which has to be upgraded to bigger fear now.Pat Buchanan is a sly fellow and comes-to-bury-Caesar-not-to-praise him sometimes.
He makes a conservative-nationalist case for peace with Russia on humanitarian grounds here, not Kissingeresque, practical “realpolitik”. Not so new…Here is what is new, and it is Japanese-government signal, and what Shinzo Abe would have been working on, perhaps what he was assassinated for, but now it looks like policy. Japan has decided at the last minute to keep a stake in nearby Russian LNG project . This has been a long-term investment in something which is in Japan’s national interest, and not in US/NATO interests. This may be a pivotal decision, and it may signal a US/NATO pivot-to-China.
Japanese Firm Signs New LNG Deal With Russia’s Sakhalin-2 is a lot of tension to generate by lining up for major war against nuclear-armed China. China can use this tension and US/NATO/AUKUS/India/Japan/Korea can all use this tension. The problem is that the tension is based on a hair-trigger for global nuclear annihilation. Shit-happens sometimes…
August 31, 2022 at 2:50 pm #114745zerosum
ParticipantThe truth requires adjustments to our opinions, etc.
…… Henri Matisse Bathers by a river 1909-16 ….. I see a snake and hints of naked female bodies, (sexuality)
….. a copy-and-paste culture
Here is what our bosses are doing
” Here are the facts that I prepared for you to see/to consider/to evaluate, before you decide what to do, before you make up your mind, before you realize the whole truth.”…… A person needs access to 2,000 – 5,000 of consumable/energy/calories/day
At the moment, only reactors five and six remain online. Therefore, shut down the needed reactors.
Also, shutdown the pipeline for maintenance.
Increase the cost of energy and reduce the amount of income to consumers…….. Proof is in the photo shopped pictures and new graves( a gallon of white paint)
• Promised “Major Ukrainian Counter-attack” Ends In Disaster (Saker)……. Its goal: to keep billions of dollars flowing into the hands of the war industry and prevent the public from asking
inconvenient questions.
• Ukraine & the Politics of Permanent War (Chris Hedges)……. democratic gov are there to help you/give to you
……. socialist gov are there to take from you
……. If there is nothing then gov. are not needed…… small business are too small to survive
…… large business are too large too survive…… War is consuming my future energy needs
———-August 31, 2022 at 3:03 pm #114746zerosum
ParticipantMoney moves but does the equipment move out of the warehouses according to the paper trail.
Ukraine – A Frontline Report – Vanishing Foreign WeaponsAugust 31, 2022 at 3:32 pm #114747John Day
ParticipantWar Narrative Pivot (Oops, wrong war) Pictured mowing grass and thinking ’bout stuff The management style of our ‘owners” (George Carlin ref.) is to preemptively stage a crisis ahead of any crisis they cannot forestall.
That allows them to manage the societal-control-narrative going into the crisis, whatever it may be.
The primary crisis is that global real economy stopped growing after summer 2018, and was contracting despite financial stimulus after that, leading to the “repo-crisis of August-September 2019, when the biggest banks in the world could not trust each other overnight with T-bills as collateral. That indicated that they knew a “Lehman moment” was at hand. The Fed papered over that by taking over the repo-window, providing trillions of dollars in overnight liquidity. Then they played the “pandemic emergency” card, and mysterious $US trillions went directly into the reserves of the biggest banks and financial institutions, like Blackrock, which got mysterious government super-powers, which we don’t understand yet. Still, that was kicking the can down the road, because economic growth has fallen-and-can’t-get-up. The system implodes. It’s based on exponential growth.It has been supported by lies for 14 years already. The-owners are now playing with fire with the “War” card, but it is a card they know well, and it can serve any need at any time, but the ante keeps rising…
Europe is the current crisis-center, but the problem has worsened faster than anticipated. The Russian economy didn’t tank. Russia appears to have gotten stronger by many measures.Russia has also been irritatingly reasonable, refusing to take all kinds of bait, continuing to offer oil and gas to Europeans. It seems that the Ukraine-War crisis perception is dropping below that of economic-collapse and freezing to death.If Russia had just gotten sick from the Ukraine-war bait, as was planned, things would be better. there would be hope for Globo-Cap to swallow Russian resources
The failure of the Ruble would have paved the way for central bank digital currency to be coupled with electronic health-passports, and the European Central Bank could have sailed over the debris of the crumbling western financial order by leapfrogging it.That is not possible now. That rotting and wobbly order must be kept upright as long as possible. The BRICS Banking and international-trade mechanisms are up and toddling already.
If we assume that economic collapse (at least financial-collapse) is baked in, then the crisis level must escalate to meet it.
A high crisis level is necessary to justify whatever actions the-owners and bankers decide they need to take to maintain their power over western-societies, especially their freedom to act without restraint, however they see fit.
Russia was goaded to invade Ukraine by Ukrainian troop preparations to invade the Donbas region in February. Russia invaded to preempt that.
What next? That’s a tough question, because Europe can’t fight Russia. They just can’t do it. They are out of men and material. The Ukrainian army was built up for this war since 2014, and it is played-out. Nobody else has tanks and artillery left. Military aircraft await repairs. Factories take years to fill orders for military equipment…
How about fighting China? Maybe “fighting” China would be even better…
A “war” of military posturing, threats and suspension of trade is possible.
Preparations are already underway, and numerous steps have been taken to stop transfer of critical products to China. The US military has purportedly moved all production of critical military chips out of Taiwan, and is setting up the Taiwanese chip factories for demolition by factory teams, in event of Chinese invasion. This will break global supply chains before any country is ready, but it is such an opportune time to launch an attack against a foe that it can’t really be missed.
Time is of the essence to maintain escalation initiative in this war against regular-people.
August 31, 2022 at 3:42 pm #114750John Day
ParticipantI’m just blocked from uploading stuff today, despite deactivating links. Still trying…
Surplus Energy Economics notices what French (Rothschild-puppet) President Macron recently said about
“The end of the age of abundance”. This arises from the cost of extracting energy resources like oil, coal and gas rising high enough
to suppress the rest of the economy, and create cycling recessions, as we got in 2007, and never really left.
https://surplusenergyeconomics.wordpress. com/2022/08/30/238-money-and-the-end-of-abundance/comment-page-1/#comment-31655What Moon of Alabama (German) does not come out and say here is that European “leaders” must follow orders from their masters.
In Germany, that’s the US/NATO. The US uses a lot of bribes and blackmail on European politicians.
Europe’s Economic And Social Suicide – Provoked by The U.S. And Helped Along By Europe’s Leaders
https://www.moonofalabama. org/2022/08/europes-economic-and-social-suicide-provoked-by-the-us-and-helped-along-by-europes-leaders.html#moreThe long awaited Ukrainian counter-offensive happened yesterday, unreported by most.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), while trying to conduct an offensive in Mykolaiv-Krivoy Rog and other directions,
suffered heavy losses, more than 1,200 soldiers were destroyed. This was reported to journalists by the Ministry of Defense of Russia.
According to the ministry, Russian troops destroyed 48 tanks, 46 infantry fighting vehicles, 37 other armored combat vehicles,
8 pickups with heavy machine guns.
http://thesaker. is/russian-mod-updates-the-losses-of-the-ukrainian-armed-forces-after-the-failure-of-their-counter-offensive/ It’s time to try a new tack before the US military has no ammo left. Germany is already out.
Pentagon Stockpiles “Uncomfortably Low” Amid Ukraine Transfers, Officials Admit
https://www.zerohedge. com/military/pentagon-stockpiles-uncomfortably-low-amid-ukraine-transfers-officials-admitAugust 31, 2022 at 3:43 pm #114751John Day
ParticipantVolodomyr Zelensky is about to become a tragic figure somehow. Winter approaches, Ukraine is just slowly losing,
and the west can’t keep up supplies or appearances any more. The west has to take some kind of initiative, and it is likely to kill Zelensky’
Ground beneath Zelensky’s feet is shifting , Bhadrakumar, Indian Punchline dates for IAEA mission to ‘targeted’ nuclear site revealed
Experts from the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will examine the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant between
August 31 and September 3, in an effort to assess the situation at the site amid fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces. Algeria, colonized by France, and treated disrespectfully ever since, can’t increase gas exports much at all.
President Emmanuel Macron Warns of Cold Winter in Europe. Natural Gas Supplies and France’s Relationship with Algeria is absolutely NOT the desired societal-control-narrative, yet it keeps getting out.
Exhaustive Study of German Mortality Data Finds Excess Deaths Tightly Correlated with Mass Vaccination 31, 2022 at 3:44 pm #114752John Day
ParticipantNo, No, No! They were supposed to keep that SECRET!
China Is Aggressively Reselling Russian Gas To Europe Very well connected investment analyst, and China expert, Kyle Bass, says in opening sound bite that
“the US DoD expects China to move on Taiwan in the next 1-2 years”.. This is like the rumor I hear, that
the US DoD has moved all Pentagon chipmaking out of Taiwan this month and is working with factories
to set up destruction-mechanisms, controlled demolitions.
China has been warned that this is suicidal, according to my rumor., Yes, Yes Japan has decided at the last minute to keep a stake in nearby Russian LNG project .
This has been a long-term investment in something which is in Japan’s national interest, and not in US/NATO interests.
This may be a pivotal decision, and it may signal a US/NATO pivot-to-China (or not).
Japanese Firm Signs New LNG Deal With Russia’s Sakhalin-2 is shut down for 3-4 days for scheduled maintenance. Russia says it will start up again Saturday. sounds completely crazy, right? Texas almost lost the whole grid in February 2021,
and now they are pitching cheap power to Bitcoin miners? The catch is, that the power gets shut off if the grid gets weak.
Texas gets the backup power for the grid by increasing total capacity, and “shedding” it away from the cheap seats sometimes.
Texas Crypto Miners Ask To Use As Much Power As All Of New York State
Texas officials have been urging crypto currency-miners to move their operations to the Lone Star State.
The campaign is working so well that applications for power hook-ups are piling up to a level far above what state
power authorities estimated just four months ago. 31, 2022 at 3:52 pm #114753zerosum
ParticipantCampers, in BC, have been complaining about the over abundance of mosquitoes in the campgrounds.
John Day is enjoying early retirement or is it the life of “quiet quitting”.
😉August 31, 2022 at 4:26 pm #114754phoenixvoice
ParticipantI only saw one Palo verde beetle this year, which was quite odd. And it was a few weeks later than usual Usually, I see 10-15. They are 3 inches in length.
August 31, 2022 at 4:34 pm #114755phoenixvoice
ParticipantDr D:
Just as it’s illegal to collect a glass of water in Colorado and Arizona
It IS illegal to harvest rainwater in Colorado — the waterways are so controlled because the precipitation (snowfall, mostly,) is the source of the Colorado River.However, this is not the case in Arizona. In AZ the groundwater (wells) are highly regulated in highly populous areas and lightly regulated in low population areas (a simple permit is required — ostensibly so that there is a record of where the well is.). Rainwater can be freely collected in AZ. Which is one of my projects this year.
August 31, 2022 at 5:10 pm #114756Dr. D
ParticipantDon’t worry, Aspnaz, we each do our own things, each in our own situation, but I’ve said what to do. 1) Stop working like everyone already did after Obamacare. 2) Bury your gold for 1,000 years like in Rome. 3) Go to the beach. “They pretend there are markets, and we pretend to trade them.” You have no assets, no income…visible.
“I told you once before that there were two times for making big money, one in the up-building of a country and the other in its destruction. Slow money on the up-building, fast money in the crack-up. Remember my words. Perhaps they may be of use to you some day. –Rhett Butler
“But you are a blockade runner!” Rhett Butler: “For profit, and profit only.”
Talk about decentralization? How decentralized, atomized, independently self-sufficient can you get? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Execute? A harmless, homeless guy like me? A helpless, ignorant ward of the state? Why no: I’ll get a medal for being the kind of citizen they like best! Completely unproductive, completely drawing on the wealth of the state. ‘Cause golly brother, times are hard, ya know? That beach ain’t gonna surf itself!
Or maybe ten other options, I haven’t decided yet. Why should I?
Actually, I was buoyed to see insects and frogs beginning to recover at last, but slowly. With the sun this intense, it’s surely cooking insects on sight. There were many calls of bumpers melting off cars and so on that were never seen before. Of course I’m sure this doesn’t exist because science says the sun hasn’t changed, we don’t burn faster, and I guess it was newly-escaped lava-monsters that are doing it now? Anyway, when you see and feel that you wonder how insects can possibly live. True to form, if you’re in the forest, grass, water, and deep shade, they seem to be closer to normal. Again, details: WHICH insects? Ants? They’re fine. Big thick bees? A little more trouble. Mosquitoes that frogs eat? Not so much. Same as WHICH citizens pay, and which are getting paid. “Holland” is not one thing and neither is the “FBI”.
“Money moves but does the equipment move out of the warehouses according to the paper trail.”
This is like Afghanistan. We left $6B in weapons? O Rlly? How about $10M in weapons and $5.99B in paper weapons that were never created or delivered? And you wonder why they couldn’t withdraw, when those 50 tanks flown back to Ft Bragg suddenly become one tank, and the Base Colonel and Quartermaster General start asking big million-dollar questions? …Just like how we have no artillery shells. Where are they Brian? Where’s my money?
We are soooooo far past the scam of making weapons. Waaay past overpricing weapons. Light years from shorting them on weapons. WE ARE PRODUCING NO WEAPONS, and charging TRILLIONS – $40 trillion? Missing? According to Federal accountants? – Zero weapons, infinite cost. Corruption “To Infinity…And Beyond!!!” Where no nation has gone before!!!
“Japan has decided at the last minute to keep a stake in nearby Russian LNG project”
Japan is flipping east. (West) They knew they had to and did before, but then that Fukushima tsunami accidentally came along and convinced them otherwise. But U.S./Europe/Nato are all useless, broke has-beens and their billionaires are inbred nobodies in the process of being crushed right now. Japan is very practical and may look awkward to be a fiefdom constantly, sold out to the Yanks and imitating us, but they are a small island and have to hire loyalty as is expedient for survival. They are very good at it and have lots of practice, always enduring as Eternal Japan so far. This time too, starting with Russia whenever it works best. They are moving the chip factories, which means definitely. Japan will move during that action at least.
August 31, 2022 at 5:13 pm #114757Red
ParticipantNot what the models were saying a few weeks back!
“Scouts on this year’s tour forecast the 2022 corn crop at 13.759 billion bushels with an average yield of 168.1 bushels per acre. If realized, this would be the smallest corn harvest in three years and would measure far below the US Department of Agriculture’s Aug. 12 Crop Production forecast of 14.530 billion bushels and projected yield of 175.4 bushels per acre.”
From the same site:
OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA — Canadian wheat production in the 2022-23 marketing year is forecast to increase 55% over the previous year to 34.6 million tonnes, according to the latest projections from Statistics Canada.
If realized, it would be the third largest wheat crop in Canadian history.
The increase is largely driven by better growing conditions in Western Canada, according to Statistics Canada.
The agency said yields are expected to increase year-on-year by 41% to 51.1 bushels per acre. Harvested area also is expected to increase by 9.4% to 24.9 million acres.
The increase in expected total wheat production is largely attributable to spring wheat, which is anticipated to rise by 57% to 25.6 million tonnes. This increase is a result of higher anticipated yields (up 40% to 52.7 bushels per acre) and higher harvested area, expected to increase by 12.5% to 17.8 million acres.
Durum wheat yields also are expected to rise (up 101% to 40.6 bushels per acre), contributing to higher expected durum wheat production (up 113% to 6.5 million tonnes).
The country’s other grain crops also are expected to see an increase in output, the agency said.
Canola production is expected to rise by 42% to 19.5 million tonnes in 2022-23, as growing conditions in the Prairies improved considerably relative to 2021, pushing yields higher (up 48% to 40.5 bushels per acre).
Models? That increase in wheat is going to happen despite the reduction of fertilizer? Me thinks someone forgot to input the fertilizer reduction amounts.
August 31, 2022 at 5:14 pm #114758my parents said know
ParticipantWith their faces glued to phones, people do not look up and notice the chemtrails. Geoengineering is one place I agree that there is “manmade” climate change, and it’s nuts. Our biggest problems come from “fixing” our problems.
Pheonixvoice- that is one handsome beetle!
August 31, 2022 at 5:19 pm #114759Red
ParticipantThe opinion expressed here is just mind numbing. I don’t know where to start so I won’t, other than to say wind and sail is it and it won’t/can’t get green any other way.
Underwriting decarbonisation: Financing key to steer shipping towards a green future
August 31, 2022 at 5:25 pm #114760John Day
ParticipantChina might shoot-down Musk’s Starlink as a threat to national security. 31, 2022 at 5:29 pm #114761John Day
Participant@zerosum: Fired for COVID-vaccine-refusal may become retirement in time.
I am not particularly quiet, not quitting, but working on the homestead and this informational-analysis free-service that I do for living-beings.August 31, 2022 at 5:36 pm #114762Red
ParticipantThe following is from Eric Zuesse who i’ve read a fair bit over at Tom Dispatch.
Any political ‘scientist’ who calls America a “democracy” is either corrupt or idiotic. But America’s billionaires need them, in order to be able to call their “enemy” nations “dictatorships” or “authoritarian regimes” (e.g.: Russia, China, etc., are ‘authoritarian’ ‘regimes’, etc.) such as America itself actually is, because of them — because they actually do rule here. The con is total, and might therefore be appropriately referred-to as being “totalitarian,” in that sense.
August 31, 2022 at 5:37 pm #114763Red
ParticipantThe following is from Eric Zuesse who i’ve read a fair bit over at
Any political ‘scientist’ who calls America a “democracy” is either corrupt or idiotic. But America’s billionaires need them, in order to be able to call their “enemy” nations “dictatorships” or “authoritarian regimes” (e.g.: Russia, China, etc., are ‘authoritarian’ ‘regimes’, etc.) such as America itself actually is, because of them — because they actually do rule here. The con is total, and might therefore be appropriately referred-to as being “totalitarian,” in that sense.
August 31, 2022 at 5:46 pm #114764John Day
ParticipantHere is something from Helen of DesTry about narrative control during COVID:
When You Read Alone, You Read With Hitler 31, 2022 at 6:02 pm #114765willem
Participant@aspnaz and @Afewknowthetruth: This morning I caught the tail end of your discussion late yesterday, the gist of which is summarized by AFKTT: “We are, indeed, governed by thieves and professional liars who con the masses into believing completely fake narratives because the ignorant masses believe it is all for the greater good -rather the actual reason, which is to make money for banks and corporations and opportunists (which includes most politicians in the NATOstan countries) and keep the Ponzi financial system going a bit longer.”
I certainly can’t say I disagree with this. But I’ve done a lot of thinking on it over the last couple of years, and have been forced to accept a number of truths about human behavior.
Even if every person on the planet could be convinced that the planet has around 7B too many people, and that it is over its carrying capacity, thus requiring that global population be managed back down to 1B, few of them would believe that they themselves should be binned as one of the excess billions. That goes in triplicate for our would-be betters. Everyone wants to be one of the survivors, but not everyone has the means to win out in that struggle. Our would-be betters believe that they do, and whatever else their plans are for humanity, you can take it to the bank that they not only intend to be among the survivors, but believe that they are much more worthy of that privilege than the rabble.
Going along these lines, if you personally recognize the need to reduce your impact on the planet, how much would you willingly give up or stop doing if you were not convinced that everyone else had the same understanding?
Another thing concerns “trust.” The PTB are attempting to manipulate the masses with lies and censorship into doing what they think is a) good for humanity’s survival, and/or b) good for themselves. Even if the reason is the former, they are doing a poor job. This is because instead of engendering trust, their methods are actually destroying it. The question is: will more people dig their heels in against you when you convey unpleasant truths, or when you indulge in behaviors that cause large numbers of people to lose trust in what you are telling them?
But what else should be done to get humanity on the right track? I remember one of our commenters some time back saying that this all might be a sincere attempt to “extend the shelf life of the human race” or something along those lines (which I don’t disagree with). But I think our peanut farmer president (Carter) was the last one that actually tried to level with people and tell them straight out what they needed to do, and he flopped miserably.
August 31, 2022 at 6:07 pm #114766willem
ParticipantI’d like to thank whoever posted, some weeks back, the link to a Tim Watkins article (I think it was a link to his writeup titled “The Complexity Trap”). Watkins has a lot of interesting things to say, and while I don’t agree with all of it, there are some things he writes about that I hadn’t really thought much about. I ended up reading his book “The Consciousness of Sheep”, an excellent read.
August 31, 2022 at 6:16 pm #114767zerosum
ParticipantGot nothing/no proof, just speculations/accusations, but found ways to keep the headlines hot.
DOJ:DOCS “likely concealed and removed” to “obstruct” probe
August 31, 2022 at 6:18 pm #114768WES
ParticipantTrudeau is one of those who believes the little people should sacrifice themselves for his benefit. Flying in a Canadian made Challerger jet wasn’t good enough for him. Now his highness flies in a large Airbus jet plane.
Do as I say, not what I do!
August 31, 2022 at 7:22 pm #114769zerosum
Participant“Do as I say, not what I do!”
I can insult, tell lies, about Putin but you cannot call me out for that and/nor call out my VP finance minister Leleand who is an elites, ethnic, Ukrainian decent.August 31, 2022 at 7:52 pm #114770Afewknowthetruth
‘If YOU believe you know what the system will do in the future than prepare accordingly. Blathering on about it won’t change the outcome.’
I started preparations for what I knew was coming in the early2000s, but in the wrong location, Auckland, which I never wanted to shift to but was kind of forced to in the early1990s. Then couldn’t get out for a long time.
The shift to Taranaki seemed like a good thing at the time -population 100,000 and lots of farmland and running water [due to the mountain ‘rain magnet’. However, for reason I won’t go into in detail but involving the totally corrupt and dysfunctional district and regional councils, I relocated again just under three years ago.
Where I am now, in a region with a population of about 20,000 and abundant groundwater supplies and tolerably good surface water supplies -there is a steam running across my property- I started from scratch yet again 30 months ago.
Although I don’t have everything I would like, I am sure I will endure the energetic-financial-economic-societal meltdown that the controllers have triggered better than most, whether that meltdown is the product of intention or just plain arrogance and stupidity (plenty of evidence for that).
If need be, I can survive with no heating in the house, since it is quite well insulated, and the outside temperature rarely drops below minus 1 degree Celsius.
I have put in heat control systems -roller blinds, awnings etc. to combat excessive heat. It has been in the mid-30s in summer since I came here, but is unlikely to get to the 40s, due to the proximity of the ocean, which has a cold northward flow along the coast, i.e. from the Great Southern Ocean next to Antarctica.
Having converted all my fiat money into things I believe will be of value through the meltdown, I have no money and live from week to week, balancing the small benefit I get with outgoings.
Dental work is a financial killer in NZ.
I have no wood stove (but can do without for internal house temperature). Just extra layers of clothing. The same for outside work on frosty mornings. 4,5,6 layers.
Interestingly, those who do have wood stoves are dependent on petrol-powered chainsaws and petrol or diesel vehicles to pull trailers stacked with wood. Could be a problem there in the near future, since NZ has no refinery and is totally dependent on imported refined products.
The thing about the S.I. is that it does have plenty of hydro-electricity, and will continue to do so for as long as the distribution grid can be maintained. In the N.I natural gas and coal are burned to maintain supply -and keep the electric cars moving!
You may regard providing vital information for the understanding of what is going on and why as ‘Blathering’ but I do not like the word.
I will keep providing vital information for the understanding of what is going on a why as long as I can.
Whilst nothing will change the outcome -an uninhabitable planet- it may affect the mechanism by which that point is reached and the living conditions of those who endure the consequences of all the greed, corruption and stupidity that have characterised life in the Empire of Lies for many centuries.
August 31, 2022 at 7:57 pm #114771Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantJohn Day
It is encouraging to participate in dialogue with someone who can see the big picture and who does not jump on ill-thought-out bandwagons.
August 31, 2022 at 8:12 pm #114772Afewknowthetruth
We are in a ‘progress trap’.
In reality, there is no such thing as progress. There is only change. And most of the change since the commencement of the Industrial Revolution has been exceedingly bad.
Sure, it seems better to not have go to a water source (well, river, pond) and collect water. It seems better to not have to chase rabbits and pheasants or trap them. It seems better to not have to collect firewood or build one’s own dwelling.
But really, it’s all quite ephemeral.
People who lived before humans began to mess things up big time were really alive.
Now we have a huge population of zombies, within which lives a tiny minority who are really alive.
August 31, 2022 at 8:28 pm #114773Afewknowthetruth
The Chinese adopted a one-child policy in an attempt to bring population growth under control. I was an admirable response to a burgeoning predicament.
However, the Chinse were vilified for it, especially by the utterly corrupt western nations, who were (and are) under the control of money-lenders. And money-lenders have only one prime agenda: making more money for themselves via increased population, increased consumption and increased ravaging of the Earth -all achieved via their social control and propaganda systems.
We heard the stories of how the Chinese aborted females, resulting in school classes comprising of 28 boys and 4 girls.
What a fine thing that turned out to be! because if there had been 16 of each, China’s current food and pollution and social predicaments would be far worse.
But in ‘polite’ society one is not allowed to say such things.
It all goes back to the 1960s: Catton’s ‘Overshoot’ and Hardin’s ‘Tragedy of the Commons’
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