Debt Rattle April 6 2022


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    Pablo Picasso Standing nude 1928   • Zelensky Tells Security Council that “Russians Killed for Pleasure” (GR) • Biden’s Folly In Ukraine (Gen. Do
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle April 6 2022]

    a kullervo


    Finally, some good news:

    Carbon is no longer an issue.

    All it took was to cancel Mendeleev’s periodic table of elements.
    There you have it: carbon’s (and all other elements) gone.
    [Those pesky Russians and their dumb ideas – just gotta cancel them all (here looking at you, Mr. Solzhenitsyn.)]

    As required, Mr. Putin and his enablers (tip of the hat to Zerosum) are converting the Russian people into the epoch’s real martyrs. The intriguing part is the promotion(?) of the Ukrainians to the status of XXI century’s New Jews (are they one of the lost tribes?). Meanwhile – and by the way – Israel has adopted a conspicuous low-profile regarding the current events… the plot thickens.

    Burning petroleum as a fuel “would be akin to firing up a kitchen stove with bank notes“.
    (A remark credited to) Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

    V. Arnold

    Pablo Picasso Standing nude 1928

    Wow, an enigma, wrapped in a mystery, couched in a riddle…

    By Ken Leslie for the Saker Blog
    • …But It Rhymes. Russia, Ukraine and Nazi Europe Mark II (Leslie)
    Very good read; spot on for the most part, IMHO…

    For those living in the west; breakers on the lee shore ahead…

    Michael Reid

    Dutch activist Willem Engel has proven to be such a thorn in the side of the government that they have arrested him twice in a week. He’s been pushing hard against tyranny, mandates, and the illegitimate Covid restrictions. He’s awaiting trial for “sedition” but is optimistic that he will win because the allegation is so outlandish. The WEF directly instructs ministers, but the layer behind it is even more sinister. The consultancy firms (e.g. McKinsey, Accenture) is where the power is. They write the laws and the civil servants implement them. He thinks things will get worse and we’ll go into lockdown again in the autumn. Social media and intelligence agencies are very intertwined so we have to be smart about how we use it. It’s important to take care of yourself, love your family, form communities, and couple these communities. We need to embody the values of love, truth, and freedom which can go viral.

    Willem Engel: We Must Embody the Values of Love, Truth, & Freedom

    Michael Reid

    Canada explores transhuman society

    Canada explores transhuman society

    Dr. D

    Elon Musk buys a tiny part of Twitter. The universe explodes. I’m sorry, I thought Elon WAS “Liberal”, or at least a minor god to Liberals. But not from the reaction I seem to see.

    Twitterati: “Muh private company, they can censor whoever they want!”
    Musk buys 9% and sits on the board: “We can’t allow unelected oligarchs to control free speech!”

    Not to be outdone, “(Amazon) Project Kuiper will provide fast, affordable broadband to tens of millions of customers…” Who? Everybody already has fast affordable broadband. Besides, it ruins your life and happiness quotients drop wherever social media is found. We are wildly increasing the happiness of Russians this month and contributing to Putin’s approval by cancelling FB and Twitter.

    “We now see a significant movement of (Russian) troops away from Kyiv to regroup, re-arm and re-supply and shift their focus to the east,” NATO’s Stoltenberg”

    They said they would work for a week, then pause, rebuild, repair and resupply. Clearly they have no fear whatsoever to stop and hang out doing R&R in enemy territory. Why should they? It’s Ukraine. And a 0 mile supply chain.

    New high in 10y bond rates. That indicates rising trend. But the market and system cannot survive rising rates. Not just because it’s overleveraged, but because that’s how it’s built. It’s a debt-based system. What happens when debt falls, defaults, vanishes?

    Thousands of U.S. flights canceled. Is that from lack of pilots they won’t admit? Or are they rationing jet fuel that they won’t admit? Since there are no markets and prices can’t rise, rationing is the result. But not like WWII rationing, it’s by social status: my friends get all, and you’ll get nothing and like it.

    “For now, Macron is [in the lead and] basking in the limelight of Zelensky and the threat of Putin to Europe. But our model shows that this will be the last president to be elected in the Fifth Republic of France. Jacques Chirac (1932–2019) was elected in 1995 initially as a Gaullist, but he turned Neo-Gaullist, and thus the slippery slope of France began. We will see a new government emerge by 2030. The risk of a European war will be at its peak in 2027. There will be NO return to normal…Rome lasted for 1,000 years, but it collapsed in just 8.6 years.” –Armstrong

    There’s that magic number again. For him it’s relation to Pi, the brother to Phi.

    “Danish Politician Margrethe Vestager [says] the only solution is for the people of the EU to continue sacrificing their quality of life: “Everyone is asking what I can do. You can do two things: control your own and your teenagers’ showers. And when you turn off that water, you say — “Take that Putin!” … Germany’s economic minister Robert Habeck went as far as denying the supply chain crisis. “There are currently no supply shortages,” –Armstrong

    Wow, what a relief!

    This is a bit ominous:

    I could care less if they win. I’m 10,000 miles away and could really use that $3B they spent to lose over there. Any new bridges falling into the Mississippi lately? Do we have any new fertilizer plants? How’s that initiative to return manufacturing to the U.S. going? Wasn’t that stupid, they said? “Those jobs are never coming back. –Obama,” they said? Gee, I guess we should keep making those parts in China and Ukraine, that’s schmartz!

    Russia America should not have a position of authority in a body whose very purpose is to promote respect for human rights. Not only is it the height of hypocrisy, it is dangerous,” Fixed it.

    “Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley warned Congress on Tuesday that the chances of a “significant international conflict between great powers” are increasing.” “…Thanks to me.” Fixed it.

    ““We are entering a world that is becoming more unstable.” Thanks to us sending $3B in weapons no one asked for to Ukraine theatre and everywhere else we can find: Middle East, Hong Kong, Mexico…

    Moscow can no more lose the war with Ukraine than Washington could lose a war with Mexico.”

    But we can send $3B to our friends there. And kill a bunch of people. And by “people” I mean Americans, with high prices and supply disruptions. Now that I’m following medical a little bit, they are out of common supplies like tubing and gauze. Third world. 2 years after Covid we have zero antibiotics made here, all from China. We have hospital-shaped objects, which have no staff nor supplies inside the hospital-painted rooms. It’s a stage set, created to fool you, not heal you. Like the rest of the nation.

    Speaking of, the Nurse trial where they fabricated a death certificate to blame the nurse, the prosecuting D.A. was not an ALUMNI of the school/hospital, or they were that too, they were an ACTIVE EMPLOYEE of the Vanderbilt Hospital/School, a professor. Um, conflict of interest much?

    Similar to that case, the NEXT nurse to be arrested is in prison. 5 Prison guards hog-tied a guy who couldn’t breathe. When the nurse arrived, he was unresponsive, dead, and she did CPR. Out of everyone involved, guess who is getting prosecuted? The nurse who arrived after the patient was dead. Well I ain’t gonna arrest myself! Somebody (else) is to blame!

    So if you want zero nurses and health care providers working by 2025, this is the fastest way to get there. By design. On purpose.

    Australia, US, UK Military Alliance to Develop Hypersonic Missiles (Antiwar)”

    Meaning they’re a generation (20 years) behind? Or that they’re going to admit what we already have and get them into warehouses? None of our other weapons work, why should this one?

    “Here’s one admittedly farfetched scenario: Vladimir Putin loses his grip on power and Russia retrenches militarily while reaching out to normalize relations with the West.”

    They did that in 1990. We increased spending and started a war and crushing occupation of them, dropping life expectancy by 10+ years. This and the hyper-profit weapons above just mean we spend more than the world combined to lose. Under non-General Milley.

    “[Psaki] this is an unprecedented breach of public ethics.”

    100% of retired generals work million-dollar for Defense Contractors. Wouldn’t that be a more concerning breach of ethics? Psaki is a paid liar, in a job we know is for paid liars. The only difference is, her lies don’t get us into wars that bankrupt the home country. (They cover up for the illegal wars after they’ve already begun). No one in America has any morality, or they would notice. That “Morality” comes from “God”, however you define it. We have no faith, no god, only ourselves and ego, therefore no connection to morality or principle. Like the Twitter quote above. The only morality is POWER. I want it. You give it. Or else I’ll kill you.

    “The reason the situation in Shanghai presents such a difficult conundrum is that backing down from its lockdown in Shanghai would mean admitting that the “Zero COVID” approach has been an abject failure.”

    “We follow the “Science.” Political Science. What does your feelz or embarrassment have to do with Science? Nothing. Therefore, you are not following it, you are an anti-scientific science denier. Suppose China was open and said: “Here is what we discovered. Here is our new procedure going forward based on what we’ve learned.” People would accept it because it’s honest and real. But they are mentally incapable of being either honest or real, so that door is closed to them. And us. As they cannot be honest, everything they say is a lie and no one believes government or doctors anymore. #Winning.

    “I’m coming on my own—not on behalf of a client or company—want to help the Bureau.”

    This is where the conflict of interest and breach of ethics from Psaki above comes in. Will the rules keep you from talking to your D.C. friends, even as a “concerned citizen”? That’s crazy, no one can see what harm that would do or why it would be illegal. But that’s WHY we have the Chinese Walls (ironic reference here) where lawyers can’t even talk to opposition witnesses, you recuse if anyone is even remotely related to family, where you once worked for anyone involved. Because we don’t even want the APPEARANCE of impropriety. –You know, like Fed chairmen insider trading million dollar bets all day. And yes, that’s annoying and closes some doors for you. It’s the cost of being honest and keeping a reputation, as men have done for a thousand years. So when you say “No Rulz” “Everything Goes and Nothing Matters”, it will CERTAINLY lead to not only appearances of impropriety that undermine the whole institution and culture, undermine your own reputation and get accused of wrongdoing, but ACTUAL impropriety and open illegality you can’t imagine yet. So don’t do it. Don’t get started. That’s what your father did to keep things simple and avoid problems, so you do the same. That’s why it’s a “Conservative” position and not “Progressive.” Do the tradition that worked and everyone understands, don’t make it up from convenience as you go.

    “ Sussmann Doesn’t Want Steele Dossier Brought Up During Durham Trial (WE)”

    We can’t bring up they think he’s accused of? Like we can’t bring up the bank robbery when you cut the wires two days before?

    “go ahead, you can do whatever you want in Ethiopia. We won’t stop you” Perfidious Albion?”

    Probably every diplomatic telegram from them ever. “Go ahead, invade and kill everyone. It’s a great idea has our full support!” …Czechoslovakia, Kuwait, Ukraine…

    P.S. Ethiopia? Did they pick a random nations’ name out of a top hat? “Sorry Ethiopia, but you’re the loser this time! Good thing it wasn’t ANOTHER thousand miles away and they picked Tibet or Java randomly.” Ethiopia? Rome didn’t even hold it. Your manifest destiny is France. Where DO they get this nonsense? I’d like to know to stop my OWN country from thinking they have a manifest destiny in Syria, Iran, and Ukraine.

    9 Symptoms: “Being Sick”

    Um, how would you know unless that “Sick” had a symptom, above?

    You get this in other jobs: “My Car/computer/knee isn’t working.” “How do you KNOW it isn’t working?” That is to say, what is the symptoms/evidence for what you’re describing is a CONCLUSION. “Duh, it no working!”

    House Committee: “We don’t have any symptoms or evidence, we just want to arrest Trump.”

    In that case: Carry on, good fellow! Clearly you have outsmarted me!


    Water Heating in Germany 2022-23


    John Day

    Picture of staining/sealing the staircase I am building:

    (Lots about the 3-days-late-after-Russians-all-gone Bucha massacre, right after Azov arrived to clear out “saboteurs and sympathizers”, but you already know that)

    There is no need for an investigation or for Russia’s “lies” to be aired…
    Zelensky Demands Russia Be Expelled From UN Security Council

    Putin, Xi Open To ‘Direct Talks’ With Zelensky As Pentagon Fails To Confirm Russian Involvement In Bucha Killings

    Gonzalo Lira: “YouTube bans any open discussion about the Bucha false flag”​ (Maybe Twitter will allow these discussions?)

    ​Ukraine War Update from the Saker Blog (brief excerpt):
    ​ The powers that be know that once Mariupol falls, the Russian, Chechen, and DPR forces therein will be freed to immediately begin Phase 2 of the operation. And all indications from my analysis points to the fact that Phase 2 will be much more brutal and swift than what we’ve seen so far, for the following reasons:
    Particularly after the pullbacks from Kiev, Sumy, Chirnihiv regions, and the injection of freed Mariupol forces, Russia will have more forces than ever concentrated on a much smaller area of operations. This will have a big compounding effect.
    Freed from the constraints of large urban warfare, where the Russian forces are at a disadvantage, they will instead be facing the open plains of the western Donbass and Dnieper regions which favor the Russian force disposition in every way imaginable.

    John Day

    Yesterday, Figmund Sreud posted this from “Formosa Club, Russian Office”

    Unconfirmed sources from Russia Military:
    The Russian army captured the
    U.S Major General Roger L. Cloutier Jr. Maj. Gen. Roger L. Cloutier, the U.S. Africa Command HQ Chief of Staff in the besieged Ukrainian Azov camp in Mariupol

    Anybody got updates on this important rumor. It would explain why the choppers were coming in across the Azov Sea to evacuate some high value persons, when they got shot down a few days ago.

    John Day

    Figmund Sreud supplied this link to John Helmer, who got Russian Military Analysts to do analysis and explain the very unusual tactics and techniques used.
    Part of understanding it is in changing some baseline assumptions. Russia defined the area of battle as extending far into Russia, and had large reserves just inside Russia.
    Another consideration is that the Ukrainian military had been prepared for 8 years to draw Russia into a long, draining quagmire, like Afghanistan was.
    The US could be certain of a Russian attack, because the Ukrainian army was prepared to invade Donbass AND Russia. The US miscalculated the Russian and has miscalculated the Russian ability to sustain a conflict, and seems to have overestimated the effects of global financial warfare against Russia above all. The Ruble is valued about where it was valued a month ago, back from the depths, similar to usual. This miscalculation may be the “own goal” for the empire.


    As reported in an interview with The Financial Times
    (Do look at Ms. Gopinath’s hands in the photograph; most expressive.)
    IMF Warns That Sanctions Against Russia Threaten To Weaken The Dominance Of The Dollar
    ​ ​The recent financial sanctions imposed on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine are threatening to weaken the dominance of the U.S. petrodollar as the world currency, said First Deputy Managing Director Gita Gopinath of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to The Financial Times.

    ​The EnergySkeptic asks, “Is there a Long Emergency Plan for Peak Oil?”​
    All of the emergency plans seem to be for brief disruptions of supply, not the reality of limited and dwindling supplies of the good cheap oil we know and depend upon.
    This very good historical review goes back to Richard Nixon’s plans for America to be “Energy Independent By 1980”, remember that?

    Is there a long emergency plan for peak oil?

    ​A very very good interview and transcript about where all that good stuff actually went over the past 50 years, what’s left, and what that means for us.
    (Individual humans can make decisions which governments cannot make.)​
    Dennis Meadows on the 50th anniversary of the publication of The Limits to Growth​, ​ By Richard Heinberg, Dennis Meadows

    Dennis Meadows on the 50th anniversary of the publication of The Limits to Growth

    John Day

    Charles Hugh Smith, The Global Order Has Cracked​ [Note: If your nation is making the wrong choices, you are on your own, friend, as am I.​]​
    Nations that fail to adapt to the end of financialization and globalization will unravel​.
    ..The existing order is breaking down on multiple fronts.
    Those who have benefited from this arrangement are doing everything in their power to patch the cracks, while those who chafed under the old order’s chains seek a new order that suits their interests.
    ​ ​Two statements summarize the transition from the existing global order to the next iteration:
    1. Finance dominated resources in the old order. Now the roles will reverse and real-world resources will dominate finance.
    We can’t “print our way” out of scarcities.
    2. Reshuffling currencies and credit will not stop the breakdown of the global order’s “waste is growth” Landfill Economy Model.

    ​This makes Russia the good-guy to wealthy financiers who are being robbed of their payments.
    Tough crowd…
    Washington Blocks Russian Dollar Bond Payments In Latest Attempt To Isolate Moscow
    Per Reuters, the Russian state will no longer be allowed to make dollar debt payments from its accounts at US banks going forward.​..
    ​The most recent stress test came when a $2 billion dollar bond matured Monday…

    ​Donald Trump’s Twitter account has been reinstated…
    Founder and former CEO, Jack Dorsey is happy about Musk becoming the largest shareholder, board-member and looks forward to less censorship on the platform.
    Elon Musk Appointed To Twitter Board Of Directors; Vows To Make “Significant Improvements”

    Meryl Nass MD:
    It’s Official! CDC and UK government data reveal the COVID vaccines do not prevent cases, transmission, severe illness or deaths
    So what DO they do, and WHY are we using them?


    Michael Reid – from your WEF Canadian transhuman article – the funniest bit is this
    As these futuristic technologies continue to evolve, it’s possible we may witness a shift from the concept of vitalism. Vitalism is the idea natural life is purely chemical or physical in nature. Rather, our understanding of nature might alter to accommodate the idea that nature is predictable, controllable, programmable, and malleable using and integrating digital and nano technologies.

    John Day

    Veterans Today (VT) had this yesterday: It’s pretty thorough. This looks REAL.

    Total News Blackout: US General Captured Leading Azov Nazis in Mariupol (confirmations coming in)

    Total News Blackout: US General Captured Leading Azov Nazis in Mariupol (confirmations coming in)

    In the UK The Express has had to put up something, since the news is incompletely blacked out over there:

    DESPERATE Russian claims that a US Lieutenant General has been captured in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol have been torn apart by a BBC expert…
    He tweeted: “There are rumours doing the rounds that the chief of NATO’s Allied Land Command has been captured in Mariupol.
    “This comes as news to Lt General Cloutier himself, who just told me he’s alive, safe and well.
    “If you’re going to spread disinformation, at least get the details right. Roger Cloutier is a Lt General, not a Major General; and he’s no longer the Commander of US Army Africa – he’s been Commander Allied Land Command for two years.”
    “NATO tells me: ‘Completely fake news. LTG Cloutier has NOT been captured and is currently with his command in Izmir’.


    Gen. Cloutier visited Ukraine a year ago which is why his name popped up as a rumor. I’m not buying that yet. However, there is someone(s) cornered in the Azov Steel complex who is desparately trying to escape because of the potential for enormous political embarrassment and damaging the Empire of Lies narrative.

    Probably different western intel and military advisors and some high profile mercs.

    Will they be executed as spies if caught? Probably not, they will be trading like hog belly futures for something Russia deems more valuable. Like confessions.

    Want your top level spies back?

    Tell the world press the truth about what has been going on in Ukraine since 2014 or we snuff your spooks or better yet, indict them at a real war crimes tribunal in Moscow, televised to the whole planet, complete with a guilty verdict and death sentence.

    How about them apples?

    When the Russians say they are going to do x,y and z, I believe them

    They have plainly said they are going to bring the Ukronazis to trial as war criminals.

    Demented Joe and the Western Witches Coven don’t believe it, but it’s coming.

    Cause when you shake hands with the Empire of Lies….

    You better count your fingers





    it did it again, sorry for the double image post.

    Michael Reid

    I am trying the reply link to oxy

    I believe they are delusional if they think they can control nature. Something unexpected will happen and it likely won’t be good

    Michael Reid

    JMG The End of the European Age

    The End of the European Age

    Mr. House

    @michael Reed

    Probably Jeff Goldblums best line in his entire acting career ” Nature finds a way”

    Ah the good ole days when you were still allowed to point out the hubris of man.

    Mr. House

    I wonder if the Ukrainians and the Russians are practicing social distancing while they fight each other, or at the very least wearing masks. To think that geopolitics doesn’t take a back seat to the deadliest virus of all time.


    War for your minds …
    Hints …. Use your mind ….. figure it out ….

    War …. Throw a tantrum …. throw a dish …. eat off the floor

    non-stop dissemination … nothing to gain from a war …. Obscuring the truth

    Sanctions is a knife that cuts off your nose

    Humanitarian corridors enforces the effectiveness of the siege against the enemy ….. less rationing of needed/critical supplies

    USA leaders lie …. lalaland ….. seesawing emotions

    The media is the propaganda wing …..

    I hope to see you on the other side of the culling

    those darned kids


    Dr D quoted:
    “Danish Politician Margrethe Vestager [says] the only solution is for the people of the EU to continue sacrificing their quality of life: “Everyone is asking what I can do. You can do two things: control your own and your teenagers’ showers. And when you turn off that water, you say — “Take that Putin!” … Germany’s economic minister Robert Habeck went as far as denying the supply chain crisis. “There are currently no supply shortages,” –Armstrong

    Shorter showers? Well, the one thing that truly made solar hot water heaters non-viable was the low cost of natural gas for standard water heaters. European installers of solar hot water heaters take note. (Which will only help the upper classes who can afford such a thing. As for the lower classes, there is always the DIY batch solar water heater. Might not want to show it to the city inspector.)


    @ Michael Reid
    “ I believe they are delusional if they think they can control nature. Something unexpected will happen and it likely won’t be good”

    Exactly. I find myself hoping that the general populace will come to realize that the Covid injections are like the thalidomide debacle and stop blindly embracing every new technology that comes their way — especially those that are taken into the body. Here’s to hoping.

    Partner and I passed a T-Mobile store last night with a sign promoting 5G and I commented “I don’t even want 5G; I see no need.” Whatever is the point? I have phone and internet throughout the city and even much of the time when I travel. With 4G the internet to my phone is speedy enough to watch a video. Yet I know that, eventually, my current phone’s operating system will be obsolete, it will stop working in the way that I need it to do, and I will not be able to upgrade the OS. I will end up purchasing a newer phone that will have 5G, because at that point ALL of the non-obsolete phones will have 5G technology. I’ve been through this pattern before, despite my aversion to a new device when I have no complaints about the current one. (Ironic — I work with technology and am endlessly setting up brand new devices for clients.)

    I weary of Ring doorbells. I know that every time I approach one I’m likely being recognized and tracked in a database somewhere, corroborated with my phone’s GPS. This is really getting ridiculous.

    One rosy note in efforts to thwart TPTB from spying on everything. I set up a server on my local network. Now partner and I can send messages while at home that stay on the home network, behind a firewall, with no journey to the internet beyond. Eventually, I’ll get it set up with encryption and able to communicate outside of the local network as well.


    My friends and acquaintances keep asking me “What can I do?” regarding the events unfolding. I always answer “Plant Potatoes.”

    Mr. House

    About to get banned from NC again, i can feel it coming 😉

    John Day

    The Complete History of Depopulation Vaccines is a good find. I found it a couple of hours ago, too.


    @ Dr Day

    Re: Meryl Nass MD
    Maybe I missed something in my skimming of your link but is this really an apple to apple comparison? While it does show that the unvaccinated with prior infections do have superior protection to the vaccinated uninfected it also seems to have a huge hole in it’s logic that excludes the death rate comparison of the unvaccinated uninfected vs the vaccinated uninfected. If I were a vax proponent (which I’m not), I’d have a serious problem with the inferred conclusions.

    Mr. House


    If you’re jabbed, are you really uninfected?

    Mr. House

    You know what the most pathetic thing about watching every “crisis” we’ve had in the past few years? I do not believe a single “adult” is in a position of power. It’s all high school politics, maybe that should be a 101 course for political science. Add it to the syllabus!

    Michael Reid

    International Man: While the Fed exercises undue influence over interest rates, what other significant factors are at play?

    Doug Casey: Let’s look at the bond market.

    Right now, bonds are about the worst possible place to allocate your capital. They’re a triple threat to your financial future because of three things: inflation, creditworthiness, and interest rates.

    First, all bonds are denominated in currency, and all currencies today are fiat paper. As the currency is inflated and loses value due to money printing, the value of your bonds go down.

    Second, there are scores of trillions of dollars of bonds outstanding. If anything serious goes wrong in today’s very unstable world economy, a lot of that will be defaulted. Plenty will go wrong during the Greater Depression. Just because you lent $100 to some entity doesn’t mean that you’re going to get it back. So you have a credit risk in addition to inflation risk.

    Third is the interest rate risk. If interest rates go up, the value of your bonds will go down proportionately. In other words, when—not if, but when—rates go from the current 2% to, say, 6%, the value of a 30-year bond will fall from 100 to about 40. If long bond rates go back to the levels of the early 80s, bonds will collapse to about a quarter of present prices.

    Unfortunately, all three factors are now working against bonds. I’m short bonds and expect to remain short for the foreseeable future.

    International Man: Interest rates rise and fall through decades-long cycles. Where are we in the cycle right now, and what happens next?

    Doug Casey: This is an easy question to answer. Interest rates last peaked in the early 1980s.

    Back in the early eighties, at one point, the US government was paying 20% on T-Bills. Interest rates have been going down for the last 40 years. It’s dangerous to pick tops or bottoms in the market, but my guess is that interest rates reached their ultimate bottom in the last year.

    Now, because there’s so much debt in the world, and money is being printed so fast, interest rates are headed up to and beyond the levels they were in the early 1980s. And it will take a lot less than 40 years this time around.

    That will have real consequences—bad ones—for people who own homes, finance cars, save money and have money in the stock market.

    International Man: Given your outlook on interest rates, what are the implications for the average person’s portfolio? How should our readers be positioned?

    Doug Casey: Well, if I’m right and long-term interest rates go way up, it’s going to be disastrous for the typical investor’s portfolio.

    When interest rates go up, it generally hurts a company’s stocks for several reasons. Most of them need to borrow money. When the cost of money goes up, their earnings get hurt. Further, as the economy slows down and people consume less, it hurts corporations’ sales and earnings. And most directly, if interest rates are 12%, 15%, or 20%—and they’re real interest rates, not just nominal high-interest rates—people will start buying and holding dollars as opposed to speculating in stocks. They’ll sell stocks. Generally speaking, low-interest rates mean a high stock market. High rates mean a low stock market. And we’re headed for years of much higher rates.

    As I said, if interest rates go from 2% to 20%—I know that sounds unbelievable, but things are now much worse than they were in the early ’80s— the price of the average long-term bond will drop roughly 80%. And that’s going to devastate pension funds, insurance companies, and banks. They mostly own bonds. The stock market will go down in tandem.

    I expect we’re headed into a bear market for most conventional assets—in real terms—for the foreseeable future. Considering how inflated and overvalued all the markets are, collapse could be gruesome.

    One consequence of this—there will be many others—will be what I call the Greater Depression. The general standard of living is likely to drop significantly in the years to come. It’s been artificially high for many years—mainly due to low-interest rates, which have encouraged people to consume capital, malinvest, speculate, gamble, and generally live above their means.

    Editor’s Note: We’re headed into a truly turbulent situation. What the Federal Reserve does next could create chaos in the stock market…

    It’s an enormous—and urgent—threat to your portfolio and your savings.

    John Day

    @Chett: (Please say, “Goodnight, David”)
    DR. Nass quotes the California study first, and it surely does show that having had (pre-Omicron) COVID and survived was about 3 times better in 2021 (aggregate) than having had “vaccination”. She goes onto look (as we have done here) at the UK data to draw the remaining conclusions, which I think she substantiates. Each conclusion is specific. I agree that too much blending is not supported all around.
    Here are her conclusions:
    High quality, official data obtained on over 30 million American adults and 48 million residents of England incontrovertibly reveal that:

    1. Natural immunity was 3 times better at preventing cases than vaccination alone, even before Omicron.

    2. Natural immunity was somewhat better at preventing serious illness, measured as hospitalizations, than vaccination alone, even before Omicron.

    3. Boosters (a 3d shot) reduced the death rate in England of the vaccinated from Omicron, but the benefit was starting to drop off by January 2022.

    4. Natural immunity provided 3 times more protection against infection (and therefore against transmission) than did double vaccination, during the Delta wave. After Omicron arrived, vaccine efficacy was even worse.

    5. Overall, England’s unvaccinated population had a lower COVID death rate during the Omicron wave than the COVID death rate in its doubly vaccinated population.

    6. The vast majority of COVID deaths occur in those over 70. In this age group, the doubly vaccinated died from COVID at higher rates during Omicron than the unvaccinated.

    Veracious Poet

    Filed under WTF?!?

    If you think prepubescent kids shouldn’t be pumped full of artificial hormones that in many cases permanently castrate them, then Apple is lobbying against you, and attempting to bring the might of the Fortune 500 to their side.

    The tech giant is engaged in an intense lobbying effort against bills aimed at protecting kids from what progressives call “gender-affirming” medical treatment — meaning medical procedures such as so-called sex-change procedures that may leave them permanently infertile, before they’ve reached the legal age of consent.

    Buh bye Apple, I’m glad we haven’t given you any ca$h since 2017 🙄

    Figmund Sreud

    Interesting, … this perhaps is one of the first financial advise portal that plunged a bit deeper into the issue of US $, Russian ₽, … and gold. Mind you largely quite inadequately.


    We are not suggesting the dollar loses reserve status. But we do want you to consider that some countries now have more incentive to seek an alternative payments source to the dollar. Gold is not the only solution but a currency that has worked for millennia and is helping Russia today.

    Will enemies of the U.S. stop using dollars? Highly doubtful. Will they possibly add gold to their reserves? Most likely.

    Gold has been used in trade for over 5000 years, and we suspect its popularity will increase going forward.

    We leave you with a recent headline from the IMF:


    Gold Or Rubles? A Pickle Worth Exploring


    Figmund Sreud

    @Michael Reid

    Right now, bonds are about the worst possible place to allocate your capital. They’re a triple threat to your financial future because of three things: inflation, creditworthiness, and interest rates. – Doug Casey.

    Not quite true, … If you buy bonds and hold them for the interest, sure! But if you buy and trade US Treasury bond ETF, … like iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF [TLT] for example, … and treat it like a stock – trade it like stock – you can make pretty big bucks, … especially when the market is at the cusp a recession, … like right now! In fact, recession is here, it started. You just have to wait for confirming data that always lags, … fwiw.


    Michael Reid

    @ phoenixvoice

    It has been a busy day but managed to listen a little to Callender’s interview and around 4:19:30 I thought of you and recommend you stay away from the 5G

    Michael Reid

    @ phoenixvoice the video did not post

    Michael Reid

    @ F. S.

    I know nothing about investing but have been receiving email from Doug Casey / International man and he seems to be tracking the events. I have my money spent into real things like tools/equipment/shelter so not an issue for me

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