Debt Rattle Apr 1 2014: What Kills The Economy Kills The Planet Kills Us


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    NYWT & Sun Newspaper Fire in oil storage tanks, Texas City, Texas April 17, 1947 The latest IPCC report is out, and as predictable as clockwork the re
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle Apr 1 2014: What Kills The Economy Kills The Planet Kills Us]


    Relax, the Kings and Queens of Authority have our backs. Just a little longer and the debt they tell us doesn’t matter will be rendered negligible by the biggest money blizzard in history.

    They have come too far to let go. And they have managed to keep it humming along for 6+ years now, exponentially destroying market functions as they go.

    All the Taper talk was for the benefit of friends of the Fed, for trading purposes. Must fund the Banks at any cost. The Crackup Boom will go on at an ever accelerating pace.

    Then, when prices begin to rise at double digit rates, a big fat consumption/carbon tax will be used to mop up, and grant .gov control of the means of production. That will mark the end of Empire. They all end this way.

    I just can’t imagine any “revaluation” (deflation) of an unbacked debt currency, one that can be created in limitless quantity, being allowed by it’s owners.


    “What Kills The Economy Kills The Planet Kills Us”
    The single tax could fix the economy and the environment. It could end poverty. Changing our tax system is nothing more than an administrative task. Do you understand the single tax?

    Diogenes Shrugged

    Any species that discovers ways to almost completely circumvent the pressures of natural selection will eventually overpopulate its habitat and consume most of its natural resources. Sociopathic members of said species who seek to halt that growth process, or even to reverse it, will very stupidly take it upon themselves to invent selective pressures that are unnatural. Being criminals to begin with, their chief strategies will consist of ways to STEAL the health, wealth, and lives of others. They think that this will make them even happier than they are now, with all their money, power, prostitutes and Ferraris.

    Powerful psychopaths, sociopaths and pedophiles meet every year at a Bilderberg conference to discuss how to accomplish this. They so far have agreed that poisoning the planet’s waters, air and food might help. Creating expansive dead zones with endless wars, oil spills and nuclear accidents will also help. Infecting the military and police forces (that we hire to serve and protect THEM) with cowardice and callousness will extinguish any dissent. It is secretly hoped that Bill Gates, George Soros, Janet Napolitano and Hillary Clinton will be the last to survive all of this.

    When you divide the number of square feet in Texas by the number of people in the world, you get a 30′ x 30″ plot for each of us, as I recall. Enough to grow just enough beans and rice to get by, but not enough to support babies. There’s a solution – – force everybody to move to a small plot in Texas. Of course, I’m kidding. The solution is to impose stiff carbon taxes, shut down the coal and oil industries, and advance Agenda 21. After a particularly dry summer and cold winter, there won’t be many of us left to deplete the remaining resources, and Bill, George, Janet and Hillary can set about to repopulate the Earth.


    Thoughtful post, well expressed.

    Diogenes Shrugged

    56, very kind of you & thank you.


    Hitler answers your Malthusian doomerism:


    Thanks Raul.

    “I have long ago understood that I don’t care for being rich, since I can’t be rich without inflicting serious damage to both the people I share this planet with, and all other forms of life whose existence allowed for humans to evolve, and without which there will be no humans.”
    My feelings exactly since I was a teenager. Once one takes that position, most human activity appears surreal at best, and nightmarish in the main.
    No doubt Noah (if he existed) was accused of doomerism too…


    “No doubt Noah (if he existed) was accused of doomerism too…”

    Noah could not stop the rain. We, on the other hand, have an answer – a bureaucratic adjustment (the single tax). Can one justify maintaining a doomerist stance given this?


    Raul, this is such an old problem; it was addressed by so many, including Malthus and Garrett Hardin (The Tragedy of the Commons). Every species will face this issue if placed in an appropriate setting. You’ve probably come across the ‘test tube filling with bacteria’ as a metaphor for exponential growth in a closed system. Well, it turns out we’re no better than those bacteria. Taking everything that one can and shitting over everything else appears to be a natural property of living organisms, and humans are no exception. Our intelligence may allow us to stretch things out a bit, but does not change the nature of the problem.
    I’m not sure any amount of education and ‘splaining will change our nature (as living beings) and, as a consequence, I’m not sure getting sick with worry about this natural phenomenon is worthwhile. Lately, I’ve been leaning towards the Carlin (George) approach and I must say that it works fine; I’m eating popcorn as I enjoy the ‘freak show.’



    Reading through the comments it seems to me you get far too few plaudits.

    The piece resonated with me on so many levels. Thank you.

    John Day

    Yes, thanks a lot, Ilargi.
    I don’t say that often enough.
    This comes from that place where you see the tsunami coming, stand there and explain the fact, knowing that the act dooms you.
    Saving one’s self is futile and temporary, anyway, huh?


    As we have no social, political or bureaucratic agreements or mechanisms in place to solve any of the major issues facing human society, suggesting a ‘single tax’ cure to be a panecea is at best simplistic and about as likely to occur as aliens landing and convincing the rich to give back the trillions they’ve stashed offshore.
    Last time I looked there were tax systems in place all over the planet, yet the wealthy and businesses generally were able to avoid and minimise their contributions.
    1. Do you suggest creating a one-world government with draconian powers of tax collection?
    2. Who would you trust to spend these tax revenues wisely?
    3. Do you actually read the articles on TAE?


    Exposito – thanks for engaging.
    The single tax has a long, fascinating history going back to Adam Smith, JS Mill, Ricardo and specifically Henry George. The idea’s high water point was perhaps 1909 when Lloyd George and Churchill attempted to introduce it in the UK – the landowners in the house of Lords had to flout the UK’s constitution to block it.
    I have been following AE for several years now. I also follow just about every other idea for fixing our system – libertarianism/Austrian economics, monetary reform, zeitgeist and all of the establishment policies (socialist/keynesian etc etc).
    I agree with some, I disagree with others but the single tax DOES appear to be some kind of silver bullet – the bloodless revolution we all dream of. And I am as cynical as the next man.
    Take some time on the issue and see if you agree with me. There’s a nice collection of videos here:


    An especially good recent vid on the single tax:

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