Debt Rattle January 26 2015


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    DPC Levee, Ohio River at Louisville, Kentucky 1905 • Tsipras Forges Anti-Austerity Coalition Within Hours Of Victory (Bloomberg) • Greece Shows What H
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 26 2015]

    V. Arnold

    Wow, great post, chock-a-block full of the worlds excrement and insanity.
    Syriza has done a proper job of getting elected; now lets hope they know what to do with their victory…
    I sure hope you have an effective decompression mechanism/program.
    Mine is reading history, classical music, and comedy, lots of comedy (not like the day to day of the world though).


    Stoneleigh, and Ilargi (I still like those handles) – This Greek election would seem to be a piece of evidence (contradicted abundantly elsewhere, of course) – that the “democratic process” , as manifested in national elections – may still be capable of producing officials who are not entirely owned by the Owners.

    One data point; true- but I would really like to hear your thoughts as to what is truly going on; and what we might expect to happen. It almost looks- hopeful. :-/


    China – a man spent four years in jail for suing the bank over his missing deposit of more than 1.2 million yuan ($192,000); unbelievable! But now there’s this – a completely fake bank.

    “In what may be one of the most lucrative forms of fakery to come out of China yet, a rural cooperative posing as a bank in Nanjing, Jiangsu province reportedly managed to collect around 200 million yuan from more than 200 customers in the past year.

    Xinhua reports that the cooperative, convincingly fitted with LED screens, faked documents and uniformed tellers, was able to attract hundreds of customers with the promise of higher interest rates.

    “It is decorated exactly the same as a bank. The shop-front, counters and the queue machine, everything makes customers believe it’s a real bank. And the manager kept trying to assure me that they were reliable. I had no doubt at the time,” a duped customer said in a CRI report.”


    A really good thing to remember about China; it is the only surviving ancient culture. A great deal still present in modern day China; has ancient roots. Among those ancient aspects is: their organized crime. They know how it’s done; possibly better than anyone anywhere else.

    I’m an admirer of the Chinese people; but; don’t forget. China ain’t France. 🙂


    The Syriza election seems hopeful, it should take a while for the EUstablishment to infiltrate and lead them astray, if they haven’t done so already. Otherwise the EU could attempt to stall debt negotiations indefinitely. Even without interference Syriza’s program might not be able to resurrect an economy so badly degraded.
    The greek debt must be absolved or it will be defaulted upon.

    I’m still stunned by the sudden death of the saudi king, who was most dear to us all. Despite former misgivings, our honourable western leaders assure me that this king was a civil reformer and great humanitarian. I also hear he was happily married to 24 wives simultaneously in a country where adultery is punishable by death.
    Even westminster abbey felt morally obliged to acknowledge the late kings exemplary christian charity, especially heroic when considering that churches are illegal in SA and converting to christianity is punishable by death;

    Its somewhat surreal to see western politicians prostrate themselves before the house of saud, believing it appropriate to mourn the king, after being Charlie not two weeks ago in defense of free speech.
    But in SA, being Charlie is equivalent to insulting islam and punishable by death.


    Last year, at around this time, the MSM in Australia and around the world was telling people that global temperature records were being broken for Melbourne – it was during the “Melbourne Cup” tennis championship. I posted the link below to show that the record for Melbourne was actually in 1939:

    This January, it is another story. I was in Tasmania last week hence the slight difference in dates covered. You can take it from me, it was even more miserable 2 weeks ago.

    Essentially, there is a 20C (68F) difference in maximum daily temperatures and a 15C (59F) difference in minimum temperatures. Not bad.

    Here is a nice article that should cheer most people up.

    “January wet turns Australia’s Red Centre into a sea of green”

    Of course, no piece of good news should go to waste. The fact that they now have 30cm (12″) of grass makes it a “fire risk”.



    Essentially, there is a 20C (36F) difference in maximum daily temperatures and a 15C (27F) difference in minimum temperatures.

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