Debt Rattle May 1 2016


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    George N. Barnard Nashville, Tennessee. Rail yard and depot 1864 • This is The Biggest Fraud In The History Of The World (SHTF) • China’s Debt Reckoni
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 1 2016]

    V. Arnold

    Greg Mannarino
    Great vid; he seems to get it across the board; it’s all fake, smoke and mirrors, bullshit!
    A refreshing view and listen…

    Russia in decline? Absolute bullshit again; the sanctions have sparked a renewal in their agriculture and animal husbandry sectors. With production at record highs in both sectors.
    Wheat exports are just one metric in Russia’s successes.
    Western media spin is just stunning in it’s no fact spin zone regarding Russia.
    That western readers believe this crap is evidence of intellectual/educational decline.


    Greg Mannarino – everybody should see that video. Pure fakery, all of it. I like the way he refers to “the system”. Andy Samberg’s comical take on not trusting “the system”:

    V. Arnold – agree re Russia. Russia just got serious (after the sanctions were applied) and started developing their own industries. Good on them.


    “Trump Saves American TV”? Probably. The networks are making an absolute killing off this guy. 85% of all PAC money is going to the networks for advertising, and they’re laughing all the way to the bank. One guy I read somewhere said the networks play up Cruz (knowing full well that Trump will beat him), all this causes more people to watch (like WWF wrestling). Slinging mud everywhere, all in the hopes of getting the ratings up. Without these election cycles, these networks would actually have to work for a living.

    What is very significant is what is absent from the media, like no criticism AT ALL, AT ALL, AT ALL of Hillary Clinton. No Benghazi, no Clinton Foundation dirt, no outrage over her emails, no talk of obtaining transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street, no talk of the moola that her and Bill have hauled in from their speeches. I mean, this witch is many degrees more dangerous than Trump, and yet…..silence.

    That’s because her campaign’s advertising money is instrumental in keeping these networks alive, and they aren’t about to bite the hand that feeds them. Besides, Hillary represents the status quo, and things could be a lot worse for these monopolies if someone wanted to break them up (and it won’t be Hillary).

    So they crucify Trump every single night (Trump this, Trump that), say very, very little about Bernie (except he’s going to lose, but good on him for trying – laughs all round!), stay neutral on Cruz and Kasich (again, don’t bite the hand that feeds you), and say absolutely nothing about Hillary, nothing.

    A great number of women are voting for Hillary simply because she’s a woman, never a question of how many young men have died because of her warmongering, never a question of how her trade policies are going to screw every single one of their children. She’s a shark in a pant suit.

    If it turns out to be Trump against Hillary (and I’m not saying he is perfect by any stretch of the imagination), then I hope he exposes her for everything she stands for and leaves her stripped naked for all to see. That would be a pretty sight.


    “A survey of recent writings on Russia by western scholars reveals a widely-held view that the largest of the 15 post-Soviet republics has continued to decline in the 21st century. Yet an examination of the data suggests that Russia has actually risen in comparison with some of its western competitors. Neil Ferguson, the British, Harvard-based historian, wrote in 2011 that Vladimir Putin’s Russia was in decline and “on its way to global irrelevance.” His Harvard colleagues Joseph Nye and Stephen Walt hold similar views. “Russia is in long-term decline.”
    Russia is in decline and Putin (who is now loved by Russians) has become the dictator of choice. He plays the game well but after the invasion of Ukraine and the shoot down of a passenger jet by one of Russia’s missiles, which could only be controlled by a trained Russian, times have become tough. Oil price drops and the constant aging/alcoholism and reducing population will light the match. The Automatic Earth is very pro Russia and anti US. You won’t see negative articles here about the Criminal country of Russia. To see the real truth, watch the Frontline report, Putin’s Way:


    Babble – there was a soft invasion by the U.S. in Ukraine. I’m sure you’re aware of this. “Regime-changing” is what they call it, like was done in Libya, Iraq, Iran, and countless other countries.

    And your evidence for Russia taking down the passenger plane? Your evidence is because it “could only be controlled by a trained Russian”? Really?

    Niall Ferguson? Do you mean this guy: “Ferguson was an advisor to John McCain’s U.S. presidential campaign in 2008, and announced his support for Mitt Romney in 2012…” He is part of the establishment, a good Harvard boy.

    Putin may not be innocent, but he is no worse than Hillary and Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, etc. But he is not an aggressor, he is not building NATO bases on the borders of the U.S., he is not attacking and removing sovereign leaders.

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