Debt Rattle April 21 2022
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- This topic has 44 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 9 months ago by V. Arnold.
April 21, 2022 at 8:49 am #106514Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymaster
Juan Gris Portrait of Pablo Picasso 1912 • Russia Test Fires ‘Satan 2’ Missile Amid Ukraine War (Celente) • Zelensky: If Ukraine Had Access To
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle April 21 2022]April 21, 2022 at 9:40 am #106515The BlackParticipantPeace Batallion
April 21, 2022 at 9:53 am #106516oxymoronParticipantFront Hole
April 21, 2022 at 9:54 am #106517oxymoronParticipantDevil and the Details
April 21, 2022 at 9:55 am #106518V. ArnoldParticipantFreedom Brigade
April 21, 2022 at 10:44 am #106520Veracious PoetParticipantGlobalhomos & the Bear
April 21, 2022 at 11:24 am #106521boilingfrogParticipantRain of Peace
April 21, 2022 at 11:42 am #106522EoinWParticipantIs that Bob Geldof? I haven’t seen him in so long. So it’s 2 Dubliners and two fellows not blessed to be Irish.
April 21, 2022 at 11:44 am #106523jpbrichtaParticipantVlad and the Impalers
April 21, 2022 at 11:51 am #106524Dr. DParticipant
Again this has a lot to do with the cartoonist being uber-woke only last year. Now this.For the Liion bus yesterday, I’m glad that cameraman was so far away, unlike many. That is impressively dangerous like I haven’t seen and would almost certainly light every nearby house or business on fire. So not only battery, not only the bus, but $500kx4 $5 million dollars in real estate + fire company costs, irreplaceable items, loss of retail time, almost incalculable isn’t it? We’re savin’ money and savin’ the earth now!!!
You know what’s worse than this? Natural gas. Coast Guard procedures for LNG tanker leak is to “abandon ship” and to retreat to “50 miles away”. Which is no joke as it has blown up on planet earth from time to time and usually a small one wipes out the whole city. (not LNG, but a much smaller example)
“Nearly all structures within an 800-metre (half-mile) radius, including the community of Richmond, were obliterated. A pressure wave snapped trees, bent iron rails, demolished buildings, grounded vessels (including Imo, which was washed ashore by the ensuing tsunami), and scattered fragments of Mont-Blanc for kilometres.”
Of course nobody cares about that, so to capture attention: “the blast wiped out the community of the Mi’kmaq First Nation who had lived in the Tufts Cove area for generations.” Now it’s okay to care. We got the more important than other people involved.
Europe is going to fight Russia by IMPORTING nuclear bombs with a crate of nitroglycerin glued to the side. And leaving them in Hamburg harbor 24/7 x100 years. Good plan! I’m sure leaving open artillery next to residential districts with universal deniability is the perfect solution to your Eurasian war.
And all so Europe can enjoy this: “Germans Told To Take Fewer Showers As Energy Costs Bite” and China takes that cheap, cheap food and energy instead: “China Doubles Russian Coking Coal Imports as Rest of World [meaning a few irrelevant states] Shuns Moscow”
Thanks Europe! But I’m against ethnic cleansing even if you’re genociding yourself.
What is it, “bad times make strong men”? Europe, and particularly their men need to be strong again. Maybe that’s the cycle of time. You won’t like it though.
Speaking of denials that get whole nations killed:
“Former Democrat Lawyer Doesn’t Want Clinton Tweet Admitted in Durham Case”Wtf? Can you deny admission of something you essentially took out an ad and published in a newspaper?
And the quote in question was this: “Donald Trump has a secret server … It was set up to communicate privately with a Putin-tied Russian bank.” To which I say, omg why are we still talking about this and no one’s been arrested yet? Are we still researching the Teapot Dome scandal? Are we planning on reparations for President Taft? There are about 1,000 felonies committed in this last month and half alone.
““The scale of simultaneous user data-processing is not financially viable without the U.S government subsidizing it.”
That would mean the U.S. was always DIRECTLY censoring free speech, a civil rights violation, and a breach of the people’s contract with them. That is to say, if they do this (and 2A, and 4A, and 10A and…) then they are no longer our government and should be treated as such. Just saying. We knew Google was all CIA and FB was all Army LifeLog, all written and paid for by taxpayers, then handed to children of insider billionaires, but actually running the servers day to day is another whole level. …That no one will care about. Where’s my Angry Birds?
“‘Horrifying Amount of Information’ Recovered from Biden Laptop (OAN)”
Nobody cares: my side right or wrong. And nobody arrested, despite 10,000 open crimes on camera entered into evidence. Why worry?
“Inside the New Right (Vanity Fair)”
This is a crazy premise. To lump all animals in earth into a bucket, then describe “the animals” therein. By definition you can’t make any conclusions about them, as they have nearly nothing in common. So the conclusion is that Vanity Fair are pinheads who don’t know logic and are lying by baffling and obfuscating and obstructing everyone. Otoh, for a change, a lot of the impulses they vaporously describe actually exist, so that’s a pleasant change from 180° open lying we usually get.
Example, “More Culturally conservative”“New Right” which includes Thiel, a gay tech man from California, Milo, same, Shapiro, an orthodox Jew, Dave Rubin, married gay father, Candice Owens and Larry Elder of course, Jericho Green, TBC, and people like say Melania Trump, a Ukrainian adult immigrant who lives (lived) in bright-blue NYC. They don’t seem like a very “Culturally conservative” grouping to me. Or, say, old-timey 1950s American values people.
Next problem: the “Right” in America is by definition not “Right” in the slightest and almost never has been. The word means nothing, and is used as a “Our enemies” and “naughty bad word” because those using it are universally on the Left and can’t be bothered to ask, nor look in a dictionary or history book. The “Left” are the people, collectivists, as established in Revolutionary France. They would support for example the Paris Commune. Great. The “Right” there, and in European sense, are the “Monarchists”, the Pro-government people. Yeah, we don’t have those in the United States, all Pro-government people are LEFTISTS. Generally speaking our “Right” are Libertarians and Constitutionalists, and even those Pro-police and pro-army, which are many, believe the police and army are to obey the strict limit of powers and due process in the Constitution. That’s ANTI-Right by any other definition. Other nations may have Left-Right, I’m not an expert on it, but the U.S. has only Left (government) and LIBERTY parties, no “right” at all, except in the peculiar, un-historical, illogic way media and university leftists have invented it.
It’s one reason they’re confused all the time.
“UK issues order to extradite Assange” …TO a country he’s not a resident nor a citizen of, FROM a country he’s not a resident nor a citizen of. Australia says nothing, as they’re too busy trying to murder all the rest of their citizens, back at home.
“Zelensky: If Ukraine Had Access to More Weapons, War Would Already Be Won (NYP)”
This guy is a maniac with no contact with reality. So thank God for free speech, now we can all know it. Please keep speaking, I’ll keep publishing it.
“ NATO Is Invalid and the Nations in It Deserve What They Get (Denninger)”
Yeah, but this is a “Law”. As in a ratified treaty. We haven’t followed those for 100 years. Also this was set up by the Anglos, who have broken every treaty they’ve ever signed since before Queen Elizabeth…the First.
Speaking of insane, “Denisova said that some 550,000 Ukrainians, including 121,000 children, have been taken to Russia during the course of the war,”
That’s because they are fleeing YOU, you Ukrainian maniac. They are refugees TO Russia, not prisoners. Media outlets have had to embarrassingly post this on their refugee maps monthly, but they make no comment about it and are incapable of shame, so no problem.
“Ukrainian arms” You have to try to follow where the U.S. is funneling weapons through Ukraine to intentionally cause the NEXT war of aggression, a war crime, and kill the next million civilians in it, a war crime. Because, as the good guys, whatever we do is by definition, “good.”
“Taiwanese TV Station Accidentally Broadcasts News of Mainland Invasion”
They “Accidentally write” articles about events that they have no information on and have never happened and and “accidentally publish” and air them about every month now. They like it, as no one is fired, no one is scandalized, and the next outlet does it in rotation.
About “Discrediting all the main institutions of trust” so the nation and people will be “totally helpless and unable to defend themselves”? As Kunstler said last week?
“Russia Test Fires ‘Satan 2’ Missile Amid Ukraine War (Celente)”
An ICBM on their heads is insufficient to wake the woke from their denial. There is no force in the known universe strong enough to penetrate their invisible force field.
Btw, this is why the “number of nukes has diminished” from thousands to hundreds. Because they don’t need them now that we have more accurate targeting. They are far more and sufficiently deadly to still end life on earth many times over. Otoh, old Minuteman-era hit the city like V2 rockets, which isn’t as explosive, and these detonate in the air immediately over the cities. That is a GOOD thing (though not for that city) as the major issue was the radioactive dust lifted up from the ground impact. If you read, you can find that a nuclear exchange would be wildly less radioactive than ever, and probably easily endured with simple (not small or cheap) responses like fallout shelters. The U.S. has decommissioned all of them, even going into this world war, I can only assume because like Deagle they too want all us troublesome U.S. citizens dead. Otherwise, wouldn’t you do something? Like do what you did every day of the previous 50 years?
Also besides how easy it is to survive (I don’t think I have the last nuclear booklet handy but it’s easily found online) the two biggest jokes about nuclear preparedness is that no one will survive (false as above). Nothing you do will help (false as above, and probably not even every city is targeted) that children hiding under their desk is useless, and “Don’t look at the light” of the blast. Um, how would I KNOW there was a blast unless I was ALREADY saw the light?
No: The detonation will have already killed everybody where the light was. What they’re advising, and everyone is too pin-headed to “HereLetMeGoogleThatForYou.Com” is that the shockwave is so severe that the light will reach outer districts first and not harm them. Why you don’t look out the window at the light you just saw is that the shockwave is FAR slower at the speed of sound and will blow all the windows into your face if you go anywhere near them. So don’t get curious to look at “what happened out there” like some sarin-sniffing reporter. Hide under your desk, stay away from glass, and hope the pressure doesn’t collapse the building on you, so like and earthquake being under an oak desk is recommended.
Because MOST areas are not ground zero this makes sense and is far more widely useful, although they really could communicate it better. Instead, thanks to plans put in place to defund all survival of all citizens and the whole U.S. including all electric, telephone, and internet, no one knows anything about bombs, survival, and we are unprepared and meant to collapse and lose WWIII while Musk and Bezos will emerge from their private corporate bunkers to a private, corporately-owned world. Happily sans Constitution.
Now I believe – without evidence – that the military is still in the hands of the white hats and they will refuse to use the nuclear codes if Biden and the crazies try it. That’s why Putin has reassurance, since the Pentagon – or rather the constitutional contingency of colonels in the Army – are actually running things, and have the same corporate worldwide, Derp State enemy that Putin has.
If they wipe out the nation-roaming Derp State, but also scare the pants off the Western civilians, while demonstrating how insane certain leaders and certain parties are, so much the better. So while Putin may have assurances, you can bet he isn’t counting on them, and also isn’t happy about bearing the brunt of the world war…again. He may take half or all of Ukraine in war reparations.
Strange you should mention the Deagle, I followed it and after being erased when it got publicity (the whole site went dark), right now they do not post those specific population predictions, but only military hardware counts and such.
Leads the whole question, if you’re proud of it, why hide it? If you think it’s false, why post it? And the root question: everybody comes about their conclusions using a method of thought. How did you come to this conclusion, Deagle? And why can’t we know?
And on “not having proof” I realize that depends on what you mean by “proof”, and that’s a very large question indeed, faced by juries and prosecutors every day. “What happened?” Who’s lying? Can we be sure, and how sure are we?
I guess when they publish Deagle and other white papers I consider it proof. Others do not. The do not consider a laptop, openly searchable and published by the oldest newspaper in America to be proof. Reality is whatever I wanted it to be, in my mind. My invisible force field protects me. From the Lorenz “Serious PTSD” I get from reading mean tweets. While doxxing people, as privileged Swis boarding school girl, and privileged editor of WaPo, where words are violence and I’m a victim when I doxx ordinary Americans and get them killed. And have no responsibility for, as I have an invisible forcefield. Of denial. God Help Us.
April 21, 2022 at 12:03 pm #106525John DayParticipant“Glory Hole”
@V.Arnold and D Benton Smith: The risk seems to be overshooting the cull and killing everybody by accident. It seems like the goal is to gradually cull 90% , while keeping the support-system for the owners intact.
I don’t think that’s do-able. It assumes comepetence and faelty among the support-team can coexist.
I think the competent cannot, for the most part, be loyal to the owners,. Kassandra mentioned their human characteristics yesterday…AD Benton Smith: I think foresight, which a 14 y/o , stopped by a cop, won’t likely have yet, is the key to freedom and relative-autonomy. If you identify a trap, you can avoid it before you enter. History is a teacher, and, in my experience, spirit is a guide, if you can listen.
What about all those critters that reportedly got out ahead of the Indian tsunami, while humans gawked at the suck-out?April 21, 2022 at 1:03 pm #106526zerosumParticipantRussian President Vladimir Putin claimed victory in the battle for Mariupol on Thursday and canceled plans to storm the last remaining Ukrainian stronghold in a sprawling steel plant. Putin is going to starve them out .
Putin called the military effort to liberate Mariupol a “success” and urged Ukrainian troops holed up in the Azovstal plant to surrender, promising “decent treatment” for all and medical attention to the wounded. He ordered Russian troops to blockade the plant.
“There is no need to climb into these catacombs and crawl underground through these industrial facilities,” Putin said. “Block off this industrial area so that the fly does not fly through.”
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu estimated 2,000 Ukrainian fighters remained inside the Azovstal steel plant.“The territory of the Azovstal plant with the remnants of nationalists and foreign mercenaries located is securely blocked,” Shoigu said. Putin and Shoigu’s comments appeared to reflect a change in strategy in Mariupol, where the Russians previously seemed determined to take every last inch of the city.
food for thought – A WWIII future museum (Sarmat superheavy Intercontinental Ballistic Missile)
The US playing war games with Russia is maximum stupidity.
Road to Ukrainian Peace
…. • Zelensky: If Ukraine Had Access To More Weapons, War Would Already Be Won (NYP)
NATO – reading comprehension.
(The snobs are leading you by the nose)
You don’t have to be a lawyer to be able to read and understand The North Atlantic Treaty
Washington D.C. – 4 April 1949
NATO Is Invalid And The Nations In It Deserve What They Get
The North Atlantic Treaty
Washington D.C. – 4 April 1949
———April 21, 2022 at 1:51 pm #106527NoiretteParticipantTomato Crush
April 21, 2022 at 2:53 pm #106528zerosumParticipantCease fire agreement
Get a copy of the cease fire agreement that Israel has with their neighbors.April 21, 2022 at 2:57 pm #106529HenryParticipant“Vlad and the Impalers” gets my vote!
April 21, 2022 at 3:11 pm #106530OroborosParticipantSatan II
No. I’m not talking about Victoria Nuland.
We’re talkin’ missile here
The Satan II is the Robert Oppenheimer sound bite from the Bhagavad Gita:
“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”
Somewhere in the ranks of the manwhores and womanwhores of the Empire of Lies Military Industrial Mafia, there is someone with the slightest bit of self preservation who can dope slap the “Joe Biden” mirage into sanity.
Or maybe not, the utter corruption and depravity of the rotting corpse of the Empire of Lies is so toxic that nothing and no one can touch it. It’s a Death Cult racing to the cliff full speed.
Is Old White Joe Thelma and Kamkam Khameleon Louise?
Genders are so confusing at this point
Tik Tok Tik Tok, times running out for the Sanity Train
April 21, 2022 at 3:26 pm #106531D Benton SmithParticipant@JohnDay
“I think foresight, which a 14 y/o , stopped by a cop, won’t likely have yet, is the key to freedom and relative-autonomy. If you identify a trap, you can avoid it before you enter. History is a teacher, and, in my experience, spirit is a guide, if you can listen.”
Tuning up the “Really Listen” setting on one’s personal hearing device is a good idea. Learning that one should do that is a big part of the “Lessons Of History” course. And the most important lesson in that class is that the essence of a trap has very little to do with the bars, walls and locks. The essence of a trap is the BAIT.
We are seduced into the trap of seeking power over others by those who treacherously offer us the power to get what we want. Step one is to persuade me that there is something that I don’t have but should definitely want. Step two is to offer me the power (the ways and means) of attaining it, such as money, authority, social elevation and access. Once I depend upon their approval for my power I am theirs. Trapped by the bait. And it’s nothing but treacherous betrayal from the outset because those who offer power to minions never have the slightest intention of honoring their side of the contract.
The value to others of wise old geezerdom is that we got our asses kicked by history so that our students don’t have to . . . if we could just persuade them to listen a little better.
April 21, 2022 at 3:48 pm #106532Dr D RichParticipantSo….the CIA’s decision becomes clearer with each passing day AND article curated (there it is love that overused word) by TAE.
In short:
1. the CIA is in charge.
2. The CIA is funded by big tech supplanting cocaine/heroin revenue.
3. The CIA decided Hunter’s Big Guy will be The Fall Guy beside His son Hunter Biden.
Look back no further than the January 5th 2017 Oval Office Meeting of the Principals chaired by Obama, attended by CIAs Brennan et al which launched Cover-up-Gate spawn of Russiagate spying on the Trump campaign.
Every event which followed the January 5th 2017 Meeting can be observed as a furtherance of a criminal enterprise:
1. 1/05/17 Obama Oval Office Meeting
2. FISA court enhanced harassment of multiple individuals including Gen. Flynn, Carter Paige, George Papadopoulos etc.
3. Impeachment #1 of Trump
4. Impeachment #2 of Trump
5. Fauci/Walensky COVID coverup controversy
6. 2020 Stolen Presidential Election
7. Inverted Controversy of January 6th 2021 non-Insurrection
8. Ukraine War in support of hyper-Nazism.Cui bono? HRC and BHO and CIA and Big Tech financiers
April 21, 2022 at 3:55 pm #106533those darned kidsParticipant“the aggressive aggressives”
April 21, 2022 at 4:12 pm #106534John DayParticipantAbout my suggestion of a name for the “band”:
A glory hole is sexual slang for a slot in a wall in which a man inserts his penis for sexual stimulation by someone on the other side.,someone%20on%20the%20other%20side.April 21, 2022 at 4:17 pm #106535my parents said knowParticipantCome on, Sol, just spit one at us.
Sever links; confound our speech.
Maybe, then, we’ll find each other-
Learn to learn instead of preach.April 21, 2022 at 4:26 pm #106536Doc RobinsonParticipantThe Clash
Vlad Company
Putie and the Bono Fish
Slav and the Family Stoned
Micks and the Antagonists
C#nts N’ PosersApril 21, 2022 at 4:31 pm #106537ezlxa1949ParticipantAll together now, “Russia delenda est!”
(BTW, since when did Ukraine use American date formats?)
April 21, 2022 at 5:28 pm #106538Susmarie108ParticipantThe Rolling Boners
No explanation needed.
Fun fact: Warhol did the album cover for “Sticky Fingers”. You can see his signature fingerprints all over it.
@Oroboros: RE: “Is Old White Joe Thelma and Kamkam Khameleon Louise? ”No. Joe/Kami are ignorant and in denial, completely unaware of/unaccountable for their role in driving us off a cliff. In their minds, they are not even in the car.
Notice how Thelma and Louise take a pause before driving on? It is a moment of reflection for karmic accountability and alignment. Realization leads them in only one direction – forward.
Choose to fulfill your destiny or your destiny will choose for you.
Important to REMEMBER: Arjuna has Krishna as Teacher/Guru.
LOVE to All.
April 21, 2022 at 5:32 pm #106539Susmarie108ParticipantApril 21, 2022 at 5:43 pm #106540D Benton SmithParticipant@MyParentsSaidKnow
” Come on, Sol, just spit one at us.
Sever links; confound our speech.
Maybe, then, we’ll find each other-
Learn to learn instead of preach. ”You’ve got a real knack for verse.
I’ve had thoughts along those same lines myself from time to time ( though not so artfully expressed). Yeah! A nice toasty solar storm might do this rock some good after the smoke clears and the computers gratefully crash for the last time. There are worse things, after all, than the collapse of civilization. Such as NOT collapsing, for instance, and just continuing along current trends.
April 21, 2022 at 6:04 pm #106541D Benton SmithParticipantPutin has created an interesting (though distinctly ghoulish) situation in Mariupol by literally sealing the last few thousand hard core Nazi Azov Battalions inside the Asov Steel industrial plant, with no access to food. They can stay there or they can surrender. Cannibals locked in a box.
Which manner of exit will they choose?
April 21, 2022 at 6:37 pm #106542zerosumParticipantWhich manner of exit will they choose?
Define “they”“They” don’t think like us”.
“They” don’t do what “we” would do.
Do “They” want and need life more than their conditioning/beliefs?OPPPS … what is life? 21, 2022 at 6:41 pm #106543Doc RobinsonParticipant“Inside the New Right (Vanity Fair)”
Adding to the confusion, the site MoonOfAlabama is considered somewhere between Left and Extreme Left, according to Media Bias Fact Check.
“LEFT BIAS These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes… Overall, we rate Moon of Alabama Left Biased…” 21, 2022 at 7:26 pm #106544citizenxParticipantQueens Bitches and the Motherlander
performing an ode to journalists in prison or hiding- “The Guns of Brixton”
When they kick at your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gunWhen the law break in
How you gonna go?
Shot down on the pavement
Or waiting on death rowYou can crush us
You can bruise us
But you’ll have to answer to
Oh, the guns of BrixtonThe money feels good
And your life you like it well
But surely your time will come
As in heaven, as in hellYou see, he feels like Ivan
Born under the Brixton sun
His game is called survivin’
At the end of the harder they comeYou know it means no mercy
They caught him with a gun
No need for the Black Maria
Goodbye to the Brixton sunWhen they kick at your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gunShot down on the pavement
Waiting in death row
His game is called survivin’
As in heaven as in hellApril 21, 2022 at 7:39 pm #106545zerosumParticipantAfter 20 years of civil war in Afgan, the USA left with 30 million starving
After 2 months of civil war Russia gave the white supramacist the choice of surrendering or starvingApril 21, 2022 at 7:40 pm #106546zerosumParticipant,
April 21, 2022 at 7:46 pm #106547D Benton SmithParticipant@zerosum you asked that I define “they”
“They” is a pronoun referring back to the earlier written noun “cannibals”, and while we’re at it the word “cannibals” is a metaphor referring back to the proper noun phrase “hard core Nazi Azov Battalions inside the Asov Steel industrial plant.”
So, in this particular case “they” are a group of human beings who for reasons that I suppose made perfect sense to themselves decided to become wanton murders and are now faced with the consequences of that very bad decision. Do I feel empathy for their plight (since they are humans and souls just as I am a human soul) ? Yes, I do, and I would recommend that they surrender and begin the long process of rejoining the society of decent non-murdering human beings, but they just won’t stop murdering folks long enough for “us” to do that.
And do I feel sympathy for their plight? Maybe a little, but not much, because they still do have the choice (to continue being murderers, in which case they will die, or to stop being murders in which case they will live) . “They” are making that choice of their own free will, and are welcome to change it any time they want.
April 21, 2022 at 10:58 pm #106548Michael ReidParticipantI don’t know if you have seen panel discussion: “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?” I am interested to know who the main geopolitical players are and what their roles are and what reality is each of these players attempting to create for their citizens.
DEBATE: “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?”
April 21, 2022 at 11:36 pm #106549Figmund SreudParticipant“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
― United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights… so much for the United Nations
… anyway, journalism that does not conform to the hegemonic narrative must be taken down.
PEPE ESCOBAR – Big Tech’s ‘Cancel Culture’ Love Affair
April 21, 2022 at 11:50 pm #106550Michael ReidParticipantI have to look back further and I think going over numerous articles on this site is a good starting point for me.
@ VP you may find this interesting. I am about to read it.
Inalienable Rights – A Suggested Solution To The Covid Coup d’état & How To Resist It
TOPICS:ConstitutionCovid 19Inalienable RightsNatural JusticeNatural LawRightsInalienable Rights – A Suggested Solution To The Covid Coup d’état & How To Resist It
April 22, 2022 at 12:10 am #106551Veracious PoetParticipantAzov Nazis, all the Ruthenian rage
Trapped in a cave, like neanderthal men
Marked with tattoos, claiming their infame
Will they perish, or submit, to Mother ВедмідьApril 22, 2022 at 12:28 am #106552Veracious PoetParticipantI am no longer interested in discussing Natural Law, as it has no meaning far behind enemy lines, in a poisonous sea of NPD mass psychotics…
Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s
April 22, 2022 at 12:41 am #106553V. ArnoldParticipantFood prices are going bezerk in the USA…
I wonder how much of this is real versus a contrived crisis?
So much is manipulated these days it’s difficult to devine the truth…
April 22, 2022 at 12:49 am #106554WESParticipantIt is nice to see 2,000 neo-nazi have voluntarily choosen to isolate themselves inside the Mariupol Steel Works in compliance with Dr. Fauci’s CDC covid never ending isolation mandate. The leader of the neo-nazis said they would remain in lockdown until Dr. Fauci declares the threat of omicron is over. Their loyalty to the cause, has made Dr. Fauci so proud./s
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