Debt Rattle February 24 2023
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- This topic has 73 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 11 months ago by
D Benton Smith.
February 24, 2023 at 10:10 am #129770
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterConstantin Brancusi Portrait of George 1911 • China Unveils Roadmap To End Ukraine Conflict (RT) • China Publishes Its Proposals On Ukrainian C
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle February 24 2023]February 24, 2023 at 10:37 am #129771Germ
ParticipantIn case you missed it.
Death Vaxx Protest – London
February 24, 2023 at 11:49 am #129772Dr. D
ParticipantSnowing in L.A. Global Warming!, that’s over Eight THOUSAND feet elevation. I guess! Wonder why it doesn’t blizzard a lot more often. But now that we have snow in Saudi Arabia, L.A. is clearly fair game.
P.S. “Winter Weather Event!!! We’re all gonna diiiieeee!!!” …It’s snowing in the upper West. In Montana. In February. Uh…yes? You had me at “February” where even Texas and Florida are fair game and always were. Average elevation? 5,000ft. Uh, yeah, Montana could be in Florida and it would still snow at that height.
“[Trump said] that the conflict would have “never happened if I was your president.”
Yes, but the People LIKE the conflict. Or the Democrats do at least. They fly the flags above/instead of their own.
So NOT being in a nuclear-armed genocidal world war is a BAD thing to a unified 30% of the people. That’s too high and we need those people to STOP before we can do things without a civil war breaking out. They LOVE AND SUPPORT BUSH NEOCONS. With their blood and treasure. What can I say if Democrats love George Bush and war that much?
“Nuland’s declaration last Thursday that Russian military bases in Crimea are “legitimate targets” for Ukrainian forces was received by the Kremlin as proof of “US involvement”
This is the “Who’s zoomin’ who” question yesterday. Tulsi has the problem that Everything said is a lie. She sounds like a moron because she’s cooperating with lies and talking to morons: the Democratic base. (no offense, but they cannot seem to internalize very obvious, logical, inevitable, repeated, NY Times-approved information). This is why you can’t tolerate lies or liars: you can’t even discuss what MIGHT be done, because no one is even up to speed on what actually IS. Like: do we have money in the treasury or not? Are we under attack or not? That may account for the unusually dim success of her approach while being a capable person who has all the right elements to be a successful legacy Democrat. I fear that may mean there is or can not be any Democratic party going forward, But I said that already. Too bad because I like Tulsi, think she has good intentions, loves America and its values, and would otherwise be capable of succeeding and making history. Is it a sign this is no time for compromise that at any other time would be acceptable and in fact laudible? Probably.
But yeah, Politicians speak. How is she going to speak straight, to a narrative, when everything her people believe is already a lie? Politicians lie, but that part makes her lies sound dumb to them AND us. There’s not enough remaining Democrats in the midpoint: the ones who love America and hate war.
“Can’t enter a war with those numbers.”
We can and did. They want the U.S. to be in a war as WWI Russia: we fail internally and have a Bolshevik Civil War. This has been engineered since the 90s but some half of their plans don’t get traction, specifically the “Far Right” won’t bite at anything, but quite a number of other chess pieces are screwed up and won’t move either.
Somebody said that’s because in Russia – or at that time – the “ethnic” groups were well-defined. They also had zero middle class so most of the people were essentially serfs who had literally nothing to lose. They had never known prosperity, which although we all lack it now we we have it, they had no prospects, and Marx had not yet failed everywhere, planetwide.
All those things are not the mostest, however, it puts like a 20% drag on every element they’re attempting to mobilize and the overall effect is near-total failure. They’re getting too much rejection of antifa and “democratic socialism” too much rejection of authoritarianism, too much rejection to join the designated enemy: a racial Christian Right, no one is running to their banner, and they have to pay every rioter, there is hardly any organic trouble even with opening every prison and shutting down every D.A. We don’t even have common shootings of burglars and other felons yet, as Americans keep their hearts and don’t wish to shoot. (Note they fabricate such things on command like the 70yo border rancher last week or the FBI substation shooting, because they cannot find them organically Se “J6”) America is just too large and diverse. It’s caused brush fires everywhere, but no forest fire anywhere to – as Podesta openly planned – have the Northwest secede (so he could give it to China).
Where are we going? Well people like Armstrong say “we’ll have a war” and “the U.S. will break up.” Okay, that sounds bad. But is it really just that the States take preeminence again? That’s literally not breaking up, that’s re-instating actual Federal law. 10A for instance. You can see how the models might interpret it that way – and it is – but it’s like the SPIN of the facts, not the facts themselves. It’s what STORY we tell. An optimistic or pessimistic one, one colored by 1990 or by 1790.
Again: they are losing. They have lost. They lost like years back and none of their plans are working, although they have binders full of them yet to try. They are powerful and are able to make quite a mess for quite a while here, and it doesn’t matter if you get shot after Hitler “loses” in 1944, that’s still no good for you. Britain was on rations until 1954, still no good for you. Plan accordingly.
“Russia-EU Relations ‘No Longer Exist’ – Moscow (RT) “
Moving on to their Plans™, the EU will very likely install a Digital ID, CBDC and every other form of totalitarian oppression, some we can’t even dream of. And they won’t be stopped quickly, as they can slowly fail for 3 ½ years like in “Revelations.” “Revelations” is what? Don’t use it as a catchphrase: Think. It’s when the “Hidden”, literally the same word as “Occult”, the hidden. The “Occult is revealed.” It comes when? The “hidden is revealed” when there is a great explosion of knowledge, duh. As prophesied. That is also not the bull, not the fish, but the “water bearer” the air sign and mark of man and knowledge. Right on schedule.
So when human knowledge is freed – as by the internet – the hidden people of the occult will no longer be able to hide and remain secret and hidden. They will be “revealed” to the light and to the People. And so for 3 ½ years Europe might be able to pull off a fascist clampdown, but the People won’t obey and overrun then, albeit with great hardship and losses.
But to Russia’s point above, because Europe has had some sort of “hidden”, “occult” players position them against every will of the People, is going to be destitute and desperate and capable of anything, making such fascist lockdowns possible for a short while. In a way, they’ll really “have to”. Not kidding. They screwed it all up decades ago and when there’s no food in the pantry and wolves at the door what CAN you do but the wrong thing to survive until you can re-establish order again?
Here in America too, as the children of Europe, but less so. Which we’ve already seen almost completely.
So key point: How are you going to fall for the scam when we reveal the existence of the Con Man? Everything he says falls flat. America may be a 55% uptake of that. Europe maybe only 35% now. Or 45% but no action, no guns.
‘The US Department of Justice has accused Google of “systematically” destroying records linked to ongoing antitrust litigation,”
Oh, so you’re going to ARREST them all, then? Zzzzzzzzz. Wake me when you do something. Google is essentially the front office of the CIA, “Alphabet” agencies. How did they do that? Erase everything while you were watching? “Justice delayed is justice denied”. They started a lawsuit, dragged their feet and gave them time to destroy it. Hmmm, would that be during the TRUMP administration?
“Hunter appears to have acquired lawyers by the gross, including high-profile lawyer Abbe Lowell.”
Golly that must be expensive. Good thing he’s the world’s most famous painter! And his emails say he hasn’t got a dime, which he told his ex in court, yet here he is with multi-million per year lawyers! A packet of them with a hundred $90/hr paralegals in tow!
I do not find this suspicious at all. Money always just appears out of thin air like “The Matrix” by the millions or billions, right FTX? Half a BILLION for bail? Hahahaha! No problem pal, there’s not a PhD at Stanford who can’t roll that kind of dough.
I mean: isn’t that true at your local college? Every professor is a mega-millionaire, rolling a Bentley and drinking champers?
Democratic Base: We will support Hunter abandoning his daughter and all child support TO THE DEATH. You can’t judge me! Why you pickin’ on Hunter, you fiend? That’s what we have the Welfare and WIC programs for: she should get an abortion or go on those and leave Hunter Alone.
Yay abandoned fathers and serial, life-long sexual predators like Clinton and Joe! 100% support, 5 out of 5 YES, would vote again.
Again: Schrodinger’s reality: Hunter has billions to spend. Hunter also is completely broke. Nobody bats an eye; both and neither a true. And you wonder why I had to leave the party: I’m trying desperately to maintain my sanity over here, perhaps starting with declaring what’s TRUE.
Elephant throws buffalo. Yes, and that buffalo can throw YOU like a rag doll.
Yesterday: (81 comments)
“the hopelessness of young adults who cannot get ahead, despite hard work, and become exhausted and disheartened. This reminds me of the analysis from Surplus Energy Economics last week, that America already has declining prosperity-per-capita.”
Or not find a very common job like at a call center? In what is reported as the lowest unemployment ever, with a “red-hot economy, Jack”? Yeah, I’m guessing a middle class wage is now $35/hr. What do you think is listed in that range? How about 1) Government 2) Social Services, i.e. government 3) Construction, I.e roads for government. 4) Health Care, i.e. government. So who has the money? Who controls the economy? Well outside of that look at the TV commercials. Who’s there? Pharma, a monopoly. Cell phones, a monopoly. Automobiles, a monopoly. Insurance, a monopoly. Stocks and banking, a monopoly.
I’m getting the feeling we’re not a free market system.
In contradiction to the beliefs of today’s Cult of Progress, Minoan was a high culture. Very high, as seen in yesterday’s mural. Like landing on an alien Sci-Fi planet high, no doubt with antikytheria machines. Now mostly on the mainland that was run over and can’t be found, take Naples for instance, where there is city still 40 feet below the surface, whole streets, malls, intact below. So it belies that we were “primitive” before. That we had “Evolution”, culturally. Not that those things don’t exist, but cultures are not some straight line from neanderthals to Millennials, with Millennials being the highest culture and brains ever, burn superior to all humans who ever were, which it is clear they believe.
Bill Maher
On slavery and rewriting history. 8 min, 5 months ago.If Minoan culture was Sci-Fi level, as other stories of Daedalus and weapons we still don’t understand are true – and every day archaeology demonstrates this – then we are just another bunch of dumb jerks, goofing off, going nowhere, and not special at all. Our culture, our government, has no special authority or value. We are in the middle of “oh no, not another learning experience” civilization that is cyclical, due to fall while some other rises. So we cannot, it is pointless to project our culture on others, as it is falling and not the Apex of human thought, your “White Man’s Burden” they complain bitterly about while “we” (translation: “they”) are doing it more than a 200-year fleet of missionaries and slave traders ever did.
Yet the “earth” as it were, didn’t blink when the High Bronze Age and Minoan culture fell. Humans had no trouble surviving and multiplying again. The “World” didn’t end, although I’m sure it felt like it. They cycled from concentrated, centralized culture to dispersed, agrarian culture and back again, just as now. And? So? So why worry now? Except for your own specific needs and that of your family – noting we’re all going to die anyway – who cares about the fate of the “West” or what-not? Better it does end, since it went ‘round the bend more than 50 years ago with car culture. It needs to stop doing what it’s doing like a mentally-ill obsessive. It can’t, so there’s a crisis, like other mental illness. Totally predictable.
“As the Sun God progressed towards Pisces, Bull Worship had to be discouraged and replaced with Fish Worship.”
This is strangely true, but WHY? The “Stars” are not made of bulls or fish so why the extremely widespread drive to enforce some random symbols? The period is too long for a single people to be doing it, and starts right on time the 3 times we have historical records for it. Is there fish worship in China? And bull worship before? Or Mexico?
Anyway, this is what the ancients called “The Golden Age” that we couldn’t even aspire to. And it appears there may have been one even higher before that, before the asteroid/cataclysm/flood 12,000 years ago. But the earth was so shattered then not even the cities remain, and most of those 80’ underwater. You can find it everywhere if like a real scientist you look at evidence. If that’s too hard all of India wrote it down and you can read libraries of it for therest of your life. (but unfortunately in Sanskrit). Cult of Progress, Cult of Evolution stuff, where “the Garden Fell” with the invention of agriculture, in a straight like progress to you personally: Now you’re the smartest, mostest bestest, enlightened, moral person who ever lived, siting on your couch eating cheetos so long as you own an iPhone and a Tesla and use DoorDash rather than go out. See? Isn’t perfect morality so easy a cave man can do it?
February 24, 2023 at 12:11 pm #129773Dr. D
ParticipantHow about those spelling errors. Grrr.
February 24, 2023 at 12:22 pm #129774aspnaz
ParticipantEarlier, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva stated that the country’s officials had no intention of transferring weapons and ammunition to third countries to be used in the Ukrainian conflict.
I like the way Russia is playing Brazil, pretending to believe Lula’s statements while secretly knowing that the reason Lula is not giving away weapons is that the military would very rapidly remove him in a coup if he tried to take away their weapons. Lula is pretending to be principled and strong but is actually just weak and pathetic, like all the other WEF puppets.
February 24, 2023 at 12:26 pm #129775Oroboros
ParticipantFebruary 24, 2023 at 12:44 pm #129776Oroboros
ParticipantBirth Rates Plunge in Heavily Vaccinated Countries
Imagine the millions of sterile and infertile 20 and 30 something young men and women out there now because of the Death Vax
No new families for you, an entire generation
They might not understand how lonely old age can be now but wait thirty or forty years.
Holidays without the sound of children’s laughter.
Gonna be psychologically devastating for entire swaths of the culture.
Painting by Aron Wiesenfeld
February 24, 2023 at 1:10 pm #129782Oroboros
ParticipantFebruary 24, 2023 at 1:11 pm #129783Red
In this fourth instalment of The Surplus Energy Economy, we turn to perhaps the most complex part of the equation, which is the financial system. The connections between energy and material prosperity, though largely disregarded and dismissed by orthodox economics, are nevertheless comparatively straightforward, at least in principle.
The nearest approach to the straightforward in finance is the concept of money as claim. Once we recognize that money has no intrinsic worth – but commands value only as a ‘claim’ on the output of the material economy – two things become apparent.
The first is that the financial system consists of an aggregate ‘body of claims’ on the material economy of products and services. The second is that the viability and sustainability of the system depends on the extent to which these claims can be honoured ‘for value’ by the real economy. To be a little more specific, the system is viable as long as participants believe that these claims can be honoured.
February 24, 2023 at 1:14 pm #129784Red
Participant“They might not understand how lonely old age can be now but wait thirty or forty years.
Holidays without the sound of children’s laughter.”
It may lead back to, “it takes a village to raise a child” and to bury the elderly.
All be it a long and painful way round. Everything old is new again.
February 24, 2023 at 1:22 pm #129785Polemos
ParticipantMathew Crawford of has claimed in his comments to articles that the medical freedom movement(s) (he abbreviates as MFM) have within it a controlled team organized around one or a few billionaires (whose influences upon the MFM remain for now hidden by design). The occulted money works through major figures who get much press time as leading figures in the antimaxxine movement, and the longer term goal is to create a parallel medical industry profiting the occulted money and the leading figures, not just through selling a new product and new therapies to the corralled antimaxxers —whose opposition lead them to trust what they thought were an opposing side— but also to bring them into their greater influence.
You can see his articles here:
“Such an Easy Test of Veracity” is where he makes the case that major figures are compromised, and defines an “easy test” to see if those figures are not compromised.“Distinguishing Between Infighting and Controlled Opposition” is where he responds to the criticism that he’s infighting rather than pointing out compromised people.
“Keep It Simple: What Do You See?” is where he makes more pointed criticisms of Steve Kirsch and his role in disrupting MFM collaboration, along with Stew Peters.
“DMED Timeout: Reportable Events Shenanigans, Part 3” is a more detailed explanation for why Died Suddenly, Theresa Long, Renz, and even Sen. Johnson are going the wrong way with the data as well as how to resituate one’s path with the DMED data to better assess who is accurate and who is misleading and who is ignoring better available paths towards truth.
I had linked to the articles so you could access them directly, but the spam filter appears to catch multiple links to the same site when above a certain number, encouraging either creativity or persistence in the linker.
Once you have this kind of new perspective on the parallel alternative being set up, you can better understand why Robert Malone, who gets much press in the counterpoising communities, wants to tell you about new and effective treatments, why Steve Kirsch wants you to participate in his new hedge fund of funds (see the article “Kirsch Capital Equities Fund: Buyer Beware, Part 2” about why this is a bad idea), and why Elon Musk sets himself up to be a “voice for freedom” for people against mandatory participation.
One of Crawford’s longer points is one I already have learned and which several of you already practice: be your own guide, your own leader, your own role model. Kirsch, Malone, &c: they demonstrate inevitably how they are not acting towards enabling people to become free of even their own influence.
I have had many students over the years thank me for changing how they read books, watched movies, or understood their experiences, going on to living enriched lives and never coming back for answers. They find their own. Every time a kid came into the library to ask me about a book or author, I showed them how to use the catalog. Confirming with them they started learning how, I left them to it. I too laugh with Brother Mouzone at his own joke:
Also, regarding Dr D’s point about the prior “lost” civilizations that vanish in worldwide flood/fires, put me down on the side of Yes, it’s true. The knowledge is still here, amongst us. Forming a praxis with it, that’s much harder. But, as the Lore indicates, it was not knowledge and skill together that prevent such advanced people from corruption, decadence, brutality and cruelty, for they were. Neither is it cultivated ignorance and pulling away from the machines. To be genuinely compassionate and serve others is a different kind of path open to any technology, any society, any strategy, any achievement, any loser, any threatened, any dying. The Lore shows this, time and again, that we’re here to learn something about learning and to either die to remember or live to forget.February 24, 2023 at 1:27 pm #129787Oroboros
ParticipantThe ‘Not Vaxed” dating services are going to be a vital cultural necessity in order to salvage something towards having a ‘next’ generation of relatively healthy children.
The Vaxed will be the outcasts
Frankly I don’t see the purpose of a dating service for the vaxed other than for people who don’t want children, just a hook up.
Painting by Aron Wiesenfeld again, he nails it
My title for the no family people,
“Pie for No One”
February 24, 2023 at 1:59 pm #129788zerosum
Who will listen/act …..
ROAD TO PEACE/CEASE FIRE/COMMON SENSE/SURVIVAL/AVOID LIARSThere is a saying about where fool go/walk/tread.
The world noticed, when the giants are battling, to avoid getting hurt, stay off the battlefield.
The 12-point settlement plan, put forward by the Chinese side, includes a call for de-escalation and ceasefire.
TASS lists the main provisions of the document.The 12-point plan, which was issued at 9 a.m. Friday local time, comes after nearly a year of China serving as one of Moscow’s closest allies while attempting to play neutral in the Russia-Ukraine war. Chinese President Xi Jinping also plans to deliver a “peace speech” before the United Nations on Friday, marking the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion.
China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis
2023-02-24 09:00Go read more …
`February 24, 2023 at 1:59 pm #129789Oroboros
ParticipantThe Immediate Need to Screen Blood for mRNA and Spike Protein
A redux from the AIDS playbook by the Phucktards® at the American Red Cross
You can get a big load of Spike Protein having sex with a vaxed person, even more with a vaxed blood transfusion.
Gotta tell ya, this is going to be a growth industry, avoiding the contamination of the Vaxed
They are going to be perceived in public life as a slug’s slime trail of Typhoid Marys
February 24, 2023 at 2:00 pm #129790Oroboros
ParticipantThe Immediate Need to Screen Blood for mRNA and Spike Protein
. 24, 2023 at 2:09 pm #129792Red
ParticipantI’m going to ask you something that may strike you as a little bit strange. What is an internal organ? The textbook answer is something along the lines of specialized tissue in the body that performs a specific function. But what if I told you that an internal organ can be whatever the heck we want it to be?
Still not convinced? If you go on the Government of Canada’s website, right now, this is one of the articles they have up. I recommend archiving it.
Policy Horizons Canada – Exploring Biodigital Convergence
February 24, 2023 at 2:13 pm #129793Oroboros
ParticipantAnti-American Race Baiter Angela Davis Learns Of Her Patriotic White Ancestry
from burning platform
“It’s mind boggling how all these light skinned race baiters never seem to realize they have white ancestry.
It should be obvious by looking in the mirror.
But what makes this the feel good story of the day is Anti-American Angela Davis had an ancestor on the Mayflower AND a Revolutionary war veteran.
She also hails from slave owners. It’s too perfect.”
Toot Sweet
February 24, 2023 at 3:03 pm #129794Doc Robinson
ParticipantWhat could possibly go wrong?
Toxic Wastewater From Ohio Train Derailment Headed to Texas
Texas company injects hazardous waste into the ground for disposalToxic wastewater used to extinguish a fire following a train derailment in Ohio is headed to a Houston suburb for disposal… The wastewater will be sent to Texas Molecular, which injects hazardous waste into the ground for disposal…
“It’s … very, very toxic,” Dr. George Guillen, the executive director of the Environmental Institute of Houston, said, but the risk to the public is minimal.
“This injection, in some cases, is usually 4,000 or 5,000 feet down below any kind of drinking water aquifer,” said Guillen, who is also a professor of biology and environmental science at the University of Houston-Clear Lake.
Both Guillen and Deer Park resident Tammy Baxter said their greatest concerns are transporting the chemicals more than 1,300 miles (2,090 kilometers) from East Palestine, Ohio; to Deer Park, Texas.
“There has to be a closer deep well injection,” Baxter told KTRK. “It’s foolish to put it on the roadway. We have accidents on a regular basis … It is silly to move it that far.”
February 24, 2023 at 3:22 pm #129795Figmund Sreud
ParticipantMillions of barrels of Russian crude and fuels have been switched between tankers just a few miles off the coast of Greece, one of a series of workarounds that traders have used to overcome European Union sanctions against Moscow.
At least 23 million barrels of Russian crude and additional volumes of refined fuels have been transfered from one tanker to another in the Bay of Lakonikos since the start of this year, according to tanker tracking by Bloomberg. Greek authorities say their scope to intervene is limited because the activity is happening outside of a six-mile limit to the country’s territorial waters in the area.
… fwiw,
February 24, 2023 at 3:34 pm #129796Oroboros
You forgot to include the part where the Russian crude gets “marked up a bit” off shore in the ‘tranfer’ and some of that vig goes to Greek politicians ;>)
Transfers don’t always go smoothly
February 24, 2023 at 3:34 pm #129797phoenixvoice
ParticipantOroboros You can get a big load of Spike Protein having sex with a vaxed person
Try: “…having sex with a vaxxed male.” The “big” transfer is highly unlikely to occur from a woman.February 24, 2023 at 3:45 pm #129798John Day
Participant“There, fixed it for you…”
Mark Middleton, who was discovered hanging from a tree at the Heifer Ranch last May with his chest blasted out, a report seen by the Daily Mail on Thursday claims. This contradicts an earlier report seen by the paper which said no firearm was found at the scene.
According to the Mail, Perry County Sergeant Keenan Carter, said a Stoeger 12-gauge coach shotgun, was discovered 30 feet from Middleton’s body. They also say that the former Clinton aide had texted his wife Rhea shortly before pulling the trigger to say he had found “the perfect place for a nap in the sun” and reassure her she was “a great Mom and wife.” 24, 2023 at 3:52 pm #129799Alexander Carpenter
ParticipantTurn OFF spelling and grammar auto-correct, but leave ON the alerts when the OS doesn’t recognize something. That way YOU are the authoritative editor, instead of some idiot AI.
February 24, 2023 at 3:54 pm #129800John Day
Participant@Polemos: That “most dangerous thing in America” joke is really, really old, and I don’t think it has been “true” for most of my adult life (Jerry Ford presidency).
February 24, 2023 at 3:57 pm #129801John Day
Participant@Red: I have that Surplus Energy Economics in my inbox, too. That “Claims on wealth” statement sounds like Nicole Foss, and Gail Tverberg, which it should, of course.
February 24, 2023 at 3:59 pm #129802John Day
Participant@Oroboros: Can you remove that “pie for no one” picture?
It is deeply disturbing; tearing my heart out.🙁
February 24, 2023 at 4:05 pm #129803John Day
Participant@Dr. D, who wrote: “But yeah, Politicians speak. How is she going to speak straight, to a narrative, when everything her people believe is already a lie? Politicians lie, but that part makes her lies sound dumb to them AND us. There’s not enough remaining Democrats in the midpoint: the ones who love America and hate war.”
I had this kind of experience yesterday at the invisible peace rally I attended, except none of the speakers was nearly as bright as Tulsi. They just didn’t even “know”.
February 24, 2023 at 4:15 pm #129804John Day
Participant…and furthermore: So the internet is saving us?
I’m open to that. I hope it works better than telephony and radio did.
(Keep talking and listening to God, but don’t let people see you.)February 24, 2023 at 4:22 pm #129805zerosum
ParticipantTAE knows that the MSM expect that if they don’t talk about, (whatever), they expect that the subject will disappear.
ie. UkraineFebruary 24, 2023 at 5:10 pm #129806zerosum
24 Feb, 2023 11:58Russia warns US, NATO, and Ukraine over Transnistria
Moscow says it will respond to any “provocation” by Kiev against Russian peacekeepers in the Moldovan breakaway regionn a statement released on Friday, Russian diplomats cited data from the country’s Defense Ministry, according to which Ukraine has amassed considerable numbers of military personnel, as well as hardware and artillery on its border with Transnistria. In light of this, Moscow warned the “US, NATO member states and their Ukrainian underlings against any further adventurous steps.”
While Russia favors “political-diplomatic” ways of resolving issues, “no one should have any doubt that the Russian armed forces will react appropriately to any provocation by the Kiev regime,” the statement reads.
February 24, 2023 at 5:22 pm #129807D Benton Smith
ParticipantSeen this one yet?
Things are popping so fast now that I can barely keep up with even the abbreviated summary of what is going on. However, the basic message (from almost innumerable sources) is pretty much the same, even though their styles and details are wildly various. Here it is:
The exponentially expanding revelation of new information about the nature and details of the war against the common population has finally hit the stage of automatically amplifying cacophony that it can only be described as explosive. BUT DON”T BE AFRAID ! That chain reaction explosion is not us common folk being blown up. It’s the BAD GUYS BEING BLOWN UP ! Annihilated by their own bomb.
February 24, 2023 at 5:44 pm #129808Germ
Participant“The greatest violation of medical ethics in the history of medicine”
Yes, indeed.Dr. James Thorp, an OBGYN & expert in women’s reproductive health, discusses the 57-fold increase in miscarriages, as well as a significant increase in still births, fetal demises and more—all linked to the mRNA C•19 shots—and based on the FDA & CDC’s data.
— TexasLindsay™ (@TexasLindsay_) February 24, 2023
February 24, 2023 at 6:48 pm #129809Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantYes, Dr D, if you overheat the oceans and melt the ice cover via outrageous levels of fossil fuel use that cause the atmospheric CO2 concentration to skyrocket, you will wreck the thermal gradient that contained the Jet Streams and you will get wild swings of air temperature that result in snow in locations that hadn’t seen snow since the last Ice Age.
What is more, with the Jet Stream so messed up as a consequence of the overheating (Planetary Meltdown), the uncontained Jet Streams could swing wildly in the other direction and deliver baking heat soon after the snow.
We have been experiencing such wild swings here on Airstrip Five. On Tuesday (Mercury Day) it was over 30oC and people were trying to keep cool. On Friday (Venus Day) it was around 10oC, with precipitation, and people were complaining about the cold or not complaining so much because they had heaters turned on and electric blankets turned on and log fires lit.
Just a reminder, it is February, which is the Southern Hemisphere equivalent of August in the Northern Hemisphere, which normally delivers the hottest weather around the first or second week.
Here we are in the third week of February, either baking or freezing, and not knowing which will come next. I was told by someone who I will not identify that she had the air conditioner running continuously during the hot spell. Undoubtedly she had the heaters on 3 days later. As Kunstler pointed out 20 years ago, any society that puts comfort and convenience above all else has no future.
Another rather dramatic effect of superheated oceans [due to atmospheric CO2 being more than 50% higher than any previous peak in the 800,000-year record, i.e. 420 ppm versus 260 ppm, or 420 ppm versus 280 ppm if you want to take it from the somewhat higher pre-industrial level of 280 ppm ] is the increase in moisture-carrying capacity of the air, which results in the torrents of water smashing or inundating infrastructure stupid apes construct on hillsides and in low-lying areas.
The complete destruction of industrial civilisation is inevitable because industrial civilisation is its own worst enemy and the fuckwits who are in control only know manipulation, lies and ‘development’.
Put simply, Homo fuckwit is using fossil fuels to destroy Homo fuckwit in order to keep Ponzi schemes running a little longer.
As for the wild swings in temperature, I went from wearing practically nothing to needing five layers, including a waterproof layer.
I am quite convinced that misinformation and denial will continue: they are much more ‘fun’ than reality -until reality hits.
Anyway, isn’t there a piece of paper that declares that the purfuit of happineff is a God-given right?
February 24, 2023 at 7:06 pm #129810Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantGo shopping. Don’t buy anything useful. Don’t use cash; use a high-interest credit card. Everything is under control and everything will turn out fine.
February 24, 2023 at 7:06 pm #129811Bishko
Participant“Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened, but go on in Fortune or Misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm.” -Robert Louis Stevenson
February 24, 2023 at 7:17 pm #129812John Day
ParticipantMy account of the “Invisible Peace Rally” I attended yesterday:
I attended the invisible peace rally yesterday afternoon at the Texas Capital. Don’t bother to Google it. It’s not there. It wasn’t there yesterday when I Googled it. I rode my bike 15 miles as sort of an act of faith. There were about 35 people, counting the band and speakers. They were playing “We Can Work It Out” by the Beatles when I rode up. I leaned my bike on a lamp post and started smiling and shooting peace signs at drivers coming from laft and right on 11th St. and straight up Congress avenue to turn either way, and all the pedestrians and bicyclists. I did get eye contact with a few pedestrians, and a few honks from passing drivers.
My friend, Phil recruited me the night before last; said he would likely go to it, sponsored by the Texas Libertarian Party, but even the state information on such events had nothing. Maybe that’s the Libertarian way, but Phil couldn’t locate the original announcement he had seen, and it did not exist on the non-Google search engine he tried, either. There was no media, none at all, not a one, not a camera.
I think I recognized some of the other participants from decades past. I’ve been going to these things since the 1970s. So have they. I talked to a couple of participants who looked familiar. The guy said he’d been coming since about 1965. He was my senior. The oldish lady (ack, My Age!) had a tie-dye tank top and started shooting peace signs when she saw me doing it. I like her. She’s OK. My friend, Phil introduced me to a couple of friends of his, clearlyy also “boomers”. The lady got me to man the big sign after about an hour, so I did the “attract attention” thing with it as the lanes of oncoming traffic changed, smiling, moving it up and down, and side to side.
The speakers sounded like they were from the 1970s, too. I did not get the impression that any of them saw our current situation as different. They advocated voting and making government listen to the people, listen to the majority, when we got to be the majority again… One guy was a classic Mexican-American Marxist, a chip off that old block. He had been Jill Stein’s schedule guy in 2016 until they parted ways. She wanted to cancle a rally in Georgia to be on CNN. She was “letting the people down after they had worked hard for the event”.
How could I not like this guy? However, when I talked about the class war against the people of the world, through the slow poisoning with COVID-“vaccines” and the massive increase in excess deaths, he came back with, “we don’t even need to talk about that, look at the massive underfunding of public health”.
I persisted. He quickly walked away. “Daddy is bad, but Daddy isn’t That Bad.”
So I was manning the sign and eye-contacting motorists and pedestrians when Jenny called, about 4:30 PM, saying she was done at her school library for the day. That was my cue to find somebody else to hold or prop up the big sign I spotted a guy in his early 40s, the youngest guy there, and asked him to man the sign, as I had to ride over and meet my wife, who was finishing work.. He somewhat reluctantly accepted the honor (seeming uncertain of protest-etiquette expectations, perhaps) and asked if I was coming back. “No”, I said, but explained how somebody had handed the sign to me and I passed it to him, “It’s not that complicated”. I let the lady who handed me the sign know. She called it “her sign”, after all.
I rode 3 miles through the UT campus, where I had once been a student in the 1970s and early 80s. A lot of it looks kind of the same, but the vibe is really diifferent, corporate-globalist. Peace protesters are few, old, and invisible now.The defeat of Ukraine does not mean the end of the war , by Thierry Meyssan Thanks Eleni.
In the face of the resistance that Moscow has encountered in enforcing Security Council Resolution 2202 (Implementation of Minsk Agreements), President Putin has declared that he still has to liberate Odessa and join Transnistria. This is precisely what the Pentagon is looking for since 2019. Already, it is preparing a second round in Moldova. Not because it wants to defend the Ukrainians, then the Moldovans, but because it intends to strip its own allies. War III Appears Imminent as the Establishment Attempts to Sweep Vaccine Genocide Under the Rug
“Why is our administration insanely running into a World War III situation?” (Financial market expert, Ed) Dowd asked. He answered, “And I suspect — I’m a cynical guy — that World War III solves a lot of issues: solves the sovereign debt crisis and solves the vaccine murder that’s gone on — wipes a bunch of stuff off the map — and directs everyone’s attention to a world war.”
Edward expressed that he hopes he’s wrong, but that scenario is “definitely in play. And the capital markets may be starting to sniff this out.”
He elaborates. “The U.S. Dollar in a World War III situation would go up quite a bit. And the dollar, the DXY, the basket of currencies, bottomed about two weeks ago and is starting to go up. We think it put in a very significant bottom.”World War III Appears Imminent as the Establishment Attempts to Sweep Vaccine Genocide Under the Rug
Remember when we all said, “naw, I’ve already had that”?
CDC funded study showed that natural immunity was tremendously better at avoiding Omicron infection last year than any of the “vaccines”.
Protection from COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and prior SARS-CoV-2 infection against COVID-19–associated encounters in adults during Delta and Omicron predominance 24, 2023 at 7:22 pm #129813John Day
ParticipantContrary to what it claims, US massively imports Russian oil
Washington is fully aware that Moscow has not invaded Ukraine, but is there chiefly to enforce Security Council resolution 2202. All the Atlanticist propaganda accusing Russia of the most egregious crimes is, therefore, not aimed at mobilizing Western forces against it, but at manipulating the Europeans into accepting an economic recession imposed in the spirit of the 1992 Pentagon policy paper masterminded by Paul Wolfowitz (photo) [2]. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his deputy Victoria Nuland belong to the same ideological group as Paul Wolfowitz [3].
At the time, he wrote: “Although the United States supports the project of European integration, we must seek to prevent the emergence of European-only security arrangements which would undermine NATO, and in particular its military integrated command structure.” For the Pentagon, the main enemy is not Russia, but an independent Europe. [But Russia can be an an emy, too, of course. Thanks again, Eleni] The biggest arms cache in Europe is in Transnistria, a semi-autonomous part of Moldova, bordering Ukraine, left over from the USSR, the kind of ammo that eastern Europe knows how to use. There are about 1000 Russian soldiers guarding the base. Russia has no land or sea supply route to Moldova.
Ukraine now a ‘battle of logistics’ – NATO chief Russia is currently winning the race for ammunition, Jens Stoltenberg has said
Stoltenberg has repeatedly called on NATO members to step up their ammunition production to close the gap, as have other Western leaders. The EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, said on Sunday that Ukraine’s backers need to resolve the ammunition shortage within “a matter of weeks” if Kiev is to have any chance of success on the battlefield.
Since last fall, the conflict in Ukraine has “moved into a war of attrition,” Stoltenberg said, adding that a “war of attrition is a battle of logistics; as in how do you get enough stuff – materiel, spare parts, ammunition, fuel – to the front lines.”
While Stoltenberg was clear about the need for NATO to step up arms production, he was vague about how the US-led alliance wants the conflict to end. He told Amanpour that “nobody knows how and when this war will end,” and that it will “maybe” be resolved at the negotiating table. is up Nuland’s sleeve, or is this just a propaganda statement for the folks back home?
The US stopped allowing Russian inspections in 2020, and Russia has followed suit. The New START treaty is unmonitored, hence unenforceable, and “on hold”.
The United States is ready to start talks with Russia on the New START nuclear arms control treaty “tomorrow” if Moscow is prepared for this, US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland said in an interview with TASS.
”We’re ready to do it tomorrow if the Russian Federation is ready. And we’re also ready to allow inspections,” the diplomat said, answering a question if Washington is prepared for talks without preconditions and accusations.
Nuland once again stated that the US views the treaty’s suspension as an irresponsible move. “The US and Moscow have responsibilities to the world to keep our nuclear arsenal safe and secure, and we should do our jobs,” Nuland said. essay is unduly long, but the conclusion will do. I don’t think it answers the question in the title. I think we must open to spirit, and be guided that way, in alliance with all of the other people guided by spirit. I went to the invisible peace rally yesterday, and I saw what I saw.
We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite’s ‘Great Reset’: Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?
Conclusion: We are currently living in the final phase of a 5,000 year effort to impose total control over the human population. There are many reasons why it has reached this point. Some key reasons are explained above. And despite the comfortable delusion that the most obvious and onerous restrictions that we have experienced over the past three years have temporarily receded, the fact remains that a vast range of political, economic, medical and technological measures are being implemented as you read these words and we have only just ended the first round of what must be, if we are to be successful, a protracted fight.
In essence, what we do between now and 2030 will determine the fate of humanity. If we can mobilize enough people to resist strategically, we will succeed. But there is little sign of that so far.
Understanding how power works in the world system as well as who, precisely, is driving what is happening, what they are doing, why, and how they are doing it are crucial prerequisites for developing an effective strategy to resist the current Elite program to kill off a substantial proportion of humanity, enslave those left alive in a technocratic prison, enclose the Commons forever and consolidate all wealth in Elite hands.
It is the failure to understand these crucial points that accounts for the ineffective ‘resistance’ that has characterized the past three years.
And this is complicated by the fact that fear makes most people unable to learn either from their own failed experience or to seriously investigate what is happening and how to resist it most effectively. So they fearfully repeat what is familiar, without even asking if it has worked in the past.
So each passing day we still witness fruitless attempts to convince one elite agent or another – a politician, a judge, a corporate media executive… – to take action that will turn the tide in our favour. But none of these individuals can help us.February 24, 2023 at 7:31 pm #129814thomasjkenney
Participantre: Dr. D
Okay, that’s over Eight THOUSAND feet elevation. I guess! Wonder why it doesn’t blizzard a lot more often. But now that we have snow in Saudi Arabia, L.A. is clearly fair game.
We get snow at low elevs about once in 30 years, has happened 3-4x in my lifetime. I’m at 300m elev one valley in from the coast. It was snowing down to about 400m, hitting all the ‘ticky tacky’ that clings to the hills on the edge of the valley. We had graupel (tiny snowballs) where I’m at, but it did not stick. Many of the major highways have low-elev segments closed, including US-395, CA-58, US-101.
From my perspective, life-long resident of this same valley, this is pretty much ‘back to normal’ in terms of this type of storm. In this cycle, we should see similar storms into mid April, with snow down to 800m elevation.
February 24, 2023 at 7:39 pm #129815Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantThe water level of Lake Mead has almost certainly peaked at around 20 feet below what it was this time last year and set a new record low for the time of year.
I guess it’s not going to matter too much if the managers of Airstrip Two intend to demolish the economy and kill-off most of the population this year.
February 24, 2023 at 7:42 pm #129816thomasjkenney
Participant@Dr. D again re: the revelations stuff
Yes, brilliant! I don’t believe in sky fairies, but I can get behind this kind of thinking.
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