Debt Rattle July 13 2018


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    Vincent van Gogh View of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer 1888   • Stock Markets See the US Winning the Trade War, Defying Propaganda (WS) • A Decade On,
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 13 2018]

    V. Arnold

    van Gogh; what’s not to like? The blue garden in the foreground is wonderful…
    It, the foreground, may well be the painting???

    People who use social media deserve whatever they get! Morons! Ignorant! Critical thinking deficient!
    Mercy, I figured it out more than a decade ago. I quit facebook and twitter. The others, meh!
    No social media for this one.

    Dr. D

    ” the Eurogroup decision shows how difficult it will be for the southern country to regain … sovereignty.”

    Indeed. It’s almost like their plan is to intentionally remove national sovereignty and replace it with an unaccountable, undemocratic pan-European bureaucracy that would extract the wealth of the poor states and people and give it to the powerful states and people. Who knew? Except the people who voted against it in every referendum, including the Greeks.

    Democracy: we should try it sometime.

    V. Arnold

    Democracy; little, to not understood, in the first world.
    Democracy; a concept reviled by the elite.
    Democracy; not understood throughout history; which is why it fails; time after time; after time; ad infinitum…
    Or rather, understoof by the elite; therefore fought tooth and nail, until its inevitablr defeat!


    Think it was Gandhi who said western civilization would be a good idea. Same with democracy.

    V. Arnold

    Raúl Ilargi Meijer

    But why doesn’t it work?


    Beacuse In its present sense it leads to sociopath shit flowing to the top

    Dr. D

    I did use the word “democracy” in the broad, common sense. A true “democracy” is just another word for “mob rule.” The United States was founded on NOT being a big “D” democracy, the founders were terrified of it and most of the Federalist papers a tiresome review how they would prevent it. A few years later France justified all their fears and cautions, and the bulwarks they put in to prevent it, as everyone in France was killed, remedied only by the installment of an antiChrist style dictator and a first (European) world war.

    We were spared, for that time. The United States is of course a Constitutional Republic, which means — in wild contradiction to how America is depicted each day — the minority is specifically protected from the majority by every means possible: freedom to speak, to protest, to redress, to defend themselves, to hold minority religion, customs, views, however small or offensive to the majority. That’s the very principle of the American system, the freedom to be left alone in life and property, therefore the freedom to do what you don’t like, but doesn’t harm you personally. That is not a “Democracy” where the majority gets its way, enforces social norms, votes itself your property, etc, and in fact this is the single battle we’re fighting today. Oddly, where the forces of “tolerance” and “democracy” wish to use the oppression of government to make the minority conform socially, and the forces of purported “intolerance” and “hate” wish to leave others alone and be themselves left alone. …But history is rife with ironies and reversals like that.

    In the modern, common, sense, we’re a “democracy” in the sense that we have a wide and common vote, but that’s pretty low bar as Stalin and Saddam and the Ayatollah all vote widely and are not considered democracies. Meanwhile, Britain and the U.S. are considered democracies while policy never changes for 100 years and ex-Presidents quote university studies proving the people have no voice or power. But, you know, the mote in the eye and all that.

    Just didn’t want this to get far without pointing out –as my betters before me — that pure democracy is as toxic as it is short-lived, as the people vote themselves each other’s property and legally kill everyone who resists, as we begin to see today in Europe. The more we have of that here, the less moral and stable we are. Let’s not return to the glory that was France, or the grandeur that was Rome. That way there be monsters.

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