Debt Rattle March 6 2018


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    Vincent van Gogh Le Moulin à Poivre, Montmartre 1887   • EU Proposes Retaliatory Tariff of 25% Against U.S. Goods (BBG) • Trump’s Tariff Threat O
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle March 6 2018]

    V. Arnold

    Well, crypto currencies are proving to be at least as bad as forecast; and maybe worse?…

    Highly over-rated and illusory at best.
    I do not chase or seek happiness; it’s a temporary illusion not worthy of effort.
    An understanding of contentment would be a far more worthy pursuit, IMO.
    The concept is not new and can be found in the Tao Te Ching and the Dharma (teachings of the Bhudda).
    The west is obsessed with distractions and false palliatives.
    Choose carefully when looking for solutions…

    Dr. D

    “These kinds of accounting tricks will land you in jail in the U.S.,”

    Rickards is kidding, right? Who is he trying to fool? And China will “collapse” in bad debt? What? No, like the U.S. and Europe if anyone important fails, the government will print cash and spray it everywhere like fire foam for the rich. And wouldn’t that make China not capitalist? Which they never said they were? And wouldn’t that make the WEST not capitalist either? But you can’t have Capitalism with no rules and no failures. You have, like China, some form of Socialism/Fascism, but I repeat myself.


      “… In the U.S., $65,000 was found to be the optimal income for “feeling” happy….”

    So, now I know why I don’t know anyone that is happy. (ignorants, idiots, children, drunks and addicts are exempted)


    Links between money and happiness are nonsense propaganda. Happiness is linked to people, community, not individual wealth. Which is why it is highest in countries like Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Thailand. That kind and level of happiness is not even possible anymore in the US, Canada, Europe. It’s what happens when you allow what should belong to a community, to be taken away from it by individuals. If you allow that, the sociopaths will take it all. It’s Gresham’s Law writ large.

    Dr. D

    As “Bowling for Columbine” pointed out, doesn’t seem to be much to explain the difference in gun violence between the U.S. and Canada.

    Except this.

    Diogenes Shrugged

    “One-hundred-fifty-thousand Yemenis starved to death is, of course, wonderful. But it’s a mere drop in the bucket compared with the larger objectives of our ongoing pogrom against mankind. Nevertheless, Americans and Saudis should feel proud. One-hundred-fifty-thousand is a small number, but a still significant contribution.

    “And though famine and war are effective tools, we must redouble our efforts with pesticides, electromagnetic radiation, gene tampering, involuntary sterilization, toxic vaccines, directed energy weapons, toxic pharmaceuticals, property confiscation, onerous fees and fines, incarceration, human experimentation, SWAT raids, fluoride, chemtrails, market rigging, blackmail, extortion, human trafficking, organ harvesting, pedophilia, rewriting of history, media capture, propaganda, social and cultural destruction, addiction, undermining of the family, race wars, gender wars, indefinite detentions, body cavity searches, escaped radionuclides, torture, taxes, police brutality, weather war technologies, refugee creation, border violations, production of genetically modified disease organisms, and aggressive destruction of the biosphere.

    “But it will become much easier for us, comrades, and our plans will proceed just that much faster, if we can just find a way to confiscate their frightening little guns.”

    – Not a direct quote, of course, but still my best guess at what constitutes conversation at gatherings of elite politicians and financial fraudsters.

    I’m so glad I was born in modern times. A time when we can all feel smugly superior to past hunter-gatherer types who never enjoyed such miracles.

    Diogenes Shrugged

    I’m probably not the only one who’s noticed that comments sections have become increasingly negative over the years. Everybody lamenting the rampant criminality, incompetence, immorality, depravity, madness, injustice. If expressions of anger and sarcasm ever become a contest, I think I have a pretty good chance of winning.

    “Tell him what he’s won, Dom Pardo.” -Alex Trebek on Jeopardy

    Every so often, both to remain cheerful (!) and just to do my civic part here in the U.S., I stop and say the Pledge of Allegiance aloud, hand over heart. Four or five times a day, and always facing east toward D.C., and though I get weird looks in shops and other public places, I’m sure our rulers would enjoy seeing the same behavior from everyone. Overt patriotism and love of being governed — those are the tickets to success and happiness. To beat North Korea, comrades, we must first become North Korea. Homeland! Censorship! War! Financial ruin! Progressiveness! MAGA!

    Okay, I feel much better now. Like heartburn, the angst comes and goes.



    If the US media keep saying that Rusiagate is true then it means the CIA and FBI have failed badly, and apparently continue to do so.

    Surely Trump needs to sack senior leaders in these organisations for their utter incompetence!


    @ D. S.
    “… conversation at gatherings of elite politicians and financial fraudsters. …”

    So far … I’ve been invisible and irrelevant
    I’m still here.
    However, I will not make a good toilet cleaner for them.



    They are the most powerful, organized, knowledgeable, and financed organization in the world.
    They were in Germany and the latest place was in Italy.

    V. Arnold

    Raúl Ilargi Meijer
    Yes, yes, yes; agree 100%.

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