Debt Rattle May 11 2019


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    Pierre-Auguste Renoir Riding in the Bois de Boulogne (Madame Henriette Darras or The Ride) 1873   • Labour Without Energy Is A Corpse; Capital Wi
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 11 2019]

    Dr. D

    “developing models of production in which energy plays [a role]”

    Because: Economists, they are the “experts” which means they know nothing past the edge of their desk and are dumb as a post. Remember: AOC is a certified economist. Her intelligence is the level they demand to be a certified, approved ‘expert’ and tell everybody what to do. Right after they teach her how a garbage disposal works.

    ‘Money’ is supposed to serve as a proxy, an accounting chit for embedded energy, as indeed it mostly is if the chit is mined gold, made of labor and energy. Without an accounting chit, one that means nothing, the things you measure in that chit now mean nothing. Moreso if you then have no free markets anywhere to establish fair market value for that chit. The whole thing is unmoored, exactly as predicted by the people everyone denies.

    Energy is the key value here, but classical economics didn’t used to have a problem establishing energy within economics. Food, human labor, they are energy. Coal was not much different, however since the Keynesean-like impulse started in 1913, it’s all unhinged. Now, like so many things, it’s a trauma to correct it, to reintroduce it, no less than real price discovery or fair interest rates. “Crash,” they will call it. How odd: if a “crash” is returning to truth and an honest market, what have we now?

    On a related subject, ‘Capitalism’ is just making stuff and being able to trade it with your neighbors. It is NOT a religion, it is NOT and ethos, it is NOT a political party, it is NOT your family or community. Those are separate human activities we do or don’t do as part of our society. Slavery is perfectly legal under ‘capitalism’ but we don’t do that anymore (except in Libya now, thanks to…) Why not? It’s legal, it’s capitalistic, it makes money. Same with fish, jungles, and the orangutan. Don’t do it. Choose because we humans won’t, any more.

    Therefore “Capitalism is NOT killing the planet.” Their active, intentional, universal destruction of society and culture that contains capitalism is. Same as when we try society or religion and no capitalism, which kills just as fast.

    “House Dems To Bundle Numerous Contempt Citations For Trump Advisers (R.)”

    “”No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.” –Mark Twain

    “What is the legal or constitutional difference between Holder’s refusal to provide documents and Barr’s?”

    Easy: It’s ‘My side, right or wrong.” And he also committed perjury in a false letter and two years of obstruction of Justice and nothing happened? 50th year in a row? And now that he admits it still no one’s arrested? So. Shocked.

    ““..funneled [over $21 million] personally and through straw donors to President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, then lied about it”

    Like Saudi money in ‘16. And he also committed perjury and years of obstruction of Justice and nothing happened? 50th year in a row? So. Shocked.

    “Mr. Michel is extremely disappointed that so many years after the fact the government would bring charges related to [massive election rigging and felony obstruction and fraud]”

    Yeah, when the cops catch up to me I’m “extremely disappointed” too.

    “This is about what the US wants to add to the Assange charge once he’s been extradited.”
    “This will go on until they get what they want or she continues to stay in jail,”

    Apparently, the legal precedent is that we can hold him 100 years in solitary for contempt of court without pressing charges. Ask Martin Armstrong.

    “.. If you start with a monetary union, you make sure there will not be a democratic political union.”

    Speaking of Armstrong, this is exactly what he told them in 1990’s. They said they didn’t care and would ram the political side through later by force. He said the various nations would crack and fall apart, ripping even the currency to shreds. But Europe is no longer nations with a bank, it’s a bank that owns the nations.

    “70 Migrants Dead After Boat Capsizes Trying To Reach Europe From Libya (G.)”

    Gee, whyever are people fleeing Libya, the most stable, prosperous nation on the continent just a few years ago? How did it come to have the world’s first new open-air slave market? Do we have their names? Yes?

    “They lied to us about: #Vietnam#Cambodia#Laos#Grenada#Nicaragua#Panama#Yugoslavia#Afghanistan#Pakistan#Somalia#Iraq#Libya#Syria#Yemen#Venezuela”

    But don’t worry, this time they’re not lying. The TV said so! They’re so sure they’re not lying, they’re arresting anyone who says otherwise. Your support is appreciated, citizen.


    Its a sin to lie.
    There are lies everywhere in our social/economic system.
    No lie would mean no system.

    That, my friend, is my truth.

    Truth hurts.
    When the truth hurts too much, take an opioid to kill the pain.

    Doc Robinson

    Manning Could Delay US Superseding Indictment Against Assange
    “They clearly need something from her, or they wouldn’t be throwing her back in jail, effectively, because she refuses to testify,” Lauria said.

    Unfortunately, they’ll be able to get another indictment against Assange with or without Manning’s further testimony. Prosecutors are trying to use the tools at their disposal (including coerced testimony in front of a grand jury, while they have the opportunity) to build as strong a case as they can.

    V. Arnold

    Mike Gravel has entered the presidential race.
    He’s probably the only candidate with actual credibility based on his past actions.
    Interesting word that; action;

    1. The fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim. (Oxford Dictionary)

    Not one other candidate would qualify to tie his shoelaces.
    Why/how do I know, even with Gravel running, absolutely nothing will change; unless it’s for the worse?
    Rhetorical question; because the galoot’s will not allow anything other than their agenda; we’re a captured society…

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