Debt Rattle May 5 2016


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    Lewis Wickes Hine Boys working in Phoenix American Cob Pipe Factory 1910 • FX Market Truce Looks Increasingly Fragile (BBG) • The ‘Ostrich Approach’ I
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 5 2016]

    V. Arnold

    Gold! It’s the only store of value that will remain in turbulent times.
    It’s really interesting just how small an amount one can buy. Don’t think ounces; think grams or fractions of ounces. Coin of the realm, bar, or jewellery (rings, chains, or ???).
    I think coin of the realm is best; followed by bar and then jewellery.
    Jewellery is especially good for travelling unobtrusively across borders.
    I live in S.E. Asia where gold is up front and center, for these cultures.
    Just some food for thought’s of the uncertain future…


    Former French Foreign Minister (Roland Dumas) weighs in with what he was told in Britain a few years before the Syrian war, and what Prime Minister Netanyahu told him re Syria. Interesting. The British people he knew were already gearing up to go into Syria. Netanyahu said that they were prepared to get along with Syria, but Syria was not prepared to get along with them. Short video (1:34 minutes):

    I’ve spent the last few days learning a little about Israel (it was before my time), how it got started, what happened to the Palestinians, how the Golan Heights was stolen from Syria by Israel and how they say they will never give it back. Both Trump and Clinton bow down before AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), members of Congress and the Senate don’t dare say anything about Israel. Do they wield such power that everyone is afraid to speak?

    Back when I wasn’t paying really any attention to world affairs and barely listening to the nightly news, I would often wonder why, when anything – anything, even small things – were said about Israel, there would be an immediate apology from the U.S. government. For someone barely paying any attention (and someone who knew nothing about Israel and didn’t care at that time), it just stood out and struck me as odd. I remember commenting on it and wondering what made Israel so powerful that the slightest thing said would garner such attention.

    I was reading the comments on Amazon re a book entitled “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine”, which was written by Ilan Pappe, an Israeli historian, who went back through diaries, correspondence, etc., and explodes the myth that the land had been empty before Israel took it, how 800,000 Palestinians were forced off their land, their houses bombed. I haven’t read the book, but the comments pretty much tell the story.

    Then I read about the Golan Heights. Unbelievable. After claiming occupied territories, Israel realized no one was forcing them to give it back, not really, and so they have come to think of it as their’s. No wonder Syria and the rest of the Middle East do not get along with Israel.

    But why the power of Israel? Can someone explain? Why hasn’t the U.N., that mighty organization that some like to hold up as so wonderful, forced them to return the land? What power do they hold over the U.S. government? What’s going on?


    Recontextualizing the Syrian immigration phenomenon, the Debt-Money Monopolists financed al Qaeda to commit the war crime of overthrowing Gaddafi. From I’ve read, they set up a central bank and then lent the al Qaeda types (the specific name promoted in the media is not important) the money needed to get trained in the oil business and to purchase weapons from Debt-Money Monopolist weapons companies to then assault Assad.

    Al-Qaeda’s Specter in Syria
    Author: Ed Husain, Adjunct Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies
    August 6, 2012

    Dr. Diablo

    Don’t get so caught up in nation states: you can look at it like power blocs, where the real power are corporations, agencies, etc.

    Let’s suppose you’re a rich guy, so rich you’ve got everything you or your family could want for 1,000 years. So what do you give yourself for Christmas? How about your own nation? You know, one where your family could finally sit personally at the U.N., be protected by diplomatic and international laws, openly have your own personal military, nukes, etc. Wouldn’t that be great? Wouldn’t it be worth 20, 50, 100 years of political and P.R. work? Of course!

    But you can’t just say “Hey, world! I want to set up the national state of Joe.” That’ll never fly. So you need an ethnicity, a premise, a story, some dramatic events, etc, to get people invested. So those people are real. They are part of the country. But they’re part of the cover: although the country works for them, that’s incidental. In reality, it works for and was built for Joe. The people are just expensive overhead, buying you a plausible cover.

    Logistics are that it’s hard enough and expensive enough to run a country that real, self-generated states like France have a hard time doing it. Even with a huge fortune it would deplete you, run you back down to being just a normal rich family in a normal sovereign state. That’s no good. So what you could do is take a couple other states, use your money to lobby THEIR people to “help” you with foreign aid, then take the foreign aid and recycle those billions the lobbyists, earning a small but stable profit on the side, while maintaining control, “friendship” between you and any state where you’ve bought all the parliamentarians. So it’s all self-funding. See?

    Now I’m not saying this is *evil*, or that it’s even *illegal* — people, nation-states are supposed to advocate for themselves however they can — but I have to reflect that this may not be a very good deal for the states whose parliaments are thinking more of a foreign power than their own people. However, it is a way it could work that would explain the peculiar data we see. And note here, this is not just Israel, but could equally apply to client states like Saudi Arabia, possibly Pakistan, semi-occupied areas like Iraq, or states with in/out wash cycles like Argentina or Venezuela? I mean, how different are they, really, except the money is paid in arms sales or bond defaults? How much does any parliament work for the people and not the anointed, entitled class that are not normal Frenchmen, Italians, Americans, except that in this case the entitled class in this case is slightly more out-of-country? I mean, the anointed class doesn’t work for their nation state of birth either.

    In any case, don’t think in terms of peoples or governments, but influence, corruption, and power blocs and it gets a lot clearer.


    “…I have to reflect that this may not be a very good deal for the states whose parliaments are thinking more of a foreign power than their own people….”

    No kidding!

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