Debt Rattle September 4 2021
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- This topic has 59 replies, 24 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 5 months ago by
September 4, 2021 at 8:54 am #86239
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterGustave Caillebotte Young man by his window 1875 • Gunshot Victims Wait as Horse Dewormer Overdoses Overwhelm Hospitals (RS) • India’s DNA COVI
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 4 2021]September 4, 2021 at 9:04 am #86240Raúl Ilargi Meijer
Keymaster“Back in my day, I could walk in a store with $25 USD and walk out with 6 Porterhouse steaks, 2 chickens, a case of beer, 5 bottles of wine, 2 loaves of bread and a gallon of milk. Can’t do that today. Too many fucking cameras.”
September 4, 2021 at 10:57 am #86242Dr. D
ParticipantBelle Epoch, here’s a picture of today’s windows:, that’s what happens when with financialization, debt based monetary system and the resulting insider rentier, government-protected monopoly fiefdoms.
“Extinction” Well amphibians are known to be seriously harmed by glyphosate. Did these loving, caring “developed” nations – the ones that have bombed brown people worldwide continuously since 1950 – outlaw or even slow down the use of glyphosate? Not on your life. They doubled, tripled, quadrupled. And that’s waaaaaay easier, and completely non-controversial compared to the rather abstract CO2 theory. It won’t even hardly kill anyone with crop reductions if they try it! Probably why they don’t.
So these are not serious people. They are clown people, who care for nothing: not frogs, not children, not even themselves. They are frauds, and incapable of the simplest actions and are overwhelmingly obvious in doing so.
This is also why non-woke, non-environmental people mock and berate them, their 5000sqft houses at sea level, their 300 days a year jet-setting, their transoceanic voyages, and their 3,000 mile ceasar salads at the French Laundry. Walk the walk. Or walk the plank, which is my preference.
Two anecdotes today, one from NY Times reporter, takes his daughter to the doctor for a high fever. Doctors aren’t wearing a mask and tell him “why would we? We’re vaccinated.” Man flees his doctor, taking his fevered daughter away from medical care. Okay, um, aren’t you the guys following the Science and your Doctor’s advice? YOUR Doctor – not some suspicious doctor on the internet, head of cardiology or something – just told you medically you’re okay. So you, New York Times reporter, not-doctor, are believing…who exactly? Anybody online BUT your primary care doctor? And believe it so strongly your daughter could have complications of high fever? And they think the RIGHT are conspiracy theorists. They’ve truly, truly gone insane.
Next personal: Man shows up at doctor, there’s a mask requirement. When the doctor arrives he says, “Doc, why do you do this? The masks don’t work anyway.” Doctor says “I know. We do it anyway.” Wait: what? We now do, in fact we REQUIRE, what is known and agreed to be medically useless? Should I wear buffalo horns on my head too? What the…? It’s different if you have a doctor who for some unscientific reason still believes it. But this doctor DOESN’T believe it and says, “We are requiring the dumb and superstitious thing anyway.” That’s today’s medicine. And “law.” (Which is also “not law”.)
From yesterday’s Julius, “it was 100% inevitable and 100% predictable that these vaccines would never be capable of eradicating this coronavirus” As the Docktor said, but also that no lockdown measure would work. How did I know that? I didn’t: I quoted the CDC. If over 1%, and you know, R5 or something, it’s not possible to contain. This CDC data has proven accurate as the CDC, and now en-maddened, insane, reality-free planet totally ignore all previous studies and protocols, including those by the CDC and WHO, including that they no longer feverishly pulling vaccines that harm so many as 100.
Now they claim R9 (no doubt falsely, as it’s essentially all the same virus and LESS deadly) and STILL claim both all measures that failed every minute of every day for 2 years — just as the CDC said — will now work, AND that it’s so contagious that no one has got ever it and has natural immunity. Everyone says “okay”. It’s inexplicable. Supernatural. Clearly words and ideas have no meaning, no reality to them, as the whole world acts as if they don’t believe a single word of their own “Narrative”. That’s a certain sign of crazy people.
“ How (And Why) Israel Changed What “Fully Vaccinated” Means”
It means “Do what you’re told” or you’ll never get your freedoms back. Not EVEN after 3 doses. You’re grounded: Go to your room. Mommy loves you! Mommy knows best!
“Mama’s gonna make all of your nightmares come true
Mama’s gonna put all of her fears into you
Mama’s gonna keep you right here under her wing
She won’t let you fly but she might let you sing
Mama’s gonna keep baby healthy and clean” –Pink Floyd“anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist Joe Rogan” Uh…what? I’ll give you $100 if he’s not been vaccinated many, many times. But hey: open mouth, lie comes out. We just say things. Not TRUE things, of course, but made-up things we WANT to be true. Truthiness!
“the fact that it is a DNA vaccine is significant, say researchers. It is proof of the principle that DNA vaccines work”
Just reminding that these guys said, “Hey, can we cure diseases, mental illnesses like people believing in God and not doing what they’re told? Probably that’s a physical brain-trait that can be erased.” So I can see why they’re excited.
“The big pharma giant is so confident that” They have complete control of bribing the regulators, that they produce medicines before they’ve been approved or even tested. Fixed it.
“The Guardian is confident they will be jabbed anyway.” Why shouldn’t they? They’ve never tested medicines before approving them before. What part of “wholly owned” and “Merger of corporation and
stateregulator” do you not understand?
“I bet you cannot take 500 ambulance workers out of the system for very long.”Sure you can. It’s just another way to make everyone die and turn them against each other. Every human death is a win for oligarchs.
“Indiana Health Care System Suspends 280 Employees for Refusing Vaccine (JTN)”
Same. Excellent, there was a doctor and nursing shortage for years before now, increased by Obamacare, (paperwork) and going back to 1992 when the government first started getting involved and really “helping”. Gosh, if only we had the number of beds and open hospital we had then! But they’re all consolidated by merger-of-corporation-and-state government-protected oligarchic monopolies and shut down leaving no beds and no competition. Then Covid! Cuomo opened no beds! Zero! After closing 10% of NY capacity even in his short term. AND all the mental hospitals. And nurses….pffft! Not only none of those, less than ever, but holding out on inter-state nursing license agreements so you can’t even borrow them. Remember, every nurse that retires, every human that dies, Cuomo and pals pure win! And so with all other states too. As Xi said, “After this, you all will be far richer.” Yes, because we’ll pull out your gold teeth and divide your stuff. That’s just common sense. …If you’re a sociopath.
“Rare Body Inflammation After Vaccinations (RT)”
“Rare” that the cardiologist study said happens every time with every spike protein. But as Deflationista says, if you don’t like that study, it no longer exists! The only studies that exist are the ones I SAY exist, so it’s Science as expression of personal POWER. As per MONEY.
“usually reserved for deworming horses or livestock”, …or winning Nobel prizes in Japan for previous incurable diseases, or commonly prescribed among humans billions of times worldwide, even in America, so dangerous they give it to whole floors for things as placid as scabies. I mean, either way, right? I mean, Prize winning safe human drug, discredited animal homeopathy, to-MAY-to, to-MAH-to, black, white; right, wrong, they’re all the same, right?
“We’re an empire now and we create our own reality.”Hey, did they even find ONE person who was in trouble from this? Because the “70%” turned out to be one guy poison control referred on the phone, but may or may not have ever bothered to come in ’cause he wasn’t really sick.
““The FDA says ivermectin “can be dangerous and even lethal,” …which it why it’s available over the counter in superstitious un-medical backwaters like Paris. Oh and has what, 30M doses daily worldwide with the U.S. military?
…From the Docktor, eating “horse carrots” and drinking “horse sugar” in his coffee, wrapped in a “horse blanket” and using a “horse comb”, after using “horse shampoo”, while brushing his teeth with “horse toothpaste.” Later on, I may go walk in the “horse grass” and bask in the “horse sun” breathing “horse air.” We’re all horses now.
September 4, 2021 at 11:17 am #86244absolute galore
Participant^^Good one, Raul.
Good stock photo though: gun shot victims standing in line at the hospital while wearing winter coats in August. Total horse shit.”
Actually the photo used is: “People wait in line to receive a COVID-19 vaccine at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2021, in Oklahoma City.” Yeah, he was mocking the fact that it would be kinda hard for them to get a photo of gunshot victims waiting for service since…even if that were theoretically possible, it didn’t happen.
I believe there are various codes and other ways emergency rooms prioritize who they see first, unless they do it differently in Oklahoma–although according to Chris Martenson that state actually has very detailed records of Covid cases. If you’ve ever gone to an emergency room with a non-life-threatening issue, you know you can be there a while before you get seen. They take car accident cases, people with heart attacks and strokes, stabbing victims before they attend to your broken arm or nausea from ingesting too much Ivermectin.
Ironic that they are claiming Ivermectin causes blindness.
Re: Pfizer pills. This would make the Ivermectin Will Kill You and Make You Blind stories make more sense. Along with a board member “conceding” that natural immunity should be considered (gee, ya think) I believe they may be laying the groundwork for a transition to “VACCINES++” protocol.
Hey y’all, vaccines are the first line of defense and absolutely required for your survival, but as we’ve said all along, they do not provide complete protection. But the one-two punch of our Comirnaty booster plus our Covquillity pill 2x a day will keep the intubator away! Talk to your provider now! Operators are standing by!
Apologies for not mentioning who posted this link, too time-consuming to search through previous comments. But it calmly lays out the indisputable facts that should have been obvious from Day 1. It’s not the kind of illness that can be “defeated” by vaccinations–OR natural immunity. Humans simply have to find ways to mitigate the most harmful effects and let it mutate into an even more benign form, like every virus before it. This includes looking at existing drugs that do not have a long list of side effects as well as developing new formulations. should be reserved for the same demographic that lines up for the flu shots every year, plus anyone deemed to have comorbidities that put them at risk, or anyone fearful of trusting their own immune system.
By the way, in one of Martenson’s videos, it seemed to me that he was implying that the Delta variant could have been a lab manipulation. Anybody catch that?
It’s becoming obvious that the medical establishments, world media, and many governments have lied so heavily through all this that they will simply not even attempt to walk it back, but will continue to plow ahead. We’ve already seen this tactic employed with RussiaGate, the Ukraine situation, Hunter Biden’s criminality and depravities, and so on.
This is the new normal. And the fear factor of Covid has now created a kind of Stockholm syndrome between the populace and those manipulating the narrative–once you’ve been injected, you can’t unvax yourself, so you form an even tighter bond to those who misled you and pressured you, despite all logic pointing out the fallacies of this position.Your psychological defense mechanisms create a benevolence in the authorities that is for the most part not there.
September 4, 2021 at 11:40 am #86245Mister Roboto
ParticipantGunshot Victims Wait as Horse Dewormer Overdoses Overwhelm Hospitals (RS)
And with that, we are now officially and undeniably in Pravda territory.
September 4, 2021 at 12:43 pm #86246Kimo
ParticipantOn a visit to my doctor about a minor leg injury:
Me: If I get sick with covid, would you prescribe me Ivermectin?
Dr: Absolutely, not! (Goes on reciting CDC website mentioning horse paste and dangerous.)
Me: (taken back, stammer) after millions of doses over quite a few decades, no safety problem.
Dr: (crickets)I do ask for a Vit D test after disclosing that I take 5K IUs daily, a few weeks later I get a call from the office staff:
Staff: The Dr wants you to stop taking Vit D.
Me: What level did the test measure for me?
Staff: (after a short delay) 101So looking it up on the NIH website, it appears that 50-125 is the range for healthy. I find that my low carb lifestyle supports higher levels of Vit D, in particular my regular consumption of almonds. I am thinking of cutting back Vit D supplements to 5K IUs every other day.
I’m open to any thoughts.September 4, 2021 at 12:55 pm #86247Polder Dweller
ParticipantIndia has approved a new COVID vaccine that uses circular strands of DNA to prime the immune system against the virus SARS-CoV-2.
“ Know how it works? Spike proteins.”
This is something I just don’t understand, why there is the push for mRNA/DNA in so many countries, even Sputnik-V is a DNA vaccine, yet the Chinese Sinopharm, Sinovac etc. are all dead or deactivated virus vaccines. It’s not because the Chinese don’t have mRNA/DNA technology, and they’re clearly terrified of C19, so it strongly suggests that they know something that the West doesn’t. My guess is that the spike is a gateway killer with the potential to drastically reduce lifespans. ADE may kill quite a few this autumn/winter but it’s the excess death count with people dying of all sorts of diseases that we’re going to see over the next few years which will have a major impact on population sizes. The link back to C19 and the shots won’t be made thanks to deniable plausibility. I hope I’m wrong.
“On the one hand, Covid vaccines undoubtedly help to reduce infection and illness.”
We see this all the time, bold statements, taken as read, that the jabs are working wonders, and no one in the MSM ever points out that this particular emperor has been running around in his birthday suit for quite a while now. It’s not even difficult to prove, just look at the numbers for this time last year and compare them to now, 26x the number of cases for the UK and similar for other European countries. Ah yes, “but delta”, the true believers say, and “just think how bad it would have been without the vaccines!”
My neighbour works behind reception at a local hospital. A nice lady and a true believer, I talked to her this morning. She was defending jabbing the young as she said that there’s quite a few cases of 18 year olds and younger on the wards now. I told her that I didn’t think the jabs were working as hoped and that I also didn’t think they would be good for the young. She disagreed due to C19 risk of pericarditis and myocarditis which they are seeing in these young cases. I argued gently that they run the same risk from the vaccines, but it’s a lost cause. I then pointed out the huge difference in case numbers now compared to this time a year ago and she looked genuinely shocked as if realising for the first time that the vaccines may well not be the way out that everyone is assuming. She told me that her double-jabbed 90+ year old mother now has C19.
So perhaps there is a gradual dawning of awareness.
September 4, 2021 at 12:59 pm #86248boilingfrog
ParticipantWell, now I’m waiting for the CNN headline saying: “Anderson Cooper sleeps on a horse bed”.
(Tempurpedic mattresses are made from a foam originally developed to support racehorses during surgery)
September 4, 2021 at 1:13 pm #86249September 4, 2021 at 1:26 pm #86250Oroboros
Participant@Dr D
“Walk the walk. Or walk the plank”
I’m gonna steal that line.
I will keep it locked and loaded next to:
“Nut up or shut up”
September 4, 2021 at 1:37 pm #86251Kimo
ParticipantTomorrow’s feature? Dr Malcom Kendrick weighs in, to bow out. Has merit with some contentious discussion here at TAE.
“So, I have given up on COVID19. It is a complete mess, and I feel that, without being certain of the ground under my feet, I have nothing to contribute. I too am in danger of starting to make statements that are not true.”
Then adds:
“Of course, no-one is remotely interested in such anomalies. Instead, they point to a country like Norway and say – ‘Look how well they did with their rapid lockdown, and preventing people crossing the border’. No-one points to Northern Ireland and says, ‘look how well they did with all their….’ All their what? All their doing exactly the same as England.”
September 4, 2021 at 1:53 pm #86252Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterShame on @FortuneMagazine and many other MSM outlets for this misinformation campaign. I don’t know if the incompetence of modern journalism has just become this bad… or the “free press” has completely sold us out. Actually I do know, both are true. This is 1984 ppl. #Ivermectin
— Royce White (@Highway_30) September 3, 2021
September 4, 2021 at 1:55 pm #86253Oroboros
ParticipantNew South Wales is beginning to look like when the Wehrmacht punked Poland in 39′
Or maybe it’s just the beginning of The People’s Republic of Oz
The Communist China has always wanted to make Aussieland it’s pet poodle, so why not rollout a prototype of Social Credit Tyranny customized for the ‘West’.
Oz is the totalitarian test bed for New Zealand, Canada and then Britain to become Social Credit Bitchz a la CCP.
Minus the US, I’d say, “Hey Four Eyes, their coming for your Kids!”
September 4, 2021 at 2:07 pm #86254zerosum
ParticipantDoes it make sense?
Why worry?Unvaccinated workers will give covid to Unvaccinated people
Unvaccinated get covid and go to hospital for experimental treatment.• Almost 7,000 Unvaccinated Greek Healthcare Workers Remain Suspended (K.)
shuuueeeesh! Don’t tell.Testing result for covid can be manipulated.
“….unvaccinated MPs will not be barred from entering Parliament, but will have to submit the results of two coronavirus tests each week. ”
Those who have not complied with the company’s vaccine mandate after the two-week suspension are to be fired.
It’s unclear whether the suspension of close to 300 employees will affect patient care at IU Health.
Yep! My experience.
“Covidian Cult,”
• The Covidian Cult Part III (CJ Hopkins)
Anyone who has tried to get through to them can confirm the accuracy of that analogy. You can show them the facts until you’re blue in the face. It will not make the slightest difference. You think you are having a debate over facts, but you are not. You are threatening their new “reality.” You think you are struggling to get them to think rationally. You are not. What you are is a heretic, an agent of demonic forces, an enemy of all that is “real” and “true.”
Here is something that makes sense to me.
Vaccines should be reserved for the same demographic that lines up for the flu shots every year, plus anyone deemed to have comorbidities that put them at risk, or anyone fearful of trusting their own immune system.
Good Joke
“Back in my day, I could walk in a store with $25 USD and walk out with 6 Porterhouse steaks, 2 chickens, a case of beer, 5 bottles of wine, 2 loaves of bread and a gallon of milk.
Can’t do that today. Too many fucking cameras.”You can still do that, if the total value is less than $5,000
Survivors of mass extinctions microbiota, gut flora, or microbiome are the microorganisms including bacteria, archaea and fungi that live in the digestive tracts of humans[1] and other animals including insects. The gastrointestinal metagenome is the aggregate of all the genomes of gut microbiota.[2][3] The gut is the main location of human microbiota.[4] When the study of gut flora began in 1995, it was thought to have three key roles: a defense against pathogens, maintaining the intestinal epithelium, and metabolizing otherwise indigestible compounds in food.[citation needed] Subsequent studies revealed a role in training the developing immune system and a role in the gut-brain axis.
The microbial composition of the gut microbiota varies across the digestive tract. The colon contains the highest microbial density recorded in any habitat on Earth, representing between 300 and 1000 different species.[5] However, 99% of gut bacteria come from about 30 or 40 species.[6] Bacteria also make up to 60% of the dry mass of feces.[7] Over 99% of the bacteria in the gut are anaerobes, but in the cecum, aerobic bacteria reach high densities.[4] It is estimated that these gut flora have around a hundred times as many genes in total as there are in the human genome.
September 4, 2021 at 2:13 pm #86255userzeroid
ParticipantThat’s a great observation you made there boilingfrog.
Senior editors at CNN who like jockeying might find they end up with a horses head in their bed if they keep up this horseplay.
What on earth did we do wrong to end up in this madhouse?! They aren’t even trying to pretend anymore, they are literally following Orwells Animal Farm. It was only supposed to be symbolic allegory.
September 4, 2021 at 2:25 pm #86256userzeroid
ParticipantIt is insane how complacent everyone is. Oroborus is not far off the mark when he states Oz going ‘down under’ is like Poland being annexed. I spoke to a kiwi friend and mentioned a similar comparison about Oz and they simply shrugged their shoulders and said “Austrailia has its own set of problems”. I said “they’re our cousins” but that didn’t seem to matter. I reminded them that first they came for the trade unionists. It seems all our warnings are falling on deaf ears.
We keep on regardless. Karl Denninger mentions in his post today that the mandates are looking like they are losing steam in the US. No sign of any mandates as yet here in the UK from what I can make out. We look for whatever small slithers of hope we can.
Keep fighting this challenging fight, good people (that is, keeping calm in the face of mass insanity – clown world as the good Dr. calls it – without losing your cool, while refuting this complete and utter nonsense propaganda) Easier said than done
September 4, 2021 at 2:29 pm #86257Oroboros
ParticipantOrwell was writing an Instruction Manual.
Animal Farm was a template, a blueprint not a cautionary tale.
Reminds me of the old Twilight zone episode where Aliens land a huge space craft on Earth and someone discovers they have a manuscript ‘peace treaty’ called ‘Serving Man” but humans can’t decode the main body of text.
Later as thousands of people are boarding the Alien’s space craft for ‘an exchange program’ with a different civilization, a human translator runs up yelling at the departing people and says:
“It’s not a Peace Treaty, it’s a Cookbook!”
September 4, 2021 at 3:12 pm #86258Oroboros
ParticipantThe Human Project looks like a Clown that lit it’s hair on fire and then is trying to put it out with a hammer.
September 4, 2021 at 3:12 pm #86259Mr. House
ParticipantThis might explain TINA
A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Systemic Collapse and Pandemic Simulation
September 4, 2021 at 3:17 pm #86260Mr. House
Participant600,000 dead due to mistreatment and 13K dead due to MRNA jabs is a small price to pay for power 😉
September 4, 2021 at 3:20 pm #86261Mr. House
ParticipantThey are experts at externalizing costs…………. on to us
September 4, 2021 at 4:15 pm #86262zerosum
Participant@ Mr. House
Looking deeper
Great summary
Fabio Vighi is Professor of Critical Theory and Italian at Cardiff University, UK.A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Systemic Collapse and Pandemic Simulation
a pathogen so lethal that, according to official data, only 99.8% of the infected survive (see here and here), most of them without experiencing any symptoms.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization
Infection fatality rate of COVID-19 inferred from seroprevalence data
John P A Ioannidis
Received: 19 January 2021 | Revised: 21 February 2021 | Accepted: 14 March 2021DOI: 10.1111/eci.13554 REVIEW ARTICLER econciling estimates of global spread and infection fatality rates of COVID- 19: An overview of systematic evaluations John P. A.IoannidisIt is therefore delusional to believe that the purpose of lockdowns is therapeutic and humanitarian. When has capital ever cared for the people? Indifference and misanthropy are the typical traits of capitalism, whose only real passion is profit, and the power that comes with it. Today, capitalist power can be summed up with the names of the three biggest investment funds in the world: BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street Global Advisor. These giants, sitting at the cenolders in around 90% of listed companies. Around them gravitate transnational institutions like the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bank for International Settlements, whose function is to coordinate consensus within the financial constellation. We can safely assume that all key strategic decisions – economic, political and military – are at least heavily influenced by these elites.tre of a huge galaxy of financial entities, manage a mass of value close to half the global GDP, and are major shareholders in around 90% of listed companies. Around them gravitate transnational institutions like the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bank for International Settlements, whose function is to coordinate consensus within the financial constellation. We can safely assume that all key strategic decisions – economic, political and military – are at least heavily influenced by these elites.
If the military industry needs wars, the pharmaceutical industry needs diseases.
As the FDA candidly admits, the use of emergency vaccines is only possible if “there are no suitable, approved and available alternatives”. A case of truth hidden in plain sight. Use Authorization for Vaccines Explained
The whole pandemic script – from the ‘contagion curve’ to the ‘Covid deaths’ – rests on the PCR test, which was authorised for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 by a study produced in record time on commission from the WHO. As many will know by now, the diagnostic unreliability of the PCR test was denounced by its inventor himself, Nobel laureate Kary Mullis (unfortunately passed away on 7 August 2019), and recently reiterated by, among others, 22 internationally renowned experts who demanded its removal for clear scientific flaws. Obviously, the request fell on deaf ears.
All too predictably, we now discover that the road to freedom is littered with ‘variants’, that is to say, iterations of Virus. Their purpose is to increase the ‘case count’ and therefore prolong those states of emergency that justify central banks’ production of virtual money aimed at monetizing debt and financing deficits. Rather than returning to normal interest rates, the elites opt to normalize the health emergency by feeding the contagion ghost. The much-publicised ‘tapering’ (reduction of monetary stimulus) can therefore wait – just like Pandexit.
September 4, 2021 at 4:26 pm #86263zerosum
Participantand the beat goes on
3 New Cases Of “Mu Variant” Found In Hong Kong, Authorities Fear It Is Vaccine Resistant
“This variant has a constellation of mutations that suggests that it would evade certain antibodies, not only monoclonal antibodies, but vaccine- and convalescent serum-induced antibodies,” Fauci said. “But there isn’t a lot of clinical data to suggest that, it is mostly laboratory in-vitro data.”Coronavirus: three cases of new Mu variant found in Hong Kong arrivals, authorities reveal
Two of the patients – a 19-year-old man and a 22-year-old woman – had flown in from Colombia and were confirmed infected in early June
World Health Organization has said Mu variant has a number of mutations suggesting it could be more resistant to vaccinesPassengers arrive at Hong Kong International Airport. Photo: Felix WongPassengers arrive at Hong Kong International Airport. Photo: Felix Wong
Passengers arrive at Hong Kong International Airport. Photo: Felix Wong
Three people who recently arrived in Hong Kong were found to be carrying a new coronavirus variant which health experts fear could be more vaccine resistant.
Two of the patients – a 19-year-old man and a 22-year-old woman – had flown in from Colombia and were confirmed to have the Mu variant in early June, while the other, a 26-year-old woman, arrived from the United States, health authorities said on Friday. She was found to be infected on July 24.
The development came as the city confirmed four new imported Covid-19 cases, all involving domestic workers who arrived from the Philippines.Mu, known scientifically as B. 1.621, has been classified as a “variant of interest”, the global health body said on Tuesday in its weekly pandemic bulletin.
The WHO said the variant has mutations that indicate a risk of resistance to vaccines and stressed that further studies were needed to better understand it.
“The Mu variant has a constellation of mutations that indicate potential properties of immune escape,” the bulletin said.September 4, 2021 at 5:13 pm #86264Michael Reid
Participant@ Mr. House
The link you providedA Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Systemic Collapse and Pandemic Simulation
Seems to provide the rationale for what is going onSeptember 4, 2021 at 5:19 pm #86265Maxwell Quest
Participant@Mr. House linked this article:
Another fine piece on par with Ernst Wolff’s speech linking the inevitable financial collapse and the Davos crowd with the pandemic psyop.
@Polder Dweller wrote:
“I then pointed out the huge difference in case numbers now compared to this time a year ago and she looked genuinely shocked as if realising for the first time that the vaccines may well not be the way out that everyone is assuming. She told me that her double-jabbed 90+ year old mother now has C19.
So perhaps there is a gradual dawning of awareness.”
Yes, this is the event that punches a whole in the dominant narrative (illusion, cult, etc) and allows in a shaft of light. A direct, undeniable, personal experience that is counter to one’s programming. One that can’t be easily explained away, justified, or ignored. If the person has any mental integrity at all, it will provide the wedge, which when pushed on will let in more and more light, eventually popping the illusion or control system.
In Polder’s case, he stated to his neighbor that case numbers were skyrocketing despite the massive vaccination campaigns. An observable fact that directly contradicts all the vaccine propaganda promising a Covid cure, one of their core doctrines. Then the neighbor thinks on this for a second and Boom: “Come to think of it, my 93 yr old mother was fully vaccinated and just came down with Covid. Something doesn’t add up here.”
From here the neighbor must ponder on whether this was a one-off, an honest mistake giving the pharma companies the benefit of the doubt, or an intentional lie meant to deceive. It requires hard work to extricate oneself from any control system. Mental laziness will never do. They are everywhere, by the way, all designed to relieve you of your personal sovereignty so that others may run your life for their benefit.
September 4, 2021 at 5:46 pm #86267Mister Roboto
ParticipantFrom here the neighbor must ponder on whether this was a one-off, an honest mistake giving the pharma companies the benefit of the doubt, or an intentional lie meant to deceive. It requires hard work to extricate oneself from any control system. Mental laziness will never do. They are everywhere, by the way, all designed to relieve you of your personal sovereignty so that others may run your life for their benefit.
IKR? I don’t brainwash easily, and even so, it took me something like a year before I started to “snap out of it”. Nine months, if you start with the “something is rotten in the state of Denmark” moment I had when a video of an official government proceeding concerning Ivermectin was taken down from YouTube.
September 4, 2021 at 5:54 pm #86268Dr. D
ParticipantMu, like all variants, doesn’t escape natural immunity at all. So congratulations: if you did nothing, you’re covered.
“Democrats Refuse to Drink Water as It’s also Prescribed to Horses” –BBee
To counter the rampant misinformation propagated by pro-water extremists, Democrats now refuse to drink water and urge other progressively minded Americans to follow suit.
“Not only is water prescribed for horses, they actually need water to survive.” Said local Democrat Thurl Turdleburd, standing guard outside of the town’s livestock shop. “With idiots emptying the farm supply store shelves of this precious product, millions of horse lives are now at risk.”
When asked if his refusal to drink water paralleled the left’s reaction to the widespread off-label use of Ivermectin to fight COVID-19, backed by over 50 promising studies, decades of safety data, and billions of doses given in third-world countries to eradicated horrifying diseases in humans, Mr. Turdleburd’s eyes glazed over. He then looked to the sky and yelled, “Science!”
Republicans are now leading a reactionary campaign in reaction to the reaction of Democrats. Leaders are rallying patriots to not only drink water that is prescribed for horses but to also sleep standing up and poop in their yards.” people are un-parodiable. Nothing I or The Bee can think of is crazier than what they already believe. But that doesn’t make it not worth trying! I mean, don’t you get tried of being wrong and mocked and having people think poorly of you? I thought they were social types, collectivists. You know, 8th grade popularity contest. So how are you the cool kids if everybody’s laughing at you
behind your backs?September 4, 2021 at 6:00 pm #86271Mister Roboto
ParticipantSo how are you the cool kids if everybody’s laughing at you behind your backs?
And also, how are you cool if increasing numbers of people are deciding that they would sooner vote for Bluebeard the pirate than for you?
September 4, 2021 at 7:06 pm #86273phoenixvoice
ParticipantI read this today: The Snake-Oil Salesmen and the COVID-Zero Con: A Classic Bait-And-Switch for a Lifetime of Booster Shots (Immunity as a Service)
Here is a summary of what the article teaches about human immunity, especially as it relates to respiratory viruses, such as flu and coronaviruses:
Regarding Covid and the “Zero-covid” campaign:
• Respiratory viruses cannot be eradicated
• Viruses that have large animal reservoirs cannot be eradicated
• “Leaky vaccines” (vaccines that do not prevent infection & transmission) cannot eradicate viruses.
• Viruses that use simple mechanisms to invade cells, such as flu viruses, corona viruses, etc., create “successful mutations” constantly (successful = able to infect host) and cannot be eradicated.Regarding human immunity
• Generally, the worse the sickness the more robust and durable the immune response. It takes time to create the highly specialized defenses of the adaptive (acquired) immune system. More mild infections do not bring the part of the immune system that creates durable immunity into play. A mild infection may bring very little to no adaptive strategies into play – the more severe the infection, the more involved the adaptive immune system becomes. The most severe infections, when survived, create the most durable (long-lasting, up to lifetime,) immune responses.
• Generally, “natural immunity” is always more robust than vaccine-inspired immunity. Another way of putting this is that vaccine immunity can approach the efficacy of natural immunity but can never surpass it.
• For fast-mutating viruses (such as flu and corona viruses), adaptive immunity may not be especially long lived (a few months to a few years,) however, normal human interaction will bring us constantly into contact with variants of viruses that we have already encountered. Our pre-existing immunity will be fading and/or slightly (somewhat) inefficient in preventing infection – but we will have a degree of protection. This degree of protection is called “cross-immunity.” When we become infected with a variant we are acquainting our adaptive immune system to the new changes in the virus, and our immune system will, to some degree, create protection coded specifically for the new changes. These updates occur endlessly – often without us even showing any symptoms of sickness (i.e. “asymptomatic infections.”) By the means of constant exposure, we ensure that we will always (as long as our immune systems are functioning optimally,) have an appropriate arsenal of adaptive immunity measure to tackle every new variant of a virus that nature throws up at us.
• There are clear measures that can be taken to have an optimally running immune system: plenty of nutrients we are needed by the immune system, such as vitamins C and D, zinc, etc. We need adequate sleep, lack of stress, (i.e. avoidance of long-term existential threats,) and quality human interactions (hugs, handshakes, etc.)How to help vulnerable populations
• Some among us are vulnerable and have immune systems that operate sub-optimally. It behooves us as humans to protect our vulnerable populations. One of the ways we do this is by allowing respiratory viruses to primarily spread between those of us with robust immune systems – by doing this we work with evolution to incentivize the propagation of viruses that are incapable of causing bad disease outcomes.
• When we allow respiratory illnesses to circulate in populations with weaker immune systems, we inadvertently encourage the creation of viral variants that are capable of creating worse outcomes.
• Those who will be worst affected by the viruses that are likely to kill their hosts are those who have weakened immune systems or who have not yet encountered any prior iteration of the virus and have no cross-immunity.
• A word of warning; The trench warfare and field hospitals of WWI (population isolation, especially isolation of people with weakened immune systems in field hospitals) likely created the emergence of the Spanish Flu of 1918, and the end of the war likely created the situation that caused the Spanish Flu to become less deadly.Facts about Covid
• The covid virus is not all that different from viruses that have been encountered in the past, therefore most people have some degree of cross-immunity to the covid virus.
• The covid virus is a pretty run-of-the-mill respiratory virus, and it can be expected to follow the same trajectory of most respiratory viruses, as long as humans don’t change their usual behavior towards it.
• Once infected with covid the level and duration of immunity it offers will vary greatly from individual to individual depending on how sick the person got (and to what degree the infection required application of the adaptive immune system), however, due to the nature of the human immune system, as long as the person infected continues to have a robust immune system that individual should not be at risk of a bad future infection with covid.
• Asymptomatic transmission doesn’t really occur.September 4, 2021 at 7:14 pm #86274phoenixvoice
Participant(Gee whiz…I need to rework some details…please hold off reading this until I have done so…)
I also read the abstract of Predominance of antibody-resistant SARS-CoV-2 variants in vaccine breakthrough cases from the San Francisco Bay Area, California this morning.
And this is the real-world application:
(As a covid survivor), I do a better job at keeping vaccinated, vulnerable populations safe from covid by remaining unvaccinated.I was reading a study out of San Francisco yesterday. It had studied just over 1373 who had contracted covid in that area from about February to June 2021. 125 of those who became infected with covid were fully vaccinated, and most of them had symptomatic infections. As a part of the study, the virus infecting each person was sequenced, and the variants studied. They found that those who contracted “breakthrough” infections fell into two groups: (1) those who did not mount an adequate immune response to the vaccine, and (2) those who did mount an adequate immune response to the vaccine. There were few in group (1), however, it was clear that their breakthrough infection was because they had underlying conditions affecting their immune system which caused the vaccine to not work for them sufficiently. In group (2) of the vaccinated with breakthrough cases, it was discovered that the virus infecting them tended to have 2 distinct properties to their mutations: (a) they were not more infectious than they original Wuhan variant, and (b) they had more mutations that helped them to escape the antibodies created by the vaccine.
The part of the study that was unvaccinated was a larger cohort. It was found that the vaccine variants that had infected the unvaccinated population were different than the strains that had infected the vaccinated population. The virus in the unvaccinated group exhibited two characteristics: (a) these variants also displayed mutations that made them more infectious than the original Wuhan variant however, (c) the virus in the unvaccinated group DID NOT exhibit mutations that contributed to the ability to evade the neutralizing antibodies created by the vaccines.
What this means is that the vaccinated tend to get sick with variants that have the ability to escape the protections offered by the vaccine, and the unvaccinated tend to get sick with variants that cannot infect the vaccinated. The unvaccinated cannot spread the variants that get them sick to the majority of those vaccinated — the vaccine works to protect the vaccinated from variants circulating through the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated spread variants to the unvaccinated and the vaccinated spread variants to the vaccinated. That is what was going on with the 1300 people in the study in San Francisco. It is not the only possible outcome when vaccination occurs during a pandemic, but it is one of the possible outcomes.
Once an unvaccinated person gets infected with covid, their immune system becomes acquainted with covid. It is possible for the unvaccinated to get infected with covid again, but most likely subsequent infections will be asymptomatic (asymptomatic infections are essentially non-infectious), and simply serve them the same purpose as a “vaccine booster” — updating their immune system with information about the changes found in the currently circulating versions of the virus, and contributing to their ability to easily fight off the virus in the future. This is how the human immune system has dealt with respiratory infections by flu and corona viruses for millennia, and it is a very efficient system.
If I encounter covid in my daily goings about, most often it will simply serve as a “virus definition update” to my immune system. If I get infected, it will likely be asymptomatic, and it won’t transmit to others. (In the unlikely event that I get symptoms, it will be transmissible, and I will stay home. However, it is unlikely that if I get symptoms that I could transmit it to a person who is up to date on their covid vaccinations — based on the results of the San Francisco study.)
The most dangerous people for a vaccinated person to be around are those who are vaccinated who develop breakthrough covid cases. This is because the covid variant running around their system has mutated in such a way that it can evade (at least a portion of ) the protection provided by the vaccine — which means that others vaccinated are also likely vulnerable to the virus that caused the breakthrough infection.
September 4, 2021 at 7:20 pm #86275Maxwell Quest
Participant@Mister Roboto
Don’t be too hard on yourself. I remember my own “aha” moment… After retiring early from high-tech, I decided to go back to school to help ease the transition, and jump-start the other half of my brain which had atrophied from specialization. For an ECON class I chose to write a paper on the 2008 housing/financial crisis and put a lot of research effort into it. It screamed “FRAUD!”, but in an academic sorta way. 🙂
Yet, in the financial news, many of the issues I discovered in my research were never discussed. The fault, they said, was due to unqualified borrowers who overreached in order to buy homes. That’s when I thought to myself, “Those thieving, dirty, low-down, lying, f*ckers! I wonder what else they’re lying about?”
Several more years of investigation provided the answer: “Just about everything.”
September 4, 2021 at 7:26 pm #86276Nomanisanisland
ParticipantSo, if I shouldn’t take ivermectin as it’s also a horse dewormer and causes side effects, should I not use ketamine as it’s a horse tranquilizer? I get side effects like tunnel vision difficulty walking and on a large dose disassociation?
September 4, 2021 at 7:29 pm #86277chettt
I’ve followed Chris Masterjohn for many years. He’s a PhD in Nutritional Sciences and a trusted source for all things nutritional. He has just put out an article entitled “Vitamin D and COVID-19: The Current State of the Evidence” you might find informative. He believes that these studies support maintaining vitamin D status in the 50-60 ng/mL range to achieve the lowest risk of infection, but not regarding this as any kind of panacea that can guarantee a mild or non-fatal case.
“A study of hospitalized patients in Iran85 provided a vague hint that risk may actually increase when vitamin D is in the toxic range: although only seven patients had vitamin D status over 100 ng/mL, two of them died, bringing their mortality rate (29%) closer to the patients with less than 10 ng/mL (36%) than to those with 10-100 ng/mL (19%). Due to the small number of people in this range, these results are not statistically significant, but they urge caution to stay out of the toxic range, something good to do anyway.”Based on his analysis you might want to cut back on the D.
September 4, 2021 at 7:30 pm #86278phoenixvoice
ParticipantAnd now the lovely, funky wordpress will not allow me to edit #87264, which is quite embarassing, but better to acknowledge my faux pas than ignore it. Here is what I should have written originally:
I also read the abstract of Predominance of antibody-resistant SARS-CoV-2 variants in vaccine breakthrough cases from the San Francisco Bay Area, California this morning.And this is the real-world application:
As a covid survivor, I do a better job at keeping vaccinated, vulnerable populations safe from covid by remaining unvaccinated.I was reading a study out of San Francisco yesterday. It had studied just over 1373 who had contracted covid in that area from about February to June 2021. 125 of those who became infected with covid were fully vaccinated, and most of them had symptomatic infections. As a part of the study, the virus infecting each person was sequenced, and the variants studied. They found that those who contracted “breakthrough” infections either (1) did not mount an adequate immune response to the vaccine (or the immune response had faded), or (2) did mount an adequate immune response to the vaccine, but were infected with variants that evaded the vaccine protection. In the vaccinated with breakthrough cases, it was discovered that the virus infecting them tended to have 2 distinct properties to their mutations: (a) they were more no more infectious than the original Wuhan variant, and (b) they had more mutations that helped them to escape the antibodies created by the vaccine.
The part of the study that was unvaccinated was a larger cohort. It was found that the vaccine variants that had infected the unvaccinated population were different than the strains that had infected the vaccinated population. The virus in the unvaccinated group exhibited two characteristics: (c) these variants displayed mutations that made them more infectious than the original Wuhan variant however, (d) the virus in the unvaccinated group DID NOT exhibit mutations that contributed to the ability to evade the neutralizing antibodies created by the vaccines.
What this means is that the vaccinated tend to get sick with variants that have the ability to escape the protections offered by the vaccine, and the unvaccinated tend to get sick with variants that are highly infectious, but tend to not infect the vaccinated. The unvaccinated don’t generally spread the variants that get them sick to the vaccinated — the vaccine works to protect the vaccinated from variants circulating through the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated spread variants to the unvaccinated and the vaccinated spread variants to the vaccinated. That is what was going on with the 1373 people in the study in San Francisco.
Once an unvaccinated person gets infected with covid, their immune system becomes acquainted with covid. It is possible for the unvaccinated to get infected with covid again, but most likely subsequent infections will be asymptomatic (asymptomatic infections are essentially non-infectious), and simply serve them the same purpose as a “vaccine booster” — updating their immune system with information about the changes found in the currently circulating versions of the virus, and contributing to their ability to easily fight off the virus in the future. This is how the human immune system has dealt with respiratory infections by flu and corona viruses for millennia, and it is a very efficient system.
If I encounter covid in my daily goings about, most often it will simply serve as a “virus definition update” to my immune system. If I get infected, it will likely be asymptomatic, and it won’t transmit to others. (In the unlikely event that I get symptoms, it will be transmissible, and I will stay home. However, it is unlikely that if I get symptoms that I could transmit it to a person who is up to date on their covid vaccinations — based on the results of the San Francisco study.)
The most dangerous people for a vaccinated person to be around are those who are vaccinated who develop breakthrough covid cases. This is because the covid variant running around their system has mutated in such a way that it can evade (at least a portion of) the protection provided by the vaccine — which means that others vaccinated are also likely vulnerable to the virus that caused the breakthrough infection.
September 4, 2021 at 7:43 pm #86279Mr. House
ParticipantSeptember 4, 2021 at 8:09 pm #86280absolute galore
ParticipantDr. D wrote: Mu, like all variants, doesn’t escape natural immunity at all. So congratulations: if you did nothing, you’re covered.
I don’t think this is correct, at least the At All part. As explained in the link posted yesterday, the Covid virus is more like the flu than the measles in terms of the mechanism it uses to unlock the cell it is trying to invade. So when the virus mutates, the mutation doesn;t have an issue getting back in. But the more complicated viruses, when they mutate, it throws off the entry procedure too much, they don’t get in, and it’s a mutational dead end. The flu method is simple, like breaking a car window. Measles and small pox would be trying to call a locksmith to reproduce the key, and the locksmith that turns up is actually a Microsoft programmer. Covid is maybe like putting a hanger down through the window and popping the button (we’re going with old cars in this analogy). So it mutates pretty fast, too.
Natural immunity should give you some cross-immunity, so you might not get as sick. But just like you can catch the flu every year, you can get sick again from a covid variant.
Also the viruses we have “eradicated” apparently only infect humans. Covid is now in deer, cats, gorillas, etc.,mutating away. In other words, herd immunity, whether we came up with vaccines or just let the virus rip, was never even remotely possible. And anyone who knew basic virology would know this. At least this is how I interpreted the article, which seems to make a lot of sense to me. 4, 2021 at 8:11 pm #86281Rototillerman
ParticipantThank you, @phoenixvoice, for summarizing the Snake Oil article above. I posted the link yesterday in the afternoon, but it seemed to take a very long time for it to show up in the feed. It falls right on the edge of what I think I can pass on to friends and relatives to see if I can pry them into discussion. The link, again:
The other article that I was thinking of pairing it up with is Gail Tverberg’s article on vaccine shortcomings. There’s something about Gail’s calm writing style that makes it attractive for this purpose, even while discussing topics of enormous import.
September 4, 2021 at 8:11 pm #86282absolute galore
ParticipantOops, I see phoenixvoice beat me to it–the newer comments did not load until I posted mine. Another weird software thing.
September 4, 2021 at 8:23 pm #86283Mister Roboto
ParticipantSeveral more years of investigation provided the answer: ‘Just about everything.’
And they’re being so blatant about it now that I would wonder if I should believe them if they were to say that the sky is blue.
September 4, 2021 at 8:34 pm #86284absolute galore
Participant -
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