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  • BadlandsAK

    Hello! I have been reading your excellent blog over this past winter & thought it time to speak up. I am a mother of three children, ages 2, 3 1/2, and 5 living in the N. Plains of U.S. in South Dakota. We are in the NW area of the extreme drought when you look at all that red on the drought monitor, so have no illusions about the severity of climate ‘change’ and the implications. I have been desperately trying to find any forum or network of ‘awake’ parents to communicate with, but my findings have been pretty limited, as in none.

    I try to follow the information on the economic side of things, but must admit, a lot of it goes over my head. The housing market is very expensive, but we managed to find a rental house when we moved here about 2 1/2 yrs ago, with the intention of buying this year. We have decided against it, instead working to eliminate debt, per advice given here. (Plus, I find the ‘zombie’ house next door to be a little ominous, as well the for sale signs everywhere on over-priced houses.)
    We have reduced most debt, with apprx. $10,000 in medical bills remaining, but I’m not sure if I should use a large portion of my remaining ‘savings’ to pay that off, or just keep up w/monthly installments.
    Because of renting, we aren’t free to do as much as we’d like as far as gardening, and could barely grow a tomato last summer with the heat/drought anyway. Even though we can’t really dig in at our current location, we do subsist through hunting/fishing, have good practical skills, and extensive tools, but really worry about many things regarding the children. I have many questions, but will spare you for now. I have learned a lot reading here, so just wanted to take the next step, though not sure how much insight I have to offer to the discussion.
    Thank you again for this forum!

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