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  • in reply to: Einstein's Definition of Gluttony #4845

    Hi folks,

    There is an interesting formula from John Gall’s “Systems Bible”:


    “…where Ro equals the amount of Reality which fails to reach the Control Unit, and Rs equals the total amount of Reality presented to the system. The fraction Ro/Rs varies from zero (full awareness of outside reality) to unity (no reality getting through).” (From: “The Systems Bible: the Beginners Guide to systems large and small”, John Gall, 2006. P.46-7)

    While it is all too tempting to want to blame people, from a purely systems perspective it can be seen that in the case of the EU banking/debt problem, and more generally the Global banking/debt problem that we reached “unity” some while ago (i.e. Ro/Rs = 1) Again as Dr Gall points out, NO amount of tweaking ANY system will make that system perform its assigned task any better, but will instead inevitably make the situation far worse for the performance of that task. The system meanwhile just grows and grows useing and consuming more and more resources; in respect of its own internal ‘reality’ its doing just fine!


    in reply to: Jeff Rubin and Oil Prices Revisited #4727

    Hi Folks,

    Of course it all depends how you cut the cake. It might be a case that instead of right and wrong, we might have neither right nor wrong.

    In terms of simplifying what could be loosely called a systemic approach, we have three major systems in play here: the economic (in terms of money); the energetic; and the environmental (resources/pollution – input/output). as Ayers and Warr have pointed out, there seems to be a strong ‘correlation’ (note correlation does not equal cause) between the amount of ‘physical work’ extracted from energy and economic growth. That the amount of available energy has for the last three hundred or so years been increasing cannot be denied. This has allowed the correlating (again correlation does not imply cause) extraction of resources from a finite environment. One of the biggest and key resources is the source of ‘physical work’ – fossil fuels. Regardless of cause or effect there will be a strong correlation between ‘physical work done’ and economic growth/energy used. Whether it is the body economic ageing and dying hence using less energy or that it is the body economic being starved of energy and hence dying can be argued to infinity, as IMHO the ‘causative’ elements are too complex and chaotic to be discerned. All we have is ‘correlation’. Yes depressions have happened before and we are it appears also in a deflationary period. But what is unique NOW (and few realise?) is that we are in a ‘correlating’ age of resource depletion; not just in terms of energy but many other vital resources such as soil and water.

    Add to this the final ‘correlated dynamic’ of continued increase in human population and we do indeed find ourselves in ‘interesting times’.

    BTW, ‘guru’ in my pseudonym of ‘gurusid’ is an acronym: gee (g) you (u) are (r) you(u) sid – many meanings on many forums but here perhaps the most pertinent is the 1980’s uk ad for ‘gas shares’ (privatisation of former state owned British Gas) “…if you see sid tell him”.

    Besides pundit is the term I think your looking for, in sanskrit the term guru is given to one who is a spiritual teacher and has ‘experience’; and pundit to one who has studied and has ‘learning’. The western usurpation of the term ‘guru’ to designate ‘celebrity’ (charismatic or otherwise) is I think left better defined by the latter… a true guru is anything but.


    in reply to: Peak Oil: A Dialogue with George Monbiot #4544

    A dialogue with George? For an insight into the journo/hack politics of the various schools (public or otherwise) of UK hacksterism check out what Mr James Delingpole of the Telegraph has to say:

    Some of the comments are especially telling…


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