John Day

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle November 27 2021 #93794
    John Day

    Oops, I see the source of my confusion, revision of awkward data to assure narrative continuity.

    Carry on…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 27 2021 #93793
    John Day

    Germ said:
    “WHO just said that “Omicron” was first reported by South Africa on 11/24/21.
    However, WEF reported this EXACT same “variant”—B.1.1.529, out of South Africa—way back in July.”

    I looked carefully through the link and did not find anything to suggest that the sequence was first detected in July. Maybe it’s the rong link…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 27 2021 #93784
    John Day


    Here’s the money: “Preliminary evidence suggests an increased risk of reinfection with this variant…”

    Australia bought 14 vaccines per person, and will have to do it again, all over again…

    What are the terms of that Pfizer contract, and how could they possibly be enforceable against Australia?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 26 2021 #93754
    John Day

    Also, about the elderly doctor who caught COVID on ivermectin. Let’s keep track of how he fares.
    There should be updates.
    He will get natural immunity in the very likely case that he survives this infection.
    About 80% of adults have pretty robust crossover immunity to COVID , from prior infections with other coronaviruses, based on T-cell immunity testing done on saved blood specimens from 2014-2019.
    If not for this fact, I might say something like “everybody will eventually contract COVID”. That’s what we thought in early 2020, right?
    It turns out that people with good crossover protection, who get exposed to COVID, may just boost their existing immune response, without getting sick. I might well be one of those folks, since I tested so many people with COVID in closed exam rooms in the past couple of years, more than any other provider at the clinic, and never got ill. If I do get ill, I’ll take the same ivermectin, zinc, doxycycline that I prescribed for others, and which worked so well (1 of 60 patients I treated was hospitalized for COVID, and just a day after starting treatment, when he was already quite ill).
    All prophylactic studies for ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, quercetin, zinc and other repurposed antivirals show finite protection, expressed as risk-reduction over time. The only thing approaching perfection is prior infection in those with a good immune system.
    (Take 5000 units per day of vitamin-D. You don’t need to tell anybody you are doing so. It’s good for you.)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 26 2021 #93753
    John Day

    @VP Gary: It sounds like you paid your dues at Thanksgiving, brother.

    @Human Deflationista: You have a human voice, Sir (It’s a manly voice) and you are reasoning some, and responding some, which is a TREMENDOUSLY higher pay-grade than the AI autopilot with occasionally-insulting-minder that TAE merited so very recently.
    Welcome Aboard!
    We all want actual investigations, which New York State might do now.
    The issue that is repeatedly raised is that of vaccine-related deaths, a new thing in our developed world, with somewhere between 18,000 and 180,000 (in round numbers) in the US alone, from COVID “vaccines”.
    This has gotten people’s attention, so we are noticing new things in life which might be related. It’s how humans study a new phenomenon, heightened awareness and cross-correlation. It’s more mental activity than usual, and it’s warranted in the face of a new and poorly understood cause of morbidity and mortality.
    There are a lot more deaths among healthy young vaccinated people in places where such data is released, as noted here:

    Sudden cardiac death in children and young athletes is rare. It is a notable cause of death in young athletes in general (#3), because these are people who just don’t die much outside of car accidents.
    The list of mostly congenital heart defects and familial syndromes, predisposing to fatal arrhythmias is important because those are all known causes of this rare thing, and it usually happens due to a cause, which can be determined.
    We, the suddenly curious in the presence of a mortal threat, want to get thorough explanations for the rash of visible sudden deaths, in a time that we know a lot of vaccine-related-deaths are occurring, but we are being kept in the dark about it.
    We really will not take obfuscation and public-shaming as “conspiracy theorists” for an answer this time around.
    Corresponding with this crowd will keep you earning your pay, my human brother…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 26 2021 #93708
    John Day

    Steve Kirsch:
    Why Aren’t Healthcare Workers Speaking Out About the Catastrophe Caused by the Vaccines?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 26 2021 #93701
    John Day

    @”Deflationista”: Excerpted from the posted article about sudden cardiac death in children and the young: This points out that when this rare thing happens, it happens for specific reasons. It’s not normal. The reasons are sought through autopsy, family history, genetic and metabolic testing.
    Reasons matter…

    “The most common causes of SCA in children are:

    Structural cardiac abnormalities (congenital heart diseases and postoperative repairs, coronary artery anomalies, or Marfan syndrome)
    Abnormalities of the electrical system of the heart (also known as primary electrical diseases), such as long QT syndrome and Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
    Abnormalities of the heart muscle structure or function, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), or dilated cardiomyopathies
    Acquired heart disease (inflammation or infection in the heart/myocarditis)
    Arrhythmias, including atrial flutter/atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia (VT), ventricular fibrillation (VF), sinus node dysfunction, and complete heart block
    Atherosclerotic coronary disease
    Commotio cordis (caused by a blow to the chest)
    Drug-induced SCA”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 26 2021 #93698
    John Day

    And Thanks to Doc Robinson for this article, presenting evidence that children don’t spread COVID much in households, nowhere near as much as adults do.

    All kind and constructive comments appreciated 🙂

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 26 2021 #93694
    John Day

    Catching up on Thanksgiving comments:

    : Yes, I have engineering tendencies, but also creative/artistic tendencies. Overlap in OK.

    @VP Gary: Thanks for the career timeline. You had a LOT of OJT, Brother!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 25 2021 #93623
    John Day

    ​ All risks in the economy are piled onto the whole economy, so the “best” strategy is to gobble up “risky assets”, because you will only get benefits until the whole thing crashes. “Moral Hazard”.
    ​The Fed’s Moral Hazard Monster Is About to Lay Waste to “Wealth”

    From “Space Age” to “Waste Age”…
    How will this age be remembered? After the stone age, the bronze age, the steam age and the information age, what material or innovation will most define the current era? According to a new exhibition at the Design Museum, the most ubiquitous hallmark of the Anthropocene is not a gamechanging material, nor the mastery of technology. It’s trash…
    Generating waste, the curators argue, has long been a primary engine of the economy. The history of the lightbulb is an illuminating case in point. In the 1920s, bulbs were so long-lasting that they were deemed commercially unviable. General Electric, Philips and others formed the Phoebus cartel in 1924 to standardise the life expectancy of lightbulbs at 1,000 hours – down from the previous 2,500 hours. And so the culture of planned obsolescence was born.

    [Insert a whole lot of COVID-Vaccine-Kills stories and links you have recently seen]

    Wherein it is considered that Mao really did do a lot before he got neurosyphilis, and everything that went wrong in China was not completely his fault…Thanks Charles.
    Mao reconsidered

    Mao reconsidered

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 25 2021 #93622
    John Day

    Garden porn picture included. No people.

    We are in an alternate universe this month, with Jenny’s low back surgery and my firing for non-vaccination.
    I’m not starting to whine. That’s just the shock to the system, which caused the transition.
    Jenny is recovering very well, almost completely off pain medicines, except Tylenol, for a week, and I am building a smallish “dream house”, which is looking better and better on drawings. They have that appearance of reality now. All the angles look like the same real thing from different angles.
    Opportunity has been waiting, and free time presented the opportunity to get the operation done and build the house, the first phase funded by cashing-out my modest retirement, before the “money” goes POOF!
    Life takes sudden turns, and a lot of us have known that for a long time, but it’s not possible to know exactly what turn it will take, or when.
    Having multiple projects “on the drawing board”, or in-the-works, helps a person stay well applied to life.
    Today, Thanksgiving Day, Jim the extraordinary climber visited and we got the live oak manicured better than ever (hours of fun for at least part of the family).

    We are figuring things out as life unfolds, and am so grateful that Jenny is healing so well and moving more normally each day.
    We await further divine instruction as we proceed.

    David Graeber finished a book, The Dawn of Everything, a month before he died, about a year ago.
    The premise is that we did not always live and assume as we now assume we always lived and assumed.
    We CAN live in large groups without hierarchical inequity, in cities, and it has often been thus…
    David Graeber,
    ​ M​ost of human history is irreparably lost to us. Our species, Homo sapiens, has existed for at least 200,000 years, but we have next to no idea what was happening for the majority of that time. In northern Spain, for instance, at the cave of Altamira, paintings and engravings were created over a period of at least 10,000 years, between around 25,000 and 15,000 B.C. Presumably, a lot of dramatic events occurred during that period. We have no way of knowing what most of them were. This is of little consequence to most people, since most people rarely think about the broad sweep of human history anyway. They don’t have much reason to. Insofar as the question comes up at all, it’s usually when reflecting on why the world seems to be in such a mess and why human beings so often treat each other badly — the reasons for war, greed, exploitation and indifference to others’ suffering. Were we always like that, or did something, at some point, go terribly wrong?
    ​ ​One of the first people to ask this question in the modern era was the Swiss-French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in an essay on the origins of social inequality that he submitted to a competition in 1754. Once upon a time, he wrote, we were hunter-gatherers, living in a state of childlike innocence, as equals. These bands of foragers could be egalitarian because they were isolated from one another, and their material needs were simple. According to Rousseau, it was only after the agricultural revolution and the rise of cities that this happy condition came to an end. Urban living meant the appearance of written literature, science and philosophy, but at the same time, almost everything bad in human life: patriarchy, standing armies, mass executions and annoying bureaucrats demanding that we spend much of our lives filling out forms.
    ​ ​Rousseau lost the essay competition, but the story he told went on to become a dominant narrative of human history, laying the foundations upon which contemporary “big history” writers — such as Jared Diamond, Francis Fukuyama and Yuval Noah Harari — built their accounts of how our societies evolved.​..
    ​ The history we learn in school has made us more willing to tolerate a world in which some can turn their wealth into power over others, while others are told their needs are not important and their lives have no intrinsic worth. As a result, we are more likely to believe that inequality is just an inescapable consequence of living in large, complex, urban, technologically sophisticated societies. ​
    ​ We want to offer an entirely different account of human history. We believe that much of what has been discovered in the last few decades, by archaeologists and others in kindred disciplines, cuts against the conventional wisdom propounded by modern “big history” writers. What this new evidence shows is that a surprising number of the world’s earliest cities were organized along robustly egalitarian lines. In some regions, we now know, urban populations governed themselves for centuries without any indication of the temples and palaces that would later emerge; in others, temples and palaces never emerged at all, and there is simply no evidence of a class of administrators or any other sort of ruling stratum. It would seem that the mere fact of urban life does not, necessarily, imply any particular form of political organization, and never did.

    ​More about this book, and well explained. (It might be a good Christmas present, but itis long.)​
    Everything we “know” about the rise of Man is wrong
    ​ ​For 350 years, it has been common knowledge that Man went from bands of hunter-gatherers, to pastoralists, to farming, to industry. In parallel, Man lived in families, in tribes, in villages and then in cities, as technology improved. Technology, the third parallel, took us from the stone age through the bronze age and the iron age to the industrial revolution. All neat, tidy and clearly separable. David Graeber and David Wengrow claim there is no evidence for this. In The Dawn of Everything, they show proof of an unbelievable variety of living styles, governance and intellectual activity all over the world and throughout time. It was never a straight line progression. It was never the result of technology. And possibly most stunning, the larger the population was did not also mean more restrictions, more crime, more laws, or more inequality. This is an important book.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 25 2021 #93588
    John Day

    Happy Thanksgiving VP Gary. Nice picture.

    Yes, good post late last night, Dr.D, who DOES add original content and Ill wager iIS an iconoclastic human air-breather.

    My monkey son got in last night, so Jim and I have to do some tree work now (mainly Jim, but I still climb some…)


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 25 2021 #93585
    John Day

    Fauci says “people who disagree with him are ‘killing people'”, because he is killing people.

    simple. Dr.D’s principle again.

    Engineering is hard because it all has to be perfect every time before you even show anybody, then they just casually want to f**k with it, and not be responsible unless it’s good, but you take the fall if its bad, and not how you wanted to do it, and it has to ship by the end of the month, no matter what…

    I started in electrical engineering in college, for 3 semesters, but I didn’t want to work for who they wanted me to work for. I wanted to design hi-fi gear. I ended up doing that later, anyway, on my own.

    Making something good from an idea, by carefully planning and drawing, until other people can see it and get it and help you do it is a sort of drive that some people have. Holographic 3-D images gradually build in my grey silly-putty as the process progresses…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 24 2021 #93544
    John Day

    “Deflationista” has a voice today, a human voice today, seeking to sound like the AI, though human.
    That’s why I keep saying “mostly” machine made…
    Getting the right mix of minder and AI is important, This voice sounds like a new minder.
    It’s a job…
    Look for human vs AI, though it’s hard to tell when the statements are short insults without actual content.
    Humans create original content sometimes.

    I got a couple of really good doors at Habitat for Humanity this morning, from very nice people, drove them down to the homestead in the ’97 Ford Ranger, and cleaned up a couple of wheelbarrows of concrete slag from the foundation work last week.
    I gave the carpenter a good set of large format scale drawings that I completed in the last couple of days, which are ready to build from. My Architectural Engineer friend ha been a lot of help with structural advice.

    I keep learning things by doing things.
    Drawing and redrawing and redrawing seems to do things to my soft, malleable brain.

    Thanks VP Gary, and for the story about William Gates in-person.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 24 2021 #93442
    John Day

    “human facilitated …”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 24 2021 #93441
    John Day

    @VP Gary: It was a more trader-oriented culture a decade ago, more elitist, here at TAE.
    It was also more “Deflationist” and “The-Oil-Drum” identified. It did lean blue, but that was much less of a deal then, when Obama still seemed somewhat promising, and we had just come out of 8 years of Cheney-Bush.
    We had not yet had it kicked into our heads hard enough that Obama was Bush with better PR.

    We have largely focused upon the antiviral effects of ivermectin, which is natural, but it has some salient anti0inflammatory effects which greatly and promptly mitigate cytokine storm, also. It is therefore, through different mechanisms, effective treatment at all stages of COVID.

    “Deflationista” is like Schwinn, which bicycles are mass produced in China now, not hand-made in the US, like they were in the postwar era, a name, divorced from the prior identity, for something like marketing purposes, based upon the value of an old recognized name.

    Like “Schwinn”, “Deflationista” appears to be a primarily machine-made product, which just is what it is, but it’s not Schwinn, as registered in our minds in the 1950s through 1980s.

    The name is not the thing. It’s a different entry in a different “culture”.

    It is interesting to observe, if you are curious about human-facilitted-machine-learning.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 24 2021 #93439
    John Day

    Dr Thomas Jendges is dead. That is agreed. “There is not a suicide note”, and the investigation is continuing.
    My German friend, a pharmacist, says he is “not a medical doctor”, which I do not readily find elsewhere.
    She also says the video from “Before It’s News” is somebody else, which seems plausible.
    This fairly recent story in German appears to be an update of prior stories.,sc

    in reply to: Vaccinated, Cured Or Dead #93289
    John Day

    @TAE Summary: Thanks for the explanation. I took a year of German in college, but it’s pretty poor, and I can just be lost if I don’t know the context of something abstract, like poetry.

    We all need to keep-saying-“no”, but we have to prepare to live outside the e-currency system, also.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2021 #93133
    John Day

    I find a cold trail on the suicide letter of Thomas Jendges MD, no more information.
    2 days ago there were “excerpts”, and claims that no such letter existed, also…

    The video from “Before It’s News” was a good find, but only supports his principled stance against “genocidal vaccines”, not the issue of suicide.

    If the question of murder becomes more prominent, and it could, since the police did not officially declare “suicide” as the cause of death yet (that I can tell), then if there is a suicide letter, the authorities would produce it, to support their contention that he killed himself “voluntarily”.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2021 #93132
    John Day

    @Absolute Galore and Phoenix Voice: I am so grateful to have been rejected by narcissists in the 1970s, before I could afford a bicycle, or to pay for dates, when I was working my way through college.
    Silver linings…
    I am so deeply grateful that Jenny was adventurous enough to take a chance on me, too.

    So how did “Take an aspirin and go to a real ER right now”, work out?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2021 #93131
    John Day

    About the doctor’s suicide/”suicide” Germ, Django and Bosco.

    Why will they say what the “suicide letter” says, but not release it?
    His wife would likely know if he was suicidal or not, but she might not tell what she knows…
    There are other ways to suicide, but this one would be symbolic of what he went through.

    It is also the easiest way to “suicide” somebody without evidence, but I suspect that building had video surveillance cameras. Where is the video of the stairwell, at least, if not the roof?

    Boscohorowitz What is the most salient feature of the self immolation of the Buddhist Monk , protesting the Vietnam War?

    I posit that his perfect stillness and poise as he burns to death is the most salient feature of his selfless act of compassion and sacrifice.

    Deagle Population Reduction prediction remains enigmatic to me…

    When the enforcers quite enforcing, and speak openly of the errors of their bosses, there may soon be a regime change.

    This is much more subtle of an act for AI, bordering on a form of erudite humor, but short enough to not display “voice”:
    This is significant progress in hiding AI as the origin, especially as appealing to “Alexa” dangles that right in your face.

    This AI is working on IRONY, which is a worthy pursuit.

    “Alexa, tell me something that proves how stupid you are.”
    “’Vaccines does nothing or they make things worse.’”

    It plays around the edges of the Epimenides Paradox.
    (“All Cretans are liars”, said the Cretan.)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2021 #93129
    John Day

    @Veracious Poet Gary (VP Gary): Thanks for your previous comment about the insult I suffered from a robot recently. I’m observing the adaptive behavior, which is partly AI and (usually) partly a human minder checking in from time to time to adjust the voice and add human-like flourishes. The anger and vitriol appear to be such a gross adjustment. There will probably be others
    It is still not the human voice that “Deflationista” the human had a decade ago. It cannot be that, and that would be against it’s purposes. I assume it has more than one. This is a tough audience…
    Can’t save the thought processes of the relatives, but you can model health for them as a service.
    If you keep things comfortable, then they will be able to turn to you at some future moment, if they experience epiphany. It happens sometimes, yeah?
    Anyway, I’m just trying to be normal and set a good example for somebody who is as obviously a well-organized-paranoid personality as I appear to be.
    A conundrum awaiting epiphany …
    IVM can be dosed monthly, based on a very long intracellular half life, of about 3 weeks, which supports monthly dosing. That helps block the replicative enzymes in the host cell.
    IVM can be dosed twice per week (FLCCC current protocol) since it’s serum half life is about 18 hours and the initial incubation of SARS-CoV-2 is relatively long (3 days to high viral load in nose, 5 days to onset of symptoms) and it is still inhibiting intracellular viral replication, as the serum ivermectin interferes with viral binding to ACE-2 receptors, and the ability of the receptor to bind the spike, and likely the ability for the virus to cross the membrane, also, though that could be just a result.
    Weekly dosing, after an initial 2 day loading dose, keeps the intracellular levels up very well, and sweeps the nasopharynx and bloodstream for invaders every 7 days.
    The weekly dosing has a little more of a chink in the armor than twice weekly. Every other day would be better still… Diminishing returns.
    Take enough vitamin-D to maintain a good level (60-100). Have some quercetin and zinc handy…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2021 #93099
    John Day

    I know a lot of what I just put up has been posted here @ TAE already, but the grouping of articles also carries meaning.

    I agree completely with RFK Jr. “We have to win this one”.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2021 #93098
    John Day

    ​Ivermectin gums up SARS-CoV-2 binding to ACE-2 receptors in computer modeling, another potential mechanism of beneficial action.​
    Microscopic interactions between ivermectin and key human and viral proteins involved in SARS-CoV-2 infection
    ​…Here we conduct a molecular dynamics study with the aim to assess the interactions of ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug with broad-spectrum antiviral activity, with the human Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2), the viral 3CLpro and PLpro proteases, and the viral SARS Unique Domain (SUD). The drug/target interactions have been characterized in silico by describing the nature of the non-covalent interactions found and by measuring the extent of their time duration along the MD simulation. Results reveal that the ACE2 protein and the ACE2/RBD aggregates form the most persistent interactions with ivermectin, while the binding with the remaining viral proteins is more limited and unspecific.

    ​Another mechanism of benefit from ivermectin, which did much better than any other drug studied.​
    ​Identification of 3-chymotrypsin-like protease (3CLPro) inhibitors as​ potential anti-SARS-CoV-2 agents
    In conclusion, the SARS-CoV-2 specific 3CLpro enzyme was used as a target to screen the potential drugs that have high binding affinity for 3CLpro since it plays a major role during viral replication. We have identified that boceprevir, micafungin, ombitasvir, paritaprevir, and tipranavir exhibited partial inhibitory effect, whereas ivermectin was able to completely inhibit the SARS-COV-2 3CLpro enzymatic activity in vitro at the tested doses.

    Why Ivermectin Is Superior to Pfizer’s Antiviral Pill
    Comedian and political commentator Jimmy Dore discusses a video by John Campbell, Ph.D. where he explains the similarities between Pfizer’s expensive new antiviral drug for COVID and ivermectin, and why ivermectin is better.
    Campbell cited a number of scientific papers which highlighted ivermectin’s effectiveness as an antiviral against COVID, including:
    ​ ​A paper from the Royal Society of Chemistry which concluded ivermectin exhibits “inhibition” to the “catalytic activity” which causes COVID to replicate.
    ​ ​An article in Nature which found that out of the 13 off-target drugs tested by researchers, only ivermectin blocked viral replication of SARS-CoV-2 by more than 80%.
    ​ ​A paper from The Royal Society of Chemistry which showed ivermectin, out of dozens of drugs the researchers experimented with, had the “highest score” when it comes to to stopping viral replication of SARS-CoV-2.
    Notably, the paper showed that Remdesivir, which is currently patented and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, had the lowest score out of all of the compounds.
    ​ ​Campbell also pointed to a paper from Frontiers in Microbiology, which he said showed ivermectin not only attacked and bound to COVID’s spike protein which stopped it from infecting the cell, but also bound to the cell receptor.
    ​ ​“So it doesn’t just work one way, but two different ways,” explained Dore. “It double screws it up so you can’t get COVID.”
    Campbell put it this way: “Not only does ivermectin bend the COVID key, but it also ruins the lock.”
    Campbell told viewers:
    “So as far as we’ve been told, the new Pfizer drug is only working against one particular biochemical pathway to stop COVID, and with ivermectin, it’s working against that same biochemical pathway to stop COVID but also several others.”

    Why Ivermectin Is Superior to Pfizer’s Antiviral Pill

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2021 #93097
    John Day

    The “URF”, under-reporting-factor, for these reported events and deaths is somewhere between 10 and 100.
    The CDC pretends the reports are all-inclusive.​
    ​ ​ The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new data today showing a total of 875,653 adverse events following COVID vaccines were reported between Dec. 14, 2020, and Nov. 5, 2021, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.
    ​ ​The data included a total of 18,461 reports of deaths — an increase of 383 over the previous week, and 135,400 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 7,943 compared with the previous week.

    VAERS COVID Vaccine Data Show Surge in Reports of Serious Injuries, as 5-Year-Olds Start Getting Shots

    ​All-cause-admissions are the topic, not COVID admissions.​
    ​ ​There was a hidden gem in a blog post by Aaron Siri that nobody picked up. It was evidence that vaccinated people are 9X more likely to be admitted to the hospital than unvaccinated.​..
    ​Aaron Siri discovered someone who convinced their hospital to do something really unusual: track the vaccination status of each admitted patient to the hospital. Tracking was based on whether you got the vaccine or not, not “two weeks after you got the vaccine” which is a major definition difference. In short, honest tracking.​..
    ​..A concerned Physician Assistant, Deborah Conrad, convinced her hospital to carefully track the Covid-19 vaccination status of every patient admitted to her hospital.
    ​..​As Ms. Conrad has detailed, her hospital serves a community in which less than 50% of the individuals were vaccinated for Covid-19 but yet, during the same time period, approximately 90% of the individuals admitted to her hospital were documented to have received this vaccine.
    ​ ​These patients were admitted for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to COVID-19 infections. Even more troubling is that there were many individuals who were young, many who presented with unusual or unexpected health events, and many who were admitted months after vaccination.
    ​ ​As you might expect, the hospital rewarded Deborah Conrad for her courage and leadership to expose the truth by firing her.

    ​This paper looks at all-cause-mortality during COVID and the vaccination campaign. It looks at March to October 2021.
    ​The massive vaccination campaign (380 M administered doses, 178 M fully vaccinated individuals, mainly January-August 2021 and March-August 2021, respectively) had no detectable mitigating effect, and may have contributed to making the younger population more vulnerable (35-64 years, summer-2021 mortality).

    FDA Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until the Year 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data
    The fed gov’t shields Pfizer from liability. Gives it billions of dollars. Makes Americans take its product. But won’t let you see the data supporting its safety/efficacy. Who does the gov’t work for? ​
    ​That is not a typo. It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public.​
    (Well, they will give out a little bit each month and it will just take 55 years to provide what they collected in about half a year​. We’re still waiting for the declassified JFK assassination files, so this is completely normal​.)

    Army to Begin Forcing Out Soldiers Who Refuse COVID Vaccine, Including Guardsmen
    New policy bars unvaccinated soldiers from re-enlistment, promotions as Oklahoma governor says National Guard need not obey Biden’s vax mandate

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2021 #93096
    John Day

    Another major red flag about Covid vaccines and death
    This one coming from data on more than 4 million vaccinated Swedes​
    ​People appear to die at rates 20 percent or more above normal for weeks after receiving their second Covid vaccine dose, according to data from a huge Swedish study.

    Onward Into Darkness​, James Kunstler​
    ​Was it reassuring to see Dr. Anthony Fauci declare on MSNBC: “What we’re starting to see now is an uptick in hospitalizations among people who have been fully vaccinated but not boosted”? …
    ​ ​In case you can’t put it together, that “uptick” is happening because Dr. Fauci’s vaccines undermine immune systems, making the vaxxed more susceptible to disease, and not just the illness called Covid-19, but to disease generally, including cancer, and to all kinds of mischief and mayhem around the organs as well…
    ​ ​Everything your government tells you these days is a lie — the old epigram goes — including “and” and “the”. The chief victim of that inexhaustible deceit is America’s rule-of-law. Case in point, the shenanigans in the DC District federal court last week in the action known as Page v. Comey et al. (basically the whole FBI and DOJ). This is Carter Page’s lawsuit over the phony FISA court warrants sworn against him in the attempt to use the “three-hop rule” to surveil everybody in the 2016 Trump campaign…
    ​ ​Next was the FBI’s invasion of Project Veritas chief James O’Keefe’s home in a case involving “Joe Biden’s” daughter Ashley Biden’s personal diary, which Project Veritas was alleged to be holding, and which supposedly contained some entries about sketchy father-and-daughter showers together…
    …More to the point, though, within hours of the FBI confiscating Mr. O’Keefe’s cell phones and other devices, Mr. O’Keefe’s private communications with his attorneys turned up in the hands of The New York Times, which published some of the material. Of course, James O’Keefe is in the middle of a defamation lawsuit against The New York Times. And wasn’t it a fortuitous coincidence that the newspaper came into possession of their adversary’s privileged information? The thing is (of course), that the info could have only been provided to The Times by one possible source: the FBI, investigative arm of the DOJ…

    ​Public Health England and Public Health Scotland data best fit the COVID vaccines enhancing viral pathogenicity increasingly after 6 months since administration.​
    Covid-19 Deaths 3,000% Higher Than This Time Last Year And 80% Of The Dead Had The Vaccine​
    ​The latest Covid-19 statistical report released by Public Health Scotland on the 22nd September also reveals that from August 21st through to September 17th 2021, 69,639 positive cases were recorded among the unvaccinated population, whilst 79,613 cases were recorded among the vaccinated population; 60,923 of which were among the fully vaccinated.
    ​ ​As you can see the number of cases is very similar between the unvaccinated population and fully vaccination population so you would expect to see a similar number of deaths among the unvaccinated and fully vaccinated population.​ ​But table 17 of the latest report shows that this isn’t the case, as the fully vaccinated have accounted for the vast majority of Covid-19 deaths every week since the 14th August through to the 10th September…

    BREAKING! Covid-19 Deaths 3,000% Higher Than This Time Last Year and 80% of the Dead Had the Vaccine

    ​Public Health England data…​
    “Fresher information has fortified this conclusion of the summer. In every age group over 30 in the UK, the rates of Covid infection per 100,000 are now higher among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed. Indeed, in the cohorts aged between 40 and 79, infection rates among the vaccinated are more than twice as high as among the unvaccinated.​”

    ​Paul Craig Roberts​ (hard words)
    ​ ​The data from Israel bears out that the pandemic is among the vaccinated.
    ​ ​The reason the vaccinated are at risk is two-fold. The “vaccine” has serious side-effects that are confused with Covid, and the “vaccine” damages and ultimately destroys the innate human immune system, making the vaccinated more susceptible to every virus and illness.
    ​ ​Distinguished scientists and medical researchers who are independent of Big Pharma grants have established these facts, but the whore media refuses to report them. All people get from CNN, MSNBC, NPR, BBC, New York Times, CDC, NIH, AMA, politicians, and social media is indoctrination that causes people to damage and kill themselves by accepting the “vaccine.”
    ​ ​The facts are clear. The Covid vaccination campaign is the largest mass murder movement in history.
    ​ ​The public response to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s just published book, The Real Anthony Fauci, shows that people are seeing through the orchestrated narrative cultivated by the whore media. The book has had a media blackout as if it doesn’t exist, but is nevertheless Number One on Amazon’s best seller list and Number One on Kindle’s best seller list.

    The Covid “Vaccine” Has Caused a Pandemic

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2021 #93095
    John Day

    Germany | Dr Thomas Jendges Head of Clinic, Commits Suicide “COVID-19 Vaccine Is a Genocide”​ (This principled physician did die on this hill.)
    In Germany, the Head of the Chemnitz Clinic, Dr Thomas Jendges, committed suicide saying he no longer wants to be part of the Genocide happening vis the COVID-19 Vaccine​.
    ​ ​The Chief of a Clinic in Chemnitz, Germany committed suicide. In a letter found on the scene, he explains that he can no longer be part of the Genocide.
    ​ ​On Tuesday, Dr Thomas Jendges, Head of the Chemnitz Clinic, committed suicide by jumping from the top of the clinic’s building in Flemmingstrasse, Germany, according to Bild . He was 55 years old.
    ​ ​The Docteur died on the spot from his injuries. Jendges had only been appointed sole managing Director of the Chemnitz Clinic since October 1st 2021. Since April, he was acting as Managing Director of East Germany’s largest municipal hospital.​..
    ​ Reports of a letter that the deceased allegedly left behind are circulating. Jendges alledgly killed himself to set an example against the corona vaccinations. These are “bio-warfare agents”, so it says in the postings. He is also said to have described the vaccine in his letter as genocide and a crime against humanity”, according to Tag24.
    ​ ​According to Las repúblicas, In the lengthy farewell letter Dr. Thomas Jendges wrote before his suicide and demanded its publication, he is said to have harshly criticized the information policy of governments in dealing with the dangerousness of Covid vaccines. The constant lies and deceit to the patient and the vaccinated that the vaccines are supposedly harmless, he could no longer bear them, it is said in the letter.
    ​ ​He condemns vaccinating the population with experimental and lethal vaccines against Covid-19, which is in fact more of a biological warfare agent created and manipulated for that use, than for any other known utility. For Dr. Thomas Jendges a genocide and a crime against humanity is taking place…
    ​ ​Because the mayor threatened to fire him if he no longer stayed in the submissive line imposed by government order and refused to vaccinate patients at the clinic, there were presumably no more options for Jendges. This director has not wanted to support a crime of the federal government, the state government and his faithful henchmen. So he considered that his suicide was the only way to oppose him.​..
    ​ Although Dr. Jendges has ordered that his entire suicide letter be published, according to the current state of knowledge of the mayor of Chemnitz, Sven Schulze of the SPD, who continues to prevent this publication.​..
    ​ Jendges leaves behind a wife and a son.

    ​Here is a 2 minute video the good doctor made before he plunged to his death, in German, with English subtitles. Thanks V.A.
    He seems completely sane to me. (The site raises the question of whether he was “suicided”.)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2021 #93091
    John Day

    There is a picture of Jenny recovering at home and a picture of the concrete piers poured for the homestead addition in Yoakum here.

    Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told​ , Gail Tverberg
    ​(Advertisers don’t like “negative stories” in for profit publications.) Thanks Dennis.
    This is another very good “You Are Here” summary from “Gail The Actuary”.
    Limits to fossil fuels have been known and well documented since M. King Hubbard and Admiral Hyman Rickover in the mid 1950s.
    Exponential consumption eats finite, recoverable supply.
    The easiest, cheapest fuels all got used first.
    The economy is over-indebted to a rosy future​, which is imaginary.
    A lot of fuel goes to extracting the more expensive fuel, leaving less to run the economy.
    Modern industrial economy is predicated on exponential growth, which requires cheap fuel.
    In recent years, there has been very little investment in developing new oilfields, so supply is about to fall, though fracking existing fields can increase supply for a year, maybe two.
    It takes a lot of fossil fuel to implement wind and solar power installations. They cannot replace fossil fuels, just supplement, as they are doing.
    Ships, trucks and trains burn diesel. Liquid fuels are indispensable to transport, which is as important to economy as production.
    Complex systems, like the economy which supports us, arise gradually in nature, and decline rapidly when necessary resources are depleted.
    There is no honest, factual way to present this in a “positive light” which will make people buy what the advertisers are selling.
    A “Green Transition” could be a constructive approach, but only if the first step were to be conservation of resources, which is anathema to growth-economy.
    (I am trying to green-transition on my own. You can, too. The owners know all this. What are they planning?)

    Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told

    Real Rates At Levels Associated With “Panics, Wars, & Depression”… And What Comes Next Could Be Devastating
    American ​national ​debt​:GDP​​ is at almost the all time high​ seen briefly in WW-2. (It is far higher in real terms, since GNP,used then, described productive economy, and GDP lumps non-government-debt into the same category as production). This can be managed by massive economic growth, which cannot happen with high costs of labor, resources, and outsourcing of production, as well as large parasitic debt loads on all sectors of real economy.
    ​ The remaining choices are default, which also destroys a currency, government and economy, or long periods of “negative real interest rates”, accomplished by high inflation and low nominal interest rates.​ In America, we had this after Nixon had to default on the gold standard in 1971. We called it “stagflation”. It lasted until the mid 1980s. There was still plenty of cheap fuel in the world in those days.
    ​ A long period of stagflation is predicted, but it assumes that American and global economy do not collapse.
    This essay does not consider the dollar being demoted from global reserve currency, which seems almost certain to happen as the vast global military machine gets defunded by economic reality.​

    “The real virus is tyranny/medical-authoritarianism. ‘The pandemic’ is just the tool being used to spread it.” Thans Eleni.
    ​ ​The Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) is a premier forum for governments, global corporations and international entrepreneurs. Founded in 1971 by engineer and economist Klaus Schwab, the WEF describes its mission as “shaping global, regional and industry agendas” and “improving the state of the world”. According to its website, “moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.”
    The WEF has been involved in the coronavirus pandemic in several ways.
    ​ ​First, the WEF was, together with the Gates Foundation, a sponsor of the prescient “Event 201” coronavirus pandemic simulation exercise, held in New York City on October 18, 2019 – the same day as the opening of the Wuhan Military World Games, seen by some as “ground zero” of the global pandemic. China itself has argued that US military athletes may have brought the virus to Wuhan. ​
    ​ Second, the WEF has been a leading proponent of digital biometric identity systems, arguing that they will make societies and industries more efficient, more productive and more secure. In July 2019, the WEF started a project to “shape the future of travel with biometric-enabled digital traveler identity management”. In addition, the WEF collaborates with the ID2020 alliance, which is funded by the Gates and Rockefeller foundations and runs a program to “provide digital ID with vaccines”. In particular, ID2020 sees the vaccination of children as “an entry point for digital identity.”
    ​ ​Third, WEF founder Klaus Schwab is the author of the book COVID-19: The Great Reset, published in July 2020, which argues that the coronavirus pandemic can and should be used for an “economic, societal, geopolitical, environmental and technological reset”, including, in particular, advancing global governance, accelerating digital transformation, and tackling climate change.
    ​ ​Finally, the WEF has been running, since 1993, a program called “Global Leaders for Tomorrow”, rebranded, in 2004, as “Young Global Leaders”. This program aims at identifying, selecting and promoting future global leaders in both business and politics. Indeed, quite a few “Young Global Leaders” have later managed to become Presidents, Prime Ministers, or CEOs…​ (Pete Buttigieg, Gavin Newsom, Chrystia Freeland, Jose Manuel Barroso, Angela Merkel, Nicolas
    Sa​rkozy, Nikki Haley, Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Jacinda Ardern, Gordon Brown… What do they all have in common?)

    Davos World Economic Forum Psychopaths – Members and Goals

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2021 #93084
    John Day

    @TAE Summary: Vielen Dank. Was bedeudet das?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2021 #93067
    John Day

    Mord = murder, Politisch = politics. That’s pretty close to “Arkancide”.

    “Vaxx mass lunacy” is a cover story, they say, for what’s really happening…

    Sooner is better for major medical procedures like hip replacement, in my opinion. (Skimping on body parts quality is not, though.)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2021 #93064
    John Day

    “Kap khun krap” for the video, V.Arnold. I also don’t favor “Before It’s News”, but they got the video, and raise the question of whether he was “suicided”.
    (What’s German for “Arkancide”?)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2021 #93062
    John Day

    @Veracious Poet Gary:
    I’d want the titanium hip if I thought I would live more than 5 years.
    The first joint replacement of a hip or knee is no walk in the park.
    No surgeon actually wants to replace the replacement a second time.
    There is usually some compelling reason for a surgeon to avoid doing the third replacement.
    All the surrounding bone is in terrible shape by then.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2021 #93050
    John Day

    @Absolute galore: Taking 4 X 81 mg aspirin is like taking 1 regular aspirin.
    Your ex-wife was advised to take an aspirin and go to a real ER right away.
    That’s “you might have a heart attack in progress” advice, but half-hearted(assed) advice, leaving her to potentially die as she drives herself there.
    I hope she and your son are ok…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2021 #93047
    John Day

    @Veracious Poet, Gary: I hope you can give the love and relief in your heart. What you are feeling may come from others in your world. You can channel them compassion, a hug, consolation, inwardly as an answer to what you feel as your own burden. The alcohol blots your ability. You may be on the cusp of higher capabilities.
    All that you feel within doe not necessarily arise within..

    @All-Y’all: Kerala maxed out cases and deaths, because Kerala made a deal for remdesivir and cut ivermectin out of COVID protocols, going the opposite direction from Uttar Pradesh and the rest of India, which wisely followed Uttar Pradesh. I’m surprised nobody recalled this important detail…

    : Thanks for the RFK Jr. video with Tucker. I briefly thought you might be Boscohorowitz/Madamski, trying on a new persona, back in September, when you made introduction and then disappeared.
    I do not suspect that you are a bot or a troll.
    You seem OK to me.]

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 18 2021 #93008
    John Day

    @Boscohorowitz: December 25, the first day that could readily seen to be slightly longer after winter solstice, was Mithras’ birthday, the son of the Sun.

    An 1,800-year-old temple in northern England that is dedicated to the god Mithras was built to align with the rising sun on Dec. 25, a physics professor has found.

    The temple is located beside a Roman fort in Carrawburgh, near Hadrian’s Wall, which served as the most northerly frontier to the Roman Empire, beginning around A.D. 122.

    Some modern-day scholars believe that the Romans celebrated Mithras’ birthday on Dec. 25 — the same day eventually chosen by Christians to celebrate the birth of Christ. (Scholars don’t really think Jesus was born on that day.)…

    “It means that, probably, the orientation of the temple was chosen to recall the birth of Mithras on December 25,” Sparavigna added in the paper.

    Scholars know that Mithras was popular among soldiers who served in the Roman army, because temples dedicated to the god are sometimes found near Roman forts.

    “Mithras is the god of light, the new light which bursts forth each morning from the vault of heaven behind the mountains and whose birthday is celebrated on 25 December,” wrote Manfred Clauss, a history professor at Goethe University Frankfurt, in his book “The Roman Cult of Mithras: The God and His Mysteries”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 17 2021 #92766
    John Day

    There, I caught up on the comments. I can go to bed.
    “Tomorrow’s another day”

    My reading tells me that most troll-bots have intermittent human minders, so are really more occasional-cyborg.
    TAE may be advanced training for simulating human trolls in AI.
    That which shan’t be named was the commentarian name of a regular human a decade hence.
    The current experimental voice of that same name is not the original voice. It can’t answer a question from the wayback-machine…

    in reply to: The End of Mass Vaxx #92763
    John Day

    @TAE Summary: I was into the third paragraph before i realized the allegory. Most subtle! Good Work!

    , It was Fluoxetine (Prozac) and Fluvoxamine (Luvox doing all the good, from the looks of it. There are a whole lot of people taking Prozac.

    : I suspect a lot of immune system damage, already done by spike protein vaccines, may make populations more vulnerable to whatever the next pandemic is…
    I’m suspicious these days. I’ve read about human culls, and I think this smells like another one.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 16 2021 #92645
    John Day

    Nuevo-Deflationista has a new content manager for the username.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 16 2021 #92566
    John Day

    RFK Jr. In my latest book — “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health” — I take an in-depth look at the disastrous consequences of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s 50-year reign as America’s public health czar. The book, which will be released Nov. 16, is available now for pre-order.
    “The J. Edgar Hoover of Public Health in America” for over 35 years, starting with AIDS.
    As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci dispenses $6.1 billion in annual taxpayer-provided funding for scientific research.
    The research I conducted for my new book exposes how Fauci’s gargantuan yearly disbursements allow him to dictate the subject, content and outcome of scientific health research across the globe.
    These annual disbursements also allow Fauci to exercise dictatorial control over the army of “knowledge-and-innovation” leaders who populate the “independent” federal panels that approve and mandate drugs and vaccines — including the committees that allowed the Emergency Use Authorization of COVID-19 vaccines.
    Fauci uses the financial clout at his disposal to wield extraordinary influence over hospitals, universities, journals and thousands of influential doctors and scientists — whose careers and institutions he has the power to ruin, advance or reward.

    My New Book — ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ — Now Available for Pre-Order

    ​How did Pfizer come to rule the western world in the past year? Really, how?​

    The Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine Monopoly: The Backstory

    Pfizer vaccine efficacy over time, a few months. “Negative efficacy” is not mentioned, but we have seen that after 6 months. Why no mention?
    ​ ​Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccination Against Risk of Symptomatic Infection, Hospitalization, and Death Up to 9 Months: A Swedish Total-Population Cohort Study​
    ​Findings: Vaccine effectiveness of BNT162b2 against infection waned progressively from 92% (95% CI, 92-93, P<0·001) at day 15-30 to 47% (95% CI, 39-55, P<0·001) at day 121-180, and from day 211 and onwards no effectiveness could be detected…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 16 2021 #92565
    John Day

    Huh, wuzzat in English, please?
    SARS-COV-2 Delta variant displays moderate resistance to neutralizing antibodies and spike protein properties of higher soluble ACE2 sensitivity, enhanced cleavage and fusogenic activity
    SARS-CoV-2 Delta (sub)variant is moderately resistant to neutralizing antibodies produced in response to vaccines targeting January 2020 spike protein, which is most of them, and all of the ones in the US and UK. (This says nothing about enhancement of viral pathogenicity by antibodies to spike protein antibodies or natural antibodies to COVID infection.)
    Finally, the spike proteins of B.1.617 variants are more efficiently cleaved due to the P681R substitution, and the spike of Delta variants exhibited greater sensitivity to soluble ACE2 neutralization, as well as fusogenic activity, which may contribute to enhanced spread of Delta variants.
    That means that the things the virus does to attach to and quickly enter a human cell, to begin reproducing, all seem to work better for this sub variant. Several of these things have been shown elsewhere to be enhanced by antibodies to January 2020 SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, such as the cleavage of spike protein after attachment to ACE-2 receptor on cell wall, and “fusogenic activity”, which has to do with fusing into and crossing the host cell wall.
    These features were studied using “pseudovruses” not whole virus, so that each feature could be studied in isolation. That is good in one way, seeing what each mutated feature does alone, but it will completely miss the whole package effect of active virus in vaccinated, previously infected, and infection-naive humans. That would be far more complex of a study, and it is sort of going on around us.

    A systematic review of cases of CNS demyelination following COVID-19 vaccination
    Demyelinating neurological disease, like multiple sclerosis and transverse myelitis impairs the myelin sheath around nerves, without which they work very poorly or not at all. All types of COVID-19 vaccines can elicit this autoimmune response, more commonly in people who have autoimmune disease, and more commonly after the first vaccine dose. Most of these cases improved with high-dose steroids, the typical treatment.

    Transverse Myelitis:
    EU lists rare spinal condition as side-effect of J&J COVID-19 shot

    Paresthesia can be numbness, tingling, burning, ants crawling, insect biting, glass cuts, painful pressure or other sensation, without an easily identifiable cause on physical examination. Hyperesthesia is feeling things way too much in an area. It is usually experienced as painful.
    In the latest update on vaccine safety 6 October, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) reported that among the adverse reactions to the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine there were also cases of parestesia. In particular, as written in the dossier, edited by the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC), almost 22 thousand cases of parestesia and hypesthesia have been reported out of approximately 1 billion and 220 thousand Pfizer vaccine doses administered in the world.

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