John Day

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2021 #92084
    John Day

    Latest dog’s dinner of COVID is up

    The current COVID mutation sweeping Europe evades (capitalizes upon?) vaccine-induced antibodies. It does not appear as virulent in the unvaccinated, but spreads very well in vaccinated European populations, becoming dominant in multiple regions.
    …Of note, this B.1.1.7 sub-lineage is the predominant B.1.1.7 variant in several European countries, such as Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia. The earliest samples belonging to this sub-lineage were detected in November 2020 in a few countries in the European continent, but not in the UK. We have also detected its further evolution with extra spike mutations D138Y and A701V, which are signature mutations shared with the Beta and Gamma variants, respectively. Antibody neutralization assay of virus variant isolations has revealed that the variant with extra spike mutations is 3.2-fold less sensitive to vaccine-elicited antibodies as compared to other B.1.1.7 variants tested, indicating potential for immune evasion, but it also exhibited reduced replication fitness. The wide spread of this B.1.1.7 sub-lineage was related to the pandemic waves in early 2021 in various European countries.

    ​More on that in lay terminology:
    ​ With a 62.7% vaccination rate, Austria not only has a higher rate than the U.S., but most of the population has been vaccinated relatively recently, which should give those people better protection. Yet the country is experiencing its most prolific outbreak ever, as we are seeing across the globe, with a near-perfect inverse relationship between vaccination rates and COVID case rates. Now, Austria and other European countries are staring down the barrel of a completely new mutation, which German researchers believe might be completely immune to the vaccine-mediated antibodies.
    According to Our World in Data, the Central European countries and the Baltic states currently have the highest case rates per capita in the world.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2021 #92068
    John Day

    It wuz Dr.D what said:

    “As others have said: if the reality is as our TAE consensus suggests, why do nations like Russia ALSO behave this way? That tells me something larger is out there. mRNA could tag you for a following targeted bioweapon. But that’s the opposite. Is it that the government really want you to get it despite apparent overwhelming harm because it will still be safer than being Mr. Natural for a FUTURE corona attack? What is this? Some of these facts still make no sense…
    … but I feel something else out there.”

    Yeah, “Twas ever thus”, Mr. Natural

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2021 #92066
    John Day

    Boscohorowitz said:: “if the reality is as our TAE consensus suggests, why do nations like Russia ALSO behave this way?” (Maybe somebody even said it before that?)

    What is going on? How many skins hath this onion? Why do they call it “the fog of war”?

    Above my pay grade, and yours, too, but there are rumors that there will be more and more waves of pandemic contagion. Novel vaccine products are potentially an important tool in this global power struggle and class-war as Wile-E-Coyote plunges into the deep ravine.

    Putin seems to be paying attention, providing options, rather than lockdowns and mandates, and he is bound to have different information flows than TAE readers. I did not say “better”, but in accord with his position in the world. He also has to keep a poker face, and avoid actions that he might sorely regret. He seems to be allowing Russians to have and choose options.

    We’ll know more on our deathbeds, but the process will still be continuing, never completed…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2021 #92064
    John Day

    I spent almost all day in the hospital with Jenny, who had surgery yesterday, which went well, according to her surgeon, whose last operation on her did clearly go well.

    Back problems from walking upright are a bane of our species.

    I’ll be going back this morning. She had a couple of bites of Thai curry this morning, without getting nauseated, so that’s good. Our younger daughter went back and camped out with her overnight.
    She requests some leftover pasta I cooked up with some of our garden produce, her last dinner the night before surgery. ( her compliment to “the chef”)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2021 #92063
    John Day

    I caught up on last night’s comments:
    Thanks, Veracious Poet, but why does that cartoon building look like the WTC?
    TAE summary needs to be reposted this morning:

    Herr Biden insists all get shot
    The court say “Hold on there you’re not
    Above board and lawful
    With mandates so awful”
    Says Joe, “Judge, Go piss in a pot”

    Joe Biden strategically hitches
    His wagon to vaccines and pitches
    Strict mandate endorsement
    But lacking enforcement
    Recruits the whole nation as snitches

    Biden’s folks seem to abhor us
    While refugees seem to adore us
    The get-the-vaxx order
    Saps troops at the border
    Resulting in boundaries quite porous

    The Federal Covid health deal
    Insists on vaccines with great zeal
    While a spray for your nasal
    Won’t pass their appraisal
    “It’s cheap and effective. Get real!”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 10 2021 #92020
    John Day

    Oops, how’d that get deleted?

    Insert “discovered” after “accidentally”, please.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 10 2021 #92019
    John Day

    Keep up the serious work, Brother.
    The embarkation upon the spiritual path first reveals to the seeker…
    all of the seeker’s own baggage!
    Ha,ha,ha, hahahaa!
    I “accidentally” this, and it was laughingly explained to me about 20 years ago.
    It’s not over…
    You still get to do other work, while you are working on that “beam in your own eye”

    @ All-Y’all: I am marginal/ambivalent on several Myers-Briggs categories,
    more so than 20 years ago…


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2021 #91942
    John Day

    Nice Canadian-Tuxedo.
    Shouldn’t you have a tuque on your head or in your hand to complete the ensemble?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2021 #91941
    John Day

    @Boscohorowitz: A plastic surgeon should excise that thing on your back with WIDE MARGINS, ASAP.

    I wish you well.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2021 #91939
    John Day

    @Susmarie108: Thank you for the exceedingly kind comment yesterday.
    (Will you please retract it? The pressure is unbearable…)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2021 #91924
    John Day

    @Boscohorowitz: Depopulation is “the answer” to what?

    I think we have entered both “The Twilight Zone” and the beginning of a “selection event”, where alarge gene pool has arisen under favorable circumstances (unfavorable for non-domesticated life-forms, though) and it will fall back dramatically, as the favorable circumstances of fossile energy, water and ores are depleted and population peaks.

    Looking back at history, we see “events” and we declare them to have happened in a certain way, for certain reasons, and it’s all quick and tidy.
    Here in the experiential world, we have long, agonizing processes, with crystallization of free-floating-anxiety onto whatever external shadow can be cast for the mass-formation of an “Other” to blame.

    I think the interminable process of living into this new and unmoored life is what we must embrace with compassion, goodwill, resoulion, and stoicism.
    We should do our best and see how things form in our worlds.
    It’s not a time to wait and see, but to look for opportunity to do something of lasting good, and to do it promptly.
    I’d long considered and planned for another built structure at the homestead, and the time seems opportune. It is possible. It may not be possible in half a year. We got the good-old-house all fixed up and replumbed, rewired and repaired. The fiberglass insulation should go into the vacuumed-out attic this week.
    The gardens are planted for fall/winter, and we have lots of dry beans, onions, garlic, dried peppers, and home-canned tomatoes.
    An opportunity to prepare is also an opportunity to learn how to prepare, and to develop a state of preparedness for sudden changes.
    “Chance favors the prepared, they say. Versatility and preparedness are bound to be good survival traits in a “selection event”.
    The shadowy puppet masters are NOT trying to select for people who solve their own problems.
    They want to select for servility and predictability.
    That’s against nature, I think. Maybe the mysterious Rothschild that TT4TW quotes has said something applicable. It’s not all predators and prey in the world… There is a lot off cooperative play and creativity going on. There is divine inspiration, but I think it comes best to those already engaged in activity…

    Focusing on a 90% population reduction is not helpful. Doing everything necessary to cooperatively adapt and survive is helpful to the process.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2021 #91922
    John Day

    @Maxwell Quest: That Thanos dude looks like a Rock-Em-Sock-Em-Robot, which commercials from the 1960s were linked to by Boscohorowitz 11/5/21, and I watched again, along with “Slinky” et al.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2021 #91918
    John Day

    ​Though ​I have little to show, but my botched scale drawing (1 box is 1 square foot)​, work has commenced on the pier and beam foundation preparation for the additional small house at the Yoakum homestead. The rise of about 20 inches from the low point to the high point got graded with a Bobcat yesterday, and 33 holes will be bored out for 33 reinforced concrete piers today. A lot of planning, provisioning and preparation is fairly invisible, but it is still progress. The plumber also looked everything over with me yesterday at the site. He has done a lot of work for us in the past few years, as has the electrician, who rewired the 1957 house.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2021 #91917
    John Day

    I am showcasing this piece by RFK Jr. today. It’s enough. I see this process as he presents it here.
    We see the same thing happening in the US and globally.

    ‘Our Country Is Under Attack’: RFK, Jr. Speaks on CIA and Totalitarianism

    ​ ​Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. last month delivered a speech at the 2021 Ron Paul Institute “Pandemic and the Road to Totalitarianism” conference.
    ​I​n his speech — described by the Ron Paul Institute as “a compelling indictment of the mad push to total control” — Kennedy said the techniques used by government officials during the COVID pandemic to “edge people into subservience” come straight out of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) manuals he researched for his book, “American Values.”
    ​ ​He said the manuals provided a playbook for how to destroy local businesses, the economy, institutional and social structures and social relationships. He said the purpose was:

    “ … to create chaos that will then create enough people in that country who will allow a foreign entity to come in and clamp down on centralized control. And almost all of the techniques that are outlined in those manuals are the same techniques that they were practicing in these simulations year after year with hundreds of thousands of people.”​ ​

    ​ ​Kennedy described a recent simulation, Event 201, a pandemic “tabletop exercise” that simulated a global pandemic nearly identical to COVID. The event took place in October 2019 at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
    ​ ​Dr. Tom Inglesby, director of the Center for Health Security, facilitated the simulation. Bill Gates of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, global health officers and people from social media groups, large pharmaceutical companies and global corporations attended or sent representatives.

    Kennedy said:
    ​ ​“What were they simulating? They were simulating a pandemic, but they weren’t simulating a medical response to that pandemic. They were simulating a militarized response. How do you use that pandemic to, particularly in that Event 201, to impose censorship globally? And that’s what they were modeling.”
    ​ ​Describing CIA operations and organized mind control programs at top universities, conducted on “expendable” subjects such as military and the incarcerated, Kennedy said the same techniques are used in today’s lockdowns:

    “The most potent technique, incidentally that they learned again, and again, and again — more potent than physical torture — was isolation … And they did this in sensory deprivation tanks … and also just locking people in solitary confinement.

    “You can get [people] to do almost anything you want after a certain period of time. It will drive them mad, because we’re social animals, we’re social beings. And when you tear the social fabric, it makes people desperate, fearful and obedient to do anything.”

    ​ ​Kennedy detailed America’s response to pandemics throughout history and explained the significance of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which guarantees the right to free speech.

    ​ ​“If a government can hide what it’s doing by censoring its opponents and silencing diss​onant​s​ ​, it has license to do anything that it wants,” Kennedy said.
    He said what happens when you have a population of fear, “you have the complete obliteration of critical thinking, and then people stop asking questions.”

    ​ ​Kennedy described how the rules and regulations handed down during the pandemic have been manipulated to point where no one recognizes the country as a democracy anymore:

    ​ ​“So there are all these democratic protections that were waived. All of that was waived. All of these things were imposed upon us by fiat — with no discussion, no science cited.”

    ​ ​Kennedy cited parallels in books he’s read by George Orwell and science fiction writer, Robert Heinlein, with what he sees all over the civilized world. He said his forthcoming book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” is a real-world account of what seems to him as surreal as science fiction:

    ​ ​“I’m about to publish this book on Anthony Fauci, and part of my journey in writing that book — and it’s taken me more than a year of really intense research — was it took me kind of on that journey to try and explain how this could have happened in America.

    ​ ​“And one of the things that I discovered during this process is what’s happening now is this lockstep imposition of totalitarian controls — not just in America, but in every one of the liberal democracies in the world, and all of the other countries in the world.

    ​ ​“China moved into Hong Kong and banned the last democratic newspaper. Everywhere in the world, we see democracy and constitutional rights disappearing. And it all happened at once, as if it was planned.”

    ​ ​Kennedy compared the two ways American people respond to totalitarian control by detailing the conclusions of Stanley Milgram’s electric-shock studies of the 1960s.
    ​ ​Milgram recruited subjects from every walk of life to learn how many people would torture and potentially kill a person sitting in the next room with the turn of a “supposed” electric dial.
    Kennedy explained:

    ​ ​“And the dial would supposedly administer electric shocks to a person sitting in the next room who they could not see. And they could hear the screams and the pleading and the crying, the agony that they were causing and the begging. And they had a guy who was dressed as a doctor in a white lab coat who was telling them, ‘turn it up higher at different intervals.’ Many of the people who were turning it up were crying, because they didn’t want to do it because it clashed with essential values. It clashed with their conscience.”

    In the end, however, the Milgram experiment found more people followed “doctors’ orders” than their own conscience.

    ​ ​“Sixty-seven percent of the people — of the Americans — liberal, conservative, etcetera — who were told to do that turned that dial-up to 450 volts,” Kennedy said. “It said on the dial: ‘Potentially Fatal’ and they were willing to kill somebody if a doctor told them to do it,”

    ​ ​Kennedy praised the doctors and scientists who have the courage to speak up on medical protocols that work for COVID. He said the fact that they are being silenced is “not America … it’s not debate. It’s not, ‘let me see your evidence. It’s ‘these people are dangerous. They need to be silenced.’”

    He ended by calling for action:

    “You know, what all of us need to understand is that our country is under attack right now … What is our country? Is it just a place where you can come and accumulate a big pile for yourself and whoever dies with the most stuff wins, or is it the landscapes? Is it the purple mountains majesties? Is it the population, the diversity, etcetera?

    “It’s all those things. But more than anything else it’s our Constitution. It’s the statement of shared values that holds us all together as a people. And we’re saying to the rest of the world that we believe something in our country, more strongly than anybody else believes, which is that we have to love our liberties more than we fear a disease.”​ Video of speech at link​

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2021 #91916
    John Day

    @Clueless Honky: Good work. I did read after the “If you’ve made it thisfar…” and found it to be further illuminating, like the writings of Sigmund Freud… Well, Freud had a specific way of seeing and presenting, which was excellent, appearing to express absolutes… They weren’t absolutes, but food for thought…
    I like Boscohorowitz’s comments, but I’m OK with reading the extra-long part on Mass-Formation, too, today…
    I left a comment on your blog post, just agreeing and saying we should be “prepping”.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 5 2021 #91690
    John Day

    Looking up your address was kind of a nasty AI-X thing to do. I think it supports malicious AI-ness as a hypothesis. This blog is prob’ly a good place to beta test and train AI that has graduated from Zero-Hedge land. I’m better at verbal reasoning than I am at chess. A random number generator could beat me at chess (sometimes).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 5 2021 #91689
    John Day

    Good AI information links and insight, and intelligent-human playfulness.
    Nice to have you back, Robin.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 5 2021 #91625
    John Day

    @Nuevo-Deflationista: Agreed that there should be autopsies of sudden cardiac death in young and previously healthy people.
    Arrhythmias (like WPW) and congenital defects (like IHSS) look like what they are, but thromboses, inflammation of perivascular tissue, and myocardial necrosis look different. Blood tests would look different, too.
    Differences would be discernable. We need good information.
    Massive , unexplained “excess deaths” in the under-50s are a big deal. We have identified a plausible explanation. It is not refuted. It really should be carefully researched and elucidated.
    There are different hypotheses. The predominant hypothesis at this blog is that it is from COVID vaccinations.
    It is a refutable hypothesis, but only refutable with hard data, which nobody seems to be releasing lately…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 5 2021 #91620
    John Day

    There are lots of links and stories, with a lot of overlap at “Indecisive Victory”
    This one’s different.

    ​ Eleni sends this article, “The Decisive Battle”, which describes the strategy of the Imperial Japanese Navy in WW-2 to strike the US suddenly, weakening its fleet, and hoping that it would attack immediately with the weakened fleet, so that Japan might temporarily maintain an upper hand. That was the only possible scenario in which Japan stood a chance to not be defeated, but it was under an embargo for oil, coal and mineral ores, and could either retreat and become a target for rivals, or attack.
    The US had the advantage of being well stocked with materials, vastly more manpower, and an industrial base far removed from bombing attacks. The US did not attack promptly, and did not lose any aircraft carriers, which Roosevelt had removed in November, when he learned of the approaching fleet. (This author does not appear to know that.)
    Risking everything on a decisive battle was a desperate strategy, and military experts in Japan knew that, but they had no good options. This author draws the parallel to the American political battle to unseat Trump’s presidency at any cost, which was done (he thinks semi-fairly. I don’t.) However, the large American population of working deplorables is more economically critical than the professional-managerial-class in the longer term, so has the same advantage that America had over Japan in a protracted conflict.
    The sarcastic battle cry of this movement has now been raised: “Let’s Go Brandon!”
    ​ “​For those of you who don’t know the context: at a recent NASCAR event in New Jersey, the crowd could be heard chanting ”Fuck Joe Biden!” after the race. During an interview with the winner of the race – a man named Brandon Brown – the flustered reporter, hearing the chant, then says on camera that the crowd must be very enthused for Brandon, as they’re all chanting ”Let’s go Brandon!” in his honor. Of course, they crowd is doing no such thing, and she and everyone else knows it.​”
    ​ ​This quirky, humorous greeting has become the name of 4 of the top 10 songs recently, which are rather crude, and typically “white-supremacist”​ rap style, though performed by African Americans, for some reason.
    The casual “Let’s Go Brandon” remark refers to a shared view of the pervasive lying of the corporate media, and simultaneously mocks it as a laughing stock.
    ​This snide remark is intolerable to the professional-managerial-class, because it usurps their sarcastic tone of intellectual superiority.
    It’s beside the point that they would commonly use no code words at all when talking about Chief MAGA Deplorable Trump last year. That was different!​
    The premise of the author is that the “decisive battle” was won, but no lasting arrangement was made, so the redundant managerial class must eventually capitulate.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 5 2021 #91619
    John Day

    I went on a bike ride for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon/evening, from 5:20 PM to 7:20 PM, Texas time. I actually spent time, a fair amount, considering the eventual return of Robin Morrison, “Boscohorowitz”, “Madamski” to these pages. Back in September, or so, there were a couple of tentative posts from “a long time reader” “Uranian”. I had to look that up. Robin, is that you?
    Gone, poof!
    The difficulty in creating a third persona is that there is a revision to natural-response over time, so why not just be natural.
    Looking at the entries from last night, and trying to convert TAE time to Texas time tells me that this was pretty close in time, maybe the same time. Those entries were not there when I left, and I did not look again when I returned.
    Welcome back, Robin.
    I hope your daughter is fine, with or without good old apple flavored horse paste…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2021 #91618
    John Day

    @Nuevo-deflationista: Constructive efforts today, and definitely seeming more human. Are you the human minder, at least sometimes, and/or is this a new “anger” setting for AI, to make it seem less bland and mechanical?
    How many excess sudden cardiac deaths? When? Autopsy findings?
    If these are from clotting and heart muscle death, they are different than if they are from the structural anomaly “IHSS”, or from abnormal electrical rhythms, like re-entrant arrhythmias.
    Autopsy would distinguish.
    I agree that we should know, rather than speculate, but nobody gets an autopsy these days, for some reason, or we don’t get told…
    What you decry is pattern-recognition. We all do pattern-recognition. It is a very useful form of intelligence. It can be overdone or underdone… Or juuust-right!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2021 #91521
    John Day

    @Germ: That wench is spiTTing “HeSSS NoTTT VACCCInaTTeD!” at the poor guy in the passenger seat.

    Stewardess and Pilot were most cool and collected… Commendable poise they showed.
    Thanks as always for finding the gems…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2021 #91520
    John Day

    @Germ: I hope your friend just has acid reflux and esophageal spasm.

    @Mr.House: Tidy little package, my great-reset-conspiracy-theory, innit?

    : I think Mark Carney got promoted for massive wealth transfer to the most wealthy, as you said.

    @Those Darned Kids: Dutton looks nice, kind of like Yoakum. Give up F-35s. Yes.

    : Warm shower. Yes.

    : I’m a vegetarian. No Soylent Green, please.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2021 #91486
    John Day

    COP26 & The Great Reset: The Not So Glorious Prospect of Owning Nothing and Passing a Cold, Dark Winter​ , Cynthia Chung​
    President Putin also had to make the point that countries need to tell Russia whether they want the gas supply to be increased, that Russia is meeting the present contractual demands and that if there is a demand to increase the supply, Russia can do it, but it needs to be a contract. Russia is not simply going to increase its supply to European nations without their official request for such a thing.
    ​ ​So, thus far we have found out that Russia has increased its supply of gas to Europe since the beginning of the year, that the US accounts for half of the cuts to the supply to Europe, that the energy shortage in Europe was caused by an over-reliance on wind and solar energy and that Nord Stream 2 (which has been strongly opposed by the US and Green Energy advocates) has the capability to restabilize gas prices and meet supply demands, that Russia is willing to do this, but that there are ongoing European restrictions that are preventing this from happening.​..
    ​ ​The fight for nuclear energy has always been about the fight for the right to develop one’s nation.​ ​​ (As opposed to being a tributary colony.)​
    As President Putin stressed the point at the recent “Russia Energy Week International Forum”:
    “To reiterate, the rise in natural gas prices in Europe stemmed from shortages of electricity, not the other way around… Systemic flaws have been gradually introduced in European energy over the past decade, which led to a major market crisis in Europe.
    ​ ​As a reminder, when nuclear and natural gas-based generation were the leading energy sources, there were no such crises, and there were no grounds for them… Few people are aware of this, but the nuclear energy’s carbon footprint is lower than that of solar energy. I think even the specialists here are, perhaps, hearing this for the first time.”​ (Catastrophic failure risks, and end-of-life management of old reactors are not factored in to that.)​
    Mark Carney, former director of the Bank of England has called for a “net zero banking alliance” in which banks have agreed not to lend to producers but only to put funds into the green bubble, the carbon bubble and so on. As a result, future energy production will drop even though there are ample resources available, creating further artificial scarcity.​…​
    ​ ​Carney said climate change must become the “fundamental driver of every investment decision or lending decision.”​ …
    ​ ​This is where the Great Reset agenda comes in, which will cause a further centralisation of how finance is already coordinated, into the hands of fewer and fewer controllers, giving increasing liquidity to the banking sector but no money for the productive sector.​..
    In addition, Wall Street on Parade has reported that they have reason to believe that the hyperinflation we are presently observing started back in Sept 2019 when a derivatives blow out occurred and to which the Federal Reserve stepped in through the repo markets to provide massive liquidity to banks such as Deutsche Bank, BNP, JP Morgan, Citibank, Bank of America etc.
    ​ ​This hyperinflationary money pumping did not just go to what is claimed to be solely for the covering of short-term corporate loans. The hypothesis of Wall Street on Parade is that the bulk of this money really went to covering up the derivatives blowout that they believe started in Sept 2019.
    ​ ​This is what is truly causing the hyperinflation and is being covered up by labeling it as a supply chain problem of raw material shortages and so on, when in fact it is due to the hyperinflationary money printing, combined with the green new deal policies, which are artificially driving up the prices of gas and coal.

    COP26 & The Great Reset: The Not So Glorious Prospect of Owning Nothing and Passing a Cold, Dark Winter

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2021 #91485
    John Day

    Pictured with collard greens. Got plenty of collard greens now. Truth Rests Lies

    ​ In Mid October 2019 COP 201 was hastily convened to war-game a coronavirus pandemic sweeping the world, and how countries might mobilize to meet this global threat. Bill Gates, the WHO, Johns Hopkins and governments of the world all participated. At this moment in time, by my reckoning, SARS-CoV-2 was already spreading in the US, China and Europe, and the Wuhan (military olympic) Games were underway, with all participants staying in a huge hotel complex.
    A few participants, including Americans,were hospitalized with a weird viral pneumonia…​
    Meanwhile, back in Manhattan, concurrent with COP 201, the Fed had to take over the overnight repo-window the previous month, September, because there was some kind of occult crisis of trust between the major banks of the world, and they could not loan to each other overnight based on good collateral (T-bills).
    This now appears to have been due to the long-awaited crisis of derivative counterparty-risk.
    They are not different things. The leveraged house-of-cards of global finance was quivering a bit…
    Kill two birds with one stone. No, make that three birds. No, the whole damned flock of seagulls!
    All of the players from global finance, global governance, global military and global medical and pharmacology were sitting at this big table working out the Great Reset. (“If you are not AT the table, you are ON the table”, I have heard.)
    What we are seeing and living now is the unfolding of the plans they worked out at this crisis summit. They maintain ownership. They maintain control of the system. The system appears to function as it did in the past, but only through vast daily creation of faith-based money.
    “Faith” is sustained through the giddy form of greed that people feel when they are riding the peak of a bubble higher and higher, “to infinity and beyond”.
    Ths “smart” money is buying up any property it can find, before the faith-based money turns into a pumpkin at midnight. (Hey, what time is it!)
    There can be no “rebuild back better”, because fossil fuels, mineral ores and fossil water are all in decline, while parasitic rents on real economy are choking it to death. Since it is already “what’s for dinner”, it needs to be cast as “what is necessary to save the planet”. Nobody in power has to lose power. The system stays the same, with some necessary adjustments.
    Regular people, those of us not-at-the-table, need to understand that we are in climate crisis (we are) and that the only way out is to give up all of our property rights and all of our constitutional rights, and to allow our choices to be made for us, for the good of all of the life on Planet Earth.
    Otherwise, there is no plan at all.
    Obviously, only the people with experience at the top echelons of global governance, finance and public health have the broad enough vision to lead us forward into this crisis which was completely unforeseeable (except to people who read the obscure 1973 book “The Limits To Growth”, which I learned about in 1974, and Deng Xiaopeng also read about that time. I hear his thinking was much influenced by it.)
    I must sheepishly admit that I am not really going along with this plan, even though it’s the best thing for all of us. I’m just going to try to spend cash while I have a little, grow vegetables, be a friend, a neighbor, “uncle John”, “Dad”, and so on. I don’t have a real plan for global, national, regional, local and household economies for our whole world. AI computers can probably work that all out these days. In the past, there always had to be a collapse of the upper levels of management, finance and government, and the economies had to re-set from the ground-level of production, distribution and consumption on up.
    That always took a decade or more. It also always seemed to waste most of the valuable executive talent at the pinnacle of the financial and governance hierarchy.
    We can scarcely afford to lose our leaders in this critical moment of crisis, now can we?

    ​A Global Oil Shortage Is Inevitable
    …Chronic underinvestment in new oil supply since the 2015 crisis and the pressure on oil and gas companies to curb emissions and even “keep it in the ground” will likely lead to peak global oil production earlier than previously expected, analysts say.
    ​ ​This would be a welcome development for green energy advocates, net-zero agendas, and the planet if it weren’t for one simple fact: oil demand is rebounding from the pandemic-driven slump and will set a new average annual record as soon as next year.
    ​ ​The energy transition and the various government plans for net-zero emissions have prompted analysts to forecast that peak oil demand would occur earlier than expected just a few years ago. However, as current investment trends in oil and gas stand, global oil supply could peak sooner than global oil demand…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2021 #91475
    John Day

    I just caught up on the last comments from last night.

    WES: Thank You, Amigo, for telling your tale of life with poor hearing and narrowing tunnel vision.
    I won’t say more. You have my respect for your life and all you have told us of it…

    TAE Summary said:
    Summary in Limericks

    Jacinda, New Zealand’s PM
    Is ever so quick to condemn
    If you’ve no accredit
    You’d best just forget it
    Her country’s now Us versus Them

    The vaxx won’t prevent the transmission
    Of Covid in many condition
    To put it quite crude
    Get vaxxed and you’re screwed
    By Pfizer spike protein coition

    Tom Hobbes thinks that people are rotten
    While Locke said we’re just misbegotten
    We’re decent, Locke thinks
    Well that theory stinks
    We’re evil, but Locke has forgotten

    A doc takes the oath Hippocratic
    Despite this some docs are erratic
    They harm more than aid
    By evil they’re swayed
    Bad judgement becomes quite dogmatic

    Dr. D. said a lot, and it dovetails into what I am going to write now, the essay that pulls the whole big picture together once and for all…
    Gotta’ start writing while I can see it so clearly. Why didn’t I see this all before?
    (Oh, I did, and I’m not alone, but still…)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 2 2021 #91442
    John Day

    Thanks Doc Robinson for the spontaneous Abortion after COVID vaccination paper

    Thanks to Germ for the paper about suppression of DNA repair by anti-cancer cellular proteins/enzymes

    These are very important topics.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 2 2021 #91440
    John Day

    Come Back Shane! … er Veracious Poet.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 2 2021 #91438
    John Day

    Thanks My Parents Said Know. I seek to keep this house design and execution as simple as possible, and as easy to work on later as can be done.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 2 2021 #91408
    John Day
    “Unscheduled Creative Opportunity” post includes a hand drawn scale plan for the small house we are attaching to the main house at the homestead, via a short covered walkway. It’s what I have been doing, since I now have unscheduled time in my life. (Going for a bike ride now.)

    Since my last blog post last week I have been working on physical projects in the world, mostly at the homestead. The absence of a regimented work schedule has allowed me to work on the 1957 house, getting a giant 24 HP vacuum cleaner in Austin, Saturday morning, driving it and a mess of six inch corrugated hose to Yoakum, and troubleshooting the mess all day, as we got shocked by the hose as we sucked out the old insulation. Static electricity was like rubbing wool on a glass rod, but more so with 24 HP providing the rub. The worst piece of hose was the big problem. It’s internally-conductive coil of copper wire was exposed by big cracks, allowing the static sparks to jump to human bodies (impressive visuals in the dark attic).
    I did not do much of that work in the attic, but enough to “get a feel” for what was happening. None of us wants to do that again.
    I told the rental place about the piece of tubing I had tagged with steel wire “really hurting people”. They said they would throw it away.
    I would never have had any understanding of this somewhat obscure line of endeavor if I had not taken part in the process.
    So what? Yeah, “so what”… That’s life and learning. That is actually doing things, instead of signing an order. It’s different.

    For years I have been making scale drawings of houses to build, none of which has been built. I have been studying books about building and remodeling for those same years. I have the books, with highlighted passages, and good illustrations. I have been reviewing them again. I have been drawing pictures again, but this time we are setting out to actually build a modest little house, mainly kitchen and living/dining area, with a combined bathroom and laundry room, and some finished-out attic space. It will attach to the main house via a very short covered walkway. That makes it meet code as an “addition”.
    The contractor has been doing much of the maintenance on the existing house, and we got to talk and draw this weekend. My friend, Lester, an Architectural Engineer, is being tremendously helpful with advice as to what works to safely and securely construct our ideas.
    I am including a drawing of the internal space of the first floor, about 25 ft. X 32 ft. internally, with a 13 X 8 ft. screen porch coming off the back/kitchen door.
    This structure will come off the end of the house, which was seen in the background of the last blog post, behind the Mexican avocado trees. Each square represents one square foot of floor space. The sliding glass door looks out to the avocado orchard. (There is a pull-down ladder to the attic, not shown, because I can’t upload the scanned image of the updated drawing.)

    For now, my abstract ideas are being helped by the much greater experience of the building contractor and the Architectural Engineer, helping us all to proceed carefully and avoid errors. We are communicating well. We all intend to “measure twice; cut once”.
    Though this has long been a plan of mine, it is made possible by my firing from the clinic for non-compliance with vaccine-mandate, changed to being fired-for-cause at the last minute, after the Governor issued an executive order against vaccine mandates a few weeks ago. I am cashing out my very modest retirement plan, which will fund a large portion of this build.
    I have wanted to “build my own house” since I was a boy, or at least a youth. I will be completely satisfied to do some of the work and participate in the design of “my own house” at this stage of my life.

    I will post updates of this constructive learning experience as it proceeds.
    You might be entertained some days.
    We’ll see…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 28 2021 #91046
    John Day

    Ugo Bardi’s “Age of Exterminations” series gives useful perspective on how societies have exterminated members, or classes within a society, for the profit of others, or sometimes because there was not enough food from a bad crop year.
    Let me start with the base case of human society killing some members of an extended family/clan as “witches” when heavy rains or drought have drastically reduced the supply of food. In the area of Tanzania studied, fed by rain-supplied agriculture, there are twice as many witch-killings in years of excessive rainfall, when crops are damaged, as in years of normal rainfall. The victims are typically elderly women, killed by family-members.
    Poverty and Witch Killing, Edward Miguel, U. Cal. Berkeley, 2005

    I would take the above as mostly a case of famine killing poor people. Western witch killings in Europe and North America did come in hard times, bad winters, the Little Ice Age, but also befell those with some property, and little protection. there was profit to be made.
    Killing an elderly great-aunt, when everybody is hungry, seems like a variation on the theme of people starving to death in famine.

    The Age of Exterminations VI: “The Great Famine To Come”, looks at the Irish Potato Famine as a historical example.
    The Irish people were subsisting on potatoes, brought from the new world, and much of the land was owned by others, who produced grain and livestock for export and to feed the troops of the British Empire.
    The Irish peasant farmers had been saddled with all of the risk, and they died when potato blight destroyed their food.
    The crown was “reluctant” to interfere in the economic markets…
    The Irish peasants had “owned nothing and were happy”, until they had no food, having unknowingly assumed all of the economic risk of the system by having no other recourse but to eat potatoes they grew, or to die.
    The lesson here is that having no options, which is to be poor, and not to “own the means of food production” makes one a ready target for extermination through widespread famine. Universal Basic Income would be a chute into this outcome, as would any form of government handout that became an only-means-of-eating.
    So, to kill large numbers of poor people, cut off the food supply. It can look like anything made it happen. It happens periodically.
    Professor Bardi looks at The Limits To Growth graphs and the revision to that. We can expect industrialized food production and delivery to have major problems as industrial economy contracts. (Mr. Gates seems to be well invested in farmland.)
    One might find ways to assure one’s food, water and fuel through a hard spell, but one would not be able to do so in a social vacuum.
    Consider helping feed your community, or being a member of a community that largely feeds itself, if that is possible.

    The Age Of Exterminations IV: “How To Kill The Rich”, looks at the opposite end of the wealth spectrum. Wealth is sustained through force, through threat of violence. The rich who are inadequately protected by private armies, or a government army, are subject to ambush, sudden and overwhelming ambush.
    It’s typically rich and powerful sociopaths that can conspire to do this.
    That could include the king, the pope, the CIA, the FBI, the Mob, or the army, but it has to be people with trained killers who can keep a secret.

    The next two essays seem to share the common thread of killing those who are somewhat gullible, susceptible to propaganda, and crowd mania.

    The Age Of Exterminations III: “How to Exterminate The Young”, is really about exterminating a lot of the young men in a society in WW-1.
    Propagandized young Italian men got whipped into a mass rage and went off to take back pieces of Italy from Austrians who were offering to give it back if Italy remained neutral. Half of them died. People became much more wary after that.
    In the US, it was the Civil War that made Americans wary.
    Mechanized warfare is mass slaughter. The survivors will subsequently understand that.
    It has mostly been wiped from the American memory by having smaller wars in places nobody knows, starting with Grenada.
    Americans could be susceptible again. Vietnam is almost forgotten now, almost…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 28 2021 #91043
    John Day

    ​ “Original Antigenic Sin” is an off-putting term for a really critical immunologic mechanism, which is well explained and documented here. I’d like to call it something less prone to cause people’s minds to immediately shut off, something like “Immunological Imprinting”​. (Hats off to Konrad Lorenz.)
    Oh, look, that’s what this article in Nature calls it; just what I thought of.
    Here is the article that Marjorie sent me, explaining that the human adaptive immune system creates an antibody response to the first variant of a viral family that it gets infected by. Flu is an example, and coronavirus is a family that keeps mutating and adapting as time goes by, like influenza.
    The memory B cells that are ready to make those antibodies go on vacation until the virus comes back, then pounce into action with the response they know so well. They do that in a couple of days, well before novice immune cells can mount a new response, more specific to this mutated variant.
    That usually works OK, but not always, and sometimes it can be worse than nothing if the new virus has mutated to exploit that fixed antibody response.
    That is called “ADE”, antibody dependent enhancement of viral pathogenicity, and it is one of the banes of vaccine makers. It usually only happens when the vaccine is the first exposure of a naive immune system to a viral family. It happened with a Rotavirus vaccine in the US, and recently with a Dengue vaccine in the tropics. That Dengue vaccine killed a lot of kids when they caught a different strain of Dengue from what they had been vaccinated against. It inhibited one Dengue virus, but enhanced the new improved version.
    It is already apparent how that is working with coronaviruses in general and with COVID vaccines against the January 2020 spike protein in particular. People who have had other coronaviruses in the past mount that response again, early, and it is not specific to SARS-CoV-2, but it is usually good enough to keep the viral load down from the outset and prevent more than mild illness.
    Those same people who had prior coronavirus infection do not make as many specific antibodies to the 2020 spike protein when they get vaccinated, because they mainly trigger the prior learned response.
    People who get the January 2020 spike protein as an imprint are already making antibodies known to enhance certain infectious actions of the Delta variant, helping it to enter human cells more rapidly.
    They do not make any antibodies to the other 84% of a coronavirus, and they might never be any good at doing that for the rest of their lives.
    Any children who have not already caught a coronavirus, who are vaccinated with current products, may be impaired from ever mounting an adequate immune response to any future coronavirus…
    That is precisely a very bad thing to do to each of those children, and to the human herd.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 28 2021 #91042
    John Day

    Blog is up, with picture in replanted Mexican avocado orchard
    Resist extermination. Protect the kids.

    The Age Of Exterminations V: “Suicide As A Weapon Of Mass Destruction”, is really about tricking people into taking poison, but they will do it best, if they do not know they are taking poison. They could just be doing something “good for their health”, or “going to a hospital”, or “taking a shower”.
    Poisoners throughout history have been a devious and cunning lot.
    Sometimes the people who do not take the poison with everybody else get shot. Sometimes they get away.
    Sometimes people do kill themselves and their families, rather than be taken by enemy soldiers.
    I think that is different from being tricked into taking poison…

    COVID Vaccines in teenagers::
    This week’s U.S. data for 12- to 17-year-olds show:
    ​ ​21,921 total adverse events, including 1,325 rated as serious and 25 reported deaths. Two of the 25 deaths were suicides.
    ​ ​The most recent death involves a 12-year-old girl (VAERS I.D. 1784945) who died from a respiratory tract hemorrhage 22 days after receiving her first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine.
    ​ ​Another recent death includes a 15-year-old male who died six days after receiving his first dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. According to his VAERS report (VAERS I.D. 1764974), the previously healthy teen complained of brief unilateral shoulder pain five days after receiving his COVID vaccine.
    ​ ​The next day he played with two friends at a community pond, swung on a rope swing, flipped into the air, and landed in the water feet first. He surfaced, laughed and told his friends “Wow, that hurt!” He then swam toward shore underwater, as was his usual routine, but did not re-emerge.
    ​ ​An autopsy showed no external indication of a head injury, but there was a small subgaleal hemorrhage — a rare, but lethal bleeding disorder — over the left occiput. In addition, the boy had a mildly elevated cardiac mass, increased left ventricular wall thickness and small foci of myocardial inflammation of the lateral wall of the left ventricle with myocyte necrosis (dead heart muscle) consistent with myocardial infarction.​

    17,000+ Deaths Reported After COVID Vaccines, Including New Report of 12-Year-Old Who Died After Pfizer Vaccine

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 27 2021 #91012
    John Day

    @Germ: Thank you, thank you, thank you… “Store up for yourself treasures in Heaven”

    : I did read your comments last night. Thanks for having a brain, brother.

    Those Darned Kids said: “you know, doc day, i’ve a theory that many of those non-coding CATGut (i play strings..) dna thingers are actually memories encoded in a quaternary language.”
    JD: The Inca string messages have not been decoded the last I heard. It does look like the non-replicating parts are control-related. It’s some kind of meaning, tied to function, sort of like compliance-officers at work, maybe.

    : What was the question again? 😮

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 27 2021 #91011
    John Day

    @Chooch: You are currently winning-by-not-losing.
    I advise to accept the mask-wearing and weekly swab testing. They are a benign face-saving measure for your employer.
    Here is the sticky part:
    3. I must adhere to any additional customer or supplier requirements – even where those requirements may be more stringent.
    It’s open-ended. It needs to be limited. This would limit it to putting on more stuff or staying farther away: It sounds very stringent… It may even be what they mean.
    3. I must adhere to any additional customer or supplier on-site requirements – even where those requirements may involve stringent requirements for isolation or personal protective equipment.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 27 2021 #90998
    John Day

    Vitamin-D is, yes a hormone, but it was named when it was discovered, before that was understood.
    It is a hormone that our species lost the ability to manufacture, but that did not matter much at the time, since our species mostly lived in the sun in temperate zones, where sunlight in the skin surface made plenty of vitamin-D. It became a problem when our species migrated north, where one must wear clothing in the winter, and the sun is too weak to make vitamin-D for much of the year.
    Those people lost pigment and ate animals with vitamin-D, or got rickets, and died of disease at young ages.
    This is late in the game for us to directly address this, maybe 200,000 years too late. Vitamin-D is stored in the fat. It has a very long half life. Optimum levels for immune function appear to be over 60. Ideal levels for people with autoimmune disease or cancer are probably 90-100. Some would say higher. “Normal” is 30-100, but toxicity does not occur under 150. I’ve never seen it over 112, and the person felt fine.
    I advise everybody to take some vitamin-D , ride a bike, grow a vegetable garden if you are able, and to be at peace with your divine nature, and benevolent to others.
    Don’t trust “A Rothschild” who is obviously a poseur discussing the relative merits of hallucinogens/entheogens. The “bloodline” stuff is mostly a misdirection of though
    Look at traits. Traits are the thing. “Bloodline” is not really a useful term in genetic analysis.
    “Memes” carried in families and clans look to be at least as important as genes, and there should be synergy between them.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2021 #90917
    John Day

    The Age of Extermination (I) : Who Are The Typical Victims? Professor Ugo Bardi
    If you think of the story of the witch hunts of the 16th-17th century in Europe, you may be under the impression that the typical witch was an old hag living in a hut at the margins of the village, alone with a black cat.
    But no, that wasn’t the case. Maybe this kind of marginal people were occasionally killed for being witches, but they were not the usual victims. In reality, witch hunting had a strong monetary component and it was often carried out with a view on making a profit on the confiscation of the assets of the victims. They were not poor and destitute women but, rather, members of the growing mercantile class in Europe.
    The profit-making facet of witch hunting has been often ignored by historians, but it is being reappraised and highlighted in recent times, for instance by Johannes Dillinger (2021) and by Shmakov and Petrov (2018). Both articles are highly suggested and provide a remarkable wealth of data about the financial mechanism that led to witch hunts: in short, there was no (or very little) witch hunting where the government didn’t allow the assets of the victims to be confiscated. Killing witches, then, was just one of the many forms of legalized robbery in history,..
    Without going into the details, we can say that all these exterminations have several points in common.
    1. A relatively wealthy subgroup of society that can be identified by physical, linguistic, or cultural traits, sufficiently large to give a good revenue if defeated and spoiled of its assets.
    2. A strained economic, social, or military situation that leads the dominant groups to look for new resources.
    3. The lack of effective military defense capabilities on the part of the subgroup…
    ​ ​It has happened so many times that it is unthinkable that it won’t happen again. There is no doubt that we are in a difficult moment, both economically and militarily. So, the temptation is strong for the elites to identify one or more subgroups to exterminate and rob of their assets.
    Who could be the next victims?

    ​ ​”Now I think I can propose the answer​”​:
    The most likely target for the next extermination round are middle-class retirees.
    ​ ​Retirees satisfy all the requirements: They are identifiable, of course, they are old! They are often relatively wealthy and, more than that, they cost a lot of money in terms of health care. Finally, they can hardly put up serious military resistance. Exterminating the middle-class elders would be both easy and profitable​…

    In practice, the weak spot of the middle-class retirees is that they need medical assistance and that they cannot normally pay the skyrocketing costs on their personal saving. So, they could be gently removed from the state budget by degrading the public health care system while saying that it is being modified in order to protect them…
    ….society as a whole is a complex network with a certain ability to process information. It does that without being “conscious” of what is being done: there is no plan, no specific objectives to reach. But often society moves as a whole in a specific direction.

    ​ ​In this case, Western Society seems to perceive the problem created by an excess of elderly people, and it is moving to solve it. It is brutal, yes, but only individuals have moral restraints, society as a whole has none. Every decision taken individually affects all the other decisions, and we are seeing the results. It is nothing new in history where, typically, everything that happens, happens because it had to happen.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2021 #90916
    John Day

    Ten red flags in the FDA’s risk-benefit analysis of Pfizer’s EUA application to inject American children 5 to 11 with its mRNA product
    ​1)​ COVID-19 rates in children ages 5 to 11 are so low that there were ZERO cases of severe COVID-19 and ZERO cases of death from COVID in either the treatment (n= 1,518) or control group (n= 750). So any claims you see in the press about the Pfizer vaccine being “90% effective” in children are meaningless​…
    2) ​Pfizer’s clinical trial in kids was intentionally undersized to hide harms. This is a well known trick of the pharmaceutical industry. The FDA even called them out on it earlier this summer and asked Pfizer to expand the trial and Pfizer just ignored them because they can.​..
    3) ​Pfizer only enrolled “participants 5-11 years of age without evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.” Does the Pfizer mRNA shot wipe out natural immunity and leave one worse-off than doing nothing as shown in this data from the British government? Pfizer has no idea because children with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection were excluded…
    4) ​Did Pfizer LOSE CONTACT with 4.9% of their clinical trial participants? The FDA risk-benefit document states: “Among Cohort 1 participants, 95.1% had safety follow-up ≥2 months after Dose 2 at the time of the September 6, 2021 data cutoff.” So what happened with those 4.9% who did not have safety follow-up 2 months after Dose 2? Were they in the treatment or control group?​ (Note:​ ​Throwing out just a few data points you don’t like can work WONDERS for a small study.)
    ​5) ​The follow up period was intentionally too short. This is another well-know trick of the pharmaceutical industry designed to hide harms. Cohort 1 appears to have been followed for 2 months, cohort 2 was only monitored for adverse events for 17 days. Many harms from vaccines including cancer and autoimmune disorders take much longer to show up…
    6) The risk-benefit model created by the FDA only looks at one known harm from the Pfizer mRNA shot — myocarditis. But we know that the real world harms from the Pfizer mRNA shot go well beyond myocarditis and include anaphylaxis, Bell’s Palsy, heart attack, thrombocytopenia/ low platelet, permanent disability, shingles, and Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) to name a few. Cancer, diabetes, endocrine disruption, and autoimmune disorders may show up later…
    7) Pfizer intentionally wipes out the control group as soon as they can by vaccinating all of the kids who initially got the placebo. They claim that they are doing this for “ethical reasons”. But everyone knows that Pfizer’s true aim is to wipe out any comparison group so that there can be no long term safety studies.
    8) Given all of the above, how on earth did the FDA claim any benefits at all from this shot? You should probably sit down for this part because it’s a doozy! Here’s the key sentence:
    Vaccine effectiveness was inferred by immunobridging SARS-CoV-2 50% neutralizing antibody titers (NT50, SARS-CoV-2 mNG microneutralization assay).
    Wait, what!? I’ll explain. There were ZERO cases of severe COVID-19 in the clinical trial of children ages 5 to 11. So Pfizer and the FDA just ignored all of the actual health outcomes (they had to, there is no emergency, so the application is moot). INSTEAD Pfizer switched to looking at antibodies in the blood. In general, antibodies are a poor predictor of immunity. And the antibodies in the blood of these 5 to 11 year old children tell us nothing because again, there were zero cases of severe COVID-19 in this study (none in the treatment group, none in the control group).
    9) The FDA model only assesses the benefits of vaccine protection in a 6-month period after completion of two doses. Furthermore it assumes constant vaccine efficacy during that time period. This is problematic on several counts.
    First, reducing mild cases in children is not a desired clinical outcome…
    Second, we know that vaccine efficacy in the month after the first dose is negative because it suppresses the immune system and it begins to wane after 4 months so all of the FDA’s estimates of vaccine efficacy are inflated.
    Third, the harms of myocarditis from these shots will likely unfold over the course of years.
    ​10)​ The FDA/Pfizer play fast and loose with their estimates of myocarditis.​..
    ​ So (if the Biden administration has its way) 106 excess myocarditis cases per 1 million x 28.38 million people would be 3,009 excess myocarditis cases post-vaccination if the Pfizer vaccine is approved.
    ​ ​And over the course of several years many of those children will die. Dr. Anthony Hinton (“Consultant Surgeon with 30 years experience in the NHS”) points out that myocarditis has a 20% fatality rate after 2 years and a 50% fatality rate after 5 years.
    So the FDA has it exactly backwards — they want to prevent mild COVID in children which reduces herd immunity and they just flat out lie about the harms from myocarditis.​ (So why would the FDA want to do something exactly wrong with so many children? Just business?)​

    Urgent: Send This Letter Today to Congress Outlining Threat COVID Vaccines Pose to the Health of Our Nation’s Young Children
    ​ ​In a letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Children’s Health Defense highlighted peer-reviewed research showing children have virtually zero risk of hospitalization and death from COVID, and outlined the vaccine’s risks. Please send the letter to your members of Congress.

    Urgent: Send This Letter Today to Congress Outlining Threat COVID Vaccines Pose to the Health of Our Nation’s Young Children

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2021 #90915
    John Day

    There is a picture of a couple of thriving Namwah banana plants with a guy in an odd t-shirt today

    I posted about the smoke, mirrors and hand-waving that went into the Pfizer trial for Pediatric approval of their vaccine, which should have had something like 60,000 subjects to find anything but the most common adverse events. It vaccinated 1,131 children 12-15, so it was unlikely to pick up even one case of myocarditis, which appears to be 1/5000 in this cohort. It was likely to sail through with no adverse events. There was at least one very adverse event, and they have to pretend it did not happen. So far, that is working. Wall-of-silence… The mother of the child had her public notification (ad) disallowed, censored.
    ​ ​When Stephanie and Patrick de Garay enrolled their 12-year-old child Maddie and her two brothers in Pfizer’s Covid-19 clinical trial, they believed they were doing the right thing.
    ​ ​That decision has turned into a nightmare. Maddie, a previously healthy, energetic, full of life child, was within 24 hours of her second dose reduced to crippling, scream-inducing pain that landed her in the emergency room where she described feeling like someone was “ripping [her] heart out through [her] neck.”
    ​ ​Over the next several months the nightmare continued, during which Maddie was hospitalized several times and suffered numerous systemic injuries, requires a tube through her nose that carries her food and medicine, and a wheelchair for assistance.
    ​ ​Ms. de Garay documented every detail of Maddie’s injury and reported it to the principal investigator for the Pfizer trial at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital where the vaccine clinical trial was occurring and where Maddie was treated and admitted. They first tried to treat Maddie as “a mental patient,” telling the family it was psychological and in Maddie’s imagination. Then they claimed it was unrelated to the vaccine (copy of recording with hospital below), and when that argument failed, Pfizer listed this traumatic adverse event as “functional abdominal pain” when reporting to the FDA.
    ​ ​Ms. de Garay reported what occurred to the CDC and FDA through VAERS in June 2021 but nobody from these agencies sought additional information or followed-up with the de Garays. Ms. de Garay also reached out to Dr. Nath, a Chief in the NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, responded by stating he was “Sorry to hear of your daughter’s illness” and that “We have certainly heard of a lot of cases of neurological complications form [sic] the vaccine and will be glad to share our experience with them.” (Copy of this email is below.) Unfortunately, other than a call arranged by Maddie’s neurologist, there was no follow-up or response from NIH or any other federal health agency. Even after Ms. de Garay did a press event on June 28, 2021 with Senator Ron Johnson, neither Pfizer nor any health agency reached out in any manner to address Maddie’s injury or obtain any additional information.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 25 2021 #90829
    John Day

    Thanks for sorting out that COVID Vaccinated Die less story, Doc Robinson. It is from the golden-age of American COVID vaccination outcomes, before August. Israel and the UK were already going bad by late July.
    Just cut the data off when it goes bad and declare past glory as a timeless absolute!

    The article about the complete fabrication of fake study data to justify mRNA vaccinating children at zero risk is also very good.

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