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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle August 27 2024 #167622

    “All of the ‘isms’ are ‘wasms’.

    Jay-bee and Dr. D: “Hold my beer!”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 27 2024 #167610

    In the news:
    Over a million doses of polio vaccine have been shipped to Israel in preparation for a mass vaccination campaign in Gaza. The vaccines are an emergency response to the first confirmed case of polio reported in Gaza last month.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 25 2024 #167408

    Going after the food industry will be uphill battle since JFK-j will be against all employed and their “paying jobs” in it. Poisons, which are mostly preservatives that extend “product’s” shelf life into infinity keeps the Co’s production and distribution costs down and “food” prices cheap that people “love and want”. Not once I watched in amazement at the supermarket or, even worse, gas station check-out what people buy to sustain them as a living organism. On the other hand, medical field has no objection to it, thus ensuring mutual co-existence.
    Similar to MIC. “Bring the troops home” means destruction of “good paying jobs at home”, and in both cases means deep cut and disruption of ingrained practice and what we may call an “economy” in general.
    The other one: “DRILL_BABY_DRILL….” Yeah, where at (Venezuela?) and for how long?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 23 2024 #167252

    As for the DNC.
    While working on some model, I was listening to Nick Fueente’s channel where he turned the “event” into cacophony of overlapping speeches and music with very little commenting – presentation was self explanatory.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 23 2024 #167251

    Take #2 on “Americans want to move to Russia”:
    Until recently you trashed “everything Slavic”, didn’t you?
    Akin to washed up high school hunk whose football career went nowhere and who is stuck with equally washed up cheerleader, meeting one day an “ugly duckling” classmate whom he ignored. Not only that now she has a successful career but turned out to be strikingly beautiful woman…He’s trying to court her using cheap moves, the only one that he knows and that always worked like charm on usual suspects.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 23 2024 #167196


    IME, most Usians are afraid to leave the U.S. for opportunities in other countries…go figure…

    Even the “thoughtful” can not accept the fact that countries and the systems that people live in are different and futile to compare – aka my elephant trunk is better than your giraffe neck.
    At any foreign airport’s check-in line or gate waiting area one can hear Americans talking how “their (insert) is not like our (insert). Rarely that one can heart hem talking appreciative about the country just visited. That by itself is not not a problem and why bother with ignoramus if it does’t bear the stealth seed of population’s acceptance of “bringing democracy to those countries”.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 22 2024 #167140

    Martenson label Kamala La-la and the Wizard of Walz as outright Marxists and Communist

    Imagine likes of Kamala contributing, in any even the minuscule way, in defending the gates of Leningrad or Stalingrad – which, mostly, comm/marxists did. Modern Russia is not ashamed of that glorious past, quite the contrary.
    Imagine Kamala-like enduring the most brutal torture by the Nazis, being caught as a commie/partisan on the battlefields of Europe.
    “That part of liberation narrative” is muted and “ignored” by the West in some weird pretend game.
    All kinds of “isms” marching on on this planet – the only constant.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 20 2024 #166978


    The election is not going to be stolen, it has been bought just like monitors in a parking lot.

    Few hundred $ exchange (if that) is the proof that “capitalism works”, by TAE resident “capitalist” (with no pot to piss in).
    In ancient times, under the different poli/eco systems, people did exchange goods for the money but did not call is a capitalism. Many times that exchange was, often, under the “duress”, if you know what I mean.
    By his (and some others too) “philosophy” Russia should ave been non-existent today (aka nothing works in soc), and yet….Power that Russia has today is derived, in part, from the previous system that they lived under.

    From me, “the one uncapable of serious discussion”.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 10 2024 #166038

    They want the lithium.

    And current gov of Serbia gave it to them.
    So, to clarify, rather the opposition to president Vucic are the ones who want to prevent Rio Tinto from “digging”.
    Massive demonstration was held in Belgrade today, but not the type of what the article above may suggest.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 6 2024 #165703

    When I saw the pictures of the opening ceremony I didn’t think of the last supper, I thought of Bacchus

    Surround in the opening ceremony does not match.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 6 2024 #165702

    Dance like none is watching

    Father of J. Fox’s character dancing by himself in the “Back to the future”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 5 2024 #165644

    ….there was that Nike video glorifying malignant narc-sociopath traits, and you brought in Ayn Rand.

    I could not resist. Her writing about Rearden metal producer, Dagny and that Argentinian guy…all extremely wealthy and who are an epitome of self-centered narcissism, drawn together with the rest of humanity as just a grey background extras. OK, hard working engineer, Galt was promised, as memory suits me, a elevated position in their new enterprise.
    Not sure what is “wrong” by drawing such parallel?

    I dislike Ayn Rand as much ….

    That’s news to me!

    As always, our “discussion” leads to nowhere. Two night trains passing by at opposite directions on some provincial station.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 5 2024 #165615

    When you’re not projecting yourself onto Ayn Rand, you’re projecting your own idea of how things work.

    Out of hundreds of clients in my career I had only one who, while making a coffee before the meeting, was asking me:
    “What is the amount that I cam write on the check today?”.
    All the others enjoyed the pause before me asking for the progress payment.
    Without saying, the former was not the wealthiest.
    We all have one life to live!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 5 2024 #165595

    …..by doing something or making something that others would WILLINGLY part with money in exchange for….

    How is fair exchange for your service and whatever talent you have, going so far in your life?
    Disruptive Commies stepped in recently or was it the case all along?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 5 2024 #165576

    Nike promoting the worst Personality Disorder known to Mankind.

    Ayn Rand disagree.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 4 2024 #165530

    Novak Djokovic collected the final piece for his brilliant career trophy puzzle – the Olympic Gold!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 3 2024 #165444

    Russians should make next gen of anti-ship missiles named after John McCain.

    The entire city, Washington DC, capable of pretending that ‘everything is normal” and providing services for the mulling clowns that we think that represent us.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 2 2024 #165388

    Some more of Jimmy Dore on Venezuela,

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 31 2024 #165252

    He’s expertly – actually expertly, which is so rare these days – saved thousands from deaths of despair, saved millions from lives of frustration and despair.

    Thus my puzzlement. An intellectual, turned into clown. His “12 rules” should be the mandatory reading in the high school curriculum.
    And yet, he can share the table full of food with the Bibi and that squealing prick Shapiro?
    According to Nick Fuentes he and his “teammate” daughter are promoting an idea that all folks that comment on the internet must be registered with their true identity for everybody to see!?!?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 31 2024 #165238

    We may admit that Trump is kind of weird, but not in a way media wants to project on us.
    Now, Jordan Peterson, an intellectual turned into real clown with that jacket that he’s wearing is a weirdo of first order.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 30 2024 #165199

    Jimmy Dore on Venezuela:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 29 2024 #165120

    Sound of clomp, clomp, clomp…. along the linden tree lined alley of side-blinded horses pulling the ideological carriage.
    Sometimes tiresome!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 29 2024 #165085

    Maduro Declared Venezuelan President For 3rd Term, But Opposition Claims Victory In ‘Stolen’ Election

    Almost decade long, borderline sick “excitement” about other country’s internal affair? As if your job, mortgage, car payment or even life of your dear ones depends if Venezuela goes “one way or another” ideologically?
    If you scroll down on the zerosum’s linked ZH text there is, well, post on “X” by Aaron Mate that gives different perspective on the country. Trump himself stated that US should cut the crap, move in and take the oil.
    Should we not have economic sanctions on the country, include Cuba too, that we are ” now ideologically aligned” with? I guess I am late into the game of “current Marxism”.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2024 #164885

    Real Socialism has never been tried

    Most people in the former Eastern block admitted to themselves that it was a failed experiment long ago and moved on just have likes of Jay-bee and Dr D latch on it without letting go.
    For the life of me trying to remember where in the world Marx had written that one nice day multinational corporations will relinquish their power, call themselves a “new communists” and have all that they worked so hard to acquire nationalized and their wealth distributed among unwashed masses as Oro
    so proudly posted above.
    I see so many hard-ons just posting old communist slogans!
    We live in the world of diminishing natural resources that moneyed power elite wants to keep for themselves. Controlled, ever smaller “distribution” is a result of thatt and not of “….according to their needs”, that make your dicks all alive since all your lives you’ve been told when things go bad – it must be a communism.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2024 #164870

    Don’t insult my intelligence and go to your bedroom. Now!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2024 #164852

    we disagree that it is/isn’t happening OR that it is happening but isn’t what it seems?

    In art I “can tell” if the expressive splash or whoosh by the painter’s brush is “good-right” or “bad-wrong”, after the few minutes of observation.
    As for the dally existence – I am sort of simpleton.
    If it does not look, walk or quack like duck it ain’t duck. I know socialism.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2024 #164849

    A sheep (US pop) spends It’s whole life fearing the wolves (Comm/soc)
    only to be eaten by the (that’s where we disagree)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 26 2024 #164835

    Political trajectory of Que Mala Eres.
    Funny that MK is complaining about someone else being overpaid!
    Unlike actors, who move about the stage filled with cardboard-made scenery we furnish political actors with the first class real “decor”.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 25 2024 #164764
    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2024 #164434

    you weren’t up on current marxist theory, terminology and so on.

    So that explains why the Eastern block socialism, which I thought as an “already the good thing” that the US ruling power may be striving for, according to you, has been demolished instead built upon and copied.
    Silly me.
    The new soc is much nicer with WOKE degenerates all over the place.
    Makes for a nice drama. Or excuse for a “beloved system” reaching it’s final.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2024 #164421

    Describing two socio-economic systems and their way different social contracts (that’s what I am doing all along) does not mean being for or against either of them. Due to the lottery of life you are ushered into one whether you like it or not. However it is a good idea to know in which one you live, which some members of this panel have trouble with.
    Woketards, being great “discussion topic” and are pushed and used as a one of the primary tools of distraction.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 21 2024 #164386

    Soc/comm coming to America!
    Ray of hope for residents of tent cities. They will have even their teeth fixed for free before moving to an “Chruschevka apartment buildings”. Jobs for all and their kids will get an STEM free-educated….then, what else?
    International corporations finally nationalized! Just like that. No more oppression of working class!
    Spread the red flags and celebrate the May 1st.

    Per Oro’s, by now famous catch-line, Duh’mericans are on the roll.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 19 2024 #164171

    Bit long and I will have to find the time.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 19 2024 #164169

    In the news:
    A massive worldwide tech-outage.

    Bitcoin future does not look bright.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 19 2024 #164166

    ……a group of Democrat (or Republican) mega donors were “dangling money to members of Congress”….

    Just in case if one feels small and does not know why.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 18 2024 #164101

    Dr D
    But they made their fortune in the capitalist society (despite your effort to paint that it ain’t so. That’s what most of you claimed (the best capitalism in the world) as recent as barely 6 or 7 years ago.
    One (say,.me) was booed and booted from any commenting site who even dare to question (definitely after 2008) “the #1 and the best country that ever existed, best army in the world (cough, gag – more like overpriced technology that does not work) and the best just about everything!
    “Somebody” just pulled rug under you and you are scrambling to find the culprit in all the wrong places.
    “Somebody”, for me, are the corporate mafia. For you “who know thing or two”, they are the communist and Marxists, while I wonder how in the world somebody can be that fucking stupid.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 18 2024 #164085

    Dr D
    Most normal people do not hate rich because they are rich but for what they actually do after the becoming one.
    I have to personally admit that there should be some “societal consensus’ that would have asked Fink, Bezos, Gates….etc:
    “What in the world you think that you are doing????”
    Now, you go: “But, but…they are not real cap’s…”, so we can move in circles forever and ever.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 18 2024 #164082

    “While you are contemplating as what just happened we are already creating a new reality”
    “Dance-like-Egyptian” Carl Rowe
    (R, that you are placing all your hopes in, but in reality a member of the big club staffed with both sides)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 17 2024 #164037

    As I’ve said, offered on the silver platter in the video Jay-bee. On-the-silver-platter!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 17 2024 #164033

    Learning about JD Vance’s background all the bells were ringing in my head due to the similar movie story that I watched on Netflix – just to find out that the “Hillbilly Elegy” is about him.
    Who is rubbing our noses?

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