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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle December 11 2024 #176650

    SYRIA. Let’s not forget Operation Timber Sycamore.

    Even the lame Wikipedia has an entry on it. (From 2012)

    “Timber Sycamore was a classified weapons supply and training program run by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and supported by the United Kingdom and some Arab intelligence services, including Saudi intelligence. The aim of the program was to remove Syrian president Bashar al-Assad from power.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 11 2024 #176647

    Syria Refugees.

    While Evil Dictator Torturer Al Assad was in power, Millions of Refugees were accepted round and about into Europe.

    —> Specially Merkel, at the time (2011 > ..) The idea was that Syrians are ‘well educated’ (by the Evil Dictator hmm?), and will contribute to resolving a labor-shortage, a young-ppl shortage, etc. Liberal democracies are super welcoming of qualified sincere workers opressed by Nasties !

    *Sub rosa*: Let’s save money on bringing up kiddos and educating them to age 20, imports of controlled 20 + yr – olds can be wonderful!

    (Idk precisely what was up with that by Merkel.)

    Now that Cozy Jihadists who have the support of the US, see Biden statements. Plus the instituted US Foreign Legion, which is labelled Mujahideen, Al-Q, ISIS, Al Nusra, and now a new brand, etc. with the support of Israel, Turkey, KSA, Jordan, Qatar …all is well in Syria, so…

    —> the Syrian Refugees can be sent back to Syria!

    The EU has suspended ‘asylum’ procedures for Syrians, this means that all those whose ‘case’ was not decided previous are at risk for deportation.

    MSM articles.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 10 2024 #176550

    On the first article at top post, *Western Democracy is Dead*, about the cancellation of elections in Romania (where the first round heavily favored a ‘sovereignist’ who was against aiding URK, anti-NATO etc. – a qualifed Pol btw) because of supposed ‘interference’ via TikTok in the elections.

    So the ‘robust, vibrant, joyful (shades of Camel-a), righteous, ‘Democracy’ as the ultimate Aspiration, is vulnerable to a Chinese Co. that publishes short vids, to grab an audience, cliks, of cooks, pranksters, climbers, jokers, dancers, sneaky sexy etc.?

    Ppl must be waking up…MUST…

    On article at top post, Trump Says Developing Concept to End ‘Ridiculous’ Conflict in Ukraine.

    Trump was very buddy-buddy with Macron at the Notre Dame opening. He was dismissive, hmm, horribly rude, to the pathetic Zelensky. (Note, beyond considerations of world geo-politics, Zel. doesn’t – can’t in fact – follow dress codes, politeness, etc. and is dumb as a rock, has a crappy accent, is no longer even a Pres., etc. These things count …) A more puppet like figure is very hard to dig up in history, or even invent!

    Trump will try to accomplish his aims to end this ‘useless’ war, I believe he is sincere about that, but even setting aside Influence-Kontrol within the US on Trump, Russia will not agree to anything beyond total victory, which includes very stringent criteria (R may want Odessa, and the total de-arming, vassalling of UKR, as in the initial aims of the SMO) and much more, so the concessions will be hard.

    On Zelensky Rules out Lowering Draft Age, top post.

    UKR has ‘few’ men left (the pop. of UKR is a complicated topic, just one aspect here) – sending off 18-24 yr-old to get butchered would leave UKR with no hope for the future as a State, forever. It is a step too far that the ppl of UKR clearly understand, Z. can’t do it, crunch time had come.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 4 2024 #175995

    On Songs ..

    Here are NATO Ministers singing and shuffling bumping about on WE ARE THE WORLD. 2015.

    No joke, Not a parody! Real Life! 1 min. Longer versions are available.

    Here a great mash up, of WE ARE THE WORLD leaders, featuring Putin, Biden, Kim, Donny, Greta, Prince Harry, Musk, Candace, Zukerberg, The Pope, and more. 3 mins.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 2 2024 #175808

    Craig Murray is in Lebanon, posting writings and vids..

    *vids are ‘soft’* on the ground reportage.

    Lebanon’s Unbalanced Ceasefire Teeters on the Brink

    > see prev. posts at his site.

    Imho, ISR is fulfilling its ‘holy’ (rabid violence in exchange for money, status, impunity, etc.) mission of being the mad dog in the ME, backed, paid for, by USuk, other ‘W’ who are terrified of getting into the US’ bad books – they are most likely there already but don’t want to face up to it, like Germany. (For long-term geo. strategic considerations.)

    Anecdote. I went to a main shopping snob center in Switz. last week. Most of the customers were speaking (besides Italian, which is staple.. lux apparel goods are cheaper here than there and travel is trad., by bus, and cheap) Russian (or Ukrainian, idk the difference) and Hebrew / Jewish English. 🙂

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 1 2024 #175741

    Poppie wrote just above,

    The first is why Russia has effective products and the US doesnt. I know that the topic is bigger than Russia and US. I know the topic is bigger than just the military.

    Yes… to the first part of Poppie’s post. (I know nothing about heat shields)

    The main problem can be formulated, for milit. material, machines, products, etc., as motivated in the US by FOR PROFIT (much or all of the income coming from Gvmt. contracts, i.e. tax payers, which in return provides money to workers in the Defense Industry, and skim-offs for pols who guard, champion, that industry and their kick-backs, not to mention shareholders etc.) and not FOR EFFICIENCY, which by definition has to be clever, cheap, innovative, easy to produce long term, a communal effort, protected from extraction or skimming off by ‘overlords’, so as usually, but not always, regulated by the ‘Gvmt’ (Dictator, King, etc.) to prevent that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 1 2024 #175736

    on: Poletaev in RT, prev. thread, explaining why Trump won’t be able to quickly end the UKR conflict.

    Hmm. The plans bruited at present for ending it, seem to be a usual US-thingie, e.g. freeze the conflict, in this case for 10, 20 years? .. Getting away with claiming *not-a-loss* leaving future actions open..

    Or, some plans of EU / neighbors domination, cut-up, control of UKR, which Russia will not accept … Recall Putin had no trouble with trade agreements between UKR and the EU at one time, he even said UKR was welcome to join the EU. Of course NOT, NATO…

    Trump’s position rests on ending the UKR proxy war (at least that! – leaving internal politics aside), imho he will do an ‘art of the deal’ in one way or another, and ‘end’, a ‘climb-down’, etc. though capitulating to Russia’s demands will be very hard. (UKR neutrality, de-nazi, etc.)

    All depends on Trump’s (faction, advisors) reading of the state of the USuk – W domination, hegemony, and how it might best maintain itself, continue to impose, command, triumph.

    He surely knows that UKR is a lost cause. The final battle between The W Imperialists and the ROW is being fought out now in \West Asia./

    If Israel is somehow ‘defeated’ (e.g is destroyed, no longer exists, or is reduced to an enclave of policed, controlled, marginal pop, or becomes a tiny country minus apartheid, one man one vote thingie) the whole ME will orient differently, change shape.

    ROW = rest of the world

    — merely one reading of course, I tried to make it v. short.

    >> note condition: If Trump stays alive till end January.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 1 2024 #175732

    That photo of Biden and Zelensky on the prev. thread says a lot.

    Biden is tall, slim, wearing dark glasses, and dressed like a W Imperialist or King, white shirt, tie, dark coat (actually the coat isn’t quite righ imho.)

    Zelensky is much smaller, chubby looking, dressed like a hoodlum or a guy on the street .. imho he was ordered to dress in this way from the start, probably was told ‘to gather sympathy from ordinary ppl’ etc. but the real aim was to solidify his status as a dumb vassal. **Handsomely** paid of course, well he is an actor, so.

    The posture emphasises the master-servant relation, Biden is in a friendly fashion touching or tapping, Z on the back, like congrats to the waiter who won the serving competition, balancing super frizzy fancy cocktails on a tray while running to serve the rich.

    Z has one arm down helpless or even close to begging shape, the other is missing altogether, ergo, he has no arms, no power.

    Unfortunately for them, the Western Imperialist Coalition (principally USuk, France, Netherlands .. Germany not, see Nord Str. 2 for ex. See for ex the founding memebers of NATO..) are in deep trouble and floundering about.

    The UKR. project has failed, though that judgement depends on what the aims were to begin with. Slavs killing Slavs is good to go at all times…but overall, from at least 1992 onwards, the efforts to ‘weaponize’ UKR against Russia have not had the hoped for results. Russia re-claiming Crimea was a terrible blow. (Note how for many years the mantra was R must give up Krim, we can’t accept such blatant agressssion, illegality, etc. but now it is no longer mentioned.)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 17 2024 #174754

    Michael R., thanks for the vid. of Catherine Austin Fitts, I knew about her vaguely some time ago, had forgotten about her…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 17 2024 #174641

    The belated Inquiry into the death of Dawn Sturgess (link above, by John Helmer) is focussing attention once more on the Skripal Affair. Rightly so. Helmer has written a book about it, which I haven’t read, not a crit. of him, but I fear being influenced by interpretations, I looked into this in depth at the time, and later, and now will do so again. Such mini-events, scandals, are very indicative of how the PTB functions.

    I’m home alone so over-posting.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 17 2024 #174630

    From article at top post, J. A. Tucker:

    The division was not really left vs right. It was workers vs laptoppers, wage earners vs six-figure stay-at-homers, bottom half vs top 5 percent, people with actual skills vs weaponized resume wielders..

    Yes.. but US elections are about gathering votes, about how to do that, appeal to this or that demographic, etc. (leaving out payments, fraud, etc.) The electorate is scinded into groups or ‘leanings’ by the analysts, sliced and diced, and how to propagandise / convince / draw in etc. the voters from the various groups is a well-paid! speciality.

    An anecdote, joke? about Obama (heard in CH, re. his first election). The expert comes to the Obiman campaign and says the only segment I can find where O could be boosted at the booth, beyond all we have done so far (recall, he was expected to win handily by those in the know) is Animal Lovers. O should get a dog and a cat and have plenty of pictures taken, specially with the daughters!

    Bo the dog has a wiki entry. 🙂

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 17 2024 #174616

    aspnaz posted, prev. : Austria refuses to pay the negotiated price for Russian gas, so the Russians stop pumping the gas …. but somehow it is Russia’s fault, they are bad. Sad article where they try to portray the Russians as the badies where, in reality, Austria refused to pay, but that is good, according to ZH. Desperate and a little pathetic.

    about this article:

    Yes. … What is set to happen next, which is related to this Austria squabble, is that the agreement between Russia and Ukraine for the transit of the gas to Austria, plus others in Europe, via UKR (the gas has origins and a travel path – UKR cashes in super transit fees) will expire at the end of this year. It was a 5-year contract between UKR and Russia and Russia won’t renew it because UKR does not have a legitimate Gvmt., President.

    Some explanation, etc.:

    🙂 ! link which shows official stats of various EU energy imports which ‘flashes’ so speedily the casual viewer can’t make sense of it:

    Of course the info used to make the display is (imho) correct but so partial as to be meaningless.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 16 2024 #174549

    sorry test

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 16 2024 #174548

    Trump is at heart a business man, + a show-man.

    Not a lawyer (not keen on them, other story), a politician, a spokesperson or stooge for XYZ industry, not a ‘leader’ of a ‘nation’….
    Apologies for all the ‘..’ – a 3 page essay, no…

    So he gathers together a team who seems ‘dynamic’, they share some of his views, they can ‘move for change’ (or pretend to do so), and this time round, it seems that only ppl who are ‘loyal’ to him have been ‘chosen’.

    The ‘team’ is supposed to ‘manage’, ‘direct’, everything, ‘shake things up’, improve everything rapidly, just like in a Business.

    Close that franchise, buy back stock, fire dumb managers, get cheaper prices for A B and C, and what is the goopy HR doing? Get them contracts moving… get together with big Innovators, Capital, like Musk.

    Those who didn’t perform to whatever standard are just fired pronto, and replacements swoop in. The rapid turn over syndrome…

    But that is not how huge Federations (USA) should be managed.

    The PTB (or Deep State, or…) is very powerful, and in a way, the Prez. elections are a popularity contest, TV buzz for the ‘deplorables’, plus ca change plus c’est la même chose.

    This time round, Trump was AGAIN billed as the maverick, the supposed ‘outsider’ who challenged the ‘Swamp’ and positioned himself as a champion of legal citizens, now not just against illegal immigration, contra foreign influence (oops that is a Dem meme) but seemingly attacking ‘interior’ functioning, the prime ex. is Kennedy’s MAHA, Make America Healthy Again, which threatens big Med and Big Pharma.

    Interesting, as now the glorified ‘profit making’ motive clashes with considerations about e.g. child health.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 13 2024 #174277

    Plus ca change, plus c’est la même chose.

    Trump will continue winding down the ‘war’ in UKR, which has been cancelled already by the BidAdmin, the ‘war’ was a ‘success’ in a way ! at the start, a ‘failure’ going on, admitted by the US in 2023 or well before and now definitely in 2024.

    (Note that Slavs killing Slavs is always wonderful…so ‘failure’ is just a WORD…it all depends on what the aims were…)

    URK. How Trump will manage that, idk, the *Trump Admin* first proposals touted across the MSM will not be accepted by Russia. >> Russia will go on to take Odessa (at least)…

    Trump will now turn to ‘other’ threats, or areas of ‘concern’ etc. IRAN (in first place) and CHINA.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2024 #174103

    phoenix voice posted (prev thread) —- re. 20 million “missing” voters…

    Well, either the Democrats cheated in 2020 or the clot shot killed 20 million voters.

    🙂 ! Yes.

    Another link between Covid19 and the imho *unbelievable* no. of votes for Biden vs. Trump 2020, was that the lock-downs that the COV19 ‘plandemic’ was launched to make official, accepted, allowance for a ‘huge’ number of ‘postal’, aka ‘distant’ etc. votes to be tabulated.

    I read this take posted as a comment somewhere, I never thought of it in this way, that the COV19 ‘plandemic’ was launched to make official, accepted, allowance for a ‘huge’ number of ‘postal’, aka ‘distant’ etc. votes to be tabulated. Pallets! of fake ballots.

    Idk, not believing or touting it, but it is interesting, in the sense that some ppl believe this, and that it stitches together Corps and some Gvmt. Agencies (who created the COV19 panic etc.) and the election process.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 10 2024 #173981

    On Trump seeking ‘major changes’ to US foreign policy (top post.)

    Bush Junior attacked, 2001 – 3, Iraq (supposedly cos WMD, etc..) and the Afgh. ‘war’ was churning on.

    The GWOT raging loud.

    How much destruction? Oh Man…spare me…so many dead…

    Obama bombed Afgh (cont’d).. Lybia (destroyed), Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Pakistan, Iraq (cont’d…)

    From CNN, like it is ‘official’:

    Biden withdrew from Afgh. Then launched the ‘serious’ ‘war’ w. Ukr. as a proxy against Russia. Under the radar: territory that could be taken over in UKR by US Big Corps (Agri, minerals, cheap labor, easy control.) Something like that…

    Under Trump there was a ‘pause’ in foreign military attack adventures, hmm.

    Diffent factions in the UNIPARTY switch about being pro / contra this or that murderous enterprise against some country, territory that can’t resist, fight back. Which serves to make their adherents cover themselves with ‘no support for that’ now.. while the other wing of the Uniparty sets out to murder, destroy, sometimes not even for any financial / other advantage, just the JOY of a killing spree to benefit the MIC.

    The risk that Trump may instigate a war against Iran is imho NOT to be ignored.

    About Elon Musk. He figured out Trump would win, no question (imho he can analyse twitter etc. -> it was a no-brainer) like others did. Opportunistically, Tulsi G, the Kennedy Junior, and no doubt many others not visible in the MSM.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 7 2024 #173669

    Scattered thoughts … 🙂

    John Day posted prev. thread “Hitler wouldn’t have killed Peanut.” Nice pic. Yup.

    Hitler was ‘Green’ in the sense that he was a vegetarian (though some stories have him sometimes eating meat), a non-smoker (he forbade smoking around him, in meetings, etc.), and a v. strict non-drinker. He was also an anti-vivisectionist, and adored animals and pets, and was totally against hunting. Afaik, he even tried to ban meat-eating in Germany (it didn’t work out, he died.)

    Anyway, my post is superficial, historians will know more, but I am struck by the similarity between the present ‘Greens’ in Germany, as the most rabid war-monger party (no question there, see Annalena) and some kind of ‘Green’ Agenda which champions personal consumption along supposed ‘virtuous’ lines but completely ignores, for ex. the effect, contribution of blowing up stuff, building milit. materiel, etc. to ‘conquer’ or ‘defeat’ ‘opponents’, with no concern for ‘preserving the earth’, nor of course killing others, genocide, etc.

    Plus ca change, plus c’est la même chose..

    yes, thanks to Ilargi for the board.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Clean Sweep 2024 #173512

    OH, AI vid of Trump Musk RFK Tulsi etc. and the Squirrel, dancing to Staying Alive – Epic.

    I predicted 3 times Trump would win (was wrong once) but as I posted here before, when the gap or the diff. between 2 candidates is too large, or too visible to the public (via betting sites, memes, feelings round-about, etc.) – the threshhold is maybe around 2 – 3% – hmm .. maybe a bit more .. no…? (depends on various factors..) it is not advised, considered possible imho, to ‘game’ the system or ‘cheat’ by whatever means, when the diff. exceeds that ‘point’.

    If such a manipulation (see via Diebold for ex.) is attempted or done, the risks of discovery and the following outrage are high, and what follows is the ‘imploding’ of the mythical ‘wonderful democracy’ of the USA, which nobody in the Ruling Class, the PTB, wants. It has to remain ‘rules based’ – credibly so, for the public. So there is a big show, suspense, hold your breath, freak out at the results, etc., but that is DEMOCRACY!

    Polls are often derided, rightly so, for being ‘not scientific’, ‘model built’, ‘just garbage,’ etc.

    But ppl in the know do run proper polls and some or most of the ‘top’ Dems certainly knew Harris was a no-show. Just as the Trump Team expected they would win. (imho.)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 27 2024 #172698

    A *caricatural* description, from far away from the US.

    Two tribes are facing off against each other, which has been engineered by the US PTB and US ‘traditions’, rules and regs. (e.g. > no valid 3rd party candidates for the Prez. can ever emerge.) Sure, there are many who recognize the idiocy, many ‘Independents’, many who are checked out, and so on.

    Group One Harris is composed of the lower-to-upper middle class who are divorced from production, they are in the ‘professions’ — law, med, health, media, culture, educ. Unis, arts, internet Cos. Big Corps, etc. – or hope to join so… They don’t collect rubbish, sweep the streets, lay bricks, run buses, check meters, work in an arms factory (what no ?) etc. etc.

    The split is of course muddy, what about a nurse who sees real suffering and knows what causes it?

    This group is steered by the \inclusion/ propaganda, which admittedly has had tremendous effect, LGTB ppl, immigrants, ppl from ‘other cultures’, ‘fatties’, the ‘disabled’ and more, are seduced by ‘equality’ and you be different you do you we love you and now you vote for us stuff.

    Setting aside immigration (a world-wide complex issue, Kalergi plan, exploitation of cheap labor, and more..) and other, many of the Group One adherents don’t perceive that they have been granted a kind of superiority status by ersatz moves.

    Some of the privileges of the Top Upper Classes (1850 or so > Europe) which guaranteed that their members could do as they wanted sexually, but the lower classes would be condemned, sometimes even put to death for sodomy, could be abrogated, as who cares what the deplorables do. That mech. of control could be given up with NO LOSS. And could gather votes! (About 4 – 15% depending on place, etc.)

    So, the whole storm around that aspect of private behavior was created to have ppl concentrate on non-economic issues, feel ‘empowered’ etc. and adhere to One Party.

    Plus, all big Ad Agencies, their clients, wanted, as usual, to segment the population so as to be able to target one or another group with ‘personalised ads’ in an open manner, with male homosexuals (often ‘richer’ and childless) being the first group on the radar.

    Group Two Trump…I have run out of steam for now …but you all get the picture.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 21 2024 #172093

    See posts above about Elon Musk, and others.

    So — One has to wrap ones head around the fact that the USA is run by billionaires (Musk, ready to hand out cash for votes), powerful financial conglomerates (Blackrock), influencers on the what used to be the boob tube and is now the ‘social media’ (Taylor Swift, who endorsed Harris, twice), with the votes tabulated (not counted) by rigged machines (Diebold, lovely name..), and corruption *hey babe* being the only trickle-down.

    Is civil war in the US, or a sorta quiet descent into chaos, or just hell on earth…to be the result?

    What happens next? The ‘Democratic’ pretense of the Uniparty as composed of two pol wings in struggles for ‘policies’ is dead (Kennedy, Gabbard, Musk, etc. supporting Trump) – note Harris has no ‘new’ support…This is all a charade, a show, as it has been for some time. Its function is to obscure what is going on behind the scene so to speak – that is, in the real world. 🙂 🙁

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 20 2024 #172002

    Re. Police Escalate Britain’s War on Independent Journalism. (….)

    It is about scaring us into staying silent on Britain’s collusion in Israel’s genocide.

    – From top post.

    Arrests and harrassment in the UK of independent journos have been against those who are not gung ho about the Is – r killing spree (geno- c), or are pro – Pal in some fashion, that is, aren’t willing to proclaim that the right to murder Arab – Muslim Scum that is squatting on ‘their’ land is the Right Thing to Do, as in tune with Western Values, or whatever….

    Richard Medhurst, Sarah Wilkinson, Asa Winstanley, Richard Barnard, see link for him,

    Others have been targeted.

    Guy Smallman, a veteran photojournalist and NUJ member whose coverage of protest activity appears throughout the UK press, was arrested on 25 June for aggravated trespass while standing on what he says was a public footpath, covering an ecological protest at a boating lake near former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Yorkshire residence. He has since been released on bail, with the police retaining £14,000 worth of camera equipment. He has not been charged.

    Martin Pope, a British Association of Journalists (BAJ) member, spent 20 years working for the Daily Telegraph and has also contributed photography to The Guardian, The New Yorker and The Sunday Times. In April 2024, he was swept up in a pre-emptive arrest of protesters planning to target an arms company implicated in Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza. (…)

    Rich Felgate (2023) arrested at an environmental protest.

    UK police arrest journalist Rich Felgate while covering coronation protest

    Joshua Tartakovsky a British cit. arrested in Lebanon, Oct. 2024

    Matt Broomfield, who has worked in Kurdish-controlled north-east Syria, had his phone and laptop seized when he was questioned last month .. (2023)

    And there are many more, I don’t have a list, Reporters Without Borders doesn’t seem to have one either, though there is a lot of info there.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 19 2024 #171925

    On Trump pokes fun at his Subs. Kamala’s abscence.. at top post.

    Remember! Trump roasts Clinton (Killary) at Al Smith Charity Dinner.

    CBS news. 7 years ago. 15 mins.

    So this recent version is a re-visit, a re-make, a wheel back to the past.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 19 2024 #171923

    My words, “still standing”, lead me to look up Elton John, 14 years ago, famous song. Note the beginning images – …

    All the background is from Cannes, France. The interior scene is from Paris.

    Heh I’m being influenced by Oroboros, Idk what this means.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 19 2024 #171920

    On, the true size of countries.

    Yes ppl have a weird mental map of the world via the Mercator Projection.

    This site shows ‘true size’ (area, of course there are problems with that as well) and offers drag – n – drop comparisons.

    Another dimension that is pretty much hidden by conventional maps is — of course first, elevation (mountains, etc.), and at second I would put the agri-bio-tope (to make it very general), i.e. distinguishing between desert, forest, rain forest (still standing!), agri exploited, for what use (pasture, crop-land, intense agri, town using high energy, etc.) high up, rock, or under ice, coast land that exploits fishing, and many more. I have never seen any such categorisation.

    Maybe I’m just ignorant and it exists somewhere? It can’t be too difficult to make a first stab?

    My hunch is that such data just isn’t an avenue that Gvmts and Corps would like to have ‘out there.’

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 16 2024 #171640

    re. prev. thread.

    Conversation. jbhb, the very appellation Human Ressources is nuts. (I once knew someone who taught a course on HR, absolute rubbish.) Ppl who are remunerated for their work, are, ppl / workers / employees / staff / and down the chart, the team in charge of repair, etc.

    This HR stuff is an added layer to ‘management’ that absorbs or grabs a good chunk of cash / profits, and engages in weird social engineering. Though one needs to distinguish between what used to be called Personnel Admin (in a large Co./Entity, in charge of payments, empl. records, deductions for pensions, etc.) which is (was) legit, who now call themselves *HR specialists.*



    On: “US Emergency Workers Hunted by Militia” (Wapo.)

    U.S. Military Now Authorized to Kill Americans on U.S. Soil?

    New DoD Directive Drops.

    Just ahead, intriguingly, of the November elections, the U.S. military has granted itself permission to unleash “lethal force” on the civilian population in cases of “national security” emergency. (…)

    As the U.S. prepares for one of the most controversial and closely watched elections in its history, a concerning update to DoD Directive 5240.01 has quietly been put into effect. Reissued on September 27, 2024, this directive governs the Department of Defense’s (DoD) intelligence activities and now includes provisions authorizing lethal force in certain circumstances when assisting civilian law enforcement. While the directive forbids assassination, it opens the door to lethal interventions under “national security” conditions (…)

    article has many legal details I can’t address, but imho but the direction is clear and should be of concern….

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 15 2024 #171566

    This tweet from the top post caught my attention:

    China just stopped building their Massive Car-plants in Mexico because they’re afraid Trump is going to win the election.
    That means… China knows it will own Kamala Harris, while Trump will liberate us from China.

    Looking up Tim Walz … (I didn’t know he existed before being picked as VP)

    He is a China Fan, a China Friend.


    As of 2016, Walz said he had visited China about 30 times, including for his honeymoon. Walz married his wife, Gwen, a fellow teacher, on June 4, 1994 — the fifth anniversary of China’s brutal repression of Tiananmen Square protests. 

    “He wanted to have a date he’ll always remember,” she told the Star-Herald before they wed. For their honeymoon, the couple led dozens of American students on a tour through China. The couple continued the educational trips for years through their own travel company.

    Just the MSM, there is more out there, but as Idk about financial (etc.) ties, so silencio.

    Note > Harris pro-China, Trump anti-China, Biden pro-UKR, anti-Russia, Trump pro-Russia (in his first term, the strategy was clearly to ally w. Russia to prevent a R-Chin alliance..but then, sanctions..) etc.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 13 2024 #171383

    Trump, if elected, will ‘wind down’ – ‘stop’ the war in Ukraine.

    (That might be v. difficult, heh, whatever, we will see.) Possibly, something might be arranged, Idk.

    He will support Genocidal Is – ra – hell to the hilt, while searching for some ‘peace’ solution that won’t be found. (Right now he is blaming Iran for attacks on his life!) He will engage violently in the ME, BIG TIME.

    Biden cancelled the killing and control in Afghanistan, the supposed ‘war’ on ‘Islamist’ terrorism, to concentrate on, Against Russia, as Hard as possible, via the proxy war in Ukraine.

    Since 50 years, the Dems and Reps have played a game of being ‘against’ the attacks the US makes via one party vs. another of the duopoly … When Bush J. invaded Iraq the only ones who objected mildly were ‘rad’ Democrats. Hey, was Osama Bin Laden really a part of the attack on 9/11, they said?

    Plus ca change plus c’est la même chose

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 10 2024 #171130

    Prev. thread. WES posted:

    One can talk all day about the dollar, the Euro, the pound, the Yen, etc. and how different money/banking systems work.
    But when “TRUST” is finally lost, no paper/digital money/banking system will survive.

    Absolutely. In fact ‘trust’, historically, in many parts of Europe, say 1850 – 1950, approx. used ‘signed chits’ = a piece of paper ripped out of a notebook and stating I OWE X to Y, signed on this day, etc.

    OK in CH it was common, probably less elsewhere, it worked 95% (est.) of the time. One family member I had, b. 1920. was known for signing chits on the paper used to cover tables in restaurants. No problems ever arose. (Of course minor / small loss, distributed around, has to be accepted for that to work.)

    Even today in CH it is possible to get 0% interest loans with a simple promise to pay back, ok, is restricted to particular ppl/situations.

    Remember, the concept of “money” is a creation of the human mind, so it isn’t real. That piece of paper in your hand that you call money, is merely a symbol representing the idea of money. …..Only gold and silver can never lose their “TRUST” factor and are real.

    WES, my friend, I agree with u all the time, so let me argue here. Gold and silver don’t have intrinsic value, only what humans attibute to them. Gold seems like the ‘last rampart’ for store of value. But when ppl don’t have enough to eat, are starving and all the ‘valuables’ have been taken, what happens? Those who do still have some ‘assets’ can’t sell their gold jewels, gold coins (or silver, or antiques, or precious paintings..) in exchange for essential food.

    As happened in Occupied France, Holland, etc. in WW2. The Nazis had no interest in more gold, precious metals, and nor could/would they deliver food in exchange…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 9 2024 #171033

    On, at top post, Disturbing Health Stats.

    For sure dire in the USA and elsewhere as well. To take a radical view, from ONE angle.

    For Profit Health Care, without any community / state / group / input, legislation, control, to stop wild profiteering, will result in financial exploitation that veers between keeping people alive – so that they continue to pay – and killing them off – because they are no longer profitable.

    Insurance, as a middle man, makes out like a bandit, of course.

    Meanwhile, the ‘Health’ or ‘Death’ System is supported by all the employees, bosses, investors, regulators, active within it.

    Big Med Corps, Big Pharma, are getting paid, doing well, good dividends, etc. etc. They have tons of employees — doing fine, your neighbours!

    US Education is much the same. Higher Edu, College in the US — is expensive, paid for, gone into debt for, the aim being ‘getting in with the in crowd’ or ‘accreditation’ for this or that …. then Education becomes a Biz that sells diplomas, awards, etc.
    Big Edu has clients it has to pander to, mostly Parents who pay for their Teens, Young Adults, to get xyz experience, etc, so, well, learning ‘whatever’ goes by the board. The clients who pay have demands that must be met.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 8 2024 #170921

    The Dems are hanging onto power by rotten fraying ropes and feeble tropes, pushing some kind of propa’ hopium.

    The question is, why Joe Biden was hoisted to the Presidency. (Obama imho loathes Joe..?)

    Joe B. Prez, *all over the world*, it was understood that he was a stuttering, senile figurehead, so the US could be challenged, circumvented, even ignored, etc. Much (banking for ex.) could now be decided without the US. which was going down fast -> was the mantra. (BRICs part of that…story…)

    This created open chasms, opportunities, for all kinds of groups, including, speedily, Israel, who saw an oppo for lets just call it ‘expansion’ of their territory…

    Now the US is clumsily dealing with that loss of power, imho they are trying to support / appease / make deals with Isr. as they are terrified of ‘further war’ – gas prices in the US for ex. in view of the Nov. Prez. election.

    in reply to: The State of TAE Fall 2024 #170920

    I am banned from PayPal from the first time I tried it. Patreon is a scam.

    I have heard from family members (Switz.) that REVOLUT is good.

    I have also sent checks / cash in the past.

    An IBAN bank coordinate would help, that is direct payments from bank to bank, e.g. from Al Smith at bank XYZ in country X, to Joe at bank ABC in country W, etc. This is the way we make individual payments in CH to outside CH, either via the internet or by ‘automatic banking’.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 6 2024 #170673

    On, Slovak PM Fico to visit Russia… / at top post.

    Robert Fico survived an assassination attempt. Even! wiki details it.


    He had run for office on an Eurosceptic platform, halting military aid to Ukraine and pushing for friendly relations with Russia, while criticising NATO and the United States.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 4 2024 #170478

    Re. Will Trump make it to the election? By Kim Rickards.

    OK article as ‘blanket’ commentary on what is touted on the MSM, allowed info, or ‘as of now’, accepted, supposedly, attested to, etc. Maybe not useful… What actually went down at the Butler Rally is not touched on.

    The T. Carlson vid – ‘Jack Poso’ doesn’t (imho) offer any new information, clues, insights, whatsoever, it is a ‘paste this and that’ together with hyped dramatic impact, anguished screams, jagged images > a scary !! mash-up.

    How to come to a more accurate account…. of what went down in Butler…more later or in some days…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 27 2024 #169869

    Robert Redfield (from post up top > Zero Hedge):

    “We know chronic disease is more than 75 percent of the country’s $4 trillion annual health care expenditure. Unfortunately, we have become a sick nation. We’re paying too much for chronic disease, and this must change. It’s time to make America healthy again.”

    Note in the Booby Kennedy vid in a prev. thread, he quotes Cov-19 vaccination rates re Haiti (under 2%) and the USA (87%) and sort-of compares ‘Covid times’ deaths (13 p.million in Haiti to 300 in the USA) to then conclude that Americans died of Covid because they are ‘sick’ – with diabetes, obesity etc. just as the CDC said (which he quotes.)

    And he is anti-vax? Was I missing something there? Just an ‘extract’ which does not give the full story or is somehow misleading?

    Redfield mentions ‘agency capture’ – Fed agencies that ‘regulate’ being ‘captured by Corps’ – well that is a step in the right direction, it points to ‘over-Gvmt’ (too much legislative + advisory power concentrated on a small node) combined with ‘subservient Gvmt’, aka a circle of *Corruption* between Gvmt. and Corps. It hints, suggests, that some ‘re-arrangement’ is needed. Yes…

    But then what?

    How to create it, in function of what ideals, principles, guiding lines?


    Trump and Kennedy may have some plans, I of course don’t know about that. But it looks very much like “Make America Healthy Again” is a kind of feeble offshoot of MAGA, which is in itself merely a rallying slogan.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 23 2024 #169576

    22 Sept. 2024.

    UK Labour Party managers blocked the words “genocide” and “apartheid” in reference to Israel’s conduct against Palestinians from being used in brochures at a side event during its annual conference in Liverpool. 


    The conference’s start was marked by pro-Palestine protests as over 15,000 people marched through the city on Saturday to express their opposition to Britain selling arms to Israel amid its ongoing siege and bombardment of Gaza.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 23 2024 #169556

    If Kamala Harris wins, she will push the U.S. towards communism, making things worse than Communist countries like North Korea or East Germany. – Elon Musk (from top post.)

    A neat quote because it shows the inversion, or just plain all-out crazed propaganda today in the US, which is completely divorced from any true ‘policy’ issues and the will, capacity, allowance, to implement them.

    A BizMan, Trump, is for protectionist tarifs, and pouring money into re-industrialisation.

    So he is a Statist – he isn’t talkin’ about entrepreneurship, new money makin’ schemes, liberalising legislation, etc. – he *seems* to be on the side of the workers – > So, he is the potential ‘Communist’ ..

    DT has never talked about nationalisation of Corps afaik. But if he wants to control food prices that is the only way, though it can be done avoiding the dreaded ‘nationalisation’ label with input – output (of material goods) and exchange controls.

    SKamala spews word salad (as one link at top shows) but the ‘aspirational BS’ is economically divorced from reality, it is Kumbaya, but very close to —under the radar— push for a globalist agenda, a control by global elites / and or / Top Corps. Not Communist.

    In fine, the whole Pol. Scene with Trump vs. Harris is a kind of Mad distraction, a show to provoke hate, stress, strife… with all economic and political issues just junked.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 22 2024 #169461

    Prev. posts on Switz.

    = Ban on joining milit. NATO exercises = from RT

    This is a serious development, very worrisome, and highly indicative of a voluntary abandonment of neutrality.

    = CH to expel hundreds of Russian Scientists =

    This is about CERN (Centre Européen de Recherche Nucléaire), which is geographically in CH and France, but is administered in CH. It is an International Organisation, and run by a ‘Council’ of its members. It’s decision to stop collaboration with Russia (which took a long time to be voted, implemented, following the ‘invasion’ of UKR, and in any case is only partial, as some collab. will not only continue via JINR, but will be expanded..see link in F, for ex.) A 2/3 majority is needed to exclude some x entity, and that was reached.

    In eng. – a mealy-mouthed communiqué from March 2022.

    It has nothing to do with the CH Gvmt. which could, potentially, close CERN down, in the same way that NY State? / the Fed. US Gvmt. could force the UN headquarters in NY to close.

    Scientist published many screeds about their oppo to such measures. Russians are ‘top’ in Nuke Research (see similarly Space Explor./ in collab. with the USA), and Russia / CH have had v.good relations for a long time. Plus, Russia contributed large dollaris amounts to CERN. Result: CERN is now ‘missing’ about 40 million CHF to ‘update’ existing structures, etc., it has been weakened, etc.

    The “400” (inflated no. imho) employees will not be ‘expelled’. Some will loose their jobs, have their ‘contract’ terminated, and will go on to be hired elsewhere, bang off. Some will have to leave as they have no new ‘job’ and were under ‘temp’ status, and be hired right back in Russia/Belarus, etc. Some will get unemployment pay, spouse works in CH or F, want to stay, get a new job. Some will be re-hired at CERN under a different ‘contract, umbrella.’ Some will use their 2nd passport to fall out of R stats. Some will retire…etc. Such events are not that unusual.

    CH gave up its neutrality when it imposed sanctions (outside of UN mandated ones) on Russia, Feb. 2022.

    Yes CH is an insignificant postage stamp country, but wherever one is, it is important to understand what is really going on.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 21 2024 #169390
    Participant parents said know… and the ‘second’ assassination attempt by the screw-loose Routh hiding in the bushes on the golf course is very convenient, as it is ‘new drama’ that shifts attention away from the first, carefully and well planned (though ultimately failed) attempt.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 21 2024 #169389

    On, vid prev. post.

    “Something stinks about the first Trump assassination attempt, and Joe Rogan and Matt Walsh can smell it.”

    This is typical shoddy obfuscating blather, repeating ‘memes, factoids’ with no serious investigation, analysis, known elements or ‘facts’, summaries.

    It is like a 1930 gossip column, we heard Gladys was on the train at the same time! as Alan, the Lord, and she lost her suitcase, Gwendolyn was on the spot and the Lovers could not.. 🙂

    The shooter’s apartment was found professionally cleaned, with no silverware.

    Crooks live with his parents and there was no disturbance in his home. (Besides the fact that he may have left on the day with his father’s gun.) Where the ‘no silverware’ comes from is a mystery, in any case it would be irrelevant.

    A phone connected to the shooter was tracked moving between the FBI office and the shooter’s location multiple times.

    This rumor comes about because of some ‘tracking’ of some ‘persons’ phone which supposedly went from and to – some place near to an FBI office in Washington — and near to the Crooks residence. Lacking solid info, this is completely fanciful nonsense.

    Crooks came to the event with a rangefinder and nobody seemed to care. You have two reasons for a rangefinder: you’re trying to shoot something. Or you’re using it for golf. If you’re not playing golf, then you’re trying to shoot something.

    No. Crooks was stopped and checked and the fact he had a range finder was noted (so goes one version of events.) He was let in (in the morning afaik), of course at the time he had no backpack with gun. (He only got the backpack a few minutes before climbing on the roof.)

    Crooks was treated as a vaguely ‘suspicious’ person right from the start, either not seriously as in the usual run of things, ‘gotta do our job’ or because he was supposed to be ‘noticed’ but not apprehended, there was no cause.

    The shooter’s body was quickly cremated. No toxicology examination was released, leaving questions about possible drugs in the shooter’s system.

    Yes and yes, though drugs are not an issue here.

    So this guy, somehow or another, figures out how to get on the roof, take these shots. And then they k*ll him. Now, if he shot and hit Trump. If Trump didn’t turn his head at that pivotal moment where they talk about it and it’s a headshot, Trump is dead, the world’s in chaos, Rogan remarked.

    Maybe, sort of.

    (IMHO) The first three shots, 1, 2, 3. were shot by an expert shooter.

    Shot 1 grazed DT’s ear – the bad miss, the disaster.

    (The vital shot(s) would never have been left to Crooks, too many things could have gone wrong. Crooks is the stand-in, the patsy.)

    Shots 4,5,6,7,8 were, most likely, but not surely, from Crooks on the roof. They go rat-tat-tat, high speed, nervous..

    Note that these shots, aimed towards the podium, could not have been aimed at Trump, as Trump ducks down right after shot 3 (almost at the same time.)

    Whoever shot 4-8 was not aiming at Trump, he was no longer visible.

    This is a point many seem to have missed.

    Imho Crooks was told to shoot ‘when you hear the first shots’ or something like that. So he shoots in the general direction and kills Corey C. (and maybe wounds the two others, Idk.)

    Shots 9 and 10 were aimed at Crooks. Shot 9 was reportedly by a Butler swat-team guy, who hits Crook’s gun, which explains why it was found far away from him on the roof. Shot 10 by the Sniper Team on the Barn Roof who reportedly killed him. Crooks though was shot in the head from behind, so hard to judge, did he turn around etc. It is very possible imho that the Sniper Barn Roof team did not shoot at all.

    Rogan et al. are playing the same games as pols, narrative spins…

Viewing 40 posts - 41 through 80 (of 1,137 total)