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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle December 12 2020 #66745

    First they all bury the story, and now even NBC is after Hunter? ¿Qué pasa?

    The original NY Post story was about extraordinary, blatant, corruption, illicit use of influence / power for staggering sums, by the ‘son of’ with the nod from the ‘Big Guy. (Joe Biden.) Banana Republics pale in comparison with their in-groupy money churning. The story included illegal and ugly looking (crack pipe) habitual drug use, as well as hints to put it mildly of inappropriate sexual behavior (not prostitutes etc. I prefer not to go there because it sends ppl hysterical.)

    So now all this (the last was the most damaging and absolutely HAS to be covered up) will be reduced to tax evasion, not paying tax on what were bribes (sums lowered for sure) but will be passed off as ‘legit’ earnings (that is what one pays tax on, right?) and it will all drag on for a while and then Hunter will have to pay ‘back taxes’ plus ‘penalties’ or what not, not familiar with the US system.

    So the Dems / Bidens will be able to argue that Hunter made some stupid financial errors (was at a bad time of his life, though his divorce can’t be mentioned either, it is hair-raising, the testimony I mean) anyone can make dumb mistakes and he will pay his dues … See! All the other accusations were baseless, ridiculous inventions by Trumpers, haters, racists!

    That is the plan imho. Could it fail? Doubtful. Yet, Age of Uncertainty – volatility, startling events, etc.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 11 2020 #66743

    Mr House you may be right…

    yet…Bill Gates (Melinda contributed nothing) becoming so rich in the USA_capitalist_monopolistic system is not extraordinary. Someone wins the ‘monopoly’ (partial in Gates’ case) and that person need not be smart, that is highly intelligent, hard-working, dedicated and diligent. Is J. Bezos smart? I doubt it very much. These ppl are just in the right place at the right time, they develop good connections (political), they hire a bunch of bright ppl to do the job, and a winner there has to be, and they are the lucky ones.

    Also, what I call being ‘an idiot’ is helped along by the wilfull blindness of the rich (or those who consider themselves successful) and total lack of care for others (which is not limited to ppl like Gates.) I just can’t see Gates as an evil genius who wants to control (fill it in: the population, the world, the destiny of the US, the future of computers, or anything..)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 11 2020 #66716

    We Hadn’t Really Thought Through the Economic Impacts – Melinda Gates

    I believe it. These ppl are idiots. Looking to use their ginormous wealth to impact the world, gain status, organise everything, be top of the pyramid, the New Lords and Ladies, adulated.

    The Gates Foundation fell for one of the classical mis-interpretations of statistics. They supported *small schools* to the hilt. (Links below are just off the top of goog, there are 100s of others, and all this is well-known.)

    They did this because outliers – ex. those who have high success rates in schools, just like high colon cancer rates, or a high number of lottery winners, etc. are always from ‘small communities’, ‘small or low numbers,’ by definition. E.g. death rate for colon cancer in a small, 500 ppl. F village for one year can be 100% (one guy met mates in hospital, etc.) while in Paris or other large is it “say” 5 %.

    boosting small high schools in NY City:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 11 2020 #66712

    About Switz -China ties, Guardian article.

    This all could very well be more or less correct, or might be hyped somewhat, or a lot. Idk. Not surprising in any case. Some background.

    Switzerland – CH – is not part of the EU – NATO, and has never ‘belonged’ to any such previous orgs. So, it had v. good relations with Turkey (….no longer), and had ties with the satellite USSR countries, before the Fall of the Wall. (Historically, Russia = communist = red devil.) These relations were commercial, organisational, educational, Gvmt. and Biz driven and subsidised in areas like the Arts, etc.

    Since Putin, CH – Russia relations are excellent if rather sub rosa. (CH is obliged to implement sanctions imposed by the UN, it perhaps doesn’t really…this topic is used by anti UN-types.)

    At the same time CH had, has, a good relationship with China (contrast to Japan). CH lobbied hard for China to be admitted to the WTO (achieved 2001), and the Swiss credit themselves for that in part though they were imho minor movers.

    CH signed an FTA with China in 2013, it is quite broad. Negotiation was, reportedly, strange and confused, or charmingly quirky – two so very different cultures meeting (Linnaeus vs. Confucius, or something like that) but it worked out ok. Reportedly, all of the negotiators enjoyed Swiss white wine and smoking on the pavement, and Chinese spring rolls at the other venue. (Fondue, chicken feet, not so much.)

    Here, graduating students from the Top Techs go on study trips to China. India second. Not to the US since 9/11, visa insuperable difficulties.

    msm: – pic shows many ppl in CH object to close CH-China ties. Tibet! So there is a lot of stress as well.–rating-for-swiss-chinese-trade-deal/44427848

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 9 2020 #66611

    UpstateNYer, prev. thread. Russia-Russia-Russia was chosen by the Clintonistas and the servile Obama (2016) as an easy distant enemy, scapegoat, bogey-man. Russia is not that powerful and everyone was quite certain that under Putin (or a successor chosen by him) Russia would not do anything rash or foolish following the US hysterical blame-game.

    Moreover, the Trump-plan of tightening relations with Russia to isolate China (pick one of the two other powers to neutralise no. 3) was in the cards. Plus, of course, economic ties between the US and China are considerable, whereas Russia belongs to a different circuit, cutting it off economically costs the USA nothing. Russia is a *safe*, even cartoonish, traditional, external enemy. Ironically, it is quite possible that Putin (aka Russian Gvmt, PTB, etc.) would have preffered Hillary as Prez. See Uranium One deal. Plus, it is always easier to negotiate with corrupt ppl on the take (Clintonistas) than an unknown quantity – Trump.

    was ref. to this:

    The Biden’s ties to China are being surpressed. Trump’s trade ‘crusade’ against China was one of the reasons for trump MEGA HATE.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 8 2020 #66575

    Tim Garett, saying we will not save ourselves, ‘decarbonize.’ (from previous thread.)

    He is right. We humans prefer to go out with a bang leaving the whimper behind and see where the chips fall. ( 🙂 I’ve been reading old English novels.) For many reasons.

    While individually, or small-group wise, many are ready to make sacrifices (so to speak) or ‘change’ their life style etc. collectively we cannot do it. Because the feared and loathed *one world Gvmt.* doesn’t exist (I’m not advocating for it), and because any consequent reduction in energy use renders countries, communities, and even individuals, weaker.

    ! Giving up eating meat, and not using plastic bags, and living in a glitzy mini-home or van is not going to cut it.

    Switzerland as an ex.

    A rich, European country (the richness does not come from banks – less so for ex. than for France or GB – about commensurate with the US, around 10% of GDP, which includes insurance) but from old-style cheap (coerced) imports transformed and sold on (e.g. coffee, gold.) Arms production is also a big money maker. Big Pharma looms LARGE. Tourism was a huge money earner. (Snow and safe, friendly spaces..)

    In case of an energy crisis, a severe one, the plan comprises (I’m not sure of details but I participated a bit, and we all know “la musique”), first, all residents double up. About 50% of energy is consumed in CH by buildings, constructing them, maintaining them, heating and cooling them, providing hot and cold water – human activity within NOT counted (cooking, TV watching, making stuff, etc.) (Industry other topic.)

    In 1960 the build up space occupied by one person was 25 sq. m (includes corridors, hallways, attics, entries, communal spaces for laundry, etc. but not garages which house cars) to double that in around 2010. So returning to a 1960s space would be perfectly possible, but natch energy consumption would not be cut by half. The doubling up would have to be for a good part Gvmt. managed to occupy the most viable buildings (all the others would be left to rot) but also to tabulate, organise movement, travel, cutting it down. So some ‘hubs’ or organised viable places would persist, others would turn into ruins.

    Agriculture would be boosted immediately, with the Army / others / working hard (more conscription?) pronto. (CH might just be agri. independent, that is a hard call. It imports about 50% – but exports a lot too – so, the question is, where / what are the borders? Agri would go local big time..) Distribution routes would have to be figured out…

    That is just the start of what would have to be done – to reduce energy consumption by less than 50%.

    If Switz. did all that it would need to keep up a Land Army in top form to defend its borders. The soldiers would have to be ready to kill. Big investment.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 6 2020 #66473

    Here are the UK Gvmt. instructions for health professionals re.:

    COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 Created by BioNtech and Pfizer

    Excerpts (quotes):

    This medicinal product does not have a UK marketing authorisation but has been given authorisation for temporary supply by the UK Department of Health and Social Care and the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency for active immunization to prevent COVID-19 disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus in individuals aged 16 years of age and over.

    No interaction studies have been performed.

    Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed.

    It is unknown whether /vaccine/ is excreted in human milk.

    It is unknown whether /vaccine/ has an impact on fertility.

    In the absence of compatibility studies, this medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products.

    PDF gov. doc.


    Ivermectin is effective for COVID-19: meta analysis of 22 studies

    Posted for info, I haven’t read it carefully, so idk.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 5 2020 #66442
    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 5 2020 #66441

    We are now seeing, with COV-19, a frontal, in your face, assault on old structures, first of all on National Gvmts, their institutions. Stealth ‘privatization’ and ‘take-over’ of large parts of what used to be Gvmt-controlled or Gvmt-functions are now a done deal.

    Not an ex. of ‘lobbying’ (ex. a Pol, a Senator, pushed or bribed to vote for a budget that aguments x, y, or z; allocating more Gvmt. largesse (laws, rules), to a, b, or c.) Nor the ‘privatization’ of some periperal profit-making thingie, like spinning off a railway line to a friend…

    It is take-over.

    In the domain of Health / Illness and the fight against it (heh I meant illness), the Corps have won.

    The Private sector – for profit-corps, NGOs that are the soft propaganda arm (they are cheap to buy / set up, easy to disband), and the buy-out of Gvmts is almost complete. Ex. Gates Global Fund owns and directs more in that field than X Gvmts together. Laboratories that do research are owned and controlled by Corps.

    Ex. the Wuhan Level-4 lab was set up in conjunction with France – See pic, the bi-lingual text and the Chinese and F ppl cheering:

    It is funded partially by the US:

    “Mike Pompeo has already been on record confirming and defending this funding, saying it was “to protect American people from labs that aren’t up to standard.” ..” (ha ha)

    The Wuhan lab has close ties to the Galveston Bio lab:

    Fauci backed contoversial Wuhan Lab for coronavirus research (committing 3.7 million to it, for research, including gain of function):

    And so on, links are merely top of the iceberg. This is a world-wide circuit that has no National ties or oversight, a collection of ppl who are fighting for power, control, and huge profits, with many others behind the scenes investing gigantic sums, counting on mega-profits.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 3 2020 #66364

    Humans waging suicidal war on Nature – Guterres.

    Surprising how no-one, not even Guterres (who possibly just might be considered to be in a position to do so..) mentions that WAR is a fantastically huge contributor to emissions and to temperature rise.

    This graph of global monthly air surface temp. 1880 > shows WW1 as visible, and throws WW2 in your face. Have a look.


    Other stats, ex. CO2 emissions – GG emissions – FF use, etc. show similar spikes if tallied over the long run and not too badly done, or over-smoothed, etc. – I cherry picked, using the the end-point of temperature, that is what counts after all.

    Apparently War’s pyrotechnics, all the blowing up for killing, annihilating, destroying, as well as moving, doing, industrialising, constructing, to carry out such aims — the tremendous extraction involved, endless hyper fuel use, the resulting pollution, the factory processes (‘war economy’), the crazed destruction that then ….. leads to rebuilding (more resources, more digging, burning, built in) is unmentionable.

    in reply to: PCR Tests and COVID Vaccines are Useless #66280

    It looks like COV-19 has vanquished the flu!


    <i>In week 46, four laboratory detections of influenza were reported. To date this season, 19 influenza detections have been reported (Figure 2), which is significantly lower than the past six seasons where an average of 1,115 influenza detections were reported between weeks 35-46. </i>

    canada public health services

    USA – CDC data (scroll down) shows for week 46, 16 positive test for Influenza A, 25 for B.


    For week 46, the number of consultations for flu per 100,000 inhabitants (aka judged to be flu) was 100 (from chart), for week 48: about 80.

    swiss official stats site – one has to download the d-base

    In short, flu is no longer a meaningful official category. (Note for the first two it is no. of pos. tests which rests on no. of performed tests which may be near zero; Switz. counts differently.)

    So the flu that killed lots of elderly ppl year by year – with ups and downs – has poof, vanished, just like that?

    Are Docs + hospitals and such are supposed to log cases (deaths..) in favor of COV-19 (no ‘other’ causes shows spikes imho) ? Or, the flu has died out completely (due to lockdowns, distancing, etc.) Maybe Nature has acted in weird ways that we don’t understand, mmmh.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 30 2020 #66192

    Small biz. teri, on prev. post, a fair description of the positive aspects of France, yes.

    Countries differ, there are many paths to reach a fair or accepted outcomes (hopefully 🙂 )

    Here (Switz, one canton) for small biz. e.g. vet clinic, indy restaurant, bicycle shop, tax accountant, hairdresser, etc. the Gvmt. could not intervene directly to help because of the principle of ‘free contract’, which specifies that anyone can contract anything with anyone (many limitations exist of course..) and all is up to them. Liberty! Individual responsibility!

    So, the Gvmt. concocted the following scheme: if the tenant and the landlord come to an agreement, they can together request that the Gvmt. pay the landlord half the rent – the other half would be the landlords’s loss, the tenant paying nothing. * Note the landlord takes a big hit. In CH, and particularly in this canton, landlords are mega-property-conglomerate owners, very unpopular – roughly 80% + of households and small biz are renters.

    This seems to have been working OK till now. The end result is unknown. Many small biz are collapsing nonetheless. Some merely out of boredom.

    * until the tenant can pay / the situation is sorted / etc.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 29 2020 #66159

    Subsequent to some of Dr. Day’s posts I looked at over-the-counter vit. D supplements in Switzerland.

    The cheapest vs. the most expensive, after a cursory whip-round, a *solid* inquiry 🙂 Both sold in a supermarket.

    Multinorm. 5 mcg (micrograms = 200 UI) vit D per tablet. Cost about 3 swiss/US cents per tablet. Recommended daily dose, it says.

    Santogen. (= dosage, = reco.) 50 cents per gummy treat.

    The recommended doses in some countries appear to be super low. (Switz. doesn’t have a number, but long discussions..GB very low..) Ex. Canada, a very Northern Country, per day:

    200 UI (…) to 400 UI (adults) -> to 1000 UI for older adults in winter.

    The orders of magnitude mismatch between the public recommendations and others is startling.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 28 2020 #66138

    More from the Past. On Dark Winter, has a title mention up top. Of course it’s a standard expression, yet references are being made to it again and again, by J. Biden for ex.

    Operation Dark Winter was a simulated exercise of a bio-terror attack (smallpox) in the USA which took place just before 9/11, end June. Wiki has an entry:

    Hospitals overwhelmed, services down (electric grid for ex.), mob violence, perhaps civil war, massive loss of life..


    from Wiki:

    Participants worried that it would not be possible to forcibly impose vaccination or travel restrictions on large groups of the population without their general cooperation. To gain that cooperation, the President and other leaders in Dark Winter recognized the importance of persuading their constituents that there was fairness in the distribution of vaccine and other scarce resources, that the disease-containment measures were for the general good of society, that all possible measures were being taken to prevent the further spread of the disease,[and that the government remained firmly in control despite the expanding epidemic.

    Plus ca change as the French would say.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 28 2020 #66137

    All this is bringing up memories of past events.

    Here is Bush J. touting smallpox vaccines, Dec. 2002.

    “Our government has no information that a smallpox attack is imminent, but it is prudent to be prepared for the possibility that terrorists . . . would use this disease as a weapon,” the grim-looking president said in prefacing his televised announcement.

    Noting that public health agencies began preparing for a smallpox vaccination program more than a year ago, he said, “America has stockpiled enough vaccine and is now prepared to inoculate our entire population in the event of a smallpox attack. Americans and anyone who would think of harming Americans can be certain that we are prepared to respond quickly to a smallpox emergency.”

    The predicted bio-terror attack was to be the work of Al-Quaida and Saddam Hussein! (\Who loathed each other..) followed on after Amerithrax, which killed 4-5 ppl and ensured the passing of the Patriot Act after 9/11.

    Didn’t work out, partly because of oppo from medics, just one of google:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 27 2020 #66103

    Re. Accounting Error Regarding Covid Deaths…

    I read that in March 2020 the USA CDC changed its death certificate reporting guidelines, resulting in COV19 becoming more often the unique or first, precipitating, cause of death, even if no positive test result existed, the diagnosis merely resting on ‘clinical signs..’ One would need to dig deep in, it is surely v. complicated. (On purpose?) I don’t know …

    Besides that, ‘excess mortality’ looks, feels, very different depending on a) precisely these cause-of-death classifications, which imho shift and reflect the zeitgeist in a way, b) COV19 test being dodgy, contested, in their method and accuracy, possibly varying over time, c) the time span or period taken into account.

    Ex. Switz., pop. 8.5 million.

    This article and its charts (from official nos, checked) show that for 2020, weeks 1 – 39 (> 21 Sept.) overall mortality was comparable to the previous 5 years, and lower than in 2019 and 2018. Looking at the charts (no French needed) one can easily see that for 2020 the only spikes are very old ppl who suddenly kicked the bucket. Imho lower mortality for youngish + middle-age groups is partly at least explained by caution, confinement, lack of movement, taking care of one’s health, crime at zero, etc. Spikes are compensated for by Dips.

    Mortalité comparée en Suisse, années 2015-2020, effets COVID-19

    Yet, the distribution of these deaths as represented in another way – as comp. to 10 yrs previous, so the ‘expected’, in a rather narrow band, for ppl aged 65 and older (line for younger is flat, see graphic) is quite alarming (in Eng.)

    The ‘first wave’ and ‘second wave’ are bang! in your face, COV19 the deathly scythe…Yet, if one imagines the area under the peaks spread out in the green band it all goes pretty flat.

    All I’m saying is that COV19 kills the vulnerable, the elderly as a category in super top first place, way above any other one can imagine – or appears to do so. This fact deserves much more investigation and discussion.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 26 2020 #66072

    The origins of COV19 may be pertinent to its cure… Yes.

    // >> to Dr. Day re. Fort Detrick >> UpstateNYer, thx for those flu-tracker nos, very clear, on previous thread.//

    Charles Lieber, Harvard Prof. and part of the WUT (Wuhan U of Tech) Harvard Nano Key Lab, was arrested in Jan. 2020.

    npr (article does not detail how much Lieber was paid – was huge)


    About the WUT, from Wuhan U Tech

    I’m not clear about what a Nano-Key is? I haven’t looked into it at all.

    Prof. Qiu, her biologist husband, and several students (doctoral I suppose), kicked out of level 4 lab in Canada in July 2019. Oct. 2019 news:

    cbs canada

    science mag

    Fort Detrick was closed down in July 2019, link describes ‘breaches’.. (reopened March 2020.)

    military com daily

    Recall, Fort D. was at the heart of the Amerithrax scandal tied to 9/11. After hounding Steven Hatfill, who resisted, Bruce Ivins (an employee) was blamed and committed suicide.

    It looks like there were some weird distrubances in level 4 labs which surfaced in July 2019 and thereafter. Naturally this may be a case of noticing isolated, insignificant incidents and attributing some import to them, idk.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 24 2020 #66027

    upstateNYer, yeah interesting, thx.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 23 2020 #65968

    Benton Smith on prev. thread asked about the early cases of COV19:

    Why didn’t they spread?

    Here is another (imho): Virginia retirement home outbreak, July 2019:

    Plus, the vaping illness, EVALI, a complicated, dicey story.

    As it is presented, it had nothing to do with COV19. Took off Aug. 2019 – peaked in Sept. 2019 – died out in Jan. 2020 (when COV19 ‘arose’..) Close on 3K hospitalized cases, 68 ppl died, USA. I see the CDC has changed its page, it used to list symptoms (identical to COV19) right on the front, no more – now it is all about smoking, vaping dangers.

    but see:

    At the Wuhan military games, Oct. 2019,,

    Many of the contestants fell ill. Amongst the French delegation, after COV19 became official, they almost all said, it was the Corona. The Gvmt. first denied this was possible and then shut up (best way to kill a story.) The article below – one ex. from MSM – also details that the F Ministry of the Armies forbade participants from answering journo questions about this matter. The woman gold winner pictured was sick as a dog, her partner too.. In French:

    So, it did spread, and many ppl fell ill, recall the death rate for under 50’s is way below 1% – not very noticeable. It spread the same way it is spreading now, but ‘less’ as there were ‘less’ points of infection.

    It was only when it hit Wuhan and some Chinese Docs – Dr. Li (died), the coordinator of a small group of 8 or so Docs – that it was properly identified. Or became an acknowledged, official virus on the Int’l stage.

    (This does not address where, how COV19 originated.)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 22 2020 #65931

    COV19. Dr. Day, previous post:

    Coronavirus infections were spreading in Italy in September 2019, which is before the Wuhan Games (global military olympics) in China, in mid October (…) A further SARS-CoV-2 antibodies test was carried out by the University of Siena for the same research titled “Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the pre-pandemic period in Italy”. It showed that four cases dating back to the first week of October were positive for antibodies, meaning they had got infected in September, Giovanni Apolone, a co-author of the study, told Reuters.


    The French and Italians found COV19 cases in Dec, Nov, 2019. Ex:

    These ‘early’ cases were not properly reported on and presented as ‘odd anecdote’, ‘mystery case, not attention worthy’, etc. because if taken seriously and investigated would destroy the dominant narrative of a sudden outbreak in Wuhan in Dec-Jan-Feb with subsequent ‘spread’ to the rest of the world, early 2020. Recently, say July 2020, these reports seem to be taken more seriously, or accepted.

    Imho, some even earlier health scares were COV19 outbreaks. One ex.

    In 2018, there was a outbreak of atypical and v. strange pneumonia in Brescia, Lombardy, Northern Italy (right next to the Piemont where Corona ravaged in 2020..)

    Brescia and the communes surrounding it are small, even tiny (think small villages.) There were 878 cases from Sept. to Oct 2018. These cases were those classed as serious and for the most part hospitalised. A few were sent ‘home’ and supervised there. Absolutely unheard of in terms of numbers, and it was a HUGE scandal, worry.

    Flu trackers gives Eng trans of news articles. (Couldn’t find a Gvmt. / Medical / scholarly summary.)

    Legionella was right away a presumed agent, and the hunt was on, in water, waterworks, cooling towers, etc. About 10% (see link) of patients tested positive for Legionella, the others NOT. Legionella was found to be present in a very few municipal water spots (precision not poss), but one might expect that anyway. Those hospitalised were skewed to the elderly and men (co-morbities were important as well), though a few younger ppl were hospitalised. The number of deaths was not terribly high, I can’t give a no. because none exists, see link.

    The matter was never elucidated (or not publically) and went under the radar as the infection died out, and well, best to get over it, tourism, life goes on.

    Here in eng. link that reports the pos. Legionella cases correctly (42) but makes out that it was the principal or only cause. In fact only one (or 2) cooling towers showed ‘traces’ (enough to infect ppl? probably not) of Legionella, and about 800 or so hospitalised ppl tested neg. for L.

    There are other examples. COV19 did not originate in China.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2020 #65902

    Video, from Swiss (MSM, link below) TV, 8 mins, shows what things are like (re. Covid) in an intensive care unit in a public hospital in Neuchatel, Switzerland. It is in French and subtitled in French. The pictures speak for themselves in a way. The first lines are, many patients die, but we do what we can, and families are grateful. See also what it takes in a developed country to keep an intubated patient alive.

    We in Switz. get vids and testimony like this regularly. People know what is going on. One point that is made in the vid. is that augmenting the ‘intensive care’ beds (often called réa, for re-animation) is not the equipment, which can be bought / cobbled up, but finding the personnel to run / handle all of it as wll as the patient.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2020 #65851

    More of us offended by your censorship’: BBC slammed online for editing out ‘derogatory’ words in popular Christmas song.

    All this banning of some words, aka linguistic policing, damning even some words comedic, ironic or ‘quoted’ uses, etc. as being ‘racist’ or ‘harmful’ or ‘illegitimate,’ even ‘dangerous’ etc. is an effort at censorship and control, in an area where it very easy to do. Can’t break my bones is denied.

    Promulgating or demanding the use of Politically Correct Language has been a smooth avenue for the overlords since ..? It signals a fear of open speech, a submissiveness easily encouraged, an open avenue for demonising, denoucing, those who use ‘nefarious words’ or ‘insults’ aka who voice, transmit unwelcome, contesting, radical, opposing, etc. messages.

    The trick is that the condemnation is focussed on the form, which ppl should *fear*, ex. using the n-word is like a bomb, leading to banning. Thereby to obscure, denigrate, or dismiss, the substance.

    In the article, justification is, because its young listeners are particularly sensitive to derogatory terms for gender and sexuality! – what a joke.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2020 #65842

    The video of Biden, Trump and the Cat was great fun. The Trump figure was really well done, most of the work I guess.

    More Bongo Biden requested ..

    The original musician (Biden mug-shot pasted on) is Bilal Göregen, in Turkey, this link is to Youtube:

    Bilal definetly deserves applause for providing the original. Blind plus other handicaps. His channel:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 19 2020 #65786

    El Cartero Atomico, such a measure wasn’t logged so no answer can be given. So it is possible.. (Denmark Mask study.)



    Obama: Now you have a situation in which large swaths of the country genuinely believe that the Democratic Party is a front for a pedophile ring…I was talking to a volunteer who was going door-to-door in Philadelphia in low-income African American communities, and was getting questions about QAnon conspiracy theories.

    Goldberg: Is this new malevolent information architecture bending the moral arc away from justice?

    Obama: I think it is the single biggest threat to our democracy.

    What a total sleaze. Obama embraced and lauded the intertubes, outreach, so successful, we are tops, stellar, modernity (credentialized class) wonderful connections, power to the people, small donors, blah blah – > his first election.

    Now, the threat to democracy is not the Deplorables (mentally deficient racists, say, skipped over for the mo, too elitist, best hold back), but the Internet….

    Note how he stigmatises low-income African-American communities – they are the dumbests, lowest, of all, like, those folks, believe, oh man, I can’t, in Q-what? Well they don’t know what to believe, thankfully they have the wits to pose questions to their superiors, who may inform them of right-think?


    Heh, and see the language in the question, which includes malevolent information, moral arc destroyed..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 19 2020 #65779

    Denmark face-mask study.

    “The study could not rule out that face masks do not provide any protection.”

    A very tortured formulation, reads like the authors were enjoined to insert something along those lines.

    This was the study that everyone was muttering about and the authors were daring a journal to publish, heh?

    That no conclusion is reached rests on the fact that the infection rate was in any case extremely low, calculated at 2% for Denmark (1) at that time (this no. also in paper.)

    With 4,862 participants with complete data, that makes a hypothetical 97 ppl infected, which is exactly what they found:

    42 ppl wearing masks, plus 53 going without = 95

    In short, with numbers like this, Covid randomly hits 2% of ppl, nothing more can be said. A lottery. What shoes or socks one wears, what head-gear (masks, veils, bike and motorcycle helmets, elegant hats, face-shields, etc.) if one is bald or not, or has cascading curly locks, and so on, is not shown to be relevant.

    1. It was most likely higher but who knows.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 17 2020 #65743

    After reading most of the link about Ebola (from Mr. House) I was going to post a link to Operation Dark Winter (Actually, I was surprised that it had a wiki entry) — Joe Biden has been babbling on about a *dark winter* to come. Not that he knows exactly or even vaguely what he is talking about, it sounds evocative, who knows if the reference is deliberate or not. Mr House beat me to it.

    So here is Operation Atlantic Storm, 2005, which also has a brief confused entry. (Bio-terror small pox outbreak simulation.)

    There was also a Pandemic exercise at the WEF, Davos, with K. Schwab in charge, in Jan. 2017:

    To make the case directly to key decision makers, the World Bank Group is working with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to conduct the first set of pandemic simulation exercises that are designed to recreate a disease outbreak scenario to provoke a robust discussion about pandemic preparedness among policymakers. President Jim Yong Kim, Bill Gates and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany will jointly host simulation exercises on pandemic preparedness for the Heads of State and private sector leaders during the next World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2017 and the G-20 Heads of State meeting in July 2017.  In preparation for the two major events, the World Bank will collaborate with the technical team from WHO, WEF and the German government to conduct similar exercises for G20 technical staff and and G20 Ministers of Health. Simulation exercises help make a theoretical possibility real, by allowing policymakers to role-play and map out gaps and concrete solutions to those gaps along with their peers.

    Here is Bill Gates at the WEF 2017 talking about the next great epidemic. The first sentence is about vaccines, DNA and RNA vaccines.

    link is to CBSN (MSM)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 16 2020 #65701

    The girl friend as wife-elect.

    The European popular press is absolutely shameless. You’d think Biden was a warrior sent from heaven by God, riding a mythical horse, to drive Evil from the Land.

    Paris Match’s cover features a presidential looking Kamala Harris, with the title,

    “I’m the first woman vice-president but not the last!” 🙂

    — This brings me to note that the fact that Biden is a practising Catholic and Trump now according to himself a non-denominational Christian. An old division that seems to escape notice in the US – let’s call it the Papist against the Puritans – of course it is relevant in the US via the Evangelical vote.. but more than that is not alluded to. Whereas in Europe I have heard many ppl say, Biden is Cathlolic, like Kennedy, he is /insert positive descr./

    About the presidential shield, all over the intertubes and the MSM it says Trump will (or may..) be prosecuted, his days are numbered. But they never say for what. How can one talk of prosecution without invoking a deed, or the suspicion of certain actions, or at least very common knowledge of previous accusations, of repeated efforts to bring a person to justice for x or y …? What am I missing?

    in reply to: Slouching Out of the Fog Toward Pennsylvania Avenue #65609

    Interesting post from Dr D. I am not in the US and am not familiar with the ins and outs of the various laws / practices / precedents / that would apply in the present situation re. voter, electoral fraud how they might be implemented / ignored / manipulated, in view of guessing what might transpire on the ground.

    But! A whole new election will not take place. It would appear shameful, it is admitting a kind of defeat (beacon on the hill) it would be hard to spin internationally. OK the perception is the US doesn’t give sh*t, but that isn’t quite true, other topic.

    Voters would not appreciate it either, what is the point of voting if the first vote isn’t taken into account, why will the second vote be, hmm? Are voters being taken for chumps? They are, but a repeat would make it clear..

    In any case, the whole system is extremely shaky and arbitrary (not to say corrupt and beset with fraud, imho from both sides), it is run like a kind of spectacle, to afford legitimacy — or to have a contest that is won by means that aren’t made public — this is not something one organises, does, with bis repetita in mind.

    As Dr D notes, legal time moves forward rapidly in cases like this, ‘normally’ the outcome is set, the future is here, no matter how lousy, deal with it, turning back the clock can’t be done.

    As for the accusations of fraud being looked into thoroughly and systematically (whatever that might look like? Idk..) it won’t happen either. Fraud of various types (maybe just minor, like some dead ppl voting from their tombs, to algo manipulations) is part of the system, how could it be distinguished from the system itself and thus investigated and tabulated by analysts, many of whom are part of the system?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 13 2020 #65538

    US Presidential elections are so complicated and bizarre, in their laws (States, Fed, etc.), policies, ways-of-doing, practices, controls, etc. as to seem to be set up to be a money-making opportunity, and/or for awarding status and possibilites of ‘influence’, being a top-dog or just notable, in the future.

    Ex. for the MSM — those being tasked with the logistics of the vote (Diebold machines, Dominion, keepers of registers, local authorities, etc. etc.) — those being bribed or paid for one or another action — those being tasked with influencing the vote on the ground, Twitter, Google, BLM protests, and more.

    Is straight up paying for votes still a thing? – > Maybe 20 a vote? .. ?

    It’s a money churning jamboree all on its own!

    (Without considering the donations from mega-donors who pay for X desired outcome, etc. -> other story.)

    It seems to be that the winner is a figure-head of the group (party, lobby, PTB..) who manages to manipulate the ‘vote’ the most succesfully.

    The Dems (plus neo-cons, etc.) were taken by surprise in 2016. They have been preparing for 2020 since Trump took office, if not before (Steele dossier, Russia Russia Russia, etc.)

    in reply to: Bring Them Home for Christmas #65530

    +++ post Ilargi. Never heard of MacGregor.

    Quote about him from article in top post:

    —— He lamented that the US government intervened against Serbian forces, who engaged in ethnic cleansing and war crimes, during the Kosovo War in the 1990s to “put, essentially, a Muslim drug mafia in charge of that country.” ——

    Hashim Thaci, the President of Kosovo, pro-US, elected Pres. in 2016 (had other, many, ‘top’ pol posts before, e.g. Prime Minister, Foreign M, etc.) resigned on Nov 5, 2020. He is accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity and will be on trial in the Hague.

    Why is this not all over the US MSM? /sarc

    I couldn’t find the famous pic where he shakes hands with Rumsfeld via a quick search, so here is one of him with H. Clinton.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2020 #65480

    “Do you have a better explanation for the mortality rate of African Americans vis-à-vis the epidemic’s general impact in Africa?” .. I will answer it:

    North America (and S America as well) have been hit much much harder by Covid than Africa, see link (to and FT graphic) which shows deaths, a kind of hard number – though there may be reporting glitches nonetheless.

    So by definition African-Americans, who live in the US, are more affected than their African brothers. Why? Because a black man in NY meets 189 ppl to talk to and be close to, in his service day job, take the metro, goes to a bar with his g-f and then to a disco, the next day he goes to church… His counterpart in Burundi meets in a day 17 ppl (plus 30 but just hello hello), all the encounters take place outside, he goes home to wife and two children, in an airy hut, that’s it. Oh, and: the NY chap is overweight, the Burundi man skinny as a rake.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2020 #65423

    “Basically, nothing that various world governments have done to combat covid seems to have had any effect whatsoever on the number of deaths.”

    Rushworth points out the statistical ‘problems’ or what should be termed more mildly imho as “difficulties.” These all have to do with the pitfalls of correlational studies and the attendant p-values or probabilities that are decided on. He rightly points out that if you do a heap of correlations some of them will be positive, show a relationship, but will be ’accidental’ and meaningless, not worthy of attention.

    Imho the ‘problem’ with the conclusion – I don’t dispute that no effect of ‘lockdown’ was found (although obviously ‘lockdown’ is very varied and actually assigning a category or ‘score’ for it would be a whole other complex endeavor, with the differences between country’s measures, their societies, pop density, compliance, etc.) is that the time span of the data gathered was super-short:

    April 1 to May 1, 2020, and spread over 50 countries. Thus there was no possibility of finding a correlation, as lock-downs were variously: over after a short time, a long time, still on the books, put on early, late…. etc. (Besides never implemented, poorly implemented, etc.) The same goes for masks.

    The effect of this kind of public health measure takes time – at the *very least* 2 weeks to show an effect, and those times have to be taken into account to study the matter. So no effect was found.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 22 2020 #61405

    Covid Never More! (Australia.) Elimination is the best option

    It might be possible. But not if one implements cost-benefit analysis, as these rest on ‘coming out a winner, on top’ or ‘not loosing too much money’ or ‘not damaging the economy’, etc.

    The closing off would have to be a mostly-consensual decision taken and organised and enforced with determination, not with jackboots and punishment, but resting on a well-thought plan that does the best for all, to save lives.

    A few transport hubs (sea, air) with triple zonification would be needed, zone 1, nobody passes further (Aus has to import – export to chug along, survive.. this zone would be like the Black Plague Quaranta in Italia, 40 days, 4x times the mini-10 days self-iso the Brits are imposing), zone 2 also has barriers, etc., and then zone 3 is free to roam after checks, etc.

    I know virutally nothing about Aus, sitting on a mountain in CH, but Cov19 and the possible moves to eliminate it are the same all over the world, with islands / isolated continents having an advantage.

    A longer, harsher lockdown in Melbourne – and anywhere the virus begins to take hold again – would be enormously challenging for many, especially those who are disadvantaged, marginalised, or poor. from quoted piece.

    The author is not serious and is blathering about various dodgy concepts. The impact on the poor is not a given, it could easily be managed, compensated, prevented. In the hands of the Aus. Gvmt, the measures are no-brainers. Ex. Ensure retaining present housing, expand it for homeless if needed, basic health care, testing, job support, food stamps type, etc.

    A ‘lockdown’ shouldn’t be implemented because poor ppl will suffer? What kind of hypocritical sleight-of-hand is that?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 20 2020 #61356

    heh thx. 🙂

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 20 2020 #61335

    First post – test.

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