buddha – it’s all going to let go with a bang – you’re standing next to a lifeboat on the Titanic. It’s small, it’s chilly, but you will survive … if you get clear of the suction of the sinking vessel.
There are just no happy endings to this with a decision making process tied to quarterly earnings reports. Our global economy is like that jet that lost both engines climbing out of LaGuardia a few years ago. The pilot flew gliders as a hobby and he got them all down safely to a smooth landing in the Hudson.
We are still at a point where most people believe we are going to resume our upward climb. Only a small portion of the population grasp what is going to happen for the next two or three generations as we slide back to the solar maximum for this planet.
China already does a dance of too many people and not enough fresh water. They have 92% of the fresh water the U.S. has and 433% of the population. As the Himalayas dry things are going to get very sketchy for them, India will take a double hit with the loss of glaciers and a disrupted Monsoon season, and Pakistan is in a similar fix.
I don’t even think there is much point to trying to educate and inform on this stuff any more – if the general populace got a credible notice to the effect that we are overpopulated about 7:1 for the Earth’s carrying capacity we’d likely make an even bigger mess than what is already in the pipeline.
I want nothing more than a little plot of land back home and a sturdy house I can weatherize to death, but this is not my life.