Nov 062020

W. Eugene Smith Orson Welles 1942


Death by Lockdown (AIER)
China: Life After COVID Is Back To Normal (marc)
Vladimir Putin ‘Will Quit In January Amid Fears of Parkinson’s Disease’ (DM)
Which is the Real “Working Class Party” Now? (Taibbi)
President Trump Delivers Remarks About The Election From White House
Trump Gets ‘Big Legal Win In Pennsylvania,’ Setback In Michigan, Georgia (RT)
Dems Melt Down On Conference Call Over Losing House Seats (RT)
EHRC Antisemitism Report Added Fire To Labour’s Simmering Civil War (Cook)
Australian Property Bubble Hasn’t Yet Burst Amid The Pandemic (
Experts Want 15 Days Of Counting To Flatten The Curve Of Votes For Trump (BBee)



Election fatigue is setting in. Good thing I’m not a lawyer.





Bob Hope Democrats



“The most startling data concerns the age group 25-44. This is a group with a Covid-related infection fatality rate of 0.0092%, which is to say barely a disease at all for nearly everyone in this group. And yet they are dying at a rate far above what is expected..”

Death by Lockdown (AIER)

On March 28 – very early in the pandemic – AIER published an article that I felt at the time received far too little attention. “Drugs, Suicide, and Crime: Empirical Estimates of the Human Toll of the Shutdown” by economists Audrey and Thomas Duncan cited empirical literature on the human toll of economic devastation. This article forecasted more than 100,000 excess deaths due to drug overdoses, suicide, alcoholism, homicide, and untreated depression – all a result not of the virus but of policies of mandatory human separation, economic downturn, business and school closures, closed medical services, and general depression that comes with a loss of freedom and choice.

These two economists demonstrated that as bad as a virus is, policies that wreck normal social functioning will cause massive and completely unnecessary suffering and death. Because the article was so well-cited, with references to all the available literature, I thought it would make a difference. But after it appeared, it was crickets. I was amazed. Here you have a beautiful piece of research that perfectly forecasted the nightmare being created by politicians and their advisers and it made no dent in the national narrative. Here we are seven months later and the worst has come true. These two economists should be considered prophets. Sure enough, the Centers for Disease Control has documented a shocking number of excess deaths not from Covid.

Scott Atlas summarizes:
• Hispanic: 40% excess deaths NOT Covid related
• Black: 46% NOT Covid related
• White: 38% NOT Covid related
• 25-44: 77% excess deaths NOT Covid related
• 65+: 39% NOT Covid related

The most startling data concerns the age group 25-44. This is a group with a Covid-related infection fatality rate of 0.0092%, which is to say barely a disease at all for nearly everyone in this group. And yet they are dying at a rate far above what is expected, and mostly from issues not related to Covid. There should not be any excess deaths. Instead we find people dropping dead in ways that are shocking.

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“The science is clear, but politicians are clearly no scientists.”

China: Life After COVID Is Back To Normal (marc)

A few months ago I was lucky to get a visa to China so I could visit the country during the middle of the global pandemic. After 2 weeks in quarantine in Xiamen in late September and a total of 5 COVID tests I was finally allowed to fly to Beijing. When I landed there I had literally arrived in a different world, a world without COVID. Of course I knew that there is no COVID in China anymore, but seeing it for yourself is different. Everything is open again, even bars and clubs. Social distancing is a thing of the past, but when I arrived in Beijing most people still wore face masks, even outside. When I visited Xiamen again last week a lot less people wore them, but maybe that was also because of the much higher temperatures there. Everybody needs to have a health app installed on their phones, without it you can’t enter many public places (the app proves you have no COVID or have not been in contact with COVID-positive people) and you can’t fly without a green QR code on your app (not even if you just want to leave China).

Life is back to normal in China. Interesting is that people work from their offices again: The work-from-home phase did not last here, maybe because people only worked from home for a few weeks instead of a few months. I wonder if that will also happen in the Western world or if people will keep working remotely. Everything is open and there are hardly any restrictions left, although you still need to wear face masks in among others taxis and in school. What dit China do to get here? It’s actually quite simple, they had a complete lockdown of the whole country for a couple of weeks, and for some hotspots like Wuhan for a few months. After that they opened up again, but they did that with ubiquitous testing and obligatory face masks everywhere. Each time a new outbreak occurred they would lock (part of) a city down and test everybody. In that way China got the virus completely under control.

It may be hard to believe if you live in Europe or the US, but it is really not that hard to do. The partial lockdown in many other countries is simply not enough. It turns out that it is much better to have a shorter but very strict lockdown than to have a much longer partial lockdown that just tries to ‘flatten the curve’. I think Europe and the US are shooting themselves in the foot by trying to remain open for business. The long term effect in the Western world will simply be much worse than the short term effect in China.I am actually flabbergasted that the Western economies don’t see this and don’t copy the China playbook. I have argued for a short but full lockdown on Twitter since March, but most people did not take it serious. Of course it’s not the full story, China also had face masks from day one, while many other countries still don’t seem to ‘believe’ in them (although that finally started to change after the summer). The science is clear, but politicians are clearly no scientists.

And of course you need testing capacity, something that seems impossible to scale up in many Western countries. The virus started in January and soon after that it became clear to me that this could be a global danger. As I noted on Twitter, face masks were sold out in Vancouver on January 25 already, simply because most Chinese in Vancouver also saw the risk and started buying them. But governments took a full 6-7 weeks before they started to take it more serious. They lost so much precious time, instead of getting face masks ready and prepare test facilities they downplayed the risk. It was hard to believe for me, but I realized (once again…) that you should never rely on politicians for information but do your own research.

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No idea what to make of this, can’t trust western media to say one true thing about Putin, but I do like Scott Adams’ take.

Vladimir Putin ‘Will Quit In January Amid Fears of Parkinson’s Disease’ (DM)

Vladimir Putin will quit in January amid fears he has Parkinson’s disease, Moscow sources have claimed. The 68-year-old strongman president of Russia is being urged to retire by his former gymnast lover Alina Kabaeva, 37, insiders say. Recent footage of Putin’s legs moving around as he gripped onto the armrest of a chair have raised eyebrows. Eyes are also drawn to a twitching pen in the former KGB operative’s fingers and a cup which analysts told The Sun was filled with painkillers. Earlier this week it emerged that unexpected legislation was being rushed through to ensure that Putin could be made a senator-for-life. The new draft legislation was introduced by Putin himself, and would guarantee him legal immunity and state perks until he dies.

State-run RT media forecast the move will be seen ‘as a sign that the groundwork is being laid for an eventual transition of power in Russia’. It is not the first time that people have speculated that Putin may be suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Others have previously noted his ‘gunslinger’s gait’ – a clearly reduced right arm swing compared to his left, giving him a lilting swagger. An asymmetrically reduced arm swing is a classic feature of Parkinson’s and can manifest in ‘clinically intact subjects with a predisposition to later develop’ the disease, according to the British Medical Journal.

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“There were so many serious analyses wondering what could be done to convince Homer Simpson not to vote Trump that it soon became clear Bart’s donut-loving Dad was the closest thing to a Trump voter most educated people could relate to, or knew even.”

Which is the Real “Working Class Party” Now? (Taibbi)

In an irony he is humorously ill-equipped to appreciate, Donald Trump by losing this week may have gained something for the Republican Party bureaucracy he took such pleasure in humiliating four years ago: a future. Defying years of muddle-headed media analyses, Trump underperformed with white men, but made gains with every other demographic. Some 26 percent of his votes came from nonwhite Americans, the highest percentage for a Republican since 1960. The politician who became instantly famous — and infamous — by saying of Mexican immigrants, “They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists,” performed stunningly well with Latino voters.

Exit polls, which can be unreliable, pegged his national support at 32%-35% of the Latino vote. More tellingly were results in certain counties. Starr County, Texas, the county with the highest percentage of Hispanic or Latino voters – above 95% – voted for Hillary Clinton by a 60-point margin in 2016, but went for Biden by just five points in 2020. Even more amazing was Trump’s performance among Black voters. The man whose 2016 message to “the blacks” was very nearly a parody of long-ago New York mayoral candidate Mario Procaccino’s pledge that “My heart is as black as yours” must have found a new way to connect. Trump doubled his support with Black women, moving from 4% in 2016 to 8%, while upping his support among Black men from 13% to 18%. Remember, this was after four years of near-constant denunciations of Trump as not just a racist, but the leader of a literal white supremacist movement.

Trump’s numbers with the LGBTQ community were a stunner also, jumping from 14% to 28%. In September, a dating app for queer men called Hornet ran a survey that showed 45% support for Trump among gay men. Ever since Trump jumped into politics, media observers have rushed to denounce any Trump-related data that conflicts with conventional wisdom, and the Hornet survey was no different. Out magazine quoted a communications professor from Cal Poly Pomona as saying, “To tout a Hornet poll as evidence of LGBTQ support for Trump is clickbaity, sloppy journalism.” Even the Hornet editor scoffed at his own poll, before it all turned out to be true in the election.

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“If you count the legal votes, I easily win..”

President Trump Delivers Remarks About The Election From White House

As the nation continues waiting to find out who will win the 2020 presidential contest, President Trump on Thursday delivered remarks from the White House. “If you count the legal votes, I easily win,” Trump said. “If you count the illegal votes they can try to steal the election from us, if you count the votes that came in late,” he said. The president said that election polling was weaponized to harm his candidacy. “As everyone now recognizes media polling was election interference, in the truest sense of that word,” Trump said. “By powerful special interests, these really phony polls…were designed to keep our voters at home, create the illusion of momentum for Mr. Biden and diminish Republicans’ ability to raise funds. They were what’s called suppression polls, everyone knows that now.”

“So it will be hopefully cleared up, maybe soon, I hope soon,” he said. “But it’ll probably go through a process, a legal process and as you know I’ve claimed certain states and he’s claiming states…but ultimately I have a feeling judges are gonna have to rule. But there’s been a lotta shenanigans and we can’t stand for that in our country.”

Jo Jorgenson losing half her support in the space of 12 minutes

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Georgia count just flipped to Biden.

Trump Gets ‘Big Legal Win In Pennsylvania,’ Setback In Michigan, Georgia (RT)

As Donald Trump continues to accuse Democrats behind Joe Biden of trying to “steal” the presidential election, he celebrated a “big legal” win in his Pennsylvania lawsuit. “Big legal win in Pennsylvania!” the president tweeted on Thursday, following orders mandating certain mail-in ballots to be placed aside for the time being and allowing Republican poll watchers to observe more closely as votes are counted. It remains to be seen how this “big legal win” will benefit Trump, but it does ensure that it could be even longer before people know who has won the presidential race. Mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania, a key swing state that remains up for grabs, that lack identifying information from their voter will be placed aside and not counted until the court gives further guidance on what to do.

Once ballots are “segregated,” those with information that cannot be confirmed by November 9 will “not be counted until further notice” from the court. Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court has also ordered that Republican poll watchers will be able to observe ballots being counted in Philadelphia from a distance of six feet following complaints that they were being kept too far away from the actual counting. In Michigan, the president has faced a setback with a judge scoffing at Trump’s lawsuit to stop the count in the state due to allegations voter fraud. Michigan Court of Claims Judge Cynthia Stephens said on Thursday she will deny Trump’s request as the accusations of voter fraud are “hearsay” and contain no “firsthand knowledge.”

Michigan has been called in Joe Biden’s favor by multiple US outlets, but Trump has claimed victory in the state, blaming last minute “ballot dumps” on the former vice president’s surge on the night of the election. Earlier, a judge in Georgia also dismissed lawsuit by Trump campaign that requested to ensure that state laws were followed in regards to absentee ballots. Trump’s campaign has also said they will be demanding a recount in Wisconsin, which Biden reportedly won by around 20,000 votes. The incumbent president has also alleged in another lawsuit that thousands of people voted in Nevada who are not residents there.

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Will they oust Pelosi?

Dems Melt Down On Conference Call Over Losing House Seats (RT)

Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Virginia), who is leading her congressional race by a thread, has reportedly blamed the Democrat Party for losing elections “we shouldn’t have lost” due to embracing radical ideas like Defund the Police. During a conference call between Democrats discussing the results of various 2020 elections, Spanberger claimed she nearly lost her race (she’s won by a few thousand votes) because of an attack ad connecting her to the Defund the Police movement. “Don’t say socialism ever again,” the congresswoman said on the call, according to Washington Post reporter Erica Werner.

“We need to be pretty clear … it was a failure. It was not a success,” she added about election night. While the results of the presidential race remain unclear, Democrats had a disappointing election night regardless, as they failed to gain control of the Senate and actually ended up losing seats in the House, where they still remain the majority party. Werner reported that Spanberger did not find a lot of support on the call, with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-California) openly disagreeing with the assessment, and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan) pushing back and saying former President Barack Obama was called a Muslim and socialist without being connected to movements like Black Lives Matter or Defund the Police.

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The totally insane idea that Corbyn is an anti-semite has been as hard to kill by evidence in the UK as Russiagate is in the US and UK. And several lies about Assange. The media has become toxic.

EHRC Antisemitism Report Added Fire To Labour’s Simmering Civil War (Cook)

It was easy to miss the true significance of last week’s Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) report on the British Labour Party and antisemitism amid the furore over the party suspending its former leader, Jeremy Corbyn. The impression left on the public – aided by yet more frantic media spin – was that the EHRC’s 130-page report had confirmed the claims of Corbyn’s critics that on his watch the party had become “institutionally antisemitic”. In fact, the watchdog body reached no such conclusion. Its report was far more ambiguous. And its findings – deeply flawed, intentionally vague and glaringly inconsistent as they were – were nowhere near as dramatic as the headlines suggested.

The commission concluded that “there were unlawful acts of harassment and discrimination for which the Labour Party is responsible”. Those failings, according to the commission, related to the handling of antisemitism complaints, interference by the leader’s office in the disciplinary procedure, and “unlawful harassment” by two Labour Party “agents”. None of that seemed to amount to anything like the supposed claims of a “plague” and “tidal wave” of antisemitism that have dominated headlines for five years. Paradoxically, the equalities commission’s conclusions sounded a lot like Corbyn’s statement that the scale of Labour’s antisemitism problem had been “dramatically overstated”. That remark quickly became grounds for the party suspending him.

So sustained has the furore about “institutional antisemitism” been in Labour that, according to a recent survey by academics Greg Philo and Mike Berry, the British public estimated that on average a third of Labour members had been disciplined for antisemitism – more than 300 times the real figure. But in the end, the commission could identify only two cases of unlawful antisemitism the party was responsible for. According to the report, there were 18 “borderline” cases, however, “there was not enough evidence to conclude that the Labour Party was legally responsible for the conduct of the individual.”

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“The Government also has to consider the political consequences of continuing to throw stimulus at construction over other sectors that are in pain..”

Sorry, but that government is stuck in a corner.

Australian Property Bubble Hasn’t Yet Burst Amid The Pandemic (

After years of dire predictions that Australia’s property bubble could burst, national house prices continue to withstand the otherwise devastating impact of the coronavirus pandemic, and once again the doomsayers have been proven wrong. Data released this week from CoreLogic shows the national average rose 0.4 per cent in October, following five months of national declines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Every state across Australia (except for Melbourne which suffered the impact of a second COVID lockdown) experienced gains. But how long will the good run last? It’s a question I asked AMP Capital chief economist Shane Oliver, who in late March at the onset of the pandemic in Australia, had warned that house prices could plummet by 20 per cent in a worst-case scenario.

In response to my question, Dr Oliver jokes that when people get their Australian citizenship, it should come with a written warranty saying, ‘Congratulations, you are now guaranteed to live in a country where house prices will continue to rise’. He says over the years regulators and government have always stepped in and introduced measures that stopped the bubble bursting. These range from interest rate cuts, tax incentives for property investors and other measures aimed at propping up construction. During the early 1990s recession, the level of household debt in Australia was around 40 per cent of income, he says, whereas now it is close to 200 per cent — one of the highest levels in the world.

“Each time there’s a downturn people get worried about debt and pay some of it back, but before things go too far [into the positive], the Reserve Bank cuts rates and people start borrowing again — we go back to a new level of debt and it starts the cycle again.” [..] But Dr Oliver and other economists also warn that in the current environment there are limits to how fiercely regulators and governments can fuel house prices. Interest rates are near zero, and tax incentives aimed at housing are already generous (with calls to wind them back as part of a wider tax reform package). The Government also has to consider the political consequences of continuing to throw stimulus at construction over other sectors that are in pain. In short, the pandemic has created several reasons to maintain a level of cynicism about the future of house prices.

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“..the CDC quickly reversed its support for the decision, then went back and supported it again, then did it again, etc.”

Experts Want 15 Days Of Counting To Flatten The Curve Of Votes For Trump (BBee)

After a concerning spike in votes for Trump occurred on election night, experts are calling for 15 days of counting to flatten the curve of votes for the “wrong candidate.” While some scientists recommended just letting the votes for Trump be counted fairly until we all achieve herd immunity to Trump, others said we need to lock down the vote-counting places, and make sure no one can get inside, in order to kill off the virus of Trump. “If we all band together and allow just 15 days of counting, we can flatten the curve of votes for Trump,” said Dr. Fauci. “And we also advise Trump supporters to wear airtight masks. For, you know, science.”

The CDC, WHO, and China are all backing the plan, saying it is “SCIENCE!” and anyone who is opposed to it is “ANTI-SCIENCE!” However, the CDC quickly reversed its support for the decision, then went back and supported it again, then did it again, etc. At publishing time, the experts had revised their recommendation to at least 8 months of counting to flatten the curve.

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Bill Barr in September on mail-in ballots





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Home Forums Debt Rattle November 6 2020

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  • #65232

    W. Eugene Smith Orson Welles 1942   • Death by Lockdown (AIER) • China: Life After COVID Is Back To Normal (marc) • Vladimir Putin ‘Will Quit In
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle November 6 2020]

    Basseterre Kitona

    Everybody needs to have a health app installed on their phones, without it you can’t enter many public places

    Sorry, but if you need an app like that then life is not back to norma…unless you consider a communist hellhole norma. That entire article reads like our CCP propaganda.

    “The most startling data concerns the age group 25-44. This is a group with a Covid-related infection fatality rate of 0.0092%, which is to say barely a disease at all for nearly everyone in this group. And yet they are dying at a rate far above what is expected..”

    I fall into this age group and life has definitely sucked on a daily basis. Because of the stupid masks, I’ve barely left my apartment for 8 months. The only time that I abide by the stupid mask protocol is when I go to the grocery store once per week. I put the mask on then run In & out as quickly as possible. Totally anti-social experience and I feel like a thief every time.

    Although I am not even close to suicidal, I have no desire to live in a world of mandatory masks, lockdowns and vaccines all because of what? Old people dying? Totally insane.

    The challenge now is keeping hope in the face of a possible Biden presidency. He is the most depressing candidate ever. I figured that the election would break the spell of the madness. Instead, it looks like a Biden will lock down the country for another 4 years as he runs his administration like his campaign: hiding from reality and hoping he can live long enough for it all to just go away.

    Incredible that the Dems would waste so much energy stealing the election for what? The slow death of us all? My goodness.

    John Day

    I got up at 5AM to cook beans and rice, and make nice Hawaiian coffee, caught up on some email, and have my nice hour bike ride to work for meditation in compassion, then go, go , goo.
    This song, somehow related to Trump is looping ike an 8-track tae in my head.
    Orange Crush , by REM.
    Try it on…


    Cross-posted fro ZeroHedge (my creation)
    Zerohedge 2020.11.06 UK To Ban Protests Of Two Or More People Ahead Of National Lockdown

    People of Britain (and the world): You are being sold a rotten tin of goods….

    Some people wonder where I come by my attitude of certainty.. It comes from many decades of technical problem solving. Search out the root cause(s) determine the “handles” that manipulate them, design tests to question your theories…Listen to ALL participants, don’t just follow a Napoleon, Churchill or Hitler…

    And…The answer is…since a little snippet of DNA, possibly from HIV, was added to a Corona-virus, to better enable study of vaccines..(Ferrets are hard to infect without a Gain of Function for Bar viruses) this virus can target the ACE-2 (Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2) cells in the mouth, throat and nose. Once established there, breathing, singing yelling or sneezing fluidizes small droplets called aerosols that contain active virus particles. The smallest, especially in low humidifies, become Brownian Motion-sized, and can accumulate in air spaces (like bars, pubs, homes, anywhere with insufficient make up air, to be breathed back in by the next customer.

    Each person’s immune system can counter many viruses in low quantities. For SARS-CoV-2, the virus invades the ACE-2 cells using it’s spikes, but cannot reproduce until it has overcome the bodies’ built-in defenses. For Covid-19, this mainly uses up the small store of tissue zinc the body has available. Eat more Kale, Broccoli or Spinach, or take supplemental zinc. Hydroxychloroquine definitely helps, as it acts to replenish tissue zinc.

    If, as the Fall season comes on, you have turned off the A/C, or whole-house fan, you are concentrating any virus particles floating around in your air space. Open windows. Use supplemental window or doorway fans. HVAC engineers, here is a Golden opportunity to modify HVAC systems for more make-up air, HEPA filters, or temporary heaters blowing in a convenient window opening. DILUTE THE VIRUS!

    Here’s how your government and health authorities have mislead you. Masks largely do no good (you were coughing into your elbow, anyway? Typical cloth masks just increase the initial velocity of a sneeze, and probably do more harm than good. They are also a good breeding ground for viruses. Better masks, n95, may be of benefit, but the increase blood CO2 by re-circulation, and may also be net harmful.

    Contact tracing should not be used just to stop superspreaders, it should be used to discover the pattern of infections. How are people being infected. Is it mainly from contaminated air spaces? Prove it! Use Science! Don’t continue to use what amounts to witchcraft.

    Open the windows. Keep humidity at 45-50% (actual grains H2O per cubic foot is MORE important) Eat outdoors. Take supplemental zinc and Vitamin D3. Fight! Don’t be passive. And avoid lockdowns. Confinement in closed spaces if the worse response. Wear masks if you can get n95 with valves (some agencies have BANNED them!) More ventilation good, lockdowns bad. Don’t get depressed, LIVE!


    Synonyms: Verb

    challenge, contest, dispute, impeach, oppugn, query
    Antonyms: Verb

    accept, believe, embrace, swallow

    “A rose is a rose is a rose” written by Gertrude Stein, is among her most famous quotations, often interpreted as meaning [1] “things are what they are”, a statement of the law of identity, “A is A”.

    1. comprehension
    the action or capability of understanding something.
    understanding · ability to understand · grasp · grip · conception

    2. allegation
    a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof.
    claim · assertion · declaration · statement · proclamation · contention · argument · affirmation · averment · avowal · attestation · testimony · certification · evidence · witness · charge · accusation · suggestion · implication · hint · insinuation · indication

    3. proof
    evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.
    “you will be asked to give proof of your identity” · [more]
    evidence · verification · corroboration · authentication · confirmation · certification · validation · attestation · demonstration · substantiation · witness · testament · documentation · facts · data · testimony · ammunition

    4. bias
    it to operate over a predetermined range.
    (be biased)
    cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something.
    prejudice · influence · color · sway · weight · predispose · distort · skew · bend · twist · warp · angle · load · slant · prejudiced · partial · partisan · one-sided · blinkered · subjective
    5. uncertainty
    something that is uncertain or that causes one to feel uncertain.
    doubt · qualm · misgiving · apprehension · quandary · dilemma · reservation · niggle · scruple · second thought · query · question · question mark · suspicion

    6. truth
    the quality or state of being true.

    veracity · truthfulness · verity · sincerity · candor · honesty · genuineness · gospel · gospel truth · accuracy · correctness · rightness · validity · factualness · factuality · authenticity ·

    …. the better payrolls data means less urgency for another round of stimulus,


    US Election : Everybody loses!

    The Democrats failed to gain the Senate and lost 10 seats in Congress, so they lost badly.

    The left wing of the Democratic party lost as they are blamed for losing seats in Congress.

    The above means the oligarchs in the mainstream and social media lost badly.

    If Biden wins then all those Trump supporters will have lost, and given the apparent voting anomalies will be very bitter about it.

    The people who hate Trump will have lost : it was such a central part of their lives and [if] suddenly he is gone it will be traumatic and they may have problems adjusting to a Trump free world.

    Some of the mainstream media such as CNN will have lost – they may struggle to survive in a no-Trump world!

    The pollsters definitely lost!

    BLM and ANTIFA may now be ‘surplus to requirements’ and will be badly affected.

    There may be other losers I haven’t thought of.

    Maxwell Quest

    “People trying to change the rules to this methodology [mail-in ballots], which as a matter of logic is very open to fraud and coercion, is reckless and dangerous. And people are playing with fire.” – William Barr

    It’s too late now. The illusion of free and fair elections in the good ol’ USA is finished. The idiot establishment couldn’t resist playing with fire and just burned down another pillar holding up the republic. They didn’t learn their lesson when Russiagate destroyed trust in the media, our Fourth Estate. What’s next, a currency that can no longer be trusted?

    From where I’m sitting, the “shining city on a hill” is in flames.


    From John Ward over at the Slog:
    “One of the most ill-researched and underrated subjects in the lexicon of First World social anthropology is the influence of office gossip, lunch, pub-talk, meetings, supper parties, chats in local shops and so forth…the chance conversations of life as a pack species that lead to the spread of ideas, opinions and attitudes among peers that lie beyond either the media or formal education.”

    This is what our leaders want to stop. I visited with some friends last night- I got the impression I was the first person they had talked with who slammed lockdowns, masks, social distancing, and the tests. They seemed motivated to look into it some more.

    John Day: “Correlation between universal BCG vaccination policy and reduced mortality for COVID-19”
    This is over at medrxiv. It is from march 24, 2020.

    Mr. House

    “It’s too late now. The illusion of free and fair elections in the good ol’ USA is finished. The idiot establishment couldn’t resist playing with fire and just burned down another pillar holding up the republic. They didn’t learn their lesson when Russiagate destroyed trust in the media, our Fourth Estate. What’s next, a currency that can no longer be trusted?”

    You don’t think this is being done on purpose?


    Mark Crispin Miller on the sham, maximal-chaos by design election: ‘There’s ever-mounting evidence that this election (too) was stolen (this time by, or for, the Democrats)’

    There’s ever-mounting evidence that this election (too) was stolen (this time by, or for, the Democrats)

    ‘When consumerism parades as democracy- A $14 billion election spectacle devoid of real solutions’:

    “..In 2020, Open Secrets calculates that total election spending (President, Senate, House) will total a historic high $14 billion, doubling the previous record set in 2016. Small donors account for only 22 percent of contributions in the 2020 cycle.

    This flood of money is a blinking red light reminder that the Democratic and Republican parties of the 21st century are little more than money-laundering operations in which cash investments are converted into political capital for a small donor class consisting of corporations, banks and the wealthy..”

    Mr. House

    WOW, everyone here should listen to this in full. This guy is really intelligent and i’m very impressed. He nails it!

    Maxwell Quest

    “You don’t think this is being done on purpose?” – Mr. House

    Whether people like Nancy Pelosi or Adam Schiff are driven by some higher purpose other than their personal thirst for power I know not, but you make a good point: if I’m reading you correctly, there does appear to be supranational forces that are intent on destroying any remnants of national cohesion and culture. This became apparent to me when the EU was formed and immediately began their insane open-border immigration policies.

    I’ve often felt that the monied interests are intent on knocking down any of the remaining obstacles that impeded the efficiency of their global wealth extraction machine. Nationalism is the keystone holding the opposition together, so therefore must be destroyed, so that the global Hunger Games can commence.

    Mr. House

    “if I’m reading you correctly, there does appear to be supranational forces that are intent on destroying any remnants of national cohesion and culture.”

    Yep when the refused to accept the EU constitution, they PTB just ignored the vote. Kinda what brexit feels like also.


    Who lost?!!!!!
    McConnell Hints Next Stimulus Will Be Much Smaller
    What is the fate of the next fiscal stimulus, especially since Republicans will likely hold on to a slim majority in the Senate,
    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who refused to budge and meet Democrat stimulus demands ahead of the election, called for a scaled-back relief bill, highlighting that Democrats failed to make significant gains in congressional elections and that the latest jobs numbers showed a bigger-than-expected drop in the U.S. unemployment rate.
    As a reminder, Senate Republicans have proposed a $500 billion relief plan.”
    “The public wants a big jobs bill,” Pelosi said, although whether or not the public gets that will depend on whether Democrats can clinch both seats in the Georgia runoff election in January. As of this moment, it does not look likely.
    One final point: without more stimulus the US economy will likely suffer a historic double-dip hit.
    Even before the Covid-19 crisis, massive fiscal expansion had sustained the US economy and during the recession it financed a huge rise in the private (household) sector savings ratio (as it usually does in recessions). That largesse is now under threat – and the bond market knows it.”

    Maxwell Quest

    Oh, did a Voteball Happen? | CushVlog 11.04.20 | Chapo Trap House

    Loved Matt’s podcast. Thanks, Mr. House. This is what resignation looks like as one exits the Matrix of capitalism’s political theatre, designed to keep the lumpen chasing their own tail.

    “There’s only one button on the fucking machine, and it’s ‘More Profits’. That’s the logic of capitalism. That’s the algorithm.” — Matt Christman

    Dr. D

    John Candy as Orson Welles.

    ABC says the Post and Veritas are untrustworthy, while posting images from the wrong continent. AGAIN.


    What were some other cases, just to make a few? Italian hospitals posted instead of American ones during COVID. Twice. Georgian invasion photos posted to claim Ukraine was being invaded by Russia. Wrong continent, wrong decade. Never shamed, never discredited.

    But remember: they’re awesome and all their competitors are poopy-pants. We asked the official accused and and they said they didn’t do it. Good enough for me!

    “Death by Lockdown (AIER)”

    They never cared what the facts were. They wanted a lockdown so they did it. Illegally. Ask Whitmer, Wolf, and Newsom. They wanted the deaths. Ask Whitmer, Cuomo, Murphy, and now all the governors, CDC, WHO, and health officials who have received this data. They just made up some s—t they thought you’d swallow – 15 days – to get worldwide totalitarian police state with unending illegal martial law, forced austerity, and arrests for (opposition) dissidents. Laws only go one way. Power taken is never relinquished. There is always a new emergency we can make up to justify the next level of power and loading your daughters on a private plane. System was resetting. They ran out of time. They had to kill you, they had no choice.

    China: Life After COVID Is Back to Normal (marc)”

    Kind of makes you wonder if they too were rounding up their dissidents, in the most dissident city in China, just before they were about to mass protest planned in 2020. Those Chinese Party Police sure were awful lucky! Just happened to erase all the right people at all the right time. Now: no virus! Strangest thing. It’s all worldwide, unstoppable, EXCEPT in night clubs in Wuhan.

    Vladimir Putin ‘Will Quit In January Amid Fears of Parkinson’s Disease’ (DM)”

    The Russian way of Autarky, Monarchism, which is fine for them but not for me. Other powers whatever they are, should be so smart as to do the same: shop the talent, get them placed, nobody lives forever and you always need new blood and ideas.

    …You wouldn’t want to be a nation where every important candidate and leader is well over 70 after all.

    Which is the Real “Working Class Party” Now? (Taibbi)”

    Another statistical anomaly to go with the 20 or 30 we already have. So he doubled his support from black and brown voters, yet all and only whites were against. Not that they needed all the ballots of unenthused voters who didn’t show up. No. And all the votes for Jorgenson didn’t vanish because they were “miscounted” for Joe due to a “clerical error” the way 47 counties of 8k each in MI did. No. After reporting on it off and on for decades, the NY Times said there is no election fraud and never has been ever. Never in the history of the Untied States. That’s just silly. Not in Kennedy-Nixon, not in 1879, not when 200k votes were lost in Patterson 2020, not when HRC had to admit CA 2016, not when 200k votes were lost in Brooklyn and Iowa. Nope. Nada. Never. And not now neither. Trust us: we’re the media that knows where Georgia is and wouldn’t just go on the internet and download a military demo from Kentucky and call it a firefight in Asia. Just ask us!

    “hard to kill by evidence”

    Nobody ever cared about evidence. Only people like you and we. They only care about power, and will tell any lie, take any action, to get it, mostly by violence and deceit. Whether a thing is true or false never crosses their mind. What was that anecdote from LBJ? “I want you to print that my opponent has relations with sheep.” “What, we have no evidence of that!” “H—l, I know that! I just want to see him deny it.” And so he has. How often do you beat your sheep, Senator? True? Hahahahahaha. That’s cute.

    Here’s the real problem: they wouldn’t get away with it unless WE also didn’t care about truth, unless WE always, completely, slavishly fell – every time – for the logical fallacy called “Appeal to authority.” ABC prints the wrong Georgia. Almost every day. Next day we believe them as a “source”. Wikipedia says they ABC is credible and the President of Georgia in Tblisi, is not.

    STOP. APPEALING. TO. AUTHORITY. I’s a logical fallacy for a reason. If 20,000 deaths of grandma can’t wake you, now 20,000 deaths of your kids, what does it take?

    “until we all achieve herd immunity to Trump, others said we need to lock down the vote-counting places, and make sure no one can get inside, in order to kill off the virus of Trump.”

    That was surprisingly true.

    There’s only one button on the machine… Why do you keep pushing it? Why are you only concerned with their machine and not your own? “Capitalism” isn’t meant to be the only machine. It’s meant to be one machine among dozens, like family, spirit, wisdom, nature…

    Gore v. Bush wasn’t enough? Has to be far, far more painful?

    We’re never going to have reform unless this is the worst election ever. So: on track.


    Synonyms: Verb

    challenge, contest, dispute, impeach, oppugn, query
    Antonyms: Verb
    accept, believe, embrace, swallow
    1. comprehension
    2. allegation
    3. proof
    4. bias
    5. uncertainty
    6. truth
    Critical thinking is the analysis of facts to form a judgment.[1] The subject is complex, and several different definitions exist, which generally include the rational, skeptical, unbiased analysis, or evaluation of factual evidence. Critical thinking is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking.[2] It presupposes assent to rigorous standards of excellence and mindful command of their use. It entails effective communication and problem-solving abilities as well as a commitment to overcome native egocentrism[3][4] and sociocentrism.

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