Debt Rattle February 27 2024


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    Vincent van Gogh Peach trees in blossom 1888   • NATO Troops In Ukraine Can’t Be Ruled Out – Macron (RT) • West Could Cause ‘Worst-Case Scenario’
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle February 27 2024]


    Though I agree that Trump is the victim of an unprecedented political prosecution let’s not forget his fatal flaw: his abysmal choices of ppl around him. From his clown of a Secretary of State Pompeo, to the Birx bird who now admits that she was misinforming him in order to impose the Covid lockdowns, to his lawyers in his many trials with the law.

    And let’s not forget that it was his administration that gave the green light for the prosecution of Assange.

    P.S: I don’t want to be asked again if I am a member of the TAE commentariat bc I don’t even know what that means.


    Dimitri – I won’t ask you as nothing means anything.
    So Nenner and Musk disagree then. 2 Billion dead and a great depression sure looks different to the Asimov book cover Musk is watching. Then again he is looking accurately at a trend line where robots ultimately devour everything – just like fishing boats, chainsaws, highways, agriculture, plastic and all the rest of the technological progress continue to move humans further from the cool breeze of a starlit night or the warmth of fur coats and wood fires.
    Now we are talking to digitals and pretending to be real boys and girls.
    Something will give. The branch will break. Life will deliver it’s surprises.

    Dr. D

    “Democratic Party elites such as those on CNN are not just angry but genuinely confused by the fact that American voters don’t obey them.” — Glenn Greenwald

    This is actually a really good point. And why they think Trumpers are in a cult. They think if something exists, there must and can only be somebody giving orders. Like an Alien Ant Farm, with the Queen Bee. Do I LOOK like a guy who agrees with people and follows orders??? I point this out, and have, but it just snaps back for them because it’s unthinkable. Not obeying, believing, following, trusting, is unthinkable. It’s a major reason we’re having so much trouble breaking through.

    Also why “we” can’t understand “them” and vice versa. Although like Craig Murray and Kunstler here, there are people who did and then changed. But for some reason those are fewer than you would expect.

    Okay, many levels of bad, they have “A Plan”. A bad Plan, of course!

    “NATO Chief’s Vow That “Ukraine Will Join NATO” On War’s Anniversary
    Stoltenberg also greenlights attacks deep inside Russian territory…”

    Okay, that’s not even bad. Although if they do that, Russia will savage us like we won’t forget. Here’s what’s actually bad and may set the stage:

    Ukraine has just arranged for NATO to “Police Action” Western Ukraine, with large and ever-increasing French, German, etc soldiers keeping like Lviv, etc, so that those standing soldiers can be re-deployed to the front. Fine as far as it goes, although that is provocative of the war. Total War.

    Problem is: IF France stations, I dunno, 20,000 soldiers on the right bank of the Dneipr, what happens when Russia bombs them? So Russia kills, levels, eradicates 40,000 – or even 4,000 – straight NATO troops in straight NATO uniforms, there like innocent little lambs, merely doing “Police actions” and never dun nuffin’??

    What? “Russia will have attacked NATO!!! THIS MEANS WAR!!!” Blah-de-blah blah blah.


    Always and forever. Forever and ever, amen. Hey: I’m just agreeing with Obama and Blinken, right? I’m just obeying Biden who said if we do that “That’s called WWIII, Jack.”

    So imagine you don’t even have THAT. You merely have all Western Europe, sitting on and occupying Western Ukraine to keep it safe for profits and extraction of BlackRock and Monsanto. They paid and they don’t care who they have to nuke to get it back. Ukraine gets weaker and weaker, Ukrainians cease to exist except in museums, like Ichi and the Mohicans, and when Russia finally gets their offensive to Kiev it’s occupied by Brits and Spaniards. Then what? Bomb all 5 million citizens of Western Europe camping there?

    Seriously, you do not want to do these things.

    Okay, back to above, with NATO mouthing off like retards again, sending nuclear F16s and ICBMs into Volgograd. Russia now not only WOULD LOVE to slap the West senseless, BUT the West has now arranged matters that they HAVE TO. Because if you drag it out another year or two there will be 5 million Frenchmen in Uman and Odessa. “Ukraine” may not be in NATO but “Insert nation here” will be NATO and be as far East as Kherson. Same Dif.

    So, NO. Russia may not “Nuke” us, I use that as a metaphor, but they need to slap us utterly senseless, right the f– now. I suspect they will. And why not? Any normal person would have before 2005 and certainly by 2014. Fine by me, but I also live here and have to deal with the fallout.

    I wrote elsewhere: “Oh by the way, Russia’s going to nuke us. We can NOT stop, are going to move ten thousands of soldiers into Ukraine, are going to sail F16s AND are going to very-long-range missile them. Uh-huh. Sure we are. The banks at the top MUST have WWIII to get a big enough magic smoke to disappear offstage. They think. F—. Them.

    And don’t think Russia will nuke us, nuke us. Not like big SatanII ICBM in Providencetown nuke us. But they’ve had it and ARE going to kick the shit out of us in ways we can’t expect like any worthless, shiftless, useless, mouthy, panty-waist, sallow, loveless, idiot, crack smoking, trust fund kid. And I for one can’t wait to see it. Nothing else gets through their thick, demented, lying, thieving, bullying, self-absorbed skulls, but a good, hard, and permanent thrashing they won’t soon forget and some good clean scars to remember it by forever. My only sorrow is Russia can’t nuke them harder, or that I’d have to live with it if they did. But Russia’s going to show astonishing restraint – again – a Grace we most dearly do not deserve.

    But I guess I appreciate. Russia and all America have the same enemy: the absolute corruption of the non-elected non-government of the United States.

    Back to today: “Europe’s future risks to be bleak. The era of Western dominance has indeed definitively ended. While this has been theoretically understood, we have not always drawn all practical conclusions”

    Um. Why? No, really: why? It’s because YOU DON’T DO WORK, you dips—ts. Japan has 1,000x less resources than you and can even kick Asia’s -ss half the time. Go back to Western values, STOP STEALING, stop lying, and do some work. Nothing’s ended. YOU ended it by ARRESTING anyone who behaves in a “Western” way, that is, with free speech, with justice for Kings the same as peasants, with people doing work and defending their private property as if “A man’s home is his castle” – UK.

    Okay, let’s translate: “Western Dominance” hasn’t ended. You REJECTED all things “Western” and replaced them with…something weirdo pseudo religious, with “something else.” If you embrace “Western Culture” your “Western Dominance” will continue as a “Thing that works” for 500 years. Try it and prove me wrong.

    Put it this way: Europe has returned to behaving as if they are Saxon Vikings of the 200ADs. Slowly they are getting the fruits of that behavior, and Europe is slowly descending into the backwards, violent, superstitious, and impossibly poor, low population, but amazingly Green! World of 200BC. If they want to move back into the Renaissance, they will have to behave and believe, follow the rules of the Renaissance people. If they want to be Prosperous and numerous, that is – not die — they will have to follow the rules of Holland, of Protestantism, of Rule of Law, hard work, and property rights, and of the Industrial Revolution, so to speak. And so on.

    This isn’t rocket science. They KNOW WHAT WORKS, but openly REFUSE to go back to it because that wouldn’t be “Progressive”. When you’re on the wrong path, keep going! But faster! Is their motto. I don’t have time to re-invent every wheel: do what worked ALREADY. They cannot. It is against their religion. “Success” is against their nihilistic, death cult, self-loathing religion. Of Progress, but also of de-construction, to destroy all things and replace them with…some theories I had smokin’ dubes n’ stuff.

    ““.. Google is one of the key delivery mechanisms of information on the planet, and it is going to have this ‘broken’ AI at its heart.”

    Tim Pool followed this in something much more important. If you type up Google and ASK Google – the company, the website, Google – Who are Jim Jordan, who is Catturd, who is Tim Pool, IT WILL JUST LIE. Lie and lie and lie. Lie and make up definitive statements of specific FACT. Cat and Jordan are Pedos. Pool is a well-known Bush Pilot. And not JUST that, ask it again, “Isn’t there specific fact that prove that isn’t true?” And Google will answer “Yes, you’re right, that totally isn’t true.” …Then continue LYING.

    He asked “Who are the guests on TimCast”? It named a list – right? Where SEVENTY FIVE GUESTS WERE FALSE. WTF? Where would you even GET a wrong list? And Why? The list of guests is easily-discoverable public material IN GOOGLE, in YouTube. It lied instead. It just liked lying better.

    It just lies. Every day, every way, every fact. Just lies. When caught in lying, it just lies again.

    ...So you can tell it was trained by Google, by the Media, and by Reddit blogs. Couldn’t be more like its masters if it tried. They’re just jealous because it lies MORE than them, better, and faster. That’s why journos will be replaced. If you’re just going to “Make s—t up” and lie anyway, why not do it for free?

    Okay, the important part, aside from warning us all, as how fast AI will contaminate the internet with this, where a second later it’ll be attributed by thousands of people…where are the lawsuits? GOOGLE SAID SO. As Fact. Tim points out that THEY now know Google is lying about – all Conservatives? Does it lie about Liberals and Biden too? (I expect not) So that’s bad. Here’s the problem: WHO did it lie TO? How many ten-thousand times has it told a querant that Jordan is a convicted molester and Pool interviewed Tamerlane and Ghengis Khan? And supports a dozen points of view he never did? DO we go find all those people and send them a legal letter of retraction?

    Like I said, this can spread contamination fast, faster than a computer virus, which it is. Post-Truth world. Perhaps already past-tense.

    “there are just so many [injuries] that the carnage cannot be hidden.”

    I don’t see anybody noticing at all. They’re doing great, never better, not a single suspicion, you crackpot weirdo.

    PCR: Yes that’s why we have “Principles”. They aren’t perfect, and have edges, but we have them because the alternative is conflict and chaos.

    “• EU Considers Ban On Repairs For All Vehicles Over 15 Years Old (WS Apes)

    Principles. Once you allow the PRINCIPLE that government can interfere “For the greater good” then this is inevitable. If people are sovereign unless they are hurting someone ELSE, someone SPECIFIC, the outcomes are different.

    ““To encourage Europeans to buy new environmentally friendly vehicles.”

    You can tell it’s not that because everything they say results in the #Opposite, easily predicted and proven. Every time, by every one of them for decades. Nothing is more environmental than keeping a 1972 Volvo 240 on the road. All the embedded energy of its construction is long since depreciated. If it were me, I’d only make cars that go 100 years with easy maintenance and upgrades like a Model A. So easy, when we invent electric motors, we just retrofit like they do into a 1969 Beetle. All problems solved: all past problems solved, all future problems solved, and a joy to everyone that drives them. Example: you can swap for ideal lifetime motors with 3x the power into a 1947 Jeep. AND give it disc brakes. Practically for free in car-part terms, where a single pointless computer costs $2,000. I could buy 10 brake conversions for that, do the whole fleet, and so on. This is now ILLEGAL. Because fixing things is anti-green while leveling new mountains of toxic chemicals, sorted by barefoot children IS Green. …And no one notices or stops. As Yale, below.

    Dr. D

    JB: it has been suggested that since they will arrest, fine, and kill any three people who gather in his name, then DON’T go out to the Capitol Steps. Do a new protest at home. Not spending money. Not helping. That’s your D&D plan: you don’t like it, you don’t even protest. The End. You merely go where you’re wanted and do what you like instead. THEY ONLY UNDERSTAND VIOLENCE. They MUST have you participate in THEIR violence. It’s a wolf vs rabbit setup, you are required to play along and be the rabbit, and they’re very, very mad if you don’t. Because that means, like bratty rich trust fund kids, they always win. So don’t. Go home, have a great time as if they don’t exist.

    Who is Napoleon if nobody follows his orders? What is the Federal Government if everyone ignores them? What is the Media if nobody watches them?

    Okay now, everyone here will say “we’re doing nothing.” We did do something. We changed OURSELVES. But they only allow and credit it if we violently change OTHERS. That is, we participate and add to the cycle of VIOLENCE, so there can be more VIOLENCE. If someone is violent to me, I need to be violent back, so there can be le plus maximum VIOLENCE. You know, planetwide. …Or not? What happens if “Or not”?

    Culture warrior followers, (JB) here was something interesting but hard to describe.

    Ostensibly about returning to having, non-ugly, non-fat chicks in video games (that is to say “normal” or actually “ideal”), Oatku is trying to do what I try to do: to UNDERSTAND how the heck liberal minds work. As they say, Conservatives can understand and predict Liberals (because they watch and care) but not vice versa. Yet as you know, there are many parts that we don’t understand yet, and I guess, want to? If you have a new animal moving into your area, wouldn’t you want to know what they are, what they do, what they’re capable of, how to interact with them? …Avoid additional cuts and insults here.

    What he points out – and is not yet a complete idea – is that CERTAIN sex in video games is okay and laudable. Obviously gay sex. 100% of all people, everywhere, at all times, are gay. Actually everywhere in history too, as GoogleAI just showed us. 100% of all Vikings, Scots, Victorians were black. But also gay. And 100% of all game – like Baldur’s Gate – are ABOUT being gay, like it’s not enough to HAVE naked sex in front of children, for children, but it ALSO has to be GAY sex. SHM, but this is what we struggle to understand. Maybe I like sex as much as anyone, but I also eat a taco, do some work, kiss my honey, and go to a concert too. My life is not defined from birth to death by sex and my organs. That’s pretty gross, actually, and amazingly shallow.

    Here’s the key: There IS a type of hetero sex, or hetero-tolerant sex display that IS acceptable to them. But only this one narrow band. And it’s in these margins and contradictions that you can decode and understand how they are constructed, so be able to predict – which has been so difficult lately as from a logical basis, 100% of all things in liberals contradict. I’ll leave it to him, but the only hetero sex that is even tolerated is “Gay” hetero sex. That is, with colors, with weirdness aka “queerness”, with shallow pointless abandon, and with multiple partners, going nowhere, meaning nothing. …And I have to say, that’s not very flattering to gay people, especially those who just want to get married and stay home quietly, but remember, most Liberals by definition aren’t gay. They’re gay posers, allies, just as they are race posers, allies. They TELL black people how to be, how to vote, so they may also try to TELL gay people how they have to be. …Which is to not be like hetero people, staying home with their committed hubby like Dave Rubin, who they hate with burning passion…because he’s gay. But the wrong KIND of gay. Not gay at all, same as Clarence Thomas isn’t Black.

    That’s what we have here. There is a right and wrong “Gay” sex. And there is a right and wrong “hetero” sex. Wait, what? If you like gay, isn’t all gay sex by definition “good”? Nope. And vice versa. Although all heteronormative sex is evil, there is hetero sex that is NOT evil. It’s finding these keys that allow you to understand how they are constructed – not just with sex issues — and interact productively with everyone. Which is always a goal.

    Also decoding, From yesterday: “People’s experiences were ignored when they volunteered information that countered the main narrative, because the surface-level debate wasn’t the point. The point was to signal that you were with the program.

    Shouting from the rooftops that “They aren’t doing enough!” is much easier than following any traditional system of elite social norms and duties, let alone carefully re-engineering that system to reestablish order in a time of growing crisis.
    Western elites are not comfortable with their place in society and the responsibilities that come with it, and realize that there are deep structural problems with the old systems of coordination. But lacking the capacity for an orderly restructuring, or even a diagnosis of problems and needs, we dive deeper into a chaotic ideological mode of coordination that sweeps away the old structures.

    When you live with this mindset, what you end up with is not an establishment where a woke upper class rallies and advocates for the rights of minorities, the poor, and underprivileged groups. [Clearly, as they are accomplishing the #Opposite of this at the speed of light] What you have is a blind and self-righteous upper class that becomes structurally unable to take coordinated responsibility. You get stuck in an ideological mode of coordination, where no one can speak the truth to correct collective mistakes, and [also] overreaches without [“to avoid”?] losing position…

    polite and clean, because it isn’t really real. It is a performative spectacle…

    Problem: “it just diverts more energy from what a normal benevolent elite should be doing…” That is, they’re not even doing a baseline OF a selfish, wealthy elite. By being Woke, They are WORSE than the country club wealthy elite was before. Not intentionally, perhaps, but that doesn’t matter a whit in a tent in Spokane. What worse, people, everyone, points it out to them, it only makes them more guilty and their behavior worse, building to frantic, then deranged, then openly violent.

    Back to Yale: “Yale is supposed to be using its power and reputation to set standards for excellence, but instead it is abandoning its responsibilities” Which is why I criticize them. Even blindly just ignoring and holding the line on you know, “Not Lying”, “Not plagiarizing” and remaining a meritocracy would probably be enough. They already failed those, which is a complete fail in “Being a University”. But he’s right, IF you wanted to help…ya know, even the poor…THEN you would say “Look, America’s having a tough time of it right now, and as influential graduates, you’re in charge. Go make positive, practical change to these systems to re-include everyone and uphold your moral principles as best you can, in the Yale manner. It’s very difficult and messy and as we see over 200 mostly you fall short of the mark, but it’s worth the time. Be all you can be.” (and bring along somebody else)

    Is this the dividing line of Democrats and Republicans, or rather Liberal-Conservative? One is focused on the “Signal”, the outer appearance, popularity, while the other…doesn’t? That is, on the Right side, it’s messy and they MIGHT be for quiet, internal change, or not, just go about their daily lives, or a few other approaches, but NOT make appearance, signaling and popularity, outside validation, their primary focus? Not sure. Probably that’s too simple. But there’s something to it.


    I mentioned last night on the previous post that Larry Johnson was in Moscow at a conference at Moscow University and talked with students their. He said that the word most often used by these Russian students to describe the West in generl and Duh’merica in particular was:


    Russian college students are not Woketards studying ‘gender bender empowerment’ nonsense.

    They are smarter than that by a country mile.

    They live in the biggest country on Earth with the most diversity of 190 different ethnic groups all under one roof, Mother Russia.

    So when I saw this at the top of the post today under the super creepy portrait:

    Jacob Rothschild died at 87. Who has their portrait taken this way?

    I thought of the Russian students zeroing in on the word Satanic to describe the West.

    Must be Coincidence Theory striking again like a bolt out of the Blue.


    D Benton Smith


    I mentioned last night on the previous post that Larry Johnson was in Moscow at a conference at Moscow University and talked with students their. He said that the word most often used by these Russian students to describe the West in generl and Duh’merica in particular was:


    That’s worth saying again.


    The Empire of Lies is a deeply depraved Spiritual Construct, not a political one.

    The rot and corruption has supersede mere political intrigues.

    It has now embodied the form of pure Evil.

    So where’s the Cosmic justice I’m always hearing about?

    The compensational balance that every action produces an equal and opposite reaction?

    When we’re all dead?

    That’s cold comfort and just another reason to ignore all religious pimpery being spouted about ‘divine justice’.

    So where’s Allah in Gaza?

    A day late and a Shekel short?

    I’m guessing Lord Rothschild knew that the Time lag in ‘justice’ would never catch up to him in this life.

    And as far as after death, well, you can beat a dead horse but it really doesn’t matter was his philosophy.

    Old Jacob was a ‘child attracted’ person after all….



    RIM “Circulatory requirements re EU vehicles”
    Our French registered vehicle from the year 2000 has travelled less than 140,000km and is in excellent condition. Most vehicles require repairs from time to time, even new ones. Another evidence of the cruel face of tyranny. Just as well cash is not yet banned. No wonder the black market is flourishing. Haha.


    Avdiivka was the last major strong hold keeping the Russians from sweeping west right up to the banks of the Dneiper.

    The Ukronazis have a ‘sucking chest wound’

    Very painful condition.

    I hear a report that the Russian air force used around 800+ FAB 1000lb glide bombs in the Avdiivka region.

    A 500kg high precision bomb will kill thousands of feet beyond the actual blast cone with a tremendous compression wave that goes into every nook and cranny with soldiers are hunkered down.

    800 such things is a mind boggling amount of ordinance to drop accurately in such small area.

    The countryside west of Avdiivka can expect the same.

    Same with Kharkov

    Same with Kiev

    There is nothing but blue sky to stop the Russian Aero Space Force from here on out.

    What’s left of the neo-nazi Azov scum will probably turn on Nazilensky, his new General Commander Syrskyi just ordered the bulk of hard core units to their annihilation in Avdiivka.

    The ones who barely survived the Night of the Long Knives might want some vengeance.

    Gonna be interesting conversations in the Fuhrer Bunker going forward.



    Fact Check
    EU Finance Ministers Clash as Bloc Fails to Centralize Market Supervision
    (Bankers will not be the losers)
    The EU has been plagued by escalating financial needs amid a host of geopolitical risks, prompting a pressing requirement to dismantle national restrictions on capital market supervision. Additionally, reforms in savings products and insolvency regimes are imperative.

    (Lies, Complains, Denies responsibilities, Blames, Stop the hostilities, Cease fire)

    Putin wanted the neo nazi to stop killing ethnic Russians.
    The now-defunct 2014 and 2015 Minsk agreements were aimed at halting the hostilities in Donbass and give the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk special status within the Ukrainian state.
    In autumn 2022, several months into the Ukraine conflict, the two Donbass regions and two other former Ukrainian territories voted overwhelmingly to join Russia in referendums.

    Zelensky lied, betrayed the Ukrainian people and destroyed Ukraine.
    Zelensky works for the CIA, not Ukraine.
    War is what NATO, the West/Globalists, wanted with Russia.
    Merkel also admitted the Minsk peace agreements were just a NATO delaying tactic.
    Navalny –
    Fabricated evidence of the murder.


    by John Helmer
    Read more …

    Navalny’s blood, urine, skin, and hair, clinically tested and reported by the German doctors treating him at Charité Clinic, proved his collapse had been caused by a combination of drugs he had himself consumed. The two women, and other members of Navalny’s family, including his wife, Yulia Navalnaya, 47, his mother Lyudmila Navalnaya, 69, and his daughter Daria, 23, have all refused to disclose any medical data on his prior medical conditions and the medicines he was taking before the August 2020 episode. Navalny himself gave permission to the Charité Clinic doctors in Berlin to publish their test results in The Lancet report, believing they would corroborate his story. Following Navalny’s death on February 16, 2024, there has been no release of the medical data, nor the medicines Navalny was taking at the time of his death; the record of his vaccinations against Covid-19 which were given to him in Germany; his prior medical conditions; or the toxicology and pathology data collected in the post-mortem investigations following his death.

    The COVID shots are so toxic, even though the injuries are being swept under the carpet like never before, there are just so many of them that the carnage cannot be hidden.
    The official narrative is that people are killing the planet by causing global warming.
    To save the planet people have to be eliminated.
    Fact Check
    Life, Misinformation

    1. Over millions of years, all “Life” has been conditioned to survive/adapt to extreme variation of weather/conditions.
    2. Gaia principle, proposes that all organisms and their inorganic surroundings on Earth are closely integrated to form a single and self-regulating complex system, maintaining the conditions for life on the planet.
    3. Humanity’s war/genocides/depopulations/activities have minor impact on life on earth.
    4. Humanity’s manipulation of energy will temporarily impact the total energy distribution.
    5. Life is a mechanism for the storage/accumulation/transferring of energy through space and time.


    First M1 Abrams Tank Destroyed In Ukraine Shortly After Appearance On Battlefield

    “I love the smell of burning Abrams in the morning, it’s the smell of Victory…”





    So the Abrams is what number on the Western Wonder Weapon Hit List©?

    Stinger, Javelin, M-777, HIMAR, Patriot………..

    Feel the Burn Baby


    D Benton Smith

    The Zionist Western Empire is defeating itself and it’s using the Russians and Hamas to help them do it. More power to them, please continue.

    Dr. D

    It certainly is Satanic, and there’s nothing else describing it properly. “The Greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to make people think he doesn’t exist.” BUT.

    What is “Satanic”? What does it mean? It means you’re either oriented TOWARD the #Logos or away from it in #AntiLogos. You’re either looking up or down. That has very little to do with where you ARE — and that’s important. As sinners you might have really screwed the pooch and be irredeemable, unforgivable now. Right on the bottom, deserved piece of trash. But evil isn’t defined by where you are, but by where you’re GOING. What you aspire to. That’s why a saint, for example, can still make mistakes, hide things and fall, while sinners get accolades for giving it up and improving.

    You’re depraved, now are you getting MORE depraved, more murderous, selfish, divided as your goal? Or are you getting more Godlike, more united, more understanding, more generous, more forgiving in your goal? THAT is all that matters. The Orientation.

    Maybe we’ve stopped MOVING in the direction of evil – -that remains to be seen — but America is still FOCUSED on evil, looking that way. First one, then the other, then turning away, but because of our ORIENTATION we remain an evil country of evil people, by and large. And that goes that the many, the majority that do no evil acts at all, remain participating because they will not TURN AWAY from evil. Where their eyes are, their focus. And so we can be mesmerized. Every con knows the Mark must be complicit. That’s your in.

    Now HOW does that work for us? Easy: although not evil in themselves, or necessarily, the gap is made through Progressive HUMANISM, starting by many names, Enlightenment, the Masons, whatever. They all and each are defined by their focus on MAN.
    And what makes them hard is often you want and need to focus on man, improving ourselves, progressing and so on and have done very great good in the world. HOWEVER. If your eyes are on Man, particularly YOURSELF, they are off of God and you lose your ORIENTATION. You lose your bearings and it’s very easy to find your eyes and orientation land on EVIL again.

    And that’s exactly the door they found and pried open as a Humanist nation founded on Rationalism, the Enlightenment, and the Rights of Man. That’s why our State Religion is Secular Humanism, Scientific Materialism. That is to say, a world without God, a world with no outside reference or ORIENTATION. You can make people like that believe anything, and have.

    Now I’m not giving up man any more than I’m giving up wine and whiskey — Jesus sure didn’t — but I do know you need MORE than man, MORE than Science, MORE than Humanism to not fall into Evil and very great destruction.

    …As we see today.

    So don’t worry where you are, where your other fellow men are. You go where your eyes are. And as Gretsky said, he skates to where the puck will be.

    “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Phil 4:8 I’m not much for Paul, but he’s not wrong here.

    Think on those things, travel to those things, and thereby stop being Satanic. A small ask for the day.

    Dr. D

    BTW that’s exactly the code of the culture war sex thing above I wasn’t going to say. What is “Okay” sex? What is approved even if it’s hetero? Only such sex as could described as Satanic. Worthless, hollow, abusive, dismissive, disconnected. If sex — even gay sex — is loving, tender, committed, productive, it is de facto hateful and wrong. Against “Us”.

    …Because of their orientation. HOw that works I don’t know, and why it as boring, trite, lack of rebellion and imagination always follows the same thing, kids, butts, leather, This is Do Not Know. But it DOES and it’s really, REEEEEAAAAALLLLLLYYYYY boring. That Lucifer guy: some rebel. Never had a fresh idea in his head.

    Trying not to call this definitive but it fits all the facts I have and nothing else does. Pitch me on why this isn’t true.


    The Putin’s comment when he trolled Pedo Joe by saying he’s ‘predictable’ is telling in that The Putin could have picked another quality of the Presidementia to goof on.

    The NeoConJobs are utterly predictable.

    They have no reverse gear

    They always double down.

    Doubling down as a strategy is the “Martingale Strategy”

    “Doubling down is a crucial facet of the Martingale Strategy and the driving force behind its potential for recovery. After experiencing a loss, bettors are advised to double their bets in subsequent rounds. The idea is that a win in the subsequent rounds will not only recover the previous loss but also generate an overall profit.”

    The “Martingale Strategy” only works over a very long horizon line of sets.

    If you don’t have that extremely long cycle to double down to, you will lose Big Time.

    This is the core strategy of a Casino owner.

    They are very aware of the “Martingale Strategy” and will work their Magic to stop your long double down cycle.

    An example of a Casino interrupting a “Martingale Strategy” is a shallow grave in the desert somewhere.

    It’s very effective.

    A Succubus like Cookies Nuland is an example of someone who believes they have a near infinite number of Martingale double downs at their disposal.

    When you don’t you become just another Casino Loser©

    The catastrophic defeat in Project Ukronaziland© is looming on the horizon which means their Martingale cycles are becoming visible even to double digit IQ mouth breathing morons.

    In the NeoConJob universe of DC, too many demons need a piece of the pie for there ever to be anything of quality produced for an actual profit.

    The Military Industry Mafia (MIM) has “shot it’s wad” with introducing “Wonder Weapon” on the world stage that can’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

    The Grift is visible from low earth orbit.

    The MIM can’t produce quality weapons of any sort because it lacks basic integrity in engineering and development from decades of sloppy thinking and corruption and Wham-Bam-Thank-You-Ma’am®



    An interesting switch to a different part of the Late Great Planet Earth

    The Duran

    China, AUKUS and control of Asia-Pacific w/ Jeff Rich (Live)

    trilateral security partnership for the Indo-Pacific region between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States

    Poor Oz, taking it up the Keister sideways.


    D Benton Smith


    That’s a lot of food for thought, and I want to chew on it all for a while before commenting on anything specific. I dunno, it’s awfully damned good just as it stands, and would probably not be enhanced by any further comment from me. Probably so, but in any case there are parts of it that are already compelling me to update and refine many of the things which I consider to be of paramount importance. Thankee kindly. More praise may follow,

    John Day

    Aaron Bushnell Bravely Burning

    In the 3 minute video he made, while mostly walking to the Israeli embassy in Washington, Aaron explains softly, with the sincere tone of a really good math tutor, trying to help a kid with geometry, what he is about to do and why he is doing it. That 3 minute video is his contribution to our world. It is here.
    ​ Aaron Bushnell, 25, an active duty member of the US Air Force, self-immolated outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC on Sunday after stating that “I will no longer be complicit in genocide.”
    ​ “I am an active duty member of the United States Air Force and I will no longer be complicit in genocide,” Bushnell said in video he livestreamed on Twitch. “I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”
    Aaron Bushnell then doused himself with accelerant and set himself on fire while repeatedly shouting, “Free Palestine!”
    ​[Loved ones of Aaron Bushnell, 25, reached out to me and gave me consent to post a blurred version of Bushnell’s protest today against genocide in Palestine.
    “Aaron is the kindest, gentlest, silliest little kid in the Air Force,” said Errico, who met Bushnell in 2022.​ Talia Jane]

    ​ Why Would Anyone Kill Themselves to Stop a War? On Aaron Bushnell and Others. Colonel Ann Wright
    ​ Six years ago in 2018, after returning from a Veterans For Peace trip to Vietnam, I wrote an article called “Why Would Anyone Kill One’s Self In an Attempt to Stop A War?”
    Now, six years later, in the past three months, two people in the United States have taken or risked taking their own lives in an attempt to change U.S. policies on Palestine and call for a cease-fire and stop U.S. funding to the State of Israel that would be used to kill in the Israeli genocide of Gaza. An yet unidentified woman, wrapped in a Palestinian flag, set herself on fire in front of the Israeli consulate in Atlanta, Georgia, on December 1, 2023. Three months later authorities have yet to release the name of the woman. Her condition was unknown as of mid-December.
    ​ This week, on Sunday, February 25, 2024, active duty U.S. Air Force member Aaron Bushnell set himself on fire at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., while he was stating “Free Palestine and stop the genocide.” Bushnell died from his injuries.​..
    ..While on a Veterans for Peace trip to Vietnam in 2014 and while on another VFP delegation in March 2018, our delegation saw the iconic photo of a well-known Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc who set himself on fire in June1963 on a busy street in Saigon to protest the Diem regime’s crackdown on Buddhists during the early days of the American war on Vietnam. That photo is seared into our collective memories…
    ..But, did you know that several Americans also set themselves on fire to attempt to end U.S. military actions during those turbulent war years in the 1960s?
    ​ I didn’t, until our VFP delegation saw the portraits displayed of five Americans who gave their lives to protest the American war on Vietnam, among other international persons who are revered in Vietnamese history, at the Vietnam-USA Friendship Society in Hanoi. Though these American peace persons have fallen into oblivion in their own nation, they are well-known martyrs in Vietnam, 50 years later…
    ..After seeing one particular portrait again—that of Norman Morrison—I decided to write about these Americans who were willing to end their own lives in an attempt to stop the American war on the Vietnamese people.
    ​ What distinguished these Americans to the Vietnamese was that, as American soldiers were killing Vietnamese, there were American citizens who ended their own lives in order to try to bring the terror of invasion and occupation for Vietnamese citizens to the American public through the horror of their own deaths.
    ​..The first person in the United States to die of self-immolation in opposition to the war on Vietnam was 82-year-old Quaker Alice Herz who lived in Detroit, Michigan. She set herself on fire on a Detroit street on March 16, 1965. Before she died of her burns 10 days later, Alice said she set herself on fire to protest “the arms race and a president using his high office to wipe out small nations.”
    ​ Six months later on November 2, 1965, Norman Morrison, a 31-year-old Quaker from Baltimore, a father of three young children, died of self-immolation at the Pentagon. Morrison felt that traditional protests against the war had done little to end the war and decided that setting himself on fire at the Pentagon might mobilize enough people to force the United States government to abandon its involvement in Vietnam. Morrison’s choice to self-immolate was particularly symbolic in that it followed President Lyndon Johnson’s controversial decision to authorize the use of napalm in Vietnam, a burning gel that sticks to the skin and melts the flesh.
    ​ Apparently, unbeknownst to Morrison, he chose to set himself on fire beneath the Pentagon window of then-Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara.
    ​ Thirty years later in his 1995 memoir, In Retrospect: The Tragedy in Lessons of Vietnam, McNamara remembered Morrison’s death:
    ​ “Antiwar protests had been sporadic and limited up to this time and had not compelled attention. Then came the afternoon of November 2, 1965. At twilight that day, a young Quaker named Norman R. Morrison, father of three and an officer of the Stony Run Friends Meeting in Baltimore, burned himself to death within 40 feet of my Pentagon window. Morrison’s death was a tragedy not only for his family but also for me in the country. It was an outcry against the killing that was destroying the lives of so many Vietnamese and American youth.
    ​ I reacted to the horror of his action by bottling up my emotions and avoided talking about them with anyone—even with my family. I knew (his wife) Marge and our three children shared many of Morrison’s feelings about the war. And I believed I understood and shared some of his thoughts. The episode created tension at home that only deepened as the criticism of the war continued to grow.​”
    ​ Before his memoir In Retrospect was published, in a 1992 article in Newsweek, McNamara had listed people or events that had had an impact on his questioning of the war. One of those events,McNamara identified as “the death of a young Quaker.”​…
    ..Every Vietnamese school child learns a song and poem written by Vietnamese poet Tố Hữu called “Emily, My Child” dedicated to the young daughter that Morrison was holding only moments before he set himself on fire at the Pentagon. The poem reminds Emily that her father died because he felt he had to object in the most visible way to the deaths of Vietnamese children at the hands of the United States government…
    ​..One week after Norman Morrison’s death, Roger LaPorte, 22, a Catholic Worker, became the third war protester to take his own life. He died of burns suffered through self-immolation on November 9, 1965 on the United Nations Plaza in New York City. He left a note that read, “I am against war, all wars. I did this as a religious act.”​…
    ..In the case of U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Aaron Bushnell, Aaron told the world his reason: “I do not want to be complacent in the genocide of Gaza! Free Palestine!.” His sentiments are echoed by hundreds of millions around the world who recognize the horrific Israeli genocide of Gaza. For U.S. citizens, it is our duty to keep pressure on the Biden administration to stop funding Israel’s genocide of Gaza and violence in the West Bank.

    ​Caitlin Johnstone in Oz watched Aaron’s video, and the people rushing to help and put out the fire which engulfed him, and the one weird guy who rushed in with an automatic handgun, which he trained on the collapsed sacrificial lamb, unflinchingly. (Who was that guy? – Newsweek says he was Secret Service.)
    ​ The Most American Thing That Has Ever Happened
    ​ You simply cannot fit more America into a single incident than a man dying a horrifying death in protest of war crimes while a first responder screams at cops to stop pointing their guns at him and go get fire extinguishers. If you were to pick a single moment in history to sum up the essence and expression of the US empire, that would be it.

    John Day

    ​ Netanyahu Says Hostage Deal Will Only Delay Attack on Rafah
    ​ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu explained that if Tel Aviv agrees to a new hostage deal with Hamas, it will only “delay” the Israeli attack on Rafah. International aid organizations have warned that an attack on the city of 1.5 million will be devastating to the civilian population of Gaza.
    ​ On Friday, the US, Egypt, and Qatar presented a new hostage deal that would see the release of 40 Israeli captives in exchange for a six-week pause in fighting. The deal was negotiated without the input of Tel Aviv and Hamas.

    Netanyahu Says Hostage Deal Will Only Delay Attack on Rafah

    ​ Netanyahu is accomplishing his genocide.
    Starvation in Gaza: ‘If we stay like this for another week, we will die en masse’
    ​ The famine in northern Gaza, caused by Israel’s strangling siege, has reached extreme levels, Palestinian residents there have told Middle East Eye. There have been several reports of people dying from malnutrition, including infants.​ Life for over half a million people there now revolves around a single task every day: finding something to eat.

    ​ Israel Hinders Humanitarian Assistance in Gaza By Delaying Visas for Aid Workers
    ​ The Israeli outlet reports that as well as not approving new visas, it is refusing to extend visas for aid workers already in Gaza and the West Bank. The lack of workers has disrupted the activities of several aid organizations operating in the Strip.
    ​ Tel Aviv has taken several steps to block and slow aid transfers to Gaza. Israel has blocked US-funded flour from reaching Gaza, Tel Aviv has established an inspection regime that prevents live-saving aid from entering the Strip, and Israeli forces have targeted the Gazan police force that helps secure aid as it is distributed in the besieged enclave.
    ​ The Israeli onslaught in Gaza has created a humanitarian crisis that American officials have compared to the horrific situation that once plagued Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu. Children in Gaza have starved to death, including a two-month-old boy who died on Friday.

    Israel Hinders Humanitarian Assistance in Gaza By Delaying Visas for Aid Workers

    ​ US Intel Has ‘Low Confidence’ in Israeli Claim a Dozen UN Staff Participated in Hamas Attack​ ​ [This shows deep-state policy-disagreement.]
    The (CIA mouthpiece) Washington Post claims to have independently verified that a single UNRWA employee took part in the October 7 attack on Israel
    ​ Tel Aviv released a summary of its intelligence for the assertions to several news outlets. After reviewing the Israeli dossier, multiple outlets reported that Israel had provided no evidence to back the claims that members of UNRWA are aligned with Hamas.
    ​ Still, Washington and several other top donors to UNRWA backed Tel Aviv’s allegations and cut funding to the agency. Secretary of State Antony Blinken described the claims as “highly, highly credible.”

    US Intel Has ‘Low Confidence’ in Israeli Claim a Dozen UN Staff Participated in Hamas Attack

    ​ Israel Escalates Demolitions of Palestinians’ Homes in Occupied East Jerusalem
    Israeli authorities recently bulldozed the home of a prominent Palestinian human rights activist and elected spokesperson of the Silwan district

    Israel Escalates Demolitions of Palestinians’ Homes in Occupied East Jerusalem

    John Day

    ​Gilbert Doctorow, Houthis attack underwater communications cables in the Red Sea
    ​ As a result of an attack by Houthis in the Red Sea, four underwater cables connecting Europe with Asia have been damaged, leading to serious interruptions in the work of internet communications, according to the media outlet
    ​ The main damage is felt in the countries of the Persian Gulf and India, according to per a message of the newspaper Globe to
    In this material it is noted that repairs to the cables will take at least eight weeks – Vechernaya Moskva.​ End quote
    ​ I would wager a guess that the technical and material support for this Houthi attack comes from Russia which is now finally via proxy war beginning to take its revenge on Western powers for the infrastructure terrorism they practiced in bombing the Nord Stream I pipelines.

    News Flash:  Houthis attack underwater communications cables in the Red Sea

    ​ Denmark Drops Probe Into Nord Stream Gas Pipeline Sabotage
    An investigation launched by the Swedish authorities concluded that the leaks were the result of detonations, likely the result of “serious sabotage”.
    ​ But earlier this month, Sweden’s authorities concluded a preliminary investigation into the Nord Stream blasts but found they lacked jurisdiction to continue, as the incident occurred in international waters and involved no Swedish nationals. Therefore, Sweden ended the probe in early February.
    ​ Denmark also ended its investigation on Monday, with the Copenhagen police saying in a statement that “The joint investigation conducted by the Copenhagen Police and the ​..Danish Security and Intelligence Services (PET) into the Nord Stream explosions has been concluded.”…“The investigation has led the authorities to conclude that there was deliberate sabotage of the gas pipelines. However, the assessment is that there is not the sufficient grounds to pursue a criminal case in Denmark,” the police said.
    ​ Apart from Denmark and Sweden, Germany has also investigated the Nord Stream blasts, but Berlin hasn’t concluded its own investigation into the sabotage. A spokesperson for the government told Reuters earlier in February that Germany was still interested in solving the case.

    ​ Chinese refiners have been snapping up cargoes of Russia’s Far East Sokol grade oil that have been stranded off the coast of India due to Western sanctions and thus undeliverable, Bloomberg has reported, citing vessel-tracking data by Kpler.

    ​ Those “decisive months” appear to have been December 2023 through February 2024.
    Ukraine conflict may be decided in ‘months’ – Borrell​ , Kiev’s fate depends on continued Western funding, the EU’s top diplomat has warned

    ​ Military Summary points out that Russian forces are applying constant pressure along the 1200 km line of combat with Ukraine, tying down Ukrainian forces, and preparing to take 5-6 Ukrainian strongholds at once, which will make reinforcement needs so high that Ukrainian lines will remain broadly exhausted and inadequate. Russians will then be able to seize initiative where it is most favorable to them, and advance rapidly.
    Ukrainians Are Trapped | Russians Storm Several Cities At The Same Time. Military Summary 2024.02.27

    John Day

    This is harder for me to look at than Aaron’s self-immolation, somehow. Please Stop, already, Joe!
    Biden Botches Lincoln Quote, Brands Xi Leader of Russia, Gets Confused Without Handler

    ​ Biden Talks Up Gaza Ceasefire By “End Of The Weekend” Even As Israeli Officials Downplay​
    Biden while in an ice cream shop in New York with Seth Meyers was asked by a reporter when he thought a ceasefire could begin, to which he answered he hoped a truce would be implemented within days. “Well, I hope by the beginning of the weekend, by the end of the weekend,” he said.
    ​ And that’s when he even additionally offered Monday as the day the warring sides will reach a ceasefire. “My national security adviser tells me that we’re close. We’re close. We’re not done yet. My hope is, by next Monday, we’ll have a ceasefire.”

    ​ Kyle Young, on his farm near the Mexican border, DHS, DACA, Cloward/Piven and Fascism cyber attacks
    ​ I’m not going to point any fingers because I’m not sure what’s going on. I’ll just say that, because the blockage has come up since I began writing about those who benefit from the corrupt Border Industrial Complex , it smells fishy.
    ​ What all of this says to me is that no one is safe from cyber attack. When the time comes, any electronically dependent service can be shut down at will by the powers that shouldn’t be.​..
    ..This smallish Catholic non-profit was given 24 hours to provide the documents required. It refused to do so. Annunciation House then sued the State, claiming it needed more time. Texas then sued Annunciation House for failure to comply.​ Paxton has accused the charity of human trafficking and serving as a drug stash house…
    ..What has Annunciation House been doing in El Paso for nearly 50 years?​ Just as a reminder, El Paso sits right on the border with Mexico and has a very long, very violent cartel history.​..
    ..This map shows the 100 mile wide Constitutional Free Zone that encompasses the US. This is what the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) arbitrarily claims as it’s jurisdiction. The CBP claims that people living inside this zone have to forfeit Constitutional rights. In other words, they can come onto your property or into your home without a search warrant. I know this is the case because it has happened to me and others I know in the tiny community eleven miles from the border.
    ​ Note that the entirety of the Hawaiian Islands falls under this jurisdiction.
    This makes CBP the largest law enforcement agency the country. As the map shows, nearly two thirds of Americans come under its purview.​..
    ​..The massive expansion of government known as DHS, ostensibly created by Bush to make the US more secure, has done the opposite. It set the stage for many more domino’s to fall. With every expansion of government comes an equal or greater expansion of taxpayer funds going to corporate entities that benefit from the new programs that government expansion creates.
    ​ As Julian Assange said, “The job of government is to take money from the people and give it to corporations.”​…
    ..Professors at the Columbia University School of Social Work, Cloward and Piven outlined their strategy in a May 1966 article in The Nation – “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty”. Sociologists and political activists, Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven put their heads together and hatched a plan to tear down US society. Their idea was that this would then lead to forced socialism with everyone being enrolled in a Federally funded, guaranteed annual income.​..
    ​..Regarding the idea that everyone would be on a guaranteed annual income…​ “would produce bureaucratic disruption in welfare agencies and fiscal disruption in local and state governments” that would: “…deepen existing divisions among elements in the big-city Democratic coalition: the remaining white middle class, the working-class ethnic groups and the growing minority poor. To avoid a further weakening of that historic coalition, a national Democratic administration would be constrained to advance a federal solution to poverty that would override local welfare failures, local class and racial conflicts and local revenue dilemmas.”…

    ​ Governments Must Reject New Amendments to International Health Regulations
    ​ The WHO, most likely with the complicity of your government, is pushing through a set of amendments to international pandemic laws that will put your livelihood and liberties at the mercy of a WHO-appointed “expert committee” whose advice during a pandemic or other “public health emergency” will supersede that of your own government.
    ​ Proposed amendments to International Health Regulations (IHR) subordinate State authorities to the WHO as “the guidance and coordinating authority” during an international public health emergency. But the WHO is the very last organisation we should be ceding power to over international health emergencies. This is an organisation that has already shown its regressive, inhumane, and anti-scientific colours during and after the Covid pandemic, including failing to warn citizens about the incompleteness of safety data for mRNA vaccines, obstinately recommending community masking with very limited scientific evidence, warmly praising China’s cruel and draconian lockdowns, and enthusiastically supporting a global bio-surveillance regime modelled on the European Union’s digital Covid certificate.​..
    ..It is often pointed out that the amendments to the International Health Regulations would not technically remove the sovereignty of national governments. But that completely misses the main point of the IHR, which is to legally bind States to follow the advice of the World Health Organisation during an international public health emergency as determined by the WHO, and to integrate national pandemic responses into an international health bureaucracy.

    Governments Must Reject New Amendments to International Health Regulations

    ​ Ukraine’s Top Spy Chief Says Navalny Died From Blood Clot, Rejects ‘Murder’ Narrative​ ​[Nobody can say if this guy was COVID-vaccinated or not.]
    ​ Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, chief of the Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR), bluntly stated it to a group of journalists on Sunday. “I may disappoint you, but as far as we know, he indeed died as a result of a blood clot. And this has been more or less confirmed,” Budanov stated. “This wasn’t sourced from the internet, but, unfortunately, natural [causes],” he added in the remarks which were also caught on video…
    ..Navalny was supposedly very close to being released amid secret talks involving the US and Germany:​
    ​ Alexey Navalny had been close to release in a prisoner exchange with the US and Germany shortly before his death in an Arctic prison, a top aide to the Russian opposition leader said.​ “Navalny was supposed to be freed in the coming days,” Maria Pevchikh said in a video statement posted Monday. Russian President Vladimir Putin was offered an assassin imprisoned in Germany in exchange for Navalny and two US citizens, she said.
    ​ Moscow has long been seeking to gain the freedom of Vadim Krasikov, who is currently serving a life sentence in Germany for the 2019 assassination of a former Chechen rebel in a Berlin park. Krasikov is widely believed to be part of Russia’s Federal Security Service, or FSB.

    John Day

    ​ Australians Abandon Failed mRNA Covid Shots​ [Alternate title: “98.5% of Australians already slow-poisoned”.]​
    Just 1.7 million, or 8.5% of Australia’s 20.1 million adults have had a Covid booster in the past six months, according to the latest Australian Government update (as at 7 February). In contrast, 18.1 million, or 90% had at least one vaccination previously, but have not kept up-to-date.
    ​ An estimated 302,000 (1.5%) of Australian adults remain unvaccinated, although this number may be closer to half a million according to data aggregator site

    Australians Abandon Failed mRNA Covid Shots

    ​ The Ethical Skeptic explains in detail the complete and undisguised fraud in the state-level entry of a “cause of death” for a family member who got colon cancer following COVID vaccination. All real diagnoses were omitted. She did not have “Alzheimers” at all. A Case Study in Covid-19 Vaccine Related Death Certificate Fraud

    A Case Study in Covid-19 Vaccine Related Death Certificate Fraud

    ​ Study Finds Hearing And Balance Disorders Among COVID-19 Vaccinated
    “Our study found an increased relative incidence of vertigo in the 42 days following mRNA vaccines, and an increased relative incidence of tinnitus in the 42 days following both Vaxzevria adenovirus vector and mRNA vaccines,” researchers wrote.
    ​ “We are the first to confirm this increased relative incidence of tinnitus and vertigo post COVID-19 vaccines,“ they stated.

    ​ Mothers of 2 Girls Who Died After Gardasil HPV Vaccine Sue Merck
    The mothers of 10-year-old Isabella Zuggi and 14-year-old Sydney Figueroa filed wrongful death lawsuits against Merck, alleging the company knowingly failed to warn the public and medical providers about the risk of injury or death from its Gardasil human papillomavirus vaccine.

    Mothers of 2 Girls Who Died After Gardasil HPV Vaccine Sue Merck

    ​ Plaintiffs Ask Judge to Take Swift Action as Landmark Fluoride Trial Wraps Up
    A landmark trial that could determine the future of water fluoridation in the U.S. ended Tuesday with attorneys for the environmental groups and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency responding to questions from federal Judge Edward Chen.
    ​ During the trial, top scientific experts who advised the EPA on understanding and setting hazard levels for other major environmental toxins and who conducted gold-standard “cohort” studies on the link between fluoride and low IQ in children testified for the plaintiffs.
    ​ They explained the NTP’s findings and presented evidence from their own research showing neurotoxic risks — particularly to pregnant women, formula-fed infants and children — posed by water fluoridation.
    ​ EPA witnesses conceded fluoride does have neurotoxic effects at relatively low levels, but countered that the risk assessment process under TSCA is highly complex and there is too much uncertainty in the data on fluoride’s toxicity at current levels of water fluoridation to do a proper risk assessment and regulate the chemical.
    ​ It is now up to Chen to weigh the evidence and determine if water fluoridation presents an “unreasonable risk” to human health, which would compel the EPA to create a rule regulating or banning water fluoridation in the U.S.

    Plaintiffs Ask Judge to Take Swift Action as Landmark Fluoride Trial Wraps Up


    We are not sending troops to Ukraine. (wink, wink)
    We are not at war with Russia. (wink, wink)
    Ukrainians are not politically interfering. (wink, wink)
    Canadians are going to vote for Trudeau (wink, wink)

    Operation UNIFIER is the Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) military training and capacity building mission in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It was launched in 2015 at the request of the Ukrainian government, and in 2023, was extended until March 2026. There are currently over 300 CAF members now deployed under Op UNIFIER training and support roles, as well as aiding in the facilitation of military aid delivery.

    Since the start of Op UNIFIER, the CAF has trained over 39,000 Ukrainian military and security personnel in battlefield tactics and advanced military skills. As the mission progressed, much of the direct training undertaken by CAF members transitioned to members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, with Canadians acting as advisors and mentors as well as assisting in the development of courses.

    From 2019-2022, members of Op UNIFIER also played a leading role in the Multinational Coordination Cell (MCC), which facilitated coordination with the training missions of partner nations in Ukraine. This included planning training priorities among multinational partners such as Denmark, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Canada was the first nation to provide full time staff to the MCC.

    Aspects of the mission were temporarily paused following the February 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine, with a commitment to resume training when and where conditions permitted.

    Training of Ukrainian recruits has since resumed with Canada currently supporting multiple training missions in the UK, Poland, and Latvia that teach both basic and advanced military skills to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. These include:

    Recruit Training – Instructing in UK-led efforts to train recruits for the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
    Combat Medic Training – Instructing in Polish-led combat medic training with a focus on combat survivability;
    Sapper Training – Instructing Ukrainian sappers on basic and advanced engineering skills, including demolition and demining; and
    Leadership Training – Jointly delivering Junior Officer Leadership Development training with Latvia in battle responsibilities, planning, manoeuvre coordination, and intelligence reconnaissance.
    Canada remains committed to continuing to provide Ukraine with the military equipment and training it needs to defend its sovereignty, freedom, and independence. Canada has also resumed its role in the coordination and planning of training, as well as helping to oversee efforts to supply and equip the Armed Forces of Ukraine, through its critical role as part of the Security Assistance Group – Ukraine (SAG-U).

    How many people are deployed?
    Over 300 CAF personnel are currently deployed on Op UNIFIER.

    Since August 2022, approx. 180 CAF have been deployed to the UK to support the training of Ukrainian recruits.

    Since October 2022, Canada has deployed approximately 45 combat engineers to Poland to assist in the training of Ukrainian sappers.

    Since March 2023, CAF has deployed approximately 10 medical personnel to Poland to assist in the provision of lifesaving skills to Ukrainian soldiers.

    Other personnel are currently stationed in Europe working with Allies on a range of topics including the facilitation of military aid, alignment of future donations, as well coordination for the immediate and longer term training needs of the Ukrainian Forces.

    What are they doing?
    In the UK, the CAF is working with allies to train Ukrainian recruits in soldiering skills such as weapons handling, battlefield first aid, fieldcraft, patrol tactics, and the Law of Armed Conflict.

    In Poland, the CAF is providing training on a range of basic and advanced engineering skills, including engineering reconnaissance, the use of explosives for demolition work, and demining; and teaching advanced tactical medical skills to bolster the Ukrainian military’s ability to save lives.

    In Latvia, the CAF is delivering Junior Officer Leadership Development training that will instruct Ukrainian junior officers on responsibilities in battle, the process of planning and orders, maneuver coordination, intelligence reconnaissance, and planning and execution.
    Canada sending more equipment to Ukraine as full-scale war with Russia nears 2-year mark
    Ottawa donating boats, training for fighter pilots

    Murray Brewster · CBC News · Posted: Jan 23, 2024
    Canada sending more than 800 drones to Ukraine
    Feb. 19, 2024
    Trudeau signs new security deal with Ukraine
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a new deal committing $3B of critical military and financial support for Ukraine.

    Feb. 24, 2024


    I said it in a different way

    Macron does not want French troops in the Ukraine to fight Russia. Macron wants French troops in the Ukraine to occupy the country after the soon-to-happen capitulation.
    Say what you want, but the probability of the Ukraine descending into total chaos is very high after its defeat, and in that case foreign troops occupation could be the only option to stabilize the rump state of the Ukraine.
    Macron is actually much smarter than many give him credit.

    Posted by: SG | Feb 27 2024


    About what you’ve been talking about today Dr D, there was an excellent video by Sargon/Carl Benjamin that I wish I could find… Lotus Eaters is too prolific. It was a wonderful combination of wise, profound, confident, reassuring.

    His analysis was in the context of looking over a bunch of different activities of progressives/corp/gov/ngo’s was dissolution, dissolving, deconstructing… of why couldn’t x be y or why couldn’t x not be x, why couldn’t you do xyz “bad thing” and he had an answer for it.

    The thing with porn and quasi porn (which is sometimes “Activisim” or “Education”) is that it everyone and everything becomes the same thing. The policeman, the doctor, the pizza delivery guy, the housewife, stepsister, nurse, father, mother, what have you. There’s some “acting,” yes? But then whatever they are is blasted away. Nuked. What remains is only one thing, or is possessed by only one thing, the same thing, every time.

    I made a post awhile back about, what is the overarching THING happening to us, to civilization, the world, us as individuals, communities, cultures, subcultures, what activity, in the simplest terms, sums up what is HAPPENING?

    Digestion. Discrete diverse stuff gets broken down into simpler sludge. Once it’s sludge, it doesn’t get chewed, swallowed, digested again. It’s sludge now. Madonna doesn’t go back to Borderline nor Like a Virgin in 1990. Everything that was chewed, swallowed, and digested in being “groundbreaking” in Like a Virgin is now digested sludge, poop, not to be consumed a second time.

    So the airline stewardess, stepbrother, doctor, gets digested. There is no great attraction to Cardi B celebrity fake videos. She was already completely degraded/digested. Very little nutrition left. Taylor Swift – eh, a little more but not really all that much. I guess somewhat of an energy gradient is there in terms of High Value Chick > Low Value Chick if you thought she was high value to begin with. The seceratary from The Office though? Plenty left there.

    So whether it is mainstream porn or fetish, that’s the progression – an identity of some kind —> the same thing everything becomes. It’s the transformation that holds any power, not the end result. Nobody is making fake celebrity porn of porn celebrities.

    The same dissolution, deconstruction, corrosion happens in search terms. “nice” becomes EVERYTHING, “cute” becomes everything. “girl next door” becomes everything. I always thought tomboys were cool. You know, Laura Ingalls Wilder who isn’t a damn priss like Nellie Olsen, a girl who will climb a tree with you, catch frogs down at the creek with you, conspire with you to sneak a frog into that damn Nellie Olsen’s pocket when she isn’t looking, but is still a girl and somehow carries that into everything she does. Tomboys were girls who wore jeans and tshirt, didn’t use Homer’s Makeup Shotgun set to 11 on their faces. Now “tomboy” means…. idunno, something else. I’m almost afraid to check exactly what but it seems to be in the process of digestion into general search-term-pulls-up-everything completely digested porn sludge.

    Sargon/Carl Benjamin was looking at various arguments for sexualizing children, family members, pets, ad actual nauseum. And of course, the common argument for this was “why NOT?”

    And Sargon explained hey, I LIKE that my son is my son, my neighbor is my neighbor, that I am myself, that the English are English, etc. I LIKE our roles, our particular identities, our particular unique interconnected relationships – varied in so many ways because of all these various specific identities. I don’t actually want nor need your chaos and limitless could-be’s. We ARE these things and it is great.

    Why is an attractive main female character in a video game – the virtuous hero – bad, but girls getting an onlyfans channel is great, virtuous, empowering?

    Because there’s no energy gradient in an attractive virtuous female hero. That would be repetitively redundant in any case, being aesthetically elevated IS a virtue, is an expression of virtue.

    The girl who travelled the pipeline- started on tiktok and ended up on onlyfans… that DOES have an energy gradient.

    Attractive female heroine in video game played by normal people who appreciate her beauty and the hero’s quest? We aren’t getting ANY nutrition! No digestion is occurring! Like someone handed you a rock when you asked for a piece of hard candy. Yuck what is this you’re trying to hand me?

    Sweet looking girl next door with an air of hope and adventure in her eyes goes off to college, becomes purple haired, tattooed, neckless, and triple the weight?

    Normal, nice looking girl runs the pipeline from tiktok through onlyfans and ends up tattooed, pierced everywhere, degraded. Nice big energy gradient. Lots of digestion occurred.

    Connections and structures broken – for people – so very much like an animal being butchered and then its chemical bonds being broken down. It makes me think of that one HP Lovecraft story in which someone invents a machine that lets you see in more dimensions. The protagonist turns it on and sees all the horrible, awful things that have been living all around us all this time and they see him because he sees them. He barely manages to smash it before they get them.

    What if there WERE extra dimensions we don’t quite see except through our moral or religious sensibility? Something like that? And we are like placid cows, unable to directly see the predator or predators that wander through us and take us down. And we’re told “it’s just your prejudiced bias, nothing is happening” or “that’s just a social construct, nothing’s happening” …as the only senses we have that work on this scenario, the only ones that can warn us, warn us.


    …and perhaps the underlying struggle is between two poles – you can become something, but in the process, you must sacrifice all the other potentialities – that’s the price. But then you very forthrightly exist. A = A and please stop making Ayn Rand right.

    So becoming something ie existing is the death of all potentialities but one, which is done for life.

    Restoring all those potentialities necessitates chaos, which requires breaking down all existing structure – digestion or decomposition, death.

    Folk tales. Fairy tales. The zombie or vampire bites someone, they become “zombie” or “vampire” – everybody becomes the one thing. And they are both the Undead.

    Chaos is grey sludge. Law is actual real multifaceted diversity Weird how that works out.


    And one final observation. New victims, made into the undead, then stalk more victims.

    But zombies do not pursue other zombies. Vampires do not stalk other vampires. They go after people. No energy gradient?

    Can zombies or vampires get better???

    I always liked the subplot in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series in which the vampire Spike gets his soul back. Goes through a whole big impossible multi-part quest, fights unbeatable foes, gets his soul back after so much trouble …only to be absolutely wracked with guilt and shame, having reacquired a conscience. Immensely worse suffering than the entire quest. Some reward.

    But that part of his story was great too. So much better handled than a former stormtrooper slaughtering stormtroopers with glee (but if you were the janitor like you’d be in a 1920’s black and white film then killing your former fellows without a hint of humanity is understandable and good, surely. Making you the janitor was evil and death-worthy, surely) or a superheroine slaughtering hundreds of people who were duped just like she was not too long ago, well that’s just important personal progress in self-actualization.

    Fake redemption. Can I get better, or do I just find new ways to keep biting people while deceiving myself that I am not undead anymore, somehow? When was the quest for my soul and when did I fight the end boss for it?


    @Dr D re: “Like I said, this can spread contamination fast, faster than a computer virus, which it is. Post-Truth world. Perhaps already past-tense.”

    So everybody keep posting those videos and tweets… ’cause they are totally true and above reproach.

    John Day

    @Dr D: You proposed that “conservatives” can understand “liberals”, but not vice versa as a generality.

    I contest that assertion, which you appeared to base upon your own case as an example.
    You are hardly an exemplary “conservative”, having tested as a “Left-Libertarian” on the political compass test a couple of years ago when we were indulging in that here.

    You are in the same quadrant of that test as I am, and Gandhi was.

    I was loathe to quote Sociopathic, genocidal imperialist Winston Churchill as I mulled this over on my bike ride. I am relieved to find upon inspection that he never said this:
    ‘If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.’

    You and I have the same specific condition, old chap, which should not be over-generalized.
    We are both of an inherently left-leaning and libertarian bent, and have survived long enough to have learned a lot about how things actually work. That rationality and empiric knowledge make us look deceptively “conservative” when the factual position in life happens to align with the conservative political position.

    I respectfully maintain that “conservatives” and “liberals” are wired differently in how they respond to threats and opportunities in life, but anybody who lives and learns will figure out a lot of things are just right or wrong.

    John Day

    @Zerosum: I don’t think Macron is smarter than I give him credit for. … So THERE! 😮

    John Day

    Quoth jb-hb:
    “So becoming something ie existing is the death of all potentialities but one, which is done for life.
    Restoring all those potentialities necessitates chaos, which requires breaking down all existing structure – digestion or decomposition, death.”

    I disagree, because “becoming” is a process which continues throughout life, with all future potentialities reduced to one choice at every step of the way.
    Some of those choices, such as you point out, are dissipative of life force, short term hedonic expenditures.
    Some choices are investments in maintaining future options on life, health, friendships, deeper relationships and wisdom
    Every moment we choose one footstep on our path through life.
    It is forever fixed after that, whether it is an expenditure-step or an investment-step.

    I do like the bit about Spike-the-vampire regaining his soul and being wracked with guilt. That has some ring of truth, but there is a path to continue from that point of realization, also…

    Maxwell Quest

    Sure, there is still a long way to go, but with each passing day I see more evidence on how far we have come over the past few years when there were only a few dissenting voices waving their arms in alarm about the advancing global techno-tyranny.

    Just a couple quick examples: Today, we got to see Dr. Bret Weinstein talk about it openly to a roomful of nodding heads in Washington DC. I noticed that no SWAT team busted in to muscle him out the back door. And just a short while ago I listened to Greek vlogger Alex Christoforou from The Duran talk about how he really wants to get Tom Luongo on the show so that he can explain in more detail why the EU must keep the Ukraine war on track so that they can use Russia as a boogeyman to justify issuing war bonds. These bonds are needed, you see, to institute taxing power to keep the EU project from its impending debt implosion.

    I see truth neutrons bouncing off other truth neutrons and a chain reaction building. Every effort made by the globalist cabal to keep the ignorant masses in their enslavement seems to boomerang. All their increasing ham-fisted attempts only jar more people from their hypnotic slumber. The lies are getting so far-fetched that the Matrix is gyrating uncontrollably like an unbalanced spin cycle. As more awaken and speak out, courage is bolstered in those who were once fearful.

    No wonder they are in such a panic to get Skynet (AI controlled censorship) up and running. Not even their battalions of woke fact-checkers are currently enough to keep the masses under Big Brother’s thumb, not to mention that these hordes of entitled, blue-haired, authoritarians represent an unproductive cancerous cost overhead for Silicon Valley.

    It is my belief that the whole process is happening in order to raise humanity to a new level of consciousness, since we currently find ourselves in a state where our technical advancement has far outstripped our moral advancement. This idea seems to be popping up in numerous places and is a good fit for the times we live in. This kind of “waking up” is not easy nor pretty. It is often gut wrenching, stretching one to the borders of sanity. The Gods of consciousness development must extract their price. Many of us here have gone through it, some quickly, others need more time, but if we succeed in breaking free from the current paradigm of unconsciousness, our descendants will be able to look back with wonder at the Dark Ages of the early 21st century.


    Macron does not want French troops in the Ukraine to fight Russia. Macron wants French troops in the Ukraine to occupy the country after the soon-to-happen capitulation.
    Say what you want, but the probability of the Ukraine descending into total chaos is very high after its defeat, and in that case foreign troops occupation could be the only option to stabilize the rump state of the Ukraine.

    Macron is actually much smarter than many give him credit.

    Posted by: SG | Feb 27 2024

    Dr. D

    I don’t understand the digestion, but I do see it. Now, while we may have peaked Woke, I finally find people able to describe and translate it for me though I have to brace myself for the onslaught of illogical, restless, hateful stupid. Like going undercover at a KKK Barbeque. SMH, like, am I really here, hearing these words? Are they REALLY saying them? Each word leaves my mouth uncharacteristically open but lacking words to respond. But slowly, because I’m so slow on the uptake, I can slowly decode what it happening and interact with it. But still not why. Like being a child of BPD Alcoholics or something, which actually is almost identical. The child eventually realizes A) this isn’t normal and B) what they say is not what’s really happening, but slowly.

    Dr. Day: No, if anything I don’t understand either of them, but it’s a well-known oft-cited scientific study. What it seems to relate to – other than when I talk to each I can tell it’s true, the prediction of the Left is way off, while it’s a daily joke that you can predict what the Left will say almost to the word and day, – is ANOTHER study, which was of like 10 attributes, where in humanity there were many combinations of Trust, Loyalty, Care, etc. As one might expect. However, the Left only had Two of Ten. That is, care, empathy. Nothing to balance it against like “If I kiss this shark, will he eat me?” “If I heal this wolf will it bankrupt my family?” That is to say, Arrested Development somehow, probably intentionally induced childhood trauma. In school. By the paid social engineers. So they did not branch out, like a tree, to these other limbs of growth and adulthood.

    So as screwed up as “ Conservatives” (meaning people who were considered ultra-far left in 1999-2010) may be, they are of many different types, and have more growth in more areas. Because these mental, emotional, spiritual areas aren’t reachable, they can’t comprehend them. In addition, if you clamp down some, like self-defense, the growth may double in an unclamped area, like empathy. Just a thought but the two studies are real.

    “‘If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.’

    This is verymuch the theory proposed here. They somehow arrested them in puppyhood, or as we know it, “in college.” They have heart only and no “brain” (we know what is meant here, “hard-nosed skepticism of hard numbers and hard knocks”) and that makes them easy pickings. That’s why they do it: Step Three: Profit!! Contrariwise, I was listening to Tim Pool and Jimmy Dore as usual (but a lot less) and as they age and turn Right, “Having a Brain” they now sound like “Get off my lawn!!!” Critical, loveless, no-fun. Well, their day job has enhanced that in both of them, but what good is it to your life? All the movies, etc since 1900 also remind of some other thing: Can’t take it with you. What happens if you have all that hardnosed “Brain” like Daddy Warbucks and no Love? No heart? Those thousands of songs and movies worked because they’re right. But you need both in proper measure. It may not be “Lord won’t you Buy me a Mercedes Benz” but it isn’t “All you Need Is Love” either.

    Churchill is amazingly interesting because he was an epic bell-end. A complete English cad. A total tool, the Apex of Eton. A Lord of epic family, a genocider, all those things. …And they say. And yet he was sidelined for years and was RIGHT. AND – they wrote him into history and not back out again til the bleeding end, the Apex of Woke, Woke to Neverland and the Stars, which is interesting. Shouldn’t he have been the first after Columbus? Yes, learn a lot, enough for the whole lesson about who is good and evil following his one case. That is: Who Knows? Boy sure looks like it isn’t that simple and way past my pay grade.

    Maxwell, amazing. And agree totally. Who is behind it if anyone may be besides the point. The only point that matters for peasants is that it IS happening. Everywhere. From Oliver Anthony to Brett Weinstein and Jeff Sachs? That’s everywhere. We are winning everywhere, although painful. And dangerous, genociding with abandon, and as we see they are more desperate to start WWIII than ever in my life, and probably ever in history, Cuba and K-129 included.

    Mr. House

    These people are insane. The way they bend logic to support their utterly stupid beliefs may kill more brain cells then booze or oxygen deprivation. Its four years later for gods sake.

    Adele vs. Taylor Swift, Covid, and Entertainment Industry Pandemic Insurance



    John Day

    @Maxwell Quest: Good on Ya! This year is like 1968. Paradigm Shift time, but with a long way to fall over the next decades and centuries, No matter how evolved or prepared we are, it’s not enough, because we’re coming from easy and going into hard.

    @ Zerosum (to quote Arnold Schwartzenegger) “I was only being playful”.
    I can’t tell how smart Macron might be, because he lies incessantly and does what his employers at House of Rothschild tell him to do, and makes up reasons. I “don’t think he’s smarter than I give him credit for” because it all happens in my own mind.
    These “security agreements” between Ukraine and other countries are going to end up like “Inconceivable”, “I don’t think it means what you think it means”. I don’t think the paper that says Poland gets this piece to “protect” or France “protects” this other piece will work out as “agreed”. I may well be wrong, but I am especially looking forward to BlackRock, Monsanto et al losing everything.

    @Dr. D: I always read your stuff, did so again, and it’s enjoyable, but words take flight in odd ways…
    You are a “Left Libertarian”, but we can’t agree what “left” and “right”, “liberal” or “conservative” mean. We ae arguing about colors when our rods and cones are different. What I read was that “liberals/lefties” tend to see happy potential more, and danger less, whereas conservative-righties tend to be much more concerned with threats, and to prefer formal processes. There is more to it than that, different “feelz”, which is harder to ‘splain.

    All-Y’all: Here, try this Political Compass Test on yourself. Divine your true nature (80% guaranteed to be about right or your money back)

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