Debt Rattle May 18 2019


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    Edouard Manet Gypsy with a cigarette 1862   • Half Of Americans Are Just One Paycheck Away From ‘Financial Disaster’ (MW) • Record-Setting Art Sa
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 18 2019]

    V. Arnold

    Debt: Do not have any, none, zero!
    Debt; is slavery and the debtor is the slave.
    Debt: Is a prison with invisable bars.
    Debt; is the exact antithisis of freedom.
    Debt; a trap, few escape…
    Live accordingly for a content life…


    Edouard Manet Gypsy with a cigarette 1862
    In his dreams. People don’t look like that.
    More birth control and more abortions results in having more resources available for fewer people.
    On the other hand, more people means less for everyone.
    I don’t understand why upper class white males think that passing laws against women having abortions is going to increase the numbers of white women having more babies when those white women can afford the cost of having an abortion. Those white women do not want to dependent on a man. They want their own source of income and to be self sufficient.
    There are enough loving and caring people that can help the needy that cannot take care of themselves.
    There should not be any forgotten, abandoned, poor, suffering people in just social/economic system.
    Nobody tries to explain, the real reason/causes, why so many people are migrating from the land of their birth to go to foreign lands and to live in crowded slums. The land of their birth cannot be a la-la-land
    Most Expats hope to find a la-la-land but all that they succeed in finding is cheap alcohol, cheap cigarettes and a cheap young superficial relationship with someone trying to claw out of poverty.

    Snow birds have abandoned their time shares and their gated condo due to the high maintenance cost, and the high cost of health care travel insurance for older poor health seniors.
    A young traveler will find that the all-inclusive resorts are 50% empty and good accommodations can be had without using/booking advanced reservations through online services.

    V. Arnold

    Most Expats hope to find a la-la-land but all that they succeed in finding is cheap alcohol, cheap cigarettes and a cheap young superficial relationship with someone trying to claw out of poverty.

    Is that true? Most is a troubling generality, but; in my experience it’s probably close.
    Then there are the self exiled, who do not fit that stereotype; in my experience.

    Past that; I have no idea…


    @v. Arnold
    I’m glad that you are around to bounce points of view.

    V. Arnold

    @v. Arnold
    I’m glad that you are around to bounce points of view.

    Ditto yourself… 😉

    Juxtaposition can have its benefits; if one pursues one’s curiosity…

    V. Arnold

    Edouard Manet Gypsy with a cigarette 1862
    Actually, her hand rolled cigarette is quite well done; right down to the tapered end.
    As one highly skilled in that art; I appreciate the artist’s detail.
    Alas, having given up tobacco in 2007, my present skills would surely be lacking…

    Dr. D

    “The media is focusing on making two sides hate each other instead of reporting on the facts,”

    Yes, because they needed and planned a civil war some time ago. Their problem is that no one is biting, believe it or not. Go back to the ‘60s, what would one think today’s turmoil would have been in that context? How about in the militia movement of the ‘90s, with bombs and tanks killing children by the score? Yes, this may seem stressful, but is a long way from the promised land. The only way for the criminals to escape is to start a fire. For example, HRC promised she would start one in Syria, and no doubt Ted Cruz would have done the same. But, no external war, no internal war, who gets the blame? The actual guilty? Perish the thought!

    The interesting part is the media’s efforts – or rather the few rich guys who own all the media – are only dividing the nation between emotional people and logical people. –Not that there’s a moral superiority between them, but they’re picking a somewhat arbitrary dividing line, like hair color or height. And they think a real war can break out, not just a black eye somewhere? Don’t see it. Don’t over-sell it here, the war criminals are in trouble, their techniques no longer work, even though it seems like they do. If they did, where’s the war, inside or out, because they’re certainly trying everything.

    They’re also saying “newspapers are collapsing” blahblah, but they print this, which nobody wants and are fleeing as rapidly as anyone could. Instead they are reading bloggers who actually are becoming journalists, objective, who despite being demonetized and banned, are transcend the NYT every day. So there is good objective journalism worldwide…just not in the ten anglo papers controlled by insider billionaires…as if I would need to point out those guys only own papers to LIE with them. Otherwise, why own them? The profit margins? Nice try, idiots: human culture just goes around you, although it does take critical time.

    “OPCW Expert Contradicts Official Douma Attack Analysis (CJ)”

    Just as we all knew in the first 5 minutes. Because…whyyyyyyy? “I’ve got an idea, I’m winning, and I want to do the one thing that will turn the tide against me.” Because: EvilEvilEvil with Evil sauce, RussiaRussiaRussia. Derp. Reminds me of the saying, “The truth can’t be killed, but it can live a miserable existence.” For here we are, years later, still trying to get to step one that was obvious in an hour.

    “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years…It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.”

    “May and Corbyn Blame Each Other as Brexit Talks Collapse (G.)”

    Talks? Huh. Does that mean she DIDN’T leave in March like she promised 110 times? How can that be? Wasn’t the uncertainty the most damaging state of all?

    “when it comes to financial crises, we’re not in the grip of unseen and hopelessly complex forces.”

    Yes, and us Austrians and other commentors say this every time, right again and again. Dow bubble, Tech bubble, cash bubble, low rates bubble, housing bubble, and now bond/currency bubble. Better question is that, since one group predicted this pretty much since 1940, why are the people who have been WRONG 100% of the time still in power, creating a structure that channels firehoses of money from the poor and middle class to their rich billionaire donors who then use that money to buy Congress end to end? …Oh, wait.

    “He must be on some hit lists.’

    No doubt, even though, despite no drinking water in Flint, we give 6,000x times this to Israel every year, clearly playing favorites…and their favorite is NOT the American people. Funny ‘ol world.

    Dr. D

    “I don’t understand why upper class white males think that passing laws against women having abortions is going to increase the numbers of white women having more babies”

    Pretty sure this is because they don’t think that. 10 seconds thought will tell you abortion is racial genocide against the BLACK community, just as Sanger desired, and outlawing it will being more BLACK babies…and black/DNC voters, btw. So despite all the slander, the point is they have principles and they don’t care. They are against it regardless of who is involved.

    Sort of like that crazy phrase, “everyone to the right of Mao is Hitler”, we all thought was a joke, now we literally see, just as predicted, that they would legalize post-birth abortions, and by God I can’t imagine why. Until they’ve won, how can this possibly be good PR? And just as predicted, the erosion of life, and love, would lead to legalizing euthanasia, and obviously promiscuity, breakdown of family, collapse of social mores and order, and all that other stuff we saw in Germany in the Jazz Age. Wrong? No, apparently they were right, although we don’t know what to do about it.

    The “less for everyone” is Thanos’ argument, and you DO know he was the bad guy, right? He COULD have used the Infinity Gauntlet to double the universe, not halve the population. So can we, as we have since Malthus, although it’s an awful lot easier not to waste 4/5th of everything on nonsense, like we do in in the West.

    “Those white women do not want to dependent on a man. They want their own source of income and to be self sufficient.”

    That’s a pretty big statement. They may think so, but men think so and they are unhappy unless they have a woman and family in their lives as well, so how much more women? In fact, every day since women started choosing this back in the ‘70s, they’ve statistically gotten more unhappy. And poorer in most every way. And why add “white”? What does that mean? Black women don’t want independence and jobs? Not sure.

    Anyway, point was people CAN have principles and live by them, rare and disorienting as it may seem. And not to say they’re the right principles, but they do exist everywhere.


    Edouard Manet Gypsy with a cigarette 1862
    In his dreams. People don’t look like that.

    I don’t think he made her up.

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