Debt Rattle April 3 2024


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    Vincent van Gogh Field with Irises near Arles 1888   • Moscow Condemns Assassination Of Iranian Generals (RT) • Israel Attack on Iranian Consulat
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle April 3 2024]

    Dr. D

    “Ukraine Is Winning the War’s Other Front: Against all odds, Ukrainians have been dominating Russia in the Black Sea.” — Foreign Policy Uh-huh. I’m glad they sank some canoes from the 60s. Good on ’em.

    Trump lies: (This is a very short list)

    Yes, but if you send it to anyone who doesn’t already know, they’ll punch you in the face for telling them. As we see with German Generals they are more mad at the the people who tell you than what what incorrectly, illegally done. Or Assange. Or Hillary. Or….

    Assange AI Speed, scale, subtlety.

    Probably true, but they blew the whole thing: their Godling, Bernays told them you can’t propagandize too far and certainly not 100% against human nature, like cut up your children and kill yourself. Everything they’re attempting – human or machine – is way Waaaaay too far from human nature and the function of “Natural Law” that includes physics, but also “Human Rights” as distilled by the Enlightenment. As long as this is their required goal – and it is – AI or not AI won’t matter. They are the enemy of every child born. Who will be under pressure, and quite likely be insane, lashing out at the thing that is harming them, forever. That means we will never stop fighting you. Ever.

    Ask Disney. Do humans, even children, like these Propaganda shows and movies? Nope. Not even infants like this crap. Because it’s from mentally ill, deranged, disturbed psychos who have broken with and reject all reality, what they produce may or may not be fun, but it just makes no g-d—-n sense. #GirlBoss.

    Humans may be tolerant of things that make no sense, but as story-making creatures they gravitate towards things that DO make sense, and have a POINT. Especially if the point is REAL. That’s considered, insert loose adjective here, “Cooler”, “Better”, “Deeper”, “Smarter.” It always wins and the psychotic always seems second rate because it is.

    “Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria suggests that it is trying to “widen” the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip by drawing Iran into it,”

    Yes, they’ve already arranged the war, set the time, but what if nobody showed up? What if they had the war but not where you thought, taking all of Africa without a shot, then attacking you in Yemen while Iran sits free, and Russia annihilated all four NATO armies without mobilizing? They’re bratty rich kids on cocaine. It’s YOUR JOB to lose. It’s THEIR job to win, that’s how things always go! Right here on Page 13! Yeah? What if I say no? You and whose army?

    YES, they are trying to start WWIII, but it’s not going well for them, and as they need to do dumb s—t to “start” it, they are exposed as the psychopathic monsters, and also lose troops and positions in each location, like Niger. They’ll have lost 30% before the war “Starts” if it starts at all, then – although they may be fine with “losing” that is, killing 4-6 Billion people – they no longer control the outcome. And losing control is the only thing that matters to them.

    This was the same as the designated Nazi army of Rednecks who were ordered to Militia, rise up, and “Rebel” against the government here. What if we don’t but point at laugh at your stupid ideas, falling on the ground and giggling ourselves senseless just looking at you? How you gonna rule then? Mr. Levine?

    “• Shia Army: How Iran Formed A Ring Of Enemies Around Israel (Juma)

    “Iran” did this? They weren’t real popular before. When was the last time Israel acted like a normal state that could redeem itself?

    ““..the judge and attorney general had access to his finances because of the monitorship requirement, saw a figure close to $464 million cash, and decided that was what they were going to make him pay..”

    They Made s—t Up! I know it doesn’t SEEM like it, since we’re 1,000 miles away on that side too, but the fine is based on the damage to the victims. A kind of Were-guild and fine to insure it doesn’t profit so they don’t do it again. So you see the problem: they could find no victim either, all the banks said they were #Opposites of victims. With no Victim, no losses, no crime, there’s nothing to point at to set the “damages” and therefore the fine. So they chose “Infinity”. Infinity money. A million-billion-zillion, na na nana peepee, no touchbacks, everything proof force field.

    This they ALSO don’t do, specifically NY, when Sachs and Morgan steal $100B, NY just walks over and takes $1B back, gives none to the Victims, and Wall Street makes $99B profit. That is, also not a Damage (literal amount) not a wereguild (to make it up) and not a fine (to penalize and prevent it from happening again). Instead, they are allies, Sachs makes the money and distributes 1-10% as protection racket. Where’s Ms. James on that?

    No, you’re not supposed to “Make S—t Up” in the law. It’s supposed to be based on, and to discover, objective fact, then apply consensus logic to it, all on public discussion and public record. And that’s why we have no rule of law! We have none of these things, and haven’t in years or decades. The Law is always pretty bad, but this is ridiculous.

    ““This is the 5th time in this case that he has been overturned, a record.”

    What was that case where they overruled the Judge, told him to stop, and he just didn’t? (And then nothing happened, no impeachments, no disbarring, doubled his vacation, pension, and health care) Judge for General Flynn. Made it up, Appellate court JUMPED IN – unheard of – and ORDERED him to stop, and he didn’t. Just didn’t. Just kept going against the ruling. Like Biden. Judge says, “No student loan payments”, does it anyway. When ruled against, does it again. Like Cuomo. NY rules against him. He changes one word, does it again anyway. But I thought we had to do whatever the Supreme Court said! Nope, it’s Wednesday, now we DON’T do whatever the Supreme Court says. ‘Cause we don’t like it.

    Well call me goofy, but isn’t that just “I do whatever I want”? “You can’t judge me!” “Laws are for the little people”. They don’t apply to me!

    How often do you need to see this, ‘cause it’s already been one lifetime; Trump is just showing you what us non-rich people have put up with all along.

    “Trump isn’t allowed to say the judge’s daughter is a Democrat…”

    We have a gag order against literal points of objective fact. The only crime is to present your case, using evidence.

    “• Just 8% of Ukrainians Ready To Take Up Arms Against Russia (RT)

    Because everyone else is dead in Joe Biden’s genocide.

    “• Kiev Has Lost More Than 80,000 Troops Since January – Russian MoD (RT)

    20,000 a month, 1,000 a day. That tracks. And Russia hasn’t attacked yet nor started a war.

    “Most of the EU has been outspoken in supporting the Ukrainian”

    WHO? The people? Or the governments that do the #Opposite of the people?

    “According to Sapin, parties like Orban’s have gained power thanks to semantic tricks and ideological acrobatics, converting “old bourgeois” voters”

    So he’s a communist. But he is French, and he is a Reporter. That’s got to move from 99% to 100% certainty. I mean he’s 90% certain to be a Socialist just by being European. “Old Bourgeois” is Marxist lingo, a direct insult, always, like N—-r. I’m fascinated why a leader who puts Hungary first is only a street magician with a bag of fancy tricks. Because of the worldwide Socialist Revolution and brotherhood of man, people should not and NEVER advocate and vote for their own interests, and that’s what makes them “Bourgeois”? Only doing the #Opposite of what’s good for you, your family, country, and what is Right, is what makes you a true hero in their eyes.

    It seems weird, and I may focus on this too much, but I’m fascinated as to how this all works for them. It’s like studying a man who thinks he’s a hat. How does that logically follow for you? Tell me everything. Also: stop committing genocides. Everyone you meet is by definition a deadly enemy in a zero-sum cage match and you must kill ALL of them. Every single one. Everyone who isn’t even FURTHER left than I am. And they will kill YOU instead, so you’ll have to kill THEM to defend yourself. Wonderful plan. One of the world’s true Great Religions.

    “• Stop Covering Up Kiev Role In Bucha Events – Zakharova (TASS)

    This may be related to the recent arrest warrants for head of Ukr Secret Service by name. I’m like: Really? Sure THAT’LL happen!! Lol. Uh, no dum-dum: IF the case is one of Terrorism, they have international treaties – with everyone – concerning it. The legal procedure is to inform and request. If those nations refuse, that is, they aid and harbor, even deploy and send terrorists – that is, armed men, to commit acts of war over a border – that is by definition an Act of War itself. …Since before Cain met Abel. So Russia is setting the legal basis for a full and complete mobilized war against…everyone. Or at least anyone who ever helped Ukraine and wants to keep doing so. Same with Bucha, probably. This is a HIGHEST LEVEL war crime. You’d have to go to the U.S. to find a government killing their people as fast and as brutally as they did in Bucha, and for just as little reason.

    So far from being amusing relief in the midst of a deadly war, it’s quite serious.

    “• Why ISIS Is Now Targeting Geopolitical Enemies of the West (Ma Xiaolin)

    Now? ISIS never did anything else, ever. Not since Hillary hauled the weapons out of Libya to Syria over Ambassador Steven’s dead body, and added some Texas pickup trucks and 10,000 fresh, matching flags from Turkey.

    Shockingly, the Wiki page on this is clear, all-caps, upfront that there is no evidence for any accusations: That’s refreshing. That’s like seeing Bill Maher go 100% against Identity Politics.

    ““President Biden is the first candidate in history – the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech, so to censor his opponent.”

    I mean, that’s bad, but that statement you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me. One way they get away with this stuff is when everybody “forgets” all history that ever came before, like goldfish. 1910 “Sedition” Acts. How about the Church Committee? Hey, remember that President that was deposed by the CIA using Woodward and Bernstein? Yeah, they just ate anything the CIA told them, like in “Human Centipede”. Because “Journalists” never ask “Questions” about their sources.

    “Biden: “He has a bust of my father behind”

    Yes, he keeps it like a Safari Trophy. Remind him of all the happy assassinations he’s done over the years.

    “Are we all preparing for the inevitable? Trump returning to the White House?”

    Neither one of them will be alive. There won’t be an election if they can’t win it.

    “If voting changed anything, they wouldn’t let you do it.” They allow street protests, so what does that tell you?

    “As the Court stated at the hearing, Defendant filed his motion without any evidence..”

    This was fascinating, as I’m not sure this is done usually. Should they be disbarred? Hunter should certainly sue his lawyers. But my guess is this happens from time to time and if so, the Judge is supposed to whack them sideways just like this. Laws and courts working – even if weird. That IS front-page news.

    “It is enough that a person is found to have likely understood that the comments would be abusive or insulting as opposed to intending to be abusive or insulting.”

    Insulting to whom? Abusive to whom? That’s an internal, emotional state that is intangible and unprovable. Anyone can just Saaaaaaaaaay they “Felt”, they had a case of the Feelz, so go arrest…anyone I FEELZ like. My wife’s lover for instance, or that county judge. Oh, and THEN a miracle happens! They only arrest their enemies, the “Bad” people, and never arrest my friends, the “good” people! Because the “Good” people by definition didn’t “Mean it” – another intangible, unprovable state. We telepathically are aware of harm, and we telepathically are aware of intent. Magic! Magical Thinking! Yes, this is what Infants do.

    “”We didn’t just close down our coal fired power stations, we blew them up,”

    Like Cortez, we burned the boats to make sure everyone in England dies. You will have no way to reverse, even if you vote in a new government at last. Always Be Murdering. Murder spread Widely.

    Okay, Easter not quite over: Babylon Bee.

    Just like Covid, they’re all grifters. …Who then ruin their whole careers, their fortunes, and are slandered and persecuted for the rest of their lives. ‘Cause they’re in it for the money!


    Larry Johnson reinterated that Ukronaziland was NEVER going to win a war with Russia, like never

    And the Empire of Lies and their little Eurotard buttboys & girls also knew this.

    From the start

    And the Ukro-sheeple public just stood there deaf, dumb and blind and took it up the ass. Rah, rah go Team Ukronazi!

    But they went ahead with the war because they were confident the sanctions would collapse Russia and Putin

    Didn’t happen, never was going to happen but the Satanist Cabal could restrain their demonic impulses.

    Kharkiv is now the model for Russia crushing Ukronazi cities.

    Just permanently for the foreseeable future take out the electric grid so it can’t be fixed, except by Russian engineers.

    The population will flee leaving only Ukronazi military which can then be annihilated in Free Fire Zone with thousands of glide bombs, now going up to 6000lb ultra high explosive ones.

    Crush what’s left of the Ukronazi military.

    All the Ukronazi officers above Lt Colonel are abandoning their commands and fleeing with suitcases of brides, kickbacks, black market military equipment resell loot and dead soldiers paychecks and death compensation funds and getting out of Dodge to their villas in Western Eurotardistan.

    The End



    semantic tricks and ideological acrobatics
    (Translation into common speech, for “Joe Blow”)

    Lies and more lies
    losing control of the narrative is the only thing that matters .


    It is misleading to describe the
    killing as an airstrike (singular). In actual fact 3 vehicles were targeted, with the first & last being over 2.4km apart. The IDF decided to make 3 targeted strikes, not one.
    Geolocation from @m_osint


    Confusing background information

    US State Dept’s favorite celebrity chef builds Gaza aid dock with stolen rubble

    State Department-linked Spanish celebrity chef José Andrés has emerged as the US government’s preferred conduit for aid to enter Gaza, following the Biden administration’s decision to suspend funding to the enclave’s main supplier of food, aid and education, the UNRWA.

    The operation appears designed to serve as a stopgap measure to provide minimal quantities of food to Gaza’s famine-stricken population until the US military finishes building a pier in the Mediterranean Sea, and a shadowy contractor run by former US Marines and CIA officials is able to implement an aid program called “Blue Beach Plan.”

    Andrés’ organization, World Central Kitchen, has already finished constructing its own jetty, which was made from the rubble heaps in Gaza — a decision that virtually guaranteed the building materials contain the remains of humans killed by Israeli bombing.

    TSMC Shutters Some Chipmaking Plants As Quake Rocks Island Nation


    Did you catch the subtle propaganda from zerohedge?
    ” Quake Rocks Island Nation”

    D Benton Smith
    D Benton Smith


    Did you catch the subtle propaganda from zerohedge?
    ” Quake Rocks Island Nation”

    7.4 isn’t very subtle. I reckon Taiwan got the point.

    Dr. D

    Thinking AI, but more just straight software. Originally, there was no software, and then only a few, using the same habits of Microsoft and Apple. That is, everything used, tool bar, upper right box, File, Edit, Help… Everyone understood the basis, or as well as they could, it was all based on familiar actions and terms: File, Folder, Filing Cabinet, Edit, Pencil, Eraser, tablet, etc.

    That has held many years, as social habit. However, we now have PCs, Mainframes, Tablets, and Phones. We also have dedicated machines like, eg, Copiers. But neither the programmers nor the users have any basis. In anything. At this point, all humans grew up with it. Kids have never used, “Paper” “Pen”, “File Cabinets”, they are all abstractions like a “(78)Record.” The programmers haven’t either, being versed in all the types and variations of the last 30 years. So for them, “Saving” no longer means saving, because it autosaves always, so saving means, “not saving” or “saving not to here” or “Saving everywhere, but not immediately” (like in the “Cloud” and so on. The click is not Upper-right, no toolbar, handmotions, like a phone, with dropdowns and “home” like a tablet.

    That is to say, NONE of it is “intuitive” anymore. Because to “intuit” you have to have a common experience. They do this with tribes, asking them if that 4-line drawing is a box facing forwards, or back. They say “Duh, it’s a bunch of lines on paper.” (Retard white people) That is, we have a HABIT of looking at paint on canvas AS IF it is 3D. It’s not. “Ceci n’est pas une pipe”, So ANY THING could be ANY THING. Any corner, button, action, motion, click, could mean ANYTHING. There’s no reason your files should be Upper Left > File > Open. In fact, guarantee they’re not (anymore). Next program, ALSO totally different. 4 updates a year? We move and change everything. Dump and buy a new program: Also different.

    Nothing means anything. It’s all just straight memorization that is irrelevant since it will vanish the moment you learn it. So unlike a “Typewriter”, why bother learning well? F’ it. I’m just here for the paycheck. Fired tomorrow, why bother?

    What does this have to AI? Well, these programmers START in one location and then diverge INFINITELY. Having learned on some arcane program, then start their own program and make it even more divergent, not less. That’s where they learned: from other programmers, not “reality.” So with AI: AI LEARNED back when, on Reddit, etc when that was MERELY a dumpster fire of the dumbest, least knowledgeable, most far-left humans on the internet. WEIRD, but like WEIRD to the 11th power. They are the sum total of the strangest, least human humans in the last 40,000 years, having almost nothing in common with “Humans” at all besides body shape. That’s bad enough.

    But starting at the FIRST DAY, EVERYONE, Coca-Cola, RNC, Madison Avenue, Apple, the CIA, FSB and Mossad, all were IMMEDIATELY in the boards trying to jack and direct them. At first that took actual paid people, very few. Then Indian outsourcing, then simple bots who spend all day derailing any useful conversation with a comment on “Da Jooooos”* and then actual bots. Now very clever, seeming real, Turing Bots. Then armies of them, in the Dead Internet Theory that almost no one you interact with is a human alive. (That is certainly true here.)

    Problem: AI IS STILL READING REDDIT. So AI is reading AI, which is reading AI, which is reading AI, in ever-tighter loops, with statistical ZERO actual humans logging on and adding anything. This in the Democratic Party and all Reporters on Twitter, too dumb to look out a window sometimes. For now 10+ years. And this is or was already WELL KNOWN with “Elsagate” like 7 years ago?

    (AWFL) Moms who should probably be arrested for abuse, park their kids in front of a running tablet, who play “Frozen”, Nursery Rhymes, harmless stuff. In 3 years, this self-iterated feedback loop, unclicked by any infant, had reams of Esla F’ing the Hulk, while licking a toilet and getting -ss f’d by a midget. All AI. AI “Read” the loop — that was only ITSELF feeding Algos to ITSELF, automatically as I said last week — and decides that Elsa + Hulk + Toilet, with chainsaws and cannibalism was what 3 year olds needed to see. Because AI has no “Intelligence.” It is “Artificial Stupidity” Or “Automatic Stupidity”, Spread widely.

    I think this is part of what Smith is trying to say. “Who are you talking to???” AI? ’cause it sure ain’t us. Without an uncontaminated human communication set to work on, AI CANNOT affect human communication. — But if it DOESN’T jack human communication, then it has no viable economic purpose. It’s purpose is to lie, steal, and kill, straight from its programmers.

    So: it only kills ITSELF, at great expense to the rest of us. Something like that, yes?

    …And that’s BEYOND the escalation of recording, processing and competition wars problem, which are ALL also total AI-enders. We’re faster than AI is, and we’re free. We’re doing this anyway, living I mean, we have no additional cost, look at the Phone and say, “Yup, that’s AI again: IGNORE.”

    * We now measure the time before someone can’t stop talking about Da Joooos, in a time unit called a (Netin)Yahoo. Wherein all useful knowledge and solutions stop. This board is running at a rate of about three yahoos per day.

    D Benton Smith

    It’s worth mentioning that although “Da Jooos” are not the wizard behind the curtain they certainly ARE a dependable data point on the yellow brick road to Oz. You can not name for me (because there are none to name) any institution currently running amok that does not have wealthy powerful persons with Jewish surnames clustered at the levels of upper management, and oftentimes at the very top.

    The problem with yahoos is that they get to that point along the trail and they just STOP looking and seeing anything else. They just hop up and down yelling “Da Jooos!” as if that solves anything. If they did bother to look and see then what they would see is that “Da Jooos” are latecomers to a game that predates Judaism by many many thousands of years, and which of course and for that reason was NOT owned nor operated by “Joos”.

    It’s those earlier guys and their ideological descendants that you’re looking for.


    Tis n dat
    Both sides are stockpiling and stockpiling their ammunition. Or rather, the Russian army is saving and tightening up, while the Ukrainian army is on its last legs and is really looking forward to the help of the West, without which it would have long been pushed back at least to Dnepropetrovsk,” believes Izmailov.

    The Nato war mongering bullies are discussing how much more aid and weapons to give the Neo-Nazi’s in Ukraine. The English Foreign secretary urges Nato warmongering nations to make more weapons and invest in more weapons technology.

    Sadly it will be citizens of Nato countries that will suffer as public services are reduced as cash earmarked for them is sent to the Neo-Nazi’s in Ukraine to keep the war going.

    As for equipment, the cupboard’s bare, Mrs Farkas. We could give Ukraine several hundred more billion dollars if we chose, even give them the Russian assets we’re holding, but that does not automatically translate into armaments. That’s been shown already by such as Berletic or Vershinin. Nor does it translate into men who can use those armaments. The Ukrainian army is being torn to pieces and corpses can’t drive tanks.


    Please do read the whole article as it describes in details how the whole process works with the Lavender AI. It’s industrialized extermination the likes of which we haven’t seen since… you know when.

    D Benton Smith


    Yes that report is a very important document, though it is heart breaking to read it. It describes what happens when AI is used for evil purposes by insane people. Pointless carnage generating more pointless carnage.


    Dr. D
    ““President Biden is the first candidate in history – the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech, so to censor his opponent.”

    Nothing new here. Same as it ever was.


    Forgot to paste.


    Amazon links not allowed?
    Or copy and paste too big? Those are large areas with no content.
    American Aurora by Richard N. Rosenfeld, excellent book on press freedom during our founding.


    I have noticed that the editors in wikipedia have deleted Gonzalo Lira’s entry, just as Gonzalo said wikipedia would do.

    It would be a good idea to mirror his content on platforms not subject to censorship and editing. His memory deserves that much at the bare minimum.

    Dr. D, I don’t know how you manage to knock it out of the park each and every day. Always a pleasure.

    Michael Reid

    “life has become harder for most Americans”

    Beyond Lenocracy


    the Islamic State has launched attacks on Iran, Russia, and even China, leading some to speculate that it may have aligned with the United States or even come under control of Israel’s Mossad.

    Indeed, this looks like the most likely scenario, especially as it appears that they are now assassins for hire rather than suicide bombers, although one of the attacks on China was a suicide bomber. You have to ask yourself what is their grievance if they are bombing Iran, Russia and China? What do they want these countries to do? Wanting to free the Palestinians was a believable goal in the past, given that they claim to be Islamic, but now they are assisting the people who are trying to destroy Islam, completely at odds with their stated raison d’etre.


    If Joe Biden gets reelected, democracy is a freaking joke.

    American democracy is already a freaking joke. Is Tucker saying that is is not already a joke? And how does keeping FJB out prove anything? All three main candidates – Trump, RFK Jr, Biden – are essentially the same; they come from the Democrat party, they are Israel First, they support the Israeli genocide, they are funded by Jews, they believe in Ukraine versus Russia, they are fiscal hooligans, they believe in war against Iran, etc etc.

    They have no way of overcoming the owners of the USA so nothing will change.


    The decline of free speech in the United Kingdom has long been a concern for free speech advocates. A man was convicted for sending a tweet while drunk referring to dead soldiers. Another was arrested for an anti-police t-shirt. Another was arrested for calling the Irish boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend a “leprechaun.” Yet another was arrested for singing “Kung Fu Fighting.” A teenager was arrested for protesting outside of a Scientology center with a sign calling the religion a “cult.” We also discussed the arrest of a woman who was praying to herself near an abortion clinic. English courts have seen criminalized “toxic ideologies” as part of this crackdown on free speech

    The Edinburgh Fringe will be a laugh this year; no jokes or insults allowed or you will be arrested and jailed for years. There goes Scotland’s most famous tourist attraction.


    Peter Hitchens unapologetically exposes the ludicrous nature of Net Zero, to the horror of BBC Question Time panellists and audience members.

    Good for him, but you can see that the audience is so brainwashed that they will never take any notice of him. The BBC would be breaking its historical precedents if it told the people the truth and not the government’s latest propaganda.

    The Brits all watch the BBC and believe it is good and true, kind of sad, but easily detectable, just talk to one of these people and it is like listening to BBC radio. Look where it has got them, censorship capital of the world, where even a joke is a jailable, criminal offence.

    John Day

    Healthy Paradigm Shift

    We humans are a social species, motivated by social relationships as well as our basic needs as individuals and families. How are we motivated as individuals, families and social groups? We are certainly motivated to meet and secure our needs for water, food, fuel, shelter, clothing and necessary tools, but some inflection takes place after those basic needs are secured for our intimate group.
    It has been established that humans get happier with more wealth until their basic needs are secured, after which further increases in prosperity provide little more happiness, and at some point there even seems to be a reversal, with further wealth correlating with dissatisfaction.
    After basic needs are secured, we social humans seem to invest more in social status, social capital within our perceived community. This may be a real community. The former sugar cane plantation workers I came to know in North Kohala, Hawaii had a deep and pervasive sense of community, though the plantation had ceased to exist. I venture to speculate that most of us have never known what it is to exist within such a real and functional human community.
    We do understand the context of status, and how to present our social status in our smaller circles, as well as the broader world. I suspect that the nature of our further investments, after we have secured our basic needs, reflects upon our happiness and satisfaction in life. I’ll postulate that if we invest in social status of the abstract and materialistic sort, that we become frustrated and dissatisfied. How many billions does it take to be #1 this month?
    Thorstein Veblen wrote his “The Theory of the Leisure Class” in 1899, near the end of the “Gilded Age” of Rockefellers and robber-barons with mansions and railroads.
    I had to pick from a list of books for a college class, chose that one for the catchy title, and was astounded at how well the insights applied to my world in 1980.,of%20individual%20men%20and%20women.
    In the book Veblen looks at our human drives, and rejects their objective rationality beyond the point of meeting needs, examining the many aspects of social class from the hunter-gatherer and feudal eras into the modern era, making the case that they did not so much change, but shifted their manifestations. The “lower” class performed useful work, such as growing food, storing it, making tools, clothing, and houses, etc. The upper classes displayed their class status by performing activities that were not inherently productive, such as warfare, hunting and acquisition of special knowledge, and by commanding the labor of the lower class. Priests, politicians, academics, doctors, lawyers and warriors were members of this broad class, but did not all enjoy the same social standing. In Feudal Europe these classes were well defined and slow to change, but they did shift in the Industrial Revolution, with Industrial Capitalists taking a lead in the rapid innovation of the social order and the political economy. Marx looked at everything from the basis of rational valuation, as if the rational drives of meeting basic needs were the only drives among economic participants. Veblen, who grew up fairly poor, but educated, in a Norwegian-American family, was a keen observer of the American version of display of status in the Gilded Age Chicago area. We can see that the building of palaces and empires, while barely allowing the workers to eat and have families, reached some kind of apogee then and there. John D. Rockefeller was famously unhappy and stingy…
    The older, “retired” plantation workers, on the other hand, were some of the most satisfied and friendly people I have ever come to know. they mostly inherited their modest plantation houses and vegetable gardens when the plantation closed down. They stayed in place, shared avocados, mangos and whatever other excess they had, and went fishing sometimes. When somebody killed a wild pig, they had a party. Their investments did not appear to be monetary, but almost completely in social engagements and networking.
    I think I learned something better in North Kohala, though I grew up in the egalitarian 1960s and 1970s, on egalitarian US Marine Corps and Navy bases. We all wore jeans, sneakers and t-shirts. We all had a bike. We all lived in base housing. Our dads all got orders, and we all moved when they got orders. We fought a lot. It wasn’t as nice.

    As well as class-consciousness and social climbing vs. egalitarian identification, there is another aspect of human groups, which is harder to talk about, which is the “Wisdom of Crowds” and the “Madness of Crowds”. Large groups of people do get feelings-about-things, which may lead to societies inherently trending to good choices much of the time, or to economic trends like the “tulip mania” investment bubble, or to genocidal drives, as the German people were driven to after the exhaustion of WW-1 and the impoverishments forced upon them by the Versailles Treaty. There is something about doing-what-everybody-is-doing which is almost completely validating for about 2/3 of people. This seems to be a set point that lets human societies function. Some smaller groups are torn between personal analysis and group assumptions to varying degrees, and a small group is relatively unconcerned with group beliefs, relying upon personal analysis and intuition as the driver of personal decisions. Somehow or another I have naturally fallen into that small group. It was not so difficult so long as we were always moving and meeting new people. Anything that did not fit could be adjusted, or adjusted at the next move, without truly having to completely conform. Basic conformism was inherent in military families, but true conformism was never actually possible wherever we moved…

    Charles Hugh Smith looks at current societal premonitions of inflation, and YOLO, “you only live once”, driving people everywhere to spend on things while they can, because of the feeling that it just won’t be possible soon. I have felt it for a fairly long time, but something snapped during COVID lockdowns. “This is it!” About a year and a half before COVID lockdowns, we had bought a modest house on less than an acre in the rural Texas town of Yoakum, settled by Germans and Bohemians (Czech) in the 1840s and 1850s, fleeing European wars for the fertile black soil of the coastal plains. We just drove to Yoakum and worked on the homestead for the pandemic, while I treated patients during the week and never got sick doing it. People snapped and started spending after the lockdowns were over. I am inclined to think that there is an underlying premonition of the end of an era, but that people have varying interpretations of how to best manage that premonition I am a green-prepper…
    Charles Hugh Smith, YOLO Spending, Inflation and the Wisdom/Madness of Crowds
    The harder authorities and pundits push the “inflation is under control” narrative, the faster they erode public trust and confidence in the future value of labor and “money.”
    The possibility that the human herd senses trend changes before statistics and the economic punditry comes under the capacious category of the wisdom of crowds: in this line of thinking, YOLO spending may be a reflection not just of a pandemic-instigated change of priorities, but of a growing sense that inflation is now embedded, and so it’s better to spend earnings now before they lose value.
    This is the core behavioral response to embedded inflation: borrow and spend now, as savings will only lose purchasing power as time goes on. In hyper-inflationary economies, this leads to wage earners finding something to buy the day they’re paid, as their wages will lose value literally overnight.
    Put another way, embedded inflation is systemic financial insecurity: the future value of labor and savings is unknown and unknowable, and could be much lower than we expect. To trust that labor and “money” will retain their current purchasing power is a fool’s game, as the crowd intuitively grasps the runaway-feedback nature of inflation: once it gets going, every increase in inflation fuels further increases…
    ..The human herd also intuits that prices never fall back to pre-inflationary-spiral levels. If inflation moderates after a 20% spike, costs across the entire spectrum don’t drop 20%; they simply rise at a slower pace…
    ..To the authorities and pundits tasked with gaslighting inflation to limit inflationary expectations, the wisdom of crowds looks like the madness of crowds: with trust and confidence in the future value of labor and “money” both declining, the sense of insecurity increases, generating demands for higher wages and prices now rather than later. This feedback loop generates its own inflationary pressure, which then feeds back into itself as everyone grasps the potential for an inflationary spiral that gets out of control. To the authorities and pundits tasked with reassuring us that inflation is receding, this mob-generated expansion of inflationary feedback is madness. If only everyone believed us that inflation was near-zero, inflation would be near-zero…
    ..The problem with this idea is all the efforts to control the narrative generate their own feedback: a loss of trust and confidence in the system and its statistics. The harder the authorities and pundits push the “inflation is under control” narrative, the faster they erode public trust and confidence in the future value of labor and “money,” because claiming inflation is 3% and heading down after inflation has burned off 20% of our purchasing power in three years is, well, not credible.

    A Midwestern Doctor has potentially the best analysis I have come across, of the mystery of Robert Kennedy Jr’s choice of 39 year old tech attorney Nicole Shanahan as his vice presidential running mate. This is somehow the actual point to which Thorstein Veblen and Charles Hugh Smith’s insights are leading. I have just not been able to “get” why Bobby Jr. would choose a political novice, the 39 year old Irish/Chinese mother of an autistic daughter with a Google-founder billionaire, who grew up poor, troubled by dad’s bipolar disorder and alcoholism, and mom’s fleeing Mao’s China, as his VP running mate. This is incoherent within the political framework I have always known. Yes, she may draw away AOC/Clinton voters from the Democratic party, but where is the political power a VP is expected to bring to the table?
    If this is a rational choice, and I believe Kennedy to be rational, and she has no established political capital, then Nicole Shanahan has to have some secret super-power, or Kennedy may rationally expect her to manifest some political super power in the near future.
    I watched the video clips of her VP running-mate speech presented in this AMD analysis of her candidacy. I read her Wikipedia page:,Guangzhou%20City%20in%20the%201980s.

    Kennedy may be running on a Paradigm Shift Platform, just as his father did in 1968, running against LBJ’s Vietnam War. For this to be rational, the paradigm shift must be away from industrial capitalism at the expense of human health, towards human-health as the basis for societal cooperation and coordination. Proceed with that thought.
    Shanahan declared:
    Conditions like autism used to be 1 in 10,000.
    Now here in the state of California, it is 1 in 22. One in twenty two children affected. Allergies, obesity, anxiety, depression, our children are not well. Our people are not well. And our country will not be well for very much longer if we don’t heed this desperate call for attention.
    We are facing a crisis in reproductive health that is embedded in the larger epidemic of chronic disease.
    Because it has been so personal for me and my daughter, I got deep into the research and consulted some of the best scientists and doctors. Let me tell you what I found. There are three main causes.
    One is the toxic substances in our environment, like endocrine disrupting chemicals in our food, water and soil. Like the pesticide residues, the industrial pollutants, the microplastics, the PFAs, the food additives and the forever chemicals that contaminated nearly every human cell.
    Second is electromagnetic pollution.
    Third, I’m sorry to say, is our medications. Pharmaceutical medicine has its place but no single safety study can assess the cumulative impact of one prescription on top of another prescription and one shot on top of another shot throughout the course of childhood. We just don’t do that study right now and we ought to. We can, and we will.
    Please see Shanahan’s 4 minute video clip discussing chronic disease, the second video clip, to get a feel for this. (Momma bear shows her teeth, for her injured daughter.)
    ..She later discussed the immense problems we face from our poor soil and highlights that most of them would be solved through regenerative agriculture if we stopped financially incentivizing bad practices with the existing farming subsidies and regulations: [See third video clip] Note: I believe our current dysfunctional farming paradigm stems from policies put in place by Nixon’s Secretary of Agriculture to lower food prices, which forced independent farmers to leave the business and shifted America to mass-monocultures of cash crops like corn wheat and soy…
    [AMD goes on to discuss causes of chronic disease at length. Worth a close read.]
    ..Shanahan’s proposed solution to this was relatively straightforward:
    It is not about a new pill or, “finding the cure.” We know the cure is cleaning up our environment and providing the basic public goods that are the foundational conditions for health and healing. It is about a shift in our priorities. It is about compassion. Chronic disease, addiction, poverty, depression, this is where Americans are hurting the most.
    Note: I felt this point was important to emphasize because it the exact opposite of what our profit medical system has morphed into—selling as many profitable “treatments” as possible that can never actually lead to health. This may also explain why every politician besides RFK Jr. she met with refused to seriously looking into what is making America sick.
    [AMD presents extensive and insightful political analysis throughout this article. He supports Kennedy. Nobody who fails to support Palestinians gets my support.]

    John Day

    Here is a short post of mine from April 2016, Gardening For Peace:
    The Biology of Altruism.
    Yes, the human brain has an app. for that, or many human brains do. Some don’t. What does the difference look like, now that we can look at things like the differences in brain function between cold-blooded murderers without remorse, and people who donate a kidney to an unknown person, because they can. (Which kind of person would do better in American politics?)
    I’m going to take that as a jumping off point for speculation about our human future, about our prospects in the realm of social ecology, a term coined by Murray Bookchin.
    Over the past 10,000 years or so, we have embedded dominance of each other into our societies. It is ubiquitous, and it is the philosophical basis for “dominion over nature”, supposedly “granted by God”.
    It is pretty clear that we need to have a paradigm shift and become truly human, truly awakened to our greatest potential, the potential to be really good stewards of natural systems, rather than bands of rapists and looters, our current paradigm. (I don’t mean to be harsh, but we could all be on the way out and wishing it would come sooner, in 20 years.)
    We can nurture and cultivate a food-producing ecosystem It’s actually an innate talent we have. It takes some learning. It feels pretty satisfying, natural, healthy.
    Each of us can find ways to do this.
    I’m working on finding ways to help open this door of perception for people I work with by food-gardening in the break patio at the new clinic.
    If we are all going down this time, I’d rather go down growing green beans than shooting people.

    Steve Kirsch, New survey confirms that vaccines are, by far, the #1 cause of chronic disease in America
    Nobody should be vaccinated. Ever. Especially not during pregnancy. And vaccines are also the #1 cause of sexual orientation issues. The numbers are consistent with other published studies.

    Israel destroyed al-Shifa Hospital to accelerate social collapse in Gaza
    Israel wants to cause a breakdown in social order in Gaza, and it can’t achieve that without erasing its hospitals.
    The fall of al-Shifa Hospital will be remembered as one of the most pivotal moments in Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza — not for the unbridled annihilationism it displayed, but because it offered a unique window into the real reason Israel decided to systematically dismantle Gaza’s hospitals.
    Hospitals in Gaza during times of war have not only served as places for the treatment of the wounded and the sick but have become pivotal social institutions, housing a microcosm of Gaza’s entire civic order. They became hubs for journalists and human rights defenders, offered space for Gaza’s Civil Defense teams to organize and coordinate rescue efforts, became a base of operations for Gaza’s police force, and hosted tens of thousands of displaced refugees seeking shelter from the bombardment. Hospitals became all those things because they were the last remaining civilian institutions that were supposed to enjoy a modicum of protection from the war.

    Israel destroyed al-Shifa Hospital to accelerate social collapse in Gaza

    (CIA mouthpiece, The Washington Post. Signal of policy change?) How Israeli strikes on a World Central Kitchen convoy in Gaza unfolded
    SUVs and trucks bearing the distinctive logo of World Central Kitchen had become increasingly common in the Gaza Strip by late Monday, when three of WCK’s vehicles were traveling along on the coastal road used as a humanitarian corridor.
    The dynamic international food aid group has been one of the few organizations able to get supplies into the embattled enclave and distributed to hungry civilians from north to south. Two of the SUVs traveling Monday were armored and bore the frying pan logo on the roof, the group said. A third was an unmodified “soft-skin” vehicle.
    None of them would return to base.
    Inside the vehicles were seven of the group’s employees and volunteers, including a Palestinian as well as aid workers from the United States, Britain, Poland, Australia and other countries drawn to the globe’s worst humanitarian crisis. They were one of the teams forming part of the pop-up maritime supply chain WCK had constructed, using barges, temporary piers and convoys to get food from Europe to aid points around Gaza. The group had just been part of a convoy that unloaded more than 100 tons of aid at a warehouse at Deir al-Balah, according to a WCK statement. Three cars were making a return trip to staging areas near the Egyptian border, heading along Al-Rasheed Road.
    The team had coordinated with Israeli military officials and had clearance to drive the route, WCK said. Israel Defense Forces officials said they have been working closely with WCK for months in its Gaza operations…
    ..Imagery of the aftermath reviewed and geolocated by The Post shows that all of the vehicles were destroyed within a mile and a half of each other, suggesting that some had a chance to keep driving after the attack began.
    One vehicle was off to the side of the road, facing north. The hood of the vehicle was largely disintegrated, the windows blown out and the doors blackened.
    A second vehicle, the Toyota, was in the middle of the road a half-mile to the south, the hole punched through its roof next to the WCK logo spanning nearly half of its width.
    A third vehicle was found a mile farther along. It was sideways along the road, much of the metal of the vehicle’s body frayed.
    Videos showed some bodies that were damaged beyond recognition. Others were clearly identified by the passport photos open on their vests. Palestinian driver Seif Issam Abu Taha was still in his WCK T-shirt.

    John Day

    WHO: Zionist enemy forces may not use hospitals as battlefield in Gaza

    Atrocity propaganda vs. the testimony of atrocity
    Since October 7, Zionists have wielded atrocity propaganda to justify genocide, while Palestinians have shared testimony of the atrocities they have witnessed. The difference is not just in the truth of these stories, but also their function.
    Among the differences between atrocity propaganda and testimonies of atrocity is that the former seeks to preemptively justify the unjustifiable, while the latter starts and stops with the event. Testimony doesn’t seek to justify anything. Of course it fits into a larger narrative, a context, but it does not seek to be totalizing, to occlude time and space before and after, the way atrocity propaganda does.
    Another difference between the two is how the listener is meant to receive the story. Atrocity propaganda prioritizes gruesome details to the extent that the victim is reduced to an object, a mirror for the perpetrator’s cruelty. The narrative trick is to make the listener blame the perpetrator for the erasure of the victim’s humanity, too.

    Atrocity propaganda vs. the testimony of atrocity

    Ecocide a ‘Critical Dimension of Israel’s Genocidal Campaign’ in Gaza: Probe
    Analysis by a research group found that roughly 40% of Gaza land that was previously used for food production has been destroyed by Israeli forces.

    New UN report outlines the ‘Anatomy of a Genocide’ in Gaza
    Last week, the UN Special Rapporteur on Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese issued a report titled “Anatomy of a Genocide,” concluding that there are “reasonable grounds to believe” that the threshold indicating the commission of the crime of genocide has been met.
    Such reports are not usually titled, but the title itself depicts the nature of what Albanese describes in her immaculate 25-page report. It not only outlines a textbook case of genocide, with clearly and widely expressed intent by leaders backed up by clear genocidal actions — it also describes how Israel has used the language and principles of International Humanitarian Law (IHL, the laws governing warfare) to conceal the act.
    Albanese begins with the historical context of the genocide, even rooted in Israeli pre-state colonialist intents, and then charts out how Israel has committed three central facets under the crime of genocide — the killing of members of a particular group of people, causing bodily or mental harm, and creating destructive conditions of life.

    New UN report outlines the ‘Anatomy of a Genocide’ in Gaza

    Moscow condemns assassination of Iranian generals
    Diplomatic missions cannot be targeted, Russia said after an Israeli strike on Tehran’s consulate in Damascus
    A national security spokesperson quoted by Axios said the US “had no involvement in the strike and we did not know about it ahead of time.” A senior US official told the news outlet that Washington “has communicated this directly to Iran”.
    Israel notified its key ally minutes before the strike took place, when its fighter jets were already in the air, the Axios article said. The Israelis allegedly said they were going to kill General Zahedi, but did not offer details of their operation, such as his location at the Iranian consulate.

    John Day

    Israel’s Attack on Iranian Consulate Highlights Netanyahu’s Pending Defeat in Gaza
    Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria suggests that it is trying to “widen” the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip by drawing Iran into it, said Foad Izadi, an associate professor at the University of Tehran’s Department of American Studies.
    “They have been trying to start a military confrontation between the United States and Iran for many years. And they think that they have an opportunity to have this done fighting Iran using American soldiers,” he told Sputnik, apparently suggesting that the US would be quick to leap to Israel’s defense if the latter were threatened by Tehran…
    ..“That is what Israelis are trying to do. Netanyahu realizes that he has lost the war in Gaza. He has managed to kill more than 30,000, mostly women and children, without achieving any goals except killing these people and ruining their homes,” Izadi said.
    “They say that they want to destroy Hamas, but that’s not a goal they can achieve. Obviously, they would have done that if they could. That’s why criminal acts and genocide in Gaza continue. And Netanyahu realizes that sooner or later this war needs to end. And that would be the end of his prime ministership. And so he’s trying to prolong the war, he’s trying to widen the war,” Izadi added.

    West to Use Hypothetical Russia-Ukraine Talks to Supply Arms to Zelensky – Diplomat
    “Even if we imagine the hypothetical possibility of resuming negotiations, it is clear that the [Kiev] regime’s curators will use them to give the Ukrainian armed forces time to rest, pump them up with weapons, and complete a regrouping of troops,” Gavrilov said in an interview dedicated to the 75th anniversary of NATO marked on April 4.
    A repeat of a scenario that emerged after the March 2022 talks in Istanbul when the Ukrainian armed forces received time to rest is unacceptable for Russia, Gavrilov added…
    ..”We have been through this before after the Istanbul talks in the spring of 2022, and the repetition of such a scenario is unacceptable to us. Therefore, at the moment, the future of the Ukrainian conflict is being decided on the battlefield, where our troops hold the initiative along the entire front line,” he noted.–diplomat–1117691782.html

    John Helmer presents the analysis that Russian de-electrification of Ukrainian cities, a selective process, effectively drives civilians out of those cities into western Ukraine, Galicia, which stresses Galicia and it’s brand of fascist nationalism. The exception is that men who need to avoid military conscription may be safer lying low in dark cities.
    Go West, young man – that American slogan of the mid-19th century is not an idea the Ukrainian men of Odessa, Kharkov, Dniepropetrovsk, Poltava and Sumy can contemplate today as long as the danger of press ganging into the army in Kiev and Lvov is a higher risk to their lives than staying put in the eastern cities as they collapse.
    They must calculate that they are better off trying to do without electricity in the east, and wait for the Kremlin to suspend the campaign – as it did during 2023 – or for the Russian General Staff to pressure the Novorussian cities to surrender to Russian control, when the Ukrainian men will be filtered but keep their lives.
    The women and children, however, are evacuating from Sumy and Kharkov.* The displacement of these easterners to the west, from Kiev to Lvov, is not yet being reported by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) which publishes its Ukrainian population movement data in the third week of each month…
    ..An unofficial Moscow source comments: “For the time being, the campaign is likely to leave enough lights on in Lvov to lure the displaced easterners there, and generate all sorts of communal friction. The westward process will repeat itself until Lvov and other border areas are huge refugee camps facing a bunch of nervous Poles, Romanians, Moldovans, etc. We’ll see what happens to Euro solidarity then.”


    Military Summary has more about NATO-Ukrainian intentions to destroy the Crimean bridge, which is not a military objective, since there is already a railroad through the Crimean Peninsula, and also that NATO is moving troops into Romania to potentially try to take Odessa before Russia can.
    Crimean Bridge – Goal No. 1 | Romania Is Going To Send Troops To Ukraine. Military Summary 2024.04.3

    John Day

    (9 minutes of brevity and clarity) Peter Mccullough And Meryl Nass Discuss WHO Pandemic Treaty

    Peter Mccullough and Meryl Nass Discuss WHO Pandemic Treaty

    Meryl Nass MD is interviewed about WHO Treaties by Dr. Drew here, starting at 1:02 time mark and going for 20 minutes with prepared graphs and visual aids:

    USA has recorded over 1 Million Excess Deaths among the over 65’s since the FDA “approved” the COVID-19 Vaccine

    EPA Allows Highly Toxic Weedkiller on Food Crops — But Not Golf Courses
    Concerns about the safety of paraquat, a highly toxic herbicide, pushed the EPA in 2021 to ban its use on golf courses — but the EPA still allows the weedkiller to be sprayed on almonds, walnuts, alfalfa and other crops.
    The Environmental Working Group (EWG) found in the study released on March 27 that 5.3 million pounds of paraquat were sprayed over a five-year period in California, the only state with readily available figures on the herbicide.
    Most of the weedkiller’s use was concentrated in central counties where farms produce almonds, walnuts, alfalfa and other crops — and where Latino people make up about 75% of the population and nearly the entire farm labor force.
    Ninety-six percent of farmworkers in the state are Latino, and 90% of people in the agricultural workforce were born outside of the U.S., making immigrants who often work for low wages among the people who are most affected by continued use of paraquat on farms.

    EPA Allows Highly Toxic Weedkiller on Food Crops — But Not Golf Courses

    Short video on 12 food crops to grow. You might have others, too, like black-eyed peas. Top Survival Crops

    John Day

    This seems wigged-out, but these guys are very practical and get “advice” from the Military Industrial Complex.
    Permian Oil Producers Eye Next-Gen Nuclear to Cleaner Drilling
    ​ American shale companies are eyeing the benefits of small nuclear reactors to power their Permian Basin drilling campaigns in order to reduce carbon emissions in a reliable and sustainable manner, Bloomberg reported on Monday.
    ​ Among those eyeing small nuclear reactors is the largest independent producer in the region, Diamondback Energy Inc, which Bloomberg reports has already signed a letter of intent for a supply of next-generation nuclear reactors.
    ​ The letter of intent was with Oklo Inc, whose CEO, Jacob Dewitte, reportedly told Bloomberg that the company was holding discussions with other oil producers, as well. In recent times, American shale producers in the Permian Basin have been retiring their diesel generators and shifting to power from the local grid, which is unreliable at times.​


    Why US Aid To The Ukraine Is Being Held Up :

    It isn’t the US that is holding up passage of US aid to the Ukraine.
    It is Mr. Z and the Ukraine Rada that are holding up passage of US aid.
    Remember the war deal is “to fight to the last Ukrainian”.
    It seems the corrupt Ukrainian politicians and elites of late are waffling on the deal they made with the US “to fight to the last Ukrainian”.
    Rada members have filed over 4,000 amendments to the new mobilization law to try and delay mobolizing everyone.
    Once the Rada passes the new mobilization law, then the US will pass aid for Ukraine.
    The Ukrainians have been hoping the US would pass the aid bill first, so the Ukrainians could hen welish on the deal.
    Not happening.

    Have you noticed any videos you see of the Ukraine, always features plenty of young Ukrainians?
    Like the video of cars leaving Kharkov.
    Video taken by young Ukrainian and all those cars being driven by men.
    So, yeah, the Ukraine has not even come close to killing off all of it’s men and women.
    Ukraine runs on corruption.
    Miss Lindsey wants to see more dead bodies.
    The US still has plenty of money for war.
    This war still has many more years to run.

    The reason the judge rejected Hunter Biden’s request is to protect him from being prosecuted for any of his of his many crimes. Once Joe Biden is re-elected all charges will disappear.

    The reason JFK doesn’t need any security is because he is deep state.


    Actions speak louder than words. What the jews are doing, right now, tells you all you need to know about them. This is just the beginning.. Death to all goyim, using money stolen from you to destroy you. The Fed, World Bank. BIS IMF…the whole fuckin world is knee deep in their satanic, deathcult money system.. Thats why no one stands against them as they murder with impunity. It’s a fucking disgrace. rubbed in your face every day. Where are the good and decent people? Do they not understand what the jew has in store for them?


    Crops for my circle of life
    This year, Just to help, In a 10 X 30 plot – garlic, onion, potatoes, kale, tomatoes


    So France’s brave sir neopolian Macron is sending troops to the Ukraine.
    Just not French troops but non-French foreign legion troops!
    After being kicked out of most of France’s African colonies, maybe France no longer needs the Foreign Legion anymore?
    Maybe France is sending the Foreign Legion troops to Ukraine for the Russians to eliminate?
    After deployment to Ukraine, new enlistments in the Foreign Legion will probably stop!
    Problem solved!

    The British have Gurkha soldiers, don’t they?
    Canada has Trudeau’s Nazis, don’t they?
    The US has millions of illegal aliens, don’t they?

    Is Russia helping more Ukrainians to flee to Europe?
    Cutting power means there soon will be little food left in the Ukraine.
    Will Europe try to prevent Ukrainians from entering the EU?

    The Ukraine is now a net importer of electrical power from Europe.
    Before the Ukraine was a net exporter of power to Europe.
    Since Ukraine can’t pay for this imported power, who will be paying instead?
    How does this help Europe’s energy shortage?
    Europe’s already paid for stored gas in Ukrainian gas storage facilities is now inaccessible.
    Eurooe’s Russian natural gas contracts all end Dec 31, 2024.


    Zerosum :
    You forgot the blueberries!

    John Day

    Israeli Journalist Breaks Bombshell Story: AI Technology Is Directing The Bombing Spree In Gaza: Mass Production Of Human Targets Without Hindrances: “It’s Called Broad Hunting”
    “They Took Down Four Buildings When They Knew The Target Was In One of Them. It Was Crazy.” Six Israeli Intelligence Officers Go On Record, Remorseful And Frightened Of Where It Will End

    John Day

    @Zerosum: It’s not too late to plant black eyed peas. This is the kind Thomas Jefferson grew, the most grown variety in the US when people still grew vegetable gardens 50 years ago, Whippoorwill
    Whippoorwill Southern Pea
    Whippoorwill Cow Pea (Vigna unguiculata)
    They do well for me, and are getting bigger as the years go by in my garden.

    D Benton Smith

    It is sad, but true that “you can always get half the poor people to kill off the other half.” But maybe a more accurate way of saying that is, it’s always easy to get half of any group to attack the other half of that same group simply by finding a wedge issue that separates people within it, and showing each side of that issue that the other side is trying to harm them, and that their personal self interest depends on wiping out that other group.

    Here is an example and one I intend to use. The idea is that I write a letter to the JDL, the Jewish Defense League. I use hyper security in this correspondence, because it’s dealing with the living lightning and I don’t want to get zapped. Basically, I warn them in a purely friendly and benevolent way that there is another Holocaust brewing. And that sadly enough, the core issue of this Holocaust, the the single item that is going to make it happen is very similar to the single item core issue that brought about the first Holocaust, and that is Jewish bankers.

    Hitler presented a moderately coherent argument that the Jewish bankers and Jewish financiers, the Jewish industrialists, and upper middle class investors were largely responsible for the decimation of World War One Germany. This was possible, because the general outline of his argument was true. Or perhaps I should say, both of the key assertions he made within his argument were true. Point one is that these various financial identities did significantly impede World War One Germany. And Point two is that yes, many of those people were Jewish.

    The lie of his faulty logic, of course, (but it is a difficult fault to articulate) was to imply that there was a causal relationship between the actions of those people and the Jewishness of those people. In other words, the crime that was alleged was the crime that they committed, but the CRIMINAL part of the crime was not in their being Jewish. Anyone, regardless of religious beliefs or lack thereof, using finance and banking to wipe out a nation would be committing a crime. Anybody doing that would be criminal. The fact of their being Jewish, would irrelevant and immaterial. It’s the doing that is the crime, not the being.

    But the human survival based instincts are so strong that the mental association between appearances and experiences is virtually welded into our mental equipment. If something is perceived to be a poisonous sake then you damn well better treat it like a poisonous snake until proven otherwise, or you eventually you won’t be making many more choices about anything.

    By controlling information, propaganda and censorship it was thus an easy sell for Germany to convince its population that bastards are evil because they are Jewish, instead of the truth that evil bastards are bastards because they are evil. Nasty trick, truly nasty.

    Well, the same thing is happening again. The world is being wiped out by financiers, and banks, corporations and hugely rich private investors. It’s true that it is happening. And it is also true that many if not most of the key individuals involved in that are Jewish. It’s not rocket science, to investigate the list of the richest banks, corporations and investment dynasties in the world, along with their boards of directors and key officers and major shareholders and discover that a very highly disproportionate number of them are Jewish.

    It’s not like I’m the only guy who’s noticed this.

    And it’s setting up the Jews of the world for another Holocaust. Somebody, some mis-wired neo nazi wannabe killer out there is going to take another run at wiping out the Jews. So if the Jewish Defense League really wants to protect the Jews of the world from another Holocaust, they better start distancing themselves from the bankers and the finance ears, and the corporate officers and the major shareholders of the oligarchs of the world. They better start distancing Jews from that group. Because the association is just too difficult to avoid, even in one’s own mind. It is so difficult, in fact, that it’s a lock cinch certainty that a sufficient plurality of mankind will simply make an identification type association between Jew and oligarch, Jew and banker, Jew and financier, Jew and cold blooded killer of innocent children.

    They won’t be able to prevent themselves from doing it, even though it is illogical to do so. The way the human brain is put together, the association is going to be made you you can’t stop it. Unless you establish in advance and at great effort and expense, a DIS-association between those things. Here are some examples of the sort of illogic that is going to wipe out the Jews.

    Most violent crime in New York City is committed by black drug kings and their minions. The association that gets put in people’s minds therefore is that all black people are drug criminals and violent. Well, obviously, it’s not true.

    Here is a similar Association. Because so many acts of terrorism are committed by Muslims, many people fear and behave on the assumption (the sub-conscious association) that all Muslims are terrorists. Stop them ALL. Better safe than sorry.

    Likewise, because most outrageous acts of Imperial terrorism are committed by Americans. All Americans are Imperial terrorists. Because virtually all serial killers are young white males than all young white males are serial killers. You get the point.

    Just because the vast majority of oligarchs are Jewish, does not mean that all Jews are oligarchs or act like them. Quite the contrary.

    Anyway, that’s where it’s headed. If the Jewish Defense League are serious at all about protecting the actual rights and lives of Jews around the world (which I seriously doubt), then they better get cracking because we’re headed straight for another Holocaust. It’s just a matter of time until some skinhead Neo fucking Nazi gets started making the case. And folks, it’s an easy sell. They’re going to succeed unless we stop them. And that is what I need to tell the JDL, and probably some other folks, too.


    D Benton Smith
    You have a knack of writing parallel universe scenes.

    Farmers grow acres of blue berries

    No beans, peas, this year.

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