Debt Rattle August 10 2023


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    Noirette said

    On Dore and Kennedy

    Thanks for posting that. We can clearly see how he is able to stand for president, who is funding him and who is protecting him; he is another Israel candidate. Trump was also an Israel candidate but to a lesser extent, Israel was one of the few beneficiaries of the Trump administration, he even killed the Iran general for Israel. RFK Jr will do the same and more, he is their candidate and he obviously believes that Israel is the only good nation on this planet, he lauds Israel over the USA, he has removed all doubt from his brain. As Max Blumental says, RFK Jr is delusional in what he says. Money and threats talks and RFK Jr is a puppet that is being paid to talk; probably a combination of bribes and threats. Depressing.


    The AI deleted my comment to Dr. John Day’s post which I agreed with. No links but verboten words; perhaps “uranium” or “Victoria Nuland” and predicting a dismal future. But being an old human being, I am pissed that the time spent writing was for nothing. A bot could care less. They are busy creating an internet of electron generators like bitcoin. Creations that encompass everything but signify nothing.


    I see that the US senate is busy giving Joe and Hunter Biden immunity from criminal prosecution by publically revealing their crimes.

    I hope nobody is now
    expecting the Biden Crime Family to actually be prosecuted.

    Now we know why the Bidens were free to commit all of these crimes under Obama. Biden knew Obama wasn’t a US citizen and that Obama was gay, (thus all the snide comments about Big Mike), this blackmail forced Obama to chose Joe as his VP.


    Cop a whiff

    Yeh, smells like another Burning Bradley® (Registered Trademark)

    I’m sure the Global South will be itching to order them some from the Empire of Lies Military Mafioso.

    Veracious Poet

    I just love the smell of stupid in the morning…


    John Day

    Craig Murray: Fernando Villavicencio, who with the Guardian’s Luke Harding and Dan Collyns fabricated the notorious Guardian front page lie that Paul Manafort and Julian Assange held pro-Trump meetings in the Ecuadorean Embassy, has been shot dead in Ecuador.

    When a CIA Asset Becomes a CIA Liability

    D Benton Smith

    In regard to the discussion over From, To and Who, I have an anecdotal example that sure made life around the Smith household a lot more peaceful. When my kids were very young they sometimes argued over which of them should get the bigger piece of some item than needed to be divided between them. I solved it by suggesting that one of them do the dividing of the item and the other one do the choosing of who would get which piece.

    John Day

    The DARPANET has been throwing up a lot of ak-ak at TAE commenters for weeks. Maybe you were over one of the targets again.


    Aren’t stupid ideas repeated because their familiarity resonates with the masses?

    In every tank there sit some men belovéd by their kith and kin.
    When it explodes those young men die and cause those kith and kin to cry.

    A decent person must abhor the glory seekers who love war;
    The profiteers who shuffle cash, and sift some off for their own stash.

    Yet wars are made, provoked and fought to test the war toys that we bought
    To use them up and beg for more in self-perpetuating war.


    The Ukranian army is on the verge of collapse unless they can find another army to replace it.

    V. Arnold

    In every tank there sit some men belovéd by their kith and kin.
    When it explodes those young men die and cause those kith and kin to cry.

    Yes, so true…
    I said similar a number of months back…crickets…
    Our media, starved of intellect, revels in war porn. Youtube brings it right into your livingroom.
    Almost never is there a dissenting word on the carnage/death wrought by our ghoulish media…
    The price of this, paid for by the viewer, is a steady erosion of our collective humanity…
    The Age of Death/War covers the earth…

    Veracious Poet

    Verba cum monstris et stultis loquentes deficient.

    Dr. D

    Tboc: No. I understand. But there are a bunch of other problems. A) What is “Capitalism”? They keep defining it as things even so far as its complete opposite, but I’m okay if we say even in a definitionally correct form it has this problem. It does because: B) Do we have the same problem of poverty, hardship, lack of love, and maldistrubution under all other systems, especially Socialism as demonstrated anywhere worldwide? A: Yes. That means it’s not a Capitalist problem, it’s a Human Nature problem. We are not hardworking, wise, generous, ascended masters. C) If people aren’t going to give to who you want them to, and aren’t going to always do what you like, what are you going to DO about it? It seems the concept is: well I’m going to use VIOLENCE to MAKE them. …Or rather I’M not going to, I’m going to hire a sheriff, make HIM do it, then look down my pure white nose at him and criticize and complain when he both does it wrong AND inevitably abuses his power and takes a cut, leaving families poorer and more oppressed than ever. Which is our situation right now. We could of course encourage wisdom, maturity and ascension, but that take a long time and hitting people with a rock feels so much better in every possible way except that it doesn’t work.

    Like Democracy, Capitalism is the worst system except for all others. And like Democracy – people wanting a voice in their lives – it has the same problem that so long as humans exist they will do it anyway, regardless of the law, the theory, or what anybody says. So the only problem with Capitalism is to get rid of it, you have to get rid of Human Nature itself. Or humans themselves, their internal states and desires, their motivations, all things that make them, us, “Human”. Which is, as you and we all see, exactly what they’re doing. This week’s model is “Nudging” and “Transhumanism” with a heaping side of Eugenics. Always. Or you could try the individual encouragement and maturity to ascended master route. It’s so crazy to ask and to teach people to be better that it’s never been tried. Well, we’ve tried everything else!

    Dr. D

    She/They need to do what the last Leftists in Portland did: try to burn down ICE with everyone inside. If that isn’t a sign of pure, undying Love, I don’t know what is.

    When humans are your root problem (with Human Nature) then getting rid of all the humans really solves a lot of problems!


    Ilargi, I gazed at that statue for a long time. I was very impressed, and I thought, I wish I could talk to him.

    zerosum, money sent to Kerry, color me surprised. The whole Biden-Ukraine-Burisma ++ highjinks (to avoid other terms) were amply reported on (and rumored about..) at the time. One actor who seems to be missing in the present REVEAL is Paul Heinz, Kerry’s stepson. Not that I know much about it…

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