Debt Rattle August 5 2023


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  • #140609

    John Koch Conversation 1962   • “If You Go After Me, I’m Coming After You” – Trump (RT) • Washington ‘Terrified’ Trump May Defeat Biden in 2024 E
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 5 2023]


    India accounts for about 40 per cent of the global rice trade but is struggling to control food prices domestically.

    Prior to India banning exports, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) was forecasting it to be the largest exporter in the global trade of milled rice, as it has been for many years.

    In its most recent rice outlook, the USDA said India was expected to ship a record 23.0 million tonnes in 2024, exceeding the combined shipments of the next two largest exporters — Thailand and Vietnam.

    Dr. D

    Listen in on journalists: ABC live mic, long discussion on Covid.
    They can’t believe Covid came from Wuhan, because, as they say, they never looked. And they can’t believe “Those people” that is, other news agencies, got it immediately right because they DID look. It’s probably luck or magic or something. In any case (like Scott Adams) they’re still wrong because they’re the Bad People.

    Really entertaining after yesterday’s Op-Ed that they can remain totally clueless, unworried, in the tower as we slowly inch toward the window to chuck them out of. Because the only fact that remains for them is their own perfection and arrogance.

    I imagine we’re re-defining “coup” in Africa right now. The NeoLiberal process is all soft power – like their censorship and “wrongthink” at home – such that we “extract”, I mean, “Make business deals” in Niger where uranium ore is what $30, is sold to France for transport and refining and Pop! It’s suddenly worth $300. Now IS that actual value-added? Or IS that straight-up colonial extraction? In the world of liars: Both. Neither. At the same time. To make this happen, the West is just a bunch of colonialists? Heavens no! That would be far too simple. In the Land of Liars, in the Mind of Liars, in the Empire of Lies, they look at that and say “Tough shakes, rube, and we’d really love to help you out. Here’s a B I L L I O N dollars of foreign aid.” …From the taxpayers. Note that the price spread – from rigged pricing worldwide – goes to corporations. So like WalMart, if wages are too low, get food stamps from the government! And we’ll help you fill out the forms at work!

    So those billions in aid make up for the losses from extraction, which are essentially price-rigging? Heavens no! In the land of liars, that would be FAR too simple. The Billions don’t actually arrive, they’re only promised. They’re also LOANS and no help at all but a COST. They also go to only a FEW people who can make sure the $30/$300 price-spread to Paris stays intact. And 4) they are only given so they can buy weapons only from Raytheon and re-invest in Wall Street or Miami real estate.

    Who owns them? Just a couple hand-picked leaders. That’s why they call them “Pro-Western”. WITHOUT the Western gifting, they couldn’t compete in an election, so they are fundamentally election-rigging, establishing Satraps, without the messy need for assassinations all the time – although we do those too, but deny them. The Liar Class never believes such things since they’re done near-weekly, but out of another department.

    Back to African Coups, so what does the government look like in such a case? Well the people are colonial poor, desperate black slaves to the Great White West. Perfect! And more cobalt is mined by children who die of it, the better the Left Liberals like it. The military is no fool, they know what is going on, but are embedded with French Mercenaries whose true allegiance is to the Empire, and report back, subverting all moves with lakes of blood, literally. The PMC class also knows most of this, but what are you going to do? Die on the streets a colonist, or get a job that provides a house for your (extended) family? They might be happy to help, but what’s the point when nothing worked before? And we have the upper leaders of various kinds, hand-picked compliant Pro-Westerners, hand-picked and placed Rebels, from the “other side”, Russia, China, …or the West itself, the best enemy is one you create, all in a tangle at the upper 25% level.

    That’s the structure, so if the Military removes disliked, traitorous, election-fraud leaders who impoverish the whole nation, is that really a “Coup”? Is it? Because you see, if the Military and their values and intentions have the actual support of the people, it’s not really a “coup” is it? It’s law enforcement. Since they can’t just call back on one election, the last election or whatever, it gets more complicated, but they CAN call for a general election and a fair one, and thereby establish the “Self-determination” of the UN. …That the UN also opposes constantly.

    So whether it’s a “Coup” or not depends entirely on WHETHER WE LIKE THEM. That is, we decide BEFORE WE KNOW, before we look, whether it’s legal and appropriate or not. …Which is perfect for our World of Liars, the Media Class.

    We can tell that it’s against US, colonial extraction of the West, BECAUSE they reported it, and BECAUSE they called it a “Coup”. You don’t hear that of the illegitimate, aggressive war-crime, installed “coup” government of Ukraine, do you? How about Italy, when the EU “removed” their leader? How about Greece when essentially taken under receivership? “Coup”? No, because those are OUR friends, we like. Remember kids: “It’s Not Fascism When We Do It!”

    That is, use Military and State Dept power and money. To illegally interfere abroad and/or kill literally everyone. To make sure to establish illegal pricing and extraction. That only benefits corporations. Like Smedley Butler said of bananas and United Fruit Company in 1910. Using the full force of government to insure risk-free profits without competition is “Capitalism”! Darn that Capitalism! Popping up as a full merger with government almost every day.

    Now for Wagner, when Putin said he was sorting them into Pro and Con Russia, and sending participants to wealthy contracts in Africa, I didn’t grasp it, but I’m sure our Derp State did: it was a signal from Russia to our DoD they were opening that second front on us (NATO, primarily France) in Africa.

    “No one in Washington is interested in ending this war. Everything that’s going on is delusional nonsense and somebody needs to put a stop to it!”

    Remove the entire PMC class and replace them with…well, anyone. Cleetus from Swamp Holler. They can’t do worse.

    ““If You Go After Me, I’m Coming After You” – Trump (RT)

    So much here it can’t be covered. Yes, asking someone to look into whether there was election fraud, and thereby do their d—d jobs, is now a felony. You can’t ask the PMC to do work! That’s a hanging offense mister. Don’t you know who I am, third-VP-of-Executive-Paper-Clips?

    But an important example is the latest indictment on Trump causing J6, a coup where there were no guns and no plans – according to the FBI. Who had 100 guys out there. Actively breaking in. …But I think it was really to provide security for the D.C. police tours for the winner of Today’s Funny Hat Contest, right?

    No. Jack posted Trump’s Twitter, and his speech, as evidence of intent to have a Coup, or at least a riot. He then EDITED THE MATERIAL. That is, Jack entered KNOWN FALSE evidence into court, into the public, not incidentally, but as a foundational act IN ORDER to have an indictment at all. There is no “Walk peacefully and patriotically to let yourselves be heard”. And also Twitter itself prevented Trump from getting the stand-down. He gave it and they actively and intentionally erased it.

    …All so they could get Shaman-boy into the Rotunta, get the photo-op, call an emergency, then remove all Congress to a secret location under military law – forever if necessary dun dun dun – so they would “vote right.” …When there was essentially no coup, no danger, and no need for security at all.

    Anyway, how do you think that case is going to hold up when the initial and only act is false evidence? A: Who cares? We’re rigging elections here, not prosecuting cases.

    ““It isn’t Trump that poses an ‘existential’ threat to Democrats,”

    No, Democrats are the existential threat to Democrats. And Democracy. THEY are the ones who applauded when Bernie was actively and publicly shut out of the nomination he would have won and the election thereafter.

    Like this: “Every one of these crises traces back to the Democratic Party’s obsession with taking and holding power more or less indefinitely to suit its hubristic, end-of-history “narrative” of righteous liberal triumph.” — Patrick Lawrence (From Kunstler)

    That is, WE are history’s – in fact, the universe’s – GOOD guys. Therefore everything we do is de facto, prima fascia GOOD. If we kill every Black person in Africa, then move on to foreclose on every Black home, well that’s GOOD. The only known GOOD is for us to be in power, since we are the GOOD people. And the only BAD thing that could ever happen is for ANYONE ELSE to be in power, even slightly, or have any voice at all, because they are the BAD people. Because they’re not us! I mean, I’m using my little baby words here, how much simpler do I have to make it for you Deplorables to understand?

    Oh no honey. We understand just fine. Loud and Clear. 5/5

    Or put in a less caustic way, “The End justifies the Means.” PMC Democrats MEAN well – as David Brooks said yesterday. So that makes killing all their enemies wherever they are found OKAY, and not like they will do anything back, because, well duh, they’re the BAD guys. Murder everyone you want, everyone who opposes you: we all know that is the certain sign of Perfect GOOD.

    And you see, as Mr. Nobody, when you reach that level, you’re a-gonna have some trouble rallying recruits to your side. …Although a lot fewer left and protested this than we hoped, much to our American embarrassment. I guess that’s why you attack the Church and Morality FIRST. And in fact, replace them. All their behavior is identical to Fundamentalist Christianity.

    Smith is indicting Trump for believing his lawyers over his other advisers.”

    The same everywhere. I am indicted and fired for believing DOCTORS. Those Doctors, expert MDs, disagreed with OTHER Doctors and expert MDs. Ah but you see the PMCs and Chad at Twitter decide WHICH Doctors are right and wrong. THEY are the arbiters of reality. THEY are the voice of God and Justice. THEY are the Courts, without evidence. As we see with the opening video of ABC reporters FINALLY suspecting that – although NOBODY KNOOD, and nobody could ever have knood, even when millions did (repeat image of Scott Adams, PMC) – THEY KNOW. Without bothering to look or research, as that reporter admitted. They’re so smart they know BEFORE LOOKING which is true! It’s magic! Whatever I believe in my head is real! I read it right here in the paper! (Which I wrote because I’m the journalist/editor of that paper.) Proof! QED.

    RFK has been saying the same thing because it comes up a lot with the questions they ask him. In EVERY environmental case he brings, there are experts. BOTH experts are experts. BOTH experts are from Harvard. BOTH experts are for hire. BOTH experts use the same data. And BOTH experts 180° disagree. Roundup is safe as water. Or it isn’t safe as water. Simple questions, not complex at all.

    So Trump’s fault is to believe an expert. An EXPERT THE PMCs DON’T LIKE. And that, to them, IS in fact, a literally hanging crime. They did this 100,000, 100 MILLION times over the last three years, with 100% compliance, down to a man. EXACTLY and only this.

    If you say you have a religious exemption? OUR experts say you don’t. And our Experts are from Pfizer and the CDC. Why would they lie? OUR experts say Pfizer would never lie to sell product, even though it’s Trump’s rushed vaccine and they’re the most felony-fined corporation in the history of the universe. And OUR experts are from Pfizer, so ha ha ha – joke’s on you. They’re right and would never lie. Or I don’t care if they WOULD lie, you bug me and it’s funnier that way.

    That’s the pathway to this process, to water down and shortcut all thinking until we reach the narcissistic level of “It’s true BECAUSE I SAID SO.” And the beatings will continue until you figure that out.

    “It’s all connected with how things benefit Donald Trump.” Despite being indicted three times on criminal charges in the past four months…”

    Right! I can see how losing a few billion of his company in bad publicity, not being able to go anywhere or do anything due to Secret Service, being hated nationwide thanks to HRC’s PR the day after his declaration for candidacy, then being indicted three times in four months, Boy that REALLY is all how things benefit Donald Trump and he REALLY only thinks of himself and what he can do to make his life easier today.

    …It’s true BECAUSE I SAID IT. With my mouth. Bolton said it, the world’s greatest war-monger under 60, so therefore all PMCs must agree. It’s the Rules. He just gave you The Memo. Now do what Bolton, top NeoCon says, all you Democrats. Zig Heil!

    “Joe Biden cannot articulate what the goal of the American military involvement [in Ukraine] is,”

    Well, yeah, but he means “The Government” can’t articulate it. But they CAN. They know exactly what they’re doing. They just know the American people won’t agree, will think they’re diabolical, psychotic, evil, stupid supervillains, and in fact never stand for it. That is, to start WWIII to chop up Russia to take over the world, install a one world government run by Euro-commies out of Davos, and subjugate us all forever to live in the pods and eet ze bugs. With no gas stoves. THAT is what they can’t – or rather won’t – articulate.

    Gee, I wonder why? Is it because if they told us the truth we wouldn’t all go along and shoot ourselves in the head on their behalf?

    “Zelensky’s ‘Formula’ Disregards Future of Millions of Russians – Lavrov

    Like that. Our Peace Plan: You Unconditionally surrender and then we kill every Russian forever. Right? Hey, where you goin’? We’re only going to treat you like New Ohio!

    “The Pentagon realizes that Ukraine’s counteroffensive will not be an easy task”

    Once again reporters are so psychotic they don’t have a sense that TIME EXISTS. It moves FROM the past, INTO the future. Sir, this Offensive ALREADY HAPPENED. In the PAST. We can’t now opine on how it will occur in the FUTURE. You might have noticed, but I guess we don’t have a column in Excel for “Time”.

    “these weapons are needed by Ukraine to forcibly evict Russian forces from territory Ukraine claims is illegally occupied by Russia (including Crimea). Anything less than this, he contends, “will result in the collapse of the global security order”

    That’s quite true but when you’re a psychotic PMC and every decision you ever made is stupid and wrong, there’s no helping it. You screwed up, now NATO dies and Europe collapses. Sorry. Britain worst of all. Not sorry. The U.S. “collapses” but in a different way. Yes, when Europe banks fail, NY banks halt 24 hours later. That means the Federal government halts and Congress is hauled out and indicted. However, here we’ll just “devolve” into State-level activity, having lots of people, oil, and borders. Or borders that can be installed in 5 minutes after they fall. That’s not great but it’s better than being in Europe where – and I imagine he’s not kidding – without food or energy and 200 million people packed in, they really could be cannibalism in places. Well thank God Ireland killed all those cows just to make sure. IF ONLY there had been a historical event in Ireland in the past to warn them not to do this!

    “and it was exactly a coup d’etat, when the nationalists began to take over and when Donbass refused to co-exist with them”

    Again, I don’t know why I have to bring this up and emphasize it. Donbas is the Oblast that behaved LEGALLY. They supported the ACTUAL legally-elected leader of Ukraine. They are the only ones. The rest of Ukraine and the Western world supported the ILLEGAL leader. The one put in as a non-UN ordained, active public paid war crime. According to general law, Donbas should therefore attack and conquer all of Ukraine and thereby move the LEGAL election, law, and process to the nation as a whole. The UN and West should be helping. And Russia helped, but once you referendum to change nations, all that becomes moot.

    ONLY DONBAS WAS EVER LEGAL. Remember that.

    Benton: A lawyer laid it out for me: THEY, the Prosecutor, the Defense, and the Judge, all have to be in court tomorrow and work together the rest of their careers. YOU are just some tourist that will come and go. So OF COURSE they don’t care what happens to you. They have it all worked out ahead of time, mostly depending on how much they like you and how much of a pain you are to the three of them. To get around this you have to inject novelty, a new jurisdiction, an outside lawyer, or some unknown legal approach.

    “Many Republicans who are against arming Ukraine say the US should be focused on arming Taiwan instead.”

    All this tells me is money laundering for Democrats is in Ukraine, and for Republicans it’s in Taiwan.

    “The Ingredients of a Serial Epidemic of Crime Fraud in the Case of Four Coutts Protesters Kept in Jail Without Any Conviction for Over 500 Days on the Bogus Charge That They Conspired to Kill Cops”

    Canada runs their own Guildford Four. They should be so proud.

    Formerly T-Bear

    Take note:
    When twitter(sic) is linked to what you wish to convey, it will not be used whenever cookies are demanded to witness what you seem incapable of communicating with your lingual abilities. To wade through all the cookie BS requires a lawyer of twenty years experience capable of discerning the difference between [Accept all cookies] and [Only necessary cookies], they all are necessary are they not?. Where is the cookie monster when needed? If you have to present a video to speak for yourself, use some other vehicle than X. X can X X X my a$$.


    Balkanize Russia, is this projection as well? The way things are moving it might well be the U.S. is the one on the cropping block. The EU has been successfully neutered at this point it would seem. NATO is swimming with sharks all of a sudden and seems to be imploding, ’bout time too it’s costing the populace of the participating countries dearly. Africa is slowly being pried from the hands of the colonialists. Perhaps they are walking into a trap, only time will tell. The west rushing in to save their boys in power may well also be a setup to expose their impotence on yet another world stage. Hmm so much to ponder, what say you?


    it is unconstitutional to criminalize lies

    the indictment of Donald Trump
    interfere with the electoral process
    threat to democracy
    Still, it’s no longer a secret that a limited contingent of US servicemen has been operating on the ground in Ukraine.
    “We know the US military is there in Ukraine out of uniform. We know it is there in Poland, operating equipment that is shooting projectiles at Russian boys,” noted the judge. US mercenaries have also joined Ukrainian battalions on the battlefield. And these Americans are dying in Ukraine: a sad statistic has already found its way out, indicating that dozens if not hundreds of US citizens have been killed in the conflict zone since February 2022.
    USA is Ignoring the past/history/the facts
    My way or the highway does not work in a Democracy.

    A referendum is a direct vote by the electorate on a proposal, law, or political issue.

    1. Mar 17, 2014 · SIMFEROPOL, Ukraine — Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula declared itself independent Monday after its residents voted overwhelmingly to secede and join Russia,

    2. the territories of Kherson, Zaporozhye, Donetsk, and Lugansk, which became part of the Russian Federation following referendums held at the end of September 2022.
    Blinded by their own perfection and arrogance.
    They never looked. And they can’t believe “Those people” … got it immediately right because they DID look.



    The BBC is reporting Ukraine just attacked another ship. This one a tanker.

    What is needed to guide a drone to attack a ship.

    1. A trained drone operator
    2, A functioning platform that is within range to send/receive radio signals to/from the drone
    3. 100k of explosive
    4. A launching platform

    Wake up. None of those 4 points are Ukrainians

    John Day

    I wonder if US AWACS planes are operating those drones that blow up Russian ships.
    A drone with an antenna just sticking up from the waterline would work more reliably if an airplane above was communicating with it. That would keep the channel open despits wavves and the curvature of the earth. They could also be operated wiith longer wavelengths athat ben more easily, like AM radio vs FM.


    Dr. Day posted in the prev. thread:

    (…) Their internal Medicine board wants to decertify them. 
My Family Medicine board did that to me this spring.
 The Pediatrics board also agreed with the others to do that in July of 2021, for the crime of bad-mouthing-COVID-vaccines, or “advising patients against them”, which used to be “informed consent” and required.

    It’s 1950s East Germany.

    Repression in 1950 – .. in E Germany was aimed at those who were against the Régime, the E G Gvmt, Pol. leaders, Party in Charge, Sovietization, Economic Policies, etc.

    In short, repression was broadly political, actioned to stifle, silence, and punish political dissent, from the top > those at the bottom – ordinary ppl who objected, aspiring political rivals, etc. Politics as a general economic organisation (bowlderized: communism vs. capitalism), yet, there was no question of controlling professional groups such as medicos, engineers, scientists, in agronomy, chemistry, etc.

    Imho, health-care in Soviet Land, e.g. in East Germany (1949 – ..) was so-so fairly distributed, of good quality, taking into account the knowledge, funds available, etc. in those times.

    Not to be picky re. one line of Dr. Day’s post (I appreciate him +++), but to underline the difference between controlling Political dissent -> surveillance -> *massive* imprisonment, horrible, as in GDR …

    Vs. Corporate Control of Gvmt (some call it Fascism), where different Corp. factions pay money to control Pols to become their front men, thus creating Corp. competition at the National State Level, which leads to a Gvmt. that tries to cover up, blanket over, what is really going on, falling back on pablum BS like ‘democracy’, ‘the will of the ppl’ and so on.

    … While at the same time supporting Corpo Numero Uno (made the biggest bribes, worked the longest to manipulate legislation) against Corp. No. 2, and oohh… 3 might get a look in going forward!

    (yes, only one aspect.)


    He spoke and was arrested. Now, he visits with his choir.
    In a tale that’s long been tested, that old pal now sports a wire.

    Little songbirds tell the truth when they gather with the flock.
    But one songbird is a sleuth, gathering victims for the dock.

    My brain feels so clean- Like it’s recently laundered.
    Now I feel all brand new- ’twas my past that I squandered.

    Who tells the truth? And who’s an illusion?
    Who’s truly free? And who’s in collusion?

    Why am I allowed to speak?
    Is the radar set so high?
    In this game of hide and seek
    I am here but wonder why.

    Those little inanities being said, my heart goes out to Lira. The predator class is ruthless.
    As for Ritter, he has also been laundered, has he not?

    Michael Reid

    Consider: a 27.4 percent drop in goods of all kinds “roaded-in” on semi-trucks to the northeast USA this summer.
    That’s everything from auto parts to lumber, clothing, and food.
    What else do you think sent the Yellow Corp trucking company, one hundred years old, spinning into sudden bankruptcy this week?
    Yellow won’t be bought and reorganized, either.
    It owes three quarters of a billion dollars in loans to the federal government (i.e., to us taxpayers) and untold pension obligations.
    Next, 22,000 Yellow Corp workers will hit the unemployment rolls.
    Yellow Corp had a special role in the supply chain: the LTL (less-than-truckload) niche, often the final journey of a product to the customer.
    It was also the cheapest.
    Whoever picks up the work — FedEx, ABF Freight? — will cost more, and so will everything you have to buy.

    I am very thankful Yellow aka (YRC) managed to transport the wire for my wind array construction from the New York city area to me prior to going bankrupt.

    John Day

    @Noirette comment #140618: Thank you for being ever polite and considerate in debate.

    What I posit is that the methods of control of people, of though, of actions, and of harm to people have broadened in a way that remains invisible to most.
    The actions being taken against physicians who indepentlently advise patients against injections which are more likely to harm or kill them, than to help them, are political actions removing their livelihood, their means of service to society, and libeling them in the media, while removing their credentials.
    Why? Because bodily integrity is a covert political battlefield, with much evidence presented here regularly that the political interventions of lockdowns, media censorship and propaganda, refusal/outlawing of efficacious medical treatments and requirement of harmful injections to maintain employment are a covert political act of physical war upon the bodies of the body-politic.

    My argument is that it is a similar thrust to East German totalitarianism, yet more-sinister, since humans are now targeted for culling, rather than being coerced to comply productively with the power-machine.


    Shame on our promised “land of opportunity”
    Since immigrants have been coming to North America, by the thousands, by ship loads, I have never heard/seen that those migrant were left to sleep on the streets with only a piece of cardboard.


    I look outside at the critters and say:
    How do you manage it day after day?
    Predators lurking in bushes and trees-
    Death in the moment or death by degrees.

    Is it that ignorance keeps you alive?
    Maybe it’s just that you need to survive.
    Still, with exuberance you soldier on-
    ’Til one day I notice you seem to be gone.
    (30 Sept 2021, TAE)

    Fire gave us the hearth. The hearth gave us the arts. The arts gave us treasure.
    Treasure led to the deadly sins.
    Then things got complicated.
    The deadly sinners proffered redemption even as they found the more redemption people sought, the easier it was to to profit from deadly sinning.

    After that, I got nuthin.


    The daily “news” is just jewmindfuck. They want you agitated, offkilter, restless and uneasy…makes for easy pickings. Step away from it, the best you can. Take your money out of their banks, use cash not cards, Throw the jewphone away, same with the talmudvision. They used starvation on the Irish and the Russians, they won;t hesitate to use it again. They got away with murdering JFK, 911 and covid, they’re going to go for it, jeworld supremacy, Prepare yourself for what is coming, dont be a deer in the headlights.

    Veracious Poet


    Your kindred (daily) thoughts are too hard to abandon…

    Jack posted Trump’s Twitter, and his speech, as evidence of intent to have a Coup, or at least a riot. He then EDITED THE MATERIAL. That is, Jack entered KNOWN FALSE evidence into court, into the public, not incidentally, but as a foundational act IN ORDER to have an indictment at all. There is no “Walk peacefully and patriotically to let yourselves be heard”. And also Twitter itself prevented Trump from getting the stand-down. He gave it and they actively and intentionally erased it.

    …All so they could get Shaman-boy into the Rotunta, get the photo-op, call an emergency, then remove all Congress to a secret location under military law – forever if necessary dun dun dun – so they would “vote right.” …When there was essentially no coup, no danger, and no need for security at all.

    Anyway, how do you think that case is going to hold up when the initial and only act is false evidence? A: Who cares? We’re rigging elections here, not prosecuting cases.

    ““It isn’t Trump that poses an ‘existential’ threat to Democrats,”

    The End Justifies The Means, the ultimate eruption & goel of 50+ years of Damn Lies & Machiavellian CULTural war, prosecuted by The West’s Sibylline Supreme Thinkers (fka Academics/Experts/Scientists), a curse that has de facto contributed to despoiled gen pop’s capacity to experience shame, guilt,remorse for immoral/unethical behavior & actions.

    It’s all the rage! All hail! the new, *NEW* religion!!!

    While gen pop slumbered (we tried to wake you), the Sibylline Supreme Thinkers waged open warfare against Western Civ, during battles rife with decadent, debased and culturally corrosive identity atheism belched nonstop by narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths & other malcontent professionalized dysfunctionaries (identified by their pathological obsession with poisoning-the-well of “Western” advancement + traditions), typically involved/employed with activist non-profits implicitly infected with fantastical delusions of supremacy (Collective EG0ic Grandeur), one of many concomitants born of We The People’s unethical, immoral imperial CULTure, which has *foolishly* educated the unhinged beyond their intellectual abilities…

    To wit, We The People are *now* prey to a vast technocracy of professional demand-makers, with a host of megalomaniacal narratives spewed forth from multi-generational madness, a bedevilment hellbent on synthesizing & replacing Spiritual Sanity.

    The religion of the Empire of the Child, a unified Mass Formation Psychosis bitterly intent on ignoring, rejecting, rebelling, *cancelling* any reference to The Voice dwelling within, where True Wisdom resides.

    It’s all the rage! All hail! the new, *NEW* religion!!!

    The underlying tenets are a toxic, emotionally charged EG0ic state, violently rejecting any & *all* Spiritual teachings, from the Dead Sea scrolls to the Diamond Sutra, forward…


    Veracious Poet

    The Forgotten Side of Medicine.
    Healthy Adults are Not the Only Ones Who Have Been Killed by Vaccines

    John Day

    This is just kind of fun, “counting coup” on the enemy.

    Republican Vivek Ramaswamy has recorded a victory against the World Economic Forum in court, after the globalist organisation named him one of their ‘Young Global Leaders’ against his will.

    Ramaswamy, who is running a presidential campaign, explained that he “explicitly rejected their ridiculous award,” two years ago and that Klaus Schwabb’s outfit “repeatedly failed to remove my name despite escalating demands. So I sued them. And we just succeeded.”

    He claimed that “I’ve been the leading opponent in America of the World Economic Forum’s agenda.”

    Ramaswamy Wins Lawsuit Against World Economic Forum After Being Labeled A ‘Young Global Leader’



    Michael Reid

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    shocked the world during the NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania when
    he agreed to support the ratification of Sweden’s membership into the military bloc.
    While the Turkish Parliament still needs to vote on
    whether or not to support Sweden’s membership,
    this was viewed as a major victory for NATO, as it ended Sweden’s decades-long neutrality.
    The MO’s Manila Chan discusses with Guy Mettan Türkiye’s decision
    to reverse their opposition to Sweden’s membership
    and what this means with regards to the Scandinavian nation’s relations with Russia.




    The Russians just captured the premier Swedish ‘Bradley’ in Ukronaziland and are busy dissecting the thing to see how better to light it on fire in the Steppes.


    The Russian could care less about the Swedes

    Shoigu Visited HQ of Center Grouping, Inspects Captured Swedish CV-90

    The Russians will turn that Swedish CV-90 inside out like a cheap hooker




    You are waxing poetic today! Two great poems!

    Hope you are enjoying the summer weather!


    the Czechs bought 152 Swedish CV-90s at $9 million a pop.

    One run-of-the-mill Russian infantry RGP ($1000 at most) put a $9 million dollar Swedish NATOturd Shitbox out of action.

    Do the math

    War is industrial production.

    Can’t wait for the Abrams Wonderweapon to appear

    Great advertising for the Empire of Lies Gangster Nation Military Mafia

    Kiss my ass and choke


    Thanks, WES!
    It has been a splendid summer so far- I hope yours has been as sweet.


    Regarding Gonzalo Lira, Brian Berletic (The New Atlas) has this to say:

    There is no need to over think this issue in some sort of spy-vs-spy scenario. Doing so only serves to discredit Lira and his cause.

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