Debt Rattle Christmas Eve 2023


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    Edward Hopper House on the shore 1924   • 2023 – The Year the World saw the US Emperor as Naked… and Grotesque (SCF) • US, Israel Face A Powerful
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle Christmas Eve 2023]

    Dr. D

    “Pentagon’s Operation Prosperity Guardian “Falls Apart” As Spain, Italy, France Reject Request
    “This is the result of a weak ‘President’ / lack of leadership.”

    Well, not exactly, it’s because they’re too broke to threaten, bribe, and blackmail people. You didn’t think the actual “leader” had anything to do with it, did you? The President hasn’t run anything since Nixon.

    No One Has Really Grokked How Big The Suez/Houthi Gambit Is

    Okay, they got the “Thucydides Trap” (not actually what that means) to put the U.S. in a lose-lose. But WHY is that true? Sure the U.S. is broke, sure their blackmail is going nowhere, but WHY. And on the opposite, WHY does everything Russia, BRIICS do always wins? Always seems like genius strategy, 5D, always comes through?

    Look, it’s not their personal genius, Biden and Putin, Lavrov, whatever, although that’s glaring and true. We have Lavrovs here, WHY are they not allowed into power? (Btw, Whitney Webb discussed why Blinken, raised by a guy who testified before Congress about how they were going to have corporations run everything and supersede governments. Like Quinn. Speaking of, Nikki Haley follows Luongo’s note everyone is Indian these days, that is: British Empire. HOW this works, I can’t figure out, but Google, Ramaswamy, that waterboy in London, etc. The other anointed are Canadian, like Rubio)

    What happens over the wheel of time is much, much deeper. POWER, as I say, means you don’t HAVE TO be smart, learn things, get punched. Your kids don’t either. Again, that’s the whole POINT of bothering with power. This lack-of-needing-to-align your daily actions with “Reality” slowly spreads everywhere, like or especially with bad money. Meanwhile, the marginal guys are hit with a brick the instant they step out of line, like Russia, Hungary, Iran. Therefore they have to be AMAZINGLY accurate, clever, strategic, and quick. Any deviation is collapse, so they are trained to be strategic and smart. Any failures are replaced.

    Sad system, since of course we would love to give our kids comfort and protection, but you can’t. It would make them weak and useless, without inner strength and direction. Life is just like that.

    So the West, at the top of the wheel, has this “Decay of Power” everywhere, in every institution, and far worse, in every MAN, inside their mind, their hearts. None are hardened with challenge, or that is to say, all of us, down here are, but no one in power. And all of us down here although tough, are still subsumed by lies, believing self-serving morons, and haven’t come around the corner of cagey and strategic.

    What does that mean? All our INSTITUTIONS are wasting infinite resources, energy, doing nothing. Health care is the best example. YES it’s a scam that’s overpriced, but if it were actually healing anyone we might not mind. What we have here is it being 500% overpriced but 80% of its cost is just paperwork pushers doing nothing. Creating obstacles and confusion. In geopolitical terms, the Defense is the same thing. The economy can’t function because we’ve got 80% overhead in banking fees and obstacles. Etc.

    So anytime we want to do something, we are stuck in the mud, have no money for it, and no talent to apply the strategy, and no one intelligent to develop it, as they are each idiot sons of idiot sons.

    Meanwhile in Russia, the have zero fat and drag, and no time to promote idiots to anywhere. So when THEY need to do something, they have 12 timezones of mines, mills, oil wells, and railroads ready to go. If they need a railroad to the new arms factory, you just build one, by calling on functionaries who only have the job because they’ve built one before. Same in Iran, China in a different way, etc.

    So when the two sit down to play paintball, what happens? It’s a blowout. It LOOKS like it’s just Blinken is stupid, but really you could put Lavrov in our seat and he’d have his work cut out for 20 years straightening out our system first. ‘Cause they just spent 30 years fixing their OWN system in Russia. But the point is, they wouldn’t ALLOW it. They’d get together, ring fence, and remove Lavrov exactly so that he COULDN’T fix things. …That’s what they just did to Trump. Or JFK Jr. Or whoever. Even stating that is their GOAL gets you shot at regularly and plans to undercut, overtake, and destroy you. Even if you’re just some former addict who sells mattresses. Or some brain surgeon who got appointed.

    Anyway, so that’s why it is so EASY for BRIICS to go around NATO, the U.S., and control the Red Sea, therefore destroying all shipping and the Empire of Oceana. If they weren’t ALREADY morons, wasting 90% of every dollar, we would ALREADY have ships – or something – that dealt with drone attacks since this-aint-rocket-science guys. Rumsfeld put this in in 2001. Just like Bill Gates said Windows needed to be secured or they’d lose to Linux worldwide. …And then, knowing this at the topmost level, THEY DIDN’T.

    Idiot sons of idiot sons, all the way down. Every person who tries to limit the corruption is ringfenced and taken out.

    How did we get in a state with EGYPT, which is the real goal here, as Luongo rightfully states. — And for a change, they did NOT openly declare their goals and strategy in the news for all to see, how I don’t know. Getting Suez via Egypt was an obvious necessary BRIICS move. So Israel attempting Hail Mary to shove 2 Million refugees in there is the obvious response to this. Or obvious there WOULD be a response, but this one is so evil, and so ineffectual, it hardly rates as a Strategy.

    Why doesn’t it work this time? A: They’ve ALREADY gutted all Egypt, ALREADY extracted everything, ALREADY burned all bridges, ALREADY revealed their hand, and how evilly and cynically we, the West, behave. So Egypt is ALREADY done with us. Since Arab Spring, Obama tried to kill every black and brown person, so they ALREADY know they all need to leave. You already stole and ate that, Wendigo. It’s not left there.

    So all Egypt can do is bide their time for a doorway to exit, and BRIICS finally gave them one that won’t starve their what 5 Million people on foreign grain? With CIA/MI6 “Muslim Brotherhood” gol-durned EVERYWHERE in there, raising a new Kashoggi every day?

    They did, and then what? Well NATO needs to wipe out Egypt, but how? Since any Empire is an EXTRACTION MACHINE, they have nothing to offer. BRIICS will pay all their IMF loans. Russia will stabilize their military. Support with Saudi, etc will contain the Muslim Brotherhood coups. Why? BRIICS have the money, have the strategic talent, they have goals. So they protect client state Egypt – to gain trade routes and all Oceana – by fighting via Yemen.

    Again WE have this kind of talent here. We have this kind of work ethic. We have hardened fighters. But when they say we should close our borders, start manufacturing, when you say we should fix things, they have an aneurysm of opposition. Okay, fine: THEN YOU HAVE NO MUNITIONS. No railroads, no mines, no steel mills. You’ve chosen to keep the Idiot sons in power instead of the hardened fighters. Therefore you lose. We told you so, and shocker: here it is.

    THAT is why it looks so easy for them and the West can’t catch a break. They DID catch a break. If the system was only 20% less bad because Trump started manufacturing supported unions, fixed the rails, opened the steel mills, imagine how much s—tier the Ukraine war would have been. We’d be only half as hollow and dottering. But THEY, Blinken, Obama, Biden, Austin, REFUSED. They didn’t WANT manufacturing and jobs for black workers.

    So here we are. No ships, no drones, no factories to make them in. No control over chips. Why? At each tiny point, they chose CORRUPTION. They put their Idiot sons in power who smoked crack and banged children on camera where they could be blackmailed instead of adding that one extra Kissinger, evil as he may be.

    Aggregate the individuals, here we are. Again, the good news: We HAVE all the smart, capable people here. They’re everywhere. But you need to be a meritocracy where they get into power and fix and decide things, organizing and directing the less capable, less strategic people we have.

    That’s the wheel of history and it can’t be stopped. That’s the arc of “Power” as long as any power shall exist anywhere. They’ll claim “we don’t have them” but we do. Since we’ve been beaten senseless and starved white, we probably have more than usual. However they will NEVER allow any of them — the Deplorables, aka “The Workers” — in until the very last grain of their unearned power is pawned off for bread. Or crack. Because their power is all inherited, and they would be a school janitor without it. They can’t take the ego, and it would shut off their crack and hookers. They can’t.

    So you can see the turn here, the nation is finally REALIZING what needs to happen, but having a plan is a very long way from completing it. Like 20-30 years. We’ll already be at the bottom, cut off and not global by them, and China/BRIICS will already be consolidating the top. But IDGAF, what can you do?

    “Sexually blackmailed”?

    Yes, but you can’t blackmail people with just “slept with a gal”. Nobody cares about that. It has to be much, MUCH worse than that. We’re talking about people who are openly gay, openly bathhouse with it, and openly run OnlyFans sites (CA). What do you think they’re blackmailing them with?

    Okay, problem solved. Now WHO do you think they blackmail them with? GMC blackmails Burchett with a motel as he says. So he calls the FBI, doesn’t he? Why not? And the FBI then uses all the resources of the entire U.S. government to find and stop these guys, end blackmail, in order to preserve our Democracy, right? Top Priority, right? No. Never. And that tells you all you need to know. The FBI ARE the blackmailers. Since J Edgar. The CIA ARE the blackmailers. Not GM, or only in coordination with GM, Pfizer, Monsanto.

    “Ansarallah came to power following a popular revolution against then-Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi in 2014.”

    One of Obama’s many genocides on black and brown people worldwide. As above, WHY have they taken the country, and we are unable to stop them long before, decade before, their chess piece was brought into play? We had no focus. We had no resources, having embezzled them all. We have no talent since we protect idiots and oppose merit.

    Stop any of these and it’ll be fixed. But if you re-instate them, you would be re-instating the Constitution, Law, and the American Way, and they can’t have that. They would all be broke, poor, and mopping floors at Publix. Your choice: therefore we will collapse in this DIFFERENT way, and you will mop floors at a different time. But as that guy said, “Globalism is done. It’s over.”

    “it’s going to be perceived in the entire region as Saudi Arabia siding with Israel..”

    This is just MBS having to make some eyewash for domestic and U.S. consumption saying “he can’t”. Obviously he wouldn’t be anywhere near joining Iran, who is backing Yemen, if it weren’t already signed and sealed. That means we say “Saudi” attacks Yemen. …But that’s impossible, isn’t it? The King himself, in a dictatorship, is supporting the Houthis. Iran, directly, for decades, supports the Houthis. What does that leave? Saudi was never big on this, or not for a long time: the UNITED STATES has been fighting Yemen, alone, the whole time, merely using KSA as a military base.

    That’s why it’s so easy for MBS to switch, and why after he switches the war still doesn’t stop. I mean, hold on: MBS, Iran, they are all Pro-Houthi now. So WHO is opposed? They’re like the ONLY people involved, right? Again: the United States is the one running non-stop genocide in Yemen, that’s why it’s not in the news. Like the attack on Egypt, finally some competency somewhere to keep their mouths shut and not say “Yeah, we always meant to break every treaty, arm Ukraine and double-cross Russia” on national TV. Ferme la bouche. Loose lips sink ships. They’re too moronic to grasp this.

    Now as Luongo says, is this a pipeline world or a tanker world? Is this ocean surrounding by land, or land surrounded by ocean? Is this Empire of Oceana, or Empire of Eurasia? The U.S. embargoed Saana to kill a million civilians. Like Gaza, except nobody DGAF if Yemen hillbillies died. Now Saana is embargoing the United States. Aren’t they? Water surrounded by land, or land surrounded by water? Saana and the BRIICS are saying LAND is more important now. Water is past-tense. It’s the U.S. that can’t move goods.

    “France, Italy and Spain withdraw from Operation Prosperity Guardian, refusing to put their warships under U.S. command.”

    Translation: EUROPE. DAVOS. They wouldn’t lift a finger without permission. Strategy? Not sure. Guessing they want this to be Oceana’s (British Empire with American Bully-Idiot control) “Suez moment” (1954.) Ironically in the Suez again? So if UK/London/Brexit double-crosses Davos and they fail, then EUROPE becomes preeminent, right? Well…not exactly, Europe is even worse than we are. But they may think that’s the play right now. Sink London and U.S. first, then deal with it all later.

    Europe is abandoning London and Oceana, attacking them and hoping they’ll die.(First). They are still not in the open about this, just as they are not in the open about running our Secret State and institutions (like media, all pro WEF/Davos) This is too obvious not to notice though. It’ll get through even to the numbskulls in DC and Pentagon.

    “• Finland To Pay Failed Asylum Seekers For Voluntary Return Home (RT)

    I am SO. THERE. So I just need to land, apply, and they pay for my $5000 vacation? I can do this all day! If they kick me out, I’ll just be an illegal refugee in Florence.

    “The Nordic nation had to gradually shut down its border crossings with Russia last month, citing an increase in the number of migrants from third nations”

    But I though Borders and walls don’t work. All humans are legal. What gives? Russians, Slavs, aren’t humans I guess.

    “• Trump Responds To Hitler Comparisons (RT)

    No matter what happens the insanity can’t break. We could have a BILLION immigrants and no one would change their minds. We really need the immigrants to take all the PMC jobs and suddenly they’d SUPER care. Like when they bused immigrants to Chicago and THE NEXT DAY the Black Caucus there was protesting on the courthouse steps, having flipped sides.

    Nope. SO LONG AS THEY ARE INSULATED FROM THEIR DECISIONS, as above. That’s what Power, and MONEY is for, right? It can literally be “Infinity Immigrants” and has no effect on their views, which they shield in fake “morality”.

    The morality is they GUT the home nations with brain drain – like Ukraine in Europe – and then SAVAGE and destroy the poor, black, and immigrant communities, citizens here. And, then GIVE THEMSELVES A MEDAL for it. Did they, the AWFL PMCs, — ASK – anyone if this is what they wanted? Surely you jest. PMCs don’t ASK, they TELL. They don’t take advice, they give commands. That’s what defines them as the “Superior People.” We don’t ASK anyone. Pshah! I clutch pearls at the very notion! If our entire call center collapsed I wouldn’t ASK. That’s for the Little People. The sort that don’t work on spreadsheets, but scrape around in the dirt like cavemen.

    “there was extensive pre-2016 election evidence of an FBI/CIA counterintelligence operation that also involved U.K. intelligence services. There was an aspect to the FBI/CIA operation that overlaps with both a U.S. and U.K.”

    As I say daily, they are essentially all one agency, all one Groupthink, all “The Lettermen”. That includes all 5 Eyes, Israel, Japan, and half-includes Europe, along with certain factions in Korea, Iran, etc.

    Calvin and Hobbes: Watterson has a new book out.

    Tesla safety is interesting, but probably irrelevant. People only turn on their autopilot in safe conditions. You’d have to correlate and adjust for this. It is NOT common for human drivers to cruise around the city until they find police and fire lights and crash into them full speed. If you adjusted for this, you’d probably find human drivers are still safer than Tesla when they’re only on long stretches of superhighway, etc.

    They said it: Therefore it was a lie. For money and in this case, murder. Must be a day ending in “Y”.


    Highlighting – Lost control of the narrative
    LOOK at 2023
    A unique, a wake-up call.
    World Wide Peace Demonstration
    It is an eye-opener of the violence and lawlessness.

    Tragically, heinous, horrendous, abomination, suffering, shocking, scandalous and frightening, cruelty and sickening impunity.

    The year ends with a horrendous massacre in Gaza that is unprecedented

    Financially, militarily and diplomatically, Washington is sponsoring the horror in Gaza as well as the Occupied West Bank.

    The death toll from American imperialism runs to tens of millions of people with victims on every continent.

    The U.S. continues to weaponize the Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev, a regime that Washington and its European NATO allies installed in 2014 through a coup d’état.
    The hostilities in Ukraine – the biggest in Europe since the Second World War – were fomented by the United States as a proxy war to defeat Russia.

    The whole of humanity can now see that all the American rhetoric and vanity is nothing but an ugly lie.

    2023 – The Year the World Saw the U.S. Emperor as Naked… and Grotesque

    2023 – The Year the World Saw the U.S. Emperor as Naked… and Grotesque
    December 22, 2023
    Peace to All

    Figmund Sreud

    Interesting article by a Jew, Russian Jew, … now residing in Sweden. Traveling world a lot. Difficult to decipher. Prolific writer in the past, not so now. At one point and another suggested in his writings that he was – once – a member of Knesset, but kicked out out of it not long after, … that he is a son of one of the past prime ministers. He claims to “love” Palestinian people, … is proponent of “One State Solution” – Israel annexing West Bank and Gaza.

    Anyway, … the article, it’s dated December 3, 2023 … large snip up front:

    Gaza and Muslim Immigration to Europe

    We are trying our best to figure out – why is Jewry so keen to import as many Muslims to Europe and USA as possible, and at the same time prepare the Gaza genocide? Do they do it out of sheer idealism? Out of compassion (hard to believe)? Or out of silliness? Could it be that this calculating people didn’t take into account that Muslims might react to genocide against Palestinians? Granted, Europeans and Americans did their fair share of protesting, but Jews knew they could shut down the Goyim any time they wanted simply by uttering the magic Jewish spell “Holocaust – Auschwitz”.

    Yet Jews understand better than anyone that their “fellow Semites” from the Middle East have not accepted the yoke of Holocaust Guilt. Jews are more aware than anyone that Muslims still chafe over the fact that their Palestinian brothers have been kept in an “open air concentration camp” for the last 50 years. So how can we explain the apparent tactical error when the ADL and other Jewish organizations twisted the arms of European and American leaders to accept hordes of fighting age Muslims just before an Israeli incursion into Gaza? Surely no! They do not make such mistakes!

    When on Friday in Dublin a Muslim émigré from Algeria stabbed an Irish family and incited an anti-Muslim pogrom, we finally got the missing piece of this puzzle. I was waiting for “the rest of the story”, and it was unveiled at a crucial point in the drama – just as Dublin demonstrated en masse against the brutal murder of Gaza children, just when the Irish parliament threatened to expel the Israel ambassador, just as reports of anti-Semitism reached new highs. Just then it seemed that the Jews were beset from all sides, and that the whole world was against them. Of course, in every good story the darkest tidings come just before the dawn.

    Jews are professional victims. They are good at it. They are willing to play the bad guy, but only in stories where Jewry is eventually vindicated and expendable Jews martyred. Jewish leaders believe that revenge is best served cold. […]





    Not the Narrative – Yemen

    • US, Israel Face A Powerful New Enemy In The Middle East (Robert Inlakesh)
    • Houthi Red Sea Blockade Could ‘Starve’ Western War Machine of Oil (Sp.)
    • Pentagon’s Operation Prosperity Guardian “Falls Apart” (ZH)
    • Chinese, Iranian, Indian Warships Are In The Red Sea, Gulf Of Aden (Helmer)

    Must control the Narrative
    • 51 Days Later, Tucker Carlson Releases Interview With Julian Assange (CTH)
    • CIA Must Face Lawsuit for Violating Rights of Assange’s Visitors (LAP)
    Important distraction from the narrative – Xmas spending, and traveling with money you aint got.
    Merry Christmas




    Dr. D

    Swedish Jewry: Or “Not Jews”. This would all make sense if they want “Three World Wars” a exhaustive battle of all against all until the world, shattered and brought to its knees, will then the majesty and light of their God, their Savior, the true Angel-with-a-bad-rap, Prometheus himself, the Morning Star.

    Any other way doesn’t make much sense, does it?


    Dr.D sense? Making sense of the machinations of psychos? Is this not folly? Senselessness is senseless. Trying to find some thread of sense in senselessness is senseless!


    Sasha Latypova’s substack.
    Just a few degrees away from the truth lies not the truth


    That’s what defines them as the “Superior People.” We don’t ASK anyone. Pshah! I clutch pearls at the very notion! If our entire call center collapsed I wouldn’t ASK. That’s for the Little People. The sort that don’t work on spreadsheets, but scrape around in the dirt like cavemen.

    Indeed, there are COUNTLESS times I have, as a call center worker, explained a specific thing that was broken or half-broken and an easy way to fix it. Maybe do something a little bit different with the existing systems. Maybe change a few words on a document. Spell out the specific costs of not fixing/improving anything vs the minimal cost and greater benefit of the new thing.

    It’s the sort of thing that is locked down at the middle manager level – only THEY can say “we’re changing this thing.” It’s what they’re there for, TO manage.

    I have this lecture in my head I have never given a middle manager:

    Look man/lady. Implicit in the word “management” is that there are finite resources. If you had INFINTE resources and you saw a problem, you’d just say give me 1,000 more inbound reps to fix this, give me $100,000 more for training each one to a fever-pitch of call center rep perfection, give me instant new software that does everything with a great workflow and zero glitches. Right? If we had infinite resources , we’d have no need for managers and you would have no job. You would be completely superfluous.

    (When I have said far lesser things, they give me a look like I just ran over their dog and forever after, if they see me in the call center without expecting to see me, have a hurt look on their faces for just a moment… it’s kind of rare that peasants speak truthfully and bluntly to middle managers in a call center and it hurts their feelings in ways they think couldn’t happen… thoughts of themselves being superfluous cut just a little too close. And I promise I TRY to spare their feelings, structure my speaking, choose the right language, to not trigger them when I am trying to accomplish something)

    Part of it is, the middle managers don’t want to shake things up. ANY statement of “we need to change this” by THEM risks challenging someone somewhere, of having to convince someone who might disagree. And their entire careers have been a careful process of not annoying ANYONE who can be of benefit to their careers. The peasants cannot benefit their careers. They can only lose by doing something.

    Or they say “I’m a manager. That’ means I’m supposed to do general things. Doing specific things is beneath me. In fact, even the general things, I should only look at the 80% I think matters the most – I read that in a book.”

    Uh sir, do you realize how fucked an experience it is for customers trying to get from A to B in a system that is 20% fucked up? 1/5 fucked up? No you idiot, your management book is not applicable. Will your fucking CAR run if it is 20% fucked? You have to actually fix the things that are broken – the reason for you to have this position with a lock on changing/not changing things. What is the POINT of you? But this is prevalent for middle managers. If you’ve ever had a hard time interacting with a corporation, I promise you, somewhere in the background was a manager following The 80/20 Rule. It’s a RULE.

    Sir. I never ever do general things. My customers never ever do general things. We all only ever do specific things. The UNIVERSE only has discrete specific events occurring. So… the things we do have to be specific that we do. And that’s why I am coming to you because you forbid any consideration of specific things and that’s the only thing possible in this universe. Oh god that headache from explaining that things exist to you again and that look of my running over your dog again.

    Anytime an underling says “this thing here is making my job more difficult.” (ie inefficient use of company resources and making our customers needlessly unhappy) translates as oh, life is hard for peasants? Well, it’s supposed to be hard. You’re supposed to have problems. Yeah, we hear them complain but they are complaining losers, so yeah, they’re annoying sometimes. …but gathering information to judiciously assess reality and then taking specific appropriate action in response would be managing.


    Merry Christmas for everyone here. Thank you so much for your attention, your curiosity, your support and your donations. It is always humbling. And that will not stop as we move into the next year. Neither will I.


    Canada is after everyone, bloggers, who are not following the approved narrative.

    The truth, the narrative is what the gov. says

    The gov. set up, “Inquiry into Foreign Interference in Federal Electoral Processes and Democratic Institutions.”

    Justice Hogue is mandated to examine and assess interference by China, Russia and other foreign states or nonstate actors, including any potential impacts, to confirm the integrity of, and any impacts on, the 43rd and 44th federal general elections at the national and electoral district levels.
    (The biggest influencers are USA, Ukraine, Israel
    The narrative is affected every day by the “bloggers”)

    the creation of a Foreign Influence Transparency Registry in Canada to ensure transparency and accountability from people who advocate on behalf of a foreign government;
    Establishing a new National Counter Foreign Interference Coordinator in Public Safety Canada to coordinate efforts to combat foreign interference; and
    investing $5.5 million to strengthen the capacity of civil society partners to counter disinformation.
    Government of Canada launches public inquiry into foreign interference
    Countering an evolving threat: Update on recommendations to counter foreign interference in Canada’s democratic institutions
    Annex A – Table of recommendations and associated actions
    National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) Annual Report 2019


    Cigarettes and Whiskey – Peter Sellers, The Muppets


    In Frederik Pohl’s The Knights of Arthur, a disembodied brain, Arthur, gets wired into a stolen cruise ship in New York Harbor. He and his friends sail off to new adventures. Published January, 1958.


    Dr. D

    I wish it were fraud and nepotism that made these middle managers exist, that would be easier to take. There would be a POINT.

    But there isn’t. They’re just middle managers because they HATE. They hate the company, they hate the customers, they hate the employees, they hate money, they hate capitalism, and they hate themselves. That’s why they’re there and how they recognize each other for promotion. If you don’t hate but FIX, you are Enemy #1. Because FIXING something is love. It creates love, goodness, harmony, and #Logos. And THEN what would happen to them? They’d have to love and come into work and help people nicely too, and where does it all end? With a happy population and an economy that works? The madness. The humanity I tell you.

    This must be put and end to, and I am just the man to do it.


    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Teach kids how to cook.

    You are so very welcome, RIM. Merry Christmas! And to all your folks at the kitchen and the website, too.

    Gotta go.


    I want to add, I have worked for okay managers. I’ve worked for excellent managers I’d gladly drag myself through broken glass for. I’d feel fucking honored to do so. Middle management does not mean automatically awful.

    Best Directors I ever had, I hardly ever saw, but the way they ran the ship, the intermediate level leaders they chose showed their virtue. AND they had in common that, on a regular basis, they went into the cubicle farm, found an unused cubicle, put on a headset, and damn well TOOK CALLS. Spoke with the customers directly, felt THEMSELVES being the bagholders – the customer in front of them, requiring (god forbid!!) EXPLANATIONS for things, an END to their woes (horrors! Unrelenting specific demands? but but but…)

    They never ever claimed glory or virtue for taking calls. This is like Alexander when his army was tromping through the Gedrosian desert. They could find and gather one helmet worth of brackish muddy water for this emperor and Alexander, presented with it, after discussing that this was IT, all there was, dumped it out on the ground, and to the men, it was worth more than a gallon of water for themselves. They damn well got in the foxhole where everyone could see and just DID it.

    A time came years later when I was continually managing 25-35 of squirrely new hires of every mindset, description, walk of life. Management of the time was awful, super awful, incredibly demotivating at every turn. Running things badly, treating everyone badly. I did 70 hour weeks offloading administrative time to when they weren’t there so I could have time to pretend to be a mere lead, rushing around helping people individually on their calls, and logging into the phones 4 hours before my shift as sup, so that I could be SEEN taking calls like a grunt, and then saying absolutely NOTHING about it. No chest beating. And if anyone asked, just a quick “A sergeant that couldn’t or wouldn’t dig a trench or tear down their rifle and put it back together couldn’t lead anyone” I saw satisfaction in the faces of the people who heard this answer and they never took it further. They had zero followup questions because none were needed.

    And it turned out my training project was under the banner of an interim manager fighting a call center knifefight with 3 other interim managers for 1 open manager position. 2 interim managers were fucking excellent, the type I’d drag myself through broken glass for. Super competent, human, everything you would want. Not in the running. The remaining 2 interim managers were horribly toxic, but one was way, way more cunning than the other. The loser was in charge of my training bay project.

    It was necessary that my work be labeled as a failure to knock this guy out because it was his work, so they deleted the records of my work and then gave me a review as a failure. but I had a hinky feeling beforehand and had printed out all this information. When I asked to discuss my performance after the fact, the manager above me as a no-show at the agreed and scheduled meeting 3x in a row. Waiting outside with my hard copy proving my actual work in front of a dark, locked office like an asshole, people continually waking by giving me, the rumored failure, the side eye. 3x And that is how it goes. Don’t know, don’t want to know. I was under the wrong banner. Certainly, the manager-loser was awful, toxic, negligent, worse than unhelpful, but I managed to turn out people ready for the production floor anyway. So it goes.

    But I imposed MY vision on reality regardless. Roughly 200 people passed through me. I made cheat-sheets and training documents of my own, used the font and format of approved documents and stacked them where approved documents go. On my own, not asking for anyone’s permission. After years and one or two job changes within the company and back to the same building as a brand new Tier 2 Tech Support rep in training, what did I find on the walls of the tech support reps I was shadowing for training? MY documents. They had migrated within the building, been repeatedly Xeroxed, to a completely different group under a different part of the org chart. Still in use years later. Now just part of What We Do. I said not a word.

    I was a little person. Thrust into a petty position of minor responsibility. Extremely petty. I have never ever risen above such a level. But these battles are fought every day and your journey as a customer from A to B happens because these battles are constantly happening. The stupidest thing is possibly how they might fractally mirror actually important things. And at 3am sometimes I wonder… was I middle management?!?!


    You’re being deluded by a false multipolar world. China, Russia and India run on rothschildbucks, same as we do.. Its bread and circus, us vs them, theatre, so you can pretend you’re in democracies and not a giant jewmeatgrinder. China is the template for the world, constant surveillance, 1984. The West is being dismantled and disgraced. Gooks will be the new worldcop, industrial powerhouse in a satanic JWO. Put Christ back in Christmas, we’re all gonna need Him. Merry XMAS.

    V. Arnold

    Indeed: Merry Christmas everyone! And may the coming year bring joy and contentment…

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