Debt Rattle February 22 2024
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February 22, 2024 at 9:55 am #153273
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterJoan Miró Personnages Rythmiques 1934 • Is Truth As Mighty As Evil? (Paul Craig Roberts) • If Assange is Extradited No Journalist in World Is S
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle February 22 2024]February 22, 2024 at 10:58 am #153274Red
Participant“Assange’s extradition would mean that the United Nations is totally irrelevant..”
To the world outside the US it has proven itself to be just that already. The US uses it as a proxy against all who step out of line because rules ya’ know.Cautionary tale:
I have a friend that has a hate for all things Russia, China and Middle East except Israel, he’s Welsh. We get together usually weekly for a Guinness. Long time good friend so as to avoid conflict I just don’t broach those subjects. His hate is such that with the best of hard facts he cannot view with any
objectivity what so ever. Merely pointing to something Putin or Trump says that seems to have merit cause some sort of brain cramp that surfaces as Trump supporter or Putin apologist with no reference to anything in reality. Instantly turning an otherwise sensible person into something resembling a troll, so I avoid feeding it and save those conversations for others that can set their biases aside and take an objective look.For a different view on the migrant problem in the US take a look north!
February 22, 2024 at 12:49 pm #153275Dr. D
Participant US Government “Makes s–t up” changes the rules to steal all the patents and sell them. (Anyone seen Fauci?)
Always relevant: “ In Brazen Act of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next to Our Aircraft Carrier” – BBee
“ Click Here for an Updated Number of Epstein Island Pedophiles that Have Been Arrested” –BBee, 2022
Spoiler: the number is – 0 — Ah, that joke will never get old. Nor will it ever be updated.“Biden Defies Supreme Court Again, Cancels $1.2 Billion In Student Debt From 153,000 Borrowers
“’Sue And Settle’ Looks To Some Like Crony Democracy… And Under Biden’s Lawfaring Eco-Politics, It’s Back
Like Dodge, whenever they come up short. …But never to a “Pal”. For a “Pal” we have all the money to amputate and sterilize and murder anyone could want. Planes that fall out of the sky? No problem.
As there being no rule of Law, none, as Biden just keeps re-doing what USSC says is illegal again (Cuomo did the same thing) “New York’s Radical Gun Restrictions Headed To Supreme Court: “New York politicians just couldn’t help themselves when they quickly doubled down with their unconstitutional edicts following the Bruen decision.”
If it’s Illegal, that’s what we’ll do! Should we tell them killing children is legal now, in a secret double-cross so they’ll have to STOP doing it?
“Dr. Phil Explains The Insanity of “Gender Affirming Care” Laws That Remove Parental Rights”
No parental rights? We passed a law that makes that legal, right? No? No law? But we do it anyway? So parents both have all the responsibility, but also none of the rights? All the legal liability, but no power to act without arrest? So it’s Legal = Illegal = Legal = Required = Prohibited, all at once? Then we arrest and do whatever we want to the people we don’t like. Whoever catches our eye and is entertaining to us. Maybe he won’t sell his beach house to me. Yup. “The Law isn’t in My Mouth” : it’s in my brain and you have to GUESS what I’m thinking! Hahahha! Such sport!
“Iran Sends Russia Hundreds Of Ballistic Missiles, Washington Powerless”
Iran now a better weapons manufacturer than us. Probably more per day too. Why? Anyone want to turn around yet? Nope: this is “Progress”. We only march forward in the eternal glorious revolution!
“Fox News: “This is actually insane and it’s by design. Biden is importing so many illegals that it’s enough to replace conservative voters in many swing states.”
Hate to say this, but it’s actually true. Some years, Decades happen. You knew in the 4th Turning, world war, this would and must, right on schedule. Nor were we any better at preventing it than the last 1,000 years. Surprise! You’re not special.
I guess you weren’t smarter. There is no “Progress”, such as they say.
Trump ad: Same thing every time, every 70 years, every Turning. And you had me until “Great Leader”. Hahahahaha! Nope. He ain’t leading nothin’. If he just kept the spotlight on us, he’d have a much better pitch. What a Maroon.
Charles Payne, trying to take the bounce out of Tigger. Instead, Trump sold sneakers, so Leftists were outraged. On selling sneakers. Not a million deaths, not 20,000 children, not Lira or Assange, not importing 10 million brown slaves to trim the verge and Nanny my kidlings. No, I save all my outrage for Orange Man. If he makes “Profit”. Like a “Capitalist.” Success is the apex, the most concentrated point I am mad at.
Benz: Trump as Dictator. Yeah, if only he had been President. Then never left. Oh. Wait. Here’s the catch though: IT NEVER MATTERS. Trump could be President, then leave peacefully 4, 5, 12 times, still wouldn’t matter, wouldn’t have any effect on the perception at all.
Benz comment here reflects Taibbi etc week’s report, that “Whoever owns the Dept of Dirty Tricks”, that is, the Government (totally illegal, Unconstitutional Human Rights violations) direct orders to social and mass Media to alter, but also to suppress speech, will and must be the winner of the (non-free) elections, forever. That is, the STATE now ARRANGES the elections, the people, the candidates, using this TOTAL GOVERNMENT force. Not JUST the Media, “Dept of Dirty Tricks” but who tells THEM what to do? Yes, the OTHER parts of government, they’re only ADDING this NEW Federal Department, larger than, say, the Department of Education or Department of Energy.
“Last election ever” is just verbiage showing that is THEIR “Plan” their Goal. Like Ukraine, selling Office to Russia, they always, always project. I think it’s more than just that it sort of works a lot. I think it’s a tic of mental illness; they can’t help it.
“… there is nowhere in the West a countervailing power to the Evil that is engulfing us…” –PCR
Like Celtic, he misses the obvious: YOU are the power opposing evil. It’s not me, it’s YOU. The very FACT that PCR exists and speech demonstrates there are White Hats agitating, and that they are opposing evil. The very fact that we are not ALREADY in a world they clearly advertise means there are a lotta lotta us, and we’re giving them a heck of a hard time.
But except for all the White Hats posting daily, — Like TAE – except for the fact we can see evil losing another front tooth every day, there are no White Hats and no one punching. Everything = Nothing. That’s just common sense.
No: YOU are the White Hat. YOU. It is YOUR job, not somebody else’s. If YOU exist, the “White Hats” exist, and we wouldn’t have it, and it wouldn’t work, any other way.
“the elite can announce their intention to eliminate 7.5 billion people and nothing happens. …These three are the only leaders the political world has. Why are they silent?”
Okay, let’s presume for a second – and I know this is hard for you – that you’re not very smart, and they’re not very stupid. So? Answer your own question. What is out there that they STILL have to remain silent? Presume, I don’t know, lizard people, body snatchers, aliens, a 2nd, hollow earth, just to open the waters for you. Give me a list of 100 reasons how this can be true. Still with me on the fiction exercise?
Okay now reduce that list to what might ACTUALLY be happening, and what seems to be related to other facts we actually, literally see in the actual, literal news. I’ll start: What’s so important in Antarctica that top political leaders spend election night there? Are we rounding up the votes of penguins?
Why ARE they silent, Paul? ‘Cause they are NOT very stupid, are they? They are not averse to risk. There’s an Iceberg and there’s still some people releasing smallpox underwater if they’re not careful.
“if everyone was in the plot, it would not be a plot. It would be a happening that already would have happened.”
He’s spiraling with what I said: IF there are no White Hats, “IT” would have already happened, past tense. We would not be discussing this, and PCR would have already disappeared in prison. Ipso, there ARE White Hats. He can’t find them because he’s not looking in the mirror, he’s looking for “Somebody else”. A “Them”. Us ‘R’ “Them.”
Yes, there is a widening gulf between Propaganda and Reality. THAT MEANS THE PROPAGANDA IS FAILING. Just are Bernays warned these pinheads in his books. The fact you can look around and see the stress, the distance, the contrast, means THEY ARE EXPOSED. You didn’t see this in 1970, 1980, 1990, even if you said so in Zuccatti Square. Everyone would ignore you as “Not Real.” Now they look around for the source of stress and decide, you ARE real. “They” ARE real. These evil plans they thought were fantasy are real.
First you educate, you expose, you discuss, you learn, THEN you act. We are in the “Expose – Discussion” phase Paul, same as in WWII. THEN you mobilize. THEN you act.
““Assange’s extradition would mean that the United Nations is totally irrelevant..”
Sort of. But IF ONLY they were irrelevant instead of being already being a wing of the Pentagon, or more specifically, a branch of the Western Elite. Note the UN is against every American too. How is “America” running them if they are against “Americans”? How do they work, politically or legally if they are against “The Constitution,” that is, the very 1st Federal Laws on record?
Oh so they’re not for Assange, not for America, not for Frenchmen or Germans either. Not for Russians, certainly, not for Ukrainians, Palestinians, not for Africans, not for China. Sooo… that’s pretty odd, then. WHO are they for???
If you’re confused why there’s conflict, there are TWO parts. Take the one part named, divide it into TWO parts, then name those.
Here, let me: THE UN EXISTS TO MANUFACTURE CONSENT, as Chomsky warned worldwide. They exist to run guns, cash worldwide and to human traffic. To run interference to prevent police and justice and to encourage war. What I’m saying isn’t controversial: that’s LITERALLY what’s written in the paper about their various events over the last 20-40 years. E.g. “Iraq”. Read every NYT article on not their committees, declarations, and press releases, but what their agencies literally did, were involved with worldwide, and that’s what you’ll find.
“• Julian Assange’s Day in Court (Chris Hedges)
“Day In Court”? Oh you mean metaphorically, because he wasn’t allowed to be in his own courtroom, was he?
““If [Julian Assange] is sent to the US, they’re just going to delay the trial as long as they can so that they can guarantee that he’ll die in jail..” “That’s always been the plan.”
Let’s get back to the original: Assange was arrested for “rape”. All of three women involved said it was consensual. Odd, much? Fully, openly, consensual rape? They booked him on an accessory technicality under a novel interpretation. When that finally was too silly to uphold any longer, he was arrested for a technicality of leaving the warrant of the case that was too silly for any human to uphold. And then in custody, they said “Hold my Beer” and started another novel legal interpretation manyfold sillier than the Swedish one. That the U.S. has jurisdiction over all humans on the planet, wherever they may be born, wherever they may live, whatever they may do at the time. Britain hereby approves of that fact. And the prosecution of this case – which I think is a misdemeanor in U.S. terms, bail-jumping, a foreigner exiting – has put him in solitary for 10 years, and perhaps for life. Before his case is heard.
Why would that be odd? They are right now doing the same for many J6 people, but nobody cares about their names because they’re “Americans.” Red Americans are the untouchables. They don’t have names because they’re not even “People”. They’re not even living beings, like dogs and rats. Nor do they even have value, like rocks and trees. They literally don’t exist. THAT is what it is to be an American today. They won’t mourn you pointlessly. They won’t even NOT mourn you pointlessly. THEY WON’T EVEN KNOW YOU EVER LIVED. And will never, ever look, care, notice, comment, or register. THAT is the fate of the 40,000 dead each year of Opioids, and the 10x or 20x others dying of other causes. What causes? We don’t know, because we don’t care. What deaths? What people? Who??? Don’t you know 9 people got shot by police, the “Right” people, not the 90,000 killed from these other causes?
That’s a ratio of 10,000 : 1 of “More Equal than others”. But that’s only a statistical anomaly because they weren’t able to kill more just yet. Really the number is INFINITY : 1 . They have ZERO existence, so EVERYTHING else, every other person, every foreigner, every animal, vegetable, and mineral is more important, relevant, and “real” than them.
But sure, we should save Assange too. We’re on the same side.
“New York AG Says She May Seize Trump Buildings, Assets (ET)
This is perfectly normal and rational and legal. It’s just the part where IF the case itself were legal, THEN collecting on the judgment would be legal. I guess they present it this way to show there’s something at stake. It’s “real”. But they do this all the time to the rest of us, have for years, maybe ever. It’s just worked its way up to the Oligarchs now, as THEY have an internal war.
““ an effort to portray Trump as unstable and not fit for the presidency..”
• Biden Told His Campaign Staffers To Focus On ‘Crazy’ Trump Statements (RT)Might want to try something else there. If it were a babbling contest, Joe might win it.
“• Hunter Biden Goes Full Trump in a Flurry of Court Filings (Turley)
Hunter, Fani, Biden, the only difference it the reporting. That’s it. Whatever Trump says, he “Attacked”, “Lashed out”, whatever my friend do they “Defend,” they “Say”, they “tearfully and fearfully blubber” while “Petting kittens” and “Drinking herbal tea.”
““Russian strength grows every day. Not only are they not suffering horrific losses on the battlefield, but they’re getting stronger..”
Yet it doesn’t seem to matter. No Ukraine fallen, no Europe falling on their collateral and waste. News though: only one subject at Munich.
Avdiivka.Oh wait.Zelensky.Oh wait.Ukraine.Oh wait. …TRUMP. Huh? Yes, TRUMP was the only subject in Europe this week, NOT EVEN THEIR CATASTROPHICALLY LOSING WAR. Definitely not 500,000 dead, many of which are paid NATO soldiers, that’s just silly. That’s just a good start.WHY? Because EUROPE DOESN’T HAVE AN ARMY. They use ours. I know I’ve said this, but it’s like it doesn’t come through fully. If the U.S. leaves NATO – or doesn’t, or just back up to make Europe pay their fair share – NONE of Europe’s plans will work. None. THAT is how deep into “Using our army”, our dead young men, our shell production they were in. THAT is also how CERTAIN they were, that the U.S. is their b—h.
If EUROPE has to do – well, Fuck-all – then THEY WILL TOPPLE. They ask their people to do anything. Pay anything. Sign up. Make shells, anything. EVERY GOVERNMENT WILL FALL. Without the U.S. being the sum total of their military, they will have to cancel free health care. Cancel Socialist programs continent wide. Cancel two months vacation each year. And – Gasp – do WORK.
They are so far out on the edge of collapse to begin with, they are well aware even the THOUGHT the RUMOR of this will end them. So they need to SAP the U.S., MUST keep all NATO, all Men, all spending coming out of the United States in Trillion$$ as their bitch-ho COLONY.
Wait: how can that be? Well, you tell me. If not, WHY is Trump so important? WHY would NATO fall? Wouldn’t they just do it themselves? Without us, or having us be a silent, maybe partner? Why is this LARGER than all of Ukraine falling?
Because the ENTIRE SYSTEM is based on U.S. colonization. NATO is the UN, the World Government Army, run out of – say it with me, people – EUROPE. The UN isn’t a Chinese, Asian, African, Australian, South American institution, is it? It’s an American institution? Our lap dog? Then why are we defunding and almost never paying our UN dues? Let’s look at the committees and agendas, news, etc the UN sits down to committees on. Oh wait: all EUROPE. …And Israel.
So it works like this: EUROPE wanted a one-world government, so EUROPE created one. They were not combined, but they created the UN, WHO, IMF, and made a trans-national army in NATO that became the UN army in Suez, F-Stan, Kosovo, Africa, Libya, Syria, and now Russia. They slowly merged all these parts in Fabian Socialist style. The entire weight of world, all activity, all center, all attention, all banking money flows, are all EUROPE. The U.S. operates at the behest and profit of EUROPE. …Ask all 45 states, it sure ain’t for us! We’re poor as s—t. Where are the NGOs for migrant invasion? EUROPE.
Okay, so we IDENTIFIED the people, the structure. How do you STOP them? That’s easy: “You and whose army???” WE, the United States are their army. WE are the UN army, WE are the European army. Europe doesn’t have one: they’re the world’s biggest joke. TURKEY could conquer Europe. And as I say, OHIO could conquer all Britain. The duck hunters of Cincinnati have an army. As I said, they could take out ISIS on a weekend and be home for work 9am.
So if – for any reason – Europe can’t FORCE, BUY, Cajole, blackmail, that army into backing their one-world government, THE WHOLE THING COLLAPSES. And “Europe” with it, although in this case, European pin-heads and traitorous sell-outs. The European PEOPLE will have a heck of a hard time of it, but they will be fine, although different.
That’s it. That’s our whole plan. Expose and repose. Remove our expensive selves back to Ft Bragg or wherever. The. End.
One addition: This wouldn’t work if Europe were at peace. They’d just not notice, no risk, everything would run as ever before. ONLY if Europe ends up in a war – a pretty darn BIG war – AND headlines say U.S. is leaving, will the world ACT like they, the UN, all Europe, is helpless as Costa Rica and has no army. Only THEN will the world notice. Only then will it be “real”. Only THEN will Europe have to stop sucking on us, build tanks and pay men.
And Whaddya know! “And Then a Miracle happened”. Given Biden in charge, the Pentagon has their back, the FED will print Euro money, they DO get involve and NATO DOES attack an ethnic cleansing, murder of 5-10 million Russians in Donbas, on a first wave of destroying, breaking up, and devouring Russia. As they MUST. (or they’d have to “change”? That doesn’t sound so bad)
The U.S./Pentagon, says “No worries Mate! We’ve got your back. Anything you want, as long as it takes, down to the last AMERICAN.” …Until Europe is committed and the FIRST missile hits Lviv. Then the Pentagon has been RIGHT OUT, the whole time. We are only stayed in as much as it takes to keep EUROPE in. Abrams tanks? Nope. Only PROMISE of Abrams tanks, so EUROPE will send Leopards.
And EUROPE can’t get out. DAVOS. Their entire leadership, fully committed, without Russian defeat and collateral they collapse, and with Powell here, they can’t get the U.S. to be owned, can’t get them looking worse than Brussels, can’t make them colonies, can’t unite their taxing structure under Covid, under Euro War Bonds as they want to, try to daily. Without that, they can’t BUY an army, because they can’t afford one. Without that, the EU project is dead, and the nations remain sovereign. Even Germany will leave. Covid, the war, was supposed to fix all that. Nope. The U.S. was supposed to fall, have Podesta’s brownshirts fighting in the streets, PNW seceding. Nope. That would leave no alternative. Nope. No freedom, people talking and exposing them. Nope.
Sucks to be you! Now you’re Fucked.
Anyway, THAT is what they care about. Avdiivka, enormous is it is, perhaps the only “Fortress” in Ukraine, ‘tis but a footnote. Russia knows and is helping. We know and are smashing them the f– up from the other side. They’re the hammer, we’re the anvil. Bye bye.
Yes, it sucks to be us as well. Wars always suck for everyone, but you see we have options, safety, goals. We’re exposing and then re-forming America back to WHY we’re like this. What we believe in. Why we do it this way, first-hand, and will recover.
It’s not the 1st time you know. We did this in 1850-65, 1900-1918, 1930-1945. 15 years a pop. Nation goes mad, Outlawed speech, stole stuff, bombed things, tossed people in jail. And recovered. Re-discovered our principles. No worse than other countries do, badly, messily. Whatever. So since this is the 4th 4th Turning, maybe this time isn’t different? You just gotta endure and not be the last guy who dies on the field when peace is called.
• ‘Sue and Settle’ Looks to Some Like Crony Democracy (RCW)
““Overall, it’s harkening back to the bad old days – they do this in order to avoid scrutiny and bypass the regulatory process,” That is, avert and subvert “The Law”.So…when did we “Pass a Law” about this? No? No laws? You just “Make S—t Up?”
Speaking of, the Narrative™ is winning this week with Biden, “Needing to issue an Executive order.” Aaaaaaand that’s how we got here. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN EXECUTIVE ORDER. What legal essence or foundation does it have? The President asks his employees to “Enforce the law”? That’s the whole executive branch, every day. The President doesn’t have the power to NOT enforce the law, NOT execute the will of Congress, what are you talking about???
So there you have it: everyone, Congress, Media, Right, Left, Republicans (of course), Democrats, all talking as if Biden NEEDS to issue an executive order, or even CAN. Does no one remember Bush was the first guy (in a long time) to issue one? And he tried like twice? Then Obama did it, until it was like 20? That’s freaking yesterday, people, we didn’t change the Constitution or nothin’. You were ALL HERE when that happened, you’re the same guys who wrote the original stories. But now they never happened, and Bush “Making s—t up” with Exec Orders always happened, it was always good, and we’re always been at war with Estasia and Congress doesn’t run the country anymore I guess?
Why do we vote for them in elaborate elections if the President just Makes Up Law and does whatever he wants anyway? It’s be cheaper, like Caligula, to just dispense with them, right?
“VIVEK ON ELON MUSK: “He’s the closest thing I’ve met to a Founding Father in today’s environment.”
We are in SO much trouble…
February 22, 2024 at 12:51 pm #153276Dr. D
ParticipantJB $100 Billion dollars later: The Death of The Girl Boss. (Drinker)
Probably another $50B lost in mop-up action for people who didn’t get The Memo. He’s transformed from caustic and dismissive to incredibly generous. We all have. Really, the “Girl Boss” stories could work as the long video shows. A few anyway. Just that these writers suck and live in tiny, terrified boxes and rock in a corner repeating one desperate mantra like Turret’s. Their “Plan” was to get a 2% audience add to “Profit” by MAKING women love action movies. Instead they “Lost” 98% of all profit AND pissed off every man, AND pissed off every woman AND stopped making women’s movies that women actually like. So, #Winning? I for one can’t imaging going back to any of these franchises or any action movies, ever, thanks a lot. I’m not on that side, but it may be women can’t go back to wanting romance, relationships, or families either.
So we all get to be unhappy, unsatisfied and also un-entertained, alone until we clock out now? It’s a pretty strange condition. The overarching humanity WILL reassert itself from the distortion, but not quickly.
How about this: maybe we should stop making so many imaginary movies and start living our real lives? $100B lost? Really? And that’s not even the headline here? $100B would cure homelessness and end world hunger, pay off every American home. Blown on a PR stunt and Social Engineering from limp-wristed, pin-headed, crack-snorting overlords. No wonder we’re mad.
February 22, 2024 at 1:12 pm #153277Dr. D
ParticipantLong article, but here’s the link to Luongo on Europe thrashing about trying to get a central authority: Taxing power and an army. And army that will shoot EUROPEANS, shoot pesky Poles and French women in the face if the peasants get uppity. Treat them like they made an example of in Greece and the Soup kitchens are still going on.
Want to tell us about Athens Street food again? All America is a soup kitchen now under Biden’s “Recovery” but Americans are generous and some people may still have money.
February 22, 2024 at 2:38 pm #153278zerosum
Service disruption!
Major cellular outage.
Quiet! Peace! White noise silenced!
All Messengers say, …. Fight … kill …. hate …. lies or else
“People Power”
A picture worth a million words
Fight or ElseToday we know the facts.
The mRNA jabs did not protect, did not prevent transmission, did not reduce the severity of the disease, but actually made the “vaccinated” more likely to catch Covid and to die or be injured from it. We also know that few of the deaths were from the virus. The deaths were from non-treatment with known effective preventatives and cures– ivermectin and HCQ–which were banned in order to go forward with the deadly “vaccination” and from mistreatment with ventilators. We know that the mRNA jabs have killed and maimed more people than the laboratory-created virus itself.Fight or Else
The public’s sheep-like response to mass murder guarantees another round of mass murder, just as the world’s refusal to do anything about the US-Israeli genocide of the Palestinians guarantees more genocides. Indeed, genocide is the agenda of the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates. They say there are too many people, and to save the planet the people have to be culled along with the cattle and sheep.
Fight or Else
There is nowhere in the West a countervailing power to the Evil that is engulfing us.
Try organizing one, and the FBI will arrest you or the CIA will assassinate you.
No one will come to your defense.• Is Truth As Mighty As Evil? (Paul Craig Roberts)
February 21, 2024
—————–Fight or Else
A decrepit justice system that, subservient to state and corporate power, is designed to strip us of our rights by judicial fiat. The physical and psychological disintegration of Julian, seven years trapped in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and nearly five years held on remand in the high-security HM Prison Belmarsh, was always the point, what Nils Melzer the former U.N. Special Rapporteur on torture calls his “slow-motion execution.” Political leaders, and their echo chambers in the media, fall all over themselves to denounce the treatment of Alexei Navalny but say little when we do the same to Julian.
Julian’s nearly 15-year legal battle began in 2010 when WikiLeaks published classified military files from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — including footage showing a U.S. helicopter gunning down civilians, including two Reuters journalists in Baghdad.
Fight or ElseNew York Attorney General Letitia James said on Feb. 20 , “If he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek, you know, judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets,”
———–February 22, 2024 at 2:45 pm #153279zerosum
Participant“2F” (and any subsequent words) was ignored because we limit queries to 32 words.
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ParticipantThe relevant things about the 100B being thrown in the garbage (or 1 trillion more likely)
Unlimited money comes from somewhere and overwhelms ALL moral, aesthetic, or even practical considerations.
It isn’t just happening in entertainment. It is happening EVERYWHERE. Multiply that 1 billion (or more likely 1 Trillion) by another 1,000 or 10,000. And keep in mind the entertainment people are probably more hamfisted than the ones doing the EXACT SAME THING in every other institution, organization, subset of society.
We get to see the same thing played out more transparently in entertainment because it is the B team running the exact same program. Only the comics, tabletop and computer gaming ruining people are more paste-eating moronic.
With a Narc/Cluster-B, often the point of getting in a car with them to go to a destination is just to be trapped in the car with them. And have whatever they want to play out play out The point of the ride IS the ride, not the destination, activity, whatever.
Just look at what plays out with experienced, professional writers. And I’ve seen murmurs of this growing throughout the industry, to the extent a layman casting a fairly wide net can – can’t get work – guys, are YOU getting work? I’m not getting any work. Getting more worried. What’s going on. Well, you see all your hobbies, interests, activities, etc are for propaganda and humiliation of you. And we’ve decided the gulag is everywhere. You just find you can’t get any work and go die in a gutter somewhere instead of us having to transport you in boxcars.
February 22, 2024 at 2:49 pm #153281zerosum
ParticipantTry this link 22, 2024 at 2:54 pm #153282chooch
Cat is 20cm taller than the turtle.February 22, 2024 at 3:36 pm #153283John Day
Participant170 -130 is 2X the difference between cat and turtle heights.
40 is 2X the difference in heights of cat and turtle.
Cat is 20 cm taller than turtle.
Top of cat = top of turtle + 20
Top of cat to top-of-turtle+20 = height of table (by subtracting cat height from bottom and top marks)
130+20 = height of table = 150 cmFebruary 22, 2024 at 3:52 pm #153284jb-hb
ParticipantWell, let’s see…. I barely remember this from sophomore year of high school and will probably be wrong
170cm + Turtle – Cat = Table Height
130cm + Cat – Turtle = Table HeightHmmmm so then…
Turtle = Table – 170cm + Cat
Cat = Table -130cm + Turtleso then…
Cat = Table -130cm + Table – 170cm + Cat
cat = 2Table -300 + cat?
300 + cat = 2table + cat???
300 = 2table?150cm = Table???
February 22, 2024 at 3:54 pm #153285Oroboros
Participant50% of the ‘jobs’ in Duh’merica are realtors or house related jobs
Real Estate sucker punch to the face
February 22, 2024 at 4:08 pm #153286Oroboros
ParticipantDIY House Kits
The Good Old Days
February 22, 2024 at 4:26 pm #153287John Day
ParticipantDr. D observed:
Assange was arrested for “rape”. All of three women involved said it was consensual. Odd, much? Fully, openly, consensual rape? They booked him on an accessory technicality under a novel interpretation. When that finally was too silly to uphold any longer, he was arrested for a technicality of leaving the warrant of the case that was too silly for any human to uphold. And then in custody, they said “Hold my Beer” and started another novel legal interpretation manyfold sillier than the Swedish one. That the U.S. has jurisdiction over all humans on the planet, wherever they may be born, wherever they may live, whatever they may do at the time. Britain hereby approves of that fact. And the prosecution of this case – which I think is a misdemeanor in U.S. terms, bail-jumping, a foreigner exiting – has put him in solitary for 10 years, and perhaps for life. Before his case is heard.Why would that be odd? They are right now doing the same for many J6 people, but nobody cares about their names because they’re “Americans.” Red Americans are the untouchables. They don’t have names because they’re not even “People”.
February 22, 2024 at 4:42 pm #153288John Day
Participant150 cm = “settled science” today?
February 22, 2024 at 4:57 pm #153289John Day
And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife
And you may ask yourself, “Well, how did I get here?”
… Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
Into the blue again, after the money’s gone
Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground
… And you may ask yourself, “How do I work this?”
And you may ask yourself, “Where is that large automobile?”
And you may tell yourself, “This is not my beautiful house”
And you may tell yourself, “This is not my beautiful wife”February 22, 2024 at 4:59 pm #153290jb-hb
ParticipantLet me advance the settled science even further!!!
170cm + Turtle – Cat = Table Height
130cm + Cat – Turtle = Table HeightTurtle = Table – 170cm + Cat
Cat = Table -130cm + TurtleAND we know the Table is 150cm, so we can solve the mystery of the Cat’s height easily!
Cat = Table -130cm + Table – 170cm + Cat
Cat = 150cm – 130cm + 150cm – 170cm + Cat
Cat = CatDamn you, mysterious, unforthcoming creatures!!!!
February 22, 2024 at 6:35 pm #153291zerosum
ParticipantFight or Else
They are numerous ways to have the bombing stop in the Middle East.
There is no will.There is no will to have the fighting/bombing stop in Ukraine.
People Power
February 22, 2024 at 6:47 pm #153292Dr. D
ParticipantWell as Jesus said, this will be the worse time there ever was, no nor shall ever be. I’m feeling that.
JB, yes, bingo. Shut off the money or none of it can stop. Shut off the money and all of it stops together. We go back to meritocracy where only people who do what others want can survive.
I presently can’t imagine, it beggars all power within me to imagine how big the fire hose is that they can have prices over wages in 100% of all zip codes AND have a trillion dollar war, AND have a $400B/mo bailout, AND have $100B blown on bad comix ALONE.
What does that add up to somewhere now? A Trillion dollars an hour? A minute? And people still don’t get it. They ain’t sus.
February 22, 2024 at 6:52 pm #153293zerosum
Americans in israel-gaza-war
JERUSALEM — Amichai Oster was in Salt Lake City when Hamas attacked southern Israel on Oct 7. Within days, the 24-year-old was on a plane, among thousands of Americans and American Israelis who rushed to join the fight in Gaza. Three months later, he was dead.Oster was killed when an explosion hit his combat unit in northern Gaza on New Year’s Day, one of at least 23 American citizens to be killed in recent months while serving in the Israeli military or police, according to the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. Though U.S. citizens make up less than 2 percent of Israel’s population, they account for almost 10 percent of the country’s war dead since the start of the ground invasion in Gaza.
“I didn’t serve in the army,” said Howard Oster, Amichai’s father, who moved his family from Cleveland to Israel in 2000. “But my sons did. We feel the need to have a good army, and my kids felt very strongly to be part of that.”
The Washington Post talked to three families of U.S. citizens killed while fighting for Israel. They were united in their fierce commitment to the Jewish state, having found in their adoptive country an identity that largely transcended their American passport.
U.S. immigrants are prevalent among religious, nationalist and Zionist communities in Israel and the West Bank, experts said. Families tend to be large and often have multiple members serving in the military or as reservists. An estimated 23,380 American citizens currently serve in Israeli ranks, according to the Israel Defense Forces.
“It’s not surprising to see Americans disproportionately represented,” said Sara Hirschhorn, a visiting professor of history at Haifa University. “Many American Jews who have immigrated to Israel are very idealistic.”
Howard Oster with Amichai’s photo. The family moved from Cleveland to Israel when Amichai was 1 year old, and he had been visiting the United States on Oct. 7. (Ofir Berman for The Washington Post)
Tens of thousands have come in recent decades, she said, inspired by Zionist or Jewish aspirations they couldn’t fulfill in the United States. Their commitment to Israel and to its military grew deep.Netanyahu clings precariously to power with hostage deal in the balance
Naftali Yonah Gordon was born in Queens and worked each year at a Zionist summer camp in Pennsylvania.
“Being American is part of our identity,” said Gordon’s wife, Pesi Gordon, whose own mother grew up in New York. “But he was very, very connected to Israel. He gave his life for it.”
Gordon, 32, had been working as a physiotherapist and raising two daughters in Jerusalem when he rejoined his former armored unit after Oct 7. His tank was hit by a missile on Dec. 7.
Pesi Gordon with daughter Livi at their home in Jerusalem. Naftali Yonah Gordon, Pesi’s husband, was killed Dec. 7 while fighting in Gaza. (Ofir Berman for The Washington Post)
Israeli flags hang in the Gordons’ building in Jerusalem. “Being American is part of our identity,” Pesi Gordon said. “But he was very, very connected to Israel. He gave his life for it.” (Ofir Berman for The Washington Post)
Oster moved to Israel with his parents and older sisters when he was a year old. The family settled with other relatives in a West Bank settlement.“We came for Zionism,” said Howard, a physician. “After 2,000 years of yearning for a state, we felt that we had to be part of that.”
Last autumn, Oster completed his military service — mandatory for most Israelis except for ultra-Orthodox and Palestinian citizens — and was making a long swing through the United States, visiting family and national parks, sometimes sleeping in the decommissioned Crown Victoria police car he bought in Boca Raton, Fla.
It took him a week after Oct. 7 to make it back to Israel. Only when his mother, Marcy Oster, a journalist, caught a glimpse of his face on CNN, among Israelis boarding an emergency flight from Los Angeles, were they sure he was on his way — determined to take his place on the front lines.
February 22, 2024 at 7:03 pm #153294zerosum
ParticipantPeople Power
“The Bundestag has refused again to ship Taurus missiles to Ukraine. Nay: 480, Yea: 182, Abstain: 5.
————-February 22, 2024 at 7:04 pm #153295zerosum
Participant⚡️🇷🇺Russia strikes complex reportedly housing Patriot missile components and control center in Chernobaevka, Kherson region.
— SIMPLICIUS Ѱ (@simpatico771) February 22, 2024
Russia strikes complex reportedly housing Patriot missile components and control center in Chernobaevka, Kherson region.
6:37 AM · Feb 22, 2024February 22, 2024 at 7:17 pm #153296zerosum
ParticipantEx-NATO Official REVEALS The Lies Of Neocon Warmongers To German
PublicGlenn Diesen
General Harald Kujat, the former Chief of Staff of the German armed forces and Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, warns that the US and NATO instigated the Ukraine War to destroy Russia:
– Why is there zero interest from the media? You do not need to agree with his analysis, but why are you prevented from hearing it? Is it not of public interest to know what he has to say – a retired German general, head of the German armed forces, and the former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee…
– Censorship has nothing to do with “hate”, “disinformation” or “legitimising Russia’s invasion” – the sole purpose of the censorship is to protect the war narrative from uncomfortable facts
…… link goes to the translated video. Well worth listening to.
Civil War in donbas and the denial of minority rights to the russian-speaking population as you know this was agreed
upon in the Minsk 2 agreement which was arranged by Mrs Merkel and the French president after that Ukraine was
supposed to carry out a constitutional amendment by the end of 2015 which would Grant the Russian
minority the same rights as the Ukrainian speaking citizens in the United States quite a
few are convinced that the war could have been prevented this would have been possible if there had been serious discussions
about Ukraine’s NATO membership and greater autonomy for the russian-speaking population of donbass
within the Ukrainian State the war could also have been ended after 6 weeks in the Istanbul
negotiations at the end of March 2022 Ukraine and Russia reached a mutually
acceptable outcome essentially it was agreed that Ukraine would give up NATO membership
and adopt a neutral status in return Russian troops were to withdraw to their
positions before the war that is to the status of February
19:57February 22, 2024 at 7:41 pm #153297zerosum
ParticipantPeople Power
BREAKING NEWS: Rand Paul Absolutely Unleashes On McConnell, Schumer In Tirade Against Ukraine Aid1,080,014 views Feb 12, 2024
February 22, 2024 at 8:44 pm #153298Oroboros
(Another euphemism for Lies Lies Lies)
Why Are There 30 Cuts In This 2 Minute Biden Speech?
Pedophile in Chief isn’t coherent for more tham 5 SECONDS at a time, that’s why.
The video shows Biden making a short speech about NATO, and remarkably he doesn’t slur a single word or struggle to read his script as he does in every other situation.
Of course, it’s a pre-recorded video so they’re not going to leave in mistakes.
However, it is the sheer amount of cuts that has people asking the question, is he capable of completing more than one sentence at a time?
It doesn’t seem that way.
“There are 29 cuts in this 2 minute video. 29!
And you know he’s reading off a huge teleprompter! ”
So when you’ve worked on the producing end as I did in my former life, some things are painfully easy to spot when the post-edit is complete.
In this case, I counted 28 cuts in this 2 minute video. 28. In something this short, *maybe* you do 5-6 cuts max.”
“Two minutes, 29 edits. So he’s good for 4-5 seconds at a time.”
The Empire of Lies Retard Mummy NationHere are five straight minutes that show exactly why the special counsel noted Biden's diminished mental fitness
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 11, 2024
February 22, 2024 at 8:51 pm #153299Oroboros
ParticipantDiversity, Equality, Inclusion
You’ve Come a Long Way Babe!
February 22, 2024 at 10:25 pm #153300Dr D Rich
Participant“Many American Jews who have immigrated to Israel are very idealistic.”
“Many American Jews who have immigrated to Israel are very idealistic.”
February 22, 2024 at 11:14 pm #153301Oroboros
ParticipantNew York Mayor Warns Migrants If They Keep Attacking NYPD Officers….
They’ll Be Downgraded To 4-Star HotelsHahahahahaha
The Adams is a turd
February 22, 2024 at 11:31 pm #153302Oroboros
ParticipantGoogle Woke AI Gemini
Google is racing to fix its new AI-powered tool Gemini for creating pictures, after claims it was over-correcting against the risk of being racist
Gemini, draw me an Asshat
Gemini, make an image of Washington crossing the Delaware.
February 22, 2024 at 11:34 pm #153303Oroboros
ParticipantGemini, make an image of an Uber Woke Canazidian ‘leader’
February 22, 2024 at 11:35 pm #153304Oroboros
Participant<img src="Gemini, make an image of an Uber Woke Canazidian ‘leader’” alt=”.” />
February 22, 2024 at 11:35 pm #153305Oroboros
ParticipantWow it really hates this picture
February 22, 2024 at 11:41 pm #153306Oroboros
ParticipantI love the smell of a burning Abrams
I guess the Ukronazis are too chickenshit to put one with an actual barrel into Mano a Mano with a. T-90 for all the world to laugh at!
February 22, 2024 at 11:48 pm #153307TheTrivium4TW
ParticipantWhat is everyone doing to countermeasure The Great Takling — the fact the Money Power Monopolist Mega-Banks have changed the global laws so that pretty much all investment accounts are available for collateral to the Mega-Bank Fascist Complex.
Think of MF Global and Cyprus as beta-tests that the Money Power Allodials used to restructure all the laws. In short, when the corporate system chokes on all their trillions in derivatives, the JP Morgan Chases of the world will seize collateral to make sure they come out whole at the expense of, well, everyone else.
Treasury Direct is one counter-measure.
Are there any ways to get bearer bonds where they don’t trade on and get held by these exchanges that opens them up to the Mega-Banks Fascist claim on these assets WHEN this blow off top wears out (like they always do!)?
I don’t think there is any way for a margin account to be safe because the clearinghouse has access to the funds and the right to use them as collateral for JP Morgan, et al.
If you can trade, you can trade through prop firms.
Does anyone believe that the stock market price is algorithmically delivered by the Money Power Mega-Corp responsible for this task? Yes, it is true!
I know who figured it out, too. And, yes, Rothschild was very clear in his AMA — they rigged the market and we are suckers for not figuring it out.
Anyone interested? It is 100% true.
February 22, 2024 at 11:50 pm #153308Oroboros
ParticipantMedvedev puts it bluntly: Odessa and Kiev will both be returned to Russia.
There you have it.
February 23, 2024 at 12:01 am #153309Oroboros
ParticipantThe White Swan
Russian Strategic Bomber TU-160M2
They just made some brand new ones.
They have an 8000km range.
Which means it can hit any target in North America with hypersonic missiles and never leave Russian Air Space.
Quite a feat.
The Empire of Lies Military Mafia has nothing even close to it.
The Putin wanted to try it himself.
Jolly Good Show!
Imagine Pedo Jo-Joe the demented Mummy trying this.
February 23, 2024 at 12:40 am #153311Dr D Rich
CDC-Funded Study of 99 Million COVID-Vaccinated People Finds ‘Very Rare Adverse Events’
A study of adverse events in 99 million people vaccinated for COVID-19 found increased but “very rare” risks of neurological, blood and heart disorders. Myocarditis odds were over 6 times higher than normal after a second Moderna shot
February 23, 2024 at 1:00 am #153312John Day
ParticipantTeamsters Union Makes First Major GOP Donation Since 2004 Following Trump Meeting
America’s most powerful labor union has made the first major donation to Republicans in two decades. This move has sparked huge concern that unions are losing faith in President Biden, lauded as the most pro-union president ever. back, TT4TW.
Cash in the mattress is low tech and works.February 23, 2024 at 1:15 am #153313Grodley
Participant(Table + cat – tortoise) = 170
(Table – cat + tortoise) = 130
(Table + cat – tortoise) + (Table – cat + tortoise) = 170 + 130
Table + Table = 300
Table = 300/2 = 150 -
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